The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pockets.3201


I believe the standard response will be someone asking you why you aren’t doing the WvW and PVP ones instead, even though you might not like said activities.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bandit.8279


Pockets is spot on. Throw in a little WvW and/or sPvP and you can get a daily done very quickly.

That being said I agree that the lowbie event daily is by far the worst. I refuse to do it unless it’s in a high level zone like Malchor’s the other day. That was fun. The event completion needs to be regional like the vista, lumberer and miner daily.

Fools N Gold [FNG] of Tarnished Coast

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GlenRoss.8570


I do some of the WvW tasks. Many people do not like it and stick to PvE. With my limited and varied availability, I don’t get to do a whole lot of group things that require set up and wait, so that option is limited.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GlenRoss.8570


If I’m forced into options that are not fun for me, I’ll simply move on to another game.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaldrys.1978


You’re missing out on 10 AP a day. That equates to roughly zero gold/day.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sazaw.1347


Or one can just don’t do it if don’t like the option?

Wrath T – Asura Necro | Don Hohenheim – Norn Guard | Bellcroxx – Human Mesmer
[DKJ] – Jade Quarry

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


If I’m forced into options that are not fun for me, I’ll simply move on to another game.

No one is forcing you to do anything.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GlenRoss.8570


I’m not really seeking debate but thanks anyway.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pockets.3201


Pockets is spot on. Throw in a little WvW and/or sPvP and you can get a daily done very quickly.

That being said I agree that the lowbie event daily is by far the worst. I refuse to do it unless it’s in a high level zone like Malchor’s the other day. That was fun. The event completion needs to be regional like the vista, lumberer and miner daily.

The answer should never be to go play a game mode you don’t like, regardless of how easy it might be. PVE Daily options should be just as easy to complete as the PVP and WvW ones, not lopsided into racing for events and hour plus waits for world bosses.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


You’re not missing out on a shiny per se. The rewards you used to get, with the exception of achievement points, have been moved to the login rewards. You get most of the rewards whether you do the daily or not.

Are you very into achievement points that you feel that you can’t skip days here and there?

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheToxicFox.8710



JUST TERRIBLE. First gem currency exchange and now THIS…. THIS…. THIIIIIISSSSSS…. I can’t stop cringing!!!!

This is an mmo, WE SHOULDN’T BE FORCED INTO PVP!!!! I know the game is called Guild Wars but the KEYWORD HERE IS “GUILD” Not player wars!


The only great way to keep myself preoccupied while I played. They are gone now! Who thought this was a great idea? Aren’t companies supposed to add features and NOT take them away. They are constantly taking features away while adding nothing in return. The terrible part is they don’t even communicate with the community EVER and STILL haven’t balanced rangers or any of the other classes.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bandit.8279


Pockets is spot on. Throw in a little WvW and/or sPvP and you can get a daily done very quickly.

That being said I agree that the lowbie event daily is by far the worst. I refuse to do it unless it’s in a high level zone like Malchor’s the other day. That was fun. The event completion needs to be regional like the vista, lumberer and miner daily.

The answer should never be to go play a game mode you don’t like, regardless of how easy it might be. PVE Daily options should be just as easy to complete as the PVP and WvW ones, not lopsided into racing for events and hour plus waits for world bosses.

The OP didn’t state he/she didn’t like those game modes. I also agreed with the OP that the event daily needs some adjusting.

The three things I really like about the new daily system is:

1. All you have to do is log in to get your general daily rewards of laurels, mystic coins and other yummies.

2. You only have to complete three requirements to get 10AP. So I’m getting more AP now than from the old system. Even if I don’t do it everyday!

3. It rewards players that have expanded their horizons and do PvE, WvW and sPvP.

If you have cornered yourself into only playing one element of the game than getting the daily done everyday might be a little trickier. As others have pointed out your only missing out on some AP. If you don’t enjoy that days Daily options then don’t do it. You’re not missing much.

If AP is THAT important to you than expand your horizons and learn how to do WvW and/or sPvP. It doesn’t take much effort to explore and participate in these game modes. I took a guildy into sPvP for her first time the other day. She had no idea what to do or what a capture point was. 10 minutes later she was laughing and some dailies were done. Just too easy.

Fools N Gold [FNG] of Tarnished Coast

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rasimir.6239


Personally, I rarely bother with event or boss dailies, since I don’t enjoy that kind of content. Occasionally I’ll take advantage of the event dailies to get group events for traits done (they are much easier to do when people are running around the map like headless chicken starving for events ), but no more.

I never particularly enjoyed world bosses, and I don’t enjoy the event hype in the daily events maps either. If that means it takes 10 minutes longer to level an alt (since they miss out on the “daily rewards” 5% ep to next level scroll), then I’m content, because I spend that time doing something I enjoy instead.

Disclaimer: I don’t care at all about the daily ap (everything else you get through other means just as well). If I did, I’d try to throw in an easy wvw or pvp one before submitting myself to the company of the event hunters.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Pockets is spot on. Throw in a little WvW and/or sPvP and you can get a daily done very quickly.

That being said I agree that the lowbie event daily is by far the worst. I refuse to do it unless it’s in a high level zone like Malchor’s the other day. That was fun. The event completion needs to be regional like the vista, lumberer and miner daily.

The answer should never be to go play a game mode you don’t like, regardless of how easy it might be. PVE Daily options should be just as easy to complete as the PVP and WvW ones, not lopsided into racing for events and hour plus waits for world bosses.

The easy PvE options are just as easy as the easy WvW or easy PvP options. Each mode has 2 easy options and 2 more difficult options. It would not really be fair to compare an easy WvW option to a more difficult PvE option, which is what the event options and/or World Boss options are.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Filaha.1678



JUST TERRIBLE. First gem currency exchange and now THIS…. THIS…. THIIIIIISSSSSS…. I can’t stop cringing!!!!

This is an mmo, WE SHOULDN’T BE FORCED INTO PVP!!!! I know the game is called Guild Wars but the KEYWORD HERE IS “GUILD” Not player wars!


The only great way to keep myself preoccupied while I played. They are gone now! Who thought this was a great idea? Aren’t companies supposed to add features and NOT take them away. They are constantly taking features away while adding nothing in return. The terrible part is they don’t even communicate with the community EVER and STILL haven’t balanced rangers or any of the other classes.

You’re not forced into PVP. You can get max AP rewards without setting foot in PVP. The only extra rewards you get from doing the PVP dailies are specific to PVP, so they’re irrelevant if you don’t want to go in there. You’re no more forced to go into PVP as you were before. In fact, you’re less forced into PVP because you can get 10 AP without setting foot in PVP now. Before, you had to either do the PVP dailies or WVW dailies in order to get the same amount.

And the rewards from monthlies were rolled into the daily login, so they did give something back. In fact, better rewards were rolled into the daily login.

You should probably understand the system before complaining about it. I’d suggest reading their blog post on it, as it’s quite informative.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pockets.3201


Pockets is spot on. Throw in a little WvW and/or sPvP and you can get a daily done very quickly.

That being said I agree that the lowbie event daily is by far the worst. I refuse to do it unless it’s in a high level zone like Malchor’s the other day. That was fun. The event completion needs to be regional like the vista, lumberer and miner daily.

The answer should never be to go play a game mode you don’t like, regardless of how easy it might be. PVE Daily options should be just as easy to complete as the PVP and WvW ones, not lopsided into racing for events and hour plus waits for world bosses.

The easy PvE options are just as easy as the easy WvW or easy PvP options. Each mode has 2 easy options and 2 more difficult options. It would not really be fair to compare an easy WvW option to a more difficult PvE option, which is what the event options and/or World Boss options are.

I’m looking at the WvW options for today’s dailies right now and all of them can be easily completed just kitten ing around. I hate WvW, but I have been in there from time to time since world completion forces us in there.

I haven’t seen ones comparable to the event races or world boss waiting, though I suppose I could have missed them. Except maybe the class based PvP ones, which are kinda stupid.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: metaldude.4132


I started yesterday and came to level 10..If I would go to the locations where the dailies can be achieved (either pve/wvw/pvp) I would die just by breathing the wrong way…XD
Ah is a game..not a goal in life :P

Sharpen your justice. Dust off resolve. Brace your courage. The Guardian dragonhunter approaches.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SkyFallsInThunder.8257


I absolutely love the new daily system, especially the PvP part. The rewards are sweet and I can now just ignore most of them since I get my 10AP from doing the PvP ones, so I have more time to do stuff I like. In the first few days I tried doing them all, but it was soon apparent that the rewards for some of them don’t even justify a single WP cost to the area, so they are safe to ignore. Nowadays I just do the gathering ones, sometimes world bosses, maybe vistas if I feel like it… Only the PvP ones are worth doing all 4 because of the sweet sweet track progression (almost a full tier when coupled with the points you gain from playing the 2 hotjoin matches you need to gain all 4 PvP dailies).

WvW dailies are very bad when it comes to rewards, though. I do them since I am effectively helping my server, but not always and the very little WXP they give and the few badges (lol, we definitely needed more badges!) make them totally not worth it if you are looking to maximize your gains. Make the WXP gained per achievement at least 1k and then they will be worth doing.

The only bad part for me is that I will be getting less Black Lion Salvage Kits since now you only get 4 chances per month at them, which is rather little. Not that big of a loss, though IMO.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bandit.8279


I started yesterday and came to level 10..If I would go to the locations where the dailies can be achieved (either pve/wvw/pvp) I would die just by breathing the wrong way…XD
Ah is a game..not a goal in life :P

Ahh, I remember back when I was that level on my first character…soo many eons ago!

At that young ripe level you should only need one daily requirement done to finish your daily if I remember correctly. So just do one of the easier ones like a gathering or vista. Find Lions Arch and you can portal to any major city and walk to it’s corresponding lowbie zone.

You also get upleveled for WvW/PvP and in WvW if you can find your servers zerg you can be protected some.

Join a guild or make friends and they can assist you! Good luck and welcome to GW2:-)

Fools N Gold [FNG] of Tarnished Coast

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ProtoGunner.4953


It’s not as near as frustrating as the OP says. It IS however a bit annoying to jump from WP to WP reacting on map chat messages to find events. But usually it’s not more than a bunch of players and you can typically finish this part of the daily within 10 minutes. And that’s the ‘hardest’ part of the dailies.

I still like the old ones since it wasn’t necessary to specifically go to a map to do it, it happened more naturally.

‘would have/would’ve been’ —> correct
‘would of been’ —> wrong

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zeblade.5876


It was allot worse. The little bosses would pop up like Wasp queen and boar and 25+ would be waiting. I just tried to do both is why I brought them up. 1-2 high levels pop up from no where run in kill them then leave.. I got what a few hits in.. didn’t last 15 seconds.

So they change it make it easy because of you.. so just stand there when the little boss pops up.. in comes some high lvl.. no clue why. They don’t drop anything good. Got to be I think the same ones that go around killing bandits none stop. When I just ask what do you got for all those? ..the best answer yet is “testing my weapon”. Then every time right after I ask nicely.. pop.. gone. I could careless yet no answer.

Just to easy now and still high levels kill it for ME When the fights with them take seconds.. to easy.. I like hard. Hey YOU guys (not all but the ones that did all the crying) did it guys like it. Every mmo now is easy. I do like the game people so far are very nice. Chat has really changed.. it use to be and so is up (area). Now they just chat.. I like that.

(edited by Zeblade.5876)

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devildoc.6721



JUST TERRIBLE. First gem currency exchange and now THIS…. THIS…. THIIIIIISSSSSS…. I can’t stop cringing!!!!

This is an mmo, WE SHOULDN’T BE FORCED INTO PVP!!!! I know the game is called Guild Wars but the KEYWORD HERE IS “GUILD” Not player wars!


The only great way to keep myself preoccupied while I played. They are gone now! Who thought this was a great idea? Aren’t companies supposed to add features and NOT take them away. They are constantly taking features away while adding nothing in return. The terrible part is they don’t even communicate with the community EVER and STILL haven’t balanced rangers or any of the other classes.

You’re not forced into PVP. You can get max AP rewards without setting foot in PVP. The only extra rewards you get from doing the PVP dailies are specific to PVP, so they’re irrelevant if you don’t want to go in there. You’re no more forced to go into PVP as you were before. In fact, you’re less forced into PVP because you can get 10 AP without setting foot in PVP now. Before, you had to either do the PVP dailies or WVW dailies in order to get the same amount.

And the rewards from monthlies were rolled into the daily login, so they did give something back. In fact, better rewards were rolled into the daily login.

You should probably understand the system before complaining about it. I’d suggest reading their blog post on it, as it’s quite informative.

In some cases you’re forced either to do wvw or PVP because they pick very specific zones and bosses. Sometimes, if they’re a low level player with no level 80’s on their account, 1-2 of the PVE objectives will be overleveled for them. They might get something like daily Golem MKII and daily Malachor’s Leap Event Completion (which I believe actually happened yesterday or the day before?) … if they’re level 40… it’s not likely they can complete dailies through PVE then.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563



JUST TERRIBLE. First gem currency exchange and now THIS…. THIS…. THIIIIIISSSSSS…. I can’t stop cringing!!!!

This is an mmo, WE SHOULDN’T BE FORCED INTO PVP!!!! I know the game is called Guild Wars but the KEYWORD HERE IS “GUILD” Not player wars!


The only great way to keep myself preoccupied while I played. They are gone now! Who thought this was a great idea? Aren’t companies supposed to add features and NOT take them away. They are constantly taking features away while adding nothing in return. The terrible part is they don’t even communicate with the community EVER and STILL haven’t balanced rangers or any of the other classes.

You’re not forced into PVP. You can get max AP rewards without setting foot in PVP. The only extra rewards you get from doing the PVP dailies are specific to PVP, so they’re irrelevant if you don’t want to go in there. You’re no more forced to go into PVP as you were before. In fact, you’re less forced into PVP because you can get 10 AP without setting foot in PVP now. Before, you had to either do the PVP dailies or WVW dailies in order to get the same amount.

And the rewards from monthlies were rolled into the daily login, so they did give something back. In fact, better rewards were rolled into the daily login.

You should probably understand the system before complaining about it. I’d suggest reading their blog post on it, as it’s quite informative.

In some cases you’re forced either to do wvw or PVP because they pick very specific zones and bosses. Sometimes, if they’re a low level player with no level 80’s on their account, 1-2 of the PVE objectives will be overleveled for them. They might get something like daily Golem MKII and daily Malachor’s Leap Event Completion (which I believe actually happened yesterday or the day before?) … if they’re level 40… it’s not likely they can complete dailies through PVE then.

Nope this isn’t true. Low level accounts get different dailies than accounts with 80s. The daily is based on the highest level character on your account.

So the says that we have Orr gatherer, you might have maguuma gatherer instead. You always get level appropriate PvE dailies.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jaken.6801


I never finished any Daily since they were introduced.

It`s not that I don`t like them, however I never played enough that I completed them.

Before I was able to finish them by my regular play and finished 2 or 3 casually, pointing me to finish the other quickly, since I allready did some of them.

With new system I play and don`t even go near them with my casual playstyle.

I get what they want to do, but right now it is not something I particular get invested in.
Not for the Laurels, since I get them just by logging in.
Not for the AP, since I am not that much hunting for them.

So yeah. They don`t work for me and don`t get me to do them anytime soon right now.

Maybe if I would play more.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gilgalas.7860


I love the new dailies. They could enjoy a bit of improvement by adding some diversity here and there (there is another thread on that point), but overall they are spot on. The old system allowed me to always do the same task at the same place, the new one helps me to move out of these boundaries and (re)discover some parts of the game I forgot or never tried. Very enjoyable (I have a lot of 80s but most were leveled up without actually playing the game so it has been a long time since I really crawled Tyria for the last time).

Since they were introduced, I have completed all 4 PvE and PvP dailies on every day and occasionaly the WvW one when it rewards a tome (easy to achieve in EotM). Doing so never took me more than 1h.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GlenRoss.8570


I don’t need easy. Neither am I “crying”. (Odd how people feel the need to denigrate those with whom they have such minor disagreement.) Just pointing out what I feel is a small flaw in the new design; one which frustrates many who want to use their limited available time playing instead of chasing events they won’t reach.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


If I’m forced into options that are not fun for me, I’ll simply move on to another game.

I love people who threaten companies with that line. Ok sir, good luck finding a single MMO title that doesn’t force you to do stuff.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashen.2907


I agree that the daily events in low level zones is a problem.

For what its worth WvW dailies frequently are not PvP. Killing NPCs in an open world zone, or standing still for a few seconds (literally getting a daily for standing in a circle of colored light, without another player in sight is not PvP.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NixiPixi.8320


I have recently introduced my husband to the game and must say the new dailies are not so friendly for new players. He does not want to have to do pvp or wvw being new to the game in order to do the daily. This leaves very few options especially when the events/gathering daily is in an area on the other side of the world. Most new players won’t have a clue how to get to these areas. It seems OK as an 80 (although more inconvenient than it was before) but for a new player I don’t think it is suitable.

(edited by NixiPixi.8320)

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I have recently introduced my husband to the game and must say the new dailies are not so friendly for new players. He does not want to have to do pvp or wvw being new to the game in order to do the daily. This leaves very few options especially when the events/gathering daily is in an area on the other side of the map. Most new players won’t have a clue how to get to these areas. It seems OK as an 80 (although more inconvenient than it was before) but for a new player I don’t think it is suitable.

What do you mean on the other side of the map?

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rauderi.8706



In some cases you’re forced either to do wvw or PVP because they pick very specific zones and bosses. Sometimes, if they’re a low level player with no level 80’s on their account, 1-2 of the PVE objectives will be overleveled for them. They might get something like daily Golem MKII and daily Malchor’s Leap Event Completion (which I believe actually happened yesterday or the day before?) … if they’re level 40… it’s not likely they can complete dailies through PVE then.

I’ve given my support for the basic idea of the system. Works well and balances the PvE/WvW/PvP populations. But the PvE side needs some tweaks.

I got stuck on Dredgehaunt Event completion last night. Roughly an hour of wandering, and I managed to find two events. I looked at the reward chest (a slap of karma and 2 drips of XP) and decided capturing a ruin in a borderland was just the better option. It’s nice to have the option, but these zone event completions need to be deleted from the rotation.

People are hording into maps to work on events that were not intended to handle 50 players at a time. Some events finish way too quickly because of it. Some areas have events that simply refuse to spawn at a reasonable rate. I like dynamic events, and it’s good to see the urge to participate, but finding them should not feel like a treasure hunt.
I’d like to go back to seeing area event completions (Kryta, Ascalon, etc), so the player base is spread out a little more and it’s possible to complete the daily in areas with more frequent events. It’s less dev work than what should be done: increasing dynamic event spawn rates.

Similarly, the Kill A Specific Boss daily needs to stop. The boss rotations are too infrequent. When I’m told to target a boss that spawns 1:30:00 from now, I don’t have the patience for that kitten. I’m not even going to be playing 1:30 from then, and the only reason I know the boss spawns at that time is from an external site. Bad ANet, bad. Do we even need dailies to encourage us to fight bosses? The ruddy things are on farm anyway.

Right now, half the PvE dailies feel like they’re about waiting to have fun, rather than actually going out and doing it.

Many alts; handle it!
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taomagicdragon.9718


My own opinion on the way dailies are done based on their “type”:

Gatherers – On the whole, you only have to gather, at most, half of what you had to gather previously but do have to gather in specific regions. For me, with almost every node unlocked, I just go to the regional starting city for mine with some exceptions (Orr forager being the recent exception).

I view this as an overall plus for me.

Vista – quick achievement that acts as a replacement for the laurel vendor visit but rewards exploration if there’s one in an area you haven’t been to yet.

Overall, until there’s one outside the main racial regions, I just hop to the racial city and view so it feels the same to me. No change.

Mystic forge – I stockpile major runes and combine them, you can also combine those gems you gather while harvesting.

I was happy with this one coming back and being only one interaction instead of five. Big plus.

Events – this one depends greatly on the region and your familiarity with the timings of the events. It’s one event less, but more specific.

For this one, I like it less due to the maps being ones I tend not to frequent though, if I still needed map completion in that area, it might not be so bad. This is a minus for me.

Crafter – essence of luck or ascended timer.

Huge plus.

Fractals – both the level of a full set and the running of any one. These are easily done while fractaling and do reward in an extra pristine each which is a huge plus.

This one depends on your love of fractals: huge plus if you do and not if you don’t. For me, I see it as a plus for that play style.

Boss kill – killing a world boss is easy so long as your time slot syncs up with it.

Huge minus for me as it requires timing that may not work with someone’s time slot.

There may be some other archetypes I missed but I usually do 1-2 over ones.

As for the pvp ones, they all feel much improved especially with the potions that accelerate reward tracks. My thoughts:

Points – defending one requires pvp or a helpful partner or guild (mine is such a guild).

If you like pvp, huge plus, if not, then you’ll need help.

Rank points – simply kill things or gather points or volunteer when prompted.

Huge plus and requires no skill on your part.

Reward track – via rank point and the pvp chest potions, earn a sub-reward for a reward track tier.

As with the previous achievement, it’ll take longer if you avoid fighting but can be done.

Player kill – kill 3 people.

If you pvp, it’s quick and easy to, if you can’t or won’t pvp, you can’t get.

Profession wins – be in the winning team with the correct profession.

Requires a helpful guild if you don’t like to pvp, and two games. So if you lack the time, the professions, or the help then non-papers won’t earn these.

Overall for pvp, you need to fight to earn these quickly or have a helpful group. Takes two games which take about 10 minutes total to earn 4/4. If you don’t have that and don’t like to pvp, you’ll prolly only get 1 some days, or none.

WvW ones and my thoughts:

Sentry killer – kill a lone npc denoted by the flag icon.

Easy and requires no skill but requires an enemy sentry to fight.

Guard killer – kill any 5 enemy npcs

See above comment.

Objective defender – merely being within the confines of the area while the timer ticks down seems to be enough.

Longer than the first two at times, but easy and requires no combat.

WvW slater – have to kill a few players.

Less than the old daily, but if you don’t want to fight players, then you can’t get this.

WvW Spender – buy an ascended item or a potion of xp.

Fast and no combat needed unless you lack badges (earn those via achievement chests)

Ruins – sit in a circle to claim a wvw point.

Fast and no combat.

On the whole, wvw require less combat overall, pvp rewards improved, and pve seems faster ignoring the event and boss ones.

I usually do 2-3 pve, 4 pvp, and 1-2 wvw. I start at reset and finish after 25 minutes. I usually have my guild help with the pvp and we do it together ( I join after finishing the other achieves). For me, the system is a plus as I can, if no time, usually do a gather, a vista, and a spender or ruin in wvw to get 10 points in about 5 minutes.

I know I left some out, but for me, the new dailies are better and the laurels from dailies and monthlies are made even easier to acquire and you can get even more per month than before, the other login rewards are an improvement as well.

Overall a plus for me but your mileage may vary.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Traveller.7496


I still feel like changing the dailies from the latest iteration was a huge mistake. I get what they are trying to do, trying to make people experience other parts of the game than they are used to. But it won’t work by forcing and removing options. It should be about adding lucrative options to try those other modes.

Now, what do we have if you mostly do PvE? A huge zerg going around low-level zones fighting for mobs for event credit or people running all over a particular map looking for a plant to harvest.

The old daily was just so perfect. I could play the game however I wanted and usually got my daily done with a small extra reward. Even the harder ones like dodging and rezzing could be done in any starter zone. Now you have to do something very specific every time. Sometimes it includes event zerging, sometimes waiting around for a certain boss (which also includes zerging).

So my solution is to change it again. Add more objectives. Make them less specific. Keep the daily log-on reward if you want, I have no issues with it. But fix the daily AP system towards the way it used to be and it’ll benefit both veterans and new players you’re so concerned about.

edit: Also I don’t want to “expand my horizons”. The game has been out long enough for me to know I don’t enjoy PvP in any form. I simply can’t understand why people think removing options is a good thing for a game or the community. I just want to have fun and do my dailies while I play, but apparently I need to “expand my horizons” or I have “self-imposed restrictions”. It’s a kitten game. It’s meant to be fun.

(edited by Traveller.7496)

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Carighan.6758


But it won’t work by forcing and removing options. It should be about adding lucrative options to try those other modes.

But in a way that’s exactly what they did. Nothing is forced, nothing is removed (currency is given just for logging in now, which yes is a cop out but they needed one to do this), the new daily system is not related to the previous one in that regard. The old one gave a required currency.

The new one gives rewards for doing stuff you might not already be doing. Well, “lucrative” would be a weeeeeeee bit of a stretch, granted. But hey it’s rewards.

Making the objectives less specific and offering more would exactly bring back the problems the previous system faced again: It fails to add any enticement to doing something, because whatever you end up doing, you get the daily done anyhow.
The solution now is one improvement smarter at least: Get required currencies anyhow, but extra rewards are given for going out of your way.

Remove the required “out of your way”, and why give rewards? Then you’re just giving rewards to everyone, might as well remove it entirely + lower costs. Same net effect.

It’s a kitten game. It’s meant to be fun.

Well I’m certainly not apologizing for thinking the new system is much more fun (and a better game system) than the old one.
I’m somewhat apologizing – or rather I feel bad – for taking such delight in AP grinders who want to exclusively PvE being so up in arms about this, as someone who hates cheap forms of achievement-grinds in games (which GW2 has oodles off, you could delete 90%+ of all achievement and there’d be plenty terrible ones left).

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

(edited by Carighan.6758)

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sorudo.9054


no, dailies that can be done regardless of level, or enough dailies that levels don’t matter.

That is already the case.
You can easily complete the three needed dailies, regardless of what level your character is.

so my level 21 can both beat a champion in lvl kitten areas and go to a vista/harvest in orr?
or what about the 2X fractures, good luck doing that with a lvl 21…..

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


so my level 21 can both beat a champion in lvl kitten areas and go to a vista/harvest in orr?
or what about the 2X fractures, good luck doing that with a lvl 21…..

Possible not (except with Fractals, seeing as those upscale you, so technically you can do it at lvl 2).

But that doesn’t mean you can’t do it.
Both WvW and PvP is fully possible, and level matter rather little (not at all in PvP) in there.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Carighan.6758


Also champions are group events in virtually all cases, and independent of level are trivial with multiple players. MMO and all. :P

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Traveller.7496


I’m somewhat apologizing – or rather I feel bad – for taking such delight in AP grinders who want to exclusively PvE being so up in arms about this, as someone who hates cheap forms of achievement-grinds in games (which GW2 has oodles off, you could delete 90%+ of all achievement and there’d be plenty terrible ones left).

As you said AP is not meant to be exclusive. Or maybe, if you go out of your way to get everything you can. But the daily isn’t. It’s meant to be easy. It’s meant to be a cheap time sink. With the latest change, it’s made more specific. This is my point – I know it’s not hard or challenging to do those low-level events, a vista, or wait for a world boss. But it’s way more tedious. I liked it when I could do it besides whatever I normally do in-game, easy or not.

I hated the dumbing down of the game with the NPE. I didn’t like the trait system revamp. (my latest character has only the traits I use on my regular builds.) But this affects my gaming more than those, that’s why I’m vocal about it – many days I only log in to do the daily and chat with friends.

Last time they tried to recude the number of options they eventually revamped it. This time I fear no amount of “feedback” is not going to change their mind that they’re right. I’ll live with it, but I don’t have to like it.

Also, don’t feel bad for ANet changing the game in the direction you want. I’ve been hoping it for the whole time it’s been released, and it keeps going further away.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blude.6812


Anet? You do have lots of real feedback. So how about a real response??
Change coming? or working as intended?

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XPilo.5862


I like see a random daily system for each player, so don’t all get the same dailys, like example some players will get daily boss Golem Mark II, other could get Fire elemenatl. The same with the region events.

And you can add a level check system, so if a player’s character max level is 45, he don’t will get dailys in level 60 zones by example.

The idea is have the players more scattered around the world.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ozmaniandevil.6805


I just want to point out to those saying you miss NOTHING but AP if you don’t do the dailies, that you are incorrect. Because, with AP, you get achievement chests, which contain, off and on, unique skins, badges of honor, laurels, account wide boosts to XP, coin, and MF, WvW blueprints, gold, gems, etc. So please, just stop saying people are not losing out on anything if they forego the dailies. They miss out a lot by missing the AP, which is why many are upset that instead of being able to get 5 AP doing what we want, we are “forced” to do things that are tedious/take us out of our preferred play time, in order to get the same rewards we USED TO get. The only thing now is, you could skip every other day and end up at the same place. However, given the amount of casual players here, I’m sure many can understand the problems the new daily system present.

Isle of Janthir – Knights of the Rose (KoR)

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


I just want to point out to those saying you miss NOTHING but AP if you don’t do the dailies, that you are incorrect. Because, with AP, you get achievement chests, which contain, off and on, unique skins, badges of honor, laurels, account wide boosts to XP, coin, and MF, WvW blueprints, gold, gems, etc. So please, just stop saying people are not losing out on anything if they forego the dailies. They miss out a lot by missing the AP, which is why many are upset that instead of being able to get 5 AP doing what we want, we are “forced” to do things that are tedious/take us out of our preferred play time, in order to get the same rewards we USED TO get. The only thing now is, you could skip every other day and end up at the same place. However, given the amount of casual players here, I’m sure many can understand the problems the new daily system present.

Which means your issue is one of how fast you get those chests. It’s not like there aren’t other sources of AP.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Carighan.6758


Last time they tried to recude the number of options they eventually revamped it. This time I fear no amount of “feedback” is not going to change their mind that they’re right. I’ll live with it, but I don’t have to like it.

I think it’s unlikely that they’ll compromise on the main system (after all, their compromise to generalize the daily-selection going from system 1 to system 2 is what was criticized about system 2, near-static picks and lack of merit behind it since it comes automatic).

That being said, maybe they’ll re-think their own compromise (the log-in rewards).
They could:

  • As I said, remove the daily AP gain entirely, remove all repeatable AP gain, remove all AP acquired that way and re-do breakpoints to get chests. All achievements are unique, all given for a fixed effect which cannot be repeated, and rewards scaled to that income. Complex, but IMO the by-far best solution as it removes the honestly stupid grind nature of achievements we have now. Well not much actually, but still a substantial amount.
  • They could also just add AP to log-in rewards. Maybe not 10. Make it 5, and each daily done gives +1, up to another 5. That’s a solid compromise as it brings exact parity with system 2 (5 for mostly just playing, more if you go out of your way). Easier, and comparatively quick to code.
The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GlenRoss.8570


If I’m forced into options that are not fun for me, I’ll simply move on to another game.

I love people who threaten companies with that line. Ok sir, good luck finding a single MMO title that doesn’t force you to do stuff.

Boring. Not interested in petty, passive-aggressive squabbling.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nGumball.1283


If I’m forced into options that are not fun for me, I’ll simply move on to another game.

I love people who threaten companies with that line. Ok sir, good luck finding a single MMO title that doesn’t force you to do stuff.

Boring. Not interested in petty, passive-aggressive squabbling.

Boring to the point you replied to it.
Thanks for the compliment.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashen.2907


The event dailies need some work in my opinion. Otherwise the system works just fine. Anything you can get doing dailies can be earned doing almost anyhing else in the game. The new system is much more open player choice/preference than what we had before. If I skipped dailies before in order to focus on another adpect of the game, or just didnt like that day’s options, I missed out on rewards that couldnt be earned elsewhere. If I skip dailies now for either of those reasons I can still earn the same rewards (although the rate might be slower for AP).

Still, the event issues really need some attention.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GlenRoss.8570


If I’m forced into options that are not fun for me, I’ll simply move on to another game.

I love people who threaten companies with that line. Ok sir, good luck finding a single MMO title that doesn’t force you to do stuff.

Boring. Not interested in petty, passive-aggressive squabbling.

Boring to the point you replied to it.
Thanks for the compliment.

Silly and sophomoric. We both know reply doesn’t equal interest. But enjoy yourself. I’m sure everybody is impressed.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


The new dailies are very easy, I do PvP, WvW and PvE. But OP has a point, the zone events are a joke, they do need tweaking, there is no way ANet would have deliberately made the mess they are.

There is no cooperation, players go ape overkill on bosses with no consideration to letting anyone else take part. If ANet are to continue with these zone events they need to scaled and announced better. Region based events were much much better. Maybe scale the rewards to make allowance for the particular zone you do them in to encourage players into less popular zones.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GlenRoss.8570


I agree, Sandpit. It’s not a bad system but needs a little bit of work.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

I agree, Sandpit. It’s not a bad system but needs a little bit of work.

Pretty much been said about every iteration of the Daily system since the start of the game, along with demands that it be changed/improved. It really has gotten wearying.

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