Share your data about perceived strange drop behavior here!

Share your data about perceived strange drop behavior here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: shaktiboi.5194


My spouse just proclaimed that “there’s no longer any point in soloing in this game” and she’s walking away from all playtime except for group events or possibly duoing with me to level up alts that haven’t hit 80 yet.

Why this sudden proclamation from someone who has 6 levels 80s, more than 1000+ hours in /age, and has from launch until now averaged 4 hours per day or more?

Because she went into Brigid’s Overlook this morning, one of her true dependable spots to feel like she’s making progress, and after getting one yellow and two greens within 15 minutes, the drops literally stopped. Not just bumped down to white trash with the occasional blues (like in so many other places), but literally everything stopped dropping.

For those who don’t know, Brigid’s Overlook requires a wee bit of work to get into, and it used to be a consistent source for jewelry components. You could farm the golems there for 30 minutes (about all you can take before getting bored and needing to move on) and walk away with a fair number of gem shards (and lower variants). You also stood a good chance of seeing greens on a regular basis, and about 2 yellows per hour.

She’s spent as much as an hour at a time in there in the past, with NO decline in drop rate.

Today, it was clearly apparent that anti-farming code had kicked in within 15 minutes, and she was getting zilch for the hard work of keeping up with the Veteran respawn rate in there as a solo player.

Again, Anet, are you trying to encourage people to buy 50g for $10 and 100g for $20 from Chinese farming outfits? If so, keep up the horrible work.

If not, then get your best people looking at this problem because you are killing the game for many of us.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Navi.7142


I didn’t post in this thread, whereas I was quite active in the other long now closed thread.

I am not goint to repeat what I’ve written in the other thread, because anet is capable of reading, it’s not my duty to do so and as long as there is no one stating how we can provide their requested concrete data, I am not throwing in my old statements, which in their opinion are just perceived.

But I have some “new” observations:
-> Normally we “all” figured out a server restart/ patch/ update would result in better loot drops in the hour(s) right after it was restarted.
This is the second time I’ve seen NO difference compared to before (like I described it in the other thread in November and December).
-> If you group with other party member, you’ll receive better loot drops than if you are not grouping or if it are just two of you.
-> It seems that after the dailies reset your loot improves (more materials and blues instead of masses of porous bones and some materials between).
-> If you farm long enough (in a group) in Orr, you’ll get a rare or two, but mostly you are not getting anything valuable.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Navi.7142


Some right questions would be:
a) Why are they not constantly communicating with us about this real substantial issue?
b) When will they provide us any new information concerning this issue?
c) When will they listen to us and improve loot/ DR mechanism, regardless if their measurements show if it is perceived or not. How many people more have to speak up that they are not satisfied with the loot behaviour until they realize they will loose people who would love to play their game?
d) When will someone read the old thread and begin to understand that something happened?? When??

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Guru.1582


Risen Quaggan never seem to drop much of anything, ever.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tpriel.8517


I posted in the last thread that was closed and i submitted tickets to support when this issue started showing up in forums

i was told that the devs can find no problem with drops

my only response is to take my credit card off and not log since its more trouble than its worth to play the game
this is not the same game that i bought
really its not

i still think this is the best exploring ive ever encountered and check every day this thread like the old one hoping some one will give us an answer

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grunties.6841


I posted in the last thread that was closed and i submitted tickets to support when this issue started showing up in forums

i was told that the devs can find no problem with drops

my only response is to take my credit card off and not log since its more trouble than its worth to play the game
this is not the same game that i bought
really its not

i still think this is the best exploring ive ever encountered and check every day this thread like the old one hoping some one will give us an answer

Agree. I am not interested in playing this game anymore. It was a good concept, with failed execution. It is the worse kind of grind – grind with no reward – unless you grind FoTM 20 times per day. They might as well fold up the rest of the game.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NoodllZ.8376


Myths about improved drop rates:
– Magic find improves drop rates – false (We’ve all used mf gear and gotten absolutly nothing fancy, nothing but blues and whites maybe a green or a yellow. We’ve all been around when someone with 0% mf finds some really awesome exotic drop or two.)
– Partying improves your drop rate – no it doesn’t, all partying does is let people know when you’re dying, we get the same amount of drops in and out of party, just with a party that converses you don’t feel the boredom set in as quickly as you would if you solo’d.

Now if Stephane Lo would look back at the thread they started and make comments that would be awesome, instead of the anet team running around trying to find ways to stop exploitation and ruin any and every way for players to make money.
We don’t really want better drops we want better drop rates.

(edited by NoodllZ.8376)

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valandil Dragonhart.2371

Valandil Dragonhart.2371

Risen Quaggan never seem to drop much of anything, ever.

Corrupted Quaggan do.

NoodllZ – I think you’ll find Stéphane is usually a guy’s name, where Stephanie is a girl’s.

The old-school Arrow-Key warrior.
“Obtaining a legendary should be done through legendary feats…
Not luck and credit cards.”

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I posted in the last thread that was closed and i submitted tickets to support when this issue started showing up in forums

i was told that the devs can find no problem with drops

my only response is to take my credit card off and not log since its more trouble than its worth to play the game
this is not the same game that i bought
really its not

i still think this is the best exploring ive ever encountered and check every day this thread like the old one hoping some one will give us an answer

Agree. I am not interested in playing this game anymore. It was a good concept, with failed execution. It is the worse kind of grind – grind with no reward – unless you grind FoTM 20 times per day. They might as well fold up the rest of the game.

I completely agree. I feel like the only way I can ge a decent drop is to run a FOTM and with the way people dc in them there’s no way I’m grinding them for loot I should be able to get in the other parts of the fame.

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bean.1247


i was told that the devs can find no problem with drops

Surprisingly they can find nothing wrong with Claw of Jormags ice shield either on the test server and can not reproduce the shield not appearing properly even though it is a problem on all live servers.

I want to play on the test server where things ARE working properly so can I get a transfer

Sleep is a sign of caffeine deprivation !

(edited by Bean.1247)

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: beren.6048


I just looted a named exotic off a mob at shelters in Orr during the event, also seeing a fair amount of dyes dropping.

There was some kind of update yesterday, but I didn’t see any patch notes. I’ll check it again.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: beren.6048


i was told that the devs can find no problem with drops

Surprisingly they can find nothing wrong with Claw of Jormags ice shield either on the test server and can not reproduce the shield not appearing properly even though it is a problem on all live servers.

I want to play on the test server where things ARE working properly so can I get a transfer

Probably if enough people play on the test server you will get the same problems. 10 devs playing a test server (locally also) is probably not enough to, e.g., get enough lag to get all sorts of issues.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Infernia.9847


Day 3 – I logged in still in Cursed Shore at Penitent. Solo’d for a bit until I found a group. While soloing I noticed that no matter how many mobs I tagged and proceeded to do good damage to (I am a lvl80 Ranger with zerker + full pirate runes), I couldn’t compete with a damage demi-god warrior. Meaning I only got a single loot from 5-10 mobs I definitely did a lot of damage to.
I grouped up and started seeing the difference immediately. I only came out with about 10 green and 1 rare this time. The rare was from a regular mob I decided to kill while waiting for the next DE to start. The loot was much less than Day 2 but…. DR could have hit me too since it hadn’t been a full 24 hours since I had logged out.

I don’t have a second set of armor to test out the DPS theory or I’d have already done that. I am really curious about the fact that fighting in a group that is not spread out but concentrating on the same mobs, effects the quantity and quality of loot. The damage done should be affected by this aspect but as stated previously, it should only count towards whether you have a chance of getting loot at all certainly not the quality of the loot itself.

Has anyone else seen this happen? And maybe it is why magic find seems to have little effect with some people. The only other credence I could lend to this is that before coming to Cursed Shore I ran from Hoelbrak to Frostgorge a lot. While passing through Wayfarer Foothills I got a rare once and at least one green each time I did. Each time the kills were very fast in comparison to mobs of my level. Once in Frostgorge I got mostly blues, whites and the occasional green.
I don’t know anymore. Speculation is making my brain cry.

Blackgate : Level 80 Ranger, Necro, Guardian, Warrior
Devs: Trait Challenge Issued

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leamas.5803


Day 3 – I logged in still in Cursed Shore at Penitent. Solo’d for a bit until I found a group. While soloing I noticed that no matter how many mobs I tagged and proceeded to do good damage to (I am a lvl80 Ranger with zerker + full pirate runes), I couldn’t compete with a damage demi-god warrior. Meaning I only got a single loot from 5-10 mobs I definitely did a lot of damage to.
I grouped up and started seeing the difference immediately. I only came out with about 10 green and 1 rare this time. The rare was from a regular mob I decided to kill while waiting for the next DE to start. The loot was much less than Day 2 but…. DR could have hit me too since it hadn’t been a full 24 hours since I had logged out.

I don’t have a second set of armor to test out the DPS theory or I’d have already done that. I am really curious about the fact that fighting in a group that is not spread out but concentrating on the same mobs, effects the quantity and quality of loot. The damage done should be affected by this aspect but as stated previously, it should only count towards whether you have a chance of getting loot at all certainly not the quality of the loot itself.

Has anyone else seen this happen? And maybe it is why magic find seems to have little effect with some people. The only other credence I could lend to this is that before coming to Cursed Shore I ran from Hoelbrak to Frostgorge a lot. While passing through Wayfarer Foothills I got a rare once and at least one green each time I did. Each time the kills were very fast in comparison to mobs of my level. Once in Frostgorge I got mostly blues, whites and the occasional green.
I don’t know anymore. Speculation is making my brain cry.

Personally, I don’t normally look for groups unless I have a particular need of one. That said, I’ve not noticed any discernible difference grouped/ungrouped. Likewise I can cause huge damage to a big group of enemies but not so much to a single. At level 80 with full stats, my Necro with a condition damage build does 1973power+1014 weapon damage+1497CD+minion damage, but not huge up-front damage to a single enemy, so perhaps that makes a difference and certain classes are inherently disadvantaged. This would suck.

(edited by Leamas.5803)

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Navi.7142


I first heard it ingame that you would loot better in a group. They said there would be a (official?) statement in the official forums or the official handbook.
Then I tried it.
And the results were better in a group.
Maybe it’s just a big coincidence, but it works better for me to loot in a group, preferably of five. I got more and better loot. I do not receive GREAT loot, but at least I am getting decent loot, you know.. better than nothing (which nearly means playing not in a group). ^^
At least in Orr I really like to group.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Medazolam.3058


I just looted a named exotic off a mob at shelters in Orr during the event, also seeing a fair amount of dyes dropping.

There was some kind of update yesterday, but I didn’t see any patch notes. I’ll check it again.

Played about 4 hours today, between Orr, the frozen maw, fractals and WvW I got about 8 rares drops. Second time in a row I got a rare 80 at the frozen maw. So in short, my drops seem just fine, maybe it is because I mix it up a lot, I move around a lot, go in and out of WvW many times. I hope this helps those who are have the terrible drop rates.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: shaktiboi.5194


Last night me and two other guildmates went to Cursed Shore for some ori/ancient hunting. All three of us rocking around +75 MF each from Pirate/Traveler Runes + Peach Tart buffs plus Karka Earrings, etc.

Three of us, 90 minutes, sweeping through Cursed shore looking for ori or ancient nodes, killing EVERYTHING in our path. Stopping to do any DEs we run across, even trying (unsuccessfully) to liberate a cathedral with maybe 3-4 other players who happened along. We easily killed more than 250+ enemies during that 90 minutes.

Among the three of us, we got ONE yellow in total. Not one each: one TOTAL. Maybe three greens each. That’s it.

Before the Lost Shores event, we could do the exact same thing and walk away with 3-4 yellows each. Consistently. Night after night.

You fixed the bots to some degree, but you nerfed all of us legitimate players in the process. I cannot believe you don’t have the data to prove/see/understand this and identify the root cause. It’s plain as day to my entire guild. To many people. There is an exact correlation between the disappearance of the overland bots back around the Lost Shores time frame and the nerfing of drop rates for all of us. The fact that you do not dialog with us on this issue is incredibly frustrating and disheartening.

What’s really ironic is that you haven’t really stopped botting and gold farming at all. They just use a teleport hack that is easily found and widely available. We see these bots appear at a node we’re pulling up to ALL THE TIME. You haven’t stopped the farmers; you’ve only penalized and demoralized your legitimate player base.

(edited by shaktiboi.5194)

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sythus.2396


So 12 pages worth of data for them..and yet we still have no response. Pretty soon it will be 2 months since that awful patch, and in those 2 months we haven’t received a single response regarding this. I just wonder if it will be like that for every single thing in the future. The relationship between us and you ArenaNet needs to change. I have no idea how many times I’ve written this already and I’m sorry but I’m frustrated beyond belief.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aproposs Of Fire.4056

Aproposs Of Fire.4056

ANet post about 30 minutes ago:

Hey guys,

Just a quick update on where the whole scavenger hunt system stands since I know that’s a topic many of you have brought up recently. We’re not currently actively working on building any sort of legendary precursor scavenger hunt, this is something we want to do in the future and we’re in the midst of designing how this would function, but no one is actively building this feature and you should not expect in the Jan/Feb/March releases at this point.

We are however working on expanding reward systems to make them more re-rewarding across all parts of the game, making the open world more rewarding, and adding new ways you can earn precursors as rewards via new reward systems taking advantage of our open persistent world.

Some of these additions will come as early as the January release, and will get covered in more detail in the next week or two as well release all the details about this release once testing has signed off it’s all ready to go in January. (we’ll also provide a high level summary of our goals with reward systems, etc. in our 2013 blog post, which should be out next week)

(edited by Aproposs Of Fire.4056)

Share your data about perceived strange drop behavior here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: shaktiboi.5194


ANet post about 30 minutes ago:

Hey guys,

Just a quick update on where the whole scavenger hunt system stands since I know that’s a topic many of you have brought up recently. We’re not currently actively working on building any sort of legendary precursor scavenger hunt, this is something we want to do in the future and we’re in the midst of designing how this would function, but no one is actively building this feature and you should not expect in the Jan/Feb/March releases at this point.

We are however working on expanding reward systems to make them more re-rewarding across all parts of the game, making the open world more rewarding, and adding new ways you can earn precursors as rewards via new reward systems taking advantage of our open persistent world.

Some of these additions will come as early as the January release, and will get covered in more detail in the next week or two as well release all the details about this release once testing has signed off it’s all ready to go in January. (we’ll also provide a high level summary of our goals with reward systems, etc. in our 2013 blog post, which should be out next week)

Unfortunately, this new system they’re talking about has zero to do with the matter at hand in this thread. It’s a new system for a different thing. It’s not addressing the concerns of this thread at all.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wildcode.5403


We are however working on expanding reward systems to make them more re-rewarding across all parts of the game, making the open world more rewarding, and adding new ways you can earn precursors as rewards via new reward systems taking advantage of our open persistent world.

I do hope that this issue is solved before this comes to patch, because then all our data will no longer be valid and we’ll have no baseline of what drops should be like.

Edit: tin foil hat removed

(edited by wildcode.5403)

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aproposs Of Fire.4056

Aproposs Of Fire.4056

ANet post about 30 minutes ago:

Hey guys,

Just a quick update on where the whole scavenger hunt system stands since I know that’s a topic many of you have brought up recently. We’re not currently actively working on building any sort of legendary precursor scavenger hunt, this is something we want to do in the future and we’re in the midst of designing how this would function, but no one is actively building this feature and you should not expect in the Jan/Feb/March releases at this point.

We are however working on expanding reward systems to make them more re-rewarding across all parts of the game, making the open world more rewarding, and adding new ways you can earn precursors as rewards via new reward systems taking advantage of our open persistent world.

Some of these additions will come as early as the January release, and will get covered in more detail in the next week or two as well release all the details about this release once testing has signed off it’s all ready to go in January. (we’ll also provide a high level summary of our goals with reward systems, etc. in our 2013 blog post, which should be out next week)

Unfortunately, this new system they’re talking about has zero to do with the matter at hand in this thread. It’s a new system for a different thing. It’s not addressing the concerns of this thread at all.

The new system is most likely for denying gold sellers —- but “making the open world more rewarding” does address what’s in this thread. And so is expanding reward systems to make them more re-rewarding across all parts of the game.

We are however working on expanding reward systems to make them more re-rewarding across all parts of the game, making the open world more rewarding, and adding new ways you can earn precursors as rewards via new reward systems taking advantage of our open persistent world.

Maybe thats why drops are bad, so this update (when it happens) they can say they have improved drops (to pre Nov15 levels).

I do hope that this issue is solved before this comes to patch, because then all our data will no longer be valid and we’ll have no baseline of what drops should be like.

Really? It doesn’t occur to you that the other threads and this thread directly contributed to them making the open world more rewarding? Nahh! Of course not, right?

“Maybe thats why drops are bad”? Please remove tin foil hat.

(edited by Aproposs Of Fire.4056)

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wildcode.5403


Really? It doesn’t occur to you that the other threads and this thread directly contributed to them making the open world more rewarding? Nahh! Of course not, right?

Considering I am still having issues levelling characters where much needed armour/weapon drops are concerned when compared to pre-Nov15, any improvement does not fix the issue at hand, but instead create a new baseline making those of us who suffer this issue have no idea what drops should be like.

Fixing this issue should be higher priority than giving us more reward, so we can all properly benefit from future improvements, and to ensure that no-one is worse off than the person next to them.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aproposs Of Fire.4056

Aproposs Of Fire.4056

The “new baseline” is what drops will look like. You won’t have to guess.

The fix is coming – beginning this month and continuing into February and beyond. It’s not ready yet.

What he is telling us is that it’s coming – and when. How is this unclear?

Frankly, I think this issue has been addressed and the fix is coming per the announcement and coming more info. It would be reasonable to proceed to close this thread.

But that would cause too much trouble. %)

(edited by Aproposs Of Fire.4056)

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EvilOlive.4106


I have a full set of Jatoro’s Armor for my lv80 necro. My necro is a conditionmancer and spreads conditions very effectively. I have spent some time over the holidays running around doing events in Orr or killing random mobs in various zones. I am usually running in full Jatoro’s Armor with full magic find gear with exotic trinkets and omnomberry bars for food. I also have magic find weapons. With full stacks of magic find I have 117%MF base and this doesn’t count any guild flag buffs or anything else such as the occasional MF 50% booster. Here is what I have noticed:
- Running events in Orr with my MF gear on, I have gotten maybe 2 rares in the past few weeks. I get primarily blue or lower items. It is very common for me to kill a wave in Penitent/Sentinel/Jofast camps and receive only receive 1 gray Porous Bone out of 10 or so individuals that I receive XP for killing. Sometimes I will get 1 or 2 blues and maybe 15% of the time I may get a masterwork green item. I have gotten maybe 4 rares in 2-3 weeks.

-I have killed countless Champions and Veterans in many different zones(not just Orr) and I have received nothing for a drop more than 50% of the time. If anything does drop the other 50% of the time it is almost always a blue.

-Without MF gear and using what I like to call my WvW or dungeon gear, I have gotten at least double if not 4 times the amount of random drops of rares and even a few exotics. What is even stranger is that I seem to get more things rare or higher in lower level zones. I was killing the harpies in the event with the mortars near the Old Dukes estate in the Plains of Ashford and I received 2 rares in one event without my MF gear.

-What also seems strange is that I seem to have a quota per day of how many rares or exotics I can get. When things reset at 7PM EST, it really seemed like I get the highest chance for a rare or higher drop.

-The only way to really get anything good in this game now is to run fractals or dungeons or so it would seem.

I would love to put some hard numbers behind these observations because we all know without the statistics that perception can be wrong. However, I honestly think it is a waste of time to record how many mobs of level X I killed and what exactly I got when the client should be able to automate this or a third party app(sanctioned only be Anet) could do this. I personally don’t feel like I want to be working while I am trying to game by recording data entry for something that could easily be automated.

Do any devs have an automated way to record this information via the client or are there any third party apps? I would be more than happy to kill things constantly solo or otherwise to determine test the loot tables/results.

Hopefully this information is helpful, I am quite frustrated with the situation after investing so much gold into MF gear. I really liked this game since it felt like in the past you did not have to spend hours in dungeons to get good gear.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vlad Morbius.1759

Vlad Morbius.1759

The “new baseline” is what drops will look like. You won’t have to guess.

The fix is coming – beginning this month and continuing into February and beyond. It’s not ready yet.

What he is telling us is that it’s coming – and when. How is this unclear?

Frankly, I think this issue has been addressed and the fix is coming per the announcement and coming more info. It would be reasonable to proceed to close this thread.

But that would cause too much trouble. %)

How about coming here and making it as clear as possible that this is exactly what they mean so it isn’t your interpretation of a statement or others for that matter. The issue is they have neither point blank acknowledged there has been an issue since November 15th nor have they denied it, quite frankly they haven’t had the intestinal courage to say anything, Chris Whiteside being the worst culprit…unless he celebrates the holidays until Valentine’s day.
Regardless, I’m sick and tired of trying to draw hope from every pathetic scrap they put out that may or may not mean something or tie into this issue; someone there needs to grow a pair and just tackle this head on because frankly this is by far the most pathetic example of community interaction I’ve seen since getting into online gaming in 1999!

Vini, Vidi, Vici, Viridis…I came, I saw, I conquered…I got a green??

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: puffintoast.6501


The “new baseline” is what drops will look like. You won’t have to guess.

The fix is coming – beginning this month and continuing into February and beyond. It’s not ready yet.

What he is telling us is that it’s coming – and when. How is this unclear?

Frankly, I think this issue has been addressed and the fix is coming per the announcement and coming more info. It would be reasonable to proceed to close this thread.

But that would cause too much trouble. %)

You’re right about one thing here. They will mark this as addressed and close it. But this thread has not been addressed. Show me the red response here. Vague references in an entirely different thread about a different topic do not count as resolution, no matter how seemingly simply related the wording is.
“It would be reasonable to proceed to close this thread” is also far from a valid statement. Reasonable in what sense? Indicate to me any offering of explanation or admission of responsibility in this, or the far more wide-reaching previous thread.
After all the loss of faith and face the last two months of Crystin-driven shameless wallet-milking has created, ArenaNet have a frightening amount of ground to make up.
To a not-insignificant portion of their long-term player-base, their actions, whether at the behest of their new Nexon directors or no, are teetering on the brink of unforgivable; and the most blatantly untrue of their past year assertions, the one regarding more open and frequent dialogue with their customers, has been soundly proven to be nowt but vaporous space-filler. I understand their hands and mouths are bound, and the helm is manned by the unscrupulous, but even a token gesture of attention would have served them better in the long run than silence, regardless of their concerns for adding fuel to the flames.
The holiday gem-buying frenzy is done. Demands for the hyper-inflated goods and materials made scarce due to the reductions will fall. Drop rates may well be increased, or DR relaxed a little for a time.
Some of us have learned from this at least one thing: this is the path that is being laid at the feet of the developers from here on out – and it will worsen, not improve, as we head toward the next period of changes. Don’t make the mistake of underestimating the amount of money the new shareholders are expecting to come out of this title over the next few fiscal years. Nexon is depending on it, and the players themselves are simply the cattle to be milked.
Please don’t pretend, however, that any attention or concern has been directed at this issue since it’s inception. You insult the intelligence, effort and concern that has been poured into a serious issue by many with these ’ArenaNet have fixed it all" posts.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leamas.5803


ANet post about 30 minutes ago:

Hey guys,

Just a quick update on where the whole scavenger hunt system stands since I know that’s a topic many of you have brought up recently. We’re not currently actively working on building any sort of legendary precursor scavenger hunt, this is something we want to do in the future and we’re in the midst of designing how this would function, but no one is actively building this feature and you should not expect in the Jan/Feb/March releases at this point.

We are however working on expanding reward systems to make them more re-rewarding across all parts of the game, making the open world more rewarding, and adding new ways you can earn precursors as rewards via new reward systems taking advantage of our open persistent world.

Some of these additions will come as early as the January release, and will get covered in more detail in the next week or two as well release all the details about this release once testing has signed off it’s all ready to go in January. (we’ll also provide a high level summary of our goals with reward systems, etc. in our 2013 blog post, which should be out next week)

This is hopeful news, though it does concern me they couldn’t be bothered to a post similar reply in this thread. I agree that improved open world drops does “help” the problem, as long as it’s balanced. I think harder content deserves better rewards and that a level 80 running a starting zone should also get “appropriate” rewards for that level. When I slam a mob of 10+ enemies in a 1-15 area with huge conditions and they all drop in 3 seconds, I don’t expect great rewards. If I’m running in Orr, dungeons, or any other high level area on the other hand, I do expect more than occasional good drops and appropriate reward for the effort, which just hasn’t been there.

But open world drops is only part of the problem. There is still the issue where certain accounts seem to be permanently cursed. There also the issue of the runaway prices of high end gear/mats on the trading post…of course caused by the loot nerf making things so incredibly rare and artificially over-valued, where materials are worth more than anything you can make out of them. Only time will determine if any of these issues get resolved.

It would be nice if they could find a way to lure people in to less populated areas. I’ve been trying to find a group to do the Asura in Timberline on and off for some time and no one seems to be there. Did report a group of 5 teleporting bots farming grawl there last night though. If anyone is is running there, check the hill going up to the Asura and see if they’re there…report them if they are.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leamas.5803


Regardless, I’m sick and tired of trying to draw hope from every pathetic scrap they put out that may or may not mean something or tie into this issue; someone there needs to grow a pair and just tackle this head on because frankly this is by far the most pathetic example of community interaction I’ve seen since getting into online gaming in 1999!

This is the first MMO I’ve ever played. It came highly recommended by friends, some of who had 1000s of hours in to GW1. So, needless to say I had high hopes for it and it was truly impressive until the Lost Shores event. Since then it has been sorrily disappointing. I’m essentially biding my time until ESO comes out later this year, and there are some reliable reviews. I already play it substantially less than I used to and my guild is essentially dead, so if this hasn’t been fixed by then, I’ll likely jump ship too. I know, I know, it will likely be a monthly subscription, but I already have a subscription to another service I never use, so I can transfer the fee and it’ll essentially be a wash.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Legionius.3641


The real issue keeps getting lost here.

This entire issue is very selective. Some people have it, some people don’t, it comes and goes for some and seems to be permanently on for others.

No fix will work until the base issue gets sorted out. You can improve world drops across the board all you want and this issue will never get resolved. Some players will always be forced a few steps behind for no apparent reason.

Anet can say they don’t see it and not be wrong in that specific aspect. The suspicion and anger come from the fact that this issue is persistent, heavily reported, supported by a statement in the AMA and that they intend to “improve” loot systems while saying we are wrong.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wildcode.5403


Can I just quickly point out that while the hope is that they increase drops in open world, the statement “expanding reward systems” could very well mean they are adding more content to get stuff from instead of more drops from current content. Further more “make them more re-rewarding” in context could just mean because of the extra content, areas become more rewarding than they currently are.

In the context of this thread it means more chances of getting nothing, or hitting DR sooner.

(edited by wildcode.5403)

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: firedrake.2405


So I ran into something that is just the opposite of this thread last night. I was on my lvl 20 asuran warrior last night in Caledon Forest. Me and a few others had just downed the jungle worm and I went to loot the chest as usual, thinking to myself that it would be more of the same, mostly blues mixed with a green or two. Wrong. To my surprise I saw some lovely orange text on the side of my screen. Turns out I looted a nice lvl 80 exotic shield, “Wall of Thorns,” from that chest…on my lvl20!? I have NEVER seen a drop of a higher lvl than the character I was playing on. I just didn’t think it was possible.

So I don’t know what is going on in the game right now, but something is just…off it seems.

And for the record that is my second world drop exotic in the last month, and I run with no MF at all. I think it’s a horrible idea to include as a stat in this kind of game, and I refuse to use it.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: olishious.1562


I have 1000+ hours in game. There IS a huge difference in drop rates for everything it is not “perceived”. Which is a term that is so overused in this game. Being in a group effects nothing, but I’m sure that is just “perceived” as well. Whatever….I will wait and see what this patch brings, but I’m not holding my breath.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: WarMacheen.7124


So Anet can answer this post

“Are respawn rates being worked on?”

But can’t answer or even come in this thread after 582 posts and over 20k views to acknowledge this problem?

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aproposs Of Fire.4056

Aproposs Of Fire.4056

I am fairly certain that no matter what ANet does to resolve these issues it won’t be acceptable to some/many of you.

They could create an NPC where you could queue up and request any specific exotic and/or precursor you want for free and you would complain.

This is pretty sad considering you all are probably more ideologically compatible with the artists and developers @ ANet than I will ever be. Here I am, taking them at their word and giving them the benefit of the doubt and you are ready to cannibalize (figuratively speaking, I hasten to clarify) them.

Just to respond to one thing Wild said: My opinion of why they haven’t posted these things in this thread is that you all would insist on an AMA or IAmA which they are not prepared yet to do. They are giving information as soon as they can release it. I can almost guarantee that some of you would explode this thread with hatred and spew venom if they posted here. Look at how you are already responding to their posts…

I’m willing to wait to see what they’ve got; are you?

If not, then are you not really interested in the game as much as you are interested in finding a thread somewhere on the interwebs to troll? (I apologize in advance if anyone is offended by that – but please look at what you’re posting before you post it.)

FYI I’m not playing lately either – mostly because of my physical condition, but that’s because what little time I could stand being at my computer isn’t worth it in-game.

I am very eager for them to fix the issues in-game so that what little time I can play will count for something. I wish the Jan. update were being rolled out now instead of in 2-3 weeks instead.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Legionius.3641


Kind of amazed it took this long for some one to troll. At least it was a poor effort.

They said they don’t see an issue. A group of us do see one. Waiting quietly does nothing to change that.

Read the opening post from Anet TELLING us to post about it here. Clearly they want to hear more.

“then are you not really interested in the game as much as you are interested in finding a thread somewhere on the interwebs to troll?” Irony.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: morrolan.9608


The real issue keeps getting lost here.

This entire issue is very selective. Some people have it, some people don’t, it comes and goes for some and seems to be permanently on for others.

Which is most probably because they have a complex DR system with bugs. IF they’ve dealt with the majority of botting there is no need for DR and they should get rid of it and simply tweak overall drop rates to manipulate the market, stop trying to individualise these systems.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Migo.6120


I certainly hope they get their perceptions worked out. My poor little new alt is without cloth and bag, so good thing the early characters worked out heroic feats and brought home the loots It is different now even at the lowest levels where I spend most of my casual time. I wonder what will keep the population holding on? Perhaps I am in a minority, but I do wish it would get fixed. Really not playable as an entertaining game and seems to me a company would lose something, for instance, paying customers. Sigh.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vlad Morbius.1759

Vlad Morbius.1759

I’m willing to wait to see what they’ve got; are you?

If you wish to continue believing nothing improper has been done, that is your choice. If there had been nothing to hide it makes absolutely no sense not to respond after two months of people posting legitimate concerns.
Certainly I’ll admit that I have become quite cynical but anyone would after being ignored or flat out insulted by people telling you it’s all in your mind. This whole situation is by far the most poorly handled community relations debacle in MMO history. As I’ve said I have been actively playing MMOs since 1999 and have never witnessed such disdain for customers as I have regarding this particular issue.
As I’ve mentioned, before, it isn’t so much that they lied to me its that I cannot trust this company anymore or certainly not their key representatives. No response as promised in the AMA, no response after the holidays, and every possible attempt to bury this since November, unprofessional doesn’t even begin to describe this mess!

Vini, Vidi, Vici, Viridis…I came, I saw, I conquered…I got a green??

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hellkaiser.6025


They claim that their data shows differently, and so they have to use the word “perceived” that’s just what it is if their data is in opposition.

However, asking us for “concrete data” is both a very poor choice of words and as many have stated completely and utterly impossible. It’s not concrete if it’s not 100% certain and unable to change which thanks to a potentially buggy DR system is the case. Also, where’s the link to the last thread in the first page?

This is NOT a new topic, this is THE SAME topic and it’s a continuation of it here. Do not try and “sweep it under the rug” your community (especially this aspect of it) is angry enough as it is with these “perceived” issues they will not let you bury it, for proof of this look at the “dear money” post on the Diablo 3 forums and how it was virally post and spread by players when they started removing it despite it being natural backlash and meant “humorously” proving that the people handling our ENTERTAINMENT weren’t capable of being light hearted. I loathe people who cannot laugh at themselves, as it just proves they have issues with their ego’s so please don’t be the same when it happens here, because I feel that’s exactly whats going to happen.

Perception however is really what you make of it, if your data proves that nothing has changed in the base drop rates, and the DR shouldn’t hit players and is functioning correctly, perhaps that perception beats what you consider to be the acceptable drop rate? It’s pretty subjective but you’re not giving us reasoning behind the current rates at all and seem to expect us to just inherently trust that it’s “right” which is a subjective term to many.

After all you can decide on the rates and always keep them as is, or pull wayward numbers into this range that may and we cant possibly know because like a lot of MMO’s you don’t seem very forthcoming with your drop percentages info something that has always baffled me, why so secretive about them… they’re not secret sauce and knowing them only increases transparency between you and players, believe me in this industry now a lack of transparency at least to some level in terms of the mechanics and RNG etc WILL be a fatal flaw in a game and you’ve nothing to lose by releasing the data UNLESS it’s of course either constantly in flux (something you claim isn’t the case) or it’s atrocious to look at and you know it will inspire ill will between players and you possibly. When you make changes to a persistent world in it’s core mechanics which affects the product, you ultimately should be telling us at least in part has changed on a NUMERICAL level, "An X amount where X is an adjective such as “noticeably” and not a number like “5%” is vague and quite frankly silly, those in charge of droprate changes do NOT go to their boss with their work report and tell him:

“we increased the drop rate of loot from the captain evilpants NPC by a “smidgen” in the last patch, but we increased the damage of his interruptable aoe instakill by a “tad”
and to give you an idea of an average between the two the mid between a “smidgen” and a “tad” in scale is exactly the size of my cousin Larry’s favorite sweater when he was 5, after it had shrunk in the wash a little."

See how unlikely and silly that seems? you guys work on an MMO and more or less most if not all are simply based on NUMBERS, percentiles and mathematical equations. We don’t need the gory details, just don’t refer to percentiles as marginal etc. It just seems like a cop out with all due respect.

The drop rarity of Rare and Exotic weapons from certain places in the world (champions, veterans, and players in WvW) has been increased. Rares and Exotics should be much more likely to drop and every champion should be guaranteed to drop loot. This was to ensure that world loot drops were not a significantly worse way of acquiring rare and exotic items than crafting and running dungeons.
The amount of loot that drops for downscaled players has been increased. You should now be able to receive level-equivalent loot until you are fighting at a downscaled level that is less than 2/3 of your actual level. You should also receive loot a greater percentage of the time as well as receiving a greater percentage of experience, gold, and karma. For level 80 characters, this means level 55+ areas will be able to drop level 80 gear and give about 75% or so of the other rewards. Previously, these areas would give level 77 gear at best and closer to 60% or so of your rewards.

75% percent of WHAT?

60% of WHAT?

a half eaten jelly doughnut? a book? a tin of paint? where’s the average at least!?
Stop mucking about… seriously….

If something will ALWAYS drop loot that’s an increase to 100% why the phobic avoidance of that? would it be because it was an increase of like 60-70% or so? which would immediately give players something to point at and go, that was a bad opening design choice….

Irony…. xD

(edited by Hellkaiser.6025)

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hellkaiser.6025


I am fairly certain that no matter what ANet does to resolve these issues it won’t be acceptable to some/many of you.

They could create an NPC where you could queue up and request any specific exotic and/or precursor you want for free and you would complain.

This is pretty sad considering you all are probably more ideologically compatible with the artists and developers @ ANet than I will ever be. Here I am, taking them at their word and giving them the benefit of the doubt and you are ready to cannibalize (figuratively speaking, I hasten to clarify) them.

Just to respond to one thing Wild said: My opinion of why they haven’t posted these things in this thread is that you all would insist on an AMA or IAmA which they are not prepared yet to do. They are giving information as soon as they can release it. I can almost guarantee that some of you would explode this thread with hatred and spew venom if they posted here. Look at how you are already responding to their posts…

I’m willing to wait to see what they’ve got; are you?

If not, then are you not really interested in the game as much as you are interested in finding a thread somewhere on the interwebs to troll? (I apologize in advance if anyone is offended by that – but please look at what you’re posting before you post it.)

FYI I’m not playing lately either – mostly because of my physical condition, but that’s because what little time I could stand being at my computer isn’t worth it in-game.

I am very eager for them to fix the issues in-game so that what little time I can play will count for something. I wish the Jan. update were being rolled out now instead of in 2-3 weeks instead.

Oh wow… for a start….

What has ideology got to do with it, this is about a “perceived” drop in rates not an inherently low drop rate which is different as one has established the “standard”
so when it’s claimed it was “increased” and many feel there’s a “decrease” it’s natural even if it’s only a perceptive issue that they raise the alarm. And so they did. And so there was no response for hundreds of posts if not over a thousand, then they locked the thread and didn’t have the common courtesy to link the previous thread, that doesn’t seem responsible IMHO. By all means if there was a meaning to the ideology comment I’d love to hear it because I think it was lost in translation to be honest.

the NPC comment is funny because of course people would complain say an NPC handed items out for free instead of earning them, it’s bad design to do so like that and so it would be relevant to raise issue with it as it’s literally lazy work from a game designer to create it lacking a system which challenges and rewards you properly, the irony being that you hit on the point here again, players feel they haven’t quite got that right here that and they also feel it changed in november and it’s not being addressed. But Anet made their statement so that’s fine, at least it’s a statement now.

As for the comment on why they haven’t responded, the longer you leave a player/member/customer waiting and the less apologetic you are towards their even “perceived” issues the more likely they will have a negative experience towards you, whereas being apologetic immediately diffuses a lot of negative tension, even if it’s just “sorry we didn’t get back to this sooner but we were up to our eyeballs and with holidays….” etc etc it would have AT LEAST helped diffuse somewhat. Yes there is the irrational irate customer/player/member there always is, but that’s what standards and politeness is for and that standard WAS NOT met here I feel, and it was even perceived as “condescending” and “insulting”

Not a great start wouldn’t you agree?

The rest is for the most part irrelevant to anyone but you and yours, but for what it’s worth I do hope that you are ok and that your condition whatever it may be is not permanent and if it is, that you are at least comfortable and managing ok.

Perhaps there’s a mid point between the two camps, but no one is going to reach it if nothing changes, communication is sparse between Anet and players and of course players simply don’t stop out and out attacking one another due to subjective opinions differing. My only personal experience here, is I’ve come to realize that people will buy any old rubbish and call it amazing simply because it’s “value for money” compared to other old rubbish.

Irony…. xD

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Logged in tonight just to farm some orichalcum on the off chance they fix the engineer’s bugs soon. killed about twenty enemies (just the ones killing me). after the 11th kill DR snuck in and so did the bones.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bartas.4908


I came back yesterday after not playing for about a week. Did 1 DE, got 1 rare and then DR kicked in immediately. Played for about 5 hours and got maybe 60s worth of drops (including dozens of Porous Bones).
Ported to Frostgorge to dig some Ori and found 5 bots farming for lodestones, teleporting all over the place. Reported them asap and today they are still there. Heck I even posted SS of them on forums and all I got was 1 infraction point lol.
TBH bots seem to give crap about DR and all what DR does is harming regular players.

Proud member of [BOO]
Thief/Necro/Guardian/Mesmer/Elementalist of SFR EU

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thereon.3495


I ran into Metrica Province today and killed the first thing I could see which was a very low level grub. It immediately dropped a level 78 rare. I then ran to the Goemm’s Lab jumping puzzle and middle of the way around one of the normal level 15 elementals dropped exactly the same level 78 rare.

While this is awesome for me, its clearly an issue with the drop rate as ive got hardly any MF on and its high level rare items dropping from low level trash mobs. Id hate for this to be abused in any way so am reporting.

Thereon Avenrise – former [Noes] Officer – Piken Square (EU)
Retired and living in a shack. Relaxing!

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChairGraveyard.2967


ANet post about 30 minutes ago:

Hey guys,

Just a quick update on where the whole scavenger hunt system stands since I know that’s a topic many of you have brought up recently. We’re not currently actively working on building any sort of legendary precursor scavenger hunt, this is something we want to do in the future and we’re in the midst of designing how this would function, but no one is actively building this feature and you should not expect in the Jan/Feb/March releases at this point.

We are however working on expanding reward systems to make them more re-rewarding across all parts of the game, making the open world more rewarding, and adding new ways you can earn precursors as rewards via new reward systems taking advantage of our open persistent world.

Some of these additions will come as early as the January release, and will get covered in more detail in the next week or two as well release all the details about this release once testing has signed off it’s all ready to go in January. (we’ll also provide a high level summary of our goals with reward systems, etc. in our 2013 blog post, which should be out next week)

That doesn’t mean much. After all, the infamous patch that nerfed rare drop rates into nothing claimed to have increased those same drop rates.

It’s more likely (based on historical data) that their patch to make things “rewarding” again will simply further nerf the drop rates into the ground, since they seem to think “rewarding” means getting nothing but 2c garbage loot for thousands of hours on end.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Navi.7142


Another thought which wasn’t mentioned/ discussed earlier. There was this big ban on botters in November or December, anyone knows when exactly that was? (

Could it be that it is related to the bugged drop issue/ DR mechanism?
a) Say there are 300 people (200 players and 100 botters) on a map, so perhaps the higher the amount of people, the higher the chance on better loot (because there will be a bigger loot table in general if there are more people that want to loot?)? After they banned the botters, maybe there remained just some players, so it decreased the loot for them?
b) Maybe they just implemented a system (or “improved” DR) whith the result that a botter cannot get too much good loot in a specific whatever (time, zone, number of foes, ..), but even if it does have an effect on them, it also sometimes effects some legit players quite easily and prevents them to have decent loot due to a buggy or a too restrictive DR mechanism? How can we get rid of the boogeyman (= buggy DR mechanism, hunting us wherever we go)? Can we please have another statement how to reset DR to normal?
c) …

I do not have special insight how they handle the whole loot issue, but the last (official?) thing I’ve read was that the loot is indeed shared between the players..
Prior to this I thought everyone has his own loot table to grab from.
So with loot sharing, there also is the issue, that if you don’t tag the enemy first or don’t do enough damage, you won’t get loot or you receive loot with minor quality?? Is that right?

Any comments on this?

The problem is the lack of communication from Anet. Without official statements or explanations how some things work (like: “How do I get loot? How does the DR affects me?” and so on) it leads us to fantasize or hypothesise how things might work. The silence also results in a feeling that they don’t care for the legit player. (I am sure, they do care, but very often it just doesn’t seem so.)

(edited by Navi.7142)

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Etien.4601


So after a few months with no actual response to the issue and after people stop to report anything whatsoever (including me) think I’m gonna speak freely just for the sake of the conversation here.

Basically it goes like this:
Back in the day when Aion launched the same thing happened (like in any other mmorpg in that matter) bots flooded the game. RMT’s popped 2-3 months after launch and things seemed have hit the bottom. The drop was low, bots farming every single kitten mob, prices skyrocketed at the auction house.
But one day when I logged in I couldn’t believe what my eyes saw. There was not a single bot and the drop seemed increased. It was like magic. So I checked up the forum to see an official statement and the only things written was something like “Done. Fixed” – no gibberish, no hard explanations. Just one single sentence from a dev and that was it. Whoever played Aion I’m pretty sure can back me up on this.
Edit: remember the double exp/drop weekends on a regular basis? now that was AWESOME. (single and party wise).

And what do we have here. Bashing a MAJOR issue under the rug and trolling patch notes.

So I wonder how much time do we have to wait for something to change? I see some responses here and there from devs but all feels like empty talking.

My irl friends don’t play anymore because of this (and I lured them to buy GW2, so now I kinda feel I cheated them). And me personally I am this close of quitting. With Tera going F2P and some other titles on the way I start to wonder…

Drop Acid Not Bombs (Richie Hawtin)

(edited by Etien.4601)

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sumii.2845


I am fairly certain that no matter what ANet does to resolve these issues it won’t be acceptable to some/many of you.

They could create an NPC where you could queue up and request any specific exotic and/or precursor you want for free and you would complain.

This is pretty sad considering you all are probably more ideologically compatible with the artists and developers @ ANet than I will ever be. Here I am, taking them at their word and giving them the benefit of the doubt and you are ready to cannibalize (figuratively speaking, I hasten to clarify) them.

Just to respond to one thing Wild said: My opinion of why they haven’t posted these things in this thread is that you all would insist on an AMA or IAmA which they are not prepared yet to do. They are giving information as soon as they can release it. I can almost guarantee that some of you would explode this thread with hatred and spew venom if they posted here. Look at how you are already responding to their posts…

I’m willing to wait to see what they’ve got; are you?

If not, then are you not really interested in the game as much as you are interested in finding a thread somewhere on the interwebs to troll? (I apologize in advance if anyone is offended by that – but please look at what you’re posting before you post it.)

FYI I’m not playing lately either – mostly because of my physical condition, but that’s because what little time I could stand being at my computer isn’t worth it in-game.

I am very eager for them to fix the issues in-game so that what little time I can play will count for something. I wish the Jan. update were being rolled out now instead of in 2-3 weeks instead.

Apropos, your name is ironic for me as of late. And I don’t mean that as an attack, but I mean just unfortunately that you’ve become grouped (for me at least) in a group of users that personally Anet savors and enjoys every waking moment.

First, here ’s a thread I started a month ago asking for a formal statement from Anet on very particular issues in general. I tried to present myself and my issues clearly without just bogging down the system with hatred and insensible jarble.

Shortly after that post, the community was rewarded with the reddit AMA. I know this wasn’t in direct response to my post, but I was pleased and even stopped posting in my thread in high hopes of it being addressed.

If you pull up the reddit AMA please find the very last question of the night. I am the user by the alias of sin. My main character is Sin Blossom a lv 80 Ranger (or rather was, I haven’t logged on in some time now). I posed the question then in regards to drop rates across the board being lowered and in particular when using full MF gear. Please also read the dev’s response.

This specific forum post did not come to light onto the forums until at least two weeks after that AMA and response from Anet.

A quick background about me in-game. To make money up until that AMA I was farming Orr extensively in full MF, gathering Ori and berries ad nauseum. I could manage an exotic at least once a week and a nice handful of rares every night. That, with the other random or junk drops I managed to keep myself near 50-75g consistently even when splurging on the Mystic Forge out of pure boredom. Mainly in hopes to get a precursor to sell so I could afford the much more sough after Aether for my Ranger.

Post-Nov. 15th just as anyone else in this thread (for the most part at least) has recorded, I had a significant change in drops. So much so that I wasn’t even able to manage to keep my gold at that level without using the Mystic Forge and just using my gold for repairs and travel costs. Without seeing my typical drops I became uninterested in farming and tried making a new character. Unfortunately, in this game and several like it, once I’ve done the quests / DEs one time, I found it was the same thing all over back to 80 with no option for any real other viable ways to get to 80. Because of that, I stopped playing. For me, what was the point? The thing I enjoyed doing was farming Orr and that had lost its purpose. Leveling a new character again had its pros, but ultimately I just didn’t really care to start the whole thing over again for no real reason.

(1 / 2)

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sumii.2845


Fast forward to now. If you read my other post or even skimmed over the initial you’ll notice that what I do for a living is Marketing & Brand Development. It’s what pays the bills and what I actually wanted to be (for the most part) – reason I got my design degree.

In a situation like this where you have such a noticeable outcry saying there is a problem, not because they don’t like it, but rather because something significantly changed and the company claims it didn’t – what needs to happen is close examination of the problem, finding the answer / solution, and implementing it. But also, during the entire process you must communicate effectively and clearly with your consumer to let them know you’re addressing the issue. If there’s a problem and the consumer is given no communication, as time goes on (especially now so) they will become disillusioned, believe you’re not doing anything to correct the issue, and move on / change to another company for their goods.

We all know this, its simple common sense. Where I have an issue with your post is your extreme ability to interpret anything whether related or not and twist it around to the vision you so desperately are hoping for and also in doing so making Anet look oh so much the better company. I bear no ill to you for wanting the game to be fixed, rather I’d love for it to be fixed so maybe I could check it out again and see if I can find what initially I enjoyed doing. But I think that dispersing your posts and presenting Anet as being competent in this matter, when they are especially not being so – and also attacking others claiming ‘hatred & venom’, and even going the ways of using your interpretations to twist their signature to your point is a gross and quite frankly almost devious display of bad politics.

It’s one of the main reasons the US as a whole has so many issues with the legal system is because of people able to interpret and twist anything to their own meaning during their term allowing them to enforce some random act or law that has no bearing on what was originally said.

Before I ramble any more, until Anet clearly communicates in THIS thread or in the Dev post area specifically addressing this issue clearly and concisely, it would do you good to just ‘hope’ they fix the problem rather than badgering any user on here that is disgruntled because it’s not working. And stop twisting every post you HOPE is the solution and just wait. Because Anet will eventually address it. And personally while I feel most likely it will be a ‘nothing was wrong’ type of post, until they do all you do is cater to more bickering and crap / grief in this thread and across the board.

(2 / 2)

Share your data about perceived strange drop behavior here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: WatsHisFace.4927


How about there not being a problem with the drop rates, but a problem with magic find?

I’m not the first to notice this, not by a long shot.

It seems that for whatever reason, the higher your MF is, the LOWER your drops are. It almost seems that if your MF is over 100%, your DR is maxed out before you even start farming.

Friday I bought 20 gold worth of MF gear, and my MF went from a base of 0% to a base of around 150ish (at work so can’t give you an exact number) with luck runes that add up. With omnomberry bars that adds 30% plus any buff banners I find which adds 10%.

After 3 days of farming, I spend 12 hours with my normal gear with a 0 base and 30% from food, and 12 hours with my MF gear on and food, this is what I was tallying up:

0% base armor I use for everything:
7 rares
52 greens
71 blues

150% base MF gear:
0 rares
37 greens
32 blues

Again, this is what I tallied after 12 hours of use of EACH armor set.

There is obviously something not right here.

note added
I am farming in the same areas, so it’s not location

Anet have stated that the number of people in proximity to you affect drop rates so party play is a good thing. magicfind is great when group farming because you can get hits and enemies will have higher loot table %s dont expect to put on a full set of magic find and then suddenly get exotics. it doesnt work like that. but it does increase your chance of getting them. the drop rate is however low so it wont do much.

for theoretical example. 0.1% drop rate, 150% magic find increase. = 0,25% drop rate. still low. but much higher than it was.