Why Represent another Guild Causes Rage?
There are multi-guild guilds and guilds who don’t allow for guild hopping reasons:
Community: Maintaining a solid active community within guild wars 2 requires, you can guess activity. If people represent other guilds then they aren’t contributing to solidifying the guilds community.
Influence: For the guild to provide guild bonuses they require influence which is only gained from members that represent.
Loyalty: It’s an extension of community, but it’s still very important. Why be in a guild if you don’t want to spend all your time with them? As a guild leader I’m loyal to my members, dedicated. I expect everyone to be the same at least somewhat. It makes for a stronger community. Why should I be the only one to dedicate all my time to work hard for the guild if my members just take advantage of the ‘perks’ yet not contribute accordingly?
There’s plenty of guilds who allow guild hopping. If that’s what you want you can seek those out but don’t start raging at guild leaders trying to keep their guild strong if you do not understand their position.
Guilds and it members share responsibility for the guild, if you just want to do whatever you want to do with whomever you want to do it with then that’s your prerogative but guilds aren’t all about ‘you’ it’s about ‘us’
Edit: At least guilds focused on social communities, not specialized guilds which the guild hopping system is designed for.
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
(edited by Fay.2735)
There are multi-guild guilds and guilds who don’t allow for guild hopping reasons:
Community: Maintaining a solid active community within guild wars 2 requires, you can guess activity. If people represent other guilds then they aren’t contributing to solidifying the guilds community.
Influence: For the guild to provide guild bonuses they require influence which is only gained from members that represent.
Loyalty: It’s an extension of community, but it’s still very important. Why be in a guild if you don’t want to spend all your time with them? As a guild leader I’m loyal to my members, dedicated. I expect everyone to be the same at least somewhat. It makes for a stronger community. Why should I be the only one to dedicate all my time to work hard for the guild if my members just take advantage of the ‘perks’ yet not contribute accordingly?
There’s plenty of guilds who allow guild hopping. If that’s what you want you can seek those out but don’t start raging at guild leaders trying to keep their guild strong if you do not understand their position.
Guilds and it members share responsibility for the guild, if you just want to do whatever you want to do with whomever you want to do it with then that’s your prerogative but guilds aren’t all about ‘you’ it’s about ‘us’
Edit: At least guilds focused on social communities, not specialized guilds which the guild hopping system is designed for.
Most of the 100% rep requirements are guild leaders taking the lazy way out instead of making the guild attractive for players. You know how you get people to rep a lot? Give them a good reason. Guild boosts, fun conversation, events, etc. Let’s take a look at your 3 points.
Community – If the guild leader isn’t doing events, etc, to get people to rep regularly, I don’t think they actually care about the guild community that much. Also, if the leader is harassing a member about not-repping every single day, they probably aren’t a very nice person to be in a guild with.
Influence – Ditto for guild buffs.
Loyalty – Uh, I love my family and am definitely loyal to them, but I don’t spend 100% of my time attached at the hip. Are you trying to tell me that a leisure activity should be more demanding than my family? lol, be serious.
You’re the leader, you’ve decided to run this guild as part of your leisure activity. No other player is or should be as dedicated as you are. If they do start doing as much as you to organize, etc, than they’re taking over your job.
I think a big part of the OP’s problem is that the guild leads changed the rules on him after he was already in the guild, and from his posts it doesn’t look like the leaders took the steps to make repping the guild appealing, they just harassed him until he quit. Now those leaders have lost a decent player who met their requirements until they changed the rules. That’s a loss for the guilds. He’s free to find another guild, hopefully one not run by wanna-be dictators.
TLDR: The multi-guild system shows rude and bad guild leaders as the liability they are. I’m all for that. It’s not fun for the people who get caught in the middle though. I hope the OP finds another, better guild.
There are multi-guild guilds and guilds who don’t allow for guild hopping reasons:
Community: Maintaining a solid active community within guild wars 2 requires, you can guess activity. If people represent other guilds then they aren’t contributing to solidifying the guilds community.
Influence: For the guild to provide guild bonuses they require influence which is only gained from members that represent.
Loyalty: It’s an extension of community, but it’s still very important. Why be in a guild if you don’t want to spend all your time with them? As a guild leader I’m loyal to my members, dedicated. I expect everyone to be the same at least somewhat. It makes for a stronger community. Why should I be the only one to dedicate all my time to work hard for the guild if my members just take advantage of the ‘perks’ yet not contribute accordingly?
There’s plenty of guilds who allow guild hopping. If that’s what you want you can seek those out but don’t start raging at guild leaders trying to keep their guild strong if you do not understand their position.
Guilds and it members share responsibility for the guild, if you just want to do whatever you want to do with whomever you want to do it with then that’s your prerogative but guilds aren’t all about ‘you’ it’s about ‘us’
Edit: At least guilds focused on social communities, not specialized guilds which the guild hopping system is designed for.
Multi-guild should work better. Without limit of members for big guilds (no idea why it’s limited), and alliances and something like that to can be in several guilds, since most of the guilds are focus only in PVP, WvW, PVE, Dungeons, players that are into a more PVP guild, and can’t represent other guilds when they want to do PVE, get limited to how they play.
What I mean is that or we go to the content the guild is focused on, or we must leave it.
Asura thing.
Multi-guild does work fine. However its up to guilds to deal with it the way they wish. I prefer if all my guild mates represent my guild. That way the chat will be more active and it will be easier to get together a full guildrun for something. And, its way more fun.
Colin Johansen hits you for 239407889 damage
Game over
Multi-guild does work fine. However its up to guilds to deal with it the way they wish. I prefer if all my guild mates represent my guild. That way the chat will be more active and it will be easier to get together a full guildrun for something. And, its way more fun.
There should be possible create an TAB for a chat of a guild we aren’t rep. :P
Asura thing.
There are multi-guild guilds and guilds who don’t allow for guild hopping reasons:
Community: Maintaining a solid active community within guild wars 2 requires, you can guess activity. If people represent other guilds then they aren’t contributing to solidifying the guilds community.
Influence: For the guild to provide guild bonuses they require influence which is only gained from members that represent.
Loyalty: It’s an extension of community, but it’s still very important. Why be in a guild if you don’t want to spend all your time with them? As a guild leader I’m loyal to my members, dedicated. I expect everyone to be the same at least somewhat. It makes for a stronger community. Why should I be the only one to dedicate all my time to work hard for the guild if my members just take advantage of the ‘perks’ yet not contribute accordingly?
There’s plenty of guilds who allow guild hopping. If that’s what you want you can seek those out but don’t start raging at guild leaders trying to keep their guild strong if you do not understand their position.
Guilds and it members share responsibility for the guild, if you just want to do whatever you want to do with whomever you want to do it with then that’s your prerogative but guilds aren’t all about ‘you’ it’s about ‘us’
Edit: At least guilds focused on social communities, not specialized guilds which the guild hopping system is designed for.
Most of the 100% rep requirements are guild leaders taking the lazy way out instead of making the guild attractive for players. You know how you get people to rep a lot? Give them a good reason. Guild boosts, fun conversation, events, etc. Let’s take a look at your 3 points.
Community – If the guild leader isn’t doing events, etc, to get people to rep regularly, I don’t think they actually care about the guild community that much. Also, if the leader is harassing a member about not-repping every single day, they probably aren’t a very nice person to be in a guild with.
Influence – Ditto for guild buffs.
Loyalty – Uh, I love my family and am definitely loyal to them, but I don’t spend 100% of my time attached at the hip. Are you trying to tell me that a leisure activity should be more demanding than my family? lol, be serious.
You’re the leader, you’ve decided to run this guild as part of your leisure activity. No other player is or should be as dedicated as you are. If they do start doing as much as you to organize, etc, than they’re taking over your job.
I think a big part of the OP’s problem is that the guild leads changed the rules on him after he was already in the guild, and from his posts it doesn’t look like the leaders took the steps to make repping the guild appealing, they just harassed him until he quit. Now those leaders have lost a decent player who met their requirements until they changed the rules. That’s a loss for the guilds. He’s free to find another guild, hopefully one not run by wanna-be dictators.
TLDR: The multi-guild system shows rude and bad guild leaders as the liability they are. I’m all for that. It’s not fun for the people who get caught in the middle though. I hope the OP finds another, better guild.
You’re placing all the responsibility on the Leadership here. It’s not the leaderships job to constantly entertain their guild. They are there to run the day by day issues sure, but those don’t entail entertaining people. This does not mean they shouldn’t plan bigger events, but hand holding is the last thing the leadership should be doing.
On the comment of family. Do you sit on the couch never reaching out to them and just letting them do all the work? Being a part of a guild means showing commitment else you are nothing but a leech that only sucks out the life of a guild. You might as well not be part of a guild at all then.
Most of the 100% rep requirements are guild leaders taking the lazy way out instead of making the guild attractive for players. You know how you get people to rep a lot? Give them a good reason. Guild boosts, fun conversation, events, etc. Let’s take a look at your 3 points.
Community – If the guild leader isn’t doing events, etc, to get people to rep regularly, I don’t think they actually care about the guild community that much. Also, if the leader is harassing a member about not-repping every single day, they probably aren’t a very nice person to be in a guild with.
Influence – Ditto for guild buffs.
Loyalty – Uh, I love my family and am definitely loyal to them, but I don’t spend 100% of my time attached at the hip. Are you trying to tell me that a leisure activity should be more demanding than my family? lol, be serious.
You’re the leader, you’ve decided to run this guild as part of your leisure activity. No other player is or should be as dedicated as you are. If they do start doing as much as you to organize, etc, than they’re taking over your job.
I think a big part of the OP’s problem is that the guild leads changed the rules on him after he was already in the guild, and from his posts it doesn’t look like the leaders took the steps to make repping the guild appealing, they just harassed him until he quit. Now those leaders have lost a decent player who met their requirements until they changed the rules. That’s a loss for the guilds. He’s free to find another guild, hopefully one not run by wanna-be dictators.
TLDR: The multi-guild system shows rude and bad guild leaders as the liability they are. I’m all for that. It’s not fun for the people who get caught in the middle though. I hope the OP finds another, better guild.
Sorry but you are naive if you think people will want to represent if the guild doesn’t care enough whether they do or not. A guild that cares about their community makes clear that everyone should represent and do their bit.
Why join a social guild if they don’t care whether you are with them or not? If you know that others in that guild won’t care and represent others whenever they please. I certainly wouldn’t want to be in a community like that, I’d want to be in a community where everyone in it is involved and that’s the kind of community I provide.
I never stated members should do as much as a leader but everyone still plays a part. Without the members there is no guild, without their presence there is no community no matter how much you try to provide, events and chat.
If people aren’t there in between then there is no reason to be there, no spontanous chatting and opportunities to make friends it’s just everyone coming on to be selfish and participate in the bits they want before leaving and getting perks from other guilds, it’s the kind of attitude that doesn’t allow for a solid community to blossom.
Being in a guild full time doesn’t mean you have to always talk or do everything with guildies. Your family example is flawed. You don’t always do and talk with your family 24/7 but does that mean you should remove your last name, change it for another family’s name and go over to their house because they happen to have a party and your current one isn’t?
The examples you give are also judgemental to think that guild leaders who require you to represent full time are therefore ‘rude, bad, wannabe dictators’ not to mention incredibly insulting (and against forum CoC).
If you don’t like how a guild is run you can leave it, if the leaders explain to you its full representation before you join and you don’t agree, don’t join. Full time representation requirement is not a binding contract and doesn’t mean you can never leave or join a different guild better suited to your desires.
I have no problem with guild-hopping and specialized guilds, what I am sick off is people insulting guilds who don’t, social PvX guilds. We leave you be and don’t come on here every two weeks to insult guild hoppers. Have some respect for diversity in guilds and the different rules they all have. If you disagree fair enough but there’s no call for such close-minded judgemental insults about people you don’t know nothing about.
There’s a lot of people who like this type of guild so why do we not have the same right as you to exist? If our rule when coming into our house was to put off your shoes, who are you to go around insulting us for it? Does that mean the people who live there are any less friendly or caring than you? If you hate it that much, don’t enter.
Edit: Also, being full time representation does not equal laziness in a guild leader, you can both provide plenty of things while being a full time representation guild. Not to mention what Conner said, We aren’t here to hold your hand every second of the day.
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
(edited by Fay.2735)
Our guild rule is pretty easy for multi-guild members.
Rule #1: Jade quarry is our primary WvW server. But we take members from any home server, as guesting allows us to group for any PvE content.
Rule#2: You cannot represent the guild if your home server is currently in a weekly match with Jade Quarry.
We don’t like the idea of guild members hunting each other in WvW…. leads to drama so we added rule #2.
well, you can see it this way… irl you can go out with 2 girl at the same time without any of them knowing that there is another girl. When you open guild tab and see “not representing” it’s like one of the two girl receive a text message saying that you are at the other girl’s home which is problematic. So either you make it clear to both girl that you have too much love to give for only one or you pick the one you prefer.
IRL you can have a wife and a job and play sports without them demanding all your time always (if they do, find a new job/wife/team).
I don’t know about the rage but this happens to me just last night. Someone from my wvw guild [wz] messaged me last night telling i was demoted to “unworthy” status which they will kick out of the guild for not representing and stuff.
I have 1000 kill at wvw with this guild so its crazy to be tagged as one.
Funny because they told me its fine to have another guild before i joined and just represent the guild whenever i do wvw. Which im doing eversince. And sometimes whenever i do pve i even actually stay and represent them asking members to join for some dungeon runs to help them with their sets and leveling.
Then he told me i should ask permission whenever i will not represent the guild.
Oh well i left the guild. I can still run wvw with out the need of havin one.
(edited by zajatorrete.2350)
I don’t know about the rage but this happens to me just last night. Someone from my wvw guild [wz] messaged me last night telling i was demoted to “unworthy” status which they will kick out of the guild for not representing and stuff.
I have 1000 kill at wvw with this guild so its crazy to be tagged as one.
Funny because they told me its fine to have another guild before i joined and just represent the guild whenever i do wvw. Which im doing eversince. And sometimes whenever i do pve i even actually stay and represent them asking members to join for some dungeon runs to help them with their sets and leveling.
Then he told me i should ask permission whenever i will not represent the guild.
Oh well i left the guild. I can still run wvw with out the need of havin one.
This is the type of guild that’s at the heart of the reason why people say such bad things about full representation guilds.
We aren’t all power crazy dictators who humiliate it’s members. I’ve always been extremely considerate in regards to representation and would never treat someone with such awful disrespect.
I’m sorry to hear you had such bad experience. Be assured there are nice guilds out there, just have to find it some of us just want to make a strong family bond, solid community feel but sadly I know the type of guild you speak of. It doesn’t happen to just full time representation guilds, it’s a far wider problem.
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
(edited by Fay.2735)
I don’t know about the rage but this happens to me just last night. Someone from my wvw guild [wz] messaged me last night telling i was demoted to “unworthy” status which they will kick out of the guild for not representing and stuff.
I have 1000 kill at wvw with this guild so its crazy to be tagged as one.
Funny because they told me its fine to have another guild before i joined and just represent the guild whenever i do wvw. Which im doing eversince. And sometimes whenever i do pve i even actually stay and represent them asking members to join for some dungeon runs to help them with their sets and leveling.
Then he told me i should ask permission whenever i will not represent the guild.
Oh well i left the guild. I can still run wvw with out the need of havin one.
This is the type of guild that’s at the heart of the reason why people say such bad things about full representation guilds.
We aren’t all power crazy dictators who humiliate it’s members. I’ve always been extremely considerate in regards to representation and would never treat someone with such awful disrespect.
I’m sorry to hear you had such bad experience. Be assured there are nice guilds out there, just have to find it
some of us just want to make a strong family bond, solid community feel but sadly I know the type of guild you speak of. It doesn’t happen to just full time representation guilds, it’s a far wider problem.
Thank You
I respect what they wanted to achieve in the guild. I just can’t be that guy they wanted me to become. And i am not against it, its jus funny how they decide and act on such matters.
I know there’s a lot of good guilds out there. i dont want to thing they are disappearing on my server.
Some other issue comes with Guesting, where far I know guilds do not earn influence if we are guesting in another server, neither the bonus from the Home server are added there.
Thinkin that way members of a Guild can’t also Guest in another server?
What’s wrong with you guys?
Asura thing.
I havent tried guesting yet but from what they said, even if you are guesting on another server you still earn influence for your guild on your home server, and also get the bonuses from your guild.
As for my guild, we have a rule. If you are in our guild you must spend the majority of the time online, representing our guild, which sounds very sensible. Personally I have no interest in lfg guilds or wvw coalition guilds (that is, guilds that are there only to have all people in wvw in a single guild). Im a one guild man, and I will always be.
Colin Johansen hits you for 239407889 damage
Game over
It is a matter of different guilds and different kind of players. In my view a guild that does not care about you representing is a bad guild, but that is because it does not suit me. But there is something out there for everyone and it does pay off to do a bit of research beforehand and ask about those things if they matter to you before joining.
One tip though for people who every now and then would love a quiet night: you can put your status on invisible in the friends list. That way nobody sees that you are online as you will show as offline. When you send a whisper to someone, they cannot whisper you back though as they get the message: player is offline.
i hate large guilds, there is nothing worse for the formation of cliques, melodrama and politics.
The guild i have finally settled into, is a nice small guild with enough members for pve content of which i am most interested at this point. We have quite a few members who represent other guilds, some no longer represent the guild at all, they don’t feel like members any more and I am sure a time will come when the Guild Leader will kick them. Others switch back at about the same time every day to check in and see whats happening, and there are others who know the play style for this guild and check in when they want reliable team mates for a dungeon run. These last types introduce us to guildies from other Guilds, and this fosters good relations between the guilds, I may even see about joining those guilds, as I feel that they are now"part of the family".
If you limit yourself to thinking in terms of marriage when it comes to a guild, you are doing it wrong, well unless marriage for you entails multiples of ten peoples. Guilds are like clubs, some are special interest and specialise in certain activities only, others are interested less in one activity as opposed to being a forum for many activites, and others again are all about social or familial settings-safe havens.
It is possible to be a member of many clubs, sometimes diverse clubs may even become entwined socially or otherwise thru shared interests or members.
It is impossible to be simultaneously married to many, in such a case you force divorce upon yourself or your members.
the choice is yours, just dont fool yourself into thinking you have the right to demand that your model is the only model out there :P
I was once in a guild where the the officers were always telling me to represent, but the funny thing was, these officers were rarely representing the guild themselves =D Yeah, I left that guild
I havent tried guesting yet but from what they said, even if you are guesting on another server you still earn influence for your guild on your home server, and also get the bonuses from your guild.
As for my guild, we have a rule. If you are in our guild you must spend the majority of the time online, representing our guild, which sounds very sensible. Personally I have no interest in lfg guilds or wvw coalition guilds (that is, guilds that are there only to have all people in wvw in a single guild). Im a one guild man, and I will always be.
If when we are in another server, we do have have the Bonus Guild, and the Guild doesn’t earn influence, it’s only a Home Server thing. It must work the same way with Guesting.
I don’t know but guilds should be global and not server based, the way the represent, influence and bonus works there are just… confusing.
Asura thing.
From the Point of view of a guild leader, it’s not so much the not representing that bothers me (although it does bother me a little to see loads of green squares with lines through.. it looks sad)
What bothers me is, along with the no last logged on feature, that there is no way to see how often someone represents and when the last time that they did represent was.
It’s just generally difficult to see who’s active and who’s not, since I keep track of activity by name recognition but non represeting players appear at the top of the roster when online so I see their names often and recognise them….. it’s just a bit messy is all.
This needs renewed attention specially from anet as their current system….. well it simply S***s. Guild leaders need a lot more data, and even better would be a feature as in some other games, that you get certain benefits from being in a guild which are more obvious.
So for example in return for influence you get points or standing at that guild and can get additional stuff and later on even better stuff from that guild in return. In that case when not representing and gaining for that guild, your points their go on hold and the counter for your other guild starts going up.
This way you can still get yourself a PVP & PVE guild yet multiple ones of the same kind (specially with people having 5 guilds for the guild missions) will be a lot less rewarding and therefor the guilds you actually ARE in get some decent rep time and you get rewarded for it in return.
Anet wanted better teamwork/teamply/community and I guess this wouldnt just be a small step towards it.
No one wants members just leeching members who take opportunities for buffs and commendations in return for nothing. And this is currently a rather big problem, especially for smaller guilds in GW2.
I think a partial solution to this problem would be to give leaders the ability to signal members that something “big” is going on, which would just play a message in the chat log something like “<Guild Officer> of X requests your presence” or something (this functionality would be triggered by a guild officer hitting a button in the guild panel, perhaps limited to some Y times per day, to limit abuse), and it would be up to the player to choose whether or not to switch over and represent/ participate.
Like a lot of things I think it comes down to thinking about what you want from a guild, and what guild leaders want from their members. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with requiring 100% representation, or with wanting to be in multiple guilds, the same way there’s nothing wrong with exclusive or open relationships. The problems start when two (or more) of the people involved have different expectations.
When I joined my guild I knew they wanted close to 100% representation and I actually saw that as a good thing for me. I didn’t want to join more than 1 guild and it meant everyone online is very likely to be at least reading guild chat. Since I was looking for a guild primarily as a social thing and secondly as a way of finding people to help me out that was essential.
When I decided to start my own guild for extra storage space I let my guild know I’d be logging in to that one and then switching over so I could collect the influence from logging in. I actually asked to be reminded/shouted at if I forgot to switch (which did happen sometimes). When I finally got my bank I let them know I might stop representing for a minute or two when accessing it but would remember to switch back afterwards, and they’re fine with it. (Correct me if I’m wrong guys.)
Someone else might want different guilds for different activities. Although that’s not me I can completely understand how it would make sense. But they shouldn’t then join a guild which requires 100% representation, because they’ll know it’s not going to be possible. Same way you wouldn’t join a guild that requires you to show up for regular Fractals runs if you hate doing Fractals.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
100% rep requirements make sense when you have full guilds of 400+ members and are trying to leave a mark as a huge zerg – or guilds that are trying to do that.
If you’re not one of those guilds, 100% rep requirements are pretty silly and I’d stay away from guilds with that req.
These things would help the situation a lot, in my view
1) Alliances. Guild Wars 1 had them as a fairly important feature, as does EVE, and did City of Heroes. At the very least, if it allowed several guilds to share a chat channel, this would allow small and big guilds to band together for things like bounties, dungeons, and other organized content. Fleshed out, we could have GW1’s AvA, but that’s a bit much to ask right now.
2) Custom chat channels. People who just want to chat with an organization, without playing the influence game, would be well served by these. They’d also provide an excellent LFG and roleplaying resource.
Looks like there are a lot of people who love being told what to do in Guild Wars 2.
Basically, if you aren’t spending your time participating in a guild with a limit to it’s size someone else will and the guild would rather have them.
If a guild “kicks” you, then obviously they were not a good match for you. Continue to test out other guilds until you find one that you like, and like you.
No they don’t own you, but you are non representing, you are not helping in any way shape or form, you are just taking a spot a meaningful player could use, you aren’t even bringing any conversation to the group so, its no loss if you moved on..
With your kittenty attitude I wouldn’t even waste my time with your guild and nor would I want to help your guild by representing. I don’t know why anyone would. I would say it is no loss if YOU move on.
Yeah I’ve never required members in my guild to represent(unless they’re officers). Sounds like they were just bad guilds so keep looking!
Wow so much silly attitude just because your pixels dont wanna show those few little letters next to your toon name.
Honestly, is it really worth all the childish prittel prattle just cos you are’nt repping for a certain guild, its not like their are any real tangeable benefits for guilds in GW2. Sure a few Guild points each time you log in, but they dont exactly do much for any guild.
The only thing even remotely worthwhile is the extra storage space and what’s the likelyhood of it being useable by many players in guild, cos if the guild leaders are smart they lock it down by ranks.To be honest the vast majority of content in GW2 is solo play with occasional external assistance in PvE. Sure WvW has a few groups running round but they mostly just pick up stragglers who want to tag along in the zerg to get map completion or loot.
Only time Guild teams are useful in GW2 is for Dungeon runing.. and as its maxed at 5 per team.. most guilds never really get to do much on a guild scale.So is the “you must rep my guild” blah blah blah really worth throwing your toys out of the pram for in GW2…
See this is exactly the kind of person most guilds don’t want. It’s as if he doesn’t even know that there are reasons worth repping. There are big boosts available, especially for WvW that make influence important. You don’t get the big influence just by logging in like this person believes, but by being active running the dungeons and grouping for events.
Most people not repping a decent guild aren’t serious about it. It makes sense to get rid of them.
It makes sense getting rid of the people who forget this is only a kitten game. You want serious, get off the game and go live life.
“It makes sense getting rid of the people who forget this is only a kitten game. You want serious, get off the game and go live life.”
It isn’t really your choice to tell people what they should and should not do, unfortunately. Guild leaders can, because they can make the ultimatum and can actually enforce it.
Like it’s been said, they only want you there for the influence now more than ever with the guild missions.
I’ve been in several guilds now I’m on one with 8 members, only 2 active, me and my brother.
The big guilds I was in did NOTHING for me, all the gold and exotic sets I got them by myself or PUGs for dungeons.
Honestly I wouldn’t wear a guild tag at all if it wasn’t to keep away the “come -join-our-super-friendly-guild-we’ll-help-you-with-anything-you-need”
I love this game but right from the start most (to not say all) guilds are like this.
Small group of +-10 at the top enjoin what the influence can buy (specially with guild missions now) and for the rest, scraps, if you can get another low ranking player to give you a hand consider yourself lucky.
I see multiple people in this thread saying that they require 100% rep because they are trying to build a “community” or “family”, but I’d ask them….do you know all of the people who are active on your roster at any one time?
I would say that any guild who is at, or near, the cap has no excuse as to why they would require 100% rep other than want for more influence or feeling insulted because someone decided that a little bit of their time was better spent with a different group.
Once a guild gets so large it stops being a family or community and starts becoming more like a cult; people join it because of the name and leaders want more people to join so they can further their name.
I help run a small guild, we have 35 members on the roster, maybe about 5-6 active on week nights and 10 or so active on Friday-Sunday nights…2-3 of the 35 member regularly..gasp…represent a different guild. If I want to include the non-representing members in our activities I whisper them and see if the want to join (I don’t ask that they represent). If people don’t represent and don’t participate at all, then I’ll let them know that we feel that they aren’t contributing to the social part of the guild, ask that they come chat/play with us a bit more, and if they don’t….then I’ll let them know that we let them go.
A few people not representing isn’t going to spoil a guild, it will only spoil the ego of the people running the guild. Granted, if a significant portion of the guild isn’t representing (I’d say >20% in guilds 50+ members, >30% in guilds <50) then it becomes an issue.
My personal opinion, take it or leave it. If anyone has similar thinking to mine, you are more than welcome to look me up in game, I’ll have a sympathetic ear to any dictator guild problems you want to vent about.
I’m trying to build a family in my guild. And I have a family in real life…but sometimes, they go visit other families. I don’t get it.
I don’t feel I have the right to insist that anyone in my family attend to me or family matters 24/7.
Just join a guild that suits you. Its just like finding a job in RL. There are full time jobs and there are part time jobs. You can do a full time job and hide that you are doing a part time job on the side. You can do multiple part time jobs or do without a job.
Yeah I’ve never required members in my guild to represent(unless they’re officers). Sounds like they were just bad guilds so keep looking!
So my guild is a bad guild because we require people to represent at all times? Troll post? Or just jumping to conclusions? I can do that too. It sounds to me that your guild is a bad guild if you don’t care about people representing.
We don’t care about influence, but in our guild each and every one is more than just another number, we treat them like that and we expect the same in return. People who do not represent, aren’t really part of the guild anyway (they cannot read nor participate in guild chat for example) and I really wonder why people would be in multiple guilds to begin with.
The only suggestion I have is, find a guild that does everything you like, instead of joining a seperate WvW and PvE guild.
I see multiple people in this thread saying that they require 100% rep because they are trying to build a “community” or “family”, but I’d ask them….do you know all of the people who are active on your roster at any one time?
Yes, we do. We do know each and every of our members (also on a more personal level) and we have almost 40 members in the list, and we all play together, we all hang out on teamspeak and we have a very nice community. Drama free aswell. One of the reasons we have this is because everyone is representing at all times
(edited by Hardist.3104)
Yeah I’ve never required members in my guild to represent(unless they’re officers). Sounds like they were just bad guilds so keep looking!
So my guild is a bad guild because we require people to represent at all times? Troll post? Or just jumping conclusions? I can do that too. It sounds to me that your guild is a bad guild if you don’t care about people representing.
We don’t care about influence, but in our guild each and every one is more than just another number, we treat them like that and we expect the same in return. People who do not represent, aren’t really part of the guild anyway (they cannot read nor participate in guild chat for example) and I really wonder why people would be in multiple guilds to begin with.
The only suggestion I have is, find a guild that does everything you like, instead of joining a seperate WvW and PvE guild.
As I’ve said before, I’m very close with some of my friends, but they have other friends as well. Sometimes they’re with those friends…it doesn’t make them less my friend. This whole, you must represent me all the time or you’re not really loyal seems a bit clingy to me.
We have a guild of about 80 and a very strong core of about 20-25 people in my guild. I think every single one of us is in at least one other guild. Doesn’t change the loyalty or dedication. Just gives people more options.
As a simple example, I have friends from Guild Wars 1 who have their own guild, slightly different from what mine was going to be. So they have their guild and sometimes, I go hang out with them, and I play with them, and I’m in their guild to talk to them. I don’t care any less about my guild just because I go visiting.
In fact, we have a visitor’s rank in our guild for people who just like us and sometimes want to hang out. Help on guild missions or just have some fun.
You don’t need to require complete total devotion from people to prove they care about you or your guild.
Saw this too, pretty much every guild I’ve been in had represent requirement (like “all the time” , “99% of the time” or “nearly always”). Shows that the multi-guild system isn’t liked by everyone.
Saw this too, pretty much every guild I’ve been in had represent requirement (like “all the time” , “99% of the time” or “nearly always”). Shows that the multi-guild system isn’t liked by everyone.
The multi guild system isn’t liked by a lot of people. But most of those people forget that in most games, including WoW, you could have another character on another server in another guild. People did it all the time. This isn’t particularly new. The only thing new is having it all out in the open.
Being in a PvE-specialised guild and in a WvW-specialised one, and representing either only during their respective format’s guild events, is often rightfully considered as a kind of leeching.
Guilds are also (mainly?) about community, they are not extended friendlists one can use to pop in and ask ‘1m for dungeon?’ then pop out, or represent only when it’s convenient for them.
That said, there are a number of ‘system’ guilds, for lack of a better word, that are created solely as extended friendlists. Dedicated Arah farming guild, which no one ever represents but everyone knows that each other on the roster is interested, generally, in doing Arah. Nighttime server guilds, which allow you to see how many offpeak WvWers your server has at a time.
Being the leader of a 450man guild, with up to 120 concurrently online and 20~30 online pretty much 24/7 (different people, ofc, just rough numbers), i do expect guildies to keep my guild as their main one, and the only big one they have. It’s mainly about the community factor – if you don’t rep, you don’t know those people, and they don’t know you; why take a slot then? To pop during our guild missions so you can leech commendations? No thanks – especially that we’re nearing 500 members, which does turn out to be too low cap, especially that there are no alliances.
I guess it’s all a matter of opinion, people have valid points both ways.
Personally, I’m in a guild that requires 100% rep and I’m perfectly fine with it. I think it comes down to what the player actually gets from the guild. In my case, my Guild does regular events every week. They do regular bounties, guild trek and rush and even have a Guild Raffle once a week. I realize that things like this take time and effort from the officers to host and organize. To me just asking me to click ‘Represent’ on all my characters is a pretty fair request. My representing and gaining influence is what gives the Guild the influence it needs to even be able to do a lot of these events.
Most of them have some flexibility though. In the guild I’m in, you’re allowed to drop your rep to use your own guild if you have your own Guild Stash, they just ask that after you’re done that you go back to representing the guild.
To me, I join a Guild to be part of that Guild. When I found a Guild I liked, I dropped all my other Guilds on my account. I will say though, I don’t think it’s fair for a Guild to ask 100% Rep unless they do all events (WvW, PVE, etc.) If your Guild was PVE only for example, requiring a 100% Rep would punish players when they want to find other players for other modes like WvW. In my case I’m fine with it because my Guild does it all.
“It makes sense getting rid of the people who forget this is only a kitten game. You want serious, get off the game and go live life.”
It isn’t really your choice to tell people what they should and should not do, unfortunately. Guild leaders can, because they can make the ultimatum and can actually enforce it.
I don’t care. Whatever! It still doesn’t change the fact it is a game. I am a guild leader and I don’t enforce a silly rule that my members have to represent 100% of the time. If they are representing me 100%, it’s because they want to and because I treat them like a human being and not a piece of influence. If they aren’t then they are doing activities my guild doesn’t par take in with the other guild. .. Guild Leaders can’t really enforce a kitten thing.. Members represent cause they want to not because they have to.. If they don’t want to represent they will leave or they wouldn’t have joined.. Members that are in a Guild that believes they are enforcing that silly rule, had already made up their mind they don’t want to rep more than one guild. You people are fooling yourself if you really believe you are making people do what you want them to do.
If they aren’t then they are doing activities my guild doesn’t par take in with the other guild.
The problem, as i see it in my guild, starts when your guild actually does everything the game has to offer (dungeons in both byob and speed runs, all guild missions more often than once a week, tournaments, more organised and byob wvw, open pve – farm / exploration / temples, social events – meetings in towns; you name it!), and you still have members multiguilding elsewhere, effectively staying out of the guild’s community.
It’s not about influence – my guild generates over 30k influence a day, sometimes more, so it’s not really an issue. It’s about the approach of players, respect to the guild and guildmates. Long story short, why would an established and organised guild keep people who rep them only during guild missions or when they want to join a guild event, when basically everyone else is a part of the guild community?
Mind it, it’s not about their in-game activity – they can play a few hours a week for what it’s worth, and take longer breaks. But when they are online and they are members of a different community, then why let them occupy guild slots?
(edited by drkn.3429)
The most simple solution would be, to make influence something totally seperate outside from the question if you represent a guild, or not.
it should be totally regardless, if you represent a guild, or not, in both ways should the guild gain influence. Just only with the difference, that a player, that represents a guild, should give the guild slightly more influence and by that should be allowed to use the full extent of features a guild can offer to that player.
Example: 1 and the same player, being in 2 guilds, Guild A is represented, Guild B not.
While player X is on, Guild A will receive simple double as much influence from player X, than Guild B.
If then people still kitten around not representing their guilds, only because they don’t get maximum influence, while they still get influence even von not representatign guild members, then you can really call these kinds of guilds very bad guilds, when peopel are still crying over imfluence, if they don’t get the maximum out of their members…
This would be a solution for both sides. Influence simple has to be independent from the question, if or if not your character is representing a guild.
Besides that change of the system, everythign else from that point on would be just a masster of discussion with the guilds about, how many days a week a certain guild wants to see a member representating their guild.
So for example, if Guild A wants to see that player X represents their guild at 3 of 7 days a week, and Guild 4 wants to see at 4 of 7 days a week a representation, then absolutely everythign would be fine for all sides with such a kind of system.
All this based ontimes a player logges into the game.
And you can see, when guild members log into the game. So in the end its just a matter of simple math.
When you as a guild officer of Guild B are seeing, that player X has logged into the game for the 4th day, then you know as Guild B, that payer X doesn’t have to represent Guild B for the next 3 days … player X is also freeto represent in that time, whoever he/she wants. But in those 3 days would receive Guild B still some influence from player X, but just only half of that, what Guild B would normally get, if player X would represent them.
Yeah I’ve never required members in my guild to represent(unless they’re officers). Sounds like they were just bad guilds so keep looking!
So my guild is a bad guild because we require people to represent at all times? Troll post? Or just jumping conclusions? I can do that too. It sounds to me that your guild is a bad guild if you don’t care about people representing.
We don’t care about influence, but in our guild each and every one is more than just another number, we treat them like that and we expect the same in return. People who do not represent, aren’t really part of the guild anyway (they cannot read nor participate in guild chat for example) and I really wonder why people would be in multiple guilds to begin with.
The only suggestion I have is, find a guild that does everything you like, instead of joining a seperate WvW and PvE guild.
As I’ve said before, I’m very close with some of my friends, but they have other friends as well. Sometimes they’re with those friends…it doesn’t make them less my friend. This whole, you must represent me all the time or you’re not really loyal seems a bit clingy to me.
Exactly this. Guilds are most comparable to real-life group of friends (those comparing it to a real life romantic relationship are taking it a bit too seriously). In real life, I have multiple groups of friends. They don’t get angry or threaten to stop being my friends if I do things with my other friends sometimes. Sure, if I never do anything with them, it might harm the friendship, but as long as I’m spending a decent amount of time with each group of friends, it’s no harm.
I do understand if guilds kick people for rarely representing – those spots should go to people who at least enjoy the community of the guild and want to spend some time with them. But to threaten kicking them if they don’t represent 100% of the time – that’s just insecure leadership. Sometimes people want to spend time with different communities of friends in-game as well. If a guild can’t handle their members occasionally spending time with other groups – they are overly controlling.
As long as the member shows an interest in spending time and effort with the guild’s community, they should be allowed the trust and leeway to also spend time with other group of friends. There’s no reason anyone needs to devote 100% of their time with only a single community in this game – and I for one love the fact that GW2 lets me have both a big guild and a small tight-knit guild of RL friends, something no other MMO I’ve played has offered. Luckily for me, my larger guild has no problem with its members representing other guilds as they long as they don’t ignore them entirely. It’s sad that there’s a lot of guilds that don’t find this acceptable.
All that said – I’m still fine with a guild requiring 100% representation if they are up front about it during recruitment. I personally think it’s an unnecessary requirement, but if they want to have it, that is their choice – but just be very clear on that when recruiting. Don’t recruit people without making that expectation clear than get angry when they spend some time with other guilds.
(edited by Caledore.6271)
If they aren’t then they are doing activities my guild doesn’t par take in with the other guild.
The problem, as i see it in my guild, starts when your guild actually does everything the game has to offer (dungeons in both byob and speed runs, all guild missions more often than once a week, tournaments, more organised and byob wvw, open pve – farm / exploration / temples, social events – meetings in towns; you name it!), and you still have members multiguilding elsewhere, effectively staying out of the guild’s community.
It’s not about influence – my guild generates over 30k influence a day, sometimes more, so it’s not really an issue. It’s about the approach of players, respect to the guild and guildmates. Long story short, why would an established and organised guild keep people who rep them only during guild missions or when they want to join a guild event, when basically everyone else is a part of the guild community?
Mind it, it’s not about their in-game activity – they can play a few hours a week for what it’s worth, and take longer breaks. But when they are online and they are members of a different community, then why let them occupy guild slots?
What about people who have personal guilds, just for extra storage (which a lot of people do). What about people who have real life friends who have a tiny guild, and their friends really don’t want to join a big guild, but aren’t on all the time. What about people like me, who live in Australia, but I belong to a US guild and at times, there’s very few people around to play with?
There are very legit reasons to be in multiple guilds, even if your guild does everything.
Good you left those guilds i hate guilds that force anything on the player.
Lol at all the people saying “if you don’t represent i would kick you or yell at you as well”. Kinda why i don’t like the multiple guild system. Even in a casual game people think their guilds are more job like than an area were they can get people together have friendly conversations and do content together. It’s not a job, it’s not a must have, and it is certainty not something you can force on the player. If you want people to represent for something throw em a whisper. If you want people who only represent your guild maybe you should only invite your friends as randoms aren’t gonna stay in a guild they have no friends in.
Seriously stop telling players how to play their game be happy they even wanted to include you and your guild. Work with them throw em whisper when you want them to represent. Be nice helpful and involve them and they will stay otherwise your guild isn’t offering what they want at the time and you should accept that. Guilds claiming to be PvX or everything aren’t either they do them at certain times were as other guilds can focus the entirety of their time on that situation so your shooting yourself in the foot by doing that as well if your looking to keep members representing.
Also if you have 300-400+ members and your still recruiting….wtf why do you need so many people your just causing this whole situation to happen all over again while stealing players that could head to more focused guilds. Your also turning your guild into a big school click scenario certain people flocking to certain groups due to who is in them and then you get drama because of it.
I don’t like the multiple guild system at all. I used to be in two guilds because I had friends in both but you can only play one and give influence to one at a time so there’s no point really.
In GW1 we had an alliance system that worked quite well. You had your guild but you had several other guilds in your alliance and you could talk and play with all of them and get influence for the entire ally. I wish we had a system like this instead of the one we have here.
If I join a guild and only half the people online are representing, I’m going to leave.