Omnomberry pie: long overdue change
Warriors, others who end up taking hits for these guys! Hear me!
Don’t do it, let the mobs melt them! Pop those spy kits.
Efficient dungeon groups are made up of 4 warriors and 1 mesmer anyway so your argument is invalid. You can’t tank for anyone because there’s hardly anyone there to tank for.
now we have cooldowns on food buffs? are you serious Anet? what are you thinking? i needed those extra stats just to stay alive against zerg fights, now i cant even do that. time to play other games now. G’day Anet
Arenanet killed WvW
R.I.P. WvW 2012 – 2015
now we have cooldowns on food buffs? are you serious Anet? what are you thinking? i needed those extra stats just to stay alive against zerg fights, now i cant even do that. time to play other games now. G’day Anet
Yep, they don’t fix things, just break them, they should of removed them when they gave more classes more ways to survive.
You believe being way more survivable while doing massive aoe and being more survivable than melee at range while having incredible diversity is balanced.
Tell me why your opinion on what is balanced matters again? I don’t care what the great unwashed have to say until its clear they have actually observed every class competitively and know the actual comparable limits in proficiency.
In other words, currently playing melee is more complicated than “pointy end goes in bad guy”, and ranged you can pretty much simply spam the 1 key over and over and have just.. swell results in a party! Why? We were tanking for you. Problems? Apparently. At least you will feel nice and powerful.. but realize your dungeon runs will become slower. You are effectively “ok” with everything taking twice as long. Thats what the math of the situation means. We were doing that close range stuff. Dodging and having to sacrifice damage to live and help the group progress smoothly. Be on the lookout for invisible heavies and a group of enemies coming to melt you.
I for one, find it hilarious.
Warriors, others who end up taking hits for these guys! Hear me!
Don’t do it, let the mobs melt them! Pop those spy kits.
Gl with that.
Ash Legion Spy Kit now has a 60-second cooldown.
Order of Whispers Spy Kit now has a 60-second cooldown.
What bothers me is this: this removed a lot of Warrior survivability. Where is our increased tankyness to compensate? Even Warriors who do not go all ’zerker are relying on Pies/Ghosts to survive.
this comment is rich. warriors whining about PVE.
Even though I used this to extreme extents (a Warrior getting from 2k health to full ftw) I think the change is quite fine.
They didn’t overnerf at all, Omnom Pies still heal a ton more than any other food around.
If you play half-decently you’re still getting 325hp/s which is pretty good.
What bothers me is this: this removed a lot of Warrior survivability. Where is our increased tankyness to compensate? Even Warriors who do not go all ’zerker are relying on Pies/Ghosts to survive.
this comment is rich. warriors whining about PVE.
Haha, I bet we will see a lot of complaints in the future, a lot of Warriors have already quit Dungeons.
What bothers me is this: this removed a lot of Warrior survivability. Where is our increased tankyness to compensate? Even Warriors who do not go all ’zerker are relying on Pies/Ghosts to survive.
this comment is rich. warriors whining about PVE.
Haha, I bet we will see a lot of complaints in the future, a lot of Warriors have already quit Dungeons.
which is simply hilarious for those of us playing ranger/necro/engi.
Hey, warriors are their favorite class so maybe we’ll see them change consumables back later.
I’ve survived playing all class without dying without using these foods. Funny all the people saying how they’re die in melee now without food lol.
I’ve survived playing all class without dying without using these foods. Funny all the people saying how they’re die in melee now without food lol.
Be careful what you wish for.
Warriors can’t survive now? Really?
I believe that is an overstatement and maybe a certain niche of warriors (full zerker warriors) will have a harder time surviving but certainly not all warriors as a whole.
Yes, yes we will. Warrior sustain is horrible. Getting hit by random cleave from melee mobs will be a lot worse.
I guess warriors have to all go rifle now, Melee will be horrible without the sustain they had before.
Or they could….you know….wear some toughness gear. Guess us Guardians will just have to carry warriors more than ever. (Note, Sarcasm meters should be blowing up now.)
I’m wearing Knight’s.
All the Toughness/Vitality in the world will not help you as a Warrior because you do not have the awesome sustain of a Guardian.
Do you even Warrior bro ?
Shouts heal + Soliders set…. look it up.
We have amazing sustain if played properly and not herpderping around gimmicks.
Relying on food THIS powerful, and ANY of you expected it to NOT be fixed?
Glass cannon with super high damage and crit = more sustainable than builds that try to be sustainable through ordinary means. You thought that made ANY sense?
Good riddance to any idiots who leave because of this. The fact you had to rely on some consumables to play the game shows how bad you were.
Warriors complaining that they’re not sustainable…how laughable. Try putting that GS/Rifle combo and that zerker CoF armor away for once.
Resident Thief
(edited by Auesis.7301)
Relying on food THIS powerful, and ANY of you expected it to NOT be fixed?
Fixed? Sure. It was too powerful, no arguing that. Fixes at the expense of already sub-par classes however with no feasible alternative…
Relying on food THIS powerful, and ANY of you expected it to NOT be fixed?
Fixed? Sure. It was too powerful, no arguing that. Fixes at the expense of already sub-par classes however with no feasible alternative…
There’s plenty of feasible alternatives. People are just being irrational.
Never once needed that food for my warrior. 30k HP 3.2k Armor say what about melee now ?
Never once needed that food for my warrior.
already sub-par classes
Relying on food THIS powerful, and ANY of you expected it to NOT be fixed?
Fixed? Sure. It was too powerful, no arguing that. Fixes at the expense of already sub-par classes however with no feasible alternative…
Examples? Both my Thief and Ele have zero problems in dungeon content, and I would consider those to be the squishier or riskier professions. I have a plethora of Mesmers, Necros, Rangers and others in my guild, all of whom run said content with us, flawlessly, without nourishment.
Resident Thief
Never once needed that food for my warrior.
already sub-par classes
So what do you deem sub par, considering the thread was moaning about how this directly nerfed warrior.
Let me guess, Ranger ?
Relying on food THIS powerful, and ANY of you expected it to NOT be fixed?
Glass cannon with super high damage and crit = more sustainable than builds that try to be sustainable through ordinary means. You thought that made ANY sense?
Good riddance to any idiots who leave because of this. The fact you had to rely on some consumables to play the game shows how bad you were.
Warriors complaining that they’re not sustainable…how laughable. Try putting that GS/Rifle combo and that zerker CoF armor away for once.
This. My main is a warrior and I always wondered why I was looked down on for running Knights armour in dungeons. I knew what food the other Warriors were using but I didnt know the extent to which it could heal because I use Axe+Mace/Shield. I just assumed that they were better at survival techniques than me.
Any warrior that relies on OP food so much that they leave because of it im happy to wave as they go out the door. The skill level of the warrior class will go up.
Retired and living in a shack. Relaxing!
Only fair to the people that WvW..But i guess its all about you..Whiney little kittens.
Nerf should only work in WvW and PvP..PvE players get screwed again…
right other than the fact that this was inceraging the all warrior zerker exploite in PVE.
it was needed there to man.
Never once needed that food for my warrior.
already sub-par classes
So what do you deem sub par, considering the thread was moaning about how this directly nerfed warrior.
Let me guess, Ranger ?
You were misreading me I think. I wasn’t getting at warriors being somehow nerfed by this, I was explaining why people would be/are angry at the changes. Their hamfisted approach affects warriors much less than, say, an Engineer who relies on many fast hits with Flamethrower to keep his health up. That is, a rather squishy class that is forced into melee range.
Never once needed that food for my warrior.
already sub-par classes
So what do you deem sub par, considering the thread was moaning about how this directly nerfed warrior.
Let me guess, Ranger ?
You were misreading me I think. I wasn’t getting at warriors being somehow nerfed by this, I was explaining why people would be/are angry at the changes. Their hamfisted approach affects warriors much less than, say, an Engineer who relies on many fast hits with Flamethrower to keep his health up. That is, a rather squishy class that is forced into melee range.
Engies are every bit as good at PvE and not nearly as squishy as people want to believe. Then again most people love to do all the damages and none of the tactical positioning.
Again havent had a need for food on my Engie either… Also theirs really no need to get in melee range with them considering grenade kit is amazing and out ranges rifles.
Relying on food THIS powerful, and ANY of you expected it to NOT be fixed?
Fixed? Sure. It was too powerful, no arguing that. Fixes at the expense of already sub-par classes however with no feasible alternative…
There’s plenty of feasible alternatives. People are just being irrational.
Never once needed that food for my warrior. 30k HP 3.2k Armor say what about melee now ?
Same here I run a saport warrior with mostly monk runes for the higher healing facter and the Boon deration
useing the regen sig, shout heals, with all the healing power means i almost never have to spend my heal and haveing the extra boon deration its an easy matter to max out my might at 25 stacks
than if im really boned i can duck behind my shield use shake it off and my health will go up just from regening.
I often get stuck carrying the pugs i run and some time even my less expeanced guildys
Never once needed that food for my warrior.
already sub-par classes
So what do you deem sub par, considering the thread was moaning about how this directly nerfed warrior.
Let me guess, Ranger ?
You were misreading me I think. I wasn’t getting at warriors being somehow nerfed by this, I was explaining why people would be/are angry at the changes. Their hamfisted approach affects warriors much less than, say, an Engineer who relies on many fast hits with Flamethrower to keep his health up. That is, a rather squishy class that is forced into melee range.
Engies are every bit as good at PvE and not nearly as squishy as people want to believe. Then again most people love to do all the damages and none of the tactical positioning.
Again havent had a need for food on my Engie either… Also theirs really no need to get in melee range with them considering grenade kit is amazing and out ranges rifles.
Grenades, huh? So, that one build everyone uses because its the least bad. Great design right there. No problems whatsoever.
Never once needed that food for my warrior.
already sub-par classes
So what do you deem sub par, considering the thread was moaning about how this directly nerfed warrior.
Let me guess, Ranger ?
You were misreading me I think. I wasn’t getting at warriors being somehow nerfed by this, I was explaining why people would be/are angry at the changes. Their hamfisted approach affects warriors much less than, say, an Engineer who relies on many fast hits with Flamethrower to keep his health up. That is, a rather squishy class that is forced into melee range.
Engies are every bit as good at PvE and not nearly as squishy as people want to believe. Then again most people love to do all the damages and none of the tactical positioning.
Again havent had a need for food on my Engie either… Also theirs really no need to get in melee range with them considering grenade kit is amazing and out ranges rifles.
Grenades, huh? So, that one build everyone uses because its the least bad. Great design right there. No problems whatsoever.
Yeah, Grenades, because Grenades don’t suffer heavy melee damage and need constant healing from being in 120m of the mob and getting hit by AOEs.
Its also not like they have constant regeneration and protection or anyways to kite mobs with there chillnades.
Never once needed that food for my warrior.
already sub-par classes
So what do you deem sub par, considering the thread was moaning about how this directly nerfed warrior.
Let me guess, Ranger ?
You were misreading me I think. I wasn’t getting at warriors being somehow nerfed by this, I was explaining why people would be/are angry at the changes. Their hamfisted approach affects warriors much less than, say, an Engineer who relies on many fast hits with Flamethrower to keep his health up. That is, a rather squishy class that is forced into melee range.
Engies are every bit as good at PvE and not nearly as squishy as people want to believe. Then again most people love to do all the damages and none of the tactical positioning.
Again havent had a need for food on my Engie either… Also theirs really no need to get in melee range with them considering grenade kit is amazing and out ranges rifles.
Grenades, huh? So, that one build everyone uses because its the least bad. Great design right there. No problems whatsoever.
Never stated its the only build, just said its a build that lets them stay safe from melee range. The have a few decent melee range builds. Mostly revolving around bombs / elixirs to keep up boons. Essentially it turns them into the Engie version of D&D Ele with a bit less upfront spike but more utility.
Never once needed that food for my warrior.
already sub-par classes
So what do you deem sub par, considering the thread was moaning about how this directly nerfed warrior.
Let me guess, Ranger ?
You were misreading me I think. I wasn’t getting at warriors being somehow nerfed by this, I was explaining why people would be/are angry at the changes. Their hamfisted approach affects warriors much less than, say, an Engineer who relies on many fast hits with Flamethrower to keep his health up. That is, a rather squishy class that is forced into melee range.
Engies are every bit as good at PvE and not nearly as squishy as people want to believe. Then again most people love to do all the damages and none of the tactical positioning.
Again havent had a need for food on my Engie either… Also theirs really no need to get in melee range with them considering grenade kit is amazing and out ranges rifles.
Grenades, huh? So, that one build everyone uses because its the least bad. Great design right there. No problems whatsoever.
Never stated its the only build, just said its a build that lets them stay safe from melee range. The have a few decent melee range builds. Mostly revolving around bombs / elixirs to keep up boons. Essentially it turns them into the Engie version of D&D Ele with a bit less upfront spike but more utility.
Except this food really didn’t effect those builds that much, it mostly effected Melee Warriors/Thieves more then anyone else because of there high hit-rate attacks and the fact they “have” to be in melee most of the time.
Yeah, the people taking 12 stacks of bleeds and constant almost one-shot aoes.
Never once needed that food for my warrior.
already sub-par classes
So what do you deem sub par, considering the thread was moaning about how this directly nerfed warrior.
Let me guess, Ranger ?
You were misreading me I think. I wasn’t getting at warriors being somehow nerfed by this, I was explaining why people would be/are angry at the changes. Their hamfisted approach affects warriors much less than, say, an Engineer who relies on many fast hits with Flamethrower to keep his health up. That is, a rather squishy class that is forced into melee range.
Engies are every bit as good at PvE and not nearly as squishy as people want to believe. Then again most people love to do all the damages and none of the tactical positioning.
Again havent had a need for food on my Engie either… Also theirs really no need to get in melee range with them considering grenade kit is amazing and out ranges rifles.
Grenades, huh? So, that one build everyone uses because its the least bad. Great design right there. No problems whatsoever.
Never stated its the only build, just said its a build that lets them stay safe from melee range. The have a few decent melee range builds. Mostly revolving around bombs / elixirs to keep up boons. Essentially it turns them into the Engie version of D&D Ele with a bit less upfront spike but more utility.
Except this food really didn’t effect those builds that much, it mostly effected Melee Warriors/Thieves more then anyone else because of there high hit-rate attacks and the fact they “have” to be in melee most of the time.
Yeah, the people taking 12 stacks of bleeds and constant almost one-shot aoes.
Yeah, you know i dont see it…I can cleanse a condition every shout, have 3 shouts. I can Heal for 50% of my HP every ~30 seconds. If i need a quick heal i can shout once again on roughly ~20sec cooldowns and get healed for ~1.5khp
So really what’s the problem ?
I dont need the gimmick of food to be stupidly tanky and survive burst. I can still do all of this with a Greatsword, and guess what because i dont have to worry about DPS’ing from the floor ever. I put out more sustained DPS than any Zerker warrior, who basically falls on their face when blinked at.
(edited by TexZero.7910)
Never once needed that food for my warrior.
already sub-par classes
So what do you deem sub par, considering the thread was moaning about how this directly nerfed warrior.
Let me guess, Ranger ?
You were misreading me I think. I wasn’t getting at warriors being somehow nerfed by this, I was explaining why people would be/are angry at the changes. Their hamfisted approach affects warriors much less than, say, an Engineer who relies on many fast hits with Flamethrower to keep his health up. That is, a rather squishy class that is forced into melee range.
Engies are every bit as good at PvE and not nearly as squishy as people want to believe. Then again most people love to do all the damages and none of the tactical positioning.
Again havent had a need for food on my Engie either… Also theirs really no need to get in melee range with them considering grenade kit is amazing and out ranges rifles.
Grenades, huh? So, that one build everyone uses because its the least bad. Great design right there. No problems whatsoever.
Never stated its the only build, just said its a build that lets them stay safe from melee range. The have a few decent melee range builds. Mostly revolving around bombs / elixirs to keep up boons. Essentially it turns them into the Engie version of D&D Ele with a bit less upfront spike but more utility.
Except this food really didn’t effect those builds that much, it mostly effected Melee Warriors/Thieves more then anyone else because of there high hit-rate attacks and the fact they “have” to be in melee most of the time.
Yeah, the people taking 12 stacks of bleeds and constant almost one-shot aoes.
Yeah, you know i dont see it…I can cleanse a condition every shout, have 3 shouts. I can Heal for 50% of my HP every ~30 seconds. If i need a quick heal i can shout once again on roughly ~20sec cooldowns and get healed for ~1.5khp
So really what’s the problem ?
I dont need the gimmick of food to be stupidly tanky and survive burst. I can still do all of this with a Greatsword, and guess what because i dont have to worry about DPS’ing from the floor ever. I put out more sustained DPS than any Zerker warrior, who basically falls on their face when blinked at.
Shouts have had there cool-downs increased to 250 seconds from 25.
Your build is no longer viable.
That is “nice” but I don’t care about your build, I care about mine, and its not there anymore.
Never once needed that food for my warrior.
already sub-par classes
So what do you deem sub par, considering the thread was moaning about how this directly nerfed warrior.
Let me guess, Ranger ?
You were misreading me I think. I wasn’t getting at warriors being somehow nerfed by this, I was explaining why people would be/are angry at the changes. Their hamfisted approach affects warriors much less than, say, an Engineer who relies on many fast hits with Flamethrower to keep his health up. That is, a rather squishy class that is forced into melee range.
Engies are every bit as good at PvE and not nearly as squishy as people want to believe. Then again most people love to do all the damages and none of the tactical positioning.
Again havent had a need for food on my Engie either… Also theirs really no need to get in melee range with them considering grenade kit is amazing and out ranges rifles.
Grenades, huh? So, that one build everyone uses because its the least bad. Great design right there. No problems whatsoever.
Never stated its the only build, just said its a build that lets them stay safe from melee range. The have a few decent melee range builds. Mostly revolving around bombs / elixirs to keep up boons. Essentially it turns them into the Engie version of D&D Ele with a bit less upfront spike but more utility.
Except this food really didn’t effect those builds that much, it mostly effected Melee Warriors/Thieves more then anyone else because of there high hit-rate attacks and the fact they “have” to be in melee most of the time.
Yeah, the people taking 12 stacks of bleeds and constant almost one-shot aoes.
Yeah, you know i dont see it…I can cleanse a condition every shout, have 3 shouts. I can Heal for 50% of my HP every ~30 seconds. If i need a quick heal i can shout once again on roughly ~20sec cooldowns and get healed for ~1.5khp
So really what’s the problem ?
I dont need the gimmick of food to be stupidly tanky and survive burst. I can still do all of this with a Greatsword, and guess what because i dont have to worry about DPS’ing from the floor ever. I put out more sustained DPS than any Zerker warrior, who basically falls on their face when blinked at.
Shouts have had there cool-downs increased to 250 seconds from 25.
Your build is no longer viable.
That is “nice” but I don’t care about your build, I care about mine, and its not there anymore.
I then replace it with banners / stances which can perform the same role.
Notice the difference between you, and me ?
You complain, I adapt.
You abuse mechanics, i don’t.
It’s not a issue of underpowered warrior, it’s an issue of the player being stubborn.
Never once needed that food for my warrior.
already sub-par classes
So what do you deem sub par, considering the thread was moaning about how this directly nerfed warrior.
Let me guess, Ranger ?
You were misreading me I think. I wasn’t getting at warriors being somehow nerfed by this, I was explaining why people would be/are angry at the changes. Their hamfisted approach affects warriors much less than, say, an Engineer who relies on many fast hits with Flamethrower to keep his health up. That is, a rather squishy class that is forced into melee range.
Engies are every bit as good at PvE and not nearly as squishy as people want to believe. Then again most people love to do all the damages and none of the tactical positioning.
Again havent had a need for food on my Engie either… Also theirs really no need to get in melee range with them considering grenade kit is amazing and out ranges rifles.
Grenades, huh? So, that one build everyone uses because its the least bad. Great design right there. No problems whatsoever.
Never stated its the only build, just said its a build that lets them stay safe from melee range. The have a few decent melee range builds. Mostly revolving around bombs / elixirs to keep up boons. Essentially it turns them into the Engie version of D&D Ele with a bit less upfront spike but more utility.
Except this food really didn’t effect those builds that much, it mostly effected Melee Warriors/Thieves more then anyone else because of there high hit-rate attacks and the fact they “have” to be in melee most of the time.
Yeah, the people taking 12 stacks of bleeds and constant almost one-shot aoes.
Yeah, you know i dont see it…I can cleanse a condition every shout, have 3 shouts. I can Heal for 50% of my HP every ~30 seconds. If i need a quick heal i can shout once again on roughly ~20sec cooldowns and get healed for ~1.5khp
So really what’s the problem ?
I dont need the gimmick of food to be stupidly tanky and survive burst. I can still do all of this with a Greatsword, and guess what because i dont have to worry about DPS’ing from the floor ever. I put out more sustained DPS than any Zerker warrior, who basically falls on their face when blinked at.
Shouts have had there cool-downs increased to 250 seconds from 25.
Your build is no longer viable.
That is “nice” but I don’t care about your build, I care about mine, and its not there anymore.
I then replace it with banners / stances which can perform the same role.
Notice the difference between you, and me ?
You complain, I adapt.
You abuse mechanics, i don’t.It’s not a issue of underpowered warrior, it’s an issue of the player being stubborn.
Might as well role Guardian or Elementalist then.
I run full knights armor with all soldier runes,
I got a buff……
What I’m seeing is
“Oh no! Now I can’t faceroll absolutely everything while churning out DPS anymore. I quit!”
I nearly laughed out loud when I read some claiming that warriors are no longer viable because of this nerf. How are you spec-ing yourself that you can’t tank anymore? “Tanks”, in a standard game, sacrifice DPS for survivability – they hold aggro, they are not the damage dealers. If you’re running with crit, you’re not going for a tanky build to begin with, and that’s the issue.
You can’t have both.
In the end, there are 3 options:
High survival + low DPS
Med survival + med DPS
Low survival + high DPS
Within these, you usually have a couple of build options you can use. If you have one class with High Survival + High DPS, while the others don’t (let’s face it, some don’t even have high DPS at all) that is not balance. That is being OP.
Never once needed that food for my warrior.
already sub-par classes
So what do you deem sub par, considering the thread was moaning about how this directly nerfed warrior.
Let me guess, Ranger ?
You were misreading me I think. I wasn’t getting at warriors being somehow nerfed by this, I was explaining why people would be/are angry at the changes. Their hamfisted approach affects warriors much less than, say, an Engineer who relies on many fast hits with Flamethrower to keep his health up. That is, a rather squishy class that is forced into melee range.
Engies are every bit as good at PvE and not nearly as squishy as people want to believe. Then again most people love to do all the damages and none of the tactical positioning.
Again havent had a need for food on my Engie either… Also theirs really no need to get in melee range with them considering grenade kit is amazing and out ranges rifles.
Grenades, huh? So, that one build everyone uses because its the least bad. Great design right there. No problems whatsoever.
Never stated its the only build, just said its a build that lets them stay safe from melee range. The have a few decent melee range builds. Mostly revolving around bombs / elixirs to keep up boons. Essentially it turns them into the Engie version of D&D Ele with a bit less upfront spike but more utility.
Except this food really didn’t effect those builds that much, it mostly effected Melee Warriors/Thieves more then anyone else because of there high hit-rate attacks and the fact they “have” to be in melee most of the time.
Yeah, the people taking 12 stacks of bleeds and constant almost one-shot aoes.
Yeah, you know i dont see it…I can cleanse a condition every shout, have 3 shouts. I can Heal for 50% of my HP every ~30 seconds. If i need a quick heal i can shout once again on roughly ~20sec cooldowns and get healed for ~1.5khp
So really what’s the problem ?
I dont need the gimmick of food to be stupidly tanky and survive burst. I can still do all of this with a Greatsword, and guess what because i dont have to worry about DPS’ing from the floor ever. I put out more sustained DPS than any Zerker warrior, who basically falls on their face when blinked at.
Shouts have had there cool-downs increased to 250 seconds from 25.
Your build is no longer viable.
That is “nice” but I don’t care about your build, I care about mine, and its not there anymore.
I then replace it with banners / stances which can perform the same role.
Notice the difference between you, and me ?
You complain, I adapt.
You abuse mechanics, i don’t.It’s not a issue of underpowered warrior, it’s an issue of the player being stubborn.
Might as well role Guardian or Elementalist then.
Or you could still play warrior as they are perfectly fine.
But i think you’re that kind of guy who rather than work at being better will just shift into the “new OP” and then complain again when that gets nerfed.
Never once needed that food for my warrior.
already sub-par classes
So what do you deem sub par, considering the thread was moaning about how this directly nerfed warrior.
Let me guess, Ranger ?
You were misreading me I think. I wasn’t getting at warriors being somehow nerfed by this, I was explaining why people would be/are angry at the changes. Their hamfisted approach affects warriors much less than, say, an Engineer who relies on many fast hits with Flamethrower to keep his health up. That is, a rather squishy class that is forced into melee range.
Engies are every bit as good at PvE and not nearly as squishy as people want to believe. Then again most people love to do all the damages and none of the tactical positioning.
Again havent had a need for food on my Engie either… Also theirs really no need to get in melee range with them considering grenade kit is amazing and out ranges rifles.
Grenades, huh? So, that one build everyone uses because its the least bad. Great design right there. No problems whatsoever.
Never stated its the only build, just said its a build that lets them stay safe from melee range. The have a few decent melee range builds. Mostly revolving around bombs / elixirs to keep up boons. Essentially it turns them into the Engie version of D&D Ele with a bit less upfront spike but more utility.
Except this food really didn’t effect those builds that much, it mostly effected Melee Warriors/Thieves more then anyone else because of there high hit-rate attacks and the fact they “have” to be in melee most of the time.
Yeah, the people taking 12 stacks of bleeds and constant almost one-shot aoes.
Yeah, you know i dont see it…I can cleanse a condition every shout, have 3 shouts. I can Heal for 50% of my HP every ~30 seconds. If i need a quick heal i can shout once again on roughly ~20sec cooldowns and get healed for ~1.5khp
So really what’s the problem ?
I dont need the gimmick of food to be stupidly tanky and survive burst. I can still do all of this with a Greatsword, and guess what because i dont have to worry about DPS’ing from the floor ever. I put out more sustained DPS than any Zerker warrior, who basically falls on their face when blinked at.
Shouts have had there cool-downs increased to 250 seconds from 25.
Your build is no longer viable.
That is “nice” but I don’t care about your build, I care about mine, and its not there anymore.
I then replace it with banners / stances which can perform the same role.
Notice the difference between you, and me ?
You complain, I adapt.
You abuse mechanics, i don’t.It’s not a issue of underpowered warrior, it’s an issue of the player being stubborn.
Might as well role Guardian or Elementalist then.
Or you could still play warrior as they are perfectly fine.
But i think you’re that kind of guy who rather than work at being better will just shift into the “new OP” and then complain again when that gets nerfed.
I was a Knight’s Warrior, I didn’t have much DPS but I could tank with my group with Shield/Axe, now I cannot.
My Defense Tree has almost no boons like other classes get, I don’t get Protection or Regeneration, so I can’t take heavy hits, my only option was the food, and it worked because my attacks hit hard and fast, which other classes don’t.
I got nerfed bad, sorry to say this, but it wasn’t even called for.
Never once needed that food for my warrior.
already sub-par classes
So what do you deem sub par, considering the thread was moaning about how this directly nerfed warrior.
Let me guess, Ranger ?
You were misreading me I think. I wasn’t getting at warriors being somehow nerfed by this, I was explaining why people would be/are angry at the changes. Their hamfisted approach affects warriors much less than, say, an Engineer who relies on many fast hits with Flamethrower to keep his health up. That is, a rather squishy class that is forced into melee range.
Engies are every bit as good at PvE and not nearly as squishy as people want to believe. Then again most people love to do all the damages and none of the tactical positioning.
Again havent had a need for food on my Engie either… Also theirs really no need to get in melee range with them considering grenade kit is amazing and out ranges rifles.
Grenades, huh? So, that one build everyone uses because its the least bad. Great design right there. No problems whatsoever.
Never stated its the only build, just said its a build that lets them stay safe from melee range. The have a few decent melee range builds. Mostly revolving around bombs / elixirs to keep up boons. Essentially it turns them into the Engie version of D&D Ele with a bit less upfront spike but more utility.
Except this food really didn’t effect those builds that much, it mostly effected Melee Warriors/Thieves more then anyone else because of there high hit-rate attacks and the fact they “have” to be in melee most of the time.
Yeah, the people taking 12 stacks of bleeds and constant almost one-shot aoes.
Yeah, you know i dont see it…I can cleanse a condition every shout, have 3 shouts. I can Heal for 50% of my HP every ~30 seconds. If i need a quick heal i can shout once again on roughly ~20sec cooldowns and get healed for ~1.5khp
So really what’s the problem ?
I dont need the gimmick of food to be stupidly tanky and survive burst. I can still do all of this with a Greatsword, and guess what because i dont have to worry about DPS’ing from the floor ever. I put out more sustained DPS than any Zerker warrior, who basically falls on their face when blinked at.
Shouts have had there cool-downs increased to 250 seconds from 25.
Your build is no longer viable.
That is “nice” but I don’t care about your build, I care about mine, and its not there anymore.
I then replace it with banners / stances which can perform the same role.
Notice the difference between you, and me ?
You complain, I adapt.
You abuse mechanics, i don’t.It’s not a issue of underpowered warrior, it’s an issue of the player being stubborn.
Might as well role Guardian or Elementalist then.
Or you could still play warrior as they are perfectly fine.
But i think you’re that kind of guy who rather than work at being better will just shift into the “new OP” and then complain again when that gets nerfed.I was a Knight’s Warrior, I didn’t have much DPS but I could tank with my group with Shield/Axe, now I cannot.
My Defense Tree has almost no boons like other classes get, I don’t get Protection or Regeneration, so I can’t take heavy hits, my only option was the food, and it worked because my attacks hit hard and fast, which other classes don’t.
I got nerfed bad, sorry to say this, but it wasn’t even called for.
There’s far better tanking stats than knight’s… Especially for Shield / Axe. Why dont you read that for a bit and realize where you went wrong.
Nevermind that, walking contradiction spotted in post after your edit.
paraphrasing this “Lawl guize watch me tank, i built dps and no survivability to do it”
And you wonder what’s going wrong ?
Toughness is practically useless without HP to back it. So to call yourself a “Tank” is a disservices to those people who are carrying you hard.
(edited by TexZero.7910)
Never once needed that food for my warrior.
already sub-par classes
So what do you deem sub par, considering the thread was moaning about how this directly nerfed warrior.
Let me guess, Ranger ?
You were misreading me I think. I wasn’t getting at warriors being somehow nerfed by this, I was explaining why people would be/are angry at the changes. Their hamfisted approach affects warriors much less than, say, an Engineer who relies on many fast hits with Flamethrower to keep his health up. That is, a rather squishy class that is forced into melee range.
Engies are every bit as good at PvE and not nearly as squishy as people want to believe. Then again most people love to do all the damages and none of the tactical positioning.
Again havent had a need for food on my Engie either… Also theirs really no need to get in melee range with them considering grenade kit is amazing and out ranges rifles.
Grenades, huh? So, that one build everyone uses because its the least bad. Great design right there. No problems whatsoever.
Never stated its the only build, just said its a build that lets them stay safe from melee range. The have a few decent melee range builds. Mostly revolving around bombs / elixirs to keep up boons. Essentially it turns them into the Engie version of D&D Ele with a bit less upfront spike but more utility.
Except this food really didn’t effect those builds that much, it mostly effected Melee Warriors/Thieves more then anyone else because of there high hit-rate attacks and the fact they “have” to be in melee most of the time.
Yeah, the people taking 12 stacks of bleeds and constant almost one-shot aoes.
Yeah, you know i dont see it…I can cleanse a condition every shout, have 3 shouts. I can Heal for 50% of my HP every ~30 seconds. If i need a quick heal i can shout once again on roughly ~20sec cooldowns and get healed for ~1.5khp
So really what’s the problem ?
I dont need the gimmick of food to be stupidly tanky and survive burst. I can still do all of this with a Greatsword, and guess what because i dont have to worry about DPS’ing from the floor ever. I put out more sustained DPS than any Zerker warrior, who basically falls on their face when blinked at.
Shouts have had there cool-downs increased to 250 seconds from 25.
Your build is no longer viable.
That is “nice” but I don’t care about your build, I care about mine, and its not there anymore.
I then replace it with banners / stances which can perform the same role.
Notice the difference between you, and me ?
You complain, I adapt.
You abuse mechanics, i don’t.It’s not a issue of underpowered warrior, it’s an issue of the player being stubborn.
Might as well role Guardian or Elementalist then.
Or you could still play warrior as they are perfectly fine.
But i think you’re that kind of guy who rather than work at being better will just shift into the “new OP” and then complain again when that gets nerfed.I was a Knight’s Warrior, I didn’t have much DPS but I could tank with my group with Shield/Axe, now I cannot.
My Defense Tree has almost no boons like other classes get, I don’t get Protection or Regeneration, so I can’t take heavy hits, my only option was the food, and it worked because my attacks hit hard and fast, which other classes don’t.
I got nerfed bad, sorry to say this, but it wasn’t even called for.
There’s far better tanking stats than knight’s… Especially for Shield / Axe. Why dont you read that for a bit and realize where you went wrong.
Nevermind that, walking contradiction spotted in post after your edit.
paraphrasing this “Lawl guize watch me tank, i built dps and no survivability to do it”And you wonder what’s going wrong ?
Toughness is practically useless without HP to back it. So to call yourself a “Tank” is a disservices to those people who are carrying you hard.
Sorry, but i’m done speaking to you, your post alone shows how you are, you should just return to other games. (like wow. ) Where everything is carbon copy and nobody is different.
Sorry, but i’m done speaking to you, your post alone shows how you are, you should just return to other games. (like wow.
) Where everything is carbon copy and nobody is different.
Good joke. I can’t help it Arena Net actually fleshed out more viable builds than you can comprehend but are too unwilling to do 10-20 minutes of theory crafting to test. Believe it or not, the build i showed you isnt the only build i use on my warrior. I have several other Melee based builds that work and dont require gimmicks. What they do require is a brain and that sadly is what separates good players, from mediocre ones. If you don’t want to put in the time and effort you will never improve or get better, that has nothing to do any class balance arena net does.
Sorry, but i’m done speaking to you, your post alone shows how you are, you should just return to other games. (like wow.
) Where everything is carbon copy and nobody is different.
Good joke. I can’t help it Arena Net actually fleshed out more viable builds than you can comprehend but are too unwilling to do 10-20 minutes of theory crafting to test. Believe it or not, the build i showed you isnt the only build i use on my warrior. I have several other Melee based builds that work and dont require gimmicks. What they do require is a brain and that sadly is what separates good players, from mediocre ones. If you don’t want to put in the time and effort you will never improve or get better, that has nothing to do any class balance arena net does.
I’m sorry, but some people like to look beyond what there eyes can see, I am sure that is hard for you to comprehend.
Yeah, you know i dont see it…I can cleanse a condition every shout, have 3 shouts. I can Heal for 50% of my HP every ~30 seconds. If i need a quick heal i can shout once again on roughly ~20sec cooldowns and get healed for ~1.5khp
So really what’s the problem ?
Right, there is ONE build that works… what could be the problem?
I dont need the gimmick of food to be stupidly tanky and survive burst. I can still do all of this with a Greatsword, and guess what because i dont have to worry about DPS’ing from the floor ever. I put out more sustained DPS than any Zerker warrior, who basically falls on their face when blinked at.
OK, having used a Warrior with both a “heal-shout” and a “zerker” build, I have to say you are delusional if you think “heal-shout” is putting out more sustained DPS than a skilled zerker warrior. And actually if everything you claim were true, is seems like “the problem” would be that they nerfed the wrong build… LOL
Yeah, you know i dont see it…I can cleanse a condition every shout, have 3 shouts. I can Heal for 50% of my HP every ~30 seconds. If i need a quick heal i can shout once again on roughly ~20sec cooldowns and get healed for ~1.5khp
So really what’s the problem ?
Right, there is ONE build that works… what could be the problem?
I dont need the gimmick of food to be stupidly tanky and survive burst. I can still do all of this with a Greatsword, and guess what because i dont have to worry about DPS’ing from the floor ever. I put out more sustained DPS than any Zerker warrior, who basically falls on their face when blinked at.
OK, having used a Warrior with both a “heal-shout” and a “zerker” build, I have to say you are delusional if you think “heal-shout” is putting out more sustained DPS than a skilled zerker warrior. And actually if everything you claim were true, is seems like “the problem” would be that they nerfed the wrong build… LOL
I’d say the did nerf the wrong build. But that would be admitting a build was nerfed, which it wasn’t. A consumeable that allowed a gimmick to exist got nerfed. Not an entire build. A Good Zerker can still do work post patch, they just aren’t as durable.
For the record, Soliders gear + runes is blatantly broken for warrior combined with shout heal.
That isnt to say there aren’t more broken things. Running a Killshot warrior is equally as broken. 1200 range snare followed up by a 20k+ crit ? Yep balanced.
Running a shouts heal condi warrior with Sword / Axe + Shamans Gear … Equally as comical and Just as broken. Always heal never die, watch your target burn / bleed constantly.
But its okay everyone keep thinking there’s only 1 viable build, and arena net just nerfed your only options!
Ohwait…. they didn’t.
Yeah, you know i dont see it…I can cleanse a condition every shout, have 3 shouts. I can Heal for 50% of my HP every ~30 seconds. If i need a quick heal i can shout once again on roughly ~20sec cooldowns and get healed for ~1.5khp
So really what’s the problem ?
Right, there is ONE build that works… what could be the problem?
I dont need the gimmick of food to be stupidly tanky and survive burst. I can still do all of this with a Greatsword, and guess what because i dont have to worry about DPS’ing from the floor ever. I put out more sustained DPS than any Zerker warrior, who basically falls on their face when blinked at.
OK, having used a Warrior with both a “heal-shout” and a “zerker” build, I have to say you are delusional if you think “heal-shout” is putting out more sustained DPS than a skilled zerker warrior. And actually if everything you claim were true, is seems like “the problem” would be that they nerfed the wrong build… LOL
I’d say the did nerf the wrong build. But that would be admitting a build was nerfed, which it wasn’t. A consumeable that allowed a gimmick to exist got nerfed. Not an entire build. A Good Zerker can still do work post patch, they just aren’t as durable.
For the record, Soliders gear + runes is blatantly broken for warrior combined with shout heal.
That isnt to say there aren’t more broken things. Running a Killshot warrior is equally as broken. 1200 range snare followed up by a 20k+ crit ? Yep balanced.
Running a shouts heal condi warrior with Sword / Axe + Shamans Gear … Equally as comical and Just as broken. Always heal never die, watch your target burn / bleed constantly.
But its okay everyone keep thinking there’s only 1 viable build, and arena net just nerfed your only options!
Ohwait…. they didn’t.
Yes, because everyone wants to play cookiee cutter shout warrior.
I thought we had traits for a reason… perhaps for other playstyles… Guess not!
Yeah, you know i dont see it…I can cleanse a condition every shout, have 3 shouts. I can Heal for 50% of my HP every ~30 seconds. If i need a quick heal i can shout once again on roughly ~20sec cooldowns and get healed for ~1.5khp
So really what’s the problem ?
Right, there is ONE build that works… what could be the problem?
I dont need the gimmick of food to be stupidly tanky and survive burst. I can still do all of this with a Greatsword, and guess what because i dont have to worry about DPS’ing from the floor ever. I put out more sustained DPS than any Zerker warrior, who basically falls on their face when blinked at.
OK, having used a Warrior with both a “heal-shout” and a “zerker” build, I have to say you are delusional if you think “heal-shout” is putting out more sustained DPS than a skilled zerker warrior. And actually if everything you claim were true, is seems like “the problem” would be that they nerfed the wrong build… LOL
I’d say the did nerf the wrong build. But that would be admitting a build was nerfed, which it wasn’t. A consumeable that allowed a gimmick to exist got nerfed. Not an entire build. A Good Zerker can still do work post patch, they just aren’t as durable.
For the record, Soliders gear + runes is blatantly broken for warrior combined with shout heal.
That isnt to say there aren’t more broken things. Running a Killshot warrior is equally as broken. 1200 range snare followed up by a 20k+ crit ? Yep balanced.
Running a shouts heal condi warrior with Sword / Axe + Shamans Gear … Equally as comical and Just as broken. Always heal never die, watch your target burn / bleed constantly.
But its okay everyone keep thinking there’s only 1 viable build, and arena net just nerfed your only options!
Ohwait…. they didn’t.
Yes, because everyone wants to play cookiee cutter shout warrior.
I thought we had traits for a reason… perhaps for other playstyles… Guess not!
Because reading is hard right ?
Ignore the fact that i mentioned a rifle build
Oh i know you just dont like heal shout i get it… Maybe find a new build for your “play style” that doesn’t rely on gimmicks. Guess that’s not going to happen.
I mean its not like you cant Run a Burn warrior with Axe / Shield + Longbow and go something like 30arms / 30 Tactics / 10 Discipline right ?
No that would be impossible… Heaven forbid you actually do some min/maxing and create an optimal set to match that.
If you want to call people out on cookie cutter builds, id suggest you stop complaining and go make a functioning build. As i stated I’ve come up with various builds for warrior, both melee and ranged. Warrior is by far the most versatile with build paths than any other class.
Yeah, you know i dont see it…I can cleanse a condition every shout, have 3 shouts. I can Heal for 50% of my HP every ~30 seconds. If i need a quick heal i can shout once again on roughly ~20sec cooldowns and get healed for ~1.5khp
So really what’s the problem ?
Right, there is ONE build that works… what could be the problem?
I dont need the gimmick of food to be stupidly tanky and survive burst. I can still do all of this with a Greatsword, and guess what because i dont have to worry about DPS’ing from the floor ever. I put out more sustained DPS than any Zerker warrior, who basically falls on their face when blinked at.
OK, having used a Warrior with both a “heal-shout” and a “zerker” build, I have to say you are delusional if you think “heal-shout” is putting out more sustained DPS than a skilled zerker warrior. And actually if everything you claim were true, is seems like “the problem” would be that they nerfed the wrong build… LOL
I’d say the did nerf the wrong build. But that would be admitting a build was nerfed, which it wasn’t. A consumeable that allowed a gimmick to exist got nerfed. Not an entire build. A Good Zerker can still do work post patch, they just aren’t as durable.
For the record, Soliders gear + runes is blatantly broken for warrior combined with shout heal.
That isnt to say there aren’t more broken things. Running a Killshot warrior is equally as broken. 1200 range snare followed up by a 20k+ crit ? Yep balanced.
Running a shouts heal condi warrior with Sword / Axe + Shamans Gear … Equally as comical and Just as broken. Always heal never die, watch your target burn / bleed constantly.
But its okay everyone keep thinking there’s only 1 viable build, and arena net just nerfed your only options!
Ohwait…. they didn’t.
Yes, because everyone wants to play cookiee cutter shout warrior.
I thought we had traits for a reason… perhaps for other playstyles… Guess not!
Because reading is hard right ?
Ignore the fact that i mentioned a rifle build
Oh i know you just dont like heal shout i get it… Maybe find a new build for your “play style” that doesn’t rely on gimmicks. Guess that’s not going to happen.I mean its not like you cant Run a Burn warrior with Axe / Shield + Longbow and go something like 30arms / 30 Tactics / 10 Discipline right ?
No that would be impossible… Heaven forbid you actually do some min/maxing and create an optimal set to match that.
If you want to call people out on cookie cutter builds, id suggest you stop complaining and go make a functioning build. As i stated I’ve come up with various builds for warrior, both melee and ranged. Warrior is by far the most versatile with build paths than any other class.
I am glad and I love your idea for the new Warrior, I love how to be viable we must now all put 30 points into the Vitality Tree.
That sounds like good balance to me.
From my point of view, as both a Zerker warrior as well as other classes, it is funny people are cheering the nerf. As a Zerker warrior I was eating expensive food to help everyone whereas on say my mesmer I stock only MF food. So as a Zerker I was actually giving to the rest of the party, all because I found Zerker to be fun. Also I could carry some bad PUG’s by popping some food. For example, I can do defend Magg in P2 CoF without food in a good PUG, while in a bad PUG I would just donate to the common good and shield others from a lot of aggro.
So now… I can do a tanky warrior build with MF food and everyone can watch the health bars go down in slow motion, OR I can be very picky about who I group with because stuff must die quickly (yes terrible auto-attacking bow rangers I’m talking to you).
And just to note… 4 warrior/1 mesmer zerker teams running CoF all day don’t even care.
Yeah, you know i dont see it…I can cleanse a condition every shout, have 3 shouts. I can Heal for 50% of my HP every ~30 seconds. If i need a quick heal i can shout once again on roughly ~20sec cooldowns and get healed for ~1.5khp
So really what’s the problem ?
Right, there is ONE build that works… what could be the problem?
I dont need the gimmick of food to be stupidly tanky and survive burst. I can still do all of this with a Greatsword, and guess what because i dont have to worry about DPS’ing from the floor ever. I put out more sustained DPS than any Zerker warrior, who basically falls on their face when blinked at.
OK, having used a Warrior with both a “heal-shout” and a “zerker” build, I have to say you are delusional if you think “heal-shout” is putting out more sustained DPS than a skilled zerker warrior. And actually if everything you claim were true, is seems like “the problem” would be that they nerfed the wrong build… LOL
I’d say the did nerf the wrong build. But that would be admitting a build was nerfed, which it wasn’t. A consumeable that allowed a gimmick to exist got nerfed. Not an entire build. A Good Zerker can still do work post patch, they just aren’t as durable.
For the record, Soliders gear + runes is blatantly broken for warrior combined with shout heal.
That isnt to say there aren’t more broken things. Running a Killshot warrior is equally as broken. 1200 range snare followed up by a 20k+ crit ? Yep balanced.
Running a shouts heal condi warrior with Sword / Axe + Shamans Gear … Equally as comical and Just as broken. Always heal never die, watch your target burn / bleed constantly.
But its okay everyone keep thinking there’s only 1 viable build, and arena net just nerfed your only options!
Ohwait…. they didn’t.
Yes, because everyone wants to play cookiee cutter shout warrior.
I thought we had traits for a reason… perhaps for other playstyles… Guess not!
Because reading is hard right ?
Ignore the fact that i mentioned a rifle build
Oh i know you just dont like heal shout i get it… Maybe find a new build for your “play style” that doesn’t rely on gimmicks. Guess that’s not going to happen.I mean its not like you cant Run a Burn warrior with Axe / Shield + Longbow and go something like 30arms / 30 Tactics / 10 Discipline right ?
No that would be impossible… Heaven forbid you actually do some min/maxing and create an optimal set to match that.
If you want to call people out on cookie cutter builds, id suggest you stop complaining and go make a functioning build. As i stated I’ve come up with various builds for warrior, both melee and ranged. Warrior is by far the most versatile with build paths than any other class.
I am glad and I love your idea for the new Warrior, I love how to be viable we must now all put 30 points into the Vitality Tree.
That sounds like good balance to me.
Never said you had too, again i was pointing out A BUILD. Not the build… But then again bad warrior with no reading comprehension being bad.
Here since the build you specifically want is obviously this
30 str / 20 arms / 20 discipline – Go whatever the heck you want, build glass cannon for all i care. Just dont call yourself a tank, also enjoy dirtnapping a lot.
Or you can use that same build – Equip some Soliders gear, get some zerkers jewlery and do the same stuff your doing now, minus the complaining and dying.
Yeah, you know i dont see it…I can cleanse a condition every shout, have 3 shouts. I can Heal for 50% of my HP every ~30 seconds. If i need a quick heal i can shout once again on roughly ~20sec cooldowns and get healed for ~1.5khp
So really what’s the problem ?
Right, there is ONE build that works… what could be the problem?
I dont need the gimmick of food to be stupidly tanky and survive burst. I can still do all of this with a Greatsword, and guess what because i dont have to worry about DPS’ing from the floor ever. I put out more sustained DPS than any Zerker warrior, who basically falls on their face when blinked at.
OK, having used a Warrior with both a “heal-shout” and a “zerker” build, I have to say you are delusional if you think “heal-shout” is putting out more sustained DPS than a skilled zerker warrior. And actually if everything you claim were true, is seems like “the problem” would be that they nerfed the wrong build… LOL
I’d say the did nerf the wrong build. But that would be admitting a build was nerfed, which it wasn’t. A consumeable that allowed a gimmick to exist got nerfed. Not an entire build. A Good Zerker can still do work post patch, they just aren’t as durable.
For the record, Soliders gear + runes is blatantly broken for warrior combined with shout heal.
That isnt to say there aren’t more broken things. Running a Killshot warrior is equally as broken. 1200 range snare followed up by a 20k+ crit ? Yep balanced.
Running a shouts heal condi warrior with Sword / Axe + Shamans Gear … Equally as comical and Just as broken. Always heal never die, watch your target burn / bleed constantly.
But its okay everyone keep thinking there’s only 1 viable build, and arena net just nerfed your only options!
Ohwait…. they didn’t.
Yes, because everyone wants to play cookiee cutter shout warrior.
I thought we had traits for a reason… perhaps for other playstyles… Guess not!
Because reading is hard right ?
Ignore the fact that i mentioned a rifle build
Oh i know you just dont like heal shout i get it… Maybe find a new build for your “play style” that doesn’t rely on gimmicks. Guess that’s not going to happen.I mean its not like you cant Run a Burn warrior with Axe / Shield + Longbow and go something like 30arms / 30 Tactics / 10 Discipline right ?
No that would be impossible… Heaven forbid you actually do some min/maxing and create an optimal set to match that.
If you want to call people out on cookie cutter builds, id suggest you stop complaining and go make a functioning build. As i stated I’ve come up with various builds for warrior, both melee and ranged. Warrior is by far the most versatile with build paths than any other class.
I am glad and I love your idea for the new Warrior, I love how to be viable we must now all put 30 points into the Vitality Tree.
That sounds like good balance to me.
Never said you had too, again i was pointing out A BUILD. Not the build… But then again bad warrior with no reading comprehension being bad.
Here since the build you specifically want is obviously this
30 str / 20 arms / 20 discipline – Go whatever the heck you want, build glass cannon for all i care. Just dont call yourself a tank, also enjoy dirtnapping a lot.
Or you can use that same build – Equip some Soliders gear, get some zerkers jewlery and do the same stuff your doing now, minus the complaining and dying.
That build isn’t viable in dungeons.
You must now have atleast 30 points in vitality to be viable.
umm wow do we really need this. Full knights armor is not gonna help, yea you may survive like 10 secs longer in a boss fight vs a full zerker with supierior rune of the guardian, but really it sucks cause you just messed up dungeons for alot of people i bet there won’t be as many dungeons no more lol anyways things are meant to be killed fast not in a long time there is people that only does 1 hr a day and thats not enough time to even find a group sometimes
Both my Thief and Ele have zero problems in dungeon content, and I would consider those to be the squishier or riskier professions. I have a plethora of Mesmers, Necros, Rangers and others in my guild, all of whom run said content with us, flawlessly, without nourishment.
That, just that. I take my Ele to the front lines and survive there, wielding my own version of the greatsword. It’s all just about dancing and dodging, circling around the crowds while pulling them together. Well, and performing a lot of combos with your group for effective massheal, should it ever be required.
If you plan to soak up all the damage, you are going to have a bad time. Not even a guardian could possibly do that. The system was never meant to encourage such newbish behavior and to anyone who relied on abusing this specific food:
Learn how to play the game. You are still more resistible than any medium or light armor class, but you are far from invulnerable.