Nope, totally gotya
medical awareness is very different from a religious thing (which I wouldn’t support)
Now if a huge support event for something like a terrorist attack, or lets say to support natural disaster victims (something Blizzard do with WoW regularly), these I regularly support, especially if there is an ingame item I can show to show I have supported the event, as long as 100% of that money is indeed going to that support/awareness campaign
But there are always items like this that will be decisive with people, LGBT right, Supporting the troops, anything political or religious will divide people
But medical care, support or awareness is something every person who plays the game can get behind (not to mention the charity events are a great publicity drive for the game)
I suppose you and I have very different views of what a video game is meant for. While I’m not naive enough to think that the real world won’t bleed into an online game, I do feel that brining outside issues into a game is never the best idea.
As I stated before, there are many reasons why other players may not see these things as benign as you might. I personally get enough bombardment from causes, viewpoints, support requests, charities, and the like in my day-to-day life, the last thing I want is to be subjected to them in a game meant to take my mind off all that.
But, that is just me.
In the end, you’re welcome to do whatever you like, and justify it however you will. The reason I am posting here is because I would like others to consider things fully when it comes to bringing real world issues into a fictional game designed to be light hearted and fun.
I want everyone to consider everyone in the community, not just what makes them feel good. And while I don’t have anything personally against breast cancer awareness, I do question whether GW2 is the right place to be raising awareness, and I definitely question the idea of creating charities in game, or connected to this game in anyway.
Please consider everyone.