Play for Free Confirmed [merged]
Because that was the lazy solution.
Instead of limiting them to
-Not able to pick up supply
-Not able to place siege
-Not able to man siege
-Not able to enter battlegrounds/borderlands
-Access to EoTM only
I think they should at least give them eotm access. I don’t think anyone would bother trying manipulate an eotm map.
I don’t see the harm nor the shame in showing the huge amount of players that joined. Id think they would be proud of it.
Blizzard even publicly announced losing nearly 5 millions subs a few month ago.
Announce this kind of stuff can be very harmful if you not doing well, would you start playing wow knowing 5 million ppl left the game? I wouldnt. Blizzard does it because they pretty much rule the mmo scene, and can get all those players back + newcomers with a good expansion.
Don’t worry boys, Blade and Soul is coming.
First thing i thought about when i saw the f2p announcement was making a free acc in enemy server to dry out all their supplies.
Don’t worry boys, Blade and Soul is coming.
I think they should at least give them eotm access. I don’t think anyone would bother trying manipulate an eotm map.
Eotm is a leveling rush stuff, that also gives you good money if somebody guides you to never open the bags till 80, i dont think anet wanted a bunch of ppl 80 fully geared 48 hours after game going f2p. Plus the amount of ppl never steping into pve zones would be huge, anet is definitely not ok with this.
Don’t worry boys, Blade and Soul is coming.
Core’s value as been dropped to $0 in value with the expansion. When another expansion releases, HoTs value will also drop to $0. In other words, their business model for expansions is that every expansion will include everything before it, and that new players only have to buy the current expansion to have a paid account.
and can get all those players back + newcomers with a good expansion.
Not me muahahahahaha
Edit: But honestly; It was a problem to me, that “wow was dying” back then, but on the plus side I got used to doing everything alone, which I then did on my medium populated server in GW2 (before mega servers) – I often really was the only one on a map- and didn’t mind, except when I wasn’t able to solo something like temples in Orr (some champs are pretty hard but basically everything in PvE was and is soloable) – but you could usually ask in LA and someone helped.
I don’t think that in times of megaservers anyone really notices a difference in player population. I know we have a massive influx right now, but how many? don’t ask me – I don’t even know how many megaservers there are.
And what is and what isn’t populated is in the eye of the beholder, kind of. I’m absolutely fine with my “high” populated server in wvw, others cry that they’ve been tricked into joining an empty server. So whatever – if people are really that concerned by population numbers they aren’t really interested in the game, I guess – and that’s ok.
(edited by Jana.6831)
Is it really so shocking for some people that they have to pay for an expansion? Serious question, ive seen these threads a ‘few’ times over the past couple weeks and each time i have to ask myself the same thing!
OP, when you buy HoT you’ll also unlock the future release of Living Story for your account, as all of them will be in the HoT region…..
Archeage = Farmville with PK
Because that was the lazy solution.
Instead of limiting them to
-Not able to pick up supply
-Not able to place siege
-Not able to man siege
-Not able to enter battlegrounds/borderlands
-Access to EoTM only
Nah, all of those “solutions” are ridiculous and anyone who suggests them can kitten off.
If you want WvW to sink deeper into obscurity, that’s your business.
But I personally want WvW to succeed.
I don’t see the harm nor the shame in showing the huge amount of players that joined. Id think they would be proud of it.
Blizzard even publicly announced losing nearly 5 millions subs a few month ago.
Announce this kind of stuff can be very harmful if you not doing well, would you start playing wow knowing 5 million ppl left the game? I wouldnt. Blizzard does it because they pretty much rule the mmo scene, and can get all those players back + newcomers with a good expansion.
If by “Blizzard does it” refers to their announcing player numbers, they do it because they HAVE to not because they want to, Anet has no such legal requirements so they don’t: the COULD but choose not to, one might wonder what they’re hiding, if one were the cynical type.
As happened in LOTRO, Rift, ESO and other games before it, GW2’s player numbers now fall under suspicion, Anet’s asserted love of B2P mirrors ZOS’ professed love of the subscription model .. that didn’t stop ZOS taking ESO B2P and many years earlier Turbine’s protestation that player numbers were fine didn’t stop them taking LOTRO F2P.
(edited by Kraggy.4169)
I for one don’t appreciate paying for a game and then have the producer just go ahead and say, “Oh, ok well we got enough money from guild wars 2 time to make it free to download and play”, Not evening thinking about the players who have spent their money on the actual hard copies, NOR EVEN COMPENSATING THEM IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM!!!!! Good job arena net, I’m most likely going to quit now knowing your going to make this all free at some point and I’m not going to spend my money on a business that treats their customers like this, have a nice R.I.P
(edited by Greenrooso.6837)
I for one don’t appreciate paying for a game and then have the producer just go ahead and say, “Oh, ok well we got enough money from guild wars 2 time to make it free to download and play”, Not evening thinking about the players who have spent their money on the actual hard copies, NOR EVEN COMPENSATING THEM IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM!!!!! Good job arena net, I’m most likely going to quit now knowing your going to make this all free at some point and I’m not going to spend my money on a business that treats their customers like this, have a nice R.I.P
So how would you do it, seeing how, the free players had to wait at least three years before even getting this shot. Also now that they do get it, they are very limited. They can’t even get daily chest or buy gems using gold. They can’t give away stuff to other, and the TP is limited. and on top of all the other restrictions.
All stuff you never have to worry about and still don’t at this time. A good tip i see, figure out how much you bouth the game for, and divide that cash by the months you have played, see if you get a good value out of it. While i started late, even if I did buy the game three year ago, i think i was well compersted, i mean we did receive something like 40ish updates and tons of support during that time.
Compensate you for giving you what you paid for ?
I’ve been playing GW2 for almost 2 years. and i want to ask about the free 2 play thing that is going on right now. Is there any difference from the account that bought the base game, with the account that is free to play and just registered? because it will be such a shame if there is no different, and it’s like wasting 40$ for those who already bought the game in the first place. it’s not like im kittened or anything, well i love if its’s going f2p because now i can play the game with people who can’t afford the game. so can someone explain to me about the f2p?
A big difference. Many restriction on free acount. You can see link what free account has.
(edited by Qugi.2653)
Just the daily log in rewards alone is worth the difference in price. How do you expect free accounts to get laurels?
Can’t e-mail coin or items. Can’t use a guild bank. No map chat. Limited whispers. No Gold to Gems. No Login Rewards. Limited to buying and selling certain items on the TP. Start with only 3 bag slots and 2 character slots.
Check the link in Qugi’s post for WvW and PvP limitations.
They can Play for Free, but do have a number of QoL annoyances. If they want HoT they will have to buy the expansion like everyone else which will remove the P4F limitations.
RIP City of Heroes
(edited by Behellagh.1468)
oh okay thanks ! thanks for the explanation guys ! appreciate it!
The way I see it is i paid for one of my accounts 2 years ago and another during a big sale around February. I am having fun with both accounts and got to experience things the new F2P accounts and the new accounts wont be able to experience. Anet owes me nothing and they still gave me stuff. GW2 is a no spoiled crybaby zone and for those of you who think you deserve money either uninstall or shut up cause you are ruining the experience for the whole community.
So does this make gw1 free to play? Oh wait, its been the better game and its never been free. Gw1 made anet;, gw1 made the money for gw2.
Gw2 made the money for free to play.
Bots, bots, and more bots. Sure give yourself less room for testing; gw2 has been in beta for 3 years now? It only makes sense to go as far as free to play. It belongs with all the other free to plays. constant pvp breaks, constant bad developers breaking the game over an idea, constant failures —-but money makes it all better am i right?
Not to mention, the community in this game was weak sauce. They talk hardcore and experienced when they cant defeat dungeons without exploits. THE EXCUSE is it was intended.
Good luck new players, you will experience an ugly skin deep truth of gw2. You will spend your money of what you are lead to believe is fun and enjoyable, but the reality of it is, there is no room for those who do not like to speed run nor stack on each other because the status quo players’ skill are lacking and cant admit.
Anet believes finding a wedge in a wall to avoid the dungeon’s real time challenges are good tactics. Not to mention removing posts off the forum about it all.
Go gw2, the biggest joke created. Belongs with all the scamming free to plays out there. YAY!!
Do I have to install gw2 setup again for my free account(yes the account where you sign up for free)? Cause I really want my brother to try the game out himself on his “free account”. Another question would be. Is he able to log into the forums?
Nope, it is the same client. Just login with his account-details and it should work.
Nope, forum posting requires buying the game.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Nope, it is the same client. Just login with his account-details and it should work.
Nope, forum posting requires buying the game.
Thanks for the quick reply but my brother still can’t log in with his account through the old client. We made cure everything was ride countless times.
What error message does it give when you try to login?
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
You can log into any number of accounts, both free and paid, using one copy of the game. You just have to put in the right email and password for the account you want to use.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
You should be able to use the same client and desk top shortcut for any account unless you have done something to link that shortcut to a specific account. (I now have 3 shortcuts each going into a specific account but they don’t ask for email address and password its already set into them).
It should ask you to enter the email address and password, which if you change to the F2P account should go straight into that account. My one thought is have you verified the IP address by email and SMS (or other authenticator) if you haven’t done either of those it might stop you playing.
Also it might sound daft but make sure that the email and the password are exactly as you set up in the account creation section. I have done daft things like doing a ending on a .com email address, or having the caps lock on by mistake.
Yes, it is the same client. So your brother can use the same client as you.
Your brother can read the forum, but not post.
Keep in mind that your brother has to authorize your client for use with his account through the two way authentication. That you auhtorized it with your account is not enough. Otherwise, if you made sure you typed in the details perfectly, feel free to contact support.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
I payed for the game and even bought the pre-release!. I am playing Guild Wars 2 since closed beta and I also played GW1. I loved both of the games but now I feel deeply disappointed by arenanet!
Currently the core game is free to play for all and I fell like I threw my money out the window! I see no real advantage for me. I have read the limitations of a free account and they seem almost like nothing! There is no real and notable difference between me (who payed a considerable amount of money) and a person that payed nothing! If the game is now free, I would at least want a considerable advanage!
For example, it seemes only fair for me to play the heart of thorns expansion without buying it! I have no real guarantee that the expansion won’t be free at some point and that i’ve thrown my money at uselees products again! I will definetly not buy anything else that is even remotely related to guild wars 2 or arenanet!
I will not play the game anymore if arenanet is so disrespectfull with it’s old and loyal customers!
I really enjoyed the game but now it seems extremly unfair to have the exact same perks as a person who did not pay anything!
If someone plays the free version it has limits I believe
You haven’t tried a free account. Free accounts can barely use the trading post. Most things you cant’ buy/sell. There’s no daily login rewards, can’t talk in map chat and lots of other restrictions. You have lots more perks than a Free account, plus you were here for lots of one time events and got to see the game grow. It is not disrespectful and they do care about their loyal customers. If you can’t see that then I’m sorry.
As a headstarter, I’ve obtained thousands of dollars worth of gems using gold (the glory days of the first few months). A free account can’t even exchange gold for gems.
Even the $10 accounts that appeared in the months prior to the change were a great deal. Those account have made about $50 just by logging in once a day.
You may want to see the limitations of a free account:
You haven’t tried a free account. Free accounts can barely use the trading post. Most things you cant’ buy/sell. There’s no daily login rewards, can’t talk in map chat and lots of other restrictions. You have lots more perks than a Free account, plus you were here for lots of one time events and got to see the game grow. It is not disrespectful and they do care about their loyal customers. If you can’t see that then I’m sorry.
I knew about some limitations but I did not know about those that you just said.
Still, I don’t feel like the difference is proportional to the amount that I payed. I payed more than the price of the new expansion and frankly the in game difference does not seem at all fair.
Judge the game and play the game based on whether you enjoy it or not, not whether or not you payed more than other people for it. Nobody complains about this in relation to WoW. I’ve purchased every WoW expansion ever separately at full price, but now you can get all of them except the most recent for a fraction of the cost, yet I nor anybody else complain about that because there’s also a monthly fee and thus people recognize that they were paying for being able to play it then and there, not years later. If you bought GW2 at launch, gratz, you’d paid probably $50 for YEARS of time you could play the game. The GW2 content that F2P players are getting is old news – it’s already made Anet a profit. Look at it this way – if you buy a mattress new it costs a decent amount. You sell it second hand a few years later and it’s worth almost nothing (like when the game cost $10), but if you waited a few years longer NOBODY wants to buy your mattress – someone might take it for free though. The expansion is a new mattress – the current game is great, we’ve had good times, but it’s also old and nobody is going to pay what you or I paid for it anymore.
Polyscia – Elementalist
Mercedene Underfoot – Thief
A person who bought only the heart of thorns expansion has all the game content! I payed for the GW2 and now I have to pay the same exact amount as that person to access all the game content!
Basically the new player pays 50$ to play the whole game and I have to pay in the end around 100$ ,that is double, to access all the game! (prices are round).
For the people that bought GW2 there should be at least a discount for the expansion if not the expansion fo free!!
We could ask for a refund of the core game and use the money to buy HoT. That way we can have the same money spent as a new player! (I made a ticket asking for a refund and they answered that is possible).
But this is not ok either! We lose all of our previous earned things and it is not a reliable way to solve this issue. Still, if there is no other way I might as well do that. I value money more than in game achievements!
Anet should solve this in an official and reasonable way so old players don’t feel left out.
But this is not ok either! We lose all of our previous earned things and it is not a reliable way to solve this issue. Still, if there is no other way I might as well do that. I value money more than in game achievements!
This is exactly why you should be happy with what you have payed for.
If you think that it is unfair maby you can give your account back to Anet and they will terminate it and you get the money you bought it for. Now you can buy the expansion and get the core game and you can play it all and you will be like everyone who NOW are free to play and then buys the expansion, they will have nothing of the stuff you have gotten through Season 1 and during special events. You have probably bought stuff for gems that are no longer in the Store and a lot more stuff.
I have played GW2 since 3 days headstart, I have played GW1 before that and in my opinion I have gotten my money worth the first month from playing GW2. I know or should I say knew a few free to play players and a week later they have the expansion and are preparing for the expansion.
And people saying bots and spam and yadayada will/is toxifying the game are wrong. It’s been free to play now for a few weeks and I havent seen an increase of bots or goldspammers or anything bad, I have seen more Guild reqruiting messages (Including mine :P) though.
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]
I was playing GW2 when it was released for about a year and then left because I had no time during my work to play and started play casual games. But today I get info about GW2 that its F2P game. OK i get it, company is not getting players and want expand comunity. I think it was fine to pay once for game I like to support it and play it, now they probalby also get money they wanted raise from game so why bother. The thing of my topic is, how players which bought normal or exlusive (or collectible, don’t know the name for it, its long time) for about 60 dolars benefit from it or do you refund everyone who paid for it? Because f2p acokittens have same content and you can’t lock them content to access. Post topics fo official forum is really not good benefit or restriction to those players. So whats the solution or compensation to players which paid for game? Thanks for any constructive answer and people who actualy read it insted of insta hate.
P.S.: sory if i put it in wrong discusion because couldn’t find another general topic.
(edited by Derthiel.2087)
Simple, the paid accounts get a free outfit, the Royal Guard Outfit, and aren’t locked out of parts of the game. Here is a list of the constraints put on free accounts
It’s not that paid players deserve any compensation, its that free to play players don’t have access to many things paid players do.
Still as said there is no benefit to wear outfit that show that you paid for game or be able to join pvp or other things depending on level. You will get max level anyway. These are not significant to game play or not at all.
I don’t consider it F2P at all its more like a trial with all the restrictions they get. Also its about time GW2 got a trial.
Those of us who bought the core game whenever imo have had our money’s worth. I paid for whatever pack was offered at the time that gave the 3 day headstart as well as a few extra goodies. Sure I didn’t buy the most expensive one at the time, probably the second most. But I consider my 3 years time here thus far have well and truly been up to what I paid.
How do new people getting the game for free effect me and what I paid in the past? Not too much at all. It takes NOTHING away from what I paid or what fun I have had. On the other hand if this does get the game new players and ideally new players buying HOT well then that is just a bonus for me as well as others. More players is never a bad thing (unless they are of the negative type). More players possibly buying gems = the game lasting longer and the content keep on coming.
The f2p accounts are more like extended trial accounts. There are all sorts of restrictions on trade, buying gems with gold (money only), chat, guild banks, where they can go and where they can play. They can’t post on these forums. They aren’t being given the whole enchilada with these free accounts.
If you want, you can get a free account yourself. See what its like.
ANet may give it to you.
Actually they are. Try making a free account and playing it. Granted you’re not blocked from actual content, but try playing the game when you’re limited to a set of things on the trading post and can’t ask for help in map chat. It really does impact their gameplay. Just enough to make people want to buy the game without scaring them off
Trial would be nice F2P players get only max level 20 only few crafting abilities no bank no benefits. So the point of F2P would be:
“Here check our awesome game, you can see how epic it is during this time and then you can support us by buying it and enjoy full experience of this great world”
Still its only one time payment. Not like WoW which is Pay to Play.
Still as said there is no benefit to wear outfit that show that you paid for game or be able to join pvp or other things depending on level. You will get max level anyway. These are not significant to game play or not at all.
This is truly the entitled generation isn’kitten
What answer exactly are you hoping for? Do you think Anet is going to reach out to you and offer you a refund on a 3 year old game? Do you think Anet should come over to your house and coo softly in your ear till you fall asleep?
I’m just wondering what exactly it is you’re looking for here? What could possibly be a satisfactory answer to someone posting a question like this? The game is over 3 years old.
Maybe Steam should refund me for the 150+ games I’ve never touched on my steam account? OR maybe that’s on me for buying games I didn’t end up playing? I’ll guess the later using my extreme powers of logic and reasoning.
You got to play the game for 3 years, that’s what the price is for. Happens with every game, MMO or not.
I bought Dragon’s Age Inquisition for 70$ at launch, now it’s 20$ or smth. Should I complain?
You got to play the game for 3 years, that’s what the price is for. Happens with every game, MMO or not.
I bought Dragon’s Age Inquisition for 70$ at launch, now it’s 20$ or smth. Should I complain?
According this this person’s logic EA owes you 50$. Let me know when EA contacts you and decides to pay that out.
STEAM must owe me 1000’s of $ because I own over 300 Steam games and have barely touched half of them.
Hey Gaben! You hear this!