The Death of Alts...
But no MMO has ever done that kind of thing. You progress only the character you play, in every MMO.
Depends on what you mean with progression. If it’s gear progression, you’r dead wrong. There are MMOs where you can use your main to get gear for your alts. SWTOR is one of them. It does cost some in game currency, but I can rip the mods from even endgame gear (which is where gear gets their stats) and send those mods to alts, even if they were bound to my character.
In most MMO’s each character can do their own dailies. In this game it’s one daily per account. The dungeon reward change has also made the progress linked to the account rather than the character. That is definitely something that makes it less interesting to run more dungeons on alts. I don’t particularly have a big problem with this change myself since I think it’s too easy as it is to get exotic gear, but if you used to something then it always sucks when it becomes a bit harder to do…or in Anet style takes longer to do.
Why should it take a person with eight characters just as long to level/gear them all as it takes a person with just one?
I’ve actually found that getting my alts ready for the post 80 game has been much easier than it was on my main.
There’s a few reasons for this, game knowledge and access to what my main had already acquired probably being the top two. Sure it would be nice to double up all my daily rewards for doing the same thing on two characters, but I don’t see it as necessary. It’s not like I don’t get rewarded at all for running the same thing again. The way some people on here talk, makes it sound like Anet only have one dungeon with one path and you can only do it once per day per account, when in reality there are 8 dungeons each with three explorable paths, aside from Arah which has 4.
Fractals is a slightly different animal but can still be run repeatedly to get maximum rewards from each tier.
Similar to explorable dungeons, individual characters can receive daily rewards for completing the Solid Ocean Fractal in each tier they have unlocked. This daily reward chest includes a Bag of Coins (which contains 2 to 4 silver), a number of Fractal Relics, a chance at a bonus Ascended or Fractal item depending on the tier, and a Pristine Fractal Relic at scale 10 and higher. Thus, a character that has unlocked difficulty 30 could complete 4 fractal dailies each day, one from any even number between 2 and 8, another between 10 and 18, a third between 20 to 28, and finally by doing 30.
Personally, I have plenty to do on my main and my alts. I really think that some people here have legitimate concerns while others just want to be gifted all the shinies. Surely things being character bound and driven is MORE of an excuse to play your alts rather than less of one?
Perhaps it is simply a matter of setting a series of goals and working toward them not just one at a time with a singular focus. Give yourself more to do and my guess is you’ll be doing more.
(edited by Atra Culpa.5012)
I agree with the OP. I only have 6 level 80’s. That’s not as many as some, but definitely enough to notice how Anet basically punishes us for playing alts. I sometimes wish I didn’t have any alts, but then I wouldn’t have arrived at figuring out which my favorite profession was and it’s possible I would have lost interest in this game by not having any alts by now. You left out one thing though. Dyes are character bound.
I dont want more laurels or anything, I just want to be able to do dungeons on my other characters so everyone can earn their own tokens again. Also the lack of a bank to stash my gold in to keep me from accidently spending it all is pretty crappy.
I play my alts because they are fun, not because I could reap extra rewards from them.
This, all day.
Raingarde – Level 80 Necromancer
1. It started with fractals… oh fractals are character bound so you can progress on each characters… (i.e. screw you alts, you have to run 50 fractal runs just to get back to the skill level you are at)
2. Next was laurels… Oh sorry this reward is account bound so your alts will take forever to gear up…
3. Then came daily bonus chests… what you only made alts to get bonus rares? L2GW2!!!
4. Next came WvW ranks… oh you want to play an alt in WvW, sucks to be you, all your bonuses are gone now (i.e. “progression”)
5. After that came time gated crystals… oh you can only get one of these magical crystals a day, good luck ever building gear with these crystals on your alts… that will take 100 years…
6. Here we arrive today with dungeon rewards being switched to account bound for gold AND tokens.
1) You really would like to have (for example) in a lv38+ party a character that just capped lv 80 with craftings and don’t really know how to play that class? Think about it.
2) Laurels are the most alt-friendly things I’ve ever seen in this game. Laurels, Commendation, Badges of Honor, Tokens.. you can gear up so easy if you have already a main.
3) That’s true, but suppose those people who has like 10-20 alts (I saw in this forum one talked about 44 characters total, lol) and drop a rare with every char? Did you think about how much will they worth in the TP, or also ectos?
4) Same as point 1. You want bonuses? Go show us that character has a right to have them.
5) Do you really think you’ll need celestial gear/armors on all your alts? I find it usable only for elementalist.
6) This was to prevent people like you “that wants ALL and NOW” farming for hours CoF path1 and leave a total of 24 more paths (not included stories) unplayable by players.
Whether or not you believe the game is alt-friendly, you can’t argue with the fact that the game is less alt-friendly than it use to be. Well, you probably will, but you’ll be wrong.
Ascended gear as BiS gear is a hit to anyone who either likes to play different characters, or likes to play with different builds. The fact that you can reconfigure your character all day in sPvP without cost is irrelevant if you don’t want to play sPvP.
Also, we all know they changed dungeons because of some people who farmed the hell out of COF p1. However, as with most changes, there are “unintended” consequences. Lately it seems like each of those consequences hit people with Alt’s the hardest.
For example, some people want gear progression but other’s don’t want a gear treadmill. The solution is to implement new gear with 8-9% better states (not 2 points as claimed, on an amulets it’s 11 points major, 6 points minor) and add time gating to slow attainment. However, because some people would “cheat” and create alts in a assembly line for farm laurels( like farming black lion keys) they have to make it per account.
The side affect is that people with alts have to wait much longer to fully gear up their characters compared to how it was before ascended gear was introduced. (Note: this is not true for ascended rings, only amulets and earrings (which were implemented later). Rings can be obtained in parallel from the FOTM dungeon)
People are farming a dungeon and making enough gold to upset the economy. Ok, ANet limits them to 1 valuable run / day / path. This could have been implemented on a per character basis, but instead, they decided to implement it per account (I understand there are reasons for this). The goal, I believe, was to get dungeon runners to try something else. Cool. However, the side effect is that people with Alts earn dungeon tokens much slower and therefore will take longer to gear up to soon-to-be-not-BIS gear. That is, it’s harder now for people with alts than it was before the patch.
We all understand why these changes were made, some of us also understand that they make the game less alt-friendly than it use to be.
As a final note, I don’t give a kitten about how this game compares to other MMOs. I’m not playing (and have not played) another MMO. I care about this MMO and the direction it’s heading.
(edited by TooBz.3065)
It’s funny, in a way I really like the fact that most achievements are account wide, but at the same time being able to run through all the missions with all the different professions was the main thing driving me in GW1. To be fair, it was more the fun of playing the different professions than anything. The only things that are character specific in GW2 are the personal story, exploration, crafting, and I guess dye collecting. Which is quite a bit of stuff, I suppose. But that doesn’t give me a whole lot of reason to actually play as them. I’ll generally just do the stuff I need to do with my main because it’s easiest. A little something like zquests at some point would be a nice incentive to actually play as my alts.
Fun on someone else’s schedule is not fun
i really dont mind the account bound tokens
i just wish we could get a bit more per day
80 -100 tokens would be nice
that way we are still time gated but would take a little less time
You can earn more than one Laurel, if you do the Daily PvP achievements. Of course, I never found them fun so I tried it a few times and bowed out.
Not anymore, they disabled this quite a long ago.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Ok. But ascribing one of the seven deadly sins to someone is not generally a good way to have a conversation.
For illustrative purposes only here is the counter example, “Why shouldn’t I get two rewards for two characters. You could get two rewards also if you weren’t too lazy to level up an alt.”
Amen. Lazy is saying no one should have more then you cause you don’t want to do what they did to get it. Isn’t easy gearing up alts, or cheap. Much less making it so that it takes a solid month to make enough fused crystals for one set of armour, for eg, 2 if you want jewelry too, 3 or 4 if you want multiple weapon sets so you don’t get bored with using just one swap set. PER TOON.
Anet is slowly killing off alts and I don’t understand why… Alts are one of the main driving forces to keep players around, yet every decision kills them a little more.
1. It started with fractals… oh fractals are character bound so you can progress on each characters… (i.e. screw you alts, you have to run 50 fractal runs just to get back to the skill level you are at)
2. Next was laurels… Oh sorry this reward is account bound so your alts will take forever to gear up…
3. Then came daily bonus chests… what you only made alts to get bonus rares? L2GW2!!!
4. Next came WvW ranks… oh you want to play an alt in WvW, sucks to be you, all your bonuses are gone now (i.e. “progression”)
5. After that came time gated crystals… oh you can only get one of these magical crystals a day, good luck ever building gear with these crystals on your alts… that will take 100 years…
6. Here we arrive today with dungeon rewards being switched to account bound for gold AND tokens.
Every time one of these things happened the blind Anet defenders came and swarmed shouting their typical chant… "what you only play alts for X, Learn 2 GW2 and play the “right” way!"
Well guess what… there is no longer a single area of the PvE game left that alts aren’t penalized for, guess it’s time for a new excuse.
7. More account-bound, time-gated ascended grind on the way…
Not to mention that some of the stuff killing alts are killing build diversity…
Character-based WvW ranks really annoy me. You need 100’s of levels to max anything decent, so grind that main people.
- Colin Johanson while spamming key 1 in GW2
Tokens has always been account bound.
Why are people so eager to get everything in one day?
If you don’t have time to play games you should not choose an MMO.
I like that I have to progress with all my characters, I play my 8 different characters becouse I want to enjoy them as much as my main character so this is defo not the death of my alts but the beginning of a storage I can fit my new stuff and not all millions of tokens and Karma “potions”.
Also I don’t have to go to the bank everytime I need something, atlast all my chars has a creditcard :P
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]
That’s just it, a number of us do have the time, but find it aggravating that we are unable to actually accomplish something in a decent time because of unnecessary restrictions imposed by the developers. It’s just time gating to get us to play longer.
I can understand the WvW char-bound gripe for ranks. I mean, I can see why they did it, yet at the same time, some of the reqs are outragous and unless you main a single char in WvW, it’s not happening. They either need to reduce some of the reqs, to make doing it on multiple chars not quite so intimidating, or bring wvw ranks into line with other titles/achieves by making them account bound.
Was it your intent to be deceitful? After all you completely ignored the remaining half of that scenario.
Path 1 = 5g in 10 min
Path 2 = 5g in 20 minPlayer one does both paths gaining 10g in 30min
Player two does both paths gaining 10g in 30min
Player two then does both paths again with their alt gaining another 10g in 30minTwice the reward but taking twice the time so it still works out to be the same amount of gold/time. In addition to that, since player two is using two characters then that 20g is basically being divided between gearing both characters.
This isn’t the “second half”, it’s an addendum. And we could go on with this example ad infinitum. What if player two has more than two alts. If he has ten alts, he can do one path ten times and get 50 g in 100 minutes. While player one has no chance whatsoever to get 50 g in 100 minutes.
You turn the example to your favor by assuming that the player with the alts invests as much time into each alt as the player with only one. Which is with increasing number of alts very unrealistic. Which makes you deceitful, if any. The example still shows that if reward boni are character-bound, the player with alts will hit diminishing returns later than the one with only one char. And that is an advantage.
And btw, the 20g are not divided, they all go in the same wallet.
As for my previous example, it would relate if dailies were per character.
If it took 20min to do a daily and you got one laurel per daily while being able to do them once per character, then that is one laurel per character per day. What this would do is after 30days (just throwing the number out there) both players would be able to by an ascended trinket for their character. The difference is, player two would have enough to buy one for each of their alts too.
Player two would also get twice the money and twice the achievement points. He could also buy 120 dyes with his laurels, while player one could only buy 60. Laurels are not only for ascended stuff, after all.
What you don’t seem to understand is that diminished returns are not there to punish alts, but to help casuals. Without DR, the gap between hardcore players and casuals would widen, hardcore players can invest x times the playing time of a casual into the game, but they don’t get x times the rewards. This system punishes alts only then if you see alts as a means to circumvent DR.
(edited by ASaturnus.4980)
Ok. But ascribing one of the seven deadly sins to someone is not generally a good way to have a conversation.
For illustrative purposes only here is the counter example, “Why shouldn’t I get two rewards for two characters. You could get two rewards also if you weren’t too lazy to level up an alt.”
Amen. Lazy is saying no one should have more then you cause you don’t want to do what they did to get it. Isn’t easy gearing up alts, or cheap. Much less making it so that it takes a solid month to make enough fused crystals for one set of armour, for eg, 2 if you want jewelry too, 3 or 4 if you want multiple weapon sets so you don’t get bored with using just one swap set. PER TOON.
And on top of that, people seem to think…
“Why should they be able to get a trinket for both characters in 30 days when I can only get one trinket for my one character in the same 30 days?”
This is just wrong, wrong, wrong. It completely ignores the fact that you only spent 20 min per day for 30 days (10 hours of game time played) when they spent 40 min per day for 30 days (20 hours of game time played). They put in twice the amount of time so why shouldn’t they get that second trinket if one trinket is worth 10 hours of play?
Someone who can play for 3+ hours per day shouldn’t be punished because of someone that can only put in 1 hour per day.
Truth is that this time gating and account per day nonsense is just an unimaginative, easy, and poor way of keeping people playing for longer.
They don’t want people to grind 8 hours a day to get the newly released gear in a week, spend another week messing around in it and then get bored when the novelty wears off. Where that same person then quits until ANet releases new content months later.
If the players are not logging in to play, then they won’t be tempted to spend money on gems. Same idea with shopping. A person is more likely to buy something at the mall if that person is already at the mall than they would if they were at home watching tv.
The time gate, alt unfriendly, nonsense is just a marketing stragety.
Here’s a better one ANet…releasing gripping and interesting content that will keep players wanting to log in and play long after they are done obtaining all those carrots.
That’s just it, a number of us do have the time, but find it aggravating that we are unable to actually accomplish something in a decent time because of unnecessary restrictions imposed by the developers. It’s just time gating to get us to play longer.
But there is much more to do than just farm tokens, gold and whatever, since I have alts I try to get 100% map compleation with all 8 of them, I enjoy the bit’s of living story that is comming every two weeks, I do dungeons for fun and to help guilmates, I join guild in WvW and I do some sPvP.
I have two chars with 3 ascended jewelety each and I can get another 3 jewelry with laurels if I wanted, I have dungeon tokens to buy me atleast a few parts of armor or a weapon for each dungeon accept SE and much more and I have never fealt that there is no point in playing my alt’s and that it would take longer time.
But also I agree about tokens as I said in another thread, tokens can’t be traded and don’t have that much of an impact on the game so they should not be affected by any DR.
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]
Cof tokens can thru rares be turned into ectos and those can be salvaged to dust. This is why I myself am not happy at all with this decision on token drops for alts. Its a monumental fail.
It’s great that so many people are enjoying their alts. And the OP’s title for this post definitely invites this kind of response. Yes, this is probably not going to be the “death of alts.” (da da da dummmmm) (sorry that statement needed a sound effect)
However, Alts are much less useful than they were, and the game is less alt-friendly than it was.
However, Alts are much less useful than they were, and the game is less alt-friendly than it was.
Ok, granted. It’s still much alt-friendlier than any other MMO I know.
However, Alts are much less useful than they were, and the game is less alt-friendly than it was.
Ok, granted. It’s still much alt-friendlier than any other MMO I know.
Ok, granted. :-D
Basically people are being punished for putting in more work than those with one character. How is that fair?
Last time i logged in, GW2 was a rather fun game, not a job to put some work into.
I play alts when i want to play alts. I play main when i want to play main and in WvW, because ranks. Everything ok, fix yourself.
Basically people are being punished for putting in more work than those with one character. How is that fair?
Last time i logged in, GW2 was a rather fun game, not a job to put some work into.
I play alts when i want to play alts. I play main when i want to play main and in WvW, because ranks. Everything ok, fix yourself.
Just because someone has different drives and motivators that you doesn’t mean they have to fix themselves or that everything is necessarily ok.
The game attracts bunches of different kinds of players. I personally am a WvW-I-don’t-wanna-grind-anything-where’s-the-zergball kind of player. But other people are PvE-wahoo-where’s-my-epic-lootz kind of players. Ascended was introduced for them, not me.
Adding it made the game worse for me. That’s not okay with me. (edited to remove misquote) The OP wants to grind out dungeon tokens on alts or whatever. Last week that was the norm, this week it’s impossible. That’s not fine with him.
Personally, I couldn’t give a rat’s kitten about the dungeon change. I don’t run them and I’m not going to start. But I do see a pattern and that pattern is troubling.
Also: people are deliberately using inflammatory language to wind the opposing side up. Then someone calmly steps in to say that they are over-reacting. It’s a stupid tactic. Admittedly hyperbole is a problem on the forums.
(edited by TooBz.3065)
This change won’t hurt players who play alts for playing alts. It only hurts those who play alts to farm faster. And we all knew from the beginning that fast farming is prohibited in this game.
This change won’t hurt players who play alts for playing alts. It only hurts those who play alts to farm faster. And we all knew from the beginning that fast farming is prohibited in this game.
I can see that alts could be “abused” to farm faster. At least with respect to the gold drops in the dungeon. I think there are people who would like BiS gear for their alts and are frustrated with the pace of attaining them. But really that’s more of a gripe about ascended gear. (until, of course, someone comments that ascended gear is easy to get, it only takes a month, and then we are complaining about alts again).
You can spin it however you like but in the end it would be wrong. Why? Because of one simple truth.
A single account will not let you play two characters at the same time. Therefore any time spent gaining a reward for one character will have to be repeated for the second character. The reward is double but so is the time spent. Reward per time is the same.
Here’s an example of a fallacy
Can you identify the mistake?
to cancel (a^2-ab) from both sides, you have to divide both sides by (a^2 – ab) but by doing so you are dividing both sides by 0 which is undefined
The mistake you made was taking player one who did both paths and compared it to player two who only did path 1.
Now you throw in DR? The time gating we are talking about is not DR. DR is a protective messure to protect the game’s economy by controlling drop rates. The time gating this thread is about serves no purpose other than to cause people to have to log in once per day for 30 days instead of once per day for 7 or 15 or whatever.
Doesn’t hurt alts but helps those with just one character? Really? You think so?
If it is one run per day per account and it takes 30 days for the player to get the item for their only character, then if it is one run per day per character, it will still take 30 days.
Switching from per character to per account has no impact on the player with just one character. It only has a negetive impact on the player with multiple characters.
I’m sorry if the other people can afford to put in more hours and are willing to level up multiple characters while you can not but such is life. Why the hell would I work extra hours and/or take on a second job if I’m only gonna get paid for an 8 hour day regardless?
Gap between casuals and hardcore? First off, if a player wants to be competative, they are not (or should not be) doing so by being casual. Christ, that’s like someone who plays hockey once a week for fun wanting the rules changed so they can compete with NHL players. You want to be competetive, but for what? Why? PvP gives you everything from the start, PvE is pure coop which only leaves WvW. If you want to be a top dog in WvW with all the best gear, then it will take time. The only difference between you and the hardcore player is that they will put in the game hours needed in a week while it will take you a month to put in the same game hours.
It’s not like there is an endless progression so you have no hope in catching up. They will max their gear sooner but you both will max out and be on par eventually.
This change won’t hurt players who play alts for playing alts. It only hurts those who play alts to farm faster. And we all knew from the beginning that fast farming is prohibited in this game.
I can see that alts could be “abused” to farm faster. At least with respect to the gold drops in the dungeon. I think there are people who would like BiS gear for their alts and are frustrated with the pace of attaining them. But really that’s more of a gripe about ascended gear. (until, of course, someone comments that ascended gear is easy to get, it only takes a month, and then we are complaining about alts again).
Nothing at all changed in regards of ascended gear with last patch. But i partially agree. Laurels should be character bound and dailies character bound too. Still, as i understand, set of rings can be attained for infinite number of characters just as fast as for one character through fractals if one desires so.
I’m sorry if the other people can afford to put in more hours and are willing to level up multiple characters while you can not but such is life. Why the hell would I work extra hours and/or take on a second job if I’m only gonna get paid for an 8 hour day regardless?
It is fallacy to compare job and game, dude. Face it.
I’m sorry if the other people can afford to put in more hours and are willing to level up multiple characters while you can not but such is life. Why the hell would I work extra hours and/or take on a second job if I’m only gonna get paid for an 8 hour day regardless?
It is fallacy to compare job and game, dude. Face it.
Well, with one exception – are you goldseller?
Can you identify the mistake?
Yes, I can. But what is the point of this? Did you want to demonstrate what the word fallacy means or are you claiming that my example is wrong because I divided by zero? In the case of the former, you would have to show where the fallacy lies and in the case of the latter… that’s just absurd.
But I know now where you’re mistake lies. You think that if you play twice as long as I do, you should get twice the reward and if you play ten times as long as I do, you should get ten times the reward. If this is your premise, your conclusion is sound.
But this is not the premise under which GW2 works or under which any MMO works. In any MMO, with increasing time invested, you get less reward per time. You may not like that (probably because you have more time on your hands than the average player), but that’s the way it is. And the reason this is there is not to make people play longer (obviously it makes people play less), but to give casuals a chance to catch up. Yes, you’re right that there’s no gear threadmill which you can lack behind, but there’s the economy and the price of things and it wouldn’t be wise of ArenaNet to let casual player behind financially.
Nothing of this has directly to do with alts, but restrictions for the rewards alts get are a consequence of this. Maybe you just want to outfit all of your alts, but you’ll get there eventually anyway. Other people who posted in this thread have already bemoaned that they can’t use their 8 alts to get a legendary faster anymore. Thus, people clearly used alts to get rewards quicker. It’s only logical that ArenaNet restricted that.
Can you identify the mistake?
Yes, I can. But what is the point of this?
To see if you can understand logic because your failure to properly compare earlier demonstrated otherwise.
But I know now where you’re mistake lies. You think that if you play twice as long as I do, you should get twice the reward and if you play ten times as long as I do, you should get ten times the reward.
I stopped right there. Sorry but every MMO is based on that premise. Even GW2. Even with the time gated content. If you log in to do the dailies each day for a week, and they take 20min to do, then you will get what?
7 laurels
7 Mystic Coins
7 jugs of Karma
With 2h20m of play time.
If you log in to do the dailies for 14 days you will get what?
14 laurels
14 coins
14 jugs
With 4h40m of play time.
Wow! Twice the play time got you twice the reward. I bet 10 times the play time would result in 10 times the reward.
But if you seriously see it as wrong, then you are beyond incomprehensibility.
I have 3 level 80’s but only play one at the moment. Going between characters with this much content is pointless to me right now. I actually like it that GW2 has so much content and growing. There’s ALWAYS something to do.
Wow! Twice the play time got you twice the reward. I bet 10 times the play time would result in 10 times the reward.
(rolleyes) Obviously, I meant per day. A casual can, just like a hardcore player log in every day of the week and do his dailies. But the casual can’t play two hours or more per day. That’s why we have dailies. Think about it.
We have dailies as a baseline of doing something daily. We have alts to enjoy more loot and we should get more loot. I have 8 toons in 8 professions I would like to use them with full rewards on tokens, gold and anything else that is rewarding.
We have dailies as a baseline of doing something daily. We have alts to enjoy more loot and we should get more loot. I have 8 toons in 8 professions I would like to use them with full rewards on tokens, gold and anything else that is rewarding.
pretty much this, theres no reason At this moment to play an alt since almost everything is soulbounded and progression in wvwvw is toon bounded, then we have the reward system (token) account bounded as well.
Solution, pick the FOTM profession stick to it roll in gold instead of enjoying playing with alts.
Whether or not you believe the game is alt-friendly, you can’t argue with the fact that the game is less alt-friendly than it use to be. Well, you probably will, but you’ll be wrong.
Hrmmm . . . I don’t see it. I know at this point it’s probably something with how I perceive it but it’s a mixed result. While there’s been some things which make alts harder to gear up, and account-bound bonus chests mean there’s only reward for a main character in a day’s period . . . there’s also some things which made alts easier to work with.
- The new Account Wallet means no more having to specifically work for Karma (or save Jugs) for an alt to gear up. (Please note, this is a big thing for me since I’m lazy enough to gear accessories by Karma purchases as opposed to crafting every five or ten levels.)
- Gathering Tools were unrestricted from “Soulbound on Acquire” to “Account Bound”, save the infinite tools.
- Effectively being used as storage for odds and ends when not being played. (What? I have no better use for my elementalist since I learned painfully I stink at playing them :P )
- Ascended Gear is Soulbound on Use, and purchased with Laurels. Laurels are an accountwide currency, so you need to earn them regularly if you want to gear up multiple characters.
- Bonus Chests are once-per-account, meaning there is less reward to do (for instance) Tequatl if your alt character happens to be there and your main character already has. Notably, you still get the spawned chest to open, not the bonus guaranteed Rare.
- Dyes are per-character, meaning you may need to spend or be lucky to get colors you want with multiple characters. (Note: This was changed, allegedly, from an account-wide system where you could only get one dye per day much like Charged Quartz. And required an item which was not used for anything else to trade in.)
- World XP from World vs World is per character, which can be positive or negative. It is possible with this method to have one character be geared for using siege and another for running supply for siege building and repairs.
- It’s possible to earn multiple “Gifts of Exploration” from 100% completion, meaning you can in fact make more than two Legendaries per account. However this means going through the rest of the mess for more than two Legendaries.
We have dailies as a baseline of doing something daily. We have alts to enjoy more loot and we should get more loot. I have 8 toons in 8 professions I would like to use them with full rewards on tokens, gold and anything else that is rewarding.
As I said before, I have 15 alts and I don’t feel that it entitles me to get more loot.
Well if your mom dropped you on your head as a child thats not exactly something I can solve for you.
But the rest of us want a reward and incentive to play more not the opposite.
Wow! Twice the play time got you twice the reward. I bet 10 times the play time would result in 10 times the reward.
(rolleyes) Obviously, I meant per day. A casual can, just like a hardcore player log in every day of the week and do his dailies. But the casual can’t play two hours or more per day.
^^^This is inaccurate. The corrected version of the sentence is below
Some casuals can, just like a hardcore player log in every day of the week and do his dailies.
I am a casual player. I cannot log in every day of the week to do dailies. I can however, on those days I do play, log in for more than an hour. I could do the equivalent of dailies to advance several characters.
I play my alts because they are fun, not because I could reap extra rewards from them.
You realize these “extra rewards” are mandatory to fully gear a character right?
To be technical, to “fully gear” a character you need a lot of Gems, 20 slot bags filling all slots except the first, and one weapon with each type you can use, each stat combination, each sigil . . .
Extra bag slots don’t make you stronger. None of that stuff is time gated either.
I play my alts because they are fun, not because I could reap extra rewards from them.
You realize these “extra rewards” are mandatory to fully gear a character right?
To be technical, to “fully gear” a character you need a lot of Gems, 20 slot bags filling all slots except the first, and one weapon with each type you can use, each stat combination, each sigil . . .
Extra bag slots don’t make you stronger. None of that stuff is time gated either.
Of course they don’t make you stronger, and they’re not time-gated. But “fully gear” implies having everything
And yes, that’s silly and ludicrous. So’s the idea that “fully gearing” your alts shouldn’t require you to put in as much time as for your primary character.
This is the most alt-unfriendly MMO I ever played…the most important reason that leveling from 1-80 is just dead boring, because every zone is the same except the scenery. Level 50 would’ve been more than plenty.
WoW is worse in Pandaria, only redeeming factor is once you get to a certain level of dailies you can do them 2x’s as fast on alts, but its still grindier and worse by far than this game.
To answer the OP how are laurels hindering gearing an alt? I have been getting laurel gears for my alts easily , that coupled with guild rewards I have mostly ascended items in trinkets rings and neck…not that hard. Also as you level your alt, you are going to be rewarded thru questing and gaining mats, money, etc….I am not one to say farming something to death is good…in fact its terrible. Just adds more to the " NEED 4 MORE ZERKERS PST" crap that is going around so much lately when trying to do dungeons…I would rather take longer to gear alts than have the elitist jerk-faces doing that.
Man, I thought alts were for fun and variety. I must be getting old, I didn’t know alts were for shiny video game stuff….
Who knew?
When did all of this stuff become work? Seriously, it is a game. I play alts to see and play something new, not so I can act like I am working and running alts to grab as much virtual crap as possible.
Come on….
I play my alts because they are fun, not because I could reap extra rewards from them.
You realize these “extra rewards” are mandatory to fully gear a character right?
To be technical, to “fully gear” a character you need a lot of Gems, 20 slot bags filling all slots except the first, and one weapon with each type you can use, each stat combination, each sigil . . .
Extra bag slots don’t make you stronger. None of that stuff is time gated either.
Of course they don’t make you stronger, and they’re not time-gated. But “fully gear” implies having everything
And yes, that’s silly and ludicrous. So’s the idea that “fully gearing” your alts shouldn’t require you to put in as much time as for your primary character.
I don’t think most people with alts complain about it because they feel they should reach max strength without having to put in as much time. The problem with time gating is that it simply makes you wait. It doesn’t actually make you put in any more time or effort or something like that. It just makes you wait by having you put in that time in intervals.
Oh my god, dungeon tokens are account bound now?!
I used to be able to farm a full set of dungeon gear in 2 days. Stop with the time-gating Anet, WTH!
Let us play the way we want to play…
(edited by Hammerguard.9834)
this game has gotten a lot more restrictive the past updates and i don’t like it at all.
all of the account bound rewards, character bound items, and time-gated stuff is just a buzz kill. play the way you want, but only if it is one of our approved ways. past few days my enjoyment and interest in playing has been bleeding out and i feel like my time on gw2 is over.
I don’t think most people with alts complain about it because they feel they should reach max strength without having to put in as much time. The problem with time gating is that it simply makes you wait. It doesn’t actually make you put in any more time or effort or something like that. It just makes you wait by having you put in that time in intervals.
It’s not news or new to the genre, but it is less frustrating than older methods. (“Another Moonstone Ring? Crap . . . where’s that sash?”)
Also, this isn’t meant to hit alts, it just does so because . . . unfortunately, larger percentages of players would abuse it like a soda machine that you only need to slap in the right place to get a free soda. If the bosses which had Bonus Chests gave one on each kill, I get the sense this conversation would be more “but I’m falling behind for not farming the bosses 24/7” and less “but I have alts…” Not to mention, of course, any potential effect on the economy.
(Though we all know it’d be Queensdale which would be the hardest hit, with overflow queues for DAYS.)
If you want to cut out the waiting and limitations, I don’t blame you. I’d make the argument that it’d burn people out faster, but I expect anyone who would become burned out would likewise become bored and quit anyway. Honestly, I don’t think there is a solution which would satisfy anyone, let alone the majority, after the novelty of “oh it changed” wears off. In the strictest, most stringent observation? There’s nothing here worth doing by any yardstick you care to use.