(edited by laokoko.7403)
The "Inspect Gear" Discussion.
But even I can sit back and go: “yes, that separation really did split the populace quite a bit”. However, this was an inevitable result of allowing open-world PvP where people who were skilled and preparedd could pretty much kill with impunity and not be punished very much.
Ultima Online and the game preceding it (Meridian 59) are why I have a psychological block against actually being good at PvP in games.
Ya tell me about it. UO probably is better the way before when there is no segregation. But I think it is doomed to happen because carebear are running to other games anyway with new game coming out. Many people dont’ have a choice but to endure getting ganked because there’s really 3 mmorpg out at that time.
I dont’ know where you are getting at. You don’t need to reinforce it. It is already happening. Having a gear check UI just make it easeir to check it instead of going through all the gear ping etc.
Take for example, AC getting harder. If you check gwlfg… ya almost every group is level80 only now.
A bit out of subject, isn’t the term “carebear” rather pejorative and elitist in itself?
I would rather party with a bunch a great carebears than with “leets” with bad attitude, to be honest with you. Note that I don’t know you, and I am not saying you are either elitist or that you have a bad attitide. I am commenting on the “carebear” word being thrown around as a negative towards either casuals or people who are not reward-hungry speed runners (being casual is not bad, and many casuals are great players.)
You don’t have the right to look at it without their knowledge.
That’s right! If I wanted people to know I’m leeching with full Magic Find, I’d tell them.
It’s a certifed backed and provided gear set by Anet themselves… they created it, made rules for it, and inserted it into the game.
The fact that you don’t like it and want to call people leeches for wearing it just shows that you want to force people to play the way you prefer.
Do I wear magic find in a group? Nope… but if you wanted a gear check to find out I would kick you.
If you wanna ask me for a ping and talk shop on builds and such… I’m down for that. But… I don’t like gear checkers, bad attitudes, know-it-alls and the like… “elitists” the dregs of the gaming population… there’s no guarantee they are any more skillful than the rest, but what they all have in common is the idea that they are better than you and you need to somehow convince them otherwise. I kick people for attitudes like that… and I like having the choice to do so by them not being able to gear check people without their permission. If they want to play together…. they can sit in a big ol’ circle and check each others gear till someone gets the cookie. Not my idea of a good time.
(edited by bluewanders.5297)
A piece of armor is not a performance. You’ve caught yourself in your own poor logic loop. Player skill determines their performance… and the gear they choose enhaces the playstyle they prefer that meshes with their skill that creates their performance. I have yet to see a set of pauldrons solo Lupicus. Have you?
When you can have the same performance using blues and whites as a player of equal skill using full exotics this argument will be valid. Meanwhile, while the guy with the same skill but in full exotics finishes the same content faster/more safely/finishes higher content you can’t, your argument is invalid and useless.
And I CAN turn my character model off… when I’m tired of it I can log off or even delete it. Didn’t consider that did you?
Because that’s not turning off the model, that’s turning off the game. You don’t get to play like that. And that argument is also valid for inspect (people can’t inspect you if you’re not in the game can they?) so you just shot yourself in the foot… with a shotgun.
It doesn’t matter whether there is anything personal in someone’s account or not… it doesn’t matter whether they have anything to hide or not… it doesn’t matter whether they have dirty little secrets or not. You don’t have the right to look at it without their knowledge.
As for your race car analogy… did you miss where they needed to ask to see my engine? Yeah…. I would let them WHEN THEY ASKED… but I would break their trolly little fingers for touching my ride without my permission.
Take your own advice then. If you log off, surely we can’t inspect!
If people can do dungeons naked then gear is certainly not as big a factor as elitists propose. To be honest I’m so disgusted by half the posts in this topic, the attitude that people think gear makes a dungeon go smoother is just…
I’ve seen newcomers and lower level people do far better in dungeons than most lvl 80’s full beserker speed run krew ‘oh I done this dungeon 10million times’ then die right away at first obstacle.
Kicking people for not being lvl 80 not having full exotics or full berserkers gear or not even the right profession is just…
Gear does NOT make a good player in the slightest. NO to gear checks because it supports a bad attitude. If you want to do your elitist speed runs be my guest but do not ask for implementation of a horrible system to force your ways even further making it impossible for those who don’t to enjoy the game as is already a problem in this community as it stands making experiences for newcomers to the game absolutely dreadful.
Anyway there’s a lot I would like to say as these kind of people really irritate me but I don’t think there would be anything constructive to come from it.
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
(edited by Fay.2735)
I dont care so long as its user controlled
Let the player have an option for their gears to be inspected by others.
If they dont care what others see in their gear then they can leave it on, if they do they can toggle it off.
Or you can go even further in depth and have it limited to certain users / groups. IE only guild members can inspect you, only friends or some combination of this and the previous.
You don’t have the right to look at it without their knowledge.
That’s right! If I wanted people to know I’m leeching with full Magic Find, I’d tell them. I don’t want those Elitist Jerks telling me I can’t come with their speedruns because of my playstyle: Gaining more gold at the expense of their time.
The problem is that this won’t be restricted to just avoiding those running MagiFind. If gear check gets implemented without privacy settings (the ability to turn it off or make it friends only), then people will start taking only others with specific stat sets.
I could easily see this as making it impossible to find PUG groups unless you are running one of a couple of stat sets, the rest being instant dismissals if you are running them. This is not the philosophy behind GW2, and this is why people are against it.
And before the tired argument comes up, yes I run full exotics and tend to avoid MagiFind.
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer
A bit out of subject, isn’t the term “carebear” rather pejorative and elitist in itself?
I don’t know. I’m actually a carebear myself, and I called myself that.
If you think carebear is a negative word in any sense and I offended you, I appologize.
You don’t have the right to look at it without their knowledge.
That’s right! If I wanted people to know I’m leeching with full Magic Find, I’d tell them. I don’t want those Elitist Jerks telling me I can’t come with their speedruns because of my playstyle: Gaining more gold at the expense of their time.
The problem is that this won’t be restricted to just avoiding those running MagiFind. If gear check gets implemented without privacy settings (the ability to turn it off or make it friends only), then people will start taking only others with specific stat sets.
I could easily see this as making it impossible to find PUG groups unless you are running one of a couple of stat sets, the rest being instant dismissals if you are running them. This is not the philosophy behind GW2, and this is why people are against it.
And before the tired argument comes up, yes I run full exotics and tend to avoid MagiFind.
This is a valid argument as to why inspect gear checks are inappropriate for GW2. It’s not an extension of ANet’s vision by any stretch of the imagination, no matter the apparent “freedom” it would provide for some players.
I dont care so long as its user controlled
It worked well in GW1: “LF x LB8, must show rank”
I would just like to point out that those saying “make it optional” are missing a flaw in that argument. That is that it will quickly become mandatory to get in to teams for certain content. By that I mean anyone with “inspect” off would be kicked/ignored/blacklisted, or told to put it on or get kicked/ignored/blacklisted.
Personally Im more convinced by the “no” argument, having seen gear based selection in action and by the points raised here. This is a game, it is not a job, it is made for fun. There is very very little content in this game that even has a gear restriction, and even that (fractals) doesnt kick in till 10+.
Now if you are playing fractals 10+, and players dont know wtf to do that has nothing to do with the gear thats just a bad player. But if players know what they are doing, then whats the issue with what they are wearing? So what if they are wearing MF? It doesnt stop them from attacking/supporting the team. They might not be as effective, but it doesnt stop them being useful.
So really all inspect would do is create a bias towards an arbitrary number where there isnt a bias in the game by design.
A bit out of subject, isn’t the term “carebear” rather pejorative and elitist in itself?
I don’t know. I’m actually a carebear myself, and I called myself that.
If you think carebear is a negative word in any sense and I offended you, I appologize.
No offense at all, I don’t use the term myself… because I see nothing wrong in people being so-called “carebears”. In fact, I oppose the term being used as a negative towards non-elitist players. Take care.
So what if they are wearing MF? It doesnt stop them from attacking/supporting the team. They might not be as effective, but it doesnt stop them being useful.
By wearing Magic Find, I do about 35-40% less damage than if I wore my normal Berserker’s gear. I slow the party’s overall speed down by about 15%, and this speed reduction is the price they pay for me gaining approximately 60% more loot. The lack of an Inspect feature, and the benefits of Magic Find, are what facilitate this “playstyle.”
Hi! Some postings that were against the rules of this forum have been removed. Please keep in mind that if you want to discuss issues on these boards, you have to do it in a friendly way.
Should it be implented? Or not? Give us your opinion!
Proper communication is better. A gear-inspect can not replace a chat where you discuss what you expect and what you think you can deliver. If you can not trust someone to be upfront about this, they can not be trusted to deliver what you expect from them when the time comes. If they can live up to your expectations, you don’t need the inspect-tool.
You can not replace communication and trust by a mechanical instrument.
I don’t want to see this implemented EVER. Like it has been said, the negatives are way too many, and i don’t want to see this great game turn into WoW 2 ( dungeon gear-checks ).
If i wanted to be in a group and they demanded me to show my gear before, i would never join these people. As for “popular” builds i don’t give a kitten, i play games the way i want and with the “builds” i want to.
Thank god i’m in a great guild and we group and have fun without stupid rules or checks.
So what if they are wearing MF? It doesnt stop them from attacking/supporting the team. They might not be as effective, but it doesnt stop them being useful.
By wearing Magic Find, I do about 35-40% less damage than if I wore my normal Berserker’s gear. I slow the party’s overall speed down by about 15%, and this speed reduction is the price they pay for me gaining approximately 60% more loot. The lack of an Inspect feature, and the benefits of Magic Find, are what facilitate this “playstyle.”
For YOUR kit selection (zerker) you are less effective to a value in your estimation of up to 40% less damage. Well first off Thats for YOUR kit, not everyones. And only if you wear a LOT of MF gear instead of zerker. Players can mix/match stats so that MF is not as much of a reduction in damage as you claim.
What if I do only 10% less damage, or even 5%? Where does the cuttoff begin?
And that right there is why inspect is a bad thing. Teams become a game of “Arbitrary numbers based on anecdotal evidence, backed up by faulty logic” dancing.
They are not that important in GW2, and the difference between tiers is not a make-or-break situation. There is really no reason someone’s gear should be anyone else’s business, especially since MMO players are historically bad at figuring out what’s useful to discriminate on the basis of (see: WoW, again, and people demanding ridiculous gearscore levels to do the most basic content, without really knowing what they were even asking for). If gear is that important to you, ask people what they’re wearing and why before inviting them. Ask what their build is, so you know why they’re geared the way they are. Be familiar with every class, so that you don’t end up looking ignorant for refusing to take someone with a useful build just because you don’t recognize it and their gearing choices. And if they don’t want to tell you, well, you don’t have to play with them.
I’ll put it this way. Go to gwlfg, check AC. Do you realize something different? ya there are far less group. And every group is level80 only now. Everyone have their own opinion. If you think gear check isn’t important, I respected that. But apparently I think many other players do. You should respect that too.
I dont’ have a problem either way with gear check. I think “maybe” set up a option for group to have gear check enable/disable, and you can’t change it after the group is set up. And if people that don’t want to join the group with gear check enable, they can do whatever them want.
If I didn’t respect the opinions of people on the other side of the debate, I wouldn’t be posting in good faith as part of the discussion.
My sole problem with gear check systems is that, in my experience, players rarely use them in positive ways. Many players who use these systems to discriminate do so based on incomplete or incorrect information, and certain perceptions become the norm because they get repeated, and then we end up with people deciding they don’t want to play with others based on some pretty silly ideas about what is valid and what isn’t. This happens in GW2, as well; I’ve heard things repeated as “common knowledge” that are the result of taking certain pieces of, for example, PvP-related information out of context and applying them to every part of the game. Players often don’t need a reason to discriminate—they just need to think that that’s how things are done.
In some games, like WoW, the tradeoff is arguably worth it because the metagame is very strict and there’s little room for deviation. We don’t need such strict regulation of player behavior and adherence to meta in GW2 PvE that it justifies having a tool to encourage caring all that much about what your random PUGmates are wearing.
And believe me, I understand the exasperation with people running truly horrible gear and MF (which I think is a problem that needs to be addressed separately), but people on both sides of this issue have the option of saying, “This is the kind of party I want to make, and if you don’t fit my requirements, don’t waste my time.” That’s what people do now if they have specific gear and profession requirements for runs, and it’s easy enough to do already without needing to add a feature that allows for the convenience of click button —> cursory gear check —> kick.
In short, unless ArenaNet can somehow come up with a gear inspection feature that accounts for bad, misinformed players on both sides of the kick button (probably impossible), the system works fine as it is and things like Magic Find leeching should be handled with changes to the stat itself.
I don’t know if someone has said this before, but here’s what I want:
Style inspection only.
You should be able to “inspect” the other player, but instead of showing their gear as it would in the player’s Hero pane, with the names and stats and all that, it would just show the names for the styles of their gear. So instead of seeing that they have exotic level 80 CoF armor that they’re used Transmutation Stones to make look like Acolyte armor with Cadeucus shoulders, you would just see that they have:
Acolyte Helm
Noble’s Mantle
Acolyte Chest
Acolyte Gloves
Acolyte Leggings
Acolyte Boots
It would give no indication of the armor’s strength or stats, but it would let you know what to look for if you wanted to duplicate that look. It would not have an elitism involved, but would be a helpful tool for style hunting.
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
I don’t know if someone has said this before, but here’s what I want:
Style inspection only.
This with the ability to toggle please.
Nothing is solved. Can you think of any, apart from gear inspection, reliable ways of early identification and elimination of MF leeches, AR leeches, full P/V/T players joining speed runs, etc?
I don’t want ungeared noobs in my speedruns and fractals as well, but it seems we can’t help it. Anet has decided that we can’t be allowed to sort out leeches and burdens on the group, we have to pretend they just don’t exist and carry on.
I don’t want poor uneducated people in my society, but it seems we can’t help it. Government has decided that we can’t be allowed to sort out leeches and burdens on the Society, we have to pretend they just don’t exist and carry on.
>> fixed so some of you might actually understand what you own reasoning actually means. just because its a Game it does Not mean Social mechanics are not in place.
Nothing is solved. Can you think of any, apart from gear inspection, reliable ways of early identification and elimination of MF leeches, AR leeches, full P/V/T players joining speed runs, etc?
I don’t want ungeared noobs in my speedruns and fractals as well, but it seems we can’t help it. Anet has decided that we can’t be allowed to sort out leeches and burdens on the group, we have to pretend they just don’t exist and carry on.
I don’t want poor uneducated people in my society, but it seems we can’t help it. Government has decided that we can’t be allowed to sort out leeches and burdens on the Society, we have to pretend they just don’t exist and carry on.
>> fixed so some of you might actually understand what you own reasoning actually means. just because its a Game it does Not mean Social mechanics are not in place.
why welcome to the forums mr grammar natzi, take a seat over there and have a “stop talking” award.
One thing though… what’s an AR leach?
Nothing is solved. Can you think of any, apart from gear inspection, reliable ways of early identification and elimination of MF leeches, AR leeches, full P/V/T players joining speed runs, etc?
I don’t want ungeared noobs in my speedruns and fractals as well, but it seems we can’t help it. Anet has decided that we can’t be allowed to sort out leeches and burdens on the group, we have to pretend they just don’t exist and carry on.
I don’t want poor uneducated people in my society, but it seems we can’t help it. Government has decided that we can’t be allowed to sort out leeches and burdens on the Society, we have to pretend they just don’t exist and carry on.
>> fixed so some of you might actually understand what you own reasoning actually means. just because its a Game it does Not mean Social mechanics are not in place.
I wouldn’t want someone underqualified to say… design the safety feature of my car.
Nothing is solved. Can you think of any, apart from gear inspection, reliable ways of early identification and elimination of MF leeches, AR leeches, full P/V/T players joining speed runs, etc?
I don’t want ungeared noobs in my speedruns and fractals as well, but it seems we can’t help it. Anet has decided that we can’t be allowed to sort out leeches and burdens on the group, we have to pretend they just don’t exist and carry on.
I don’t want poor uneducated people in my society, but it seems we can’t help it. Government has decided that we can’t be allowed to sort out leeches and burdens on the Society, we have to pretend they just don’t exist and carry on.
>> fixed so some of you might actually understand what you own reasoning actually means. just because its a Game it does Not mean Social mechanics are not in place.
I wouldn’t want someone underqualified to say… design the safety feature of my car.
snaps. well don’t worry you wont be running with that person – your not an elite character.
So one side doesn’t want to party with MF leechers, the other doesn’t want to party with ‘Elitists’. So implement gearcheck and they’ll never have to group together again. Meanwhile us reasonable folk will go on with our lives, off helpful suggestions to some, learn from others and have great conversations about buiilds and one stat over another.
So one side doesn’t want to party with MF leechers, the other doesn’t want to party with ‘Elitists’. So implement gearcheck and they’ll never have to group together again.
Meanwhile us reasonable folk will go on with our lives, off helpful suggestions to some, learn from others and have great conversations about buiilds and one stat over another.
im sorry what? by that logic lets make this a single player game and never play with EACHOTHER. No what we need if were going to do this is a dungeon and fractal finder where it just slams you together, using that service should REQUIRE the party to complete a dungeon path or fractal path ONCE before allowing the kick.
This is a joke right? there is no logic to back this up.
Back up what? I have made no claims, Ive asked a specific point. Where does the cutoff begin? Who sets the cutoff? And for what and when? Who gets to say whats the “right” way to play or what gear is “best” for any given part of the game?
When its left to self styled “pro’s” (who are anything but), numerical based requirements are always highly inflated over and above and actual requirement that the game may impose. Since GW2 places very little requirement to any of its content, the entire premis for the need of a inspect tool is suspect at best. Rather its more like the “other games have it so this should” demands that plague game forums these days, where a minority demand a feature from a different game that is out with the current games design style or aspirations.
This is a joke right? there is no logic to back this up.
Back up what? I have made no claims, Ive asked a specific point. Where does the cutoff begin? Who sets the cutoff? And for what and when? Who gets to say whats the “right” way to play or what gear is “best” for any given part of the game?
When its left to self styled “pro’s” (who are anything but), numerical based requirements are always highly inflated over and above and actual requirement that the game may impose. Since GW2 places very little requirement to any of its content, the entire premis for the need of a inspect tool is suspect at best. Rather its more like the “other games have it so this should” demands that plague game forums these days, where a minority demand a feature from a different game that is out with the current games design style or aspirations.
my apppoligies I read your post wrong it seems. How ever I recently ran a dungeon where I was kicked – why? My attack as a mesmer was not 3100 it was 2950
im sorry what? by that logic lets make this a single player game and never play with EACHOTHER. No what we need if were going to do this is a dungeon and fractal finder where it just slams you together, using that service should REQUIRE the party to complete a dungeon path or fractal path ONCE before allowing the kick.
Unless they are so bad you can’t complete anything even once.
im sorry what? by that logic lets make this a single player game and never play with EACHOTHER. No what we need if were going to do this is a dungeon and fractal finder where it just slams you together, using that service should REQUIRE the party to complete a dungeon path or fractal path ONCE before allowing the kick.
Unless they are so bad you can’t complete anything even once.
well thats their fault. leave em. ive done a dungeon with 3 people
I don’t know if inspecting someones set of gear should be an option but I would like to be able to see someones AR for fractals. Maybe when in FOTM, show AR for each member somewhere in the FOTM starting area. It really isn’t possible or near impossible to run FOTM20+ without AR.
Not being elitist at all really, if you don’t have the AR, don’t drag your group down.
my apppoligies I read your post wrong it seems. How ever I recently ran a dungeon where I was kicked – why? My attack as a mesmer was not 3100 it was 2950
The only times you would see me kick someone is;
- Excessive AFK without warning (tell us first and we are normally fine to wait on you)
- Deliberately abusive to other players (self explanatory)
- Going offline and not coming back ( again self explanatory)
Other than that, I almost never kick someone. I really dont care what you use, and how you use it just as long as you can be a productive part of the team. I dont need to see your gear, nor your skillset. I just ask if you know what you are doing, and if you dont I will explain what happens in the mission/dungeon/fractal.
But if you join in and act like a kitten be abusive to players, and deliberately go out of your way to mess up the team I kick you. No gear score will ever show you a players skill or mentality.
(edited by Lexandro.1456)
Nothing is solved. Can you think of any, apart from gear inspection, reliable ways of early identification and elimination of MF leeches, AR leeches, full P/V/T players joining speed runs, etc?
I don’t want ungeared noobs in my speedruns and fractals as well, but it seems we can’t help it. Anet has decided that we can’t be allowed to sort out leeches and burdens on the group, we have to pretend they just don’t exist and carry on.
I don’t want poor uneducated people in my society, but it seems we can’t help it. Government has decided that we can’t be allowed to sort out leeches and burdens on the Society, we have to pretend they just don’t exist and carry on.
>> fixed so some of you might actually understand what you own reasoning actually means. just because its a Game it does Not mean Social mechanics are not in place.
why welcome to the forums mr grammar natzi, take a seat over there and have a “stop talking” award.
One thing though… what’s an AR leach?
Salacious, Asmodeus was being sarcastic about wintermute’s elitist, exclusivist comment, comparing it to the bad attitude some people equally have in real life society-indeed, many elitist players may be the same in real-life, sadly.
I disagree with the idea of inspecting.
Aion is a game where your character profile—skills, gear, and all—is on the Internet for all to see. I played Aion for 2 years. The community was snobby, cliquish, and juvenile. I had a static group, but God help the people who just hit the level cap and didn’t have the money for the newest skills, or casual-core people who didn’t have time to grind for gear.
I don’t want any part in another community like that, and that’s exactly the kind of community that loves to use inspecting.
Brought to you by ArenaNet. Soon™.
(edited by Rusc.4978)
For YOUR kit selection (zerker) you are less effective to a value in your estimation of up to 40% less damage. Well first off Thats for YOUR kit, not everyones. And only if you wear a LOT of MF gear instead of zerker. Players can mix/match stats so that MF is not as much of a reduction in damage as you claim.
What if I do only 10% less damage, or even 5%? Where does the cuttoff begin?
And that right there is why inspect is a bad thing. Teams become a game of “Arbitrary numbers based on anecdotal evidence, backed up by faulty logic” dancing.
It’s not a claim, it’s simple math. My point is this: If someone joined your party and said: “Hey guys, I’m going to wear full MF. I hope you know that this will result in a significant damage reduction on my part, but it’s so that I can get more loot.” Would you want him in your group? As it is now, you can never make an informed decision unless the player is being incredibly honest.
There is no legitimate and reasonable argument against it.
There’s no legitimate reason for an inspect option, either. It’s all opinion on both sides.
“People will be elitist!!!”
People can be elitist right now. And so what? Don’t play with them. You’re decrying the attitude of people whom you are trying to play with, but you’ll still play with them because their very attitude demonstrates they’re competent, and therefore assure you a nice piggy back ride. And don’t say “no that isn’t it!”, if it isn’t then why are you playing with people you don’t like? Even for the most neglected of dungeons/areas you can easily cobble together a party with whatever specifications you wish. If you don’t like a group’s attitude don’t kittening play with them.
The same argument can be made towards people who want inspecting, right now. If you’re so confident of your own skill that you demand that the other people in your groups meet a certain gear requirement, you should be able to “cobble together” a group full of people that you already know to be skilled players. If you’re not sure that someone has good enough gear for you, don’t kittening play with them.
“I don’t like people knowing my gear!!!”
That’s as legitimate an argument as someone saying they don’t like people knowing their character, so you shouldn’t allow people to see other person’s characters. It doesn’t affect you in any way. You’re creating a problem that doesn’t exist. Deal with it.
As of right now, inspecting gear is a community problem that doesn’t exist. And it would affect everyone, since you’d be able to look at everyone else’s gear.
“I don’t like it!”
Don’t use it.
Feel free to point out your own arguments, but rest assured I’ll point out they’re equally flawed. Maybe there is a legitimate argument against gear/stat inspect, but I haven’t heard it yet. Every single argument I’ve ever read against it is ignorant and misguided at best, and utterly mentally defective most of the time.
While I appreciate your passion for your opinion, I disagree with your opinion, and your willingness to bash everyone else’s. I think the legitimacy for the “no inspection” argument can be found in the fact that it’s not currently in game. Although “preview features” got added late—and I’m all for a gear preview for other players’ gear—inspecting can allow for a very personal look at someone else’s thought process. That isn’t something that can be easily deciphered from a glance, especially if it’s not in line with the “meta” builds. I know lots of people that don’t run the standard build for PvP or PvE, and they do just fine on their own because they understand their class. A gear inspection doesn’t tell you that.
On the other side of the same coin, there are a lot of idiots that run around with full exotics, mucking up everyone’s day by overpulling. Or killing themselves over and over again through stupid mistakes. Or they AFK without warning and for minutes on end. Or they don’t follow directions for boss fights. Those are people that can totally ruin the harmony of a good group, even though they have good gear. I’m sure you’ve seen them before; we all have.
Also, if you’re going to bring up logical fallacies, we can start with the “don’t like it? don’t use it” argument. You can choose not to inspect others, but unless you can totally opt out of inspection altogether, you’re not really removing yourself from the process. And even if you can opt out, you’d be ostracized for choosing not to show your gear at all, so the same problem exists.
Honestly, most of the people I see complaining seem to be the kind of players that know they’re bad, and are afraid that if other people learn that, they’ll be unable to piggy back off of competent players anymore. Truly my heart bleeds for you.
Really, stop. Your heartfelt sympathy has me weeping, just as I weep for your inability to find players that can play to your obviously reasonable expectations.
Brought to you by ArenaNet. Soon™.
If they ever add such a feature, it must have an option to be turned off so people can’t see your gear if you don’t want to. I really hope they never add such a feature though.
Want to know about my equipment?
ASK ME! You know, TALK TO ME! Send me a whisper! I will gladly link you my gear and tell you how to get the pieces you cosmetically like! And maybe you could even make a new friend, who knows!
Way too many mechanics in “modern” MMORPG make player communication useless. We definitely don’t need one more in this game at least.
A PvX guild for mature players with a life.
If they ever add such a feature, it must have an option to be turned off so people can’t see your gear if you don’t want to. I really hope they never add such a feature though.
Want to know about my equipment?
ASK ME! You know, TALK TO ME! Send me a whisper! I will gladly link you my gear and tell you how to get the pieces you cosmetically like! And maybe you could even make a new friend, who knows!Way too many mechanics in “modern” MMORPG make player communication useless. We definitely don’t need one more in this game at least.
Yes, when you spend 7, 70 or 700 gold coins in a weapon or an armor it’s always nice to have someone asking you what it is.
But, some people just get into dungeons with bad gear and think that’s ok.
I will just add in on the: I really hope they never add this to the game! have played other MMORPG’s with it, and it never brought anything good with it! Yes, it’s nice you can easy check out which gear people use if you like the look of it, but as many allready have said it truns into elitism which is baaaad!
WvW Roaming movies!
But, some people just get into dungeons with bad gear and think that’s ok.
This breeds elitism (like the infamous “gearscore” in World of Warcraft), so I disagree. Make your own rules in your own groups, ask people to link their gear if you really want, or stick to guild groups.
A PvX guild for mature players with a life.
So first off, for those who don’t know what it is.
“Inspecting gear” is a feature where you can check anyones gears in a UI. By right clicking or something else.
My view on this:
It would make it easier to check out someones gear if you’re curious. You wouldn’t have to link every piece.
But then again, It would also increase the level of “gear checking” for dungeons, etc. At that would pollute the community. “You must have x gear to enter this group”. Just like the “You have to be warrior to join this group”, only worse.
It would also make it easier to bash somone because of their gear.
These are the only things i can think about when it comes to this topic.
So, i ask you.
Should it be implented? Or not? Give us your opinion!
The inspect feature would not bother me as much provided you had an option to enable/disable it, like you can in Lotro for eg. So those people who don’t want to be inspected, can tick a privacy box or some such, perhaps in the Hero panel or general options menu. However, this still may not prevent elitists demanding you to turn on the inspect feature and bar you from joining a party if you refuse.
I know a lot of people have asked for gear inspection, so I guess it’s up to Anet if they want it in their game or not.
I must admit though, there were times when I wished this feature was available so I could inspect someone with a particular shield, weapon or armor skin I liked and learn what it is. I know one can always ask ofc and I’ve tried, but often got no response, perhaps because they may have been afk or simply didn’t want to answer. Ultimately though, this is a minor inconvenience compared to the problems it may create with gating etc, but if it had enable/disable feature, it would at least allow people some flexibility.
No, it shouldnt be implemented.
There is no real gear-gate on this game. Gear can improve your play but the only place that specific stats are really needed to complete content is in high lvl fractals.
Creating an inspect option would create a “virtual” gear-gate made by the elitists that already ask for a 80-only, war-only, zerk-only groups…
Saying that something bad is already going on doesnt mean it should be given tools to become worse.
I mostly run dungeons with my guild, as the groups are more fun, but I feel bad for the people that have to pug all the time on weekends for CoF runs.
I see no harm in it.
As for the people saying it’s going to create elitism, I don’t see it as something you can control. Dungeons are (because of no trinity) largely a chaotic zerg anyway, so I really don’t think a little UI to inspect people’s gear is going to make a big difference over just looking at someone and seeing what build they are by the weapons they are using.
It really bugs me that people say that if we get gear inspect, then people can’t play as they want.
Ever thought about that many people like to get a full party of people following a build/strategy, because it will be faster/more efficient/easier and even fun to see that your plan worked?
It seems to me that a large part of the community wants all players to be casual players that don’t care about gear and stats, only looks, and if they do, they should go play WoW because they are elitists.
Try to understand that there some people find it fun to speed through content with a given type of gear, and others like to play more casually and don’t care about gear stats. No one are forcing anyone to join for example “full zerk”-teams, there are all types of groups forming all the time, it’s really not a problem if we get a gear inspect.
At the moment we have both kinds of grouping anyways, it’s just more work for the gear checking people.
Want to know about my equipment?
ASK ME! You know, TALK TO ME! Send me a whisper! I will gladly link you my gear and tell you how to get the pieces you cosmetically like! And maybe you could even make a new friend, who knows!
There is one problem with this… everyone can link different gear with same skin but different stats or even link gear from gw2db. So gear linking is useless when you are interested in knowing the stats, not the skin.
Saying that, I would never want them to add a full inspection, just an easy way to see Agony Resistance and maybe Magic Find and I’m happy, anything more and the drawbacks far outweigh any potential benefits. Still AR and MF should be visible in one way or another.
Want to know about my equipment?
ASK ME! You know, TALK TO ME! Send me a whisper! I will gladly link you my gear and tell you how to get the pieces you cosmetically like! And maybe you could even make a new friend, who knows!There is one problem with this… everyone can link different gear with same skin but different stats or even link gear from gw2db. So gear linking is useless when you are interested in knowing the stats, not the skin.
Saying that, I would never want them to add a full inspection, just an easy way to see Agony Resistance and maybe Magic Find and I’m happy, anything more and the drawbacks far outweigh any potential benefits. Still AR and MF should be visible in one way or another.
Or just… trust people?
Personally, even if they add such a feature with a toggle, and some guy in a PUG asks me to turn it on, I will not accept. Not that I have anything to hide, I’m full exotics and I don’t have a single magic find item, but I strongly dislike that kind of elitist and suspicious attitude. Doesn’t want me because he doesn’t trust my word? His loss, not mine.
It’s that kind of attitude that makes me stick mostly to guild groups. Today’s players have no patience with others, and need to rush everything and faceroll it with maxed out gear. At least in my guild, we won’t snob a member because he’s not maxed out in exotics with optimized stats, we accept everybody and we advise each other about how to play better instead of that “if you’re not optimal by my standard, you’re a scrub I don’t want to play with” attitude. Attitude which was bred mostly by WoW and its clones.
A PvX guild for mature players with a life.
It’s that kind of attitude that makes me stick mostly to guild groups. Today’s players have no patience with others, and need to rush everything and faceroll it with maxed out gear. At least in my guild, we won’t snob a member because he’s not maxed out in exotics with optimized stats, we accept everybody and we advise each other about how to play better instead of that “if you’re not optimal by my standard, you’re a scrub I don’t want to play with” attitude. Attitude which was bred mostly by WoW and its clones.
Trust who? The guy who says he has 20 AR and gets one-shotted by the Maw because he clearly has 0? Or the guy that comes on this forum and brags how he is using two sets, one full MF and one full zerker both with CoF skin so he can “hide” his MF set?
I never asked for full inspection so people can view if you have optimized stats or anything, that’s not good at all. There are lots of people that hide their gear EVEN when they join groups that ask for specific gear (for example “full zerker Warriors only”) and then come here and complain they got kicked… That’s not a better attitude at all.
Still only AR and MF visible will take care of the majority of problems, plus some reading comprehension from those joining groups.
I don’t know if someone has said this before, but here’s what I want:
Style inspection only.
You should be able to “inspect” the other player, but instead of showing their gear as it would in the player’s Hero pane, with the names and stats and all that, it would just show the names for the styles of their gear. So instead of seeing that they have exotic level 80 CoF armor that they’re used Transmutation Stones to make look like Acolyte armor with Cadeucus shoulders, you would just see that they have:
Acolyte Helm
Noble’s Mantle
Acolyte Chest
Acolyte Gloves
Acolyte Leggings
Acolyte BootsIt would give no indication of the armor’s strength or stats, but it would let you know what to look for if you wanted to duplicate that look. It would not have an elitism involved, but would be a helpful tool for style hunting.
It has been mentioned, but it’s worth repeating. This is a great idea.
Stat-wise inspection would be a huge step in the wrong direction, though.
My character is very well geared in Exotics and Ascended, and I am close to obtaining a Legendary. I regularly get asked about some of my gear, since I actively look to obtain unusual Exotic pieces. Even so, I think there should not be Gear Inspection in this game.
I used to play FFXI, which does allow this feature, and it led to elitist behavior and gating. FFXI is a very hardcore competitive japanese MMO, and the playerbase is very dedicated. GW2 is much more casual, and overtly allows players to play how and when they choose, without competition.
Gear Inspection has no place in a casual-friendly MMO. Those who want it are missing the point of the game.
[The Flameseeker Prophecies] 4/11/13
Itinerant, no guild.