(edited by Xuro.5861)
What's your favourite Jumping Puzzle?
Codlers Cove, by far. Just cause of the baby quaagans that come rez you if you fall
Can’t wait for you to see what I’m working on now. You may never leave it.
Can’t wait for you to see what I’m working on now. You may never leave it.
Oh. My. God.
Jumping puzzles are the best thing in Gw2(I mean that in a good way). Now you have me excited
Can’t wait for you to see what I’m working on now. You may never leave it.
Challenge accepted…
but i do love the visuals and atmosphere of the hidden garden and i think my personal favorite has to be scavengers chasm because i always bring people there to watch em suffer a little.
Norn sized extra challenge accepted!
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
Haha. Yeah, I made that one grueling. I figured lvl 80s could handle it.
Mad King’s Clock Tower for it’s sheer difficulty and “franctic-ness”. Hidden Garden, so beautiful.
Norn sized extra challenge accepted!
Well. I won’t give too much away. But let’s just say that in this JP… size matters not.
Norn sized extra challenge accepted!
Well. I won’t give too much away. But let’s just say that in this JP… size matters not.
Hopefully I will be transformed into some normal sized creature and have to finish the puzzle with some time pressure.
One can dream… ^^
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
I liked clock tower the most, but since it’s not here anymore, skipping stones is my new favorite!
Don’t delete clocktower! Bring it back for halloween, except pants for reward this time or something.
Also Also, I commented in the thread about camera angles about the WvW and the landmine. Keep it up!
Can’t wait for you to see what I’m working on now. You may never leave it.
You better make sure this one is permanent then!
I miss the Mad King’s Clock Tower so much
And on topic: Im a Jumping Puzzle addict myself, do a few daily aswell (Been luck to actually get Two Named Exotics from ordinary JP’s), and some times do them on several Characters. More or less allways pass by JP’s when im going thru zones, be it when just fooling around, elveling and alt or other reasons ^^
Favorite by far is Mad King’s Clock Tower <3 (You better bring it back next Halloween, preferably way before that :P )
Other then that, i have to say i find it hard to put them in a list, i really love them all ^^
Norn sized extra challenge accepted!
Well. I won’t give too much away. But let’s just say that in this JP… size matters not.
haha, nice! can’t wait.
i don’t repeat many jumping puzzles, but i’ve played all of them so far (didn’t get the achievement for scavengers yet, though) and i really liked the timed ones like the clock tower and winter wonderland.
Coddlers Cove
Very light-hearted atmosphere, beautiful lightning and the singing quaggan…sooo sweet and giving a warm feeling even when falling down
But thats quite unfair to the other JPs because there are many good ones.
Personally I prefer those where I can take all the time in the world to figure it out, so
Mad Kings Tower Clock (reminded me a bit of that Amiga-game Nebulus btw^^) isnt in my top ten.
But in general…love them all!
only one I did so far was in lion’s arch, end prize were some pirate rares that I use on my level 43.
My hands down favorite is Obsidium Sanctum in Eternal Battlegrounds (or the Murderpit as I like to call it)
Mad King’s Clock Tower was downright addicting.
the hidden garden is by far the best for me aesthetically. the screencaps I took when I first stumbled upon it were posted some time ago. I’m tempted to do it again. most likely tonight after I’ve had my farm.
have any of you puzzle junkies tried jp’s with arbitrary timers set so if you exceed the time limit you don’t get to loot the chest? it’s masochistic, sure, but most times the loot pales in comparison to the experience of getting to the end. I suspect that josh has little control over the loot in the jp chests anyway. chest loot seems to be a universal thing across all sectors of Tyria.
bring on more jp’s, josh. the views are incredible and it’s a totally different and relaxing activity for me
I can honestly say i dont have a favorite, and wish they were removed from the game.
Perhaps its because im a full size charr, perhaps i will feel differently when i reach lvl 80 and start a new smaller character, but right now nothing in the game makes me rage more than jumping puzzles.
Hidden Garden and crystal caverns because the crystals and lighting looked stunning.
More jumping puzzles like the one where we have to gather 12 orbs for 3 chests in Malchor’s Leap please!!
My favorite was definitely the clocktower. I didn’t care for the Wintersday puzzle though.
My favorite open world puzzle is probably Spekk’s Laboratory.
My favorite is all the ones that have semi hidden entances. I delight in showing guildies the entrances. Especially the non-jp mini jp tomb tucked away in west sparkfly fen just past the vista up on the ridge. We spent a good 20 minutes pooring over any and every nook and cranny with many emotes looking for anything at its ‘end’
Or the vacant jp in AC with the invisible beams.
I enjoy the non jp puzzles and locals as much as those with actual rewards at the end
But gotta ask do you as Devs find little rooms or areas that you didn’t know existed?
Mad King Clock Tower was the most fun I had all Halloween. Took 45 minutes to complete it the first time, and another hour to know all the jumps well enough to never fail. Getting candy from the fake chests without failing was also great. Gave a lot of it to other players.
I didn’t care much for the Wintersday Jumping Puzzle because it was less frantic and too uniform (every platform was the same, with no tricky jumps or slanted surfaces, and with no trick chest that you could grab anyway if you were fast enough). I got it my first try, and had a little bit of fun optimizing my path to skip as many snowflakes as possible. Left path had 4 skippable snowflakes, while the right path had none.
After that, I tend to like all the Asura themed puzzles, because bond villains all over Tyria, and any puzzle that is really pretty. So all of them really. Anything to get my mind off the fractal weapons I am failing to get or make progress to for over a month now.
The Clock Tower was extra memorable because of the ability to see other players fall one by one until it’s just you (and maybe someone else) making it to the very top. It sounds a bit sadistic, but there’s a certain pride in knowing that you were able to make it when others couldn’t.
Apart from that, I’ve only done the JP’s in the early zones of the game, but Goemm’s Lab is probably my favourite out of the lot so far. It’s a nice balance of difficulty and variety, without penalizing you too harshly for failure (I’m looking at you, Dark Reverie!). Grendich Gamble can also be a bit rough if you’re playing a glass cannon type and you have to run the gauntlet of enemies and cannons/trebuchet to get to the puzzle’s starting point.
Norn sized extra challenge accepted!
Well. I won’t give too much away. But let’s just say that in this JP… size matters not.
It’s ‘how you use it’ right?
My favorite by far and to this day, has been the Mad Clocktower. That thing was perfection in my eyes (despite the pointed flaws). It actually was hard and felt like an achievement. Sharing your success (and doom) along with others, gave you the innovation to keep on fighting. The design of it was beyond awesome. It was the perfect jumping puzzle.
I have no idea how any future JP will ever be able to dethrone that, but I’m looking forward to it.
The Clock Tower obviously !
The most memorable was the one in Diessa’s Plateau, the Tower surrounded by ghosts. I found it by myself during a beta event, when the achievements weren’t alraedy implemented. It took me 45 minutes to complete, and dang was I proud !
Haven’t completed all of them yet because I’m going through zones slowly.
But JP’s are honestly one of my favourite things in this game. My Sylvari is a jump-a-holic >.>
I think Morgan’s Leap/Spiral is actually one of my personal favourites. It was the first JP I ever came across and the views as you’re spiralling upwards are really beautiful. I love the way the lighting and shadows play with the floating rocks and branches and the JP has such a different feel to it both when the area is sunny and when it’s raining.
I do have a particular love for the Mad King’s Clocktower as well though. Simply because it was such an adrenaline rush and I felt so immensely proud of myself when I finally completed it >.>
Can’t wait for you to see what I’m working on now. You may never leave it.
New PVP mode, jumping puzzle! \o/
Not to off topic too much,
I loved the clocktower
(edited by Plunder.8195)
Obsidian Sanctum, I love the added element of other players
First I want to say, I love you for making JPs a part of this game. My absolute favourite so far is:
The Clock Tower – I had so much fun with this during Halloween. I do think a holiday event and limited time only was a poor choice but something like this (or many somethings) as a permanent fixture in the game would be amazing!
Apart from that (in no particular order):
Fawcett’s Bounty – Because I grew up watching the Goonies a lot.
Chaos Crystal Cavern – I know it’s relatively simple but I had fun with it because of all the random effects.
Weyandt’s Revenge – I just enjoyed the story as I went through it.
Goemm’s lab – This was my first JP. I spent about 4 hours on this during the second day of headstart. I don’t think I’ve spent so much time or died so many times on a JP since. I guess it was good training…
(Haven’t done Hidden Garden or Scavenger’s Chasm yet. Those are planned for tomorrow along with Hexfoundry Unhinged which is the only other JP I haven’t done yet.)
Goemm’s Lab in Metrica Province…..I can never complete the timed JP’s like Mad Kings and the Wintersday one. Kudos to all who can, so I prefer the ones where I can take my sweet time.
I really enjoyed Spekk’s Laboratory.
Fast-paced…. but with little break/rest areas in between. (nothing like the Clock Tower, which was hell with all the other players and what not)
my favorite one i have found so far is well
“heyyyy youu guyysss”
you would know what i mean if you been there :P I also loved the extra bit you could climb at the end of the wintersday JP.. got some nice pictures with guildies. but yeah.. all jumping puzzles are amazing.. i love them all and really should look for more of them.
The Clocktower…best jumping puzzle.
I can honestly say i dont have a favorite, and wish they were removed from the game.
Perhaps its because im a full size charr, perhaps i will feel differently when i reach lvl 80 and start a new smaller character, but right now nothing in the game makes me rage more than jumping puzzles.
Agreed. Tried a few, Max tall Norn. I don’t log into a game to get frustrated and angry. First ragequit I have had in many years of Gaming. After trying Dredgehaunt many many times for the completion Vista, I gave up, and don’t bother with any, or care about world completion since I will not ever attempt Dredgehaunt, or any other JP again.
I don’t want them removed. I’m just annoyed that what should be an optional activity becomes manditory to complete a map. Should not have to complete a JP to get a vista.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Can’t wait for you to see what I’m working on now. You may never leave it.
Hahaha, hopefully even more mad than the halloween one
Thanks Josh for talking to us. Most devs do not care enough about us common people to bless us with their presence.
Jumping Puzzle are by far my favorite part of the game. I do some of them on a daily base for loot and view. I also like to stand around and help other people to find their way or show them how to jump certain passages. The JPs are just brilliant. Love them!
My favourites in no particular order are:
- Goemm’s Lab: Sometimes i just like to stand behind the windy roots and watch other players fall ^^
- Cuddlers Grove: The lightning. The cuteness!
- Loreclaw Expanse: The traps added a nice touch. I died at least 3 or 4 times before finishing!
- Pig Iron Quarry: An easy one – but the feeling of jumping over that huge gap is extremely cool.
- Weyandt’s and Fawcett’s: Both for the beautiful environment (Plus the nice adventure feeling at waytands). The Ship waiting for aeons trapped in that cave is stunning!
- Hidden Garden: Probably the most beautiful thing in the game.
- Griffonrook Run: I almost cried of frustration as i tried to get that kitten bomb to that kitten chest. kitten those griffons! But as i succeeded it was a great feeling. Plus it’s also one of the most viewable JPs.
- Skipping Stones: I just laughed my a*s off. About 20 people trying to solve the first part of the JP at once – all complaining about big charrs and norns and the bad wheather and whatelse.
- Mad King’s Clock Tower: Best JP ever. Took me about 45mins before i hit the top – just to not find the entrance and falling all the way down. Another 20mins before i got up again and finally getting those shoes! But as much as i liked the JP some of my guildmates never got it done. Maybe next time do one JP with time element and one without. Everyone should enjoy Halloween.
Btw: I’m german – so please ignore my bad grammar and all typing errors.
To be honest…jumping puzzles is the best innovation to MMO’s that Guild Wars 2 has implemented. I really like them, especially the one with the pirate cave that also has a little story behind it.
My favorite puzzle is the one in Eternal Battlegrounds, but I’m sad to see it plays such a small part in the overall fighting, because the fighting that goes on in there gets a whole new dimension with the jumping and such involved. It would be great if there was like, a capturable objective at the top (though I know that may never happen).
However, I would like to give a small bit of feedback: one thing that’s extremely frustrating is when you have to go back all the way to the start several times. Puzzles with rest and recovery points are preferable to me.
Thanks Josh for talking to us. Most devs do not care enough about us common people to bless us with their presence.
I would say that most devs are quite busy and some of the issues they do respond to, their reactions are met with disbelief and saying they’re not right. I would be quite scared to come out and talk. =p
Anyway, Scavenger’s Chasm is one of my favourites too. I have done it so many times now, I have started to time how fast I would go through it. (10 min atm)
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
Can’t wait for you to see what I’m working on now. You may never leave it.
I love you, please have my child!
Your JP are probably the reason I will never completely stop playing this game! Even if some day it goes completely in another direction of what I want, I would totally buy any expansion, just to do the Jumping Puzzles!
On topic: I like the hidden garden and the Nighmare one.
The timefactor in both event JP were very good and thrilling too.
But: Scavengers ChasmScavengers ChasmScavengers ChasmScavengers ChasmScavengers ChasmScavengers ChasmScavengers ChasmScavengers ChasmScavengers ChasmScavengers ChasmScavengers ChasmScavengers ChasmScavengers ChasmScavengers ChasmScavengers ChasmScavengers ChasmScavengers ChasmScavengers ChasmScavengers ChasmScavengers ChasmScavengers ChasmScavengers ChasmScavengers ChasmScavengers ChasmScavengers ChasmScavengers ChasmScavengers ChasmScavengers ChasmScavengers ChasmScavengers ChasmScavengers ChasmScavengers ChasmScavengers ChasmScavengers ChasmScavengers ChasmScavengers Chasm
This! Even with my JP exp. I sometimes get a bit desperate in here and I always jiggle when I finish it!.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
Norn sized extra challenge accepted!
Well. I won’t give too much away. But let’s just say that in this JP… size matters not.
Maybe a competitive puzzle reintroducing roller beetle racing but with jumping involved???
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter
(edited by Ethros.1453)
Your JP are probably the reason I will never completely stop playing this game! Even if some day it goes completely in another direction of what I want, I would totally buy any expansion, just to do the Jumping Puzzles!
It’s like playing a sequel to QBert (a few of the puzzles {ex. Urmaug’s secret in LA} feels this way).
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter
My favorite is all the ones that have semi hidden entances. I delight in showing guildies the entrances. Especially the non-jp mini jp tomb tucked away in west sparkfly fen just past the vista up on the ridge. We spent a good 20 minutes pooring over any and every nook and cranny with many emotes looking for anything at its ‘end’
Or the vacant jp in AC with the invisible beams.
I enjoy the non jp puzzles and locals as much as those with actual rewards at the end
But gotta ask do you as Devs find little rooms or areas that you didn’t know existed?
No chests in that section, but it did have a nice eerie air to it.
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter
This one is now my favorite:
Can’t wait for you to see what I’m working on now. You may never leave it.
Hehe, that would be awesome, if you would never leave it because you technically couldn’t. No WPs, no going to Mists, no logout “escape”, no escape other than completion…
ps: although I understood you referred to never leave as by choice rather than force
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season
My favorite jumping puzzles in order:
- Mad King’s Clock Tower – I loved the frantic fast-paced-ness of it all, and I loved to watch as folks fall into the green mist of death.
This is by far my favorite jp and I want more like it!
- Loreclaw Expanse – this one I’m biased to. This was my first jp ever done (both attempted and completed), so it holds sentimental value in it. And it holds a bit of challenge even after having done it dozens of time.
- Sharkmaw Caverns – over time this got really really easy, but I still like the flavor of it. The taunting ghost narrative and the straightforward but easily threatening traps was nice. And I did like how you had to guess one of three death drops at the end (and I loved how three of my friends attempted it at the same time for the first time, they couldn’t figure it out so they just chose one fall each lol)
- Spekks’s Labratory/Geomm’s Lab – all of the asura themed jumping puzzles and mini-dungeons are just too fun for me. They’re inventive, time-based, and/or just cool looking.
- Fawcett’s Bounty – only because of the falling-floor-into-a-massive-pit-of-spikes room.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
Who made Vexa’s lab? Was it you? Put them in charge of everything dungeon and puzzle related. That whole dungeon feels like I’m infiltrating Dr. Evil’s secret base or something – it even has a friggin’ shark tank at the end to fall in to! Dear god it’s awesome.
Can’t wait for you to see what I’m working on now. You may never leave it.
I seriously hope this means some sort of JP with PvP action, and it’s not just more Dev talk. Bring on the awesome JPs! I have faith lol.
Personally JP are some of my favorite content in game.
In fact my best memory of the BWE is working up Loreclaw Expanse over an hour with 4 random people at lvl 12-18. At the top we got crushed a few times by the true boss of the place, Captain Ravenwood (Champion ghost).
As far as I could find she is just a very rare spawn. Any chance could get an answer on that and if there are other rare spawns in the game? Barely even info on it online, there was also the collapsing ceiling at the real chest and the fire arrow barrage behind the waterfall.
My favorites off top of my head in no specific order are:
Hidden Garden
The holiday ones
Skipping Stones
All the Asura Labs
Loreclaw Expanse
Gryphon Rook run
Sharkmaw Cavern
Tribulation Caverns
Anyone else here regurally take random people on JP tours? Seems like at least 1/3 of the population still has no clue they even exist, or only a few. I give them a WP, hints, then follow them as they explore, and occasionally give them a portal if they fall. If you ever take someone into Sharkmaw tell them to look up when you first enter the main cave, great view gets a wow almost without fail.
For those interested in the new JP, or as he calls it “the mother of all jumping puzzles” and “a new type of dungeon”, there are some posts by him on the GW2 Reddit. Refreshing to have a dev talk candidly and explain. http://www.reddit.com/user/Ragged_Scrybe
GW2 may still be in it’s post launch experimental period, but so far so good. Just hope the proof of concepts and experiments get looked at again/expanded later, like Modus Sceleris for example alot could be done with them.
So far, probably Sharkmaw Caverns just for how interesting/different/well-executed it is. (Though the entrance has a nasty tendency to kill you.)
Kind of have a love/hate thing for the skipping stones though. Once you get it right it’s not too bad but you have to be quick. Or pack stability at least… before that it was awfully annoying.
Stormbluff Isle ( http://www.stormbluffisle.com )