Why must people keep shouting expansion?
I want an expansion because I would like to see one of the other continents… but above all I dont want to live through another season of the LS if its anything like this years was… I would gladly pay for an expansion in exchange for no more LS. And to clarify by expansion I mean not just some little chunk added onto the original game I mean an expansion true to guild wars original nature that is essentially a stand alone game that can be linked to the other games.
A stand alone I would not like to see, why would you want a stand-alone? You can add in all the same amount of content without it being standalone. I don’t really see the benefit, only negatives compared to a normal expansion.
It doesn’t need to be but I meant in terms of quantity of content where as if they were to just do an expansion I would gamble they would just stick to filling out the current map which isn’t what I want.
People are shouting for expansions because this game currently has a total lack of content to keep people logging in.
Don’t make ridiculous statements. This game puts out more content that any MMO ever created.
You’re joking, right? You have to be joking…
Yeah, must have been ironic. Noone would seriously think that fluff and recycled zerg stuff is real content, compared to what other games patch in…
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
I could be wrong but I tend to believe that most of the player base in GW2 is only hanging around because the MMO industry is stagnant. Players are clinging to GW2 because they enjoy MMOs and “what else is there?” ..decade old WoW? swiftly declining LotRO? dead and nearly decade old GW1? Eve?(takes a unique person) etc. There’s nothing much out there right at the moment. This could all change soon with releases like Wildstar, ESO and Destiny. So with that in mind I think Arenanet really needs to get a move on with expanded content and I can only hope it makes the game more interesting as a whole.
No real need to be derisive of other people’s opinions. Some would rather have bi-weekly releases rather than waiting much longer periods of time. Some believe that what might be found in what is normally termed ‘expansion’ can be delivered through the Living Story method of content releases.
No one knows, as of now, how said content may be released, only that it will come, according to the Devs. You can believe that, or no. I would prefer it was released through the Living Story, but that is my, and just my, preference.
No real need to be derisive of other people’s opinions. Some would rather have bi-weekly releases rather than waiting much longer periods of time. Some believe that what might be found in what is normally termed ‘expansion’ can be delivered through the Living Story method of content releases.
No one knows, as of now, how said content may be released, only that it will come, according to the Devs. You can believe that, or no. I would prefer it was released through the Living Story, but that is my, and just my, preference.
You do realize that people have very little faith in whole Living Story thing, right? Be honest with yourself; is the Living Story good fun content? Most of us would say no. Now, sure the Living Story is free, which is nice, but because it’s free it places undue emphasis on luring players to the gem store. So, thus far, the living story has provided us with poorly written, stale, temporary content designed to draw players to the gem store. You may be okay with that model, but many players are not.
A paid expansion wouldn’t require the gem store for revenue and theoretically opens up more development time for actual fun content. Now, do I have faith in Anet to create fun content anymore? Not really. But, when one approach (living story) doesn’t produce good content, why keep at it? Change your approach.
I can see the expansion now.
Guild Wars 2: Scarlet’s Return
For 14 monthes, ANet has told us that fun is the following:
- Very little real content/story every two weeks.
- Grinding this content over and over and over again, for the chance to get some super rare item
-Grinding this content over and over and over again, to collect hundreds/thousands of items to get some nice stuff.
How anyone who has not come from an asian grinder can be happy with this is beyond me.
An expansion at least gives the hope that we get something real, that feels immersive, maybe massive and entertaining without mindless repetitive grind.
That is why people ask for an expansion.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
I think the major disappointment here is that, despite Anet being a much larger company then during the GW1 days, comparably little new content has been released so far. The Living Story is fine… flawed but occasionally entertaining. Unfortunately those flaws are made worse by the fact that they are the ONLY source of new content for the foreseeable future.
GW2 has been out for about 19 months now. At 18 months GW1 had released both Factions and Nightfall. During that time there were non-expansion updates of GW1 that included balance, polish, holiday updates and the addition of Sorrow’s Furnace. So GW2 and GW1 are at a place where we can compare the two (not including holidays, which were included in GW1 separate from expansions)
- —-———————Nightfall —- Factions —-Living Story
New Zones-—————34———-33———————1
New Guild Halls———4————4———————-0
New Professions———2————2———————-0
New Armor sets
normal gameplay)——-54———80———————-0
New Weapons
normal gameplay)——115+—-110+——————-34
New Skills—————-460——330———————-9
(As a note, I couldn’t find an exact number for armor and weapons, so I did a quick count on wiki, so those numbers aren’t exact, but the point remains).
As far as quests and missions are concerned, I couldn’t find an exact number for the living story, since they’re a combination of dungeons, achievements and events. But Nightfall added 20 missions and 250 quests and Factions added 13 missions and 200 quests. And, perhaps more important then the number, they were permanent. Both also added permanent elite areas which have no real comparison in GW2 except perhaps fractals or dungeons, but I’m not sure how comparable they are.
All this, despite the fact that Anet was a significantly smaller company back then. If the Living Story were actually comparable to what Anet had previously defined as expansions, I think a lot more people would be happy. Instead it feels like we get these meager releases focused around the Gem store. I’m sure it’s lucrative for them, but it’s a far worse game experience for me.
(edited by funkylovemonkey.3097)
I’m not disappointed in the living story. My only issue with it is balance, and I assume it’s released without playtesting at scale (cause really how could they playtest it at scale) so it bad balance is something that seems forgivable to me; I Imagine that they’ll get better at balance as time goes on.
Somebody already mentioned my biggest reason for wanting an expansion-increased zone access. I love going to AC knowing that it is the same place I frequented with my GW1 monk; I like looking at the maps and comparing them because I think it’s cool how close they stuck to the original layouts. I want to see the Crystal Desert and the Maguuma Wastelands again; I want to see whats going on in Cantha and the Jade Sea, and what going on in Elona ~250 years since I last visited.
They could produce(?) and open these zones through Living Story content, but that would be a marked change from what they have been doing with the LS, so I don’t expect they will. Furthermore Elona is only suggested on the overworld map by the Elon river right now and Cantha is nowhere to be seen, as far as I can tell. :/
I will happily continue playing the game as is, but I would also happily throw my money at an opportunity to return to these zones.
What people fail to realize is that these negative remarks and comments are not a bash against GW2 or Anet but a warning of players who are not happy with the current path this game is on.
There are obviously a lot of us as these forums have continued posts on the topic as well as many guilds I know are loosing players left and right.
The people defending this game in it’s current state are doing the game no justice. No one wants this game to fail but at the same time no one is going to support a second rate game either.
Anet’s development team needs a harsh reality check. These posts are consumers who aren’t happy with the product and desire it to improve.
Eventually they will get tired and move on to other games, but understand while you may not care each player who leaves is a loss for Anet.
LS is a failed attempt at content. They tried and I give them credit but to keep pushing a failed concept that a very large amount of people don’t like it foolish.
What you fail to understand though that most people don’t bother giving any solid opinions ending up going with the hating train. They aren’t giving feedback, they just login, threaten Anet that they will leave to another game and then pull out a fact like ‘’PERFECT WORLD WAS 100 TIMES MORE POPULAR THAN GW2 EVER WILL BE’’. How do you await people to take the arguments seriously?
The issue isn’t in the opinions but the negativity introduced as pure arrogant hating threads and commenst, not logical feedback offered in a mannerable way to let ppl discuss an actual issue.
When you enter a place, insulting the community and the company as the first thing to do. Don’t await people to take your words seriously.
Obviously we need an expansion.
And the holy trinity.
And instanced raids.
And then complaints can turn into how the game has turned into yet another WoW clone.
Nanuchka, norn mesmer: “BOOZEAHOL!”
Tarnished Coast – Still Here, El Guapo!
What people fail to realize is that these negative remarks and comments are not a bash against GW2 or Anet but a warning of players who are not happy with the current path this game is on.
There are obviously a lot of us as these forums have continued posts on the topic as well as many guilds I know are loosing players left and right.
The people defending this game in it’s current state are doing the game no justice. No one wants this game to fail but at the same time no one is going to support a second rate game either.
Anet’s development team needs a harsh reality check. These posts are consumers who aren’t happy with the product and desire it to improve.
Eventually they will get tired and move on to other games, but understand while you may not care each player who leaves is a loss for Anet.
LS is a failed attempt at content. They tried and I give them credit but to keep pushing a failed concept that a very large amount of people don’t like it foolish.
What you fail to understand though that most people don’t bother giving any solid opinions ending up going with the hating train. They aren’t giving feedback, they just login, threaten Anet that they will leave to another game and then pull out a fact like ‘’PERFECT WORLD WAS 100 TIMES MORE POPULAR THAN GW2 EVER WILL BE’’. How do you await people to take the arguments seriously?
The issue isn’t in the opinions but the negativity introduced as pure arrogant hating threads and commenst, not logical feedback offered in a mannerable way to let ppl discuss an actual issue.
When you enter a place, insulting the community and the company as the first thing to do. Don’t await people to take your words seriously.
I can list countless posts of solid feedback which has gone ignored.
Also, I will give Anet credit in one department. The moderation on these forums is Stalin like. Anything that has the potential to make them or this product look bad regardless of how much proof is posted gets removed and removed quick.
I only wish they used less resources on moderation and more on game development.
The problem is this – I have seen this happen to more games I liked then I care to mention and it always happens the same way.
Players get frustrated, Forums light up and are simply dismissed at trolls and people who don’t know what they are talking about, Forums get quiet, players start to leave and the snowball effect happens.
Same thing, game after game after game.
Will GW2 Die? No, but it will take a severe hit which will end up with less resources for development which ends up with even less content then we are getting now.
There is a reason this many people are complaining. Anet needs be MUCH more vocal with the community and give us something to work with.
Anet is far to vague for the position they are in.
Also, Like it or not every single game on the market will be effected by these new releases and will loose some players at least temporarily. The point is for a lot of players currently there really isn’t a reason to come back to this game once gone.
We are the consumers – which equates to Anet should be giving us a game we the player base wants to play not a game they want us to play.
Big difference.
Loyalty To None
Well, I have faith that GW2 got a huge chance of releasing an impressing LS2 if they try to tweak the mechanics, something they said they will as they know that the first season was recieved poorly and didn’t live up to the company’s on paper plans.
Like I said many times before, I think it’s possible to deliver similar content with the LS (but there are other problems like the cash-shop focus (that influences content) they will still need to then support the game)
However, they did say exactly that (making those changes) 8 months ago about LS1. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Too-Much-Temporary-Content-Can-Only-Harm-GW2/page/2#post2377352 So it’s really not strange that many people don’t want it anymore. Anet did get it’s change to make it right and they blew it.
Whether its further western Maguuma, the Far Shiverpeaks, or Elona, we’re getting new explorable content in Living Story Season 2. It has to be, we’re fighting a dragon and there aren’t any to be found on the current explorable map.
Someone also noticed the Tengu have new animations. If the threat of a new dragon reaches Caledon or they spy an opportunity in the ruins of Lion’s Arch, its possible our avian friends are about to pick a side.
And with new lands a certainty and a new race likely, then there’s not much reason for an expansion to go alongside Season 2.
But does that also automatically mean that the LS will not be lists of achievements people need to complete against the time if they want to get those achievements and rewards. It’s that what many people also dislike about it. Even if you would throw in a few new maps.
I think everybody understands we will get some new maps in the LS2 but that does not mean many of the bad elements of the LS will be gone.
Cause this game is out of contents
If you being here for more than 1 year you would know.
And NO, sorry most people, no one like to GRIND dungeons and lame Escape Lionarch for 1 hundreds times.
Who care about all these Holidays and Christmas, Lion Arch Pirate blah blah, it’s all pointing to GRIND, worst content for MMO, why do you think no one play those grindfest FREE asian mmo. No wonder these events are free, who would pay for these boring events, honestly gamer perspective.
Work on the freaking expansion please, make more money, at least that offer better story. Cause even for end-gamers, camping Shatter and Jungle Wurm for 100 times is no fun at all.
The funny part is, when you look at Guild Wars 2 World Map, it’s so misleading, clearly showing twice more lands than the game really offer. False marketing intention? Sad really…
(edited by baalblade.8465)
I personally think that ArenaNet is working on expansion from quite some time. Just because they are working doesn’t mean that it will be announced or released anytime soon. As far as I know ArenaNet is quite large developer (around 270 emplyees). Don’t you guys think that with this number of ppl working on game we would get something better than whole Living Story?. In my opinion there are working around 30 ppl on living story, and what is doing rest of 240? For me this whole Living Story is just a way to keep this game alive between expansions and a way to earn some extra money by cash shop. Anyhow there are stilll at least 3 dragons to kill And from what we seen on LS ending next one joined their team
The problem here is that ArenaNet pretty much said that if they do the LS correctly they do not need expansions. So they really see it as there substitute for expansions.
Now most people have concluded that they did not do it right with the living story but seeing how we now just go into LS S2 Anet seems to think different about that.
Another problem is that if this game was to be generate it’s income with expansions (B2P) we would have already seen a expansions by now.
Because once they get it then they can complain that something is behind a pay wall. At least that what going to happen if we do get an expansion.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
Now, could the LS technically add all of those things? Sure. But nothing about LS so far suggests that it will. Its a possibility, but that’s all it is. An expansion is almost guaranteed to add most / all of those, at least if its a fully fleshed-out and well-made one. So between clinging to LS and hoping and praying they add more substancial stuff to the game or hoping for an expansion that will definitely add those things, I’d rather go for the expansion.
Maybe it also has to do with what they need to sell.
You want people to buy an expansion, then you need to make a good sellable expansion.
You want people to buy better looking skins you need to add in better looking sellable skins.
What we have seen during the 1,5 + year is that skins got more and more flashy, shiny and effects. So that fits with them wanting to sell those things.
They are not selling an expansion so making new good interesting sellable content like that has much lower priority.
LS is a failed attempt at content. They tried and I give them credit but to keep pushing a failed concept that a very large amount of people don’t like it foolish.
This boils down to one of the main 3 problems I see with this game. They really want to do thinks different for the sake of doing it different and with that comes being stubborn to agree something did not work and maybe an old concept was better.
I even made a thread about that: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Problem-of-being-different-for-the-sake-of-it/first#post3316912
You see that with a few things like indeed with the LS. While I do not say the holy trinity should come back, many people do see the dps, dps, dps as boring and so far they have not done anything about that.
Raids.. People are now bypassing the system in a way to create raids anyway, making special guilds and going to specific servers to so create there own instanced raid.
Lastly DE what is not bad at all but it is not really able to completely replace the traditional quest and don’t make you feel like you make a change because stuff keeps happening again (in contradiction with a traditional quest that you complete only once).
That are all elements that have some problems but it seems like they really don’t want to agree that some of those innovations did not work.
Others did like JP’s and DE did give something extra to the world and the movement-system and trying new races as the Sylvari and the dodging mechanism and linking skills to weapons.
Them being stubborn about it maybe has to do with how they promoted the game.. ‘Oow those other games have those bad ways of doing thinks but we do it much better…’ when you say that it might feel sort of feel shameful to then later have to agree that your new system (parts you promoted so much) was maybe the lesser of the two.
In reality there is nothing wrong with it. You try things and some work and some fail. Not wanting to agree something failed and should be improved is the bigger problem.
When you try so many new things some will fail and those should be changed.
No real need to be derisive of other people’s opinions. Some would rather have bi-weekly releases rather than waiting much longer periods of time. Some believe that what might be found in what is normally termed ‘expansion’ can be delivered through the Living Story method of content releases.
No one knows, as of now, how said content may be released, only that it will come, according to the Devs. You can believe that, or no. I would prefer it was released through the Living Story, but that is my, and just my, preference.
I think we will get some of that stuff in GW2 but it’s not completely correct what you say..
You say No one know if it comes.. yeah true, nobody ever knows the future but everybody knows they said it would come (they said that at the beginning of season 1) now we are at the end of season 1 and it has not come. So everybody knows it did not come in season 1.
For me personally it’s not about being afraid it will absolutely not be coming in the LS. For me it’s mainly that if they release it with the LS it means they will keep generating income with the cash-shop and you keep having all the negative effects from that. That why I would like to see them go to expansions and focusing generating income from that in stead of the cash-shop, as a true B2P game does. And that is what I did buy.
“Most of us” and “most of the playerbase” is often used in this thread as “I.”
The only reason I see people wanting expansions is them being conditioned to get them over time (including those who played GW1), but this particular game doesn’t really “need” one as it stands. The one benefit from expansions are a possible influx of new players-but they could achieve something to that effect with clever advertising (especially whenever big patches are coming). The bad is having players getting skills/stats/professions/weapons/maps/races possibly not available to non-buyers. For that reason alone, I think that making wise and intelligent living story updates, followed with intermittent big content patches can work for many years without need for players to pay $40-$60 more (especially considering the store does have a gem shop already.)
I never liked Scarlet Briar (too much power and intelligence for a normal Sylvari-even for an Elder Dragon minion), but that doesn’t mean I must demand an expansion just because I didn’t. It makes sense only in the idealistic world of players where they see expansions as “fresh” new content that won’t go away (not a slight on idealists, as I am one myself). I am sure, though, that there are so many maps to be unveiled, from the ones on our current map to who knows where. At some point our explorable world will be MUCH larger and permanently, expansion or otherwise.
Stick for the fun to come-the journey has just started. Or play whatever else and come back when/if you get bored of the other games as well-I am sure the world will be more expansive by then.
Obviously we need an expansion.
And the holy trinity.
And instanced raids.And then complaints can turn into how the game has turned into yet another WoW clone.
You are referring to a few of the elements many people complain about but you forget GW2 is different because of much more reasons. JP’s, dodging, few skills, skills linked to your weapon.
Yes Anet did try very hard to be different and new. Some of those tries worked out, some did not. Being afraid to then take a step back with those things is no shame.
LS is a failed attempt at content. They tried and I give them credit but to keep pushing a failed concept that a very large amount of people don’t like it foolish.
This boils down to one of the main 3 problems I see with this game. They really want to do thinks different for the sake of doing it different and with that comes being stubborn to agree something did not work and maybe an old concept was better.
I even made a thread about that: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Problem-of-being-different-for-the-sake-of-it/first#post3316912
You see that with a few things like indeed with the LS. While I do not say the holy trinity should come back, many people do see the dps, dps, dps as boring and so far they have not done anything about that.
Raids.. People are now bypassing the system in a way to create raids anyway, making special guilds and going to specific servers to so create there own instanced raid.
Lastly DE what is not bad at all but it is not really able to completely replace the traditional quest and don’t make you feel like you make a change because stuff keeps happening again (in contradiction with a traditional quest that you complete only once).
That are all elements that have some problems but it seems like they really don’t want to agree that some of those innovations did not work.
Others did like JP’s and DE did give something extra to the world and the movement-system and trying new races as the Sylvari and the dodging mechanism and linking skills to weapons.
Them being stubborn about it maybe has to do with how they promoted the game.. ‘Oow those other games have those bad ways of doing thinks but we do it much better…’ when you say that it might feel sort of feel shameful to then later have to agree that your new system (parts you promoted so much) was maybe the lesser of the two.
In reality there is nothing wrong with it. You try things and some work and some fail. Not wanting to agree something failed and should be improved is the bigger problem.
When you try so many new things some will fail and those should be changed.
Thing is, the living story hasn’t “failed” per se, like it or not.
The DPS races are lacking, but they won’t (thankfully) bring back the “Trinity”, and I personally am convinced, unlike MANY players, that without a trinity all that matters isn’t only DPS-they just need to work with their content to accommodate their combat mechanics better, so it doesn’t boil down to “who kills it fastest wins”.
They have also seen some bad come from a few of their decisions and have adapted/done differently later on.
So basically I disagree many GW2 concepts are a failure just because Devata and many others dislike how it’s “different for its own sake.” It’s all in the Eye of the Beholder.
The following statement I also apply to myself: my personal opinions, views, and values are not those of the whole world, however strong they may be.
What we may think “must” be good for the game may not be viable or practical considering the needs of GW2, its employees, or indeed the whole playing community. I also believe they try to cater too much to all sort of players, often failing to appease many in the process-that they kind of listen too much at times (that ’s my own impression-hopefully I am wrong). I think they should stick to their original plan as well as they can, listening to player suggestions, but not going too wild in letting US define what their game is or how it “must” be moving forwards.
(Edited to add that DPS race events area actually not entirely bad if they are scattered here and there, because players that like “DPSing” should have something to enjoy too. What is currently problematic is the impression that direct damage is be-all end-all right now, but DPS race events by themselves are not “bad” if they aren’t pervasive.)
(edited by Star Ace.5207)
Because once they get it then they can complain that something is behind a pay wall. At least that what going to happen if we do get an expansion.
Why would they complain about that.
Most people here are asking for it. By saying they would complain about that is saying they just complain to complain what it a cheap way to try and dismiss everything without having to use any arguments.
Besides, Anet did promise those expansions from the beginning: http://www.videogamer.com/news/guild_wars_2_expansions_a_sure_thing_says_arenanet_2.html
If the expansions are good then there are not a lot of reasons to complain about a good paied expansion.
“Most of us” and “most of the playerbase” is often used in this thread as “I.”
Well it’s hard to deny that many people ask for it and saying something like “it’s the load minority” is something people denying it use a lot.
but this particular game doesn’t really “need” one as it stands.
Thats your opinion but many people would like to have one and might ‘need’ it to get the fun they need. Of course that all depends on the quality of the expansion.
The bad is having players getting skills/stats/professions/weapons/maps/races possibly not available to non-buyers. For that reason alone, I think that making wise and intelligent living story updates, followed with intermittent big content patches can work for many years without need for players to pay $40-$60 more (especially considering the store does have a gem shop already.)
There is now a lot of stuff available for a short time only. People are not able to get that anymore. So some people not being able to get things is already the case. With an expansion they will have the option to buy the new content. Something most will have no problem with because they where also willing to buy the game.
Yes now we have a cash-shop.. the focus on that shop is the cause for many of the things we see now. Like temporary nature of things, gold grind, missing end-game (like going into the world to collect mini’s and skins) that is not linked behind that cash-shop / boring gold-grind.
LS is a failed attempt at content. They tried and I give them credit but to keep pushing a failed concept that a very large amount of people don’t like it foolish.
This boils down to one of the main 3 problems I see with this game. They really want to do thinks different for the sake of doing it different and with that comes being stubborn to agree something did not work and maybe an old concept was better.
I even made a thread about that: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Problem-of-being-different-for-the-sake-of-it/first#post3316912
You see that with a few things like indeed with the LS. While I do not say the holy trinity should come back, many people do see the dps, dps, dps as boring and so far they have not done anything about that.
Raids.. People are now bypassing the system in a way to create raids anyway, making special guilds and going to specific servers to so create there own instanced raid.
Lastly DE what is not bad at all but it is not really able to completely replace the traditional quest and don’t make you feel like you make a change because stuff keeps happening again (in contradiction with a traditional quest that you complete only once).
That are all elements that have some problems but it seems like they really don’t want to agree that some of those innovations did not work.
Others did like JP’s and DE did give something extra to the world and the movement-system and trying new races as the Sylvari and the dodging mechanism and linking skills to weapons.
Them being stubborn about it maybe has to do with how they promoted the game.. ‘Oow those other games have those bad ways of doing thinks but we do it much better…’ when you say that it might feel sort of feel shameful to then later have to agree that your new system (parts you promoted so much) was maybe the lesser of the two.
In reality there is nothing wrong with it. You try things and some work and some fail. Not wanting to agree something failed and should be improved is the bigger problem.
When you try so many new things some will fail and those should be changed.
Thing is, the living story hasn’t “failed” per se, like it or not.
The DPS races are lacking, but they won’t (thankfully) bring back the “Trinity”, and I personally am convinced, unlike MANY players, that without a trinity all that matters isn’t only DPS-they just need to work with their content to accommodate their combat mechanics better, so it doesn’t boil down to “who kills it fastest wins”.
They have also seen some bad come from a few of their decisions and have adapted/done differently later on.
So basically I disagree many GW2 concepts are a failure just because Devata and many others dislike how it’s “different for its own sake.” It’s all in the Eye of the Beholder.
The following statement I also apply to myself: my personal opinions, views, and values are not those of the whole world, however strong they may be.
What we may think “must” be good for the game may not be viable or practical considering the needs of GW2, its employees, or indeed the whole playing community. I also believe they try to cater too much to all sort of players, often failing to appease many in the process-that they kind of listen too much at times (that ’s my own impression-hopefully I am wrong). I think they should stick to their original plan as well as they can, listening to player suggestions, but not going too wild in letting US define what their game is or how it “must” be moving forwards.
(Edited to add that DPS race events area actually not entirely bad if they are scattered here and there, because players that like “DPSing” should have something to enjoy too. What is currently problematic is the impression that direct damage is be-all end-all right now, but DPS race events by themselves are not “bad” if they aren’t pervasive.)
Define ‘failed’. Many people don’t like it and maybe in a stripped-down version it would work. Yes stripped-down, not an even bigger list of achievements and so on.
Best imho would be a stripped-down version with no temporary achievements / rewards but just a small slowly ongoing story (a lot like the first few LS patches) that then leads up to an expansion.
So the idea of doing something like a LW does not have to be bad but the way they do it is not liked by many people. I would define that as failed.
For the holy trinity like I said I am not saying they have to go back to that but the dps dps dps we have now is also something that is not liked by many people. It was just an example so will not go into that more.
‘’Why must people keep shouting expansion’’
This question has been answered so many times and it is so obvious that it baffles me that people still ask it and dont know why.
In short expansion has 1000% more quality content and huge variety of permanent content that the current LS content cant even be compared too.
LS is just baby-food compared to expansion content which is massive a 1000pound burger with triple fries and milkshake. Had you played any previously released mmos that did expansions you would have known the value of a expansion.
Anet trying to be original and special with their revolutionary ‘’Living story’’ fail to see that it actually isn’t working out. Last time i logged in gw2 was 2-3 days after the last LS update was released. I logged in, played trough the new content in few hours, did my achievements, crafted a little and logged out to play different game.
I just dont have the motivation and the ability to play a game where we are given mindless zerg content every 2 weeks. Zerg content sucks man.
Back to ArcheAge, gliding is fun as hell.
JPs are despised by many people (including me-especially when forced inside a Dungeon, ala CoE laser room). Are they thus a failure?
In short, Devata, we’ll never agree because we see things differently, and that’s fine.
For instance, you don’t like the gem shop, and the way Living Story for you represents more of it vs “the expansion model”, yet I would bet that many people would still rather have said shop than paying an additional sum on top of it to get access to new content and features. I don’t care who is “most players” (I bet you have no proof your opinion is representative of the majority), but the game is ultimately more than what we wish it was for only ourselves.
JPs are despised by many people (including me-especially when forced inside a Dungeon, ala CoE laser room). Are they thus a failure?
In short, Devata, we’ll never agree because we see things differently, and that’s fine.
For instance, you don’t like the gem shop, and the way Living Story for you represents more of it vs “the expansion model”, yet I would bet that many people would still rather have said shop than paying an additional sum on top of it to get access to new content and features. I don’t care who is “most players” (I bet you have no proof your opinion is representative of the majority), but the game is ultimately more than what we wish it was for only ourselves.
So, your whole argument boils down to “I don’t want to spend more money on this game”.
Great, so we’re in agreement that the content ANet released so far is not worth paying for. Thanks for undermining your own argument.
JPs are despised by many people (including me-especially when forced inside a Dungeon, ala CoE laser room). Are they thus a failure?
In short, Devata, we’ll never agree because we see things differently, and that’s fine.
For instance, you don’t like the gem shop, and the way Living Story for you represents more of it vs “the expansion model”, yet I would bet that many people would still rather have said shop than paying an additional sum on top of it to get access to new content and features. I don’t care who is “most players” (I bet you have no proof your opinion is representative of the majority), but the game is ultimately more than what we wish it was for only ourselves.
So, your whole argument boils down to “I don’t want to spend more money on this game”.
Great, so we’re in agreement that the content ANet released so far is not worth paying for. Thanks for undermining your own argument.
He did not say anything of the sort there. In fact he pointed out that (some) people prefer a means of spending money on the game that does not involve buying an expansion.
If the Living Story had been at all good, people wouldn’t want an expansion this badly.
Yes, this. I see people repeat the mantra “The LS can do anything an expansion can.” It can but it hasn’t, and people are losing faith that it ever will.
JPs are despised by many people (including me-especially when forced inside a Dungeon, ala CoE laser room). Are they thus a failure?
In short, Devata, we’ll never agree because we see things differently, and that’s fine.
For instance, you don’t like the gem shop, and the way Living Story for you represents more of it vs “the expansion model”, yet I would bet that many people would still rather have said shop than paying an additional sum on top of it to get access to new content and features. I don’t care who is “most players” (I bet you have no proof your opinion is representative of the majority), but the game is ultimately more than what we wish it was for only ourselves.
So, your whole argument boils down to “I don’t want to spend more money on this game”.
Great, so we’re in agreement that the content ANet released so far is not worth paying for. Thanks for undermining your own argument.
He did not say anything of the sort there. In fact he pointed out that (some) people prefer a means of spending money on the game that does not involve buying an expansion.
Perhaps you’d like to read his quote again? You, where he said " I would bet that many people would still rather have said shop than paying an additional sum on top of it to get access to new content and features." You know, where he implies that new content and features developed by ANet aren’t worth paying for.
JPs are despised by many people (including me-especially when forced inside a Dungeon, ala CoE laser room). Are they thus a failure?
In short, Devata, we’ll never agree because we see things differently, and that’s fine.
For instance, you don’t like the gem shop, and the way Living Story for you represents more of it vs “the expansion model”, yet I would bet that many people would still rather have said shop than paying an additional sum on top of it to get access to new content and features. I don’t care who is “most players” (I bet you have no proof your opinion is representative of the majority), but the game is ultimately more than what we wish it was for only ourselves.
So, your whole argument boils down to “I don’t want to spend more money on this game”.
Great, so we’re in agreement that the content ANet released so far is not worth paying for. Thanks for undermining your own argument.
He did not say anything of the sort there. In fact he pointed out that (some) people prefer a means of spending money on the game that does not involve buying an expansion.
Perhaps you’d like to read his quote again? You, where he said " I would bet that many people would still rather have said shop than paying an additional sum on top of it to get access to new content and features." You know, where he implies that new content and features developed by ANet aren’t worth paying for.
Paying an additional sum on top of it, where “it” is paying in the cash shop, means that those people are already paying.
If one is already choosing to pay then one is not likely to consider that which is being funded by his paying to be not worth the payment.
Arenanet uses LS to keep us playing.
But i don’t think it will work any longer without an expansion.
oh my oh my….
I don’t even know where to start.
First of all the LS isn’t a LS. It is an ever repeating process of grinding
undefeatable group hack n’ slays.
It started with Queen Jennahs Arena divided into quarters to just grind down groups of enemys…. followed by grinding down groups of opponents in open areas… followed
by grinding down groups of monsters followed by undefeatable overlords like marionette…. followed by grinding down Lions Archs monsters… followed by Assault Knights and Scarlett herself…………
All that is always repeating and super boring, i don’t have seen a single person who is attached to the story.
Arena Net should really keep an eye on what they focus on.
if 3-4 players play the super main event at rush hours, something is really wrong.
And i understand people…. grinding down a huge opponent for 30 minutes
and recieve a blue hammer and agreen spear is laughable. Mix that with recieving
billions of blue bags with stuff you can’t even use if you want to to.
….. Most important…. the bosses are not demanding at all… the only thing that makes
it difficult is to beat the clock.
A-Net tends to that stuff lately….. If you wanna make it annoying put a timer on,
no skill, no tactics, no plan involved…. just be lucky to collect over 150 keyboard player and hope to defeat.
That brings me to the next topic the combat system….
You really shine if GW2 if you are a professional keyboard player…. just pressing buttons without any skill needed.
Just remember back GW1… ranger as example… you have to have a real good energy
management to stay in combat and be efficient.
Same with Warriors…. finding the balance of Energy and stands as example involved planing and skill……….
All that is gone by boring keyboard playing and grinding always same monsters….
GW2 isn’t a bad game at all…………… but A-Net has to make the next step or the game will collapse. We need new areas… maybe going back to have 2 classes on 1 character.
Going back to choosable skills and fix the weapons….
Fantasy role playing has something outstanding, it’s a shield-sword combo.
Every movie, every book every fantasy related thing has that combo as signature.
Only here in GW2 blade n plate combo is unusable. Sword is for any reason not damging and shield is completely garbage because it hasn’t the ability it is made for… protect you from close combat and ranged weapons.
But this is just a minor issue compare to what’s going wrong.
My 2 cents are that If A-net keeps on focusing on little mindless zombie kids as customers who are happy with everything multi colored and and moving
they will go down.
please Arena Net….. listen to your fan base and make the next step.
Just a little hint !!!!! Having a fixed outcome where it doesn’t matter you win or lose
is not a living story !!!!!!
Let player face consequences… maybe let them even rebuild ORR after the dragon is destroyed….
Let them fight for areas with rare material to rebuild palaces and villages…
let must contributing guild have statues of honor there…
something that is a “REAL” changing story… please i beg you get back to creativity
instead painting existing opponents a different color and call it a new story.
Be something special, be outstanding….. and people will gladly soak up the ingame
and will gladly pay for expansions and real money shop stuff…..
that brings me to my last point…. the in game shop……….
really ????
I would love to spend money there but i just can’t.
I am a big time fan of fantasy games…. and that makes it impossible for me to even consider the shop.
I have absolutely no idea why i am confronted with cyborg, technical nonsense, starships., laser guns, computers….. ect..
Everything i want as fantasy fan isn’t available but every not fantasy related is ?
I want cool armors, cool weapons…. just more fantasy… sparkling magic…
What i don’t want is to fight the borg some day and get implants from your shop.
well… i could go on and on…….
but please… take the next step and go away from what didn’t work and will never work.
best regards…….
So ppl still keep getting LS mix up with the B2P set up they are not connective in any way the LS is an a try at a true persistent world. The ideal of a persistent world is for things to happen when your not logged on part of this is missing events. LS stands for Living story they are trying to make a story that is “living” as in always chasing. An expansion would be the same from the first day its put out to the last day the game is open.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
What gets me is this line of reasoning.
People are saying that they want an expansion because the living story is buggy and not presented well and it’s not deep content. I don’t necessarily agree with those statements (except the buggy part), but I wonder…
what makes those people who want an expansion believe that expansion content is necessarily going to be better?
It’s not like different people would be designing it.
If the content is buggy, the content is buggy because it’s complex and there’s never enough time. That happens with just about every major MMO. Stuff gets released and it’s buggy.
So the LS stuff gets released and it’s buggy and most of it is usually fixed pretty fast. The same stuff is going to happen with an expansion. Why in the world wouldn’kitten
As for deep content, I’m not sure that the content would be less or more deep than the Living story, but have no reason to assume it would necessarily be better.
The Living Story, content-wise, has improved dramatically. There are a bunch of people who don’t like it who keep talking it down, but if you actually look at the reaction of people story wise, you’ll see more and more people are liking it, not disliking it.
But there are a few stalwarts who didn’t like it, and continued not to like it, some of whom left the game because of it and can’t judge the new stuff, because they’re not playing the new stuff. They simply see the world Scarlet and make a judgement.
I mean the Marionette and the Escape from LA were good updates and most people liked them, in spite of the complaints. There were marionette appreciate threads.
This last episode was a bit of a backslide in popularity but I’ve still spoken to people who really like it and many people like the story part, even if they don’t like the battle to get there. And you can skip that battle if you like and just do the story part.
The living story is getting better. It has been since the Nightmare tower, back in December.
I’m not sure that an expansion would be better than the living story because the same people will be working on it.
JPs are despised by many people (including me-especially when forced inside a Dungeon, ala CoE laser room). Are they thus a failure?
In short, Devata, we’ll never agree because we see things differently, and that’s fine.
For instance, you don’t like the gem shop, and the way Living Story for you represents more of it vs “the expansion model”, yet I would bet that many people would still rather have said shop than paying an additional sum on top of it to get access to new content and features. I don’t care who is “most players” (I bet you have no proof your opinion is representative of the majority), but the game is ultimately more than what we wish it was for only ourselves.
So, your whole argument boils down to “I don’t want to spend more money on this game”.
Great, so we’re in agreement that the content ANet released so far is not worth paying for. Thanks for undermining your own argument.
He did not say anything of the sort there. In fact he pointed out that (some) people prefer a means of spending money on the game that does not involve buying an expansion.
Perhaps you’d like to read his quote again? You, where he said " I would bet that many people would still rather have said shop than paying an additional sum on top of it to get access to new content and features." You know, where he implies that new content and features developed by ANet aren’t worth paying for.
Paying an additional sum on top of it, where “it” is paying in the cash shop, means that those people are already paying.
If one is already choosing to pay then one is not likely to consider that which is being funded by his paying to be not worth the payment.
And that argument falls apart when you take into account the many people who spend 0 money in the gem store.
No real need to be derisive of other people’s opinions. Some would rather have bi-weekly releases rather than waiting much longer periods of time. Some believe that what might be found in what is normally termed ‘expansion’ can be delivered through the Living Story method of content releases.
No one knows, as of now, how said content may be released, only that it will come, according to the Devs. You can believe that, or no. I would prefer it was released through the Living Story, but that is my, and just my, preference.
I think we will get some of that stuff in GW2 but it’s not completely correct what you say..
You say No one know if it comes.. yeah true, nobody ever knows the future but everybody knows they said it would come (they said that at the beginning of season 1) now we are at the end of season 1 and it has not come. So everybody knows it did not come in season 1.
For me personally it’s not about being afraid it will absolutely not be coming in the LS. For me it’s mainly that if they release it with the LS it means they will keep generating income with the cash-shop and you keep having all the negative effects from that. That why I would like to see them go to expansions and focusing generating income from that in stead of the cash-shop, as a true B2P game does. And that is what I did buy.
Lol. I didn’t say that at all. Perhaps, you read what you want to see. I said ‘No one knows how said content will be released.’ Try to be a tad more accurate, please. Thank you. =)
The way I see it… if they want to keep handing me stuff for free (and hope I support their efforts with cash shop purposes), I’m certainly not going to tell them, “Nah, bro. Charge me money for this kitten, man. I don’t want free stuff.” I’m not stupid.
They want to eventually produce a boxed expansion, I’d be fine with that too. I fully suspect they will at some point, simply because of the sheer amount of stagnant idiots who have decided that anything other than a traditional expansion is unacceptable.
JPs are despised by many people (including me-especially when forced inside a Dungeon, ala CoE laser room). Are they thus a failure?
In short, Devata, we’ll never agree because we see things differently, and that’s fine.
For instance, you don’t like the gem shop, and the way Living Story for you represents more of it vs “the expansion model”, yet I would bet that many people would still rather have said shop than paying an additional sum on top of it to get access to new content and features. I don’t care who is “most players” (I bet you have no proof your opinion is representative of the majority), but the game is ultimately more than what we wish it was for only ourselves.
So, your whole argument boils down to “I don’t want to spend more money on this game”.
Great, so we’re in agreement that the content ANet released so far is not worth paying for. Thanks for undermining your own argument.
He did not say anything of the sort there. In fact he pointed out that (some) people prefer a means of spending money on the game that does not involve buying an expansion.
Perhaps you’d like to read his quote again? You, where he said " I would bet that many people would still rather have said shop than paying an additional sum on top of it to get access to new content and features." You know, where he implies that new content and features developed by ANet aren’t worth paying for.
Paying an additional sum on top of it, where “it” is paying in the cash shop, means that those people are already paying.
If one is already choosing to pay then one is not likely to consider that which is being funded by his paying to be not worth the payment.
And that argument falls apart when you take into account the many people who spend 0 money in the gem store.
Not really. We were discussing Star Ace’s comment about people who DO spend money in the gem store. If you want to change topics that is fine of course.
JPs are despised by many people (including me-especially when forced inside a Dungeon, ala CoE laser room). Are they thus a failure?
In short, Devata, we’ll never agree because we see things differently, and that’s fine.
For instance, you don’t like the gem shop, and the way Living Story for you represents more of it vs “the expansion model”, yet I would bet that many people would still rather have said shop than paying an additional sum on top of it to get access to new content and features. I don’t care who is “most players” (I bet you have no proof your opinion is representative of the majority), but the game is ultimately more than what we wish it was for only ourselves.
So, your whole argument boils down to “I don’t want to spend more money on this game”.
Great, so we’re in agreement that the content ANet released so far is not worth paying for. Thanks for undermining your own argument.
He did not say anything of the sort there. In fact he pointed out that (some) people prefer a means of spending money on the game that does not involve buying an expansion.
Perhaps you’d like to read his quote again? You, where he said " I would bet that many people would still rather have said shop than paying an additional sum on top of it to get access to new content and features." You know, where he implies that new content and features developed by ANet aren’t worth paying for.
Paying an additional sum on top of it, where “it” is paying in the cash shop, means that those people are already paying.
If one is already choosing to pay then one is not likely to consider that which is being funded by his paying to be not worth the payment.
And that argument falls apart when you take into account the many people who spend 0 money in the gem store.
Not really. We were discussing Star Ace’s comment about people who DO spend money in the gem store. If you want to change topics that is fine of course.
No, we’re discussing the playerbase as a whole. If you want to create a strawman to argue against because you have no actual point, by all means go for it.
JPs are despised by many people (including me-especially when forced inside a Dungeon, ala CoE laser room). Are they thus a failure?
In short, Devata, we’ll never agree because we see things differently, and that’s fine.
For instance, you don’t like the gem shop, and the way Living Story for you represents more of it vs “the expansion model”, yet I would bet that many people would still rather have said shop than paying an additional sum on top of it to get access to new content and features. I don’t care who is “most players” (I bet you have no proof your opinion is representative of the majority), but the game is ultimately more than what we wish it was for only ourselves.
So, your whole argument boils down to “I don’t want to spend more money on this game”.
Great, so we’re in agreement that the content ANet released so far is not worth paying for. Thanks for undermining your own argument.
He did not say anything of the sort there. In fact he pointed out that (some) people prefer a means of spending money on the game that does not involve buying an expansion.
Perhaps you’d like to read his quote again? You, where he said " I would bet that many people would still rather have said shop than paying an additional sum on top of it to get access to new content and features." You know, where he implies that new content and features developed by ANet aren’t worth paying for.
Paying an additional sum on top of it, where “it” is paying in the cash shop, means that those people are already paying.
If one is already choosing to pay then one is not likely to consider that which is being funded by his paying to be not worth the payment.
And that argument falls apart when you take into account the many people who spend 0 money in the gem store.
Not really. We were discussing Star Ace’s comment about people who DO spend money in the gem store. If you want to change topics that is fine of course.
No, we’re discussing the playerbase as a whole. If you want to create a strawman to argue against because you have no actual point, by all means go for it.
Since when ?
We both commented on one post specifically, the one in which Star Ace commented on people who do spend money.
JPs are despised by many people (including me-especially when forced inside a Dungeon, ala CoE laser room). Are they thus a failure?
In short, Devata, we’ll never agree because we see things differently, and that’s fine.
For instance, you don’t like the gem shop, and the way Living Story for you represents more of it vs “the expansion model”, yet I would bet that many people would still rather have said shop than paying an additional sum on top of it to get access to new content and features. I don’t care who is “most players” (I bet you have no proof your opinion is representative of the majority), but the game is ultimately more than what we wish it was for only ourselves.
So, your whole argument boils down to “I don’t want to spend more money on this game”.
Great, so we’re in agreement that the content ANet released so far is not worth paying for. Thanks for undermining your own argument.
He did not say anything of the sort there. In fact he pointed out that (some) people prefer a means of spending money on the game that does not involve buying an expansion.
Perhaps you’d like to read his quote again? You, where he said " I would bet that many people would still rather have said shop than paying an additional sum on top of it to get access to new content and features." You know, where he implies that new content and features developed by ANet aren’t worth paying for.
Paying an additional sum on top of it, where “it” is paying in the cash shop, means that those people are already paying.
If one is already choosing to pay then one is not likely to consider that which is being funded by his paying to be not worth the payment.
And that argument falls apart when you take into account the many people who spend 0 money in the gem store.
Not really. We were discussing Star Ace’s comment about people who DO spend money in the gem store. If you want to change topics that is fine of course.
No, we’re discussing the playerbase as a whole. If you want to create a strawman to argue against because you have no actual point, by all means go for it.
Since when ?
We both commented on one post specifically, the one in which Star Ace commented on people who do spend money.
Create a business.
Focus only on the people who have already purchased your product.
File for bankruptcy.
You’re a business genius, sir.
JPs are despised by many people (including me-especially when forced inside a Dungeon, ala CoE laser room). Are they thus a failure?
In short, Devata, we’ll never agree because we see things differently, and that’s fine.
For instance, you don’t like the gem shop, and the way Living Story for you represents more of it vs “the expansion model”, yet I would bet that many people would still rather have said shop than paying an additional sum on top of it to get access to new content and features. I don’t care who is “most players” (I bet you have no proof your opinion is representative of the majority), but the game is ultimately more than what we wish it was for only ourselves.
So, your whole argument boils down to “I don’t want to spend more money on this game”.
Great, so we’re in agreement that the content ANet released so far is not worth paying for. Thanks for undermining your own argument.
He did not say anything of the sort there. In fact he pointed out that (some) people prefer a means of spending money on the game that does not involve buying an expansion.
Perhaps you’d like to read his quote again? You, where he said " I would bet that many people would still rather have said shop than paying an additional sum on top of it to get access to new content and features." You know, where he implies that new content and features developed by ANet aren’t worth paying for.
Paying an additional sum on top of it, where “it” is paying in the cash shop, means that those people are already paying.
If one is already choosing to pay then one is not likely to consider that which is being funded by his paying to be not worth the payment.
And that argument falls apart when you take into account the many people who spend 0 money in the gem store.
Not really. We were discussing Star Ace’s comment about people who DO spend money in the gem store. If you want to change topics that is fine of course.
No, we’re discussing the playerbase as a whole. If you want to create a strawman to argue against because you have no actual point, by all means go for it.
Since when ?
We both commented on one post specifically, the one in which Star Ace commented on people who do spend money.
Create a business.
Focus only on the people who have already purchased your product.
File for bankruptcy.
You’re a business genius, sir.
You mentioned Strawman ?
Growth is needed for anything to become better. People can say that there is plenty in game to do, which is true but not everyone wants to do all the lil bits and pieces that are often times tedious. Expansion adds a whole new level of content and excitement that people can look forward to and explore. This is why people want new content not temp content which only benefits people currently playing the game who are high lvl.
Mainly because someone just coming into the game has missed all the previous temporary content they’ve been shoveling down your throats, and said new person would feel both disillusioned and left out/behind.
Now, if they’d been putting out actual permanent expansions, nobody gets left out/behind, because that content WOULD STILL BE IN THE GAME.
This is why I only lasted about a month, personally. There was so much that I missed out on, and could never experience. This “Scarlet” crapola? I have no idea who she is, other than some “Living Story” bad guy. I don’t even care about what’s going on in Lion’s Arch because I cannot connect to the history of the story.
I am of the firm opinion that people want an “expansion” of the game we currently have because of the lack of new areas to explore, new playable races, classes, weapons and skills. The Temporary Story concept (a.k.a. LS) actually CAN be used to deliver that type of content, but so far hasn’t (unless you count Southsun Cove, and many have already pointed out its faults, whether you agree with them or not). I sincerely hope that in Season 2, the story will lead us to areas of the map that we are currently unable to access. As a GW1 veteran, It KILLS me that many of the areas I enjoyed in that game are not developed in this game (yet). I’m not sure how many here that are crying for an expansion played GW1, but would those of you who who are be happy if Anet opened, for instance, Maguuma in the next LS and gave us new areas to explore? If we were to find, say, some sylvari dude in Maguuma from the sylvari PS (trying to avoid spoilers by being vague) that introduced us to other NPC’s that showed our toons some new weapon skills and utilities to help us explore the new area, or how to craft armor and weapons with new skins, would that satisfy your craving for an expansion? I’ll wager the answer is yes, as long as it is PERMANENT content.
As to the “failure” of the Temporary Story, I beg to differ on that definition. I’m of the opinion that what “failed” was that it did not engage OUR toons sufficiently in the story, and presented the main antagonist in such a way that many decried her as a “Mary Sue”. Had Scarlet’s introduction vested us in her development and set her up as our antagonist earlier in Season 1 with confrontations between her and our toons where she WAS NOT all powerful and possibly needed to be rescued by her minions from certain death at the hands of our toons, I’m sure we wouldn’t have seen so many “Mary Sue” complaints. Indeed, were that the case, she wouldn’t have been the very definition of a “Mary Sue”.
Because most people want “real changes and innovations” in game, not some “new events” called living story.
In-game character story, map zones, dungeons/raids, pvp modes etc. is still untouched and stays without new content. If you stopped playing 12-15 months ago, you will not find any noticable difference after all these time because nearly all the content is temporary. An expansion would add tons of new permanent content and features to the game to keep players playing the game.