What feature do you miss from your old MMO

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


but gw2 Mesmers do not.even compare to the original.

There is no Mesmer in GW2…only an Illusionist who’s convinced everyone she’s a Mesmer.

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ari Kagura.9182

Ari Kagura.9182

I personally would like to see some sort of large-scale instanced dungeon, aka “Raid Dungeon” with big freakin’ bosses that have to be killed in very crazy ways. Sure we have bounties, challenges, and puzzles, but I’d like to see dungeons that have to be completed with a larger-than-average party.

On the other, I’d like to see ArenaNet’s take on making it more Guild War-sy instead of a carbon copy of the traditional raid format that is often found in most other MMOs.

Maybe instead of a set 10- or 25-man maximum size raid dungeon, maybe the raid dungeon could be scaleable to some extent. I know there was almost 60 guild members online last Sunday doing our Guild Missions. I would hate to see some of those people left out because the raid group is “full”.

Also, since there are no dedicated tanks and healers, I’d imagine the encounters would have to be designed to utilize gimmicks, environmental objects, and other interesting out-of-the-box mechanics to defeat those bosses.

“I control my fate!” — Claire Farron
I am Fleeting Flash, in-game dungeon cosplayer of Reddit Refugees [RR] .

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zuraith.6104


I personally would like to see some sort of large-scale instanced dungeon, aka “Raid Dungeon” with big freakin’ bosses that have to be killed in very crazy ways. Sure we have bounties, challenges, and puzzles, but I’d like to see dungeons that have to be completed with a larger-than-average party.

On the other, I’d like to see ArenaNet’s take on making it more Guild War-sy instead of a carbon copy of the traditional raid format that is often found in most other MMOs.

Maybe instead of a set 10- or 25-man maximum size raid dungeon, maybe the raid dungeon could be scaleable to some extent. I know there was almost 60 guild members online last Sunday doing our Guild Missions. I would hate to see some of those people left out because the raid group is “full”.

Also, since there are no dedicated tanks and healers, I’d imagine the encounters would have to be designed to utilize gimmicks, environmental objects, and other interesting out-of-the-box mechanics to defeat those bosses.

This one is wise.

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LumAnth.5124


but gw2 Mesmers do not.even compare to the original.

There is no Mesmer in GW2…only an Illusionist who’s convinced everyone she’s a Mesmer.

That’s actually not bad conspiracy theory…

Sorry for the typos….
I’m usually typing on my phone

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


No RNG…very little luck involved
Real powers that always worked
and clerics healed and never worried about soloing, and if you threw a snare to save the cleric, the mob always agroed on you. You formed a group, you knew what everyone was going to be doing.

Thanks for that, been thinking the same thing actually. I remember when healing wasn’t a single AOE zone or a weaksauce regen, that actually scaled with +healing, where the 1 zone you had for healing wasn’t covered over instantly by an OP AOE zone by the boss immediately after putting it down making it completely useless, and where HoTs had the chance to crit for double and triple healing, and where if you were a healer the Devs had your back and made sure your abilities functioned properly and you had at least 1 direct heal ability.

Absolutely LOVE the no RNG thing you got going. That’s the best post.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Also, since there are no dedicated tanks and healers, I’d imagine the encounters would have to be designed to utilize gimmicks, environmental objects, and other interesting out-of-the-box mechanics to defeat those bosses.

Some of us would imagine that since it’s so well designed everyone would be required to be in Zerker gear no doubt. >.>

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shadow Blade.1324

Shadow Blade.1324

stable loot tables

you know like from games where you do a dungeon and are guaranteed loot of X quality

rather than what we have at the moment where you can run a dungeon kill a boss and get 5 blue items which are essentially vendor trash. when other members of the party get rares and exotics for doing the exact same content

or how about
actual world drops

where enemies in the world will drop things that may be unique or even marginally useful.

lack of “permanent DR for no reason”
just remove DR now, it only benefits the bots as it just drives prices up and reduces the ability of players to gather items themselves.

maybe even
new content that stays in the game for longer than a few weeks

tbh id settle for
developers that didn’t push out content they know is bad for the game and will cause massive backlash+ player-base split

i wish the devs had a consistent vision and didn’t push out content they know is flawed

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


lack of “permanent DR for no reason”
just remove DR now, it only benefits the bots as it just drives prices up and reduces the ability of players to gather items themselves.

So the tool that doesn’t allow bots to get anything besides gray items benefits bots?!
And higher prices benefit players. How do you think anyone could afford to get Tier 3 if powerful blood sold just barely above vendor price? Bots farm, bots bring the price down, players can’t sell anything.

(edited by Mirta.5029)

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xLiveLucidx.5071


I miss light sabers.

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ATMAvatar.5749


Although everyone being able to get loot can be nice, it really just promotes abuse. Why try when you can just hit the mob once, get credit and let everyone else do the work.

The original loot style let you hit the mob once, pull it to someone else who then is stuck doing 99% of the work, and not only do you get the loot, but they don’t.

There have been plenty of times in other MMOs that a jerk player would follow me around using a class with fast, ranged attacks (usually a hunter/ranger type) who would wait for me to start casting a spell, tag my target real quick, and the result of my more powerful spell landing meant I had to tank and kill the enemy without getting either XP or loot for it.

The crafty ones would tag the mob while my spell was in flight, leaving me no other choice but to leave the area until they stopped.

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Myst.5783


Challenging open world PvE and a large collection of emotes.

Currently playing: Mesmer/Ele/Theif

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arcain.9106


1) Able to wear character costumes OVER regular gear at all times instead of only out of combat.
2) Class upgrades and diversity. Traits are nice but it would be nicer to go from elementalist to Avatar or something like that, but I do understand that might bring back the Trinity which I don’t want for GW2.
3) Group finder, Dungeons and Dragons Online style. Group with people that you can inspect, question and talk strategies before hand. Not Rift style where you just group with randoms. I know that there’s a website but a real in-game system would be nice.
4) Customization UI
5) More RP ability. Emotes.
6) Housing and Guild Halls.

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordByron.8369


well last mmorpg i played was granado espada >.>

Think to something like this game but where u use 3 characters at once….
Aside the 3 characters what i miss more was its style and music ._.

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raestloz.7134


Although everyone being able to get loot can be nice, it really just promotes abuse. Why try when you can just hit the mob once, get credit and let everyone else do the work.

The original loot style let you hit the mob once, pull it to someone else who then is stuck doing 99% of the work, and not only do you get the loot, but they don’t.

There have been plenty of times in other MMOs that a jerk player would follow me around using a class with fast, ranged attacks (usually a hunter/ranger type) who would wait for me to start casting a spell, tag my target real quick, and the result of my more powerful spell landing meant I had to tank and kill the enemy without getting either XP or loot for it.

The crafty ones would tag the mob while my spell was in flight, leaving me no other choice but to leave the area until they stopped.

Remember Ragnarok Online?

Ah… the days where crafty kittens steal the loot from under your nose because the thing FALLS ON THE GROUND and NOT INSTANCED. I hate that system

By the way, GW2’s system is not that bad, unless you’re in an event, at which point you’re just a d0()ch&, because the strength of enemies scale with the number of people around.

What I DO miss:
1) A fixed recipe for the best equipments: Dragon Nest.
2) Real targeting reticle for actual control instead of “clicked targeting”: Dragon nest. As seen in TERA

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ferguson.2157


In Chamions Online they (Cryptic) added a UI element to control your music player while in-game. It’s the only game I’ve played with a feature that did this and I sure loved it.

Nothing better than being able to mess with I-tunes without taking your eyes off your game.

“What, me worry?” – A. E. Neuman

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bembis.8957


The one thing I miss more than anything belonged to Silkroad Online. The “trinity” job system. You had traders, hunters, and thieves.

Traders would travel from town to town carrying “goods” in order to sell them. The goods would rate from 1 to 5 stars and if you carried more than 2 stars player thieves could attack you. NPC thieves would periodically spawn to harass and try to kill the transport holding your goods. Depending on how far you took the goods your price would increase. Town 1 goods sold decently in town 2, but if you made it to town 3 they were worth SO much more. Adding in the “trading economy” where if a town was oversaturated with a certain good you wouldn’t be given as much this was extremely fun.

Hunters were the body guards of the game, hired to drive away both NPC thieves and player thieves. Not much to this but still insanely fun.

Thieves however, my favorite… you would don the pure black thief outfit that screamed death at the enemies. Roaming the countryside looking for hunters to kill was a blast. If you found a 2 star or above trader you didn’t even think about it. You looked at them, they looked at you, battle commenced. You would NOT let them go. After you killed them and their caravan you would summon your own transport and steal their goods. When you were all loaded up you would pop a “thieves portal” scroll. It gave you a 5 minute countdown. After that 5 minutes you would be teleported to the den of thieves to sell your goods. During that 5 minutes however, oh god…it was a free for all. You knew the trader was coming back to get his stuff. You knew he was going to hire a hunter to find you.

Objective 1: Hide
Objective 2: Prepare for battle
Objective 3: Learn when to cut your losses

It was an open world pvp system that wasn’t required to be done! This meant people who had no interest weren’t effected, yet it held dynamic game value. Who could resist the taste of easy money? God some of the fights would be so epic when you got full on job wars outside of towns. Or when a guild of traders would caravan together forcing thieves to group up and ambush them.

I really miss this and I would kill for anet to place this in the game. It was SO MUCH FUN.

I “hate you now” because I wanna play that game again…
That game was absolutely grind feast, you had to grind to max level (I got to lvl72 and couldn’t stand it anymore) for year or more even if you were hardcore nolifer. But that job system was amazing. I think I didn’t see anything like that in any other MMO. Offcourse, there wasn’t balance, because lvl80 thieves could attack my lvl30 hunter or trader, but I really miss that system. And those serverwide caravans(10+ traders, 30+ hunters and 50+ sneaky thieves) were so epic.
But I think, it will never could be in this game, because it would ruin economy(as I remember good weapon(not even bis) cost about 70 billions gold).

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: matjazmuhic.1649


The Crystal Desert.


What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ameepa.6793


Player housing and fishing!

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brahmincorle.1264


1. Customizable UI
2. Customizable skill bars
3. LFG tool ingame
4. Dual talent specialization (ou yea different traits for pve and WvWvW)
5. overall less RNG

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silver.3284


More space in the bars – the 5 slot works fine in Pve where you always know what is coming but in WvW you don’t and it severely limits what you can do.
More skills
Some penalty for dying – not necessarily severe, but the no consequence dying thing is silly.
A more RvR-centric feel to the whole game, even if only as bragging rights – at least be able to display WvW Rank.
Ability to customize attribute points – why do we all have 916 of everything? This would also help with setting up some type of effective support build.
Meaningful crowd control skills

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


More space in the bars – the 5 slot works fine in Pve where you always know what is coming but in WvW you don’t and it severely limits what you can do.

This is the one thing I’d least like to see. A screen cluttered with UI elements and slathered with skill bars is very, very unappealing to me.

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danbuter.2314


Lotro: Playable instruments.
CoH and CO: The costume creator. I’d LOVE a fantasy MMO where you have a permanent appearance that is not changed by your gear.
WoW and Lotro: Fishing.
Every other MMO: The ability to change my UI.

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JubeiTM.5763


MAP PVP (while others can watch, comment and learn). These friendly fights used to bring people together. These kind of meetings often consisted in tons of players outside the main cities.

MOUNTS I used to equit a “Horn of Unilia” or “Dinorant”. The first one gave you a Moa-like bird to ride outside the city and nothing more. Oh the people and joy riding around… There was a Hippodrome where we used to race while another person would determine the winner at the finish line.

Upgrading Weapons and Armor - Yup, weapons and clothes could be upgraded, the stats getting better and the color changed. When an item reached very high levels it started glowing and having splendid visual effects, but the chance to upgrade it got slimmer and slimmer. Only to gain special items you had to resort to a Mystic Forge.

BLUE AND GREEN WEAPONS were actually good. In GW2 they are only junk sold to NPC’s, recycled or used in gamble at Mystic Forge. The rare items prices are goind gown as well. It’s sad.

[WEAPON DIVERSITY]: Yes, there is no real diversity in Guild Wars 2. For example, a 1 handed hammer is in fact a skin for a mace. In other games everything was different AND having skin variety GOD kitten IT ARENA NET it’s been a year and we got nothing but a short term living story! I remember a variety of Pole arms, Hallebarde, Spears, Scythes, Morning Stars (one AND two handed), Crossbows, One handed Crossbow(could be a legendary skin for pistol in GW2), Two Handed Axes, One Handed Hammer, Lance, etc, etc, etc…

Yes I mean actual guild wars… like sieges strictly between guilds. And don’t think a guild has to be disadvantaged, on the contrary! Each can choose it’s best 20, 30 or 50 players. There are so many competition map possibilities. God kitten it the surprise me and my friends had when there were no Guild Wars in GW2!

The list is huge and I don’t dare to bring any more games into comparison because It would only cause deception.

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeonblade.8709


Just gonna pop back in and reiterate how much I miss having an actual purpose to the classes we play. Tanking and Healing is a better alternative than 5 DPS slamming their face against their keyboard and the 4 warrior + 1 mesmer god awful crap we have now. Don’t drop the trinity if there is no plan for replacement

Anarai Aeonblade [GASM] – Guardian – DB
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Being able to see a list of everyone in your current zone and being able to see who is on in the entire game.
Paying eggs to be able to rename my gear with fancy colors and titles.
Walking into a room and seeing a list of everyone in the room.

Yeah, my last MMO was a MUD…other than those 3 things, GW2 is basically the same thing my old MUD was except with a better gathering/crafting system, more players and more frequent content additions.
Oh, and non ASCII graphics.

(edited by rizzo.1079)

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shadow Blade.1324

Shadow Blade.1324

lack of “permanent DR for no reason”
just remove DR now, it only benefits the bots as it just drives prices up and reduces the ability of players to gather items themselves.

So the tool that doesn’t allow bots to get anything besides gray items benefits bots?!
And higher prices benefit players. How do you think anyone could afford to get Tier 3 if powerful blood sold just barely above vendor price? Bots farm, bots bring the price down, players can’t sell anything.

bots are still here and still making a profit, all it does is force a change in scripting so they swap zones or compromised accounts when they start getting grey items, are palyers going to swap accounts or zones if they are working on map completion?

id argue it impacts players more when you have to then go and farm content to get enough money to buy the powerful blood you need because it will not drop for you, higher prices may benefit a few players selling, it doesn’t benefit players buying, and those players selling could still make a profit by re-listing the lower priced blood if it were more readily available.

i imagine players would get t3 by saving for it and not spending all their money on powerful blood.

i have 26 powerful blood with 1000+h playtime, some of those are from attempts at getting clovers in the mystic toilet that’s not even enough to even craft a full set of Armour let alone something more costly like a gift. while i haven’t been farming for them specifically. i know ive not used one since i started playing.

ive seen DR kick in while clearing hearts and doing events where you kill waves of the same creature type. Once i actually made more silver selling the cool stones elementals during the claw of jormag dropped than the five blue items the chest gave me.

i wish the devs had a consistent vision and didn’t push out content they know is flawed

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tagus Eleuthera.7305

Tagus Eleuthera.7305

I miss having different player housing in each city, with environments you could decorate with rewards unique to your accomplishments. I miss bosses dropping unique items. I miss the more classical weapon designs. You know… bad kitten weaponry. Not bows that shoot rainbows, pistols with tassles, and daggers that are actually a blowtorch. I get what they’re trying to do, but its just not for me. I like more dangerous looking weapons… not the gimmicky ones. Also… regular map expansions and armor variety are pretty important to keep an memo fresh. I know it hasn’t been a year yet, but when your game is designed specifically to be less grindy you have to account for people reaching max level and gear quickly.

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ari Kagura.9182

Ari Kagura.9182

Some of us would imagine that since it’s so well designed everyone would be required to be in Zerker gear no doubt. >.>

That’s the part that I would be afraid of … but then again, tweaking the aggro mechanic to favor certain professions, gear sets, trait allocations, and so on could work. Also, mobs could continuously apply Weakness to making dodging a bit more difficult. Maybe one boss would prioritize low-HP Berserker players while that boss’ adds would prioritize those with high-HP in Knights/Soldiers/Sentinels gear.

Theoretically, the trinity could return but with a lot more flexibility. Meaning: instead of dedicated tank that would min-max for absolute survivability with virtually no damage output, the mock-tank here in GW2 could still some decent damage, possibly 50~65% of the damage that a full-zerker could do. Berserker players, on the other hand, would need to do more than just dodge like a champ to survive … either that or build their gear a bit to establish a happy medium between offense and defense.

“I control my fate!” — Claire Farron
I am Fleeting Flash, in-game dungeon cosplayer of Reddit Refugees [RR] .

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Akari Storm.6809

Akari Storm.6809

1. Raiding (not for the gear progression, more so it was something for guilds to do together, currently in GW2 the only thing that fits this is WvW.)

2. Flying- well, the only reason I played Aion, half the reason I played COH and DCUO.

3. Mounts- Spent a lot of time getting those hard to get mounts just to show off, kitten I guess. MMO’s are about showing off rewards, whether it’s the dressing of your dolls (that’s what my wife says), or showing off a particular item. Conversation pieces I guess.

4. Strategic PvP- miss that from guild wars…some of the most memorable pvp moments I’ve had in gaming in this rpg style format. GvG/HA is something I could watch, can’t say that for most pvp of any style in any MMO even though Guilds Wars wasn’t really an MMO, close though. FA/JQ spent many hours doing these…GW2 needs some objective based pvp. Not sure if it can be done right though, with no healers and everything zerg zerg zerg, bunker this, zerk that… There isn’t any real team work going on. Guild Wars had a front line/mid line/back line set up. Every move you made you did it for a reason, here it’s identify the bunker…leave him alone kill everything else, back to bunker. Spectator is actually refreshing though, seeing setups I wouldn’t have thought of and people making it work.

5. Emotes galore-so far, just about every other MMO or for that matter AAA MMO has done it better. Time will tell.

6. Instruments- LOTRO had a great system there. Guild Wars atleast had the air instrument emotes.

7. Housing and Crafting- EQ/SWG probably the best to date. GW2 do it.

8. Guild Management tools- Um, yeah.

9. Person to Person trading-currently this is something I won’t do here, not without protections. So, forced to use the TP. And why the TP doesn’t have time limits on items posted is beyond me, with the % lost from the tp taking our cash from buying or posting…I think time limits would reel a lot of that in.

10. More Skills/More Classes- Time will tell, this game is still a baby.

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Player housing and fishing!

OMG yes I’ve missed fishing in every game since WoW!

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kite.2510


Ability to sit on chairs…

…and don’t be toxic!

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darkbridger.6705


What feature do I miss about my old MMO? The ability to log on. If not for that, I wouldn’t be here at all.

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


I miss something that, ironically enough, was in GW1: the ability to simply click on an area and have your character run over there (as well as keeping the current modes of movement control as well, of course).

this is actually the first mmo I’ve played that doesn’t have that

I remember when I started playing WoW for a bit (shortly after I started playing GW1), WoW didn’t have that feature. When WoW eventually added it later on, I specifically thought of GW1’s influence.

WoW stole a lot from GW1. Some WoW updates almost resembled earlier GW1 patch notes. EG Battlegrounds were implemented as an answer to GW1’s ToPK. Party search in WoW came a month after GW1’s party search. Hard mode was an answer to Heroic dungeons though. Some cool cross pollination happened which improved both games.

Conversely, something I’d hoped that GW1 (and now GW2, for that matter) would use from WoW is the onscreen real-life clock in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. That way, I wouldn’t need to constantly look away from the screen to see what time it is in real-life.

It’s on the map, you can put it on real time in the options.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cameirus.8407


Massive dynamic events.
Its something rift does very well, and i was looking forward to it in gw2, unfortunately whilst the des in gw2 are good at a small scale, the large ones like the dragons are boring, and none impact on whole zones

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JubeiTM.5763


Ability to sit on chairs…

And more interaction with the environment.

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: No Walking.6349

No Walking.6349

Pretty much miss everything that made GW1 great. They went to great lengths to make sure all the great things in GW1 was absent in GW2.

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deamhan.9538


Access to all my skills at the same time while in combat.

A pet system that allows me to fine tune the pet’s capabilities.

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Summoning stones!

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


I miss Flower Knight.

Also shown: a game-hopping Tengu engineer with the rare winged back item that I got from a box in a chest in a crate in the cargo hold of a ship in a bottle in a box in a crate in a chest that drops rarely from a boss no one has found yet but me. Actually, everything was in the character creator.

Sigh. I really miss that vast array of costume options.

And Flower Knight.


The table is a fable.

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brigante.9632


My original MMO was EverQuest 1 and that will always be the best MMO ever made (pre easy mode). It’s unfortunate that they changed it to be as easy as all other MMO’s out there.

Disclaimer: Of course I realise that GW2 is not the game for these ideas and that most players probably don’t want them but this is what I miss in an MMO.

  • Leveling
    It should take a long time to get to max level, event months so you feel like you have actually achieved something.
  • Non instanced open world raid bosses.
    It was awesome in EQ1 to move through zones when a raid boss was up and could one shot you if you took one step too close.
  • Large scale raids
    Targets that take up to 50+ players to take down and that involve strategy. Make the raid wipe numerous times until they figure out how to do it and still then make it difficult.
  • Death penalty
    Make you lose half a level worth of xp and your gear/inventory when you die so you have to travel back to retrieve it. That makes you think twice before you attack something. Make you go back to whichever city you have bound your character to last.
  • Trinity
    Killing mobs should require a tank, healer, cc/slower and dps to go smoothly. If you can kill without the required classes then your target is much too easy.
  • Mounts
    I want to ride a horse to travel faster. I don’t want waypoints/teleporting.
  • Factions
    Please make NPC’s attack me if I’m an enemy to their faction. Let me grind a faction to be liked by another.

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


My original MMO was EverQuest 1 and that will always be the best MMO ever made (pre easy mode). It’s unfortunate that they changed it to be as easy as all other MMO’s out there.

Disclaimer: Of course I realise that GW2 is not the game for these ideas and that most players probably don’t want them but this is what I miss in an MMO.

  • Leveling
    It should take a long time to get to max level, event months so you feel like you have actually achieved something.
  • Non instanced open world raid bosses.
    It was awesome in EQ1 to move through zones when a raid boss was up and could one shot you if you took one step too close.
  • Large scale raids
    Targets that take up to 50+ players to take down and that involve strategy. Make the raid wipe numerous times until they figure out how to do it and still then make it difficult.
  • Death penalty
    Make you lose half a level worth of xp and your gear/inventory when you die so you have to travel back to retrieve it. That makes you think twice before you attack something. Make you go back to whichever city you have bound your character to last.
  • Trinity
    Killing mobs should require a tank, healer, cc/slower and dps to go smoothly. If you can kill without the required classes then your target is much too easy.
  • Mounts
    I want to ride a horse to travel faster. I don’t want waypoints/teleporting.
  • Factions
    Please make NPC’s attack me if I’m an enemy to their faction. Let me grind a faction to be liked by another.

I’m glad that most of these are not in the game. My first MMO was GW1.

I guess it really just depends on what your first MMO game was.

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brigante.9632


I’m glad that most of these are not in the game. My first MMO was GW1.

I guess it really just depends on what your first MMO game was.

Yes it totally depends on which MMO was your first. I guess it’s the same thing as you get used to things you grew up with.

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeonblade.8709


My original MMO was EverQuest 1 and that will always be the best MMO ever made (pre easy mode). It’s unfortunate that they changed it to be as easy as all other MMO’s out there.

Disclaimer: Of course I realise that GW2 is not the game for these ideas and that most players probably don’t want them but this is what I miss in an MMO.

  • Leveling
    It should take a long time to get to max level, event months so you feel like you have actually achieved something.
  • Non instanced open world raid bosses.
    It was awesome in EQ1 to move through zones when a raid boss was up and could one shot you if you took one step too close.
  • Large scale raids
    Targets that take up to 50+ players to take down and that involve strategy. Make the raid wipe numerous times until they figure out how to do it and still then make it difficult.
  • Death penalty
    Make you lose half a level worth of xp and your gear/inventory when you die so you have to travel back to retrieve it. That makes you think twice before you attack something. Make you go back to whichever city you have bound your character to last.
  • Trinity
    Killing mobs should require a tank, healer, cc/slower and dps to go smoothly. If you can kill without the required classes then your target is much too easy.
  • Mounts
    I want to ride a horse to travel faster. I don’t want waypoints/teleporting.
  • Factions
    Please make NPC’s attack me if I’m an enemy to their faction. Let me grind a faction to be liked by another.

Good list, I long for the days when people had to actually try in the games they play.

Anarai Aeonblade [GASM] – Guardian – DB
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amida.9268


I miss things from UO(Ultima Online) like being able 2 kill anyone anywhere(yes no safe zones), and being able 2 loot all the things that the person had on their character before death.
I miss the ability 2 cut someones corpse into pieces and take someones head and store it in the chest inside of your castle, or impaling it on the fence of your castle, I miss having a room full of players limbs. Also it was fun 2 have your own castle, tower, house, whatever and the option of placing it where you wanted. I miss mounts, I miss taming monsters, having a couple of tamed dragons… I miss the option of crafting nearly anything and placing it wherever you wanted. Those moments when you reached a top of some mountain and there was a random carpet on the ground, and you ask yourself why the hell did someone leave a carpet here…

(edited by Amida.9268)

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Whitey.6185


Dungeon finder.

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: deviller.9135


1. LFG Tool.
2. separated team and solo TPvP queue
3. Raid dungeon (next guild mission maybe)
4. Epic legendary (special) item quest
5. Dual trait system

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I miss something that, ironically enough, was in GW1: the ability to simply click on an area and have your character run over there (as well as keeping the current modes of movement control as well, of course).

this is actually the first mmo I’ve played that doesn’t have that

I remember when I started playing WoW for a bit (shortly after I started playing GW1), WoW didn’t have that feature. When WoW eventually added it later on, I specifically thought of GW1’s influence.

WoW stole a lot from GW1. Some WoW updates almost resembled earlier GW1 patch notes. EG Battlegrounds were implemented as an answer to GW1’s ToPK. Party search in WoW came a month after GW1’s party search. Hard mode was an answer to Heroic dungeons though. Some cool cross pollination happened which improved both games.

Conversely, something I’d hoped that GW1 (and now GW2, for that matter) would use from WoW is the onscreen real-life clock in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. That way, I wouldn’t need to constantly look away from the screen to see what time it is in real-life.

It’s on the map, you can put it on real time in the options.

Now oddly we’re waiting on the reverse pollenation so we can get the improvements most of us come to expect in a title like this to be loaded and it’s taking forever in some cases. November was when they loaded FotM and they’ve had a dungeon with every ending to the LS nonsense, why is there no LFG?

None of what they’ve been doing has made sense since November. It’s like someone has ADHD over there or something along with a strong procrastination problem. The stuff they promise doesn’t happen, and the stuff they put in is only half put in (Laurels is a clear example of this). It’s weird.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


1. LFG Tool.
2. separated team and solo TPvP queue
3. Raid dungeon (next guild mission maybe)
4. Epic legendary (special) item quest
5. Dual trait system

OMG Dual Trait and an Outfitter.

That would have been awesome to switch spec and gear with 1 button.

Even better if we could switch gear spec and our utilities bar with 1 button.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Araris.7839


A reason to group and speak with other players outside of shouting. GW2 says a whole lot about its community, but the reality is, nobody even really speaks to each other, since there is no longer a reason to group outside of dungeons and maybe WvW.

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


My original MMO was EverQuest 1 and that will always be the best MMO ever made (pre easy mode). It’s unfortunate that they changed it to be as easy as all other MMO’s out there.

Disclaimer: Of course I realise that GW2 is not the game for these ideas and that most players probably don’t want them but this is what I miss in an MMO.

  • Leveling
    It should take a long time to get to max level, event months so you feel like you have actually achieved something.
  • Non instanced open world raid bosses.
    It was awesome in EQ1 to move through zones when a raid boss was up and could one shot you if you took one step too close.
  • Large scale raids
    Targets that take up to 50+ players to take down and that involve strategy. Make the raid wipe numerous times until they figure out how to do it and still then make it difficult.
  • Death penalty
    Make you lose half a level worth of xp and your gear/inventory when you die so you have to travel back to retrieve it. That makes you think twice before you attack something. Make you go back to whichever city you have bound your character to last.
  • Trinity
    Killing mobs should require a tank, healer, cc/slower and dps to go smoothly. If you can kill without the required classes then your target is much too easy.
  • Mounts
    I want to ride a horse to travel faster. I don’t want waypoints/teleporting.
  • Factions
    Please make NPC’s attack me if I’m an enemy to their faction. Let me grind a faction to be liked by another.

Good list, I long for the days when people had to actually try in the games they play.

taking days and weeks to get something has nothing to do with trying. thats just grinding and pointless and takes no amount of skill whatsoever.