So I got the game a few weeks ago and have been faffing around trying to settle on a character.
Now one thing I like about WoW, for all it’s failings, is that whatever class I want to level, the early experience is going to be pretty consistent. Difficult or easy, the classes are balanced in such a way that nothing is a horror to level early anymore and most dps specs require a similar amount of effort and time to level with.
GW2 on the other hand…well, I really would love to level my thief, but I’m so insanely squishy that I have to jump around like a grasshopper on yellowjackets to survive 2+ of even similar level mobs.
On the other hand, my guardian or Warrior can just kerplode enemies endlessly, even if he is a few levels below them.Since the early game experience is really important (first impressions on new players and all that) and can be so vastly different depending on what you choose to play first, I really think that some attention should be given to the fairly long period of time between starting and getting fully traited out and skilled up.
Perhaps the armor/mitigation/healing differential between the classes could be smoothed out early (and diverge more sharply later), and key survive-ability traits unlocked sooner? This would be a simple matter of changing a few numbers around.
EDIT: For clarity. Also, please read this before jumping in with “L2P”. This isn’t a matter of the game being too hard. It’s more about certain classes/builds relying on tools that are not unlocked until late, versus others who have a solid kit from the get-go.
IT’S NOT. let me tell you why. the classes are different. you can’t play a thief like a guardian or vice versa. if you play style is tank and spank don’t play a thief. for a thief to survive you must learn how to move simple as that.
I play many classes and have not found any do be more difficult to lvl then the other through same content.
you don’t want anyone to respond with L2P yet what I read is what you must do. the vast majority don’t post this issue because they have spent the time to learn there class. took me awhile to learn theif. I practiced how to use what was given to me to survive before I put my self in tough positions.
the argument would be better if you we’re talking about time it might take to lvl a class, or how long it takes to learn.
but sorry I just don’t agree
You are free to disagree, as long as you can tell me why in a way that doesn’t end up as L2P.
The issue isn’t that the playstyle is different. The issue is that:
A) Some classes start out flat out worse than others and remain so until quite a bit later, due to when traits/signets/skills unlock. My thief literally does half the dps of my guardian for a fair while.
B) Some playstyles are significantly more difficult. This is fine at the endgame, but as other posters have said, should not be the case early on.