Talk about elitism
I’ve not even completed certain dungeons on story mode, let alone explorable, so I’m not talking from an elite point of view. That being said…
They aren’t “keeping the knowledge to themselves” -its not that they don’t want you to know how to do it. They are probably tired of telling people how to play- they have probably already explained it a dozen times before and just want a fully functioning group from the outset with no questions or discussion necessary.
Some people here talking about efficiency and 10 hours+ of farming COF for gold… that’s effectively working for 1 dollar / hour – the opposite of efficient. It would be more efficient to work your RL job for 1 hour, buy the gold, and then play the game for fun. Grinding the game for gold is idiotic.
How can you farm it for 10 hours? The Silver would go down to like 5 silver a run.
1) “Working” in a game is much more enjoyable than most jobs.
2) Overtime isn’t always available, you may have already worked your 40 and are done =D
The problem here with the CoF p1 attitude is that there is a small amount of diversity for people who want to make money with the same value a CoF P1 does for your regular run as compared to other forms of moneymaking that regular MMOs of old have been doing. This also stems from the sheer disconnect between the time and effort spent hitting that max shiny/ies available ingame and the next best shiny. That alone sucks up the value as to which could be spent completing (i.e doing and enjoying every other piece of content) the game.
I disagree with that Linked post there.I did not open my Wallet,Sorry NO! I farmed it all myself to get the legendary.And i dislike all of u crying about the CoF speedruns,know why??
-This why:Any normal person that reads patch class balances knows that Warriors are nerfed every patch and just harder and harder,while everyone else get buffed.So while warriors are bad in PvP and everyone enjoy with another class but warrior,some warriors enjoy PvE even tho nerfs reach everywhere if u look at it.I play warrior since day 1 on gw2 and all i saw are people crying with their buffed classes (ofc they dont cry in pvp just for this small cof runs in pve).I would trade pvp warrior for pve everyday!But in Pvp now its try hard,close to “not worth trying”.
While most classes can outplay couple of enemies alone,warrior cant manage more than 1 at same time.So go play game and dont spam forum xDThe END.
What…the hell did I just read?
Some people here talking about efficiency and 10 hours+ of farming COF for gold… that’s effectively working for 1 dollar / hour – the opposite of efficient. It would be more efficient to work your RL job for 1 hour, buy the gold, and then play the game for fun. Grinding the game for gold is idiotic.
Not all countries are able to do this sadly.
Also – for another little dose of elitism, a recent post in the thief forums basically saying ‘if you don’t use x/y weapon comps, I’m kicking you from my groups’.
Anet must nerf COF p1.
Agreed and I normally hate the way they nerf dungeon runs. This kind of thing is beyond a joke.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
Did you read Op post???
yeah, sorry, I assumed people would be able to read without having to spell out every conclusion twice or thrice; my mistake.
- op got a group of people who wanted to do speedruns (without writing a 3-page disclaimer the wording of the lfg was very clearly for speedruns, not ‘hey, lets sing kitten bay yah after every boss’).
- he even admits the runs took ~10 minutes, which is quite a bit longer than any normal, casual speedrun should take.
- he mentiones several mistakes/omissions every speedrunner should know. if you don’t know them, you’re slowing down 4 other people (not some npcs, people who specifically said they wanted to do speedruns)
if he really is that naive in thinking a speedfarming group would tolerate that many mistakes/omissions, ok, that can happen, tragic misunderstanding, now he knows he should play better. I actually rather think he knew exactly what he was getting himself into and just thought his skill at playing in a speedfarm group was higher than it actually is (pointing out his fractals level is a clear indicator imho). boohoo, he played badly, and he didn’t want to learn how to play better, so he came to the forums crying how the big bad elitists kicked him.
if people would get off their high horses and started to think that being kicked probably meant they did something wrong, they could start getting better instead of the constant whining on the forums every other day.
do I like the system? not particularly, but I play by it instead of wasting everyone’s time. if I do something wrong, I try to get better. I’ll never get to the level of play of some others, but at least I can try to reach my personal limit instead of letting myself be carried.
now, I gladly give your own question back: did you even read my post?
Just sharing an experience I had. I have 3 level 80 toons, 2 of them are at FOTM scale 39+. I’ve also earned the Dungeon Master title and do daily random dungeon runs mostly with my guild but sometimes with a pug party. I’d like to think I’m not an elitist MOST of the time and in all my daily runs I’ve only ever initiated a kick once and it was not due to gear issues or “noob” behavior but simply because the player went afk at a crucial time (at the arm seals in a 30+ fractal) without any logical explanation.
So today I went with my fairly new but fully zerk-geared mesmer to my first COF p1 speed run with a pug group. I’ve done COF p1 countless times before, most of them with my guildmates. And yesterday I joined a “casual” speed farming pug group with my mesmer (had 1 ele and later 1 guard, not full zerk) that did well (did 1 run in an average of 15min). But the group I joined today was one of those elitist groups that wanted 4 zerk warriors and 1 zerk mesmer and demanded that we ping our gears. We finished 1 run in about 10min. I THOUGHT I did everything right including blink-porting them through the boulders (on my first try). Then after the run I got kicked. I asked two of them why. Only one of them was kind enough to reply and tell me what I should have done. He said I “didn’t pull the slave driver into the wall and didn’t time-warp fast enough”. Also I cast feedback late at the turrets (apparently they didn’t notice I cast Phantasmal warden before casting feedback). Other than that I did everything right, he said.
I am astonished at the level of elitism in the GW2 community now. And especially because from what I was told I only made minor errors that I could have easily changed. I’ve tolerated much worse mistakes from other players without raging or kicking. Wouldn’t it have been easier to tell me what I did wrong than risk getting a less experienced mesmer on the next run? Or is it really just easier to initiate a kick?
lol how does a 10min run relate to elitism? Please don’t make me laugh, the group you joined is probably just a bunch of pugs.
I don’t understand how what they did could ever be considered as elitism. You say the group wanted 4 zerk warriors and a zerk mesmer and that you ping your gear. You knew this wasn’t a normal group when you went in. You weren’t that experienced or it wouldn’t have been “on my first try” for the portal room. You willingly joined their group even though they posted their expectations.
They told you what they wanted, told you what they expected and yet when you don’t fulfill those items and they kick you, you run to the forums and complain? Talk about entitlement.
I run CoF on multiple characters and multiple groups. If I see a LFG post saying they want 4 zerk warriors, I bring my zerk warrior and I ping my gear so they know what I have. It’s ego if you think that you don’t have to ping gear when they advertise beforehand that they want you to. You don’t want to ping gear, form your own group and do 10 minute “speed” runs. If you join a group that at least had the decency to tell you what they expect, don’t join if you don’t meet the expectations. Ask questions of them, make sure you are what they want.
Maybe they could have been a little more diplomatic about how they kicked you, I’ll give you that, they could have explained they we going to ask you to leave since you didn’t meet their expectations but don’t complain about elitism. They just wanted a certain ability of playing that you didn’t possess at that time.
Think of it this way, you say you have multiple 30+ level fractal characters. You put up a post for a fractal group of level 30 and you get one person who has no AR and is level 2 fractal. Sure they might know the basics of the fractals but they sure aren’t going to know what changes there are for the higher fractals. They’ll die to the first agony that hits them, they’ll be a burden on your team. Would you invite them to go on another level 30 run right away? Probably not. You might be more diplomatic about the way you go about getting rid of them but you will get rid of them. If you have the desire to run fractals and find 4 good people and are hampered by a poor 5th you’re not going to stop playing because of that 5th, you’re going to kick them or ask them to leave but you won’t do another run with them.. Why do you think you were entitled to be that 5th person in their group?
I know my allegory about the fractals goes a little far but you can see my point. They were honest and told you what they wanted. That is not elitism.
If you don’t want to face that possibility of not meeting expectations, form your own group or find one that doesn’t list requirements and is casual.
(edited by Bunter.3795)
Maybe they could have been a little more diplomatic about how they kicked you, I’ll give you that, they could have explained they we going to ask you to leave since you didn’t meet their expectations but don’t complain about elitism. They just wanted a certain ability of playing that you didn’t possess at that time.
And that right there is why it is elitism. That and the poor attitude shown.
Maybe they could have been a little more diplomatic about how they kicked you, I’ll give you that, they could have explained they we going to ask you to leave since you didn’t meet their expectations but don’t complain about elitism. They just wanted a certain ability of playing that you didn’t possess at that time.
And that right there is why it is elitism. That and the poor attitude shown.
True, plus there’s no difficult skills involved by copying the CoF 1 farming system-the players are not “elite”, they just think they are better than others because they have successfully copied, practiced, and mastered what many other players have been doing before them. The “ability” that they required of him wasn’t true skill, but more having memorized the way people do this over and over.
I don’t care if they keep farming it, but I draw the line when they start calling “baddies” and “noobs” people that are probably BETTER than them just because the latter refuse to conform to the farming, “efficient” norm. In short, farm it, but don’t feel entitled/superior than anyone due to it-you are just taking advantage of how easy CoF 1 is, which is fine by me.
They should rebalance this and other Dungeons, though, which I am sorry takes a lot of time and effort.
Even if they changed cof1, people will find the next easiest content to earn money. Maybe in this case, one of the SE paths (the one where you only kill 3 or 5 mobs total per run?) or one of the CoE paths. Or maybe even HotW.
*Selfish people who want you to play their way.
*Grinders who only do speed runs and don’t play for fun.
*Think they a hardcore when they skip over content to reach a chest.
*Rich from speed farming dungeons and do not buy from the gem store.
*Thinks players are impressed with their gear when they really don’t care.
*Obsessed with meanless achievements gained through grinding.
*Approach the game as if it was a job.
Onshidesigns, well done.
Onshidesigns, a very GJ!
Some people in here don’t seem to get why CoF speedruns are so bad. Think about how many zerkers are speedrunning that dungeon in a day, buying stuff etc…
Do you know what that does to the ingame economy? You’re making kitten cost more =/
I suddenly thought of something.
Someone demands superfast runs, and others ping their gear while nitpicking things to the tune of a stopwatch…. sounds elitist right?
But it’s also the mark of some one that is lazy/unskilled and wants to be carried. And naturally they’d try to find flaws in someone else to mask their own mistakes. Hmm… It’s quite possible OP that they need you more then you need them.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
They wanted a hardcore speedrun, you didn’t/weren’t ready for it. Neither of you guys were at fault. Word of advice though, if the LFG post says they want gear check/experienced players then it’s a safe bet they want people who know the speedfarm routine. If you want a casual run make a post for a casual run.
They wanted a hardcore speedrun, you didn’t/weren’t ready for it. Neither of you guys were at fault. Word of advice though, if the LFG post says they want gear check/experienced players then it’s a safe bet they want people who know the speedfarm routine. If you want a casual run make a post for a casual run.
There’s no such thing as a “hardcore speedrun”, though. Believe me, there’s no great skill involved at exploiting CoF 1 vs other way more challenging areas of the game (no offense meant.)
I am 100% sure the OP is a competent player that has mastered his Profession. He was blamed for not fitting in with the “required” system-and as many other experienced farmers have noted above, probably used as an escape goat for them being too slow for their own standards.
Also, note that you can still do speedruns without the “required” speedsters, so you don’t even need to post for a “casual” run. Just state “speedrun, all Professions welcome”, or something similar.
“Casual” doesn’t necessarily mean any less than “hardcore”, BTW. There are truly good players from both types, and there’s such a thing as bad players who think themselves “hardcore”.
I suddenly thought of something.
Someone demands superfast runs, and others ping their gear while nitpicking things to the tune of a stopwatch…. sounds elitist right?
But it’s also the mark of some one that is lazy/unskilled and wants to be carried. And naturally they’d try to find flaws in someone else to mask their own mistakes. Hmm… It’s quite possible OP that they need you more then you need them.
So knowing the abilities of another class and seeing them not be optimized in certain situations is a mark that you are lazy/unskilled and you need the people not optimizing their class to its full potential more then they need you? Makes sense
Its a game… quit crying about how other people play it peepholez
I think it’s just misunderstanding. The expectation when I do a 4 warrior 1 memser berserker ping gear group is I expect the memser to know all those things. I expect the run to take less than 7 minutes. That is the expectation for me and all my friend that do those speed runs.
You expect people to have some agony resist and be experienced when you do fotm30 right? It’s the same thing. At least now you know that is the “expectation” when you do 4 warrior/1 memser group. And you know what to do next time. Or if you don’t like it join other normal group or mixed classs speed run. It’s not a big deal.
I suddenly thought of something.
Someone demands superfast runs, and others ping their gear while nitpicking things to the tune of a stopwatch…. sounds elitist right?
But it’s also the mark of some one that is lazy/unskilled and wants to be carried. And naturally they’d try to find flaws in someone else to mask their own mistakes. Hmm… It’s quite possible OP that they need you more then you need them.
So knowing the abilities of another class and seeing them not be optimized in certain situations is a mark that you are lazy/unskilled and you need the people not optimizing their class to its full potential more then they need you? Makes sense
Its a game… quit crying about how other people play it peepholez
Well, there’s that only they know what build, weapons, and gear works for them, and not necessarily a random stranger, no matter how well he/she knows the abilities of the Profession being used by the INDIVIDUAL. They may know why they chose the abilities/gear they are using more than you do. You wouldn’t do the same if you were them-that’s OK, but doesn’t mean your gear/build choice would be better for them. As you said, let people play the way they want (I promise to never tell you how to play YOUR character.)
Not meant as an insult, just so you realize that it goes both ways-elitists shouldn’t expect others to bow to their exclusivist demands, or else be classified as “noobs/baddies”. You are entitled to your farming system, and they are entitled to live without it-after all, CoF 1 as currently constituted is too easy to require any party composition, save for the seconds to few minutes that could theoretically be saved with the supposedly optimal group. And truly, you may not have that bad attitude in-game, so this is not aimed at you, nor is it a personal attack.
And as I have said numerous times above, these two types of players are almost always incompatible and shouldn’t party with each other, problem solved. None is better or more “hardcore” than the other (though many would believe so), it’s just that some players don’t necessarily enjoy the CoF 1 strict farming system as currently copied and pasted, and that’s totally valid. Farm any way you please, but don’t make it another player’s problem, is all I would ask (a sentiment which you probably agree with.) I myself wouldn’t join these groups not because “lacking the necessary skill” (as if much was needed :P), but because it doesn’t fit my personality nor gaming playstyle-very much would prefer to get things slowly over time if I have to sacrifice my individuality and values to earn gold faster.
I suddenly thought of something.
Someone demands superfast runs, and others ping their gear while nitpicking things to the tune of a stopwatch…. sounds elitist right?
But it’s also the mark of some one that is lazy/unskilled and wants to be carried. And naturally they’d try to find flaws in someone else to mask their own mistakes. Hmm… It’s quite possible OP that they need you more then you need them.
So knowing the abilities of another class and seeing them not be optimized in certain situations is a mark that you are lazy/unskilled and you need the people not optimizing their class to its full potential more then they need you? Makes sense
Its a game… quit crying about how other people play it peepholez
You need to learn to optimize your attempts at reading and/or being clever.
I have no idea how “demands superfast runs, and others ping their gear while nitpicking things to the tune of a stopwatch.” (considering anyone can do this regardless of skill) is suddenly indicative of someone " knowing the abilities of another class and seeing them not be optimized in certain situations". That is merely one possibility, and I was just pointing another possibility.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
(edited by ArchonWing.9480)
I got booted from CoF P1 tonight on my mesmer because I forgot the timewarp at the last boss. Just slipped my mind.
Meanwhile three of the warriors died at different points in the dungeon (one FOUR times), and they were apparently all just fine, and in no need of kicking.
Every other thing I did in the dungeon was perfectly flawless.
I can’t stand jerks.
(edited by Hickeroar.9734)
I suddenly thought of something.
Someone demands superfast runs, and others ping their gear while nitpicking things to the tune of a stopwatch…. sounds elitist right?
But it’s also the mark of some one that is lazy/unskilled and wants to be carried. And naturally they’d try to find flaws in someone else to mask their own mistakes. Hmm… It’s quite possible OP that they need you more then you need them.
I’m not lazy, unskilled and I hate being carried. But that isn’t the same thing as saying I must do everything as efficiently as possible.
When I used to work in NYC, there was a very fast way for me to get to work. Fastest way possible. There was another way that was more scenic. Sometimes I wanted to get to work fast, but often I wanted to relax and just enjoy the scenic route. Nothing wrong with it. Doesn’t make me lazy.
Sometimes I’d carpool with someone who also enjoyed the scenic route, even though the other route was more efficient.
We got to work on time anyway, who cares if it took five minutes longer.
People who don’t watch every second on a run aren’t looking to be carried. They’re looking for a different play experience.
I suddenly thought of something.
Someone demands superfast runs, and others ping their gear while nitpicking things to the tune of a stopwatch…. sounds elitist right?
But it’s also the mark of some one that is lazy/unskilled and wants to be carried. And naturally they’d try to find flaws in someone else to mask their own mistakes. Hmm… It’s quite possible OP that they need you more then you need them.
I’m not lazy, unskilled and I hate being carried. But that isn’t the same thing as saying I must do everything as efficiently as possible.
Why yes, life tends to contain more than two things, it’s not just black and white, and that’s probably why people are complaining in the first place. Though of course I never really said that either. Some feel that others dictate the “right” way to play, and thus others get mad.
When I used to work in NYC, there was a very fast way for me to get to work. Fastest way possible. There was another way that was more scenic. Sometimes I wanted to get to work fast, but often I wanted to relax and just enjoy the scenic route. Nothing wrong with it. Doesn’t make me lazy.
Sometimes I’d carpool with someone who also enjoyed the scenic route, even though the other route was more efficient.
We got to work on time anyway, who cares if it took five minutes longer.
People who don’t watch every second on a run aren’t looking to be carried. They’re looking for a different play experience.
Everyone plays games for their own reasons, and it is indeed unfair to impose that on everyone else. But at the same time, one has to realize that it would be best that in situations such as 5 person instances that everyone agrees on what kind of play experience to seek. Some groups have naturally higher expectations.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
I suddenly thought of something.
Someone demands superfast runs, and others ping their gear while nitpicking things to the tune of a stopwatch…. sounds elitist right?
But it’s also the mark of some one that is lazy/unskilled and wants to be carried. And naturally they’d try to find flaws in someone else to mask their own mistakes. Hmm… It’s quite possible OP that they need you more then you need them.
I’m not lazy, unskilled and I hate being carried. But that isn’t the same thing as saying I must do everything as efficiently as possible.
Why yes, life tends to contain more than two things, it’s not just black and white, and that’s probably why people are complaining in the first place. Though of course I never really said that either. Some feel that others dictate the “right” way to play, and thus others get mad.
When I used to work in NYC, there was a very fast way for me to get to work. Fastest way possible. There was another way that was more scenic. Sometimes I wanted to get to work fast, but often I wanted to relax and just enjoy the scenic route. Nothing wrong with it. Doesn’t make me lazy.
Sometimes I’d carpool with someone who also enjoyed the scenic route, even though the other route was more efficient.
We got to work on time anyway, who cares if it took five minutes longer.
People who don’t watch every second on a run aren’t looking to be carried. They’re looking for a different play experience.
Everyone plays games for their own reasons, and it is indeed unfair to impose that on everyone else. But at the same time, one has to realize that it would be best that in situations such as 5 person instances that everyone agrees on what kind of play experience to seek. Some groups have naturally higher expectations.
Some groups do have higher expectations. I have a higher expectation in my groups. I expect people to have fun and enjoy themselves. That’s a high expectation. Doing it as fast as possible, from my point of view, is a lower expectation. <grins>
I suddenly thought of something.
Someone demands superfast runs, and others ping their gear while nitpicking things to the tune of a stopwatch…. sounds elitist right?
But it’s also the mark of some one that is lazy/unskilled and wants to be carried. And naturally they’d try to find flaws in someone else to mask their own mistakes. Hmm… It’s quite possible OP that they need you more then you need them.
I’m not lazy, unskilled and I hate being carried. But that isn’t the same thing as saying I must do everything as efficiently as possible.
Why yes, life tends to contain more than two things, it’s not just black and white, and that’s probably why people are complaining in the first place. Though of course I never really said that either. Some feel that others dictate the “right” way to play, and thus others get mad.
When I used to work in NYC, there was a very fast way for me to get to work. Fastest way possible. There was another way that was more scenic. Sometimes I wanted to get to work fast, but often I wanted to relax and just enjoy the scenic route. Nothing wrong with it. Doesn’t make me lazy.
Sometimes I’d carpool with someone who also enjoyed the scenic route, even though the other route was more efficient.
We got to work on time anyway, who cares if it took five minutes longer.
People who don’t watch every second on a run aren’t looking to be carried. They’re looking for a different play experience.
Everyone plays games for their own reasons, and it is indeed unfair to impose that on everyone else. But at the same time, one has to realize that it would be best that in situations such as 5 person instances that everyone agrees on what kind of play experience to seek. Some groups have naturally higher expectations.
Some groups do have higher expectations. I have a higher expectation in my groups. I expect people to have fun and enjoy themselves. That’s a high expectation. Doing it as fast as possible, from my point of view, is a lower expectation. <grins>
A bit too high for some people. =p
Well you got me there. I will have to say “different” expectations. But in the end, if a group advertises itself as speedrun group, then it would be fair to go along with that, or just not join that group.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
there is no such thing as elitism only nice peeps and kittens, even among OP’s “elitist zerk speedrunners type”, he didn’t realize that there is a moar “elitist” type which likes to dictate even WHERE on the spot to place ur banners (not sure if tis elitist idiots know tat banners effect range is 600 not melee-ish) and even trash talk our dps is pathetic when the last boss dies in 30 secs……so its only a matter of attitude of being nice or being a total kitten
1. Did you note their names?
2. Did you send a report to Anet, stating said names?
I’d bring that to Anet’s attention since kicks such as this are now being regarded as “griefing” and as far as I know, that’s something which can be a bannable offence, or at least an offence of a warning so they don’t do it again to anyone else.
1. Did you note their names?
2. Did you send a report to Anet, stating said names?I’d bring that to Anet’s attention since kicks such as this are now being regarded as “griefing” and as far as I know, that’s something which can be a bannable offence, or at least an offence of a warning so they don’t do it again to anyone else.
He got griefed because he got kicked out of the dungeon “after it is finished”?
I’m sorry but anyone can play with anyone they want. No one should be forced to play with people they dont’ want to play with.
What you are saying is like I can join a level50+ fotm with no agony and no experienced at all and everyone should accept me for who I am.
(edited by laokoko.7403)
1. Did you note their names?
2. Did you send a report to Anet, stating said names?I’d bring that to Anet’s attention since kicks such as this are now being regarded as “griefing” and as far as I know, that’s something which can be a bannable offence, or at least an offence of a warning so they don’t do it again to anyone else.
He got griefed because he got kicked out of the dungeon “after it is finished”?
I’m sorry but anyone can play with anyone they want. No one should be forced to play with people they dont’ want to play with.
What you are saying is like I can join a level50+ fotm with no agony and no experienced at all and everyone should accept me for who I am.
The assumption is that OP was kicked “at the end of the run” as in: you complete the dungeon, but are kicked while waiting for your rewards…wouldn’t make sense to post otherwise.
And OP also mentioned it was a COE p1 run…which sounds like he/she had already experience doing since…ya know stating he/she does daily dungeon runs, and has got a dungeon master title…and the prerequisite skills in place to carry out the task efficiently to do a ~10min COE run.
So the relation to your fractals example is not in line with his/her experiences.
Besides, there was no prior mention that there was a problem until the very end. If they were really that bad of a player, and a burden on the group, any real pug trying to complete a run would have kicked them INSTANTLY.
I hope you read the first post properly?
(edited by nethykins.7986)
1. Did you note their names?
2. Did you send a report to Anet, stating said names?I’d bring that to Anet’s attention since kicks such as this are now being regarded as “griefing” and as far as I know, that’s something which can be a bannable offence, or at least an offence of a warning so they don’t do it again to anyone else.
He got griefed because he got kicked out of the dungeon “after it is finished”?
I’m sorry but anyone can play with anyone they want. No one should be forced to play with people they dont’ want to play with.
What you are saying is like I can join a level50+ fotm with no agony and no experienced at all and everyone should accept me for who I am.
The assumption is that OP was kicked “at the end of the run” as in: you complete the dungeon, but are kicked while waiting for your rewards…wouldn’t make sense to post otherwise.
And OP also mentioned it was a COE p1 run…which sounds like he/she had already experience doing since…ya know stating he/she does daily dungeon runs, and has got a dungeon master title…and the prerequisite skills in place to carry out the task efficiently to do a ~10min COE run.
So the relation to your fractals example is not in line with his/her experiences.Besides, there was no prior mention that there was a problem until the very end. If they were really that bad of a player, and a burden on the group, any real pug trying to complete a run would have kicked them INSTANTLY.
I hope you read the first post properly?
No you are lost. At least I think you are. The OP was refering to “COF path 1 farming”. People farm cof path 1 over and over again for money because it is the shortest path. There are times I run that dungeon 50+ times straight in a day.
The OP get kicked after he finished the dungeon and after he get the reward for the dungeon run. He want to rerun the dungeon again but the party kicked him since they want a better mesmer.
And the expectation for a cof path 4warrrior/memser run is 6-7 minutes. 10 minutes is obviously too long. I don’t see any problem with that since the OP didn’t get kicked during the dungeon. He got kicked out of the dungeon after it is finished.
(edited by laokoko.7403)
I disagree with the naysayers. There’s a huge problem with elitism and we knew it was coming (those of us who were originally attracted to this game under the flag of playing not in dungeons/instances but in open world metas only) we warned people that if the devs attracted these types of players with the FotM focus that the community would be broken up. We knew that people who were like this would start expecting perfection, would start actually measuring people’s dps, and requesting things like links to their armor. We told all of you that certain classes would be denied access. We also told everyone that these same people would start making requests from the devs in forums for things like addons for dps meters, gearcheck, and cross-server LFG system. We told everyone that this was going to happen.
Nobody listened and now here we are. The community is going to get worse and worse until finally no one is going to bother with pugs because it’s too much to deal with with these nasty attitudes.
Everything would have been perfectly fine in this game if the devs had stayed on track and not done a complete 180 from their manifesto in November with this setup.
Sorry OP, we tried to warn folks we really did.
These people are so sad to be honest. Us mesmers have to do everything for em. What they can’t dodge a few boulders ? If you can get past that point without the help of a mesmer then you suck plain and simple. I would have left right there already.
We also told everyone that these same people would start making requests from the devs in forums for things like addons for dps meters, gearcheck, and cross-server LFG system. We told everyone that this was going to happen.
This is not elitism and despite not having a time saving method to PUG, CoF elitism STILL occurs. To me not having a LFG in game matchmaker is just lazy.
Wake me when we have a proper expansion. Only thing keeping me going in this game is guild challenge and guild puzzles which I haven’t done yet.
These people are so sad to be honest. Us mesmers have to do everything for em. What they can’t dodge a few boulders ? If you can get past that point without the help of a mesmer then you suck plain and simple. I would have left right there already.
True. Its just as fast to simply run through, if you know where and how you should never die on the boulders. Using mesmer portal is the lazy way.