What brings you down about gw2?
First of all this mmo is made for the casual gamer, lets be honest now. How hard is it to level up to 80? easy as taking a kitten. Quests on the fly(hearts), events every minute, crafting experience, WvW karma trains, brainless AI. These all lead to quick leveling.
There are some good things about this game:
Environment is brilliant. Go for a cruise through some of the different terrain and you will see.
Actions on the fly, love not having to stop to cast stuff.
What brings me down?
why exactly does the warrior get so many weapons to choose from? that aside why do they get awesome fear, quick confusion stacking ability, more torment dmg then condi necros, condi immunity, damage immunity(which they can use at the same time), massive stability times, crazy cc’s, very quick bleed stacking and if all that is not enough they can roll their faces on the keyboard and be on the horizon without having a target to leap to. hahaha (i do have a warrior by the way)
Is this the only mmo where you can stay in hide while taking a beating? Constant stealthing by thiefs and mesmers(i have mes and thief and i do troll with both because Anet have made the game to allow it)while they are taking dmg, either by rapid fire, wells, marks and general 1 spamming. Why is stealth so rubbish in this game??
Downed state
Crappy idea however i understand that downed state is needed because there are no healers in this game(mmo trinity) but if your going to make stealth, mist and midget(elixir s) stomping permitted then give each class the same abilities.
ALL the imbalance in this game is due to the lack of the mmo trinity, people need mobility, escape and immunity skills. Unfortunately Anet lack the skills to properly distribute these abilities accordingly.
Story line
This is just terrible, gw1 made you feel like you were part of the world and made you push towards the next part of the story.
In gw2 the story line is rubbish, no urgency felt, no epic battles like good ole Thunderhead keep in gw1.
All the little glitches and bugs, like trying to walk down a slope and hoping you don’t die at any moment. Cannons on keeps which show the target area and when fired hit the wall instead, getting stuck in floors and walls. Having to run wvw in kitten mode cause Anet dont know how to program using the GPU, TB being down.
If only GW1 had jumping
In anycase, iam still playing this game hoping that they fix all these issues, but knowing they will not. Will be jumping over to WildStar and then onto Star Citizen – Robert Industries. Hopefully these games are more polished.
Having to do wvw for map completion is my biggest complaint so far.
They need to add more permanent content, “events” that come and go is getting old and frankly a cop out to real content, add more please.
I am primarily a WvW player, so I won’t comment on the personal/living story or other PvE elements.
What bothers me most about WvW is that, lately, nobody seems to interested in even fights. They only fight if they severely outnumber you, otherwise they just run away. This is not fun at all. It can’t be changed, so the only thing I can do is just not play.
Also, ever since EoTM came out, or maybe even before, I’ve noticed an increase in zerging and it’s just ruining WvW. WvW is pure karma train and serves no other purpose.
The helplessness you feel when you come across a hacker/someone exploiting and knowing there is almost no chance of them actually getting banned or punished.
Cheesy builds, which are just becoming cheesy classes. Everything the thief and mesmer do is considered cheesy and isn’t fun to fight. Condition builds are completely over the top and have no counter w/o sacrificing a lot of offensive capabilities. i.e. to actually negate/severely reduce the effects of conditions you need melandru runes, -40% food, and be playing a warrior. This isn’t okay.
The biggest complaint I have is honestly just the “restriction” on weapons. Some classes have access to sizable armories while others have to minimal selection. Compounding on that, I’m annoyed by how some weapons are only accessible to 2 classes.
So as I said, just weapon restriction
I enjoy world exploration and WvW.
But ANet only wants to give me loot if I farm champs, farm dungeons, farm Orr event chains, farm world bosses, farm fractals or play the trading post.
They ask me to choose between having fun immersing myself in their massive world and massive siege warfare or getting rewards by repeating the same small content over and over.
When I see an NPC with hair/face/armor that we have yet to recieve
The fractal of the mists exploits during boss fights. Great boss designs but sad that they keep the exploits for so long. I have no fun nor challenge doing the newly added bosses, except for mai trin
No new professions on the horizon.
Even new weapons and traits for existing professions i’m not sure will do the trick for me because ill just end up settling into what I think is most effective or fun.
A new profession gives me a reason to re-experience all of the content from a new perspective using different techniques and to grow a character from scratch, learning it as I go.
Now it seems like my interest is shifting more towards the meta of the game events and pvp rather than the overall experience each thing offers. A new profession would instantly flip that back over and reintroduce some wonder rather than spreadsheets.
Alas, we can has none.
I wish there were more legendary weapons that weren’t so much about sparkles and rainbows and the fact there was a little more depth to the guild aspect of the game.
1. Personal story is not engaging at all. Is so boring that in fact I haven’t finished it
2. Is very annoying that I was promised a living world that my choices have impact and instead I got events that reset every hour and they no more different than traditional quests
lol tell me about it, i did an event to capture a centaur post. About 10 other people besides myself finish this long 30 min + event chain and not 5 min later the waypoint became contested again with mobs re-spawning all over our “captured” outpost.
Aside from that, my problem are the terrible TP UI, (can barely read the text, for example a captial T looks like I, and i can’t even search by light, medium, heavy) Also the fact that I can just buy upgrade gear from the TP for a couple silver instead of actually having to get it from mobs or quests is very saddening.
That same problem with the TP makes crafting useless, on top of the fact that making 20 items to try to get the one you need is the most kittened system ever (yes i know Diablo 3 is the same way but at least they’re doing something about it)
The fact that all gear has the same stats
call me old school but i liked having str on heavy, int on light, agi on med and being a spellsword and wearing heavy armor with some light since it had more int… here if you’re heavy armor you’re magically unable to equip med or light… laaaame
I have plenty more but for here my last disappointment is the gem store, i understand that ANet needs to make money and I would LOVE to throw it at them… the problem is $5 dollars for 1 bag slot? fine fine i understand 5 bag slots default is more than enough if you have large bags… but 10 bucks for character slots?!?! they don’t even give us enough slots to have all classes!!!!! WTF so i have to shell out an extra 30 bucks just to play 100% of the game… awesome…. i hate swtor but at least you get the full game classes and all with the free account (races don’t count to me in that game since they’re just different colors of human… oh and humans with implants[cyborg lawl])
The way the devs handling thieves. Literally it’s out of the PvE league compared to any other class.
bro recently bought gw2 heroic edition, within 1 week gets precursor drop,
me normal version, has been playing for 1year + , 0 precursor drop.
The community really brings me down more often than anything else. Random tomfoolery disrupting things to “this game sucks” all over the place, to “kill your ranger and roll a warrior lol”.
Honestly, this is the top thing which makes me want to not log in on any given day.
This. Although you do run into a lot of friendly people, as in any multiplayer game/community you do suffer the misfortune of coming across the occasional… well… kitten.
But of course this can’t be changed – kittens will be kittens, no matter the situation.
I like the event system and group event’s an all that jazz. But I really think they should add some traditional quests for extra flavor to the game. It would make the game more engaging in the open PvE world.
What I miss though is group dungeons. I know they added the world bosses. And they are really good. But still, some 10-15 man dungeon’s would make this game so much more than what it is now.
But the thing i miss the most are loot tables. There is way to much RNG in drops. I know you want the player base to be able to obtain everything everywhere. But it would be really nice to be able to aim for something that nothing at all, just a personal battle against the RNG algorithms.
Also it would be nice if you just sat down for a month or several month to get all the professions to work. Once and for all. You would eliminate the majority of negativity across the player base that way. Isn’t that a game developers priority in the first place? To give your gamer’s the things they crave the most. I’m just being logical.
(edited by Shoryuken.9435)
Also, it would be really nice if you sat down for a month or several months. And fix all the professions once and for all. This would remove the majority of negativity towards your game. I’m not a game developer my self but, this would be the highest priority to anyone who thinks logical.
Anyway, thanks for making this game. It’s a good game, just need to patch up those places that bleed.
i hate empty worlds and the dam champion zergs in queensdale that cause them,
lots of events go un done and lots of high levels in orr struggle with skill points they cant complete because theirs a champion sitting infront of you that you cant possibly solo
raise the cooldowns on champions! kill the zerg!
They need to add more permanent content, “events” that come and go is getting old and frankly a cop out to real content, add more please.
this is not true at all, each event leaves something permenant behind and id rather have a new boardgame every day that i cant take home with me than get to take one boardgame home with me and keep it forever and ever
Lack of endgame content, also slow pace of meaningful content release. (open the world already.)
1. Not having mounts. Every legendary MMO had mounts, and some even mounted combat (UO for one). Having to “hoof” it everywhere is tedious and unrealistic.
It’s a basic tenant that is unreasonably opposed. Many here seem to think mounts are vanity items? I’m not sure how this opinion was formed. Maybe these folks have never played an old school sub MMO (UO, SWG, LotRO, Vanguard, even WoW).
The objective is to make exploration, and getting around the map more enjoyable because of increased movement speed. You can’t tell me it discourages exploration, and yet have way-points every 5 feet. Way-points are cheesy, not facilitating realism and immersion with mounts.
2. High level crafting mat drop rates on MoBs is still horrible. To boot, high level crafting also feels pointless since I can buy exotic armour dirt cheap.
3. Low server populations. I find myself soloing events 9/10 times. Far different than how it was at launch.
I have a huge list…
- Personal story: bland, boring, no personal impact, stereotype, Trahearne
- Dynamic events: not enough of them, no impact on the world, bad rewards
- Renown hearts: a poor replacement for quests, poor or no story attached, very repetitive (only about 3 variations: collect, kill, destroy).
- Dungeons: DPS DPS DPS, no other roles, bad boss mechanics, not enough of them
- Living story: stereotype, boring, bad rewards, no impact on world
- No real progression, ranks too hard to achieve
- Skin unlocking is dissapointing
- No real PvP: point-capping all the way
- Nothing done against glory farmers
- Barely any patches
- Lame open world combat
- No background story
- Lack of customization
- No free armour/weapons
- Zerging
- Coverage wars and PvD
- No fixes, no new maps (EotM is karmatrains), no balance
- Money = everything
- Grindy gear
- Not a lot of skins
- Gem store is just mindblowing (buy gems for a CHANCE at a weapon ticket or a dye?!)
- Game lacks any real additions
- Guilds: barely any management tools, barely any resources (please expand missions to pvp)
(edited by Sirendor.1394)
First of all this mmo is made for the casual gamer, lets be honest now. How hard is it to level up to 80? easy as taking a kitten. Quests on the fly(hearts), events every minute, crafting experience, WvW karma trains, brainless AI. These all lead to quick leveling.
using trains as an excuse is a poor one, calling this game filled with grind and gear discrimination a casual game is a huge mistake.
i call this more a hardcore gear job rather then a casual game, i want to have fun not work to have a chance on a dungeon group without someone whining about what my character wears….
No expansions.
That is all.
~Sincerely, Scissors
In order of most annoying to least:
1.) CLASS BALANCE: Is terrible. Some classes are downright useless, others are gods. The trinity was broken without a viable replacement, leading to classes having an identity crisis and roles being undefined. This also leads to the ultimate failure of the game to meet Esport standards.
2.) SHALLOW PVE PLAY: Every mob in Gw2 is a warrior/guardian face tank, every “large raid” group event is a zerg with zero strategy. Dungeon mechanics are very poorly designed and favor no skill dps race speed runs that omit any type of strategy.
3.) STORY IS TERRIBLE: Game launched with a wonderful world and rich lore, which is all but destroyed by living story and scarlet with her infinite resources and plot armor. Prior to this players were strung along by the “personal story” that was anything but personal. Players are strung along being servants to 1-dimensional NPC characters that change very little or are not dynamic at all.
4.) LACK OF REWARDS AND INCENTIVE: Everything is gemstore driven or a massive grind. New content is released with zero rewards or no hope of obtaining them due to dismal RNG drop rates. Character advancement and cosmetics are 95% powered by the almighty gemstore, filled with temporary content and time limited dollar grabbers.
5.) TEMPORARY CONTENT: Content is added, gemstore powered to profit, and then removed. The world does not feel like it is expanding at all. The new content offers very little in terms of rewards or advancement. In the case of good content like fractals, this content was ruined by updates that changed existing and working formulas and added new content with no incentive to complete it. Rewards were actually REDUCED for fractals while the content was made harder.
6.) LACK OF PR AND COMMUNICATION WITH PLAYERS: Players are often kept in the dark about updates or roadmaps that pan out the game’s future. Anet is terrified that leaked information will upset the economy that drives the game and gemstore. All dev content is kept ultra secret and PR events are filled with vague answers and “soon TM” promises. This causes players to lose faith even though they may like the game and feel mistreated. Players do not feel that communication with them by the devs is honest or fair (i.e. sword change promises for ranger that never came, constant balance updates that required obvious changes that were never fixed for a long period of time such as runes of perplexity and stealth).
7.) LACK OF GUILD SUPPORT AND LARGE SCALE PLAYER COORDINATED ACTIVITIES: Guild missions are fairly weak and have not been expanded upon. Large group content is comprised of massive zerg on zerg fights or encounters that are ultra chaotic, destroy videocards, and foster no guild communication or challenges. Top tier players are bored without an equivalent to raiding (which accounts for WoWs announcement that subs are rising, people are becoming bored of Gw2 and going back. Some players look at Gw2 as a fail model of why certain pillars of the MMO universe that are tested and true should be changed but not completely torn down. They work for a reason).
1. Stealth-nerfing reward chests, gold and RNG drops: A pretty disgusting thing for Anet to do, considering that the rewards were never great to begin with. The rewards for more difficult challenges like the Triple Trouble Jungle wurm and Tequatl rely too much on RNG. For bosses that require that much skill and coordination, we shouldn’t be reward with any blues and greens, maybe some rares and exotics and a gold or two would be nice, then people would actually have more incentive to participate in these events. Perhaps the most enraging event for me was completing the grindy WvW season 1 achievements and receiving only a mini, some ore and leveling scrolls. However I’m happy to know that Anet is slowly fixing the problem by including weapon skins into season two and offering better rewards in the EoTM. Keep up with that.
2. Class balance is still out-of-wack: Warriors have become OP. It’s been over a year and most classes outside of the heavy ones are still broken in some way or form. Please refine rangers and their pet AI into something that isn’t laughable in WvW and pvE, give necromancers some needed love in PvE, improve the traits for engineers so that they can actually experiment with different builds, fix the crazy bugs on mesmer, make elementists a little less squishy; do not make thief completely reliable on infinite stealth which will only lead to more nerfing for them in areas where they don’t need it. And so on. Just stop buffing warrior and leave guardian alone. They’re fine as they are right now.
3. Too much focus on the Gemstore: You know something’s wrong when most of the new armor sets are coming from the Gemstore while new sets aren’t being implemented into actual game content like dungeons or racial tier-armors after one year.
4. Inability to dye weapons: Doesn’t need much explanation really.
5. Too much temporary content: This was an issue for a while, but seeing that the current updates brought us a new world map and world boss and that the next update is getting rid of Lion’s Arch – I hope I can take it as a sign that Anet is learning from their mistakes. More permanent zones, bosses and maybe some dungeons are needed for the future. There needs to be a decent balance of temporary and permanent content. Perhaps switching it up every other month?
Ah, when they brought us “Celestial weapons”…and I immediately was reminded of my Celestial Bow from the original Guild Wars. Turns out it was Celestial Stats, not Celestial skin.
I really do miss that bow…
One of my biggest drags right now? Conditions.
Okay, so that was a bit melodramatic. =P
Point is, whether it’s WvW, PvP, or PvE, using a cooldown skill to ditch a condition (or a half-dozen conditions) feels like a waste half the time, because some mob or its friend is going to slap you with the exact same status or a host of different ones.
One the one hand, this means that being able to dodge at the right time, position, etc. is highly important.
On the other, it’s terribly annoying when you get buried under the same debilitating statuses.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
What brings me down about GW2? The things I’ve loved from the original that were tossed out the window. Temporary content; I would love to slap the designers that thought this was a good idea. There’s a lot more but I’m not typing out all that kitten on my phone.
Who came up with the idea to parse out anything that might be offensive and replace it with “kitten”? They need to be shot and tied to a bumper and dragged for miles behind a vehicle on a rocky dirt road.
The fact that my favorite MMO in the world(also my first ever) was shut down for this game and B&S.
Who came up with the idea to parse out anything that might be offensive and replace it with “kitten”? They need to be shot and tied to a bumper and dragged for miles behind a vehicle on a rocky dirt road.
The fact that my favorite MMO in the world(also my first ever) was shut down for this game and B&S.
Architect edition shut down CoX. It was by far the dumbest implementation of creative freedom in a themepark game. Why play the normal game, when you have AE that can progress you 1-50 in less than a day. Many of the 50’s didn’t even know how to play because of it. AFK your way to 50, good job Paragon Studios.
Really disappointed when I found out that I’m a side character in some ‘under-qualified to be a commander’ Sylvari’s story.
bunker builds…
bunker builds…
Doesn’t bunker get shutdown by decap builds? Neutralizing the point renders the bunker useless, does it not? If you’re dying to the bunker. . . well that’s a whole different problem.
no expansions and no HEALING class dedicated healer i LOVE so much and i miss so much
No emphasis on ‘guild’ content other than World versus World… and then Guild Missions that came a ways after release. No emphasis on challenging content at that.
Result: An alienation of guilds.
Open world bosses? Not exactly “challenging” guild content.
Dungeons? No, not really. + 5 people.
Fractals? Again, not really. +again, only 5 people.
Is there raiding? No.
Is there GvG? No.
Does WvW provide any sort of recognition to your guild in game? …Not really, no.
Complete disregard of Guild organization features. I.e. guild panel info & options.
(And I DON’T want some stupid API. I want a functioning guild panel >.<)The ability to be in multiple guilds. Worst idea I’ve ever come across in an mmo. Completely strips guilds of any sense of community & loyalty. Also, makes it 100xs more difficult for 100% rep guilds to build a desired environment AND keep track of it at the same time… call me old fashioned if u must >.>
Terribad UI options. I should be able to move AND size everything on my screen….
incredibly unrewarding loot
This also goes hand in hand with my complaints.
[MERC] – Oceanic
The vertical gear grind, that we were under the impression would not be in the game due to the manifesto made pre-launch.
Constant nerfing of thieves.
Bad thief traits.
Complete disregard of Guild organization features. I.e. guild panel info & options.
(And I DON’T want some stupid API. I want a functioning guild panel >.<)The ability to be in multiple guilds. Worst idea I’ve ever come across in an mmo. Completely strips guilds of any sense of community & loyalty. Also, makes it 100xs more difficult for 100% rep guilds to build a desired environment AND keep track of it at the same time… call me old fashioned if u must >.>
Terribad UI options. I should be able to move AND size everything on my screen….
incredibly unrewarding loot
And your guildies still love you <3
Gear grind. The reason I do not play the game anymore.
I am fine with everything else, but the ascended gear was the final drop in the glass.
I was trying to get the mats for Bifrost, but when it dawned on me I either had to fork out £160+ for the Legend, or hope that it would drop sometime before the start of the next decade, I lost heart.
No decent guild management tools or anywhere private to gather for meetings, makes it hard for guilds to build a sense of community. Why can’t guild leaders open their home instance to members, in the absence of guild halls?
Seems like the most common update notes are that they added somethong to the gemstore.
It’s the positive attitude of topics like this I like most.
I suggest not only the OP but everybody to open such refreshing threads.
lack of any significant role except DPS
and AOE cap…
The fact that this was supposed to be everything we loved about GW1 with an updated engine, combat, and story system and it’s nowhere near half as fun as the original Guild Wars.
The following are things that were done better in Guild Wars compared to Guild Wars 2:
-Player builds
-Holiday events
-Costumes / other cosmetic items
-Cash shop
-Still no guild halls or guild management tools
-Being part of ONE guild
-Horrible grindy loot with diminishing returns (When I needed materials in GW1 I could reliably farm them)
-Zerging. Everything revolves around zerging in GW2 and that is dumb.
..to name a few.
As this person says,
Seems like the most common update notes are that they added somethong to the gemstore.
And he couldn’t be closer to the truth. Nearly all (read: 99%) of our weapon or armor additions to the game are done through the cash shop RNG. It’s disgusting that there is nothing in this game you can actually work towards, or complete a goal to obtain like in GW1.
In GW1 I was more than happy to spend funds on the cash shop because they were things that expanded gameplay and cosmetic only rewards. I bought every mission pack, every costume, and tons of character (all the bank slots) from the GW1 shop because I wanted to.
When I bought the costumes in Gw2 for the first time only to find that they were a one time use I nearly got sick to my stomach because I knew what was in store for the game at that point.
For years I was excited about GW2, having put over 7,000 hours into my GW1 account. I was told it’d be everything I loved about Guild Wars 1 but in a persistent world with much better game systems and design philosophies.. How disappointing. It had so much potential.
The game takes so many great steps forward with many things, but takes even more steps back with everything else.
You guys lost a fan of almost 10 years. And it saddens me.
(edited by TehPwnerer.7215)
I have never been motivated by “leveling” in games, I have always been motivated by fun. If I am having fun, then levels will come.
That having been said, I am very much goal oriented, but my goals in games I play have never been set by the developers, but I set my own. Sometimes I look completely foolish to other players (and many think the way I play is quite boring because I am not “leveling” or “grinding for gear”. )
But over the past year plus I have played GW2 (I have played since before launch, I own the CE) it seems the developers have gone out of their way to take every goal I have made for myself, and put it outside of my reach, this then makes me come up with a new goal, and then I get an update and find something has changed that put that goal out of reach.
The above, combined with the RNG which does not reward me for my gameplay, (drops are horrible still for me, I played for a full year before I saw my first exotic drop, they are still so rare, I am stunned when I see one) has made it so I really have nothing to do when I log in, so I just….don’t play that much anymore.
If they brought Heroes and henchmen in, I could do some content I have never done, but as it stands, I have no goals, I am not rewarded for my game time, so no reason to play.
(edited by Nalora.7964)
- No guild halls
- one form of PvP
- Ranger pet doesn’t work, has been said not to work by the lead game designer, and they flat out refuse to do anything to improve it.
- Stealth. Whomever decided making a class able to be invisible permanently in a competitive game should be dragged out, shot, hung, quartered, burnt, then buried on unconsecrated ground.
- they introduced gear grind after 5 years of promising “no stat grind”.
- the complete lack of new content after 18 months, in favour of biweekly AP grind that leaves no mark on the world. This is the biggest one. It’s been 18 months, and the only changes have been:
- one dungeon path got altered
- one dragon event got ruined (when nobody does it, you can bet the change was bad)
- we have one new zone (southsun) and there’s nothing at all going on there.
- fractals were introduced for people to grind to get gear to be able to grind (see above about no vertical progression)
and that’s it. There’s nothing else in the world to show someone who’s been away since just after launch.
Yep, those are the biggest ones that bring me down about GW2.
The fact that this was supposed to be everything we loved about GW1 with an updated engine, combat, and story system and it’s nowhere near half as fun as the original Guild Wars.
The following are things that were done better in Guild Wars compared to Guild Wars 2:
-Player builds
-Holiday events
-Costumes / other cosmetic items
-Cash shop
-Still no guild halls or guild management tools
..to name a few.As this person says,
Seems like the most common update notes are that they added somethong to the gemstore.
And he couldn’t be closer to the truth. Nearly all (read: 99%) of our weapon or armor additions to the game are done through the cash shop RNG. It’s disgusting that there is nothing in this game you can actually work towards, or complete a goal to obtain like in GW1.
In GW1 I was more than happy to spend funds on the cash shop because they were things that expanded gameplay and cosmetic only rewards. I bought every mission pack, every costume, and tons of character (all the bank slots) from the GW1 shop because I wanted to.
When I bought the costumes in Gw2 for the first time only to find that they were a one time use I nearly got sick to my stomach because I knew what was in store for the game at that point.
For years I was excited about GW2, having put over 7,000 hours into my GW1 account. I was told it’d be everything I loved about Guild Wars 1 but in a persistent world with much better game systems and design philosophies.. How disappointing. It had so much potential.
The game takes so many great steps forward with many things, but takes even more steps back with everything else.
You guys lost a fan of almost 10 years. And it saddens me.
Should have read this before my reply. In addition to my beefs, this is the biggest +1 post on the whole forums.
The very very broken RnG system is was destroys this game for me, I have friends who run around with little to no magic find as they don’t believe it in, and are picking up exotics left right and center, and myself and others who play with 250%+ and don’t see squat in game, it just makes me feel that the games drops are based on when you create your account, you either get ticked with,
1. awesome drops
2. below average drops
3. everything else
For me it’s a) nerfs – when I created my elementalist a year ago it felt like a god. How it feels like an ant. b) random drops – I just don’t have much luck in this game and it’s disappointing more or less all the time.
The design of Medium Armor in this game is one of the biggest things that bring me down the most.