I’ve been growing more and more frustrated with this.
I’ve been playing this game since release. With skins and various other little trinkets on the Black Lion Trading Post I’d say I’ve been pretty support monetarily as well.
However, my time played vs. actual skill is being more and more player driven toward “Achievements”. These achievements are really focused on some rather ‘niche’ content.
Now, dungeon raids are frequently saying 5k AP, all Zerker rush.
Well, grand… I’ve been playing for 2 years straight and my AP is just cresting into 4,213… Yet for all that, I’ve done practically all of the achievements there are listed in the Hero: Achievements area. The only ones I don’t have are the racial ones since all of my characters are just one race and I have no desire to play the others.
It’s quite bizarre. The AP system is a wonderful fun thing , don’t get me wrong. I love them, but mathematically they force a ‘ceiling’ upon players. A ‘ceiling’ which is actually quite impossible to overcome for most. I spent most of my time in WvW. I have no interest what so ever in PvP, but my time played or experience is not the least bit represented by the AP system and that AP system is being used to block people out of dungeons and therefore getting the experience to be in the dungeon.
This creates a much wider problem. Players are being demanded to come “experienced” to a dungeon without having access to the dungeons because “You must have 5K AP to enter”.
“Okay…,” says the player… who then sets out to get their 5000 AP. Except… the math doesn’t add up. You cannot reach 5000 AP without making a number of separate races for their 10 AP from story rewards. What the heck does personal story matter? You only get 25 ap for your legendary and that sends you across the entire planet and into WvW. The hero rewards for AP are 10 each. You do more for your legendary a day than you do for that 10 minutes of cutscene watching.
Why don’t not make AP points representative of the time and effort it would their acquisition actually reflects? Stop cornering people into doing content they really have no interest in. Stop making fractals the only place to get ascended gear drops. I have no interest in playing with a bunch of fast placed, no explanation pugs (pick up groups) who hate me, the world, everything in it, and can’t be bothered to explain what to do.
So … this isn’t a video game: at least, not if it keeps going this way. This is creating a climate where the whole game is bottle-necking into a series of incidents which can be “skipped”.
If I want to go to Orr… a dungeon I have rarely ever got to do because of this… I have to know how to do the dungeon. Okay… how do I do that? I … go … and …do … the… dungeon! Whoa… what a remarkable idea!
… except no one does that… No one does dungeons except on accident, when a group is bad, or something in the scripting events get stuck. They just skip over everything because it’s not designed like a video-game. It’s designed like a bunch of scripted-trigger switches.
Players skip huge sections of the dungeon, content, anything they can and so most of it.
I’m pretty sure we all came here to play a video game. Instead, a few less than desirable people are forcing the rest of the gaming community into “skipping” the whole game so they can have their instant gratification.
- Make AP reflective of the time put into things rather than the instant of completion? The Achievement of getting a legendary weapon is NOT the moment of acquisition, it is the months and months dedicated the crafting the thing. There’s a great deal of ‘content consumption’ consumption into making one and I have to make TWO before I get any AP from this? No… that’s not reflective of my time or the achievement of that what so ever. Now, even more so when skill points buy traits if you aren’t willing or have the time (either or) to go out and get them yourself.
I’ve been playing for 2 years. I’d like to DO some dungeons. Actually do them, not just skip 90% of the content for the end. I’d like to be able to wear ALL of the varied and many kinds of gear, not just the highest dps variety. I’d like to be able to have my time and experience reflected. I’d like to see some respect given to players about just how much time they really put into things and stop seeing catering to people who think the instant of success IS the-success. Such instant gratification-mongers are deficient people, ignorant, and destructive to a community. Catering to their mentality will only harm any efforts toward community building or a ‘gaming’ climate. If you aren’t sure what I mean, look up the term “Wrath Babies” and see the trouble Blizzard Entertainment got itself into by catering to and reward only the worst of the player base.
This have a great game, but someone needs to put some breaks on this before it gets out of hand.