My name is Oblyth and I am a dedicated user of the Bouquet of Roses object. Since the recent patch I have noticed several changes have been made to the bouquet that greatly diminish its usefulness as an object and greatly impede upon my gameplay.
1. The “Toss Bouquet” throw arc has been greatly modified, randomized, and linked to the skill cooldown.
This means not only can I NOT toss the flowers to some flowerless passerby without trying multiple times or giving up entirely, it does not stay with them. It instantly poofs when I hit my 4 button, and I can do nothing while not having pressed the 4 button. No longer can I share the joy of tossing flowers with my fellow players, as only one bouquet may be active at a time. It is also nearly impossible to hit asura, though easier to hit taller folk. This, of course, is greatly sizeist and intolerable for a egalitarian society. And let me assure you, even at the most rambunctious of weddings a bride does not haphazardly toss her bouquet. She knows exactly who expects to catch it!
2. The bouquet times out after a certain amount of time.
Once one has discovered the joy of repeatedly “Scattering Flower Petals”, it is difficult to let that feeling go. Me along with several other floral enthusiasts have spent many an hour repeatedly spreading flowers in celebration of life. The only reason I can think of for this unfortunate change is concerns about the upcoming pollen season. I think we can reach some sort of agreement here. We will cut back on our flower tossing time IF you return the ability to us to happily AFK while tossing.
Both of these changes have greatly impacted my idle flower tossing gameplay in a negative way. I don’t think they were well thought through and I would hope you would all agree that the bouquet was definitely more glorious before. Please reconsider these changes, ArenaNet!
Oblyth, Mes ~ Nadeshiko Naito, War ~ Hwertu, Gua
Evenree, Necro (M) ~ Ran Still Died, Thief