Just my rant. Deal with it. It’s been said before. Other people saying it doesn’t make me feel better like this does.
If i get a DEV reply just answer this. Why does skill offer no reward? But time and repetition do.
Nothing in this game rewards skill. You can gear up in exo’s in a couple days that look terrible but have the stats of the most expensive sets so sure theirs no REAL gear grind… whatever…. So let’s talk about the thing’s that are expensive. Acquiring them is based on RNG. Named exotic, RNG, pre-cursor, RNG, Fused weapon, (extra terrible RNG), what else… endless anythings…. fractal skins… yea anything of value represents RNG. I don’t even look at legendary’s and respect the player because their three possibilities that player could represent. Someone who got lucky (no relation to skill) and got an early pre-cursor, someone who sat in CoF for hours because theirs only two methods of efficient farm (that dont require the use of a certain ‘middle of the night program’ or botting) those being TP manipulation (with current market require a lot of gold already or just good RNG) and CoF farm. Or someone who played for a long time being very stingy. None of those are fun.
Named exotics, want em. RNG. Or run magic find in dungeons and be a leech to all those around you who have real skill and are min maxing. Fix magic find, was implemented in a terrible way. Or at least give us an inspect function. If i see magic find gear in frac 30+ (or hell 20 +) they need to get booted. Even having them link gear is pointless. 90% of people have multiple sets.
Pre-cursor, RNG the mystic forge AFTER grinding or abusing the system (event farming which was nerfed and CoF)
Fractal Skin, RNG. 500+ fractals complete 1 character, I’d say close to 100 on the other. No skins. People have had WAY worse. But I see people get skins all the time. RNG. No rewarding skill. Skins should be token based anyways. In fact. Why the hell do you get a random one and not a token to turn in to get a choice item. Warrior gets fractal dagger. RNG the skin, RNG the type. No skill involved. Want double daggers. Have fun with RNG.
Fused Weapon. RNG. Wanna increase your chances. Be exploitive. Do key runs. (this is done by creating a human warrior and taking commoners path) get lvl 10 story done get your key and delete character. Rinse repeat. Can be done in sub 20 minutes.Or Farm CoF to trade for keys. Since mindless farming that excludes most classes is fun (thank god i have a warrior, sorry rangers)
Give inspect function
Pre-Cursor at 5k a net points would be fair. Or Break the pre-cursor itself into several pieces that have definitive non RNG methods to acquire. Charged lodes are ridiculous btw. Want em, farm those specifically. Or farm CoF for hour and hours.
Fractal skins no longer skins, make them tokens for skins
Fractal skin token @ first fractal 50 completion or 500 completed. Better Yet. Token when the following completed: 100 complete 20+, 100 30+ , 100 40+
Non-rng method for fused. We get it, you need to make money. Then tell us drop rates and give non-rng method to acquire requiring skill. Not just time and luck. Say. Complete so many specific dungeon paths in a set time limit. That would be fun (since they are all so simple speed runs would be more entertaining for those bored @ end game with no content to do), or instead of that( or to allow for different play style ) complete X many specific dungeon paths without being downed/dying
———You failed entirely when dev posted something like “we dont want the gem store to posses items that cannot be acquired using other methods” sure you can get black lion keys without buying them…. but look at the COPPER price of chests… and compare that to the drop rate of keys….gotta either gold exchange (gem prices SKY-ROCKETED and un-realistic for non end game players), pump money in (good marketing, it worked… but the whole dont want the gem store to have items etc… contradicts)
K i’m done, haven’t proof read just ranting
I’ll prob be leaving this dying game for ESO and hope for the best their unless theirs some SERIOUS additions and fixes to allow for skill.
(edited by FearMeOrBeerMe.6587)