Tribal armor set
It was a mystic forge item when u had influence for pvp.. U hade to put a coat token rank 30 reward thing and 2 other items to get it…..luckly I have full set cause I was a pvp nut back then before they change everything…..they took an away my 900 pvp influence booster that are obsolete now.????
I have talked some with ppl in the FB GW2 groups about the Tribal armorset and I wonder, with all the reward chests in spvp, with an armor chest in the end, I might add, it would be easy to implement it again.
What do you think?
Regards, Jonas
This may seem silly but this was a question I had a year ago when I stopped playing. I wanted this set SO badly and it was never released.
But now I came back to the game and was hoping that it was in by now. Maybe via Gem Store or an achievement…
However, it is not. And I am still sad. Is there some way we can show Anet a show of support so that we can finally get this set? I mean since the set is already in the game, avoiding issues with clipping shouldn’t be a thing and with the new Wardrobe system, you don’t even have to attach stats to it.
I literally think it’s something they forgot about. So I would love to remind them. That and it seems that said skin would fit in well with the new expansion that we are getting… so even though I know they are busy with getting that all squared away, now perhaps is the time to remind them that people still want access to this skin.
If it were available through gemstore, that would be unfair to those who actually worked for it in PvP. PvP rewards are so easy to get now, I wouldn’t be angry if the armor never ever made an appearance again.
PvP rewards are so easy to get now, I wouldn’t be angry if the armor never ever made an appearance again.
I’ve never understood this logic. Those who have worked for the set have had it exclusively for a year now (or longer, I don’t remember the exact date off the top of my head). Isn’t that long enough? Geez…
Besides, we’ve had full confirmation from Anet stating that all of the previously PvP-only armor sets will in fact make a return eventually, so whether or not they’re coming back at all shouldn’t even be a question at this point. Therefore we only have two burning questions: when will these armor sets come back and how can we unlock them?
More than likely they’ll be unlocked through reward tracks or achievements, though karma merchants offering them is a possibility as well. As far as when? Well, your guess is as good as mine… unless you’re an Anet developer, at which point your guess would probably be better than mine.
This may seem silly but this was a question I had a year ago when I stopped playing. I wanted this set SO badly and it was never released.
But now I came back to the game and was hoping that it was in by now. Maybe via Gem Store or an achievement…
However, it is not. And I am still sad. Is there some way we can show Anet a show of support so that we can finally get this set? I mean since the set is already in the game, avoiding issues with clipping shouldn’t be a thing and with the new Wardrobe system, you don’t even have to attach stats to it.
I literally think it’s something they forgot about. So I would love to remind them. That and it seems that said skin would fit in well with the new expansion that we are getting… so even though I know they are busy with getting that all squared away, now perhaps is the time to remind them that people still want access to this skin.
If it were available through gemstore, that would be unfair to those who actually worked for it in PvP. PvP rewards are so easy to get now, I wouldn’t be angry if the armor never ever made an appearance again.
A lot of people say that, though I honestly can’t agree. (That doesn’t make you wrong though!)
I feel it’s because people want to stand out as having done something not possible anymore; as a sign of prestige. That’s fine and it has to exists…
But skins for characters aren’t the way to do that in my opinion. Titles… Minatures perhaps… or even weapon skins do that the best. Not Armor skins though. I’ve only been back to the game for a week and people claim that one of the Endgame things to do in Guild Wars 2 is “Fashion Wars”. I don’t know how true that is… but I’d say its a sign that all characters having access to all clothing is the way to go.
Though… if the older PvP players really want something else in place of losing out on the currently exclusive armor… I’d say give them a title or a minature for it. But not this set. This set should be available for everyone. Like it was originally intended to be.
This may seem silly but this was a question I had a year ago when I stopped playing. I wanted this set SO badly and it was never released.
But now I came back to the game and was hoping that it was in by now. Maybe via Gem Store or an achievement…
However, it is not. And I am still sad. Is there some way we can show Anet a show of support so that we can finally get this set? I mean since the set is already in the game, avoiding issues with clipping shouldn’t be a thing and with the new Wardrobe system, you don’t even have to attach stats to it.
I literally think it’s something they forgot about. So I would love to remind them. That and it seems that said skin would fit in well with the new expansion that we are getting… so even though I know they are busy with getting that all squared away, now perhaps is the time to remind them that people still want access to this skin.
If it were available through gemstore, that would be unfair to those who actually worked for it in PvP. PvP rewards are so easy to get now, I wouldn’t be angry if the armor never ever made an appearance again.
A lot of people say that, though I honestly can’t agree. (That doesn’t make you wrong though!)
I feel it’s because people want to stand out as having done something not possible anymore; as a sign of prestige. That’s fine and it has to exists…
But skins for characters aren’t the way to do that in my opinion. Titles… Minatures perhaps… or even weapon skins do that the best. Not Armor skins though. I’ve only been back to the game for a week and people claim that one of the Endgame things to do in Guild Wars 2 is “Fashion Wars”. I don’t know how true that is… but I’d say its a sign that all characters having access to all clothing is the way to go.
Though… if the older PvP players really want something else in place of losing out on the currently exclusive armor… I’d say give them a title or a minature for it. But not this set. This set should be available for everyone. Like it was originally intended to be.
It should be available for everyone…like it was originally intended to be. In PvP, gated by rank.
is there anything that we can have that is unique in this game?!
i was one of the people who farmed our butts off to buy a Greatsaw in 2012,
people moaned and nagged and eventually they were given away last year.
and now the tribal set too?
old unobtainable rewards are an integral part of MMos imho,
they’re prestigious items that get more prestigious the longer you play,
let us keep our armour, it shows that we were there PVPing before the merge.
PVEers have their wings of the sunless and all the other unobtainable items (like Air Filtration Mask) and i’m prefectly fine with that, i’d like to have them, but i understand that i wasn’t there killing Teqatl to earn them, or beating the tower of madness to get the Air Filtration Mask, so i don’t have them.
and thats fine, you can keep your rewards, i’ll keep mine!
don’t destroy our prestigious items ANET!
I have nothing against them bringing back tribal or stalwart through means in which they were originally obtained, rank gated pvp.
HOWEVER, they should also bring back ALL of the other items which are no longer obtainable without huge amounts of gold on the TP. All the halloween skins, molten jetpack, wings of the sunless, shattered holographic dragon wings, Monocle head item, etcetc.
If you guys want to take away prestige for PvPers lets make it fair and remove it for PvEers too. Lets see how many agree to that.
I have nothing against them bringing back tribal or stalwart through means in which they were originally obtained, rank gated pvp.
HOWEVER, they should also bring back ALL of the other items which are no longer obtainable without huge amounts of gold on the TP. All the halloween skins, molten jetpack, wings of the sunless, shattered holographic dragon wings, Monocle head item, etcetc.If you guys want to take away prestige for PvPers lets make it fair and remove it for PvEers too. Lets see how many agree to that.
I’d be fine with that. I have a lot of the old skins myself but I wouldn’t care if they were obtainable again. I got the full stalwart set in pvp before the merge but never made it high enough rank to get the tribal. I’d like a shot at getting it again.
I have nothing against them bringing back tribal or stalwart through means in which they were originally obtained, rank gated pvp.
HOWEVER, they should also bring back ALL of the other items which are no longer obtainable without huge amounts of gold on the TP. All the halloween skins, molten jetpack, wings of the sunless, shattered holographic dragon wings, Monocle head item, etcetc.If you guys want to take away prestige for PvPers lets make it fair and remove it for PvEers too. Lets see how many agree to that.
That is exactly what the people want regarding unobtainable items. Everyone should have the chance to get them. And it doesn’t lead to zombies riding dinosaurs like all those “prestigeous players” preached – Just look at the devil horns.
If you guys want to take away prestige for PvPers lets make it fair and remove it for PvEers too. Lets see how many agree to that.
and then nothing is special.
i want the oldschool PVEers to keep their unobtainables
and for us oldschoole PVPers to keep ours.
there is very little prestige in GW2 at the moment,
legendaries?! there is nothing legendary about them, go to a regular hangout spot and you’ll see 15 guys using the same “legendary”.
the only small facets of prestige comes from items that are no longer obtainable,
you had to be there to get them.
people should stop seeing unobtainable items as a downside,
they’re something to make the game worth playing,
for instance i’ve not really bothered with S2 “unique items” because i already know they aren’t going to be rewarding, special, or prestigious they’ll be available from a laurel vendor or by other trivial means.
and then nothing is special.
people should stop seeing unobtainable items as a downside
Wasn’t the unavailability of this set originally some sort of oversight due to it being incorrectly named as Masquerade in the PvP locker? I remember the actual Masquerade set being unavailable in PvP.
I don’t think there’s anything prestigious about it, if I remember correctly the set wasn’t intended as a super exclusive thing to start with. It’s like saying the Apostle and Worn Scale sets are rare status symbols, since both are also currently unavailable due to the same reason.
The Glorious and Luminiscent sets are PvP/PvE exclusives, this tribal set was probably meant to be as exclusive to PvP as the Masquerade set was intended to be for PvE (i.e. not :P).
I prefer fashion stuff like this to be openly available though. I don’t mind if acquiring it is restricted to either of the three game modes, as long as you’re able to get it whenever you want, if you play the stuff that rewards it.
I think the only kind of stuff that should be exclusive to a certain extent, is the event or festival stuff. Preferably not locked to specific game modes, but only to the time of year.
I suddenly remember, wasn’t that whole PvP ranking stuff kinda thrown out of the window during the Glory Points transition? I remember that in the few weeks before the change, you could turn in points for random loot boxes and they gave stuff way beyond my rank.
Now I do enjoy PvE and PvP both but unfortunately I rarely take time for the latter, so my rank was kinda low especially then. I secretly hoped they’d unlock everything you earned in the PvP wardrobe for the new global wardrobe (which they did, yay!), so when I discovered that I PvP’ed quite a bit those last weeks, to haul in some of those boxes and get all kinds of stuff beyond my rank :p
In any case, I’d like to see that tribal set return, together with the other lost sets.
If you guys want to take away prestige for PvPers lets make it fair and remove it for PvEers too. Lets see how many agree to that.
and then nothing is special.
i want the oldschool PVEers to keep their unobtainables
and for us oldschoole PVPers to keep ours.there is very little prestige in GW2 at the moment,
legendaries?! there is nothing legendary about them, go to a regular hangout spot and you’ll see 15 guys using the same “legendary”.
the only small facets of prestige comes from items that are no longer obtainable,
you had to be there to get them.people should stop seeing unobtainable items as a downside,
they’re something to make the game worth playing,
for instance i’ve not really bothered with S2 “unique items” because i already know they aren’t going to be rewarding, special, or prestigious they’ll be available from a laurel vendor or by other trivial means.
I’m very neutral about the prestige, I wont care if they’re brought back or not. This is where I think you missed my point/sarcasm at the end. I’m English, I do sarcasm well. My end point was that if the tables were turned, a huge amount of players would not want the items I listed to ever become available again, (more so than people that got the Tribal set) because they either obtained the items, or they understand that they were rare, one opportunity items. And that’s fine too.
Items are added and removed from many games ALL the time, people need to just deal with it. You missed an opportunity, oh well. Move on to the next fad.
(edited by Haleydawn.3764)
If you guys want to take away prestige for PvPers lets make it fair and remove it for PvEers too. Lets see how many agree to that.
I’d be totally fine with that. See? I’m reasonable. The PvP crowd seems to be much more cutthroat about this issue than anyone else. :\
I don’t know why players are still arguing against bringing PvP armor sets back. Anet already said they’re all coming back, it’s just a matter of when and how? And most likely it’ll be through PvP, which I’d be more than willing to farm to obtain it.
I feel it’s because people want to stand out as having done something not possible anymore; as a sign of prestige. That’s fine and it has to exists…
But skins for characters aren’t the way to do that in my opinion. Titles… Minatures perhaps… or even weapon skins do that the best. Not Armor skins though. I’ve only been back to the game for a week and people claim that one of the Endgame things to do in Guild Wars 2 is “Fashion Wars”. I don’t know how true that is… but I’d say its a sign that all characters having access to all clothing is the way to go.
Though… if the older PvP players really want something else in place of losing out on the currently exclusive armor… I’d say give them a title or a minature for it. But not this set. This set should be available for everyone. Like it was originally intended to be.
^ Pretty much this. Prestige shouldn’t include entire armor sets in my opinion (I don’t count things like the Glorious Armor and the Balthazar back item because anyone can get it through PvP and use it wherever now). I think titles and minis are better for exclusivity purposes, but armor sets should be available to everyone.
As I’ve said before though, we’ve already gotten dev posts saying all PvP armor sets will be coming back, so that’s that. I just hope it’ll be brought back when HoT is released. That seems as good a time as any for the tribal armor to make it’s long-awaited return.
Items are added and removed from many games ALL the time, people need to just deal with it. You missed an opportunity, oh well. Move on to the next fad.
yeah, exactly!
theres plenty of amazing PVE items that i missed because i’m a PVPer,
and i’m perfectly fine dealing with that, while i envy them for having things like wings of the sunless, they earned their reward, they can keep them!
Items are added and removed from many games ALL the time, people need to just deal with it. You missed an opportunity, oh well. Move on to the next fad.
yeah, exactly!
theres plenty of amazing PVE items that i missed because i’m a PVPer,
and i’m perfectly fine dealing with that, while i envy them for having things like wings of the sunless, they earned their reward, they can keep them!
BULL you knew those PVE items were going to be missed after the event and chose not to get it. Most people who wanted tribal didnt know it was going to be fully removed fro the game once they made the changes. I admit if i knew it would have been fully removed i wouldve spent abit more time in pvp
Don’t hurt me no more~ Doo dooo doo doo doo
Items are added and removed from many games ALL the time, people need to just deal with it. You missed an opportunity, oh well. Move on to the next fad.
yeah, exactly!
theres plenty of amazing PVE items that i missed because i’m a PVPer,
and i’m perfectly fine dealing with that, while i envy them for having things like wings of the sunless, they earned their reward, they can keep them!BULL you knew those PVE items were going to be missed after the event and chose not to get it. Most people who wanted tribal didnt know it was going to be fully removed fro the game once they made the changes. I admit if i knew it would have been fully removed i wouldve spent abit more time in pvp
Surely with the fact you could only obtain them in PvP, from either the PvP forge or the rank boxes, that would mean that anyone who even cared for this set KNEW you would not be able to obtain it after the wardrobe update too, since they removed both the PvP forge AND the PvP rank boxes, to merge the system.
It was included into the blog posts at the time before the patch and in the patch notes at the time.
“PvP Gear Unification:
All PvP equipment (armor, weapons, amulets, etc.) can no longer be obtained or equipped.
Upon entering Heart of the Mists, players will have their PvP items removed from their character inventory, character equipment, PvP locker, and account bank. This includes PvP chests.
All removed items will have their appearance unlocked in the account wardrobe.”
Existing PvP skins will still have value with upcoming changes, so it benefits you greatly to continue filling out your collection.
(edited by Haleydawn.3764)
Everyone here talks their garbage about prestige when I bet 0.2% of people who have the set even uses it. I have seen maybe one person in my 3 years playing this game wear the set. If you don’t like it, leave it alone. Besides, this set was never suppose to be unavailable. It was suppose to be a PvP specific reward, and it should stay that way. Anets constant redesigning and oversights is not a reason to deprive people of the skin.
All that crap is pointless anyways, and the question of when isn’t even why I’m here. Just hurry up. I feel like this game accomplishes nothing in comparison to GW1. Everything done is at the pace and scale of a turtle.
Throw prestige out the window.
If I see an item I think would go good with my character’s set, I’d like to be able to work to obtain it. If you really want prestige, make it a challenge, just don’t make anything limited-time-only.
There’s hundreds of people who have the horns/halo from the battle of Lion’s Arch, I don’t. I personally don’t look up to them or down on them. They just happened to be playing while I took a break.
I agree. Prestige is meaningless. This game should be about character customization, not arbitrary exclusivity.
I have nothing against them bringing back tribal or stalwart through means in which they were originally obtained, rank gated pvp.
HOWEVER, they should also bring back ALL of the other items which are no longer obtainable without huge amounts of gold on the TP. All the halloween skins, molten jetpack, wings of the sunless, shattered holographic dragon wings, Monocle head item, etcetc.If you guys want to take away prestige for PvPers lets make it fair and remove it for PvEers too. Lets see how many agree to that.
You’d lose that bet. I’d say deal. And I have the Devil Horns. Honestly, I could care less if other people had them. I’d give it to every and anyone who asked if I could. I’m not even pulling your leg. I rather see people have it and customize their character to be unique.
But again, I’m aware that’s a personal thing. Even with that said, I’ve never been that guy to say “nyah, nyah! I got this thing and you don’t!”
The exact same thing happened in another MMO I played: DC Universe Online. The original Batman skin was only for Year 1 Collector’s Edition buyers. I have it. But because of legal reasons, Daybreak Games can’t release it for everyone else. I HATE that. It’s not fair. There are people who play that game MUCH more then I do now and have put in 10x the money AND the time into the game, but they can’t have that Legends character and I can. I think it’s total BS. And if it was in my power, I’d give it to them.
To be fair, the situation is a bit different here. Legal issues hold back Daybreak Games. They don’t with ArenaNet.
I have nothing against them bringing back tribal or stalwart through means in which they were originally obtained, rank gated pvp.
HOWEVER, they should also bring back ALL of the other items which are no longer obtainable without huge amounts of gold on the TP. All the halloween skins, molten jetpack, wings of the sunless, shattered holographic dragon wings, Monocle head item, etcetc.If you guys want to take away prestige for PvPers lets make it fair and remove it for PvEers too. Lets see how many agree to that.
You’d lose that bet. I’d say deal.
And I have the Devil Horns. Honestly, I could care less if other people had them. I’d give it to every and anyone who asked if I could. I’m not even pulling your leg. I rather see people have it and customize their character to be unique.
But again, I’m aware that’s a personal thing. Even with that said, I’ve never been that guy to say “nyah, nyah! I got this thing and you don’t!”
The exact same thing happened in another MMO I played: DC Universe Online. The original Batman skin was only for Year 1 Collector’s Edition buyers. I have it. But because of legal reasons, Daybreak Games can’t release it for everyone else. I HATE that. It’s not fair. There are people who play that game MUCH more then I do now and have put in 10x the money AND the time into the game, but they can’t have that Legends character and I can. I think it’s total BS. And if it was in my power, I’d give it to them.
To be fair, the situation is a bit different here. Legal issues hold back Daybreak Games. They don’t with ArenaNet.
Some people seem to be mistaking my perspective here.
I’ve said above, I don’t feel any prestige about anything in this game. This will most likely change with new legendaries.
I don’t care if this set is brought back or not either. Or any other unobtainable item for that matter. I only have 1 piece of Tribal armor, I have the Stalwart set, and those Bunny Ears all those other people want too. Bring them back, I wont bat an eyelid. Although I have rolled my eyes continuously at this thread and peoples desperation, over PIXELS.
But being realistic, it’s not going to happen before HoT. Anet have said all resourses are going into it and the occasional balance patch which are deemed neccessary. Re-releasing these unobtainable armors are not high on the priority, because there will be a domino effect of begging for all unobtainable skins to be added into the game. Like the ones I listed further up there^ and more.
Like I said up there too, you didn’t obtain it, oh well move on to the next fad.
Oh great, the classic pixel argument.
Oh great, the classic pixel argument.
Yes, because it’s very applicable here.
They should bring it back, preferably as a reward track or part of one. No stupid RNG nonsense to it either. Make it one piece at the end like the Glorious Track if you have to, but no RNG or other pointless gimmickry to getting it.
And those whining about prestige/exclusivity basically sound like this:
“Forget you, got mine, I have it, now I don’t want you to have a chance at it!”
So, please stop. For me, making a character with a style/theme/aesthetic I like is so much more important than something petty as exclusivity/prestige.
The Tribal armor set and other armor sets that were sPvP-exclusive will be obtainable again at some point in the future. There is no ETA as to when this will happen.
Hello Joey,
Sorry to bother you but is there any new information on the topic??.
Thanks a lot for any kind of answer.
Just make a PvP track for it. Most people will stop at the shoulder piece.
Not wanting others to have something because you think that having it only yourself makes you unique seems incredibly elitist and egoistical to me.
Only had a year and a half to get the armor with 2 months of warning before the system changed :P. We can add Tribal Track right after Chainsaw sword and Grinning Shield track.
I dont think its fair to comapre something that came with the game release and something that was linked to a specific event.
Yes we all knew about the system change but I dont remember them clarifying that they would remove the armor sets.
Give it to people who win tournaments in pvp then. Atleast make it a challenge to get.
If you guys want to take away prestige for PvPers lets make it fair and remove it for PvEers too. Lets see how many agree to that.
and then nothing is special.
i want the oldschool PVEers to keep their unobtainables
and for us oldschoole PVPers to keep ours.there is very little prestige in GW2 at the moment,
legendaries?! there is nothing legendary about them, go to a regular hangout spot and you’ll see 15 guys using the same “legendary”.
the only small facets of prestige comes from items that are no longer obtainable,
you had to be there to get them.people should stop seeing unobtainable items as a downside,
they’re something to make the game worth playing,
for instance i’ve not really bothered with S2 “unique items” because i already know they aren’t going to be rewarding, special, or prestigious they’ll be available from a laurel vendor or by other trivial means.
People who get enjoyment out of other people not having things they already have are the worst kind of people.
Absolutely agree with that.
that all discuss about prestige and unobtainable skins reminded me about those holographic wings I used to have but don’t have accessible anymore… all that dragonbash farming for nothing :P
on case of PvP “lost” sets.. – I only miss the guild watch leggins that were “base” given out upon first entering the mists but the only characters that I had that actually entered the mistse were using full heritage set instead of that…..
and now I don’t have anything to match guild chestpiece :P
as for PvE “exclusives”… I don’t care if other people will get access to them or not….
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles
Items are added and removed from many games ALL the time, people need to just deal with it. You missed an opportunity, oh well. Move on to the next fad.
yeah, exactly!
theres plenty of amazing PVE items that i missed because i’m a PVPer,
and i’m perfectly fine dealing with that, while i envy them for having things like wings of the sunless, they earned their reward, they can keep them!BULL you knew those PVE items were going to be missed after the event and chose not to get it. Most people who wanted tribal didnt know it was going to be fully removed fro the game once they made the changes. I admit if i knew it would have been fully removed i wouldve spent abit more time in pvp
they gave you MONTHS of notice that the pvp vendors and all pvp materials were being removed, so how did you not realise that that means a pvp exclusive skin will be unobtainable?
the moment they announced the removal of pvp rewards i crafted a full set of tribal.
People who get enjoyment out of other people not having things they already have are the worst kind of people.
i disagree, i think the worst kind of people are those who can’t be bothered to earn rewards while they’re obtainable and then head to the forums years later to nag and moan that they want them now…
i can’t believe anet are actually pandering to you lot.
if you can’t understand the appeal of one-time-only or limited-time rewards then you shouldn’t be playing an MMO.
(edited by Liewec.2896)
we know its coming back, we just dont know when
The Tribal armor set and other armor sets that were sPvP-exclusive will be obtainable again at some point in the future. There is no ETA as to when this will happen.
and remember the tempest in the PoI video was wearing it, it might be a sign
I feel like its more likely I will die of the plague then ever see this set in the game again. This reminds me of sega constantly saying Phantasy star is coming to the states and they have been saying that for well over a year all i am hearing is empty lip service from anet.
i just hope anet doesnt forget about the other PvP Skins …
Destroyer Scythe
Primitive Pike
i want those much more than the tribal set
(maybe that is because i already have that one xDDDD)
26x lvl 80 Characters
Most fabulous Character:
Necroing thread since it has a dev responce.
People still want the armour and it’s been nearly a year!
Can we get an update Anet?
Smallscale <3 Vabbi
The Original Dudes [to]
Agreed. A whole year has passed and not another word was said about the state of these skins. For those saying that people are complaining about not taking the required time to get said items when the window was open- guess what, there’s something called new players who would like to collect these as well. If you want prestige then that’s what certain achievements or titles are for. Armor skins should be available since the game doesn’t have a whole ton of them to begin with. GW2 isn’t like World of Warcraft, which has had 10 years of inventory to build up and there’s a metric crap ton of alternatives to work with. Even then- the devs in WoW have reintroduced old skins back into the game so players new and old could obtain them with their mogging system.
I crafted the armor in PvP and wear it on all my light armor characters or at least pieces of it. I like the looks and PMs I get about it. It should be in the game though for everyone. Should it be as easy as walking up to a karma vendor in Sparkfly Fen? Nah. Give it its own PvP reward track. You get one piece per completion just like the other PvP sets.
The way ArenaNet have been handling weapons, armor and backpieces and gliders, they will repurpose this set for the gem shop in an armor/glider combo pack for 2000 Gems and only people who own HoT will get it because players that think HoT was overpriced at $50(ME)won’t be able to get the armor set a la carte
Hopefully when this armor does come back, bc sadly it will – It’s gated like the legendary crafting.
It took me forever to get all the tribal armor pieces, bc back then it was random as heck if you got it or not – Since there was a mystic forge in the old pvp lobby. It was no guarantee you would GET the tribal set since you had a limited number of wolf tokens and you needed wolf tokens to craft it, you could only get the tribal set at the wolf rank.
It would be slap in the face if anet just gave it out.
we know its coming back, we just dont know when
The Tribal armor set and other armor sets that were sPvP-exclusive will be obtainable again at some point in the future. There is no ETA as to when this will happen.
and remember the tempest in the PoI video was wearing it, it might be a sign
They only wore the shoulders. It’s not a sign.
It could be fun to be reintroduced as a collection reward.
I say the armor sets should return but only as achievements. The tribal set can have a reward track whereas the apostle, heavy scale, and stalwart can be obtained with achievements while versions of the armors with effects can be from champion achievements. Like champion genius gives shiny/glowing stalwart helmet and gloves while champion shadow gives leggings and shoulders and champion hunter gives boots and chestpiece. The unranked versions of the achievements would give the originals.
The Tribal armor set and other armor sets that were sPvP-exclusive will be obtainable again at some point in the future. There is no ETA as to when this will happen.
A year later, any dev update?
There’s a red tag on the thread. History says they won’t be looking here again.