[Suggestions] Quality of Life Changes
The ability to revert/reset transmutation on items.
Unless something has changed, items that have been transmuted to look like other items are not accepted in the mystic forge for things like infusing/upgrading.
Adding this ability feels like a necessary ability since people have and may still transmute items and have the above issue.
this was just a thought and i dont actually expect it to happen, but i had a thought…
what if the quaggans dialogue changed for october to say stuff like
“ooo spooky” instead of “ooo pretty”
maybe even change dialouge for different occasions?
general QoL suggestion, when viewing the wardrobe i would like filters, such as “miniatures set 1,2,3 , special events, gem store only” or weapon skins “Gemstore, Core, HoT” as a collector it bugs me to see locked skins and not easily knowing if they can be found in game or i have to buy with gems…
I would very much like to see the ability to hide shoulder/glove armor on outfits in the same we we already have that functionality in the wardrobe. Please and thank you for making a great game.
With All Hallow’s Eve nearing, I’d think this is a timely suggestion:
Outfits that change the character model rather than the armour models.
For example, a Tengu outfit would make any character look like a Tengu by changing nothing but the body of the model, leaving all armor and weapon skins visible as they were before the outfit was applied. This particular outfit might work best with Charr characters, since Charr and Tengu share the same rig (if I remember correctly).
A less exciting version of this would allow only racial changes within the playable races: Sylvari could look like Norn, Asura or Charr without rerolling or using a tonic. This dull version could be used to test the market.
Other suggested outfits of this type: Skeleton, Skritt, Dredge, Dwarf, Kodan, Risen.
Such an outfit set might cull some of the fervor over not having certain races as playable without incurring the asset development costs of creating new zones/lore/models for fully playable versions of the featured creatures. Plus, it’d just be fun and fun rocks.
As another option, similar to the character model outfit suggestion, would be outfits that change the look of one toon on an account into another toon on that account. Thus, my mesmer could look exactly like my necro at the click of a button.
Other suggested outfits of this type: Skeleton, Skritt, Dredge, Dwarf, Kodan, Risen.
I’d be so up for Skeleton and Risen
I’ve only recently started doing the Legendary collections, but I’ve noticed my Legendary Component tab in Crafting Station>Production menu got cluttered, especially for my weaponsmith and huntsman. Sometimes I have a hard time remembering what I’ve crafter and what not and normal filters are not helping. I don’t want to know how it will look when I get to tier 4.
Since I don’t particularly need to craft items like Dragon Essence Jars or Lumps of Alluminium (you got the idea), it’d help if I could filter them out.
Could you add a “Crafted” filter that would hide items crafted at least once before? Or is it too complicated?
Cat ears!
Sparkle dye pack!
DUNGEON FINDER!!! i miss doing dungeons, no one is interested in them… i really just want to grind a bunch of dungeons without waiting 30 minutes to find 1 person… and then waiting another 30 minutes to find another person…
A day/night cycle indicator on the mini map, preferably with a timer of some sort to tell you how long you have left in each cycle.
Edit: I would even take a /time command which gave the time remaining until day/night.
(edited by SaltAndLight.4652)
Suggestion: A personal merchant that only buys runes, sigils and junk.
What I would like to have put in the game, either as a cheap item to buy or a reward for doing content, is a permanent Merchant that only buys junk, runes and sigils (and sells nothing). It should be a UI panel only Merchant so that it can’t be used to troll by putting it on top of other things.
One of the annoying things about inventory management in this game is all the trash of various types that build up in your inventory and require special trips to merch them. Especially now that many runes/sigils are vendor trash. Having a merchant would require an inventory spot taken up, but it means that the devs don’t have to look for ways to salvage runes/sigils as many others have suggested.
ANet may give it to you.
Pin Character to Beginning of Character Menu
This is a feature suggestion. I would like for the development team to add the ability to pin a character to the beginning of the character list on the character selection screen. This would be a Quality of Life improvement that I imagine would be very easy to implement, yet would have broad appeal.
Right now, the last character I played is the first one that shows up in the character selection list. I would prefer to be able to pin one character to the beginning of the list, and have the rest of my characters show up in the order most recently played. Honestly, I’m surprised this idea hasn’t already been considered and implemented. I look forward to seeing this change in a patch in the not-too-distant future.
Thank you. <3
Pin Character to Beginning of Character Menu & Purchasable Shared Gathering Slots
Also: Beware The Tyrian Adventure League [TALE]
Pin Character to Beginning of Character Menu
On this note – as someone who has 45 characters on her main account – I would love an option to manually set the way my characters are sorted – and keep them that way. Not just a PvP/PvE type deal like in gw1, but more a drag-and-drop or move up-and-down option. Maybe even options like “sort by profession” and “sort by race” would be fantastic. And while we’re at it, maybe even a search bar.
As a Quality of life change i would really like to see male sylvari leaving footprints with legendary greatswords on EVERY step, with the patch on 20th may 2014 the effects got changed, but male sylvari since then only leave a footprint every second step with legy GS, all other legys work just fine! asura can have like a line of effects with their little steps but male sylvari cant,, even tho they walk the same way as humans!
Haven’t scanned all the pages, so apologies if it has already been listed.
Keybind for “Stow/Activate” Pet.
Will update once Path of Fire releases.
Pin Character to Beginning of Character Menu
On this note – as someone who has 45 characters on her main account – I would love an option to manually set the way my characters are sorted – and keep them that way. Not just a PvP/PvE type deal like in gw1, but more a drag-and-drop or move up-and-down option. Maybe even options like “sort by profession” and “sort by race” would be fantastic. And while we’re at it, maybe even a search bar.
While I’m sure that would improve the QoL for a tiny minority of the playerbase, and while that would indeed be a cool set of features, I hope ArenaNet will take action, first, to implement the simple suggestion I’ve made—being able to pin a single character to the beginning of the Character Selection menu on the Character Selection screen.
As an old-school MMORPG player, I have a “main” character—as many other people do, I’m sure—and a series of alts. In my case, I have one character for each Guild Wars 2 profession. My engineer, however, is my main character.
I’d like to be able to play an my alts for a bit, but then quickly switch back to my engineer by selecting him from the beginning of the Character Selection menu on the Character Selection screen. This is a very simple, straightforward feature to add, and would require allocation of a minimal amount of time and resources to implement.
While a more robust character sorting and selection menu would be great, let’s strongly encourage the development team to implement this baby step feature, and then gauge the community’s reaction to it. If there is a powerful, positive response, maybe the powers that be would see that additional Character Selection changes are warranted.
Pin Character to Beginning of Character Menu & Purchasable Shared Gathering Slots
Also: Beware The Tyrian Adventure League [TALE]
Purchasable Shared Gathering Slots (Account-Level)
I would like to be able to purchase from the Gem Store shared gathering tool slots for my characters. Ideally, one would be able to make this purchase once for his entire account.
In other words, I hope I would not have to—individually, one-at-a-time—purchase shared gathering slots for each gathering tool type, for each character. (This kind of implementation would dramatically reduce my interest in this feature.) Ideally, the purchase would be made once, and would unlock the shared gathering tool slot for every character on my account. I could see making each tool type slot a separate purchase, if ArenaNet really has to do that in order to justify the cost of implementing this Quality of Life improvement.
So, for example, for 400 Gems, one could unlock a Shared Logging Tool Slot for all of his characters, place his Reap-r-Tron, or whatever, in the slot, and then use the Reap-r-Tron on every character without having to individually equip the unlimited gathering tool each time he switches characters. Then, for another 400 Gems, he could unlock a Shared Mining Tool Slot, which would work the same way; and for another 400 Gems, he could unlock a Shared Foraging Tool Slot, which would work the same way.
Having to move unlimited gathering tools from one character to another is an annoying, frustrating inconvenience. Players specifically buy unlimited gathering tools to avoid the inconvenience of having to purchase the standard, limited-use gathering tools. This Quality of Life feature, therefore, would add value to an existing feature and further enhance QoL for players.
Ancillary Feature: Locked Shared Gathering Tool Slots
For players who like to use different unlimited gathering tool sets, depending on which character they’re playing, it would be nice to have the ability to “lock” a purchased Shared Gathering Tool Slot for a given character. Locking a Shared Gathering Tool Slot prior to equipping a gathering tool in that slot would prevent the any account-wide changes being made to the locked character or to any other character as a result of equipping a gathering tool in the locked slot.
Pin Character to Beginning of Character Menu & Purchasable Shared Gathering Slots
Also: Beware The Tyrian Adventure League [TALE]
Pin Character to Beginning of Character Menu
On this note – as someone who has 45 characters on her main account – I would love an option to manually set the way my characters are sorted – and keep them that way. Not just a PvP/PvE type deal like in gw1, but more a drag-and-drop or move up-and-down option. Maybe even options like “sort by profession” and “sort by race” would be fantastic. And while we’re at it, maybe even a search bar.
While I’m sure that would improve the QoL for a tiny minority of the playerbase, and while that would indeed be a cool set of features, I hope ArenaNet will take action, first, to implement the simple suggestion I’ve made—being able to pin a single character to the beginning of the Character Selection menu on the Character Selection screen.
As an old-school MMORPG player, I have a “main” character—as many other people do, I’m sure—and a series of alts. In my case, I have one character for each Guild Wars 2 profession. My engineer, however, is my main character.
I’d like to be able to play an my alts for a bit, but then quickly switch back to my engineer by selecting him from the beginning of the Character Selection menu on the Character Selection screen. This is a very simple, straightforward feature to add, and would require allocation of a minimal amount of time and resources to implement.
While a more robust character sorting and selection menu would be great, let’s strongly encourage the development team to implement this baby step feature, and then gauge the community’s reaction to it. If there is a powerful, positive response, maybe the powers that be would see that additional Character Selection changes are warranted.
I don’t see why a sorting feature wouldn’t help out the entire playerbase. The drag-and-drop feature I suggested would lock those characters into their places until you decide to rearrange them (similar to what you ask, but in more detail). Baby steps are always good, but I don’t see why we can’t suggest more detailed QoL upgrades just because the step 1 hasn’t happened yet.
[Suggestion] The ability to select which PvP or WvW reward track is next
There are a few reward tracks that I’ve gotten all the skins on them, like some of the dungeon reward tracks, or reward tracks that I currently have no interest in. It’s a waste of effort when I reach the end of one I’m working on and the game selects one I don’t want and gives the remaining progression to it. I would like the ability to select either the one I’m working on or a different reward track to be the one that the game uses as the next reward track.
ANet may give it to you.
Not sure if this is quality of life but as a Charr lover, and female Charr mostly, I would LOVE to see some better hairstyles similar to the newest male styles. That two-toned hair is SO fabulous I had to make one of my female Charr into male so I could have it!
I also like the big mane looking one but I’m head over heels for the one that you can change two colors on it!
All my female Charr are bald because I don’t care for any of the current hairstyles, though the simple default mohawk is quite nice.
One of the best quality of life changes for me would be the removal of the steam pipe sounds on the Captain’s Airship so it can be just like the airship in Bloodstone Fen (it has leaky pipes too, but no annoying hisssssssssssssssssssssss).
Post referencing this issue with video comparing airships:
Why? Because of 4k graphics. I noticed that everything becomes WAAAAY small, even on it’s largest settings. And fonts don’t even get bigger. Chat is unreadable, icon’s hardly noticable etc…
Even though I don’t have a 4K monitor (yet), I have tested it (by bruteforcing the resolution), I see this will become a more widespread problem in the future.
I’d want arenanet to offer players a chance to buy gems/gold online through the website. We login to the website, and we buy gems for our characters in-game. Gems only though.
Things I wish I had today:
1. An easy way to see if I did stuff like the leyline guy since reset, since you only get the good rewards once.
2. A way, at the repair guy, to have my armor repaired and THEN to go back and sell stuff. Currently, choosing repair ends conversation, meaning I have to rehail the dude to sell.
3. I wish I could “/mentor” in a party. After all, “mentor” is a party function, right? That way, I could get zonewide support for something, while still being able to do invites.
Google “4K site:forum-en.guildwars2.com” for the plethora of similar topics over the years.
And welcome to the club, I’m sure someone is having T-shirts printed.
RIP City of Heroes
—> Increase the number of people that can be in a squad to 70 (important for wvw)
—> Increase the scaleability of the squad making it possible to make the squadinfo smaller, so it is easier to show the whole squad on 900 pixel height resolutions as well.
—> If I leftclick on someone in the squadwindow or chatwindow also select him as a target, so we can see buffs and boons and make him visible on the map if you selected him so you know where he is.
—> Give us options to color in players of a certain guild in the squad-overview. When running wvw it is hard to know your guild players from pugs.
—> make lieutenants and the commander visible with a color or sign as well even in big squads.
(edited by Rink.6108)
to recap:
WvW-queues: Make queue visible for the map you are on, so you know, if you can switch characters/maps.
Targeting: All bosses in WvW (supervisors etc.), marked targets in groups/squads, Champions in pve, Excalted explosive in AB south, commander-tags, apple-tags: if there is a zerg around a target, it is impossible to target it. So make it so that those important opponents have a sign above their head and that we can actually click on the target-sign, the boss-sign above the head of somebody etc. to target the boss/target.
Open all bags: if you have a stack of bags and chests etc. make it so that we can right-click -open them all until there is no bag-space left. Others have suggested it before
I would love to see the ability to dye hair accessories in the regular dye window rather than having to pay gems for a kit to do so. It’s not like I ever choose my hairstyles based on the accessories. I am forced to choose a color that may or may not go with what I wear in the future. I think we should be able to color accessories as easily we re-color our gear. It just makes sense.
One thing that I think would really be a great start is to remove physical character actions from chat. The point of typing “/sit” or “/dance” is to make your character perform that action, not to inform everyone in chat that your character is doing that action. When you go to a club and dance, you don’t simultaneously announce to everyone around you that you’re dancing. They can see that.
Removing these actions from appearing in the chat record, or at least having a toggle to remove them, would allow me to avoid my chat filling up with
[Character] is busting out some moves, some sweet dance moves.
[Character] is busting out some moves, some sweet dance moves.
[Character] is busting out some moves, some sweet dance moves.
[Character] is busting out some moves, some sweet dance moves.
etc. Which is unnecessary since I can SEE that the character is dancing…
This would be a start to cleaning up chat.
One thing that I think would really be a great start is to remove physical character actions from chat. The point of typing “/sit” or “/dance” is to make your character perform that action, not to inform everyone in chat that your character is doing that action. When you go to a club and dance, you don’t simultaneously announce to everyone around you that you’re dancing. They can see that.
Removing these actions from appearing in the chat record, or at least having a toggle to remove them, would allow me to avoid my chat filling up with
[Character] is busting out some moves, some sweet dance moves.
[Character] is busting out some moves, some sweet dance moves.
[Character] is busting out some moves, some sweet dance moves.
[Character] is busting out some moves, some sweet dance moves.
etc. Which is unnecessary since I can SEE that the character is dancing…
This would be a start to cleaning up chat.
ESO does that and I think I miss a lot of things as a result. Especially in RP situations where I’m not staring 100% of the time at the screen in zoomed in view since not everyone is a super fast typer, it’s nice to have a text record of actions that were done as part of the RP.
Which doesn’t make repeated spam like you list any more appealing. It would be less of a problem, I think, if there were a much vaster list of emotes. They needn’t even all be animated, just have a flexible set of lines that go in chat. WoW managed that iirc. Then of course you get into the issues of remembering all the options … but I digress. This is about chat spam. The more varied the output, the less annoying the repetition, I’d think.
1. Reduce /emote distance to that of /say
2. Allow toggling of /emote display on and off, without being connected to presets like /wave and /dance, etc.
Can the bouncing mushroom that allow players to bounce up from under Tarir be fixed to do a consecutive bouncing from one mushroom to the next up to the top? It’s ok the first time having to adjust for each mushroom jump but after the 100th time it gets old.
It would be nice if the outfits can be adjusted so instead of the outfit headgear it shows the headgear skin of the underlying armor so that things like sunglasses, glowing eyes, masks, cat ears, etc can be visible while using outfits. The UI could have it as a skin priority check box for the armor skin on the outfit tab.
To be able to salvage Temple armor for any runes applied to it.
Personally, I don’t care if that’s the only thing that can be salvaged from them, but it’d be nice to at least get runes back.
It’d be nice if PageUp and PageDown buttons helped scroll the list.
Or perhaps redesign the character select screen entirely, and model it after a MOBA layout. (Can we fit the 60+ character slots in that space? Hm.)
We don’t need the character so prominently displayed, and to be honest, anything bigger than an Asura ends up partially cut off anyway.So, I drew up (literally) a proposal. Sadly, in MS Pain(t), because I’m not near my editing tools and wouldn’t be good enough for a full-color mock-up anyway. Forgive the lack of pixels, but as a bonus, enjoy added sort features and an on-screen daily notice!
^ What he said x10!!
Thank You for a wonderful game thus far!!
I would like to see the following changes:
- Dye Back items & weapons that were not gem store items.
- Have either a key ring for map keys or add them to wallet (its nice the keys stack but not that there are so many to take 7 inventory slots!?)
- Guild mail/messaging
- Craft ascended back items (not mystic forge, I want to use my inscriptions
- Scribe crafting materials (all of them) added to material storage
- Shared “toy box” with 20 slots for all our tonics, broomsticks, bobble-heads, kites..etc…etc (could be a gem store item
here is one:
Why do I have to press of click ‘F’ 3 times (or more) on a resource node, I mean there has not been one time in my life that I wanted to stop harvesting a node after the 1st ‘F’ action, it just feels silly. Please make it so that you can press ‘F’ one time and it mines / harvests or chops the entire thing in one go. Thanks ^^
A Separate, underwater traitline (and possibly add some underwater-only utility skills to boot) to improve underwater combat.
- Shared “toy box” with 20 slots for all our tonics, broomsticks, bobble-heads, kites..etc…etc (could be a gem store item
Black Lion Salvage Charges to replace kits
I have so many Black Lion Salvage Kits that have accumulated over time just from Achievement Chests and Chest of Black Lion Goods. I would prefer to not have to store them in a bank or even a mule character.
I would like for them to be replaced with Black Lion Salvage Charges. These would be a Currency. You could convert any salvage kits that you already have into charges, equal to how many charges the kit still has (could be done as a right-click option, or through a vendor with all of the possible trades, perhaps at the Black Lion Trader (Armorsmith), or make it so each use removes a charge on the kit and grants one charge currency).
So, instead of getting the Salvage Kits, any method through which you could currently get them would be replaced with the charge currency, or a consumable item to gain the charges, like with the Transmutation charges. You could buy the charges in the Gem Store for 1/15gems, 10/140gems, 25/300gems. There would be a new Black Lion Salvage-o-matic, which operates much like the Copper- or Silver-fed Salvage-o-matics, but it consumes the Black Lion Salvage Charges instead of the coin. These kits can be infinitely bought in the store for 0 gems (and, while Exotic quality, should be easy to delete), so that you can have remote access to the feature whenever you want.
This could also give you a bit more control over how many charges different sources give, if you wanted to re-balance them, but that may get a bit of backlash.
Basically, this is just a QoL change, but I would really appreciate the extra space.
(edited by Pittcrew.6592)
We have some strange back items (animals, grills, and some other questionable stuff), are you even planning to add some capes? At least a simple one (if it’d be dyeable, the better)
Okay, I’ve been saying this enough in the various “I hate Tangled Depths” threads, so I might as well add my #1 wishlist item for QoL improvement.
Custom minimap marker tools.
(Account bound.)
For context, around last Wintersday, I used an overlay tool that had some excellent potential. At its core, it gave players the ability to set a map marker at their location. Markers would show on the map and minimap as a way to add navigation hints or to memorize important locations.
For example, a player could mark the spot for a particularly useful mushroom jump, or the opening to a minidungeon/jumping puzzle. In the aforementioned Tangled Depths, it could be used to better delineate map/layer transitions. With HoT’s “you can’t get there from here” layout, it would be supremely helpful to know where to start a journey that goes halfway across the map for a hero challenge.
Some things I’d like to see included:
- Important locations marker (somewhat generic “here’s a thing” icon)
- A cartography manager that allows adding notes/text to map markers.
- Height transition markers
- Loot box to indicate where jumping puzzles and minidungeons begin
- Boss locations
- Instance/map change spots (mostly where maps connect)
- Waypoint / Hero Challenge markers (for making exploration on alts easier)
- Connecting lines or direction arrows similar to how the marks on Nuhoch Wallows work
Having a customizable map would make a huge difference as map development increases in complexity. And, quite frankly, I’d love to be my own cartographer.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
Add the Ecto Gambling vendor to the Lounges (i.e. Lava Lounge Pass) and other possible vendors which would increase it’s convenience.
Looking for a good guild for PoF
1) Craft stations, filters: insignia, coat, etc.
2) Material tooltip. Show how much have you got in your bank.
Has there been an explanation offered for why old BLTC buy orders, placed back before there was a minimum sell price, and which are below the minimum sell price, have not been automatically canceled? When I open my sell panel I want to see which items actually have demand, rather than dead buy orders that can never be fulfilled.
I’d want some way to just sell all the garbage to the tradingpost that I have in my bags. I normally sell 1 copper below the lowest or sell instantly, but I’d be willing to just get rid of all of it to the TP.
0 – make the CURSOR more VISIBLE !!!
1. A way to not receive at all, or get rid of all non-superior sigils/runes
2. Cumulate maps currencies, there are too many (items, currencies, keys, chests, etc etc)
3. Wardrobe tooltips – how can I get that Item
4. Open all bags/chests option (like salvage all)
5. Salvage all misc items – ex I do not want to salvage dyes, just the armor/weapons/trinckets
6. Defiance bar mandatory tutorials
7. Popup question when replacing an upgrade (ex sigil on occupied slot)
Curious Guardian with thorns leading a (Kodan) Sanctuary unit. https://gw2efficiency.com/c/Beàt
One thing that I think would really be a great start is to remove physical character actions from chat. The point of typing “/sit” or “/dance” is to make your character perform that action, not to inform everyone in chat that your character is doing that action. When you go to a club and dance, you don’t simultaneously announce to everyone around you that you’re dancing. They can see that.
Removing these actions from appearing in the chat record, or at least having a toggle to remove them, would allow me to avoid my chat filling up with
[Character] is busting out some moves, some sweet dance moves.
[Character] is busting out some moves, some sweet dance moves.
[Character] is busting out some moves, some sweet dance moves.
[Character] is busting out some moves, some sweet dance moves.
etc. Which is unnecessary since I can SEE that the character is dancing…
This would be a start to cleaning up chat.ESO does that and I think I miss a lot of things as a result. Especially in RP situations where I’m not staring 100% of the time at the screen in zoomed in view since not everyone is a super fast typer, it’s nice to have a text record of actions that were done as part of the RP.
Which doesn’t make repeated spam like you list any more appealing. It would be less of a problem, I think, if there were a much vaster list of emotes. They needn’t even all be animated, just have a flexible set of lines that go in chat. WoW managed that iirc. Then of course you get into the issues of remembering all the options … but I digress. This is about chat spam. The more varied the output, the less annoying the repetition, I’d think.
People miss things IRL…
Separate UI bar that we can place items in for ease of use. Like Birthday Blaster, Food, tonics, etc. Having to hide combat with my Inventory window in order to replenish my food, or wait until combat is over, is just crazy. And for other things its just really inconvenient.