Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Well I’m stopping buying gems with money.
Other option for protests could be:
- Not giving the RAF codes;
- Mass logging at pre-determined hours in a major town (like Divinity’s Reach) shouting something like “new gear tiers? no thank you!”.

There are the good ways to show your displeasure about game changes, and then we have this guy.

Mass logging at pre-determined hours just to be a heckler is harassment and against the EULA. (And VERY immature).

Just because you are not getting your way shouldn’t mean you give other people a hard time just because they enjoy it.
What are you 8?

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kistell.5684


NO BS, but I know of 10 people who quit GW2 because of being bored at 80 in the last 2-3 weeks. They have been watching info about The Lost Island patch and when they found out that there was going to be some kind of gear progression and a new dungeon, they will be coming back to check it out on the 15th.

So their wallets are going to open back up, just because of gear progression. And if they like it more will come.

That sounds awesome, so your friends who obviously raced through content got bored and decided they did not want to support the existing community or ANET any longer and jumped ship are coming back.

So how long will they stay this time a month or two then leave again.

Just the sort of community this game needs.

Hope ANET enjoys its new influx of temporary players as existing ones exit through the door.

Not a very viable business plan for Anet to attract fickle customers like that.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CharrGirl.7896


Personally what hurts the most is that people who actually support this wow-ification of GW2 probably have no idea what their initial anti-grind philosophy prior to launch was. This wouldn’t spark such debate, tons of hate posts here and hate comments on youtube and other sites if this is what we were expecting from the start.

If people knew that this game was going to introduce this right from the start, without any promise of eliminating grind and promising horizontal progression, then we wouldn’t be in this mess. They are for some reason going against their own promises and I see this as a concern myself. I put a lot of hopes in this game, personally. Never before a game of this genre came out with such promising set up. Manifesto trailer summed it pretty well, and hyped people for something NEW and fresh.

Now all you can see on the comments below the trailer are hate, hate and more hate. Is this really what we expected? No…

I must say I did put a lot of hopes in this game. I paid more then average player did for the CE, fully supporting them. I paid even more then the average CE customer because of all the taxes and shipping. I went with “wow, this game is promising. Anet cares about their players, and actually makes a game that will be like a holy grail for those who waited for a MMO without grind, player segregation and elitism community”.

Now it’s all shattered – they promised more of these gear treadmills in the future.

Why is this a problem? Because if they can introduce this in 1 dungeon, they can pretty much introduce it for more content, something more people will want to play. It wont be long before you log in, out-geared by hardcore players and get picked on because you “don’t have the best gear, go away noob”. Been there already. It’s frustrating and extremely anti-social.

I must say – if GW2 fails on this level, if it doesn’t deliver it’s promise then NO future MMO ever will. Especially because it was supposed to be the game that changes and innovates this genre.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BadHealer.3608


Well that don`t seem so bad. You would have your infused armor set in your bags for when you do these dungeons then. Sounds pretty cool to me actually. This is something they could take in a bunch of interesting different directions if they really wanted to. I can`t wait to see how it works out.

Yeah. That will be so cool. Just think about it: One full armor set with weapons (10 pieces) for the Agony condition of the Fraktal Dungeon. For the next dungeon a second armor set and for the third another one and after the forth your full backback is full and you need to use bank slots.

So after around 10 sets you wouldn’t have any space left (keep in mind that everything is souldbond.)

That sounds so cool, not being able to play a game, because you don’t have any space to pick up items. Coolest idea ever!


Please forgive me rage. But this didn’t sounds like a good idea for me.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wothan.4673


Sometime ago…

“We don’t make grindy games — we leave the grind to other MMOs.”-Mike Obrien, President of Arenanet

We ( me and my guildmate ) inc in this game because sentence like this.. for only focus in wvw and never do donjon or other boring pve for stuff… it’s seems, once again, we got trolled :/

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

(edited by Wothan.4673)

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LadyRhonwyn.2501


NO BS, but I know of 10 people who quit GW2 because of being bored at 80 in the last 2-3 weeks. They have been watching info about The Lost Island patch and when they found out that there was going to be some kind of gear progression and a new dungeon, they will be coming back to check it out on the 15th.

So their wallets are going to open back up, just because of gear progression. And if they like it more will come.

So, their wallets are more important than mine… Good to know.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vox.5019


To have a gear treadmill there must be several sets of gear every few months.. There is ONLY going to be ascended rank gear, not multiple sets.! If you would have read what Chris Whiteside said you woudn’t be over-reacting like you are now.

Agony is just the first thing that needs to be infused against. With new dungeons will come new infusions. It’s still a treadmill it’s only been abstracted a tiny bit so some people won’t see it.

stop makeing kitten up

Read the blog post.

This industry just needs to move on. We’ve seen a bunch of “WoW 2.0” attempts, and
who actually wants that? Do we really want to be playing those same game mechanics for
another 5 or 10 years? -Mike O’Brien

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Swoo.5079


So there is fancy new armor with “better” stats where I can’t use my Runes that I typically used over stats anyway?

I have to grind this armor in the dungeon where the armor is needed and will be there anyway?

I’m failing to see what all the fuss is about.

You are missing the little fact that the items without any upgrades are better than the items with upgrades.

Basically the Ascendant tier WITHOUT UPGRADES is HIGHER STATS than the Exotic tier WITH UPGRADES

Ascended items are Anet biggest mistake and a kneejerk reaction.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eadgyt.5987


If I bought a vacuum-cleaner I’d be kinda angry if the shop suddenly exchanged it for a broom… or started fiddling with the wiring for that matter.

Sure, a product can be subject to change.. But as consumers we certainly can voice our opinions as well! Don’t go number 1 on us and then call it rain.. That will only lead to unsatisfied and smelly customers!

~ Stuff stuff STUFF! ~

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


So there is fancy new armor with “better” stats where I can’t use my Runes that I typically used over stats anyway?

I have to grind this armor in the dungeon where the armor is needed and will be there anyway?

I’m failing to see what all the fuss is about.

You and me both!

What it “seems” like it is, is the people who have played GW1 and are now playing GW2 really don’t like the idea of change. They want GW2 to be the exact same thing as GW1. But ArenaNet has listened to the community and is putting this change for the better of the game and the players.

I can’t wait till Friday! Lost Island is going to be a blast!!

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vox.5019


Well that don`t seem so bad. You would have your infused armor set in your bags for when you do these dungeons then. Sounds pretty cool to me actually. This is something they could take in a bunch of interesting different directions if they really wanted to. I can`t wait to see how it works out.

And when they release a new “Agony” that requires a different infusion, you will need to grind another set. And then when they release another…

That actually raises the question whether infusion can be replaced the same way as runes or not.

I believe it will be possible however they also stated that the best gear will have bonus infusion baked in. So you’d still want to use the right gear for the right dungeon.

This industry just needs to move on. We’ve seen a bunch of “WoW 2.0” attempts, and
who actually wants that? Do we really want to be playing those same game mechanics for
another 5 or 10 years? -Mike O’Brien

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Logun.2349


I don’t think people really see the ramifications or the genie in the box that’s getting unleashed here.

People aren’t in an uproar over 2 pieces of gear there in an up roar over the fact that this is their new progression matrix for endgame.

If you read what they’re saying it’s fairly obvious it they plan on making a full set of Ascended gear available that you will need so you can insert the required Infusions.
The point of the infusion is to mitigate a new damage type found in dungeons, or in other words there your ticket to participate in this content that gets locked away behind a price of admission. That price will either be a grind or cost of some sort.

This is going to be the new paradigm for the end game the part that scares me is this:
“The new additions in November are just the start of our item progression initiative. We’re going to add tons of new high-level content to Guild Wars 2 in the future.”

“The first end game mechanic we will introduce is Agony, which will be encountered in the Fractals of the Mists dungeon, and is mitigated by Infusions.”

“As we release more new end game content in the future, you’ll see more Infusions and Ascended item types being added to the game. Eventually, you’ll be able to kit yourself out with a full set of Ascended gear and high end Infusions to help give you the edge in end game content.”
So basically this is the pass they’re giving themselves to go back on anything previously mentioned about the endgame being a cosmetic optional achievement. For each endgame dungeon condition type to complete the dungeon to its fullest you will need to grind up or pay for in some way (time or cash) a new set of gear or at the least the Infusions for it.

So what are the ramifications, the biggest one a division of end game players. The casual players will be the casualties hear as guilds fragment and harder core players leave there more casual buddies behind that are holding them back.

A gear fixated and centric player base that will see anything else in the game that does not advance their gear as fluff.

The best content in the game is now going to get locked behind a gear based entry fee, and with a finite set of resources this means development of open world content will suffer.

The best content ends up instanced and there’s nothing massively multi player about 5 people in a dungeon when we live in an age where every other console game connects you with 25 to 35 other players.

The strength of this game is the spontaneous groups that form up around their open world events but it feels like this is being abandoned for endgame.

Enjoy the new Hamster Wheel.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vox.5019


Personally what hurts the most is that people who actually support this wow-ification of GW2 probably have no idea what their initial anti-grind philosophy prior to launch was. This wouldn’t spark such debate, tons of hate posts here and hate comments on youtube and other sites if this is what we were expecting from the start.

If people knew that this game was going to introduce this right from the start, without any promise of eliminating grind and promising horizontal progression, then we wouldn’t be in this mess. They are for some reason going against their own promises and I see this as a concern myself. I put a lot of hopes in this game, personally. Never before a game of this genre came out with such promising set up. Manifesto trailer summed it pretty well, and hyped people for something NEW and fresh.

Now all you can see on the comments below the trailer are hate, hate and more hate. Is this really what we expected? No…

I must say I did put a lot of hopes in this game. I paid more then average player did for the CE, fully supporting them. I paid even more then the average CE customer because of all the taxes and shipping. I went with “wow, this game is promising. Anet cares about their players, and actually makes a game that will be like a holy grail for those who waited for a MMO without grind, player segregation and elitism community”.

Now it’s all shattered – they promised more of these gear treadmills in the future.

Why is this a problem? Because if they can introduce this in 1 dungeon, they can pretty much introduce it for more content, something more people will want to play. It wont be long before you log in, out-geared by hardcore players and get picked on because you “don’t have the best gear, go away noob”. Been there already. It’s frustrating and extremely anti-social.

I must say – if GW2 fails on this level, if it doesn’t deliver it’s promise then NO future MMO ever will. Especially because it was supposed to be the game that changes and innovates this genre.


This industry just needs to move on. We’ve seen a bunch of “WoW 2.0” attempts, and
who actually wants that? Do we really want to be playing those same game mechanics for
another 5 or 10 years? -Mike O’Brien

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Caran.3217


FACT: It’s a gear treadmill as it requires new gear with new upgrades
FACT: They stated they will add new infusions, which will require a new grind
FACT: Gear treadmill = Gear treadmill. Doesn’t matter if it is vertical or horizontal.
FACT: They said they would not put in a gear treadmill
FACT: They stated they wanted everyone to be able to do all content, which is impossible when you add gated content

FACT: If you don’t like it you can go play Guild Wars 1

How about..
FACT: If you don’t like games without vertical gear progression, you shouldn’t have bought game clearly advertised as not having one and yourself go play something else?
You’d have much more to choose from anyway, since every MMO out there has it.

Instead, everyone who dislikes gear treadmill now ends up in a game with one anyway.

To have a gear treadmill there must be several sets of gear every few months.. There is ONLY going to be ascended rank gear, not multiple sets.! If you would have read what Chris Whiteside said you woudn’t be over-reacting like you are now.

Just stop and learn the facts first before you start typing.

Also if you don’t want to play a game that never changes and always stays the same, then go back to Guild Wars 1.
And wither you like it or not, people have asked for this change. So there are quite a few people happy for it. It’s coming and there isn’t anything you can do about it.

Chris Whiteside.6102:
I’d like to respond to concerns players have raised about ascended items. Please keep in mind that we’re releasing this as one portion of a massive November update that introduces and improves many aspects of challenge, progression, and rewards. With this and upcoming updates, we view ourselves as introducing large amounts of content with supporting systems and features, akin to an expansion pack, building on Guild Wars 2 through a series of live releases. So it’s important for us to be able to add an expansion pack’s worth of progression and rewards to support that content.
Our goal is not to create a gear treadmill. Our goal is to ensure we have a proper progression for players from exotic up to legendary without a massive jump in reward between the two. We will slowly add the remaining ascended gear items and legendary items in future updates to allow people time to acquire them as we add exciting new content that deserves exciting rewards. We will not be adding a new tier of gear every 3 months that we expect everyone to chase after and then get the next set and so on.
Ascended and infusion rewards will be available in both PvE and WvW over time, and be made available through all sorts of content around the world including existing content. PvP will remain unaffected to ensure our intended PvP balance going forward. We are also working on other reward and progression systems for the game that tie into current and new content and features. As you know we care very much about your support and opinion and are listening intently to what you say.
Finally we look forward to hearing your thoughts on the upcoming content, and we will ensure we share our thoughts with you on the experiences we share in the Lost Shores.
Chris Whiteside – Studio Design Director

And tell me why should we believe them after they already lied to us?

And there is no way of spinning this to be anything than what it is, an outright lie to the playerbase.

You didn’t get lied too just stop it.

ArenaNet is a business, then made a decision that they think bests suits them for the game. company and the players.
Ya we get it, you don’t agree with their decision so your going to shout, yell, stomp your feet until you get “heard”.
Pretty much the same thing as my 10 year old daughter would do.

No, we also have wallets.
And them can remain closed.

And word of mouth can be negative instead of positive

NO BS, but I know of 10 people who quit GW2 because of being bored at 80 in the last 2-3 weeks. They have been watching info about The Lost Island patch and when they found out that there was going to be some kind of gear progression and a new dungeon, they will be coming back to check it out on the 15th.

So their wallets are going to open back up, just because of gear progression. And if they like it more will come.

And as those wallets of those ‘ever bored so quickly’ people which will open up temporarily will close again as quickly… after they have hyper-rushed-speedfarmed the new dungeon, and are gone again!

I would rather base my business plan on a more stable customer base like they had in GW1, just saying.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chronus.1326


New Announcement:

Our goal is not to create a gear treadmill. Our goal is to ensure we have a proper progression for players from exotic up to legendary without a massive jump in reward between the two.

Sadly, I do not care. It is not necessary and nobody asked for it. Nobody asked for progression between the two because the stats of the Legendary and the Exotic were the same. The difference was only cosmetic.

Frankly, in Guild Wars the items never even needed “tiers”. That is where the entire thing starts getting wierd. That entre idea in itself was alien to the francishe, and now the new update implied why they were implemented in the first place. That is the problem.

The stat increase is wrong.

(edited by chronus.1326)

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Marcus Greythorne.6843

Marcus Greythorne.6843

If the only point to the dungeon was to get gear to go further into the dungeon then why play it? That’s not the case, there will be high-end rewards that are not related solely to the dungeon. And to get to them you need to get to the higher levels of the dungeon requiring as much infusion as you can get.

I say nonsense. Can you give me a source for that? – show your look and rate others – great filters!!

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CharrGirl.7896


So there is fancy new armor with “better” stats where I can’t use my Runes that I typically used over stats anyway?

I have to grind this armor in the dungeon where the armor is needed and will be there anyway?

I’m failing to see what all the fuss is about.

You and me both!

What it “seems” like it is, is the people who have played GW1 and are now playing GW2 really don’t like the idea of change. They want GW2 to be the exact same thing as GW1. But ArenaNet has listened to the community and is putting this change for the better of the game and the players.

I can’t wait till Friday! Lost Island is going to be a blast!!

Listened to who? Have been people screaming for the past 2 months “we want grind!”?

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BadHealer.3608


NO BS, but I know of 10 people who quit GW2 because of being bored at 80 in the last 2-3 weeks. They have been watching info about The Lost Island patch and when they found out that there was going to be some kind of gear progression and a new dungeon, they will be coming back to check it out on the 15th.

There where plenty of enough content left to explorer and the decide to ignore this all and come back only, because of the hope of a neverending gear progression.

Sorry, but why did they play a game that has no gear progression in the first place?

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I really liked GW1 especially because of the fast leveling (24 hours of play if you knew the quests), hard capped gear, very nice armor and weapon skins, the tactical teamplay, skill variety and so on…

I was really disappointed by GW2 because it took all things from GW1 and tossed ‘em away. However, it was the best MMO there is, it did things differently. That was why I continued playing, even though I hate leveling. I’d rather be 80 from the start, get my max statted equipment and then get out into the world and have fun! I clinched to the hope that someday I would be level 80 and have my max statted equipment to start having fun and practise my own skill.

This new announcement is a slap in the face with a spiked mace. I don’t want to lose Guild Wars as a possibility to feel a bit like in the good old times and to spend time with friends online. But if all our nightmares come true, there’s only one way to go, not to play anymore.

Ok so it sounds like you are not even level 80 yet correct? This change is even better for someone like you! Because you are not 80 you didn’t craft any exotic gear. So with this patch you won’t have to waste mats or time creating exotic gear because there will be Ascended and Legendary gear instead! (We do not know if any of the new 200 crafting patterns are for Ascended gear or not, so we will have to wait and see).

But once you hit 80 then get your Ascended gear (Or Legendary) then thats it!
Thats all there will be for the gear progression ranks.
The gear progression will be: Rare, Excotic, Ascended and Legendary.
As Chris Whiteside – Studio Design Director said “We will not be adding a new tier of gear every 3 months that we expect everyone to chase after and then get the next set and so on.”

So there is no reason you can’t have the same fun as you have been doing.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ickorus.4518


If this was implemented at release no one would have a problem with it, it’s not a treadmill because it’s a new rarity tier to fill the gap between exotic and legendary.

I very much hope they make it stuff that has to be earnt rather than bought on the TP too.

Guild: Afterlife [AFTL] (Piken Square)

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banewrath.5107


Well that don`t seem so bad. You would have your infused armor set in your bags for when you do these dungeons then. Sounds pretty cool to me actually. This is something they could take in a bunch of interesting different directions if they really wanted to. I can`t wait to see how it works out.

And when they release a new “Agony” that requires a different infusion, you will need to grind another set. And then when they release another…

I don`t think they would keep adding new agonies. Maybe just bump up the cap of how much resist you need in the future would increase. Still too early to tell. It`s anyones guess.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vox.5019


If the only point to the dungeon was to get gear to go further into the dungeon then why play it? That’s not the case, there will be high-end rewards that are not related solely to the dungeon. And to get to them you need to get to the higher levels of the dungeon requiring as much infusion as you can get.

I say nonsense. Can you give me a source for that?

“As we introduce the new high-level content, we’ll also roll out complimentary Ascended and Legendary items (to say nothing of the other rewards you can earn by playing the content).”

This industry just needs to move on. We’ve seen a bunch of “WoW 2.0” attempts, and
who actually wants that? Do we really want to be playing those same game mechanics for
another 5 or 10 years? -Mike O’Brien

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daigotsu Yajinden.2695

Daigotsu Yajinden.2695

Maybe ascended items, will be crafted from exotic items and tears of Chuck Norris ( its a pity he never cries), that would not make obsolete exotic gear, but instead needed to get the new and last tier, its not the same as to dump exotics and make anew ascendeds.

The future progresion would be about infusions, base top gear wont change again. They would add fine, master, rare… infusions, its a progression/grind of a kind yes, but that would not make your base gear obsolete anymore.

Infusions will be needed in the long way, but this does not mean you could not experiment all 9 levels of the dungeon, cos they will be instanced randomly in 3 level instances, and we dont know when it would be hard enough to need infusions. Maybe its on the 6 round ( so you have gone through 18 levels..) That way there is no gating of content.

Either way, first play, see how it develops, then take your way in or out of the game.
But all of this rage whine threadmill based on a little information its a non sense.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banewrath.5107


Well that don`t seem so bad. You would have your infused armor set in your bags for when you do these dungeons then. Sounds pretty cool to me actually. This is something they could take in a bunch of interesting different directions if they really wanted to. I can`t wait to see how it works out.

Why would you use an exotic armor after you have acquired an ascended armor anyway? It counters agony and has slightly higher stats, so no point in taking 6 inventory slots for carrying around an inferior exotic set.

Cause I spent 100 gold on the cultural set and transmuted it onto my exotic set. I don`t have the heart to destroy it.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Urxx.6840


But once you hit 80 then get your Ascended gear (Or Legendary) then thats it!

They said the same about exotics, why do you think it will be different with ascended?

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vox.5019


Well that don`t seem so bad. You would have your infused armor set in your bags for when you do these dungeons then. Sounds pretty cool to me actually. This is something they could take in a bunch of interesting different directions if they really wanted to. I can`t wait to see how it works out.

And when they release a new “Agony” that requires a different infusion, you will need to grind another set. And then when they release another…

I don`t think they would keep adding new agonies. Maybe just bump up the cap of how much resist you need in the future would increase. Still too early to tell. It`s anyones guess.

I’m actually hoping that’s the case despite all of the “this is the first mechanic” and “this is just the beginning” stuff. But even so, it still segregates us into tiered groups with gated content

This industry just needs to move on. We’ve seen a bunch of “WoW 2.0” attempts, and
who actually wants that? Do we really want to be playing those same game mechanics for
another 5 or 10 years? -Mike O’Brien

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kistell.5684


I don’t think people really see the ramifications or the genie in the box that’s getting unleashed here.

People aren’t in an uproar over 2 pieces of gear there in an up roar over the fact that this is their new progression matrix for endgame.

If you read what they’re saying it’s fairly obvious it they plan on making a full set of Ascended gear available that you will need so you can insert the required Infusions.
The point of the infusion is to mitigate a new damage type found in dungeons, or in other words there your ticket to participate in this content that gets locked away behind a price of admission. That price will either be a grind or cost of some sort.

This is going to be the new paradigm for the end game the part that scares me is this:
“The new additions in November are just the start of our item progression initiative. We’re going to add tons of new high-level content to Guild Wars 2 in the future.”

“The first end game mechanic we will introduce is Agony, which will be encountered in the Fractals of the Mists dungeon, and is mitigated by Infusions.”

“As we release more new end game content in the future, you’ll see more Infusions and Ascended item types being added to the game. Eventually, you’ll be able to kit yourself out with a full set of Ascended gear and high end Infusions to help give you the edge in end game content.”
So basically this is the pass they’re giving themselves to go back on anything previously mentioned about the endgame being a cosmetic optional achievement. For each endgame dungeon condition type to complete the dungeon to its fullest you will need to grind up or pay for in some way (time or cash) a new set of gear or at the least the Infusions for it.

So what are the ramifications, the biggest one a division of end game players. The casual players will be the casualties hear as guilds fragment and harder core players leave there more casual buddies behind that are holding them back.

A gear fixated and centric player base that will see anything else in the game that does not advance their gear as fluff.

The best content in the game is now going to get locked behind a gear based entry fee, and with a finite set of resources this means development of open world content will suffer.

The best content ends up instanced and there’s nothing massively multi player about 5 people in a dungeon when we live in an age where every other console game connects you with 25 to 35 other players.

The strength of this game is the spontaneous groups that form up around their open world events but it feels like this is being abandoned for endgame.

Enjoy the new Hamster Wheel.

Well put, thanks

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: exphryl.3857


You are missing the little fact that the items without any upgrades are better than the items with upgrades.

Basically the Ascendant tier WITHOUT UPGRADES is HIGHER STATS than the Exotic tier WITH UPGRADES

I fully understood that fact. My point was I use Superior Runes on my character for the Bonus of them. (i.e Solder for Shout’s removing conditions) etc.

I lose that on the new armor.

So I still fail to see the complaints.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Urxx.6840


Cause I spent 100 gold on the cultural set and transmuted it onto my exotic set. I don`t have the heart to destroy it.

That’s exatcly why this whole ascended thing is wrong.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BadHealer.3608


New Announcement:

Our goal is not to create a gear treadmill. Our goal is to ensure we have a proper progression for players from exotic up to legendary without a massive jump in reward between the two.

Sadly, I do not care. It is not necessary and nobody asked for it. Nobody asked for progression between the two because the stats of the Legendary and the Exotic were the same. The difference was only cosmetic.

Frankly, in Guild Wars the items never even needed “tiers”.
That entre idea in itself was alien to the francishe in itself, and now the new idea implied why they were implemented in the first place. The is the problem.

I couldn’t agree more. Nice that they want to fill a “gap” that didn’t exisit with creating a gap.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


NO BS, but I know of 10 people who quit GW2 because of being bored at 80 in the last 2-3 weeks. They have been watching info about The Lost Island patch and when they found out that there was going to be some kind of gear progression and a new dungeon, they will be coming back to check it out on the 15th.

So their wallets are going to open back up, just because of gear progression. And if they like it more will come.

That sounds awesome, so your friends who obviously raced through content got bored and decided they did not want to support the existing community or ANET any longer and jumped ship are coming back.

So how long will they stay this time a month or two then leave again.

Just the sort of community this game needs.

Hope ANET enjoys its new influx of temporary players as existing ones exit through the door.

Not a very viable business plan for Anet to attract fickle customers like that.

Raced thru the content? The game is almost 3 months old! 2 months is MORE than enough time to get to 80. Just because you are a casual player doesn’t mean everyone else is.
GW2 does not have a subscription so they can stop or play anytime they want, thats the point of a Buy2Play game.

The most major complaint about Guild Wars 2 is no endgame content. ArenaNet is adding something to help that. And again just because your are so casual and want nothing to do with it doesn’t give you the right to take it away from people who do!

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhyaehar.9504


If I bought a vacuum-cleaner I’d be kinda angry if the shop suddenly exchanged it for a broom… or started fiddling with the wiring for that matter.

Sure, a product can be subject to change.. But as consumers we certainly can voice our opinions as well! Don’t go number 1 on us and then call it rain.. That will only lead to unsatisfied and smelly customers!

I payed for “d”, but withing 3 months it was switched to “b”. “b” that was never to find it’s way into this game, everyone who read anything about GW1 knew that.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ganzo.5079


First thing they have to clarify how it work infusion.
If It give a defensive or offensive bonus to all the game content, and then agony resistance when you are in the fractal… This is a real bad thing, because not only our gear, but also runes and sigils become obsolete and useless.

If all the bonus provided by infusion work only on the fractal, they only need to adjust the ascended item stats, to the exotic range.

Because, like Guild Wars before it, GW2 doesn’t fall into the traps of traditional MMORPGs.
It doesn’t suck your life away and force you onto a grinding treadmill"

(edited by Ganzo.5079)

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vox.5019


Content != stat treadmill. It’s a poor substitute for content.

This industry just needs to move on. We’ve seen a bunch of “WoW 2.0” attempts, and
who actually wants that? Do we really want to be playing those same game mechanics for
another 5 or 10 years? -Mike O’Brien

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hilko.1760


Group Looking for more. Please ping infused armor set as well as your ascended trinkets!

Wait..what…this isn’t Guild Wars.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Marcus Greythorne.6843

Marcus Greythorne.6843

If the only point to the dungeon was to get gear to go further into the dungeon then why play it? That’s not the case, there will be high-end rewards that are not related solely to the dungeon. And to get to them you need to get to the higher levels of the dungeon requiring as much infusion as you can get.

I say nonsense. Can you give me a source for that?

“As we introduce the new high-level content, we’ll also roll out complimentary Ascended and Legendary items (to say nothing of the other rewards you can earn by playing the content).”

of course they roll out new items… but where is written that this items are new-dungeon only? he even wrote: “to say nothing of the other rewards you can earn by playing the content” (-> all of the content, not new-dungeon content only). This is what I get from this.

+ read this:
“Ascended and infusion rewards will be available in both PvE and WvW over time, and be made available through all sorts of content around the world including existing content. PvP will remain unaffected to ensure our intended PvP balance going forward.” – show your look and rate others – great filters!!

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Caran.3217


NO BS, but I know of 10 people who quit GW2 because of being bored at 80 in the last 2-3 weeks. They have been watching info about The Lost Island patch and when they found out that there was going to be some kind of gear progression and a new dungeon, they will be coming back to check it out on the 15th.

So their wallets are going to open back up, just because of gear progression. And if they like it more will come.

That sounds awesome, so your friends who obviously raced through content got bored and decided they did not want to support the existing community or ANET any longer and jumped ship are coming back.

So how long will they stay this time a month or two then leave again.

Just the sort of community this game needs.

Hope ANET enjoys its new influx of temporary players as existing ones exit through the door.

Not a very viable business plan for Anet to attract fickle customers like that.

Raced thru the content? The game is almost 3 months old! 2 months is MORE than enough time to get to 80. Just because you are a casual player doesn’t mean everyone else is.
GW2 does not have a subscription so they can stop or play anytime they want, thats the point of a Buy2Play game.

The most major complaint about Guild Wars 2 is no endgame content. ArenaNet is adding something to help that. And again just because your are so casual and want nothing to do with it doesn’t give you the right to take it away from people who do!

You got to be new to MMORPGs or you’re a troll. Adding new content to enjoy does NOT equal introducing gating / a gear-treadmill.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Urxx.6840


Content != stat treadmill. It’s a poor substitute for content.

also, the problem is not with the agony and infusion mechanic.

But they could (and should) have added the infusion slot to all the lvl 80 exotic gear instead of introducing a new rarity tier.

That would actually mimic what they had done in GW1, where any max level armor could be infused against agony.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Egger.2935


Did you read the official announcement from Studio Designer Chris White about 11 hours ago?
Here you go:

That’s enoug for me….
exoitc gear -> ascendend gear -> legendary gear

All with “slightly” better stat?
“We will slowly add the remaining ascended gear items and legendary items in future updates to allow people time to acquire them as we add exciting new content that deserves exciting rewards.”
Happy grinding and time wasting….

Sorry for qq’ing but I am deeply disappointed and angry!

Thanks for braking your promises and destroying a good game in under 3 months!

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kistell.5684


NO BS, but I know of 10 people who quit GW2 because of being bored at 80 in the last 2-3 weeks. They have been watching info about The Lost Island patch and when they found out that there was going to be some kind of gear progression and a new dungeon, they will be coming back to check it out on the 15th.

So their wallets are going to open back up, just because of gear progression. And if they like it more will come.

That sounds awesome, so your friends who obviously raced through content got bored and decided they did not want to support the existing community or ANET any longer and jumped ship are coming back.

So how long will they stay this time a month or two then leave again.

Just the sort of community this game needs.

Hope ANET enjoys its new influx of temporary players as existing ones exit through the door.

Not a very viable business plan for Anet to attract fickle customers like that.

Raced thru the content? The game is almost 3 months old! 2 months is MORE than enough time to get to 80. Just because you are a casual player doesn’t mean everyone else is.
GW2 does not have a subscription so they can stop or play anytime they want, thats the point of a Buy2Play game.

The most major complaint about Guild Wars 2 is no endgame content. ArenaNet is adding something to help that. And again just because your are so casual and want nothing to do with it doesn’t give you the right to take it away from people who do!

Who says im a casual player? i currently have 3 lvl 80`s and two with 100% world completion.

Fact is i play for the fun of it not to flex my epeni.

so yes i have no issues getting the gear i need, but the fact is ANET are going against what they originally said.

If i wanted grind i would still be playing RIFT / WOW.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Urxx.6840


Thanks for braking your promises and destroying a good game in under 3 months!

This alone doesn’t destroy the game, but it’s certainly a dangerous step in the wrong direction.

And yes, they did break promises.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordByron.8369


1) The reward is a lie….

2) it gves the impression you need moneys to support your new expansions…..then release expansions for money it wouldn t enrage so many people (i would gladly pay for them as long as the game remains grind free and anything more than exotic is not grind free at all not to mention legendaries that are the most grinding thing i evere see in a mmorpg…..even the top items of korean mmorpg are easier to obtain…..).

3) "Our goal is not to create a gear treadmill. " its what you are doing ….

4) “As you know we care very much about your support and opinion and are listening intently to what you say.”
Then don t release this patch at all……just delete it and all you tought….

We players said clearly we don t want it so there is no doubt if you care for our support or not….

If you care act acordingly
Otherwise you don t care and do not pretend to…….

I was so happy and had so much fun prior this patch announcement…..

BTW i know market rules will push you out of this awful plan in few months…..damaging us players in the meantime….

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

(edited by LordByron.8369)

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vox.5019


If the only point to the dungeon was to get gear to go further into the dungeon then why play it? That’s not the case, there will be high-end rewards that are not related solely to the dungeon. And to get to them you need to get to the higher levels of the dungeon requiring as much infusion as you can get.

I say nonsense. Can you give me a source for that?

“As we introduce the new high-level content, we’ll also roll out complimentary Ascended and Legendary items (to say nothing of the other rewards you can earn by playing the content).”

of course they roll out new items… but where is written that this items are new-dungeon only? he even wrote: “to say nothing of the other rewards you can earn by playing the content” (-> all of the content, not new-dungeon content only). This is what I get from this.

+ read this:
“Ascended and infusion rewards will be available in both PvE and WvW over time, and be made available through all sorts of content around the world including existing content. PvP will remain unaffected to ensure our intended PvP balance going forward.”

So the carrot is the stick? What?

This industry just needs to move on. We’ve seen a bunch of “WoW 2.0” attempts, and
who actually wants that? Do we really want to be playing those same game mechanics for
another 5 or 10 years? -Mike O’Brien

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Loomii.6014


Can people just stop complaining? Anet are busting their kitten giving us this great content and all you people do is moan, if you don’t like it play something else

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oma Overdose.2069

Oma Overdose.2069

I don’t like the idea of new item tiers.

I get that anet wantd to bridge the gap between exotic and legendary but that assumes I play gw2 because I want a legendary. What I do want is my character to be complete, in other words end game armor and weapons. Now the goal posts have shifted

At the same time I have plenty of gold so hopefully I can just buy the lame pink gear of the tp at some point. Hopefully anet can come up with more original ideas to keep people playing.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Joey.2769


So Anet listened to people who were unhappy with the game because they have been brainwashed by other games that made you constantly look for the next best item. Sorry Anet but this was the wrong crowd to listen to. They will be in for a max of 2 weeks and leave again complaining about how crappy your game is. When they return to Panda land the ones that remain will be the ones that you use to be respected by. Now we are just waiting for the next best game to progress to since you care little about our opinions.

Commander X Swagalicious X
Commander Twerknificient
Joey Bladow

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Varyag.3751


Next you’ll see mounts… kitten this kitten. It’s supposed to be a sequel to Guild Wars for kittens sake.

I play Warrior, Guardian, Elementalist and Thief.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Egger.2935


Thanks for braking your promises and destroying a good game in under 3 months!

This alone doesn’t destroy the game, but it’s certainly a dangerous step in the wrong direction.

And yes, they did break promises.

It destroyed the game for me, personally!
I would not have fun any more in Guild Wars 2.
And i would not play a game, that is not fun to me.

Me for myself looking forward for new content, new gear.
But even not for better gear…. not for grinding…

Please and this is my last “shout”: no better Stat!

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


I do hope Anet reads through this thread before releasing the ascendant gear the way they plan to.

Most people (as far as I can tell from the posts) would be fine with ascendant gear aslong as stats ARENT higher than exotic gear. This would be an easy change to do before release, its just about switching a little bit of code.

Stick to your manifesto, the thing people looked up to when deciding to buy your game Anet. Dont stray from your own ideas, you will just end up being another MMO failing at trying to be WoW, we dont need another WoW, people left WoW to not play WoW. We started to play GW2 because it was so much different.

I’ve seen numerous quotes to your manifesto aswell as quotes from individual designers that clearly lines out what a wrong decision it is to introduce the ascendant gear the way you play to. It goes against EVERYTHING the team/manifesto has previously said.

Tssk… Tssk… Tssk… bad bad move.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dulon.9347


Can people just stop complaining? Anet are busting their kitten giving us this great content and all you people do is moan, if you don’t like it play something else

A week ago this was unthinkable, but now i might just do that.