Temporary bans for profanity
Kitten is a very apt term for the people who report others for swearing.
To the folks saying swearing is immature or whatever, no. The only time in my life I remember when people actually got worked up about swearing is K-4th grade.
There are kids in this game, and the filter is automatically in place for them I get that, but if you are a fully functioning adult and you get worked up over a few swear words holy kitten.
Outside of racial slurs, just turn on the filter if it’s an issue.
Arena net isn’t going to ban people for occasionally saying the f word, but they will ban you for verbally abusing someone. That’s the difference.
I employ, er, colourful language on a fairly constant basis. Expletives. Not abuse. Abuse should be punished.
What truly bothers me is people who will use strange spellings and spacings to get around the profanity filter that can be turned off. That’s just rude.
All these, including racial slurs, can be avoided by keeping filter on and/or blocking said user so you never have to see anything they type ever again.
I’m not attempting to be abrasive, but in all honesty, if ‘bad words’ or ‘name calling’ bothers you, it’s not ANET’s problem, it’s yours. Profanity blocker or simply blocking a user are viable solutions.
Issue boils down to you wanting revenge on someone who offended you; to say otherwise means your brain can’t handle keeping profanity filter on, or right clicking and blocking a user. So please, taking a high and noble stance on ‘vulgar’ speech while demanding revenge for said speech isn’t very high and noble.
Filter, block.. done.
Erm…well…no. It’s interesting you place the blame on the person following the rules though instead of the person who is breaking them.
Once again, profanity filter isn’t there so you can say whatever you want. It’s not a license to be an kitten.
Anets opinion on the profanity filter:
(edited by fellyn.5083)
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Good thing GW2 isn’t a democracy eh? It’s called a Monarchy, so bow down to the King baby!
“Swearing is a really important part of one’s life. It would be impossible to imagine going through life without swearing and without enjoying swearing… There used to be mad, silly, prissy people who used to say swearing was a sign of a poor vocabulary -such utter nonsense. The people I know who swear the most tend to have the widest vocabularies and the kind of person who says swearing is a sign of a poor vocabulary usually have a pretty poor vocabulary themselves… The sort of twee person who thinks swearing is in any way a sign of a lack of education or a lack of verbal interest or -is just a kittening lunatic… I haven’t met anybody who’s truly shocked at swearing, really, they’re only shocked on behalf of other people. Well, you know, that’s preposterous… or they say ’it’s not necessary’. As if that should stop one doing it! It’s not necessary to have coloured socks, it’s not necessary for this cushion to be here, but is anyone going to write in and say ‘I was shocked to see that cushion there, it really wasn’t necessary’? No, things not being necessary is what makes life interesting -the little extras in life.”
~Stephen Fry
And as ever, the one who makes the most sense, is an Englishman. (Watch his documentary, it’s so true)!
I never understood why people report for bad language. And I guarantee the ones who report have the profanity filter off. I don’t understand it. Swearing, no matter how rude is a part of our lives, and we always have to let off a little steam.
It’s ridiculous if bans are given out for swearing. By all means, if someone is constantly throwing abuse towards someone/a group, that should be considered a ban-able case.
If people are offended by swearing in this day and age, build yourself a time machine and go back to the 18th century, and please, stay there.
Isn’t the perception of profanity as an aberration largely religious?
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
I’m pretty sure swearing alone isn’t going to get anyone banned. Harassing players with swear laden ad hominem attacks, however, should. It’s bad for the community as a whole and, with respect to pvp, poor sportsmanship. While i agree with the Stephen fry’s quote about swearing, , I don’t think he is at all arguing for swearing as it is used in games such as LoL, wherein the players bully each other and try to make others feel as bad as possible. He is simply discussing the prejudice against swearing and those who use swear words.
same as with hacking or security account topic…i dont need an internet babysitter and i wont try to educate unkown people over the internet, we arent at school or job, neither arent my kids, you arent my parents, i will never meet you, i dont believe hitler is a forbidden word, etc
so in my pov, i dont think swearing, harrasment and nicknames are a ban-able reason. Ban should be if the person is a nuisance…such hack attempt, bug exploiter, botter, RMT spam, etc.
Isn’t the perception of profanity as an aberration largely religious?
same as with hacking or security account topic…i dont need an internet babysitter and i wont try to educate unkown people over the internet, we arent at school or job, neither arent my kids, you arent my parents, i will never meet you, i dont believe hitler is a forbidden word, etc
so in my pov, i dont think swearing, harrasment and nicknames are a ban-able reason. Ban should be if the person is a nuisance…such hack attempt, bug exploiter, botter, RMT spam, etc.
Good for us you aren’t in charge of things then. If I’m understanding what you’re saying you think only people who cheat in some way deserve to not play the game but everything else is fine?
Why should we make what others say in a video game too much of our business? So long as they aren’t harming anyone, why should we mind?
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
Why should we make what others say in a video game too much of our business? So long as they aren’t harming anyone, why should we mind?
Are you new to the internet, or what?
Eh? So why should we? You didn’t answer my question. Because it’s our moral obligation or something?
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
(edited by Leo Paul.1659)
Eh? So why should we? You didn’t answer my question.
Because given the chance (and people think anonymity gives them the right) people will act in the worst possible manner. Not enforcing any sort of moral code, as far as swearing goes, will just encourage people to be and act as stupid as they can.
Just look at Call of Duty, youtube comments, etc for a perfect examples of this.
That’s a bad generalization. People “other than me” will act in the worst possible manner. Anyway why is it bad for people to use expletives? Because it hurts your feelings?
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
(edited by Leo Paul.1659)
That’s a bad generalization. People “other than me” will act in the worst possible manner. Anyway why is it bad for people to use expletives? Because it hurts your feelings?
Where did I say it was bad? I think I’ve sad several times in this thread that I swear all the time. The difference being I don’t do it in public channels and if I did, and did it often enough I would expect to be punished in some way.
I’ve also said many times that it doesn’t matter how you or I feel about it. It only matters how anet feels about it. I don’t think it’s to much to ask for them to expect people to follow the rules they agreed to when they first starting playing the game.
I’ll just keep posting this link until people get the point:
And here’s another one:
And then this:
Rules are rules. Follow them or don’t. But don’t be surprised if you choose not when you get suspended.
(edited by fellyn.5083)
I happily abide the rules of conduct in this game. There is no sense in using profanity. Swearing is definitely not needed to get a point across. The amount of negativity that comes with profanity is significant and can turn away proper players.
This has nothing to do with being a prude or anything, it has to do with good community etiquette. If a commander or guild member is mouthing off to others in the same server it can ruin morale.
I don’t care how much another player next to you is messing up it is senseless to cuss him/her out. It is more helpful to calmly tell them what they are doing wrong.
If profanity and verbal harassment keeps up in Guild Wars 2 it could turn into another League of Legends or any DotA style game for that matter where mouthing off at your own teammates is common.
Guild Wars 2 is a game and games are there for fun. If you are swearing your head off you couldn’t possibly be having fun IMO. By all means play to win.
Your assumptions are as baseless as they are ignorant and misguided. All very common traits for the kind of people who seem to carry this incomprehensible fear of words.
You see, contrary to what other, equally uneducated, people might have told you before as you were growing up there is no inherent “danger” to a word. For some insane reason, seemingly originally related to religion and religious teachings, as these things usually are, we, as a society, started attributing this exceedingly negative connotation to certain words. Not even to meanings, but to words specifically, which is utterly ridiculous. It’s absolutely baffling that you can have two different words, with the exact same meaning, where one of them is a “bad word” that offends people just for being spoken, and the other is perfectly fine and acceptable. But we have them. In fact, just about every single “bad word” has a “socially acceptable” counterpart. Because people, by and large, are remarkably stupid, prioritizing form over function. In fact I’m far more capable of insulting or demeaning you without using a single “curse” word. If you think about it all of these “bad words” are remarkably “light weight”, or even benign, as far as insults go. Take the ever-green “go kitten [synonym of sexual intercourse] yourself”. How is this an insult at all? Sex is something everyone loves. Even those who are ashamed of it and try their entire lives to repress it. We’re genetically programmed to love it! Often one of our favorite things. How is it that wishing something desirable upon someone has become a form of insult? It’s complete nonsense, associated with cultural religious influences where sex, or in fact most desirable things, were attributed a shameful significance in an attempt to control the masses… But that’s another story. For another time.
It’s also well documented that the popular belief that only the ignorant, poorly read or those of limited eloquence “curse”, is complete bollocks. Often the most eloquent people “curse” freely. In fact being eloquent implies the ability to fully utilize and manipulate words. All words. Ask Stephen Fry.
So, you see, your personal vendetta not withstanding, there is no logical reason for certain words to be globally banned because you don’t personally like them. If you don’t like them ANet has been kind enough to provide a complete, full-proof and individually tailored, solution: You may turn on your personal word filter, at varying degrees of intensity even, on the in-game options menu.
Saying a profanity filter should allow you to swear is like saying that the presence of fire extinguishers should allow you to start fires.
Saying a profanity filter should allow you to swear is like saying that the presence of fire extinguishers should allow you to start fires.
Of course you are allowed to start fire, here … light up cigarette. Started one without a fire extinguisher nearby.
is utterly ridiculous. It’s absolutely baffling that you can have two different words, with the exact same meaning, where one of them is a “bad word” that offends people just for being spoken, and the other is perfectly fine and acceptable.
That’s because they don’t mean the same thing. Sure, they may refer to the same object or action, but they do not mean the same thing. Saying you like something or that you love something is essentially the same thing, yet you cannot deny that they both mean the eaxct same thing.
Humans are pretty good at communicating far more than the words they use. It’s why sarcasm works in verbal speech. And it’s why some things offend more than other things. Saying Katrina to an American is far worse than saying hurricane.
Words often mean more than their direct literary purpose.
Of course you are allowed to start fire, here … light up cigarette. Started one without a fire extinguisher nearby.
You know what I mean.
However, you have to report people or nothing will change, and you won’t get banned immediately so it may take a few reports at least for before action will be taken.
Back then, they took 3-4 weeks to actually work on a support ticket, but you got 72hrs ban for a single wrong word in less than 4 hours.
However, you have to report people or nothing will change, and you won’t get banned immediately so it may take a few reports at least for before action will be taken.
Back then, they took 3-4 weeks to actually work on a support ticket, but you got 72hrs ban for a single wrong word in less than 4 hours.
Yep, the work faster when it comes to banning people for inappropriate language. So the best way to grief another player is not to taking screenshots or sending them to exploit. it’s to get the other player to spew profanity, report them and they get suspended 72 hours. It does works especially in WvWvW where temper flies and emotion gets the better side of a player. That’s how you get an enemy commander in WvWvW suspended for 3 days. Easily done.
(edited by Avien.8036)
Well im just back from a 72 hour ban for this very reason!
I was banned for profanity because I snapped after 10 mins or so at a group member that was harassing the whole group (apart from his friend) in fotm. Yes it probably wasn’t the right thing to do but hey everyone has a limit.
It seems to me, and at least in my case that its ok for a group member to verbally abuse and harass others and carry on like a child as long as you don’t use profanity.
Trying to get some kind of support from anet / ncfail on this issue proved to be pointless and non existent.
Saying a profanity filter should allow you to swear is like saying that the presence of fire extinguishers should allow you to start fires.
No. In this situation with your bad analogy, it would be that you won’t see a fire but you can feel its warmth. Nothing is flammable but people want to put it out because they know its there.
Why don’t we remove people for cooking on a fire then?
Allowing a fire to grow in a controlled environment happens all the time. I guess so people are just afraid of things irrationally and want to put them out. Even when nothing is wrong.
Well im just back from a 72 hour ban for this very reason!
It seems to me, and at least in my case that its ok for a group member to verbally abuse and harass others and carry on like a child as long as you don’t use profanity.
You’re absolutely spot on! This is the problem I have with Anet. They rewards the trolls and punish the not so innocent party. And when they do suspend you, they don’t give you the exact phrase in which you were banned for. They don’t tell you whether the other party (like in your case) were suspended as well.
It does seem that the first person to use the report always win. And the one who is smart enough or have read the code of conduct or the one who can mask their insult in appropriate languages can bait someone into 72 hours of suspension. It’s really that simple and I pray to god and hope Anet doesn’t change it until more people get to experience this fun game of actual grieving. In-game grieving is child play, actual 72 hours suspension is better.
Well im just back from a 72 hour ban for this very reason!
I was banned for profanity because I snapped after 10 mins or so at a group member that was harassing the whole group (apart from his friend) in fotm. Yes it probably wasn’t the right thing to do but hey everyone has a limit.
It seems to me, and at least in my case that its ok for a group member to verbally abuse and harass others and carry on like a child as long as you don’t use profanity.
Trying to get some kind of support from anet / ncfail on this issue proved to be pointless and non existent.
Oops that person could be me, I’ve been resorting to trolling in FoTM wiping people and going afk when they called for ‘wipe’ just to prove a point that Anet way of being moral in this game is hilarious. But of course, I didn’t do it intentionally ok, I had my party chat turned off so I have no idea what was goign on, and when I went afk it’s because erm my daughter fell down the stairs and I went to check up on her and I just never came back and when i did came back and see all the profanity I just gotta report. Hehehe.
So your way of getting back at anet is wasting other peoples time that have nothing to do with Anet? Classy.
Nah, people just need to read code of conduct. It’s their decision to swear and Anet is just facilitating this. I have done nothing wrong, the one who curse are the one in the wrong. I just hit the report button, Anet is the one responsible in getting them suspended. I am not the one who is punishing people in-game, Anet is. I’m just educating people in a manner that best get the message across. I can’t be blamed if the other player doesn’t know any better (in this case most of the people don’t).
So yeah, great work Anet. keep it up more reports coming your way.
Well im just back from a 72 hour ban for this very reason!
I was banned for profanity because I snapped after 10 mins or so at a group member that was harassing the whole group (apart from his friend) in fotm. Yes it probably wasn’t the right thing to do but hey everyone has a limit.
It seems to me, and at least in my case that its ok for a group member to verbally abuse and harass others and carry on like a child as long as you don’t use profanity.
Trying to get some kind of support from anet / ncfail on this issue proved to be pointless and non existent.
Oops that person could be me, I’ve been resorting to trolling in FoTM wiping people and going afk when they called for ‘wipe’ just to prove a point that Anet way of being moral in this game is hilarious. But of course, I didn’t do it intentionally ok, I had my party chat turned off so I have no idea what was goign on, and when I went afk it’s because erm my daughter fell down the stairs and I went to check up on her and I just never came back and when i did came back and see all the profanity I just gotta report. Hehehe.
So your way of getting back at anet is wasting other peoples time that have nothing to do with Anet? Classy.
Nah, people just need to read code of conduct. It’s their decision to swear and Anet is just facilitating this. I have done nothing wrong, the one who curse are the one in the wrong. I just hit the report button, Anet is the one responsible in getting them suspended. I am not the one who is punishing people in-game, Anet is. I’m just educating people in a manner that best get the message across. I can’t be blamed if the other player doesn’t know any better (in this case most of the people don’t).
So yeah, great work Anet. keep it up more reports coming your way.
No, you are trolling and baiting. What you are doing is 100% illegal in both the game and forums.
(edited by fellyn.5083)
Well im just back from a 72 hour ban for this very reason!
I was banned for profanity because I snapped after 10 mins or so at a group member that was harassing the whole group (apart from his friend) in fotm. Yes it probably wasn’t the right thing to do but hey everyone has a limit.
Exactly. The game offers ways of griefplay (social experience, kitten , but the downside of player interaction seems to be okay as long as you don’t go around telling them what they actually need to be told.
Solution: provoke people you don’t like into swearing. Nice social experience we got there, ANet. Epix.
No, you are trolling. What you are doing is 100% illegal in both the game and forums.
Nothing here is “illegal”.
Well im just back from a 72 hour ban for this very reason!
I was banned for profanity because I snapped after 10 mins or so at a group member that was harassing the whole group (apart from his friend) in fotm. Yes it probably wasn’t the right thing to do but hey everyone has a limit.
.Exactly. The game offers ways of griefplay (social experience, kitten , but the downside of player interaction seems to be okay as long as you don’t go around telling them what they actually need to be told.
Solution: provoke people you don’t like into swearing. Nice social experience we got there, ANet. Epix.
No, you are trolling. What you are doing is 100% illegal in both the game and forums.
Nothing here is “illegal”.
Because clearly purposefully going afk in dungeons to bait people into swearing so you can report them is respecting their right to play.
(edited by fellyn.5083)
Well im just back from a 72 hour ban for this very reason!
I was banned for profanity because I snapped after 10 mins or so at a group member that was harassing the whole group (apart from his friend) in fotm. Yes it probably wasn’t the right thing to do but hey everyone has a limit.
.Exactly. The game offers ways of griefplay (social experience, kitten , but the downside of player interaction seems to be okay as long as you don’t go around telling them what they actually need to be told.
Solution: provoke people you don’t like into swearing. Nice social experience we got there, ANet. Epix.
No, you are trolling. What you are doing is 100% illegal in both the game and forums.
Nothing here is “illegal”.
Because clearly purposefully going afk to bait people into swearing so you can report them is respecting their right to play.
real life happens yo, if u ask me to choose between my daughter who fell down the stairs and a kitten GW2 game you must be a kid if you think i’ll choose GW2. Besides I’m not that dumb to not leave some nice message on party chat to show in chat log that 1) i’m participating 2) i’m helpful and kind 3) i’m respectful by saying ‘its ok bro, we can get this boss next time’ then come the 2nd boss woops i went afk for 30 minutes came back and type ‘oh kitten, my dog ran out of the street and got hit by a car’ there I have all the evidences i need to show that I’m not doing it on purpose. Things happen =P I can think of more excuses and scenario.
I can bring a friend to participate in this setup too. He playing real bad, I start to criticize his playstyle but bearing in mind we don’t use any foul language. We make scene so unbearable that maybe the other players will join in and start insulting the other guy. hey I can just ask my mate to claim that he is using full MF% gear and keep linking fake loots he got from corpse and then we keep wiping that should push some buttons and when some start swearing, my mate and I can just start reporting. In terms of black and white, we have both done nothing wrong. Think about it.
(edited by Avien.8036)
Well im just back from a 72 hour ban for this very reason!
I was banned for profanity because I snapped after 10 mins or so at a group member that was harassing the whole group (apart from his friend) in fotm. Yes it probably wasn’t the right thing to do but hey everyone has a limit.
.Exactly. The game offers ways of griefplay (social experience, kitten , but the downside of player interaction seems to be okay as long as you don’t go around telling them what they actually need to be told.
Solution: provoke people you don’t like into swearing. Nice social experience we got there, ANet. Epix.
No, you are trolling. What you are doing is 100% illegal in both the game and forums.
Nothing here is “illegal”.
Because clearly purposefully going afk to bait people into swearing so you can report them is respecting their right to play.
real life happens yo, if u ask me to choose between my daughter who fell down the stairs and a kitten GW2 game you must be a kid if you think i’ll choose GW2.
Yeah, that’s totally what you said in your original post. You spelled it out pretty clearly why you go afk.
Turning party chat off, blah blah blah. You’re 100% trolling and baiting. Maybe you should have been taking care of your daughter instead of playing a game and leaving her unattended.
You force the entire situation and claim there is somehow a problem with anets system. Right.
(edited by fellyn.5083)
Well im just back from a 72 hour ban for this very reason!
I was banned for profanity because I snapped after 10 mins or so at a group member that was harassing the whole group (apart from his friend) in fotm. Yes it probably wasn’t the right thing to do but hey everyone has a limit.
.Exactly. The game offers ways of griefplay (social experience, kitten , but the downside of player interaction seems to be okay as long as you don’t go around telling them what they actually need to be told.
Solution: provoke people you don’t like into swearing. Nice social experience we got there, ANet. Epix.
No, you are trolling. What you are doing is 100% illegal in both the game and forums.
Nothing here is “illegal”.
Because clearly purposefully going afk to bait people into swearing so you can report them is respecting their right to play.
real life happens yo, if u ask me to choose between my daughter who fell down the stairs and a kitten GW2 game you must be a kid if you think i’ll choose GW2.
Yeah, that’s totally what you said in your original post. You spelled it out pretty clearly why you go afk.
Turning party chat off, blah blah blah. You’re 100% trolling and baiting. Maybe you should have been taking care of your daughter instead of playing a game and leaving her unattended.
See how easy it is for me to bait you. Are you feeling all kitten off now? send me an in-game chat, let’s talk about it calmly in chat log. wink wink
No thanks. Your posts speak for themselves.
Because clearly purposefully going afk in dungeons to bait people into swearing so you can report them is respecting their right to play.
That makes it “not acceptable” or “against the rules” but far from illegal. You won’t see police coming at you for making someone swear.
Not only is baiting extremely stupid, people who fall for it and start cursing aint too bright either since they fall for it.
That being said, Ive fallen for some trolling in my time, but in-game or on the forums I refrain from swearing… IRL, completely different story.
Colin Johansen hits you for 239407889 damage
Game over
(edited by Blackwolfe.5649)
Eh? So why should we? You didn’t answer my question.
Because given the chance (and people think anonymity gives them the right) people will act in the worst possible manner. Not enforcing any sort of moral code, as far as swearing goes, will just encourage people to be and act as stupid as they can.
Just look at Call of Duty, youtube comments, etc for a perfect examples of this.
people on YouTube comments do it to purposefully troll overly-sensitive people who have thin skin, and clearly it works on people like you.
go look at a forum like sherdog.com, a mma site, there is no filter or rule against swearing and every post is not full of swearing and trolling. get off the high horse kid.
And to the people saying swearing shows a lack of education, just LOL. Some of the smartest people in the world (comedians, past presidents, professors, etc.) are known to have potty mouths. The thin-skinned elitism in this thread is horrid.
(edited by Sprawl.3891)
To the people who dont swear or think it’s means something about your mental state, guess what, you’re in the minority:
“Virtually all people swear, and people swear pretty consistently throughout their lifetime — from the moment they can speak to the day they die. Swearing is almost a universal constant in most people’s lives. Research, according to Jay, has shown we swear on average from 0.3% to 0.7% of the time — a tiny but significant percentage of our overall speech (frequently-used personal pronouns occur at approximately 1.0% rate in speech). Swearing is more common than you might think. Swearing is not just for the uneducated or people of a lower socioeconomic class — it knows no social boundaries in its expression”
-Association of Psychological Science’s Perspectives on Psychological Science article by Timothy Jay (2009)
people on YouTube comments do it to purposefully troll overly-sensitive people who have thin skin, and clearly it works on people like you.
Being hidden behind a keyboard and screen and calling people “thin skinned” in a sort of virtual muscle flexing is easy. The person you answer to is right – people do that because they are anonymous on the Internet and there’s close to zero risk of retaliation. As I said in another post, the guy someone just insulted may be a doctor who saves lives daily, or a heavy weight boxer who would punch their nose in if they ever dared to do the same face to face in real life (which they won’t, of course, those guys only do it safely hidden behind a computer).
So please, drop the “big bad thick skinned guy” attitude, that doesn’t impress anyone here. If anything, insulting people one doesn’t even know safely hidden behind a computer screen is cowardice.
A PvX guild for mature players with a life.
(edited by Korrigan.4837)
people on YouTube comments do it to purposefully troll overly-sensitive people who have thin skin, and clearly it works on people like you.
Being hidden behind a keyboard and screen and calling people “thin skinned” in a sort of virtual muscle flexing is easy. The person you answer to is right – people do that because they are anonymous on the Internet and there’s close to zero risk of retaliation. As I said in another post, the guy someone just insulted may be a doctor who saves lives daily, or a heavy weight boxer who would punch their nose in if they ever dared to do the same face to face in real life (which they won’t, of course, those guys only do it safely hidden behind a computer).
So please, drop the “big bad guy” attitude, you don’t impress anyone here.
How about you drop that semireligious “mommy told me swearing is bad people get blind and god himself will descend to cut their tongues out” attitude?
people on YouTube comments do it to purposefully troll overly-sensitive people who have thin skin, and clearly it works on people like you.
Being hidden behind a keyboard and screen and calling people “thin skinned” in a sort of virtual muscle flexing is easy. The person you answer to is right – people do that because they are anonymous on the Internet and there’s close to zero risk of retaliation. As I said in another post, the guy someone just insulted may be a doctor who saves lives daily, or a heavy weight boxer who would punch their nose in if they ever dared to do the same face to face in real life (which they won’t, of course, those guys only do it safely hidden behind a computer).
So please, drop the “big bad thick skinned guy” attitude, that doesn’t impress anyone here. If anything, insulting people one doesn’t even know safely hidden behind a computer screen is cowardice.
no, you talk kitten to a boxer’s face he will laugh at you because he doesn’t want an assault lawsuit and is not thin skinned and has self control.
You don’t seem to understand trolling, if people posted those youtube comments and nobody said anything or reacted they go away, but instead, people like you go “omg wtf ur such a racist! u need a ban! someone ban this guy! how could u say that!” and help breed his behavior.
there are paid professional hecklers at sports game whos job is to talk kitten to pro athletes the entire game and get them frustrated, you have a lot to learn about life if you think trolling is something limited to computer nerds.
How about you drop that semireligious “mommy told me swearing is bad people get blind and god himself will descend to cut their tongues out” attitude?
Nice try, but bad luck – I’m a complete atheist, and I definitely swear quite a lot in real life. Note also that swearing is very different from directly insulting random people.
Typical Internet though – have no more arguments? No problem, just makes personal attacks based on assumptions about the unknown person’s life or beliefs. If anything, you just proved me (and ArenaNET) right. Thanks for that.
A PvX guild for mature players with a life.
(edited by Korrigan.4837)
How about you drop that semireligious “mommy told me swearing is bad people get blind and god himself will descend to cut their tongues out” attitude?
Nice try, but bad luck – I’m a complete atheist, and I definitely swear quite a lot in real life. Not also that swearing is very different from directly insulting random people.
Typical Internet though – have no more arguments? No problem, just makes personal attacks based on assumptions about the unknown person’s life or beliefs. If anything, you proved me right.
Pro tip: I just did exactly what you did.
How about you drop that semireligious “mommy told me swearing is bad people get blind and god himself will descend to cut their tongues out” attitude?
Nice try, but bad luck – I’m a complete atheist, and I definitely swear quite a lot in real life. Not also that swearing is very different from directly insulting random people.
Typical Internet though – have no more arguments? No problem, just makes personal attacks based on assumptions about the unknown person’s life or beliefs. If anything, you proved me right.
Pro tip: I just did exactly what you did.
lol he’s clueless
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Arenanet is not congress. They do what they want.
Uhm no, they can’t.
There are profanity filters and ignore lists. Use them.
And this comes from a player who never swears or insult anyone in game, no matter what.
Eh? So why should we? You didn’t answer my question.
Because given the chance (and people think anonymity gives them the right) people will act in the worst possible manner. Not enforcing any sort of moral code, as far as swearing goes, will just encourage people to be and act as stupid as they can.
Just look at Call of Duty, youtube comments, etc for a perfect examples of this.
people on YouTube comments do it to purposefully troll overly-sensitive people who have thin skin, and clearly it works on people like you.
go look at a forum like sherdog.com, a mma site, there is no filter or rule against swearing and every post is not full of swearing and trolling. get off the high horse kid.
And to the people saying swearing shows a lack of education, just LOL. Some of the smartest people in the world (comedians, past presidents, professors, etc.) are known to have potty mouths. The thin-skinned elitism in this thread is horrid.
Good job on just reading one of my posts and assuming I’m a “kid”.
None of that has to do with the fact that you and I both agreed to a rule set when we first started playing the game. It doesn’t matter what you think, it doesn’t matter what I think. It only matters what anet thinks.
Why do people keep overlooking this simple little fact? It has nothing to do with personal opinions.
(edited by fellyn.5083)
Eh? So why should we? You didn’t answer my question.
Because given the chance (and people think anonymity gives them the right) people will act in the worst possible manner. Not enforcing any sort of moral code, as far as swearing goes, will just encourage people to be and act as stupid as they can.
Just look at Call of Duty, youtube comments, etc for a perfect examples of this.
people on YouTube comments do it to purposefully troll overly-sensitive people who have thin skin, and clearly it works on people like you.
go look at a forum like sherdog.com, a mma site, there is no filter or rule against swearing and every post is not full of swearing and trolling. get off the high horse kid.
And to the people saying swearing shows a lack of education, just LOL. Some of the smartest people in the world (comedians, past presidents, professors, etc.) are known to have potty mouths. The thin-skinned elitism in this thread is horrid.
Good job on just reading one of my posts and assuming I’m a “kid”.
None of that has to do with the fact that you and I both agreed to a rule set when we first started playing the game. It doesn’t matter what you think, it doesn’t matter what I think. It only matters what anet thinks.
Why do people keep overlooking this simple little fact? It has nothing to do with personal opinions.
I’m not arguing their rules. they are loosely enforced anyways based on the amount of people who have said they reported me due to trash talk and have yet to be suspended.
I’m arguing against these horrible comparisons to YouTube comments or real life examples and claims of superiority from people with thin skin.
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