Using these items as a method for measuring trends of any sort will only show you a small trend of a small population that use these items. It doesn’t represent a trend of any kind for the games they are playing.
Here is the difference. A: Anet, using actual numbers from server data, releasing a statement on trends of players. -is different from- B: The developers of these items, using numbers from their server data, release a statement on the trends of users of their software.
This is like a journalist writing a story about the overall health of the education system in Country XXX using the truancy data from one school instead of going to the Country’s School Truancy Data Collection point and using all of the numbers.
Shhh! Vayne doesn’t tolerate objections. You should know that after reading through his posting history :P
I guess personal attacks are all you can do when you have nothing left to say that’s actually on topic or accurate.
People have been telling you since page one that those numbers are not representative. You chose to ignore it. I told you that the game feels more empty and tried to make the point that even if what you are saying is right, for me and the people I play with the game feels mor empty. You tried to prove a subjective opinion wrong.
That alone shows what kind of person you are
Not that anyone who frequents the forums doesn’t already know that.
Instead of attacking anyone who isn’t of your opinion, try a middle ground: You think that the number you give show a trend. Other people don’t. Accept guys dont get statistics, you dont actually need to take all statistics to find out what the truth is. If you look at a representive sample, you do generally find useful information.
The only one that specifically bothers me, is overwolf, and thats because they entered a partnership with anet, and because they decide activity based on having logged in while using an overwolf app (like teamspeak) within the last month.Point is, he is right, you dont need to poll everyone at a pretty good idea whats going on. Perfect example is exit polls for elections, which usually give a pretty good idea whats going on (not always perfect but good enough) Quality control also tends to use representive samples.
lets say rapter tracked 10,000 people who randomly use their app, 2000 bought guild wars, later you see 500 people still playing it.
No it doesnt mean GW lost 75% of its population, but it does tell you there was a signifigant drop off. lets say it climbs back up to 2100, it tells you that GW is trending upward.The only time the info gets messed up, is when for some reason the people they track no longer become a random sampling, lets say rapt bashes anet every day, or the rapt app starts causing gw to crash.
anyhow, i dont agree with everything vayne says, but studying the trends here is not wrong, and likely his statements regarding how comparitively successful is accurate. I would not be surprised if FF is only doing a little better (in pure logins) than gw2, or if archeage is fairly popular right now.
I do understand the concept of measuring statistics based on representative samples. That is why I dont put much weight on these sites. There is nothing presented to demonstrate that their sampling methodology generates a representative result.
Listening to them is not significantly, if any, more rasonable than going by members of my GW1 multi-guild alliance retention rate in GW2. One guild has perhaps a 5% retention rate here. That matches up to the retention rate in a second guild from the alliance. A third guild has a lower rate. Others in the alliance even lower. Now that I have examples from multiple sources should I take them as representative samples that demonstrate a less than 1% retention rate over all for GW2?
Of course not.
do you have a reason to believe their sample is biased? Guilds are obviously biased, people who play together whoms friends leave more likely to leave, friends stay more likely to stay. Also guilds tend to form around similar interests.
As far as i know these are just the people who use this software. For example, me on teamspeak, which turns out to be an overwolf app. I have very little in common with other TS users other than the fact i use voice com outside of the game.
Anyhow, im not suggesting its perfect. But it has means more than no data at all, and it is consistent with most known facts and observable trends.