The Cantha Thread [Merged]
I would guess that we will see Scarlet again before we see Cantha
intel 335 180gb/intel 320 160gb WD 3TB Gigabyte GTX G1 970 XFX XXX750W HAF 932
My greatest fear for a Cantha expansion would be if we end in a country and try to make them accept non-humans. Since you know the people there sort of kicked as many non humans as possible, the Tengu were just the last ones to flee.
In other words I hope they don’t throw a world of warcraft story line based on finding peace an respect between everyone and sunshine and rainbows.
Naaah. Give me a civil war and blurry moral lines please. Not everyone has to agree with the status quo to be a kitten good person/state/country/whatever.…Sort of what’s going on with the main storyline at the moment.
And that’s kind of the big problem with both Elona and Cantha though. Anet backed themselves into a huge corner with this. In the last 200+ years, Cantha kicked out all the inhuman races, and Elona enslaved all the inhuman races. If either region really had a problem so big that the rest of Tyria had to intervene and go help, I wouldn’t see it ending well within the first five minutes of a ship landing at either shore.
I could see Norn passing as bigger humans, but Cantha and Elona both are just going to shoot the other three races on sight and not really care either way.
Both regions will require the racial issues to be addressed. Unless Anet goes the more mature route and keeps Cantha/Elona the way they are, the storyline is going to be required to go the current and already used GW2 route between Humans and Charr, who have spent the last 1000 years killing each other, and only a more powerful threat could possibly have brought them together. Any storyline they do in either region is going to be a repeat of what they already did.
(edited by Chrispy.5641)
A higher up from Cantha could escape and ask for help in Tyria. A small “army” could go there (the key to the entre would be Belinda’s sword as a sign of Canthan heritage?) and we would need to convince some people to trust non human races, it could be that smooth.
Also, about mixed cultures… I wonder how the people who prevented Cantha from appearing in Divinity’s Reach now see the mix of Belinda’s Japanese sword and the heaviest Chinese-inspired outfit…
Son of Elonia.
New expansion, new classes, only one race, can’t access full bank/tyria till level 80 – yay exploration and new world!
Please, Make Cantha part of GW2!!
I don’t think its so much the story. Those are easy to work around. Given time I could write a very well thought out reason for Including Elona or Cantha. Using Lore from Guild Wars 1 and What we were given in two.
But as sad as I am that neither of those are part of Guild Wars two. I was equally sad today when I looked at the northern part of the Map. Most of what we got in the Eye of the north isn’t in here yet either. I would love to have the Far Shiver Peaks or the Blood legion home lands playable.
My elemntalist, guardian, engineer and necro would like to have a talk with you anet.
They want to go home! So please release Cantha!
(edited by Yumiko Ishida.3769)
i don’t know if this is something really relevant, but right now in the EU tournament stream, Joshua Davis had this loading picture behind him, and it seems Cantha-esque.
i looked through all loading screens from guild wars 2 and this one wasn’t there.
dunno if this is from GW1 though.
in this picture the Chroma key is hiding it, but the picture actually have the GW2 logo at the lower left part of it.
let’s hope we see Cantha in GW2 soon.
(edited by Kesvalk.1674)
i can confirm it’s not from GW1, the style doesn’t even match.
so yeah, curious indeed.
That’s a great catch Kesvalk. It’s definitely GW2 concept art and it does look a lot like Kaineng.
i can confirm it’s not from GW1, the style doesn’t even match.
so yeah, curious indeed.
Isn’t that Labyrinthine Cliffs?
Stormbluff Isle ( )
i don’t know if this is something really relevant, but right now in the EU tournament stream, Joshua Davis had this loading picture behind him, and it seems Cantha-esque.
i looked through all loading screens from guild wars 2 and this one wasn’t there.
dunno if this is from GW1 this picture the Chroma key is hiding it, but the picture actually have the GW2 logo at the lower left part of it.
let’s hope we see Cantha in GW2 soon.
New toy in gemstore – Umbrella !
(edited by Mem no Fushia.7604)
I hope not. I’ve had enough asian themes with all these other mmos including the last WoW expansion.
Bring on the dwarves, I say! You can never have enough dwarves.
I hope not. I’ve had enough asian themes with all these other mmos including the last WoW expansion.
Bring on the dwarves, I say! You can never have enough dwarves.
Eh, but they do not born anymore.
i don’t know if this is something really relevant, but right now in the EU tournament stream, Joshua Davis had this loading picture behind him, and it seems Cantha-esque.
i looked through all loading screens from guild wars 2 and this one wasn’t there.
dunno if this is from GW1 this picture the Chroma key is hiding it, but the picture actually have the GW2 logo at the lower left part of it.
let’s hope we see Cantha in GW2 soon.
It is pretty Cantha looking I will give it that. Bring on the new maps I say.
Can I just add that I would gladly give my entire salary towards a Cantha expansion. And as a 8 years GW player I would be greatly dissapointed if Cantha never features in GW2
Fort Aspenwood
Now in NCsoft earnings report 3Q14 found from conference call: " The game is now two years old. And therefore in the not too far future we do think that we will have an opportunity to show our plans about expansion packs for this game"
Wtb Cantha expansion:)
i don’t know if this is something really relevant, but right now in the EU tournament stream, Joshua Davis had this loading picture behind him, and it seems Cantha-esque.
i looked through all loading screens from guild wars 2 and this one wasn’t there.
dunno if this is from GW1 this picture the Chroma key is hiding it, but the picture actually have the GW2 logo at the lower left part of it.
let’s hope we see Cantha in GW2 soon.
I know I’m late to the party.
The concept art behind josh davis is an unused concept art for the bazaar of the 4 winds. It has (unfortunately) nothing to do with cantha.
Sorry to crush your hopes.
Cantha was a very unique Asian theme, nothing over the top or silly.
The music, terrain, characters, everything about it screams awesome. Easily my favorite place to visit in GW1. Dang you Am-Fah and your random rappelling down trying to smash my face
Too bad they removed any semblance of it in GW2… even the small district Divinity Reach that was dedicated to them in alpha/beta.
Cantha was a very unique Asian theme, nothing over the top or silly.
The music, terrain, characters, everything about it screams awesome. Easily my favorite place to visit in GW1. Dang you Am-Fah and your random rappelling down trying to smash my face
Too bad they removed any semblance of it in GW2… even the small district Divinity Reach that was dedicated to them in alpha/beta.
Ya, I was so sad that they actually removed the Cantha district off from Divinity’s Reach!
It would have been MUCH better instead of that stupid beautiful looking eagle,
And mmmhh, Cantha’s themes were sooo beautiful, I really, really hope Cantha AND Elona ( of course ) will return to GW2…
Every Elonian and Canthan people can’t just disappear just like that or merged up into Tyria. :O
150k views. Long time no see. WvW would be interesting with siege turtles etc.
150k views. Long time no see. WvW would be interesting with siege turtles etc.
Yes! The return of siege turtles would be fantastic.
The Anet writers could always write out Cantha and say Bubbles destroyed it.
Joking of course.
So much wasted potential. Had I known how much of the lore would have been left out, I never would have bought Guild Wars 2. I mean, come on how can we have a game set in the same world and ignore so much of what came before.
-Pretty sure Cantha is not disappearing
-Give them time to fix cultural issues
-You are creating too much hype around it. It is destined to fail.
-First let ANet fixed current issues before demanding an entire new world.
Actual thought:
Being honest, before seeing Cantha/Factions back, I’ll like to see a more balance game.
Don’t get me wrong, I also loved the living chipotle out of Factions and want to see its version in GW2 (either as a small pick or a full expansion). From the 5 characters I used the most in GW1 (necro-monk-assassin-rit-derv) 3 where from Factions (monk-assassin-rit). Think that all my characters went through all the story of factions. I pretty much spent all my time in PvP helping the faction Luxon.
From what I was checking and with the interview with Josh Foreman, I don’t think Cantha is out of the game. They have to work around the problem with what is sensible for Asian’s culture. But that doesn’t equal that we aren’t seeing Cantha at all or that it’s going to be a water down version of it. We just got to see how they work around that issue. I mean, it took around 8 years or so to deliver GW2. We just got to be patient (and keep poking ANet for it :P)
Returning to my original statement, I would still prefer seeing dedicated content for end game (I got really excited with the Raid thread and the hiring of new staff to make it possible). Prefer the idea of finally balancing the defense vs attack events rewards. So we stop seeing people ignoring the defense/protect the building. Honestly, I like how the current living world is adding small bits of the map (if it was or wasn’t properly delivered is another story for another thread). I like to be part of a growing lore, instead of reading or hearing how ‘X’ NPC had to fight against ‘Y’ dark force, and we are just picking up the remnants of those battles or what was left incomplete.
Just as a side note, you are building way too much hype around Factions. By the time (whenever it might be) it comes out, I can safely bet that there will be thread after thread of how ANet didn’t delivered. People arguing how Factions v2 didn’t capture the essence of Factions v1. How Factions v2 isn’t a direct sequel to Factions v1. Pretty much, nip picking every corner of it, letdown because it wasn’t the HD version of Factions with new characters (instead of a new vision of it) and how it hacked the lore of it. IT IS DESTINED TO FAIL and the longer the thread gets, the more it will fail and feel like a disappointment.
I’m wishfully thinking that the living world is heading towards an entire expansion. Working for the next causes: 1) expanding the entire map of Tyria and 2) is a prelude to connect Tyria with either Cantha or Elona or both. Saying: “Hey, maybe in the next 2-3 chapters they might add a Tengu or another race as a helping NPC”. That NPC being the new playable race of the feature expansion back, maybe even being the new profession that we can pick up.
Being honest, just give them time. Let ANet overthink all the cultural and politically correctness that must be worked on. Let them also first finish completing our current GW2 before demanding an entire new continent. It has been only 2 years since its release, and pretty sure that all the people in these post don’t have every single thing from what is available in the game.
Feel free to correct me, tell me I’m wrong (or right ;D) or that they should at least say if they have plans in making Cantha and Elona.
Cantha <3
Need I say more?
If you check out the Codans and their icebergs with the Asian type housing on them I would think Cantha is still there- Probably has changed very very much and is a desolate ice desert now. Possibly even without any humans left on that continent.
We should send an Asuran expeditionary team over there to get more info.
Stinky McLane… the only Necro known to have a toothpaste fetish
Lefty (give me a second) Fiddlesticks… one Engineer, two clumbsy hands…
(edited by Eileane.3845)
If you check out the Codans and their icebergs with the Asian type housing on them I would think Cantha is still there- Probably has changed very very much and is a desolate ice desert now. Possibly even without any humans left on that continent.
We should send an Asuran expeditionary team over there to get more info.
The asurans are probably already there. They conquered the empire and are having a non stop kegger. With smokes, Really good smokes.
I will prepare my wallet easily for cantha to come back. It was a very interesting land despite its ugly foes that roamed it. It’s asian feel was much more fun to me along side the renaissance kingdoms of tyria.
Sometimes it seems like Anet closed the door on everything that was in GW1 and tried to make GW2 something new. Do not reinvent the wheel that far. This game is still banking off veterans; if you don’t make them happy of what standards you set for them, it can be devastating to them (as per company to customer relationship).
Whats so hard about just copy and pasting previous land ideas from GW1 if its GW TWO. If nothing will be resembled in GW2, might as well call it tyria online.
FracTonic|OmniPot|Golden Arms
Ad Infinitum & The Ascension
Cantha was a very unique Asian theme, nothing over the top or silly.
The music, terrain, characters, everything about it screams awesome. Easily my favorite place to visit in GW1. Dang you Am-Fah and your random rappelling down trying to smash my face
Too bad they removed any semblance of it in GW2… even the small district Divinity Reach that was dedicated to them in alpha/beta.
Bolded for agreement.
I forgot about the Am-Fah! It was great how they used to ambush us and drop down from ropes hanging from what we can assume were the surrounding buildings. That was a really great little detail that added to the atmosphere.
Now in NCsoft earnings report 3Q14 found from conference call: " The game is now two years old. And therefore in the not too far future we do think that we will have an opportunity to show our plans about expansion packs for this game"
Wtb Cantha expansion:)
ugh, I can feel my expectations going up unnecessarily only to fall in crushing disappointment when they announce that it definitely isn’t going to be Cantha. T_T Maybe I will just play through the missions again for the nostalgia….
Edit: Although with this new LS arc I feel ever so slightly encouraged by the direction the are taking this game in. New zones and content will really revitalize the community.
(edited by Zhaneel.9208)
Cantha was a very unique Asian theme, nothing over the top or silly.
The music, terrain, characters, everything about it screams awesome. Easily my favorite place to visit in GW1. Dang you Am-Fah and your random rappelling down trying to smash my face
Too bad they removed any semblance of it in GW2… even the small district Divinity Reach that was dedicated to them in alpha/beta.
Bolded for agreement.
I forgot about the Am-Fah! It was great how they used to ambush us and drop down from ropes hanging from what we can assume were the surrounding buildings. That was a really great little detail that added to the atmosphere.
Now in NCsoft earnings report 3Q14 found from conference call: " The game is now two years old. And therefore in the not too far future we do think that we will have an opportunity to show our plans about expansion packs for this game"
Wtb Cantha expansion:)
ugh, I can feel my expectations going up unnecessarily only to fall in crushing disappointment when they announce that it definitely isn’t going to be Cantha. T_T Maybe I will just play through the missions again for the nostalgia….
Edit: Although with this new LS arc I feel ever so slightly encouraged by the direction the are taking this game in. New zones and content will really revitalize the community.
The Am Fah stopped attacking me… when I promised I’d join them, but never comittted
Gryphon -> but the Jade Brotherhood want to catching you:p
That’s okay… back then I have my 7 friends and 10 minions with me
Yes, Yumiko Ishida, me and my sisters have also spent far too long as exiles – strangers in a strange land.
We long for the time when we can, at last, return to our homeland – Cantha.
Maybe one non human female asian looking character would do something good to you :-)
I expect to hear something soon, as mentioned already by NCSoft. Just let’s hope that it will be Cantha and we have to fight Sbubbles/Bubbles/Deep Sea Dragon/DSD. I think the plan was first to release in China, it is a huge market and very important which I understand. We all crave for something new, new lands, professions, etc. Or what do you think do the rest of the 350 man team at Anet?
‘would of been’ —> wrong
This guy does not believe the Great Collapse was an accident. See also: the subsequent revision of history in regard to the Canthan District.
I do not understand how so many posts on the topic but the developer does not make us:((
On their part i`m still wait for something an explanation, answer for we will be ever see again Cantha back, or is just dream?
I apologize for my bad english.
Happy birthday! This post have 2 years old now
And counting.. lol
I suspect this post could reach 5 years old ^^
I want to be abe to see Echovald Forest again :/
I want to be abe to see Echovald Forest again :/
I miss it too man… I miss it too…
Maybe the devs will be surprize us in 26 April 2015 with an expansion when Guild Wars 1 loads 10 years
I want to be abe to see Echovald Forest again :/
yep one of my fav places in GW1
Stinky McLane… the only Necro known to have a toothpaste fetish
Lefty (give me a second) Fiddlesticks… one Engineer, two clumbsy hands…
I expect to hear something soon, as mentioned already by NCSoft. Just let’s hope that it will be Cantha and we have to fight Sbubbles/Bubbles/Deep Sea Dragon/DSD. I think the plan was first to release in China, it is a huge market and very important which I understand. We all crave for something new, new lands, professions, etc. Or what do you think do the rest of the 350 man team at Anet?
What was that exactly? Looks like I missed something.
Mesmer – Necromancer – Ranger – Elementalist – Revenant
Maybe the devs will be surprize us in 26 April 2015 with an expansion
when Guild Wars 1 loads 10 years
Like how GW2 was supposed to release on GW1’s b-day? Good thing that turned out fine.
Maybe the devs will be surprize us in 26 April 2015 with an expansion
when Guild Wars 1 loads 10 years
Like how GW2 was supposed to release on GW1’s b-day? Good thing that turned out fine.
Not that far off ;p
Angela Sky , THE Guardian
Orochimarei , THE Necromancer
Instead of GW2 with Cantha, can we start over with a completely new game: Guld Wars Factions 2? And make it the real sequel to Guild Wars?
Instead of GW2 with Cantha, can we start over with a completely new game: Guld Wars Factions 2? And make it the real sequel to Guild Wars?
I’m failing to see how this would be fundamentally any different than an expansion…
So far the living story has stretched into the Maguuma Wastes. I agree that taking the story south into Cantha with time would be amazing, I want to see an end to the World Dragon Story first. I also want to see Elon and the Crystal Desert, The Fireislands, and so much more. Bu the development cycle is very slow with this game, so I am unsure if this is a reality. Hopefully, we will see a large patch that brings pieces of this GREAT lore back into Tyria. Hopefully we can look forward to the Tengu as a playable race, the Ritualist as a class again, and an exploration of the Factions Lore.