Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]
To me this whole idea of cosmetic upgrades sounds more like putting a ferarri body on a fiero and calling it a dream car.
That analogy would be apt if every time a new model of Ferrari was introduced, the roads were stretched in length proportionate to the increase in top speed of the new model to make it take the same amount of time for you to drive anywhere.
In that example, anyone happy with their previous car, or unwilling/unable to afford (grind for) the new model has their experience degraded.
When you realize that bigger numbers are also just a cosmetic feature, the entire scheme becomes quite clear. Many of us chose this game because we have had this realization after years of chasing the illusion of bigger numbers in other games. It is profoundly disappointing that the one game which promised to be different is caving in to the pressure from people still wearing the blindfold of “bigger numbers is more power”.
^ This.
Bookah Protector – Asura Guardian | Trapped Spirit – Asura Necromancer
I like the way you’re thinking. You hired!
I propose a new condition called gear rot, which will destroy your gear if you dont upgrade it to the next tier in time.
Exactly. I cannot stress enough that the illusion of vertical progression is mechanically EXACTLY the same as horizontal progression, with one notable exception:
Those who do not or cannot participate are punished.
Are you guys for real? I mean come on, the thing we need here is more starter gear, something before white, maybe even before grey.
The thing is, that ferarr IS just a cosmetic. It’s not actually doing the job of an automobile any better than another fully functional car.
Imagine the outcry if you could only progress up to level 60 in dungeons/PvE, and had to WvW or PvP to unlock the rest of your character’s effectiveness. Imagine if you had to play a certain number of hours each week or your character lost levels. Mechanically speaking, this is exactly what’s going on, just under a different mask.
Ironically I play with a buddy here at work who in the same sentence described how he loves going to get better stat gear cuz why woulkittenep playing?, but then stated how much he hated having to go get better gear every time a new tier was released in wow. Thought that was funny per this topic. :-D
What problem? I actually like playing the game to get something worthwhile.
What problem? I actually like playing the game to get something worthwhile.
Me too.
Also vocal minority issue.
As much as you see people whining here about the stuff. Everyone who doesn’t dislike it doesn’t come here to say anything about it.
I’ve seen more people enjoying the content than whining about it. The only place I see QQ about ascended gear is here on the forums and occasionally someone who wants a refund will log into the game to QQ in so much irony.
This. Allll of this.
Click on the Lost Shores Survey link:
If you check “no” that you didn’t participate in the event, it gives you space to say why.
If you later check “no”, that you didn’t invite any friends, it gives you another space to say why.
They might not have asked about ascended gear, but that didn’t stop me from letting them know how I felt about it.
Yeh big brother already got our money so it doesn’t matter since we eventually not going to chase that carrot so why bother waste time to give an explanation. We have become unimportant and not priority. Do prove otherwise.
I’ve been getting a kick out of some of the complaints posted in this forum but this….this takes the cake. When you actually refer to the game devs as “Big Brother”…. xD
You folks, people who post stuff like this, have no idea what bad game management even looks like. I’ve played enough MMOs to have experience with TRULY bad management staff, and ANet’s not even a blip on the radar yet by comparison.
So long as ANet learns from this patch, it’ll be fine. And the recent survey being sent out suggests to me that they’ve noticed the negative feedback and want to get a better sampling to see what everyone thinks. So please, just stop. Stop posting, stop embarrassing yourselves, and just …. take a break from the game. Seriously. You are all way too worked up over this, and the lack of a grip on reality is just staggering. No game should EVER produce this much hatred and bile (except C&C Generals 2, because seriously EA what is that).
How’d that work out for us so far?
Now let’s try some ideas that will really work.
Corporate levels always dictate ’Communication.’ I would have to agree, Where is it?
Thanks for the link to the survey. I let them know exactly what I thought of all of this.
Forget it. You already see here how the forum demographics shift from anti-treadmill to pro-treadmill as the originally targeted audience is already on the verge of moving away or has stopped caring and arguing. The dice has fallen, the course is set (I guess more by NCSoft´s intervention than by anet who begrudgingly have to abandon their earlier core design), no complaining and arguing is going to change that.
The gates to WoWland are thrust wide open and they will not close. I am absolutely expecting a full healer class and abilites to turn melee characters into traditional tanks with the next update, along with the occasional addition of new gear tiers with new updates soon.
The essence: the corporation does not care about you anymore. Now, dear moderators, happily lock my forum account again, you can as well stuff it away in NCSoft´s little metal box that allready holds the “manifesto” and bury it in some desert. I stopped caring, arguing and moved on to another game – yes, a traditional MMORPG. I have no problem with hardcore grind, trinity, whatever, what I am opposed to though is being fooled by a company with vain promises and false marketing.
(edited by Algreg.3629)
You folks, people who post stuff like this, have no idea what bad game management even looks like. I’ve played enough MMOs to have experience with TRULY bad management staff, and ANet’s not even a blip on the radar yet by comparison.
Oh the irony. I love when people have the guts (and reasoning skills) to say to everyone who disagrees with them how much the rest lacks in knowledge. Tell us oh great overlord. Share your wisdom with us.
Give me a break and don’t patronize people. Because in the universe I come from, that is considered bad behavior and plain rude. You got no clue how much hard gamers are there and how much experience those same “lesser” people have. So stop building a pedestal for yourself and come down to earth.
11k posts about the same thing, even it being a “discussion” as you call it, still requires a response from the officials. At least they should chime in once in a while and not completely disregard the “discussion”.
I propose a new condition called gear rot, which will destroy your gear if you dont upgrade it to the next tier in time.
And you need the new exciting stat, Entropy resistance, or it happens even faster.
They give you an update and you guys flip tables, you want them to reply with “aww baby its ok i give you hug”
For everyone that is having trouble wrapping their brain around this issue, take a look at the lfg dungeon chatter in /map chat now compared to previous to the patch.
Now everyone is lfg FotM 1 more, 3 more etc AND even worse the groups are looking for only people on level “x”. This alienates the player base that isn’t or cannot keep up with progression.
They give you an update and you guys flip tables, you want them to reply with “aww baby its ok i give you hug”
Not by a long shot. I am interested in direct statements, like “Look folks. Here’s the deal…” instead of plain PR talks where everything is wrapped up in a nice little pink gift paper. Just want from them to be straight about it. That’s all I’m hopping for.
lol grow up ppl. its just a game, and a very good one at that.
lol grow up ppl. its just a game, and a very good one at that.
So you won’t mind if they reverse the change, since it’s just a game and everything.
Im starting to miss the wow crowd /sad days.
Then go back. You should have never bought this game because it wasn’t made for you. But because of illiterate dungeon trolls like you who can’t be bothered to read about a game before buying it DEMANDED that ArenaNet give them a hamster-wheel to run on, they ruined the game for the people that they originally pitched the game to.
Its because of you content locusts that the MMO genre just got pushed back into the dark ages after only 3 months in the sun. You’re a piece of scum. Enjoy the rest of high school.
Please don’t take this as me telling you what to do. But there is no reason to call people names. However, I understand your anger and frustration. For some of us that hate “gear stat progression,” it does create strong emotions.
It’s not the mechanic itself but its the negative experiences we had as a result of it. I came to GW2 to get away from a toxic MMO environment. I had hoped that the things they were putting in place would make it a fun MMO for me. Then I played and to my surprise, it truly was different than other MMOs and fun. For 3 months, I have been enjoying the game and community. Now, I am already seeing the same negative behaviors that I left the toxic MMOs for.
…and no offence taken
. I am sorry if i offended anyone, on other hand. But i have reasons to be frustrated and angry. This was first MMORPG that i gave money for in years (which on other hand delayed my purchase of “Pathfinder Rulebook”) only because i sold on the story “but we dont want to make the same MMORPG everyone else is making”. Good marketing for them, they screwed up one more fool.
Also, speaking on guilt, i blame myself most of all people… i fell for marketing, which was against my principles… oh well
If i make to refund, i will get Pathfinder Rulebook afterall (at least it will not magically turn into magazine after 3 months :P )
First, no need to apologize but thanks for being mature enough to do it (no sarcasm intended).
Second, I think you have hit on the reason I may be having an emotional reaction as well. I hate being lied to or deceived. It makes me feel like the person thinks I was so dumb I would believe them.
I also believed the marketing about this being different than other MMOs. But when they delivered on most of what I expected and I was having fun, I really believed them. Then this hit and it felt like a slap in the face. Like why was I so stupid to believe they would hold onto their vision. I know they did in GW1 but there was no guarantee they would here. I will not get fooled again. So for me anything they say right now to try and make this better will fall on deaf ears.
They give you an update and you guys flip tables, you want them to reply with “aww baby its ok i give you hug”
More content in itself doesn’t make for a better game. The quality of the content matters and the quality of this content leaves much to be desired.
Quality over quantity and all that.
Dear ANet,
Thanks for running this one time event showering everyone that could attend with precursors and other exotic at 3-6am my time. For someone that’s invested 100s of hours into your game and only ever received one crappy exotic not even worth 1g, it didn’t feel like you were giving all oceanics a big middle finger whatsoever.
Please continue to alienate our community, we do not care, we love it so much.
lol grow up ppl. its just a game, and a very good one at that.
When one has no arguments to say, one starts with insults. Very mature, btw. And you were telling us to grow up?
I just love how missinformed many of the pro-ascendant gear people are.
You claim ascendant gear doesnt have a gem slot and only an infusion slot, thereby making its stats lower than exotics with top end gems.
Oh my are you off the mark. The ascendant gear already has a gem included in their stats, a gem of higher quality than the current ones that can be crafted. Ontop of that they have an infusion slot. The current low level infusion that have been found give 5 resist and 5 to a stat or no resist and 2×5 stats.
The cloaks and rings already created and found have any stat combo a player may want, from rabid to berserker. On a second not, you cannot obtain exotic cloaks even, so the ascendant cloaks are just THAT much better. You can get an exotic cloak, by gridning fractals. Again a slap in the face to the WvW community.
The stats are there, on fansites, wikis and ingame. It’s not hard to just glare at the stats and see the big differences between gemmed exo and ascendant pieces.
Dear ANet,
Thanks for running this one time event showering everyone that could attend with precursors and other exotic at 3-6am my time. For someone that’s invested 100s of hours into your game and only ever received one crappy exotic not even worth 1g, it didn’t feel like you were giving all oceanics a big middle finger whatsoever.
Please continue to alienate our community, we do not care, we love it so much.
Don’t feel bad. I did the whole event from beginning to end and got a bunch of rares and an exotic spear gun.
You folks, people who post stuff like this, have no idea what bad game management even looks like. I’ve played enough MMOs to have experience with TRULY bad management staff, and ANet’s not even a blip on the radar yet by comparison.
Oh the irony. I love when people have the guts (and reasoning skills) to say to everyone who disagrees with them how much the rest lacks in knowledge. Tell us oh great overlord. Share your wisdom with us.
Here’s one example: a game offered to run a charity drive for Child’s Play. Rather than having a special link, they instead asked players to buy an in-game item for $15, and they promised that proceeds of the item would go towards Child’s Play. Later in the forums, one of their mods accidentally lets slip that only 5% of the money made on the box was actually going to Child’s Play. The post was deleted, but much, much too late to stop the forum riot. Players complained to Child’s Play directly, feeling ripped off, and eventually Child’s Play declared that the original advertisement was receiving such bad flak that they would not accept the donation. The dev team responded to this by adding more fuel to the fire, blaming the players for the entire fiasco and lamenting how they were so sad about the whole thing (in a blatant attempt to demand sympathy from a playerbase that was, by this point, utterly livid at them).
And that’s just ONE example from just one game that I’ve played.
Oh, you thought I was just bluffing, pretending that I didn’t have any experience in MMOs and that this was my first rodeo. Sorry to disappoint. I’m sure you’ll just respond to this by claiming that I’m just making the story up, which is a rather pitiful and lazy defense. Perhaps next time you’ll have the wisdom not to walk into an obvious trap.
By the way, hilarious irony in complaining about my “patronizing attitude” while doing exactly the same thing yourself.
How’d that work out for us so far?
Now let’s try some ideas that will really work.
Click on the Lost Shores Survey link:
If you check “no” that you didn’t participate in the event, it gives you space to say why.
If you later check “no”, that you didn’t invite any friends, it gives you another space to say why.
They might not have asked about ascended gear, but that didn’t stop me from letting them know how I felt about it.
After doing the survey, I find my answers can be summed up in 5 words.
“No, because of Vertical Grind”.
For example, did you enjoy event? See above
Did you invite friends? See above
etc etc etc
Hello, everyone:
It appears that most of the people who had an opinion about the issue have already voiced their thoughts.
The debate in this thread is becoming quite circular and the discussion has now run its course.
As such, we’re going to close this thread.
Please refer to the message from our Studio Design Director, Chris Whiteside, for our response to concerns about this issue.
Thank you all for your feedback and participation. We appreciate you sharing your thoughts with us.
Twitter: @ArenaNet, @GuildWars2
In-Game Name: Cm Regina Buenaobra