(edited by Inimicus.7162)
Super Adventure Box [merged]
Just out of curiosity, apart from promising SAB and aurus and graphical options… what else did Colin promise? And has there been any reaffirmation of these promises since his departure?
Just out of curiosity, apart from promising SAB and aurus and graphical options… what else did Colin promise? And has there been any reaffirmation of these promises since his departure?
My husband has a theory that Colin made a nice list of items that will be “back” or at the very least, spoken of, come the beginning of April and dropped it on the player-base as his final… farewell to his… co-workers…
(edited by Siobhan.5273)
SAB minipets disappear….. maybe is a hint….
That would to an amazing april fools gift to have super adventure box world 3 to come out. It would be like an anniversary of world 1. I’M SO EXCITED.
This is my question to the community:
-Would you like to see this event again?
I think most people know what Super Adventure Box is and for those who not I will give a little explanation:
- Super Adventure Box was an event released about 3 years ago, it was a really refreshing part of the game that send you back to the world of the first games like Mario, with its iconic music and enviromet.
- If you want a better example i think seeing is batter than reading:
It´s a first impresion video i found so dont think it me.
But here is the thing
- each time when me and my friends look to the past and talk about what was the greatest event or the best experience they had, almost everyone start talking about Super Adventure Box.
- I even made a little survey in the game and asked people from different servers a simple question:
- Would you be happy if the Super Adventure Box returned? -
The answers were almost all the same, a big fat YES. As I asked in maps and guilds this simple question there was a lot of new players or players that didnt obtain the game before this event asking me if there is a possibility to experience It again.
That is why I´m making this topic asking people about they experiences with Super Adventure Box and if they would be happy if this content would be playable again.
(edited by Ezzechiel.8906)
Considering the current news about legendary weapons, we can safely say SAB is done for good. They literally can’t afford having 6 developers working on a content that was advertised as a part of the expansion. We just have to hope and see if Guild Wars 2 survives the next few years.
This 61 page thread will answer your question
I don’t think that we will see SAB in 2016 now that they have even postponed the legendary weapons.
That would to an amazing april fools gift to have super adventure box world 3 to come out. It would be like an anniversary of world 1. I’M SO EXCITED
Please don’t be. With anet it’s always better to be surprised than to be excited. I know it’s hard, it took me way too much time to learn this lesson
That would to an amazing april fools gift to have super adventure box world 3 to come out. It would be like an anniversary of world 1. I’M SO EXCITED
Please don’t be. With anet it’s always better to be surprised than to be excited. I know it’s hard, it took me way too much time to learn this lesson
I agree, the number of people straight out expecting it to come on April 1st (again) probably is way larger than it should be considering all the facts.
Personally, I am curious though… I mean it has been so long now, what is the ratio of people interested in SAB (ie. all inclusive) to those who were here last time and are still here and waiting.
I don’t think that we will see SAB in 2016 now that they have even postponed the legendary weapons.
The way I see it, as long as Josh doesn’t put in his notice and/or isn’t poached by another company there is still hope… a slim hope mind you, however, at this point considering we have literally no content aside from PvP and raids, it is hard to fault them for the legendaries.
Sure, it sucks, but think of it this way, SAB was created by less than 6 people if memory serves, so that could have a big positive impact down the line on content in general.
(edited by Crise.9401)
Anet probably ditched the new legendaries to finish SAB.
Anet probably ditched the new legendaries to finish SAB.
I really hope this is the case. SAB has lots of things to do and it’s a fun content.
Anet probably ditched the new legendaries to finish SAB.
Errr, no. Cancel a team that was working on the type of the content that would be permanently placed in game, to work on a festive event…
That would be even more stupid than not taking casualities from the next expac dev team.
I love SAB, but really …. if they released SAB after legendaries being cancelled, which made people take a break or something … i can already see history repeating itself.
Last time Anet released it at the same time with LW, and then claimed not many were interested in SAB, I really dont want to see Anet say “oh well world 3 went bad cuz not many played blah blah blah”, when in fact basically bad news pushed people away. And then bye SAB for next 3 years or so….
SAB better be a permanent addition when it returns! I really do not want to wait several years to play content I like… again.
SAB better be a permanent addition when it returns! I really do not want to wait several years to play content I like… again.
Prepare to be disappointed… again.
SAB better be a permanent addition when it returns! I really do not want to wait several years to play content I like… again.
Prepare to be disappointed… again.
I am!
then claimed not many were interested in SAB
W2 was full of complaints from the more casual players. It took too much time, was too difficult and they pointed at the infinite coin for the reason why. Josh Foreman was actively on the forums during the time and tried to explain things, but was ultimately suspended for telling them like it is. Although there were other distractions at the time, the increased difficulty definitely turned people away, just like HoT.
They don’t even need a W3 at this point, I doubt a majority of the player base has even see SAB.
Anet probably ditched the new legendaries to finish SAB.
Errr, no. Cancel a team that was working on the type of the content that would be permanently placed in game, to work on a festive event…
That would be even more stupid than not taking casualities from the next expac dev team.
I was sarcastic. If they are willing to sacrifice core long-term endgame goals like legendaries then they are probably just waiting for “the right moment” to tell us they’ve changed their mind on SAB and finally it wont ever come back.
If they can break their promise for something we paid for they won’t hesitate to break it for optional content no matter how high its gameplay and nostalgic value is.
Anet probably ditched the new legendaries to finish SAB.
Errr, no. Cancel a team that was working on the type of the content that would be permanently placed in game, to work on a festive event…
That would be even more stupid than not taking casualities from the next expac dev team.I was sarcastic. If they are willing to sacrifice core long-term endgame goals like legendaries then they are probably just waiting for “the right moment” to tell us they’ve changed their mind on SAB and finally it wont ever come back.
If they can break their promise for something we paid for they won’t hesitate to break it for optional content no matter how high its gameplay and nostalgic value is.
I doubt there is ever a “right time” , they would have to refund the coins…. but now thinking about it probably less and less people care/play who has the infinite coin, so the more they wait to tell us the less they need to give back. Genius
Let’s just get back to first page with all the hype. Let’s show that the Box Squad is still alive. (I’ve seen the reddit thing btw).
You might want to link the Reddit thing so everyone else knows exactly what you are talking about Egzius.
You might want to link the Reddit thing so everyone else knows exactly what you are talking about Egzius.
I agree, I have seen the reddit thing too… and it really is either a cruel joke by one of the involved parties or it is a sign of things to come.
Well, you can always reply Rytlock’s Critter Rampage if you want the closest things to SAB as soon as possible:
Well, you can always reply Rytlock’s Critter Rampage if you want the closest things to SAB as soon as possible:
Heh, the funny thing is… that is actually harder than SAB in my opinion., before you get the hang of it.
It looks like, that its coming
IF SAB is back this April, I will play it all the dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Ah, I see their play.
- Announce the postponement of Legendary Weapons.
- Release SAB on April Fools Day
If that’s the play they make….well played then.
Putting Perspective on Zerg Sizes since 2012. Common Suffixes for 40+ include ~Zilla and ~Train
“Seriously, just dodge.”
I’ve seen that on the API, it’s an achievement :
“Super Adventure Secret
Speak with the Genie of the Box in World 3, Zone 1.
No wishes, but he has an offer to make.”
Would SAB make people feel better about the scrapped legendaries or the fact the April update looks more like a QoL update rather than a content update? For me it won’t but It doesn’t mean i wouldn’t play the hell out of it.
Would SAB make people feel better about the scrapped legendaries or the fact the April update looks more like a QoL update rather than a content update? For me it won’t but It doesn’t mean i wouldn’t play the hell out of it.
I will personally feel better, since it’s a content I waiting for 2 years.
Would SAB make people feel better about the scrapped legendaries or the fact the April update looks more like a QoL update rather than a content update? For me it won’t but It doesn’t mean i wouldn’t play the hell out of it.
I will personally feel better, since it’s a content I waiting for 2 years.
Ditto, and while I think scrapping the legedaries sucks I can live with it (disclaimer: I main a thief so I get a legendary finally that isn’t unicorns and rainbows, but it still sucks for everyone else).
Going to link these here, just in case SAB is actually coming (yes it may seem likely but it is still just a rumour), since they are tricky to find these days.
Read up on a piece of history right there.
I’m sad it goes away Apr19, but I’ll cry then. For now, YAY
I was on a hiatus when it first came out, I’mma try it to see what all the fuss is about. :P
I can’t believe you made this return. You have my eternal gratitude for this, ArenaNet. I ever forgive you the legendary fiasco.
Last night I was walking by the box and had to stifle the urge to put a wistful sigh into mapchat. Lots of people trying to stoke the fire in regards to the box returning but I had no hope of it being before 3rd quarter, if ever.
and now… I can barely wait to get home
PS: My full size charr is my SAB Tribulation mode character. RIP.
| http://www.sheriffsauer.com – “Engineer Hanbook” |
PS: My full size charr is my SAB Tribulation mode character. RIP.
I’ll see you in kitty hell.
They did it! They actually did it!
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
And April 2016 shall be known as the time Mo-chansempaikun brought back the sacred Super Adventure Box.
Enjoy your jumping, folks!
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
Well…. kitten! I honestly didn’t think they would do it.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
But they are removing it on April 19th and I only have a few hours per week for videogaming… It should really be permanent content.
Edit: I forgot I had just uninstalled the game… Now I must download and reinstall 27 GB of content just to play SAB for 2 weeks…
(edited by Xillllix.3485)
And we still can’t skip that first cut scene/introduction. Oh well.
Fangirling HARD.
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All are welcome!
I like the changes for causal players, the achievements giving baubles and the new rewards. It is as fun as I remember, a great change of pace from the normal game. I just wish we got it more often.
That said I am not happy about the unique guild item rewards as none of it can be used in my personal instance, so it is utterly useless in my opinion. Please stop overlooking our personal instances Arena Net, I want a mini SAB to display!
I just hope the next time it comes back it will be longer than 19 days, my infinite coin is not going to be good value for money, only 19 days in two years is disheartening. Also I hope we get world three when it comes back next time. I do not want it to go the way of the other festivals, copy paste events that loose their enjoyment due to lack of fresh content.
(edited by Aedelric.1287)
I’m curious how we’ll acquire the orange skin, (It was supposed to be red, but I suppose orange is acceptable) since the green skin came from defeating each of the bosses in world 1 for a token each and yellow was world 2. If they’re not implementing world 3, where do the tokens come from?
Lol collin leaves, good things start happening
And we still can’t skip that first cut scene/introduction. Oh well.
Why would you want to?!
Lol collin leaves, good things start happening
That’s kind of ignorant. Taking in the time frame there is no way this wasn’t happening Colin or no Colin. And while it’s fun to get to play through again, kitten many of us wanted, SAB is still getting the same treatment as Legendaries. This is what you get and nothing more. It’s great to get it, but it’s sad to think we’ll never see World 3 or 4 nor save the princess.