Wallet Hover
I like the redesign for when you click it over the previous one, but yeah I have to agree. No list when hovering seems a step in the wrong direction.
It was probably too confusing for new players.
Did not notice the lack of a hover list last night when I saw the new wallet, but if it’s gone that is really a misstep. I did notice that the wallet is resizable though. So you can make it a lot smaller than the default. It would definitely be nice to have the hover list back, though. Please and thank you, Anet.
Really hope this is a bug. Pretty annoying having to click then re size. Cool they added tabs but really didn’t have that much currency in the first place that I would ever use it.
Everything else about the new wallet is fine in my opinion, but I have to agree that the lost quality of life with the hover-over wallet information will be just that – reduced quality of life. As nitpicky as it can be, it would be nice if ever possible to have that small functionality back. Other than that, looking forward to the update and drunken LA parties.
The hover wallet was a nice addition, no idea why it was removed. I’m mostly sad that the hero menu wallet is gone, that was my primary means of accessing my wallet until the update.
It would be nice to have both.
Having the hover wallet back would be great yeah. Having the new pannel is nice but not if I just want to check something fast. Please bring it back!
I too would like the wallet hover back. I don’t care if the pop-up hover list gets big, It’s nice to see everything at a glance.
Agreed on wanting the hover wallet back, and the annoyance of the resizing window.
Hey!!! you took away my wallet hover!!!! ima gonna be wantin that back!!! plz
Would the hover list have gotten too long over time as they added currencies? I think that they should have made the whole bar the button rather than that one square.
At least you can resize it once and then have the toggle button stay where your mouse is. As long as you aren’t someone who needs to resize your inventory window a lot, it’s not … that bad …
Yeah, I do hope better synergy between the two can be designed in.
The hover list was super compact, it never took up a lot of space. I doubt it would get too large unless they added at least double what we have right now.
The hover list would be nice to get back, but whatever anet does they should NOT change the extra resize!
It’s nice to size your inventory differently then the wallet. I like it to see everything in the wallet, but only having a small sized inventory.
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