The Lone Transmutation Stone...
As stated by the Devs, at the time, you can safely delete your left-over 1 or 2 Transmutation Stones. They have no further use.
Good luck.
Thanks! I wasn’t playing at the time of the update, so I wasn’t sure.
Don’t do it! It belongs in a museum!
keep it as a souvenir
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<
keep it as a souvenir
Don’t do it! It belongs in a museum!
So do you, Dr. Jones!
My lone transmutation stone sat for a long time taking up space and then when I ran out…. it was destroyed.
RIP: single stone whose use had come and gone
Devs: Trait Challenge Issued
Until just recently, I had two leftover stones, which might as well have been just one stone in their current usefulness.
Needless to say, they were destroyed.
You can take my lone transmutation stone from my cold dead hand!
Long time ago I had hundreds of this stone, I destroyed them because they were almost useless, now I regret it so badly
I also have a stray transmutation stone and I am keeping it as a souvenir.
keep it as a souvenir
I kept my last 2 just for fun… even though I need the space in my inventory. lol
I have one of two because I have no idea how to get the transmutations done without them. Besides buying them in the gem store and that is something I will never do.
keep it as a souvenir
That is what I do.
I have some glory boosters, many of those cores from the Scarlet secret room, the pieces to make the SAB mini princess, some toy frames from the 1st Wintersday among many “garbage” and I’ll never delete them.
Hi my name is Belzebu and I have a problem with hoarding … >_>
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
Don’t do it! It belongs in a museum!
I have a Transmutation stone and a Master trait book in my bank that I can’t find the heart to delete. It’s not that they are “from a better time” or anything, but they are like virtual antiques.