You have lost a Customer and a Player...
Would you prefer ArenaNet put a lock out timer on their dungeons like every other MMO in existence? Your whining is the most pathetic thing I have seen all week.
Leaving? Good. -1ms from my ping
Pretty sure doing speed runs of anything is not abusing it. I remember a lot of dungeons and instances in GW1 that was done with speed runs and farming runs where you farm only certain mobs and leave.
That’s called being efficient not abusing. If someone did CoF in 17-20 minutes and did it multiple times a day, why is this abuse? Because they did it faster than what is intended?
If I were to farm ANYTHING I would want to farm the best way, highest reward for the lowest time spent. That does not mean there is NO time spent. I don’t know a single person that runs ANY dungeon in ANY game for “fun”. They do it for a reward, a pay off, something that gets them closer to their goals.
Arenanet said so themselves, there is little to no end game content. Why is it whenever people discover a way to make reaching your goal easier, it gets nerfed within a few days?
So you people are telling me that if I wanted my cultural armor, it’s justified that I should play this game non-stop for over a month to get it? Because that’s a reasonable amount of time to get 1 skin on 1 character?
Not only do these nerfs hurt hard core gamers, they hurt casual players too. I would farm a spot maybe once a day for an hour. Now I can’t even do that. What is the point of having magic find if you can’t get anymore drops after 20 minutes of farming? Just don’t farm? How are we supposed to get any drops anywhere then? Log off every 20 minutes? How is this a good freaking idea?
I just don’t understand why they keep doing this. Preserving a reason to keep people playing for a longer time? A lot of people are just not going to play anymore. That’s not a good exchange. Making things nearly impossible and take way too long is a bad idea.
Don’t say “Good riddance, you people were too whiny anyway.” These are excellent reasons for people to be upset. Before it was hard to obtain those goals now they just made it even worse.
“Aww boo hoo, you can’t get your virtual reward because you think Arena Net owes it to you.” Are you kidding me? No one spends 60 dollars on a game to be told that the company who made the game owes them nothing and to deal with it.
I knew they would nerf CoF the moment I learned it could take 16 minutes to make 26 silver. Fine, but nerfing ALL dungeons if you do them again in a day? Are you serious? How the hell is this justifiable? So we can’t farm dungeons, can’t farm monsters anywhere else, and can’t do dynamic events “too fast” then what are we left to do?
You do realize if you work on 5 characters and take your time doing all the content in the game, you would get IMMENSLY more time out of the game right?
And if you do dungeons only for reward, then you aren’t really doing them for a good reason. Never mind others here mentioned you can get craftable gear or others the same or better. It is just for looks. You are choosing to grind for gear, you are choosing to make it unfun for yourself, so it is your own doing.
There is tons of ways to make it fun in this game.Too many of you people rush through this game.
Would you prefer ArenaNet put a lock out timer on their dungeons like every other MMO in existence? Your whining is the most pathetic thing I have seen all week.
Yes, yes I would.
Lockout timers were a fantastic implementation when they were originally introduced. From a dynamic standpoint of controlling the player-base and economy to a business strategy for keeping players playing your game longer.
They might of got a little out of hand with the amount of dungeons that got implemented in WoW. But the core reasoning for using lockouts is to control everything in the end game.
And to keep the players around playing the game.
Thank you
I miss this video.
Shows exactly what type of person the OP is.
No that video shows what happens when you only listen to casuals.
The OP is an IT Technician who knows and understands the operational procedures for proper maintenance and change. First there’s creation of a resolution, then there is documentation of the resolution, a presentation / offer to apply the resolution, acceptance and then hours of testing of resolution for bugs / kinks / issues, then many sleepless hours of live implementation where you monitor and maintain any and all issues.
In the documentation process the last part of any documentation in the field is a revert strategy if a code 1 issue arises that compromises the service.
Pretty much every single step of proper procedure was voided by ArenaNet with this past patch.
Then the response to the service speaking back about it being majorly screwed up is “Deal with it.” instead of having a revert strategy.
That is not professional, it is not proper business practice. And it is something that will hurt them in the immediate future.
They have already made their profit, never mind all the glowing reviews everywhere. They are still making money quite nicely and all they need is initial purchase.For an IT Technician you sure are a bloody idiot.
Would you prefer ArenaNet put a lock out timer on their dungeons like every other MMO in existence? Your whining is the most pathetic thing I have seen all week.
Yes, yes I would.
Lockout timers were a fantastic implementation when they were originally introduced. From a dynamic standpoint of controlling the player-base and economy to a business strategy for keeping players playing your game longer.
They might of got a little out of hand with the amount of dungeons that got implemented in WoW. But the core reasoning for using lockouts is to control everything in the end game.
And to keep the players around playing the game.
So what the kitten are you complaining about? Glancing through all the rage in your posts you seem upset that ArenaNet have placed a diminishing return on running the same dungeon over and over. Yet you support a one dungeon run lockout (as would I to be honest). You really need some help. Tell me again in one sentence what you are raging about. One sentence, not a friggin wall of rage.
Thank you
I miss this video.
Shows exactly what type of person the OP is.
No that video shows what happens when you only listen to casuals.
The OP is an IT Technician who knows and understands the operational procedures for proper maintenance and change. First there’s creation of a resolution, then there is documentation of the resolution, a presentation / offer to apply the resolution, acceptance and then hours of testing of resolution for bugs / kinks / issues, then many sleepless hours of live implementation where you monitor and maintain any and all issues.
In the documentation process the last part of any documentation in the field is a revert strategy if a code 1 issue arises that compromises the service.
Pretty much every single step of proper procedure was voided by ArenaNet with this past patch.
Then the response to the service speaking back about it being majorly screwed up is “Deal with it.” instead of having a revert strategy.
That is not professional, it is not proper business practice. And it is something that will hurt them in the immediate future.
They have already made their profit, never mind all the glowing reviews everywhere. They are still making money quite nicely and all they need is initial purchase.For an IT Technician you sure are a bloody idiot.
An IT Technician is likely to be an helpdesk guy, someone who changes keyboards and mice….
A serious IT person would define himself IT Analist or sysadmin or anything that doesn’t sound like a … keyboard and mice replacer
How was running it for more than 80 times easy? I dont care if they increased the dungeon difficulty, but at least make it doable and worthwhile.
Thank you
I miss this video.
Shows exactly what type of person the OP is.
No that video shows what happens when you only listen to casuals.
The OP is an IT Technician who knows and understands the operational procedures for proper maintenance and change. First there’s creation of a resolution, then there is documentation of the resolution, a presentation / offer to apply the resolution, acceptance and then hours of testing of resolution for bugs / kinks / issues, then many sleepless hours of live implementation where you monitor and maintain any and all issues.
In the documentation process the last part of any documentation in the field is a revert strategy if a code 1 issue arises that compromises the service.
Pretty much every single step of proper procedure was voided by ArenaNet with this past patch.
Then the response to the service speaking back about it being majorly screwed up is “Deal with it.” instead of having a revert strategy.
That is not professional, it is not proper business practice. And it is something that will hurt them in the immediate future.
They have already made their profit, never mind all the glowing reviews everywhere. They are still making money quite nicely and all they need is initial purchase.For an IT Technician you sure are a bloody idiot.
An IT Technician is likely to be an helpdesk guy, someone who changes keyboards and mice….
A serious IT person would define himself IT Analist or sysadmin or anything that doesn’t sound like a … keyboard and mice replacer
Got a good laugh out of that.Sounds about right too lol. He isn’t very smart in the first place by the sound of it.
How was running it for more than 80 times easy? I dont care if they increased the dungeon difficulty, but at least make it doable and worthwhile.
They simply made you work harder to complete it, and made it harder to get the gear. Means you really have to dedicate yourself if you want to grind that crap.
They can do this because it isn’t really “needed” to be the best in the bigger scene: PVP.
So you can either work hard, balance your loss to your gain, and do what you feel you need to.Or you can just simply not bother and enjoy the rest of the game. Unless of course you rushed to 80, which means you didn’t get the point of this game.
muthax.4720An IT Technician is likely to be an helpdesk guy, someone who changes keyboards and mice….
A serious IT person would define himself IT Analist or sysadmin or anything that doesn’t sound like a … keyboard and mice replacer
Helpdesk would be considered Technical Support.
A SysAdmin or Analyst as you are implying describes a defined field of technical expertise.
I am an IT Technician which means I can come in and work on all 4 fields of interest in a company. Infrastructure, hardware, systems, and standard technical support.
But I appreciate you trying to describe the differences.
Would you prefer ArenaNet put a lock out timer on their dungeons like every other MMO in existence? Your whining is the most pathetic thing I have seen all week.
Yes, yes I would.
Lockout timers were a fantastic implementation when they were originally introduced. From a dynamic standpoint of controlling the player-base and economy to a business strategy for keeping players playing your game longer.
They might of got a little out of hand with the amount of dungeons that got implemented in WoW. But the core reasoning for using lockouts is to control everything in the end game.
And to keep the players around playing the game.
So what the kitten are you complaining about? Glancing through all the rage in your posts you seem upset that ArenaNet have placed a diminishing return on running the same dungeon over and over. Yet you support a one dungeon run lockout (as would I to be honest). You really need some help. Tell me again in one sentence what you are raging about. One sentence, not a friggin wall of rage.
DR is not the same thing as a Lockout.
A Lockout says “You can run this 5 times a day”
So you do your 5 runs of CoF, then you go do 5 runs of CoE, then you go do 5 runs of Arah.
You are now getting players to play all your different content. As well, the 30 hour grind to get Flame Legion gear or any gear for that matter is extended to 18 days of play time that you are maintaining a customer for.
On top of that you hook the customer which then has them saying “yes I got my new piece man I just need one more…4 more days to go.” vs “Sweet one more piece that’s only 2 hours to go.”
I am officially done with GW2 until the patch of 9-18-2012 gets reverted.
You have shafted both your core audiences the hardcore and the casual player with this patch. In response all we’ve gotten all day from over 100,000 views and over a thousand posts is two smug comments from Jon Peters and Robert Hrouda in the dungeon forums basically telling the player base “You will do what we want you to do and you’ll deal with it.”
Well I am here to tell you no, no I won’t just do what you want me to do. I’m sorry I am not tied into a subscription model in this game. If you want to try to tell me how to play my own toon the way you want me to play my toon for a game that I am not locked into you can watch me as well as I am sure many others just uninstall the game.
Your largest competitor launches its new title in 7 days and you all are clearly showing you have no care or concern for your existing player base. This is really unacceptable behavior from a consumer point of view and just shows a real lack of passion or care for the people playing your game.
You can leave because this is B2P so they already have your money. your voice means nothing. just saying..
Well i think i am gonna go find someone else to bother. This one isn’t smart enough to honestly spend my time bothering. Sorry but you deserved that.
Next time do your research before arguing on something you obviously know so little about.
Anyway your still pretty much summed up as a self entitled player. I can’t help but let you know that anyone from the more serious forums GW2guru is pretty much laughing at you if they read.
I got a small kick out of annoying you but i didn’t expect you to be this dim.You don’t know the game, you don’t know their business practice, and hell you don’t even understand why they did this.So it is pointless to argue with ya.
Good luck and honestly i hope the door hits you on the way out.The more players like you that are gone the better. We got along for 7 years on GW1, we can get along on GW2 for 7 years more.
I am officially done with GW2 until the patch of 9-18-2012 gets reverted.
You have shafted both your core audiences the hardcore and the casual player with this patch. In response all we’ve gotten all day from over 100,000 views and over a thousand posts is two smug comments from Jon Peters and Robert Hrouda in the dungeon forums basically telling the player base “You will do what we want you to do and you’ll deal with it.”
Well I am here to tell you no, no I won’t just do what you want me to do. I’m sorry I am not tied into a subscription model in this game. If you want to try to tell me how to play my own toon the way you want me to play my toon for a game that I am not locked into you can watch me as well as I am sure many others just uninstall the game.
Your largest competitor launches its new title in 7 days and you all are clearly showing you have no care or concern for your existing player base. This is really unacceptable behavior from a consumer point of view and just shows a real lack of passion or care for the people playing your game.
Another company just had this issue this past year…pretty big company that just lost it’s 2 Co-Founders and 2/3rd’s of it’s staff….because instead of making a quality product for the players they made a product designed only for the developers. If you want to play the game yourselves in-house the way you want it to be played that’s more than fine. However, when you realize that there is no money in that ridiculous business model understand very few games come back from bad reputations from the get go.
2 weeks into your game you already managed to make everyone unhappy in a ill-willed patch update that was not tested, did not go through proper PTR environments and was not communicated at all not even in the patch notes which were released 2 hours AFTER the patch to the community of players.
If this is your business model on-going from today, I wouldn’t expect “business” to be booming a year from now.
Revert the patch and I will happily become not only a player but a consumer again. But as long as this patch stands this will sit next to all the other failed MMOs of this past year on my shelf of boxes that look like tombstones.
can i have your stuff ?
Thank you
I miss this video.
Shows exactly what type of person the OP is.
No that video shows what happens when you only listen to casuals.
The OP is an IT Technician who knows and understands the operational procedures for proper maintenance and change. First there’s creation of a resolution, then there is documentation of the resolution, a presentation / offer to apply the resolution, acceptance and then hours of testing of resolution for bugs / kinks / issues, then many sleepless hours of live implementation where you monitor and maintain any and all issues.
In the documentation process the last part of any documentation in the field is a revert strategy if a code 1 issue arises that compromises the service.
Pretty much every single step of proper procedure was voided by ArenaNet with this past patch.
Then the response to the service speaking back about it being majorly screwed up is “Deal with it.” instead of having a revert strategy.
That is not professional, it is not proper business practice. And it is something that will hurt them in the immediate future.
First of all, this is not a process done with consumer products before consumers, but mainly applies to b2b-software or you have panels.
Then to your OP. I wonder if this is your very first online game. Games get adjusted all the time, when game mechanics are changed on a big scale there just is no way for a huge rollback for people who took advantage of something that got changed. Yes, that is unfair to the people who cannot partake in “exploits” others did because they were ahead of them, but you just have to deal with it. Coming here with a melodramatic entitlement post does only one thing: ridicule yourself. If you want to leave, do it with some self-esteem and do not do that angry teenager/doorslam thing. And do not assume “everybody” shares your opinions, impressions or feelings. Have fun with that major competitor and see what kind of reaction you get when you post there about some nerf, threatening with the customer-pitchfork.
(edited by Algreg.3629)
Thank you
I miss this video.
Shows exactly what type of person the OP is.
No that video shows what happens when you only listen to casuals.
The OP is an IT Technician who knows and understands the operational procedures for proper maintenance and change. First there’s creation of a resolution, then there is documentation of the resolution, a presentation / offer to apply the resolution, acceptance and then hours of testing of resolution for bugs / kinks / issues, then many sleepless hours of live implementation where you monitor and maintain any and all issues.
In the documentation process the last part of any documentation in the field is a revert strategy if a code 1 issue arises that compromises the service.
Pretty much every single step of proper procedure was voided by ArenaNet with this past patch.
Then the response to the service speaking back about it being majorly screwed up is “Deal with it.” instead of having a revert strategy.
That is not professional, it is not proper business practice. And it is something that will hurt them in the immediate future.
First of all, this is not a process done with consumer products before consumers, but mainly applies to b2b-software or you have panels.
Then to your OP. I wonder if this is your very first online game. Games get adjusted all the time, when game mechanics are changed on a big scale there just is no way for a huge rollback for people who took advantage of something that gets changed. Yes, that is unfair to the people who cannot partake in “exploits” others did because they were ahead of them, but you just have to deal with it. Coming here with a melodramatic entitlement post does only one thing: ridicule yourself. If you want to leave, do it with some self-esteem and do not do that angry teenager/doorslam thing. And do not assume “everybody” shares your opinions, impressions or feelings. Have fin with that major competitor and see what kind of reaction you get when you post there about some nerf, threatening with the customer-pitchfork.
User was infracted for this post.
It’s really pathetic how expressing a dissenting opinion in this game turns into a PR nightmare of disrespect by ANet representatives. They have quickly and completely demolished my love for this game because I no longer trust them with it. I don’t need liabilities in my life; I’ve had enough pain in it and I’m only recently getting over it.
Would you prefer ArenaNet put a lock out timer on their dungeons like every other MMO in existence? Your whining is the most pathetic thing I have seen all week.
Yes, yes I would.
Lockout timers were a fantastic implementation when they were originally introduced. From a dynamic standpoint of controlling the player-base and economy to a business strategy for keeping players playing your game longer.
They might of got a little out of hand with the amount of dungeons that got implemented in WoW. But the core reasoning for using lockouts is to control everything in the end game.
And to keep the players around playing the game.
So what the kitten are you complaining about? Glancing through all the rage in your posts you seem upset that ArenaNet have placed a diminishing return on running the same dungeon over and over. Yet you support a one dungeon run lockout (as would I to be honest). You really need some help. Tell me again in one sentence what you are raging about. One sentence, not a friggin wall of rage.
DR is not the same thing as a Lockout.
A Lockout says “You can run this 5 times a day”
So you do your 5 runs of CoF, then you go do 5 runs of CoE, then you go do 5 runs of Arah.
You are now getting players to play all your different content. As well, the 30 hour grind to get Flame Legion gear or any gear for that matter is extended to 18 days of play time that you are maintaining a customer for.
On top of that you hook the customer which then has them saying “yes I got my new piece man I just need one more…4 more days to go.” vs “Sweet one more piece that’s only 2 hours to go.”
Dude, you say you’re going to MoP instead. You realise that if they copied WoW and added lockouts event bosses would be roughly normal mode WoW dungeons and remain unlimited. You’d get 1 run per day for story mode and since explorable modes are the GW2 raids, those would be on a 1 week reset.
User was infracted for this post.
It’s really pathetic how expressing a dissenting opinion in this game turns into a PR nightmare of disrespect by ANet representatives. They have quickly and completely demolished my love for this game because I no longer trust them with it. I don’t need liabilities in my life; I’ve had enough pain in it and I’m only recently getting over it.
My only responses to you is O_O and you used to play WoW 7 days a week huh?
I mean seriously, they simply told off people trying to tell them how to make their game. More of us who actually understand what they did are praising them. We are quite happy with them. Bout time someone gave self entitled players the finger.
Would you prefer ArenaNet put a lock out timer on their dungeons like every other MMO in existence? Your whining is the most pathetic thing I have seen all week.
Yes, yes I would.
Lockout timers were a fantastic implementation when they were originally introduced. From a dynamic standpoint of controlling the player-base and economy to a business strategy for keeping players playing your game longer.
They might of got a little out of hand with the amount of dungeons that got implemented in WoW. But the core reasoning for using lockouts is to control everything in the end game.
And to keep the players around playing the game.
So what the kitten are you complaining about? Glancing through all the rage in your posts you seem upset that ArenaNet have placed a diminishing return on running the same dungeon over and over. Yet you support a one dungeon run lockout (as would I to be honest). You really need some help. Tell me again in one sentence what you are raging about. One sentence, not a friggin wall of rage.
DR is not the same thing as a Lockout.
A Lockout says “You can run this 5 times a day”
So you do your 5 runs of CoF, then you go do 5 runs of CoE, then you go do 5 runs of Arah.
You are now getting players to play all your different content. As well, the 30 hour grind to get Flame Legion gear or any gear for that matter is extended to 18 days of play time that you are maintaining a customer for.
On top of that you hook the customer which then has them saying “yes I got my new piece man I just need one more…4 more days to go.” vs “Sweet one more piece that’s only 2 hours to go.”
LOL you quoted WoW earlier in regards to a lockout yet here you are saying that lockouts are 5 runs? Really? One dungeon run buddy and you have a 24 lockout until the 24 hour window is up. One, not five. Or you may prefer the weekly raid lockouts?
Would you prefer ArenaNet put a lock out timer on their dungeons like every other MMO in existence? Your whining is the most pathetic thing I have seen all week.
Yes, yes I would.
Lockout timers were a fantastic implementation when they were originally introduced. From a dynamic standpoint of controlling the player-base and economy to a business strategy for keeping players playing your game longer.
They might of got a little out of hand with the amount of dungeons that got implemented in WoW. But the core reasoning for using lockouts is to control everything in the end game.
And to keep the players around playing the game.
So what the kitten are you complaining about? Glancing through all the rage in your posts you seem upset that ArenaNet have placed a diminishing return on running the same dungeon over and over. Yet you support a one dungeon run lockout (as would I to be honest). You really need some help. Tell me again in one sentence what you are raging about. One sentence, not a friggin wall of rage.
DR is not the same thing as a Lockout.
A Lockout says “You can run this 5 times a day”
So you do your 5 runs of CoF, then you go do 5 runs of CoE, then you go do 5 runs of Arah.
You are now getting players to play all your different content. As well, the 30 hour grind to get Flame Legion gear or any gear for that matter is extended to 18 days of play time that you are maintaining a customer for.
On top of that you hook the customer which then has them saying “yes I got my new piece man I just need one more…4 more days to go.” vs “Sweet one more piece that’s only 2 hours to go.”
Dude, you say you’re going to MoP instead. You realise that if they copied WoW and added lockouts event bosses would be roughly normal mode WoW dungeons and remain unlimited. You’d get 1 run per day for story mode and since explorable modes are the GW2 raids, those would be on a 1 week reset.
Glad I am not the only one that noticed this.
OP i think you should unsub….oh wait……guess ill just have to spend more money in the cash shop to make up for yours oh well so be it. all the money my wife and i save from not playing wow anymore we can spend here…. oh we are. OP i am sure you will be missed. and my wife and i are very happy playing this game so….not everyone is unhappy. Besides I was just wondering how the people who threaten to unsub will post considering there is no sub in this game. Let me know how much real money you were going to spend a month in the shop and we will spend it for you. Have fun at whatever you do peace!!!
User was infracted for this post.
It’s really pathetic how expressing a dissenting opinion in this game turns into a PR nightmare of disrespect by ANet representatives. They have quickly and completely demolished my love for this game because I no longer trust them with it. I don’t need liabilities in my life; I’ve had enough pain in it and I’m only recently getting over it.
You nutjobs are amusing!
Let’s see.. flaming, whining, childish tantrum with threats to leave unless Anet fixes something.. and you expect this to be.. okay? Really? Were you dropped on your head as an infant??
I say kudos. Time for a company to stop being sokittenafraid of their customers. To do what THEY think is right. Time for companies to stop taking crap from childish customers.
If you don’t like it... Door ---->
It’s really that simple.
Lady Raevyn – 11 Necromancer – TC
Fanboy- The New Godwin’s Law.
You can farm dungeons for armor tokens, this is the intended use of dungeons. You can no longer farm dungeons for cash or exp, this was not intended use of dungeons.
Now things are working as intended.
Move along people, nothing to see in this thread.
User was infracted for this post.
It’s really pathetic how expressing a dissenting opinion in this game turns into a PR nightmare of disrespect by ANet representatives. They have quickly and completely demolished my love for this game because I no longer trust them with it. I don’t need liabilities in my life; I’ve had enough pain in it and I’m only recently getting over it.
You nutjobs are amusing!
Let’s see.. flaming, whining, childish tantrum with threats to leave unless Anet fixes something.. and you expect this to be.. okay? Really? Were you dropped on your head as an infant??
I say kudos. Time for a company to stop being sokittenafraid of their customers. To do what THEY think is right. Time for companies to stop taking crap from childish customers.
If you don’t like it… Door —-->
It’s really that simple.
Raises Dew can high Hell Yeah!
I think the games great. Currently the only small handful of people complaining are those that have burnt out too quickly by playing too much. As with all MMo’s, if you continually grind up against the concrete, you’re gonna have a bad time.
OP i think you should unsub….oh wait……guess ill just have to spend more money in the cash shop to make up for yours oh well so be it. all the money my wife and i save from not playing wow anymore we can spend here…. oh we are. OP i am sure you will be missed. and my wife and i are very happy playing this game so….not everyone is unhappy. Besides I was just wondering how the people who threaten to unsub will post considering there is no sub in this game. Let me know how much real money you were going to spend a month in the shop and we will spend it for you. Have fun at whatever you do peace!!!
yeah, I am still waiting for some genius to start the “F2P in 2 months” thread…….
And peeps, if you don’t want to, you don’t have to spend a dime in the cash shop. really. I bought various gems but my GF has been playing fine without even knowing that there is a cash shop
User was infracted for this post.
It’s really pathetic how expressing a dissenting opinion in this game turns into a PR nightmare of disrespect by ANet representatives. They have quickly and completely demolished my love for this game because I no longer trust them with it. I don’t need liabilities in my life; I’ve had enough pain in it and I’m only recently getting over it.
When one acts like a child, one will be treated like one. And that means the occasional spanking. And I know, I know, spanking is considered to be bad according to those TV supernannies, but it works when applied correctly.
Oh my god.
What is with all you players out there saying this patch fixed an “abuse” or “exploit”
NO ONE likes running a dungeon and having to spend 2-7 silver ON REPAIRS and then end up getting 80 COPPER – 1 SILVER for a reward!!
You just spent 1hr in a dungeon and instead of getting loot, you lost money.
What game have you EVER played where it was like this?!
what if i told you that dungeons werent made to farm gold, but rather a challenge you have to spend gold on? the reason might be that anet wants you to do more than just dungeon runs and imo its a good aproach. and if youre going to argue with how expensive is the dungeon set, isnt it just a visualy different from the top armor?
if it is, then it kinda sounds like optional choice for better looks and optional means you dont have to get it, and that means you want it, and if you want it you have to do dungeons, for which you need gold and that you have to get somewhere else.
sounds like a good way to keep you busy for quite a while. and since we dont pay any subscription i really cant say a single bad thing about it.
Sorry i thought i was reading an mmo champion thread then.
Oh my god.
What is with all you players out there saying this patch fixed an “abuse” or “exploit”
NO ONE likes running a dungeon and having to spend 2-7 silver ON REPAIRS and then end up getting 80 COPPER – 1 SILVER for a reward!!
You’re right. May I suggest you stop dieing?
Voting with your feet is always an excellent means of making a point about a product you like or dislike, and if you’re actually going to stick to what you’ve said then good on you for sticking with your opinion.
However, broadcasting your decision on the discussion boards is pointless and pretty childish. You could have achieved so much more with a well thought out and constructively written email to a-net instead. You could have chosen to highlight the aspects you thought they did well, discussed the points and changes you felt were poor and made suggestions on how things could have been made better for you. A well written email like that gets noticed, printed and discussed in the office. Flame bait on the other hand, wont get much more than a pained, knowing nod of acknowledgement that the day’s trolling has begun again.
By posting here you just open up the daily means for rage quitters to vent and trolls to react to your flame bait. It’s not constructive, does nothing for the community, and will only be noticed by the staffers if it descends into enough of a flame fest for them to need to lock it and ban people. In all honesty, its just the kind of thread I used to ignore as a community manager and leave for the mods to clean up. These threads are all about egocentricism – how many people will agree with you, how many will ask you to stay, etc etc.
Like I said, it’s of negligible benefit to the community, its not big, and not clever. If you are determined to leave for pastures new, and feel you have something to say, do us all a favor and email Anet direct. You never know, they might respond, they might even give you a call and chat you about what they’re doing and why. If you come across well they might even invite you to help with some Q&A or implement some of your ideas. Maybe they’ll just explain the situation well enough to talk you round and leave you feeling good because they took the time for you, after you took the time for them, and the community.
Either way, enjoy legend of ripped off disney films or whatever it is, it’s clearly something you consider more suited to your play style and I hope it fulfills all your expectations for it.
Why do people in this day and age think that “Im not playing anymore until I get a new ice cream” is a valid way to discuss anything?
If you have a problem, great, explain it without sounding like a petulant little snot.
Oh my god.
What is with all you players out there saying this patch fixed an “abuse” or “exploit”
NO ONE likes running a dungeon and having to spend 2-7 silver ON REPAIRS and then end up getting 80 COPPER – 1 SILVER for a reward!!You’re right. May I suggest you stop dieing?
Cpt. Obvious to the rescue!
It’s called gold sink, same as waypoints. Otherwise gold stops flowing, gems stop flowing, money stops flowing.
ITT: OP doesn’t understand the difference between a subscription game and a B2P game.
Clue: “I quit” threads only carry weight in a subscription game, in a B2P game nobody cares, Anet have already gotten your money.
And since it’s no subs, if you had any enjoyment out of the game at all, you’ll probably want to come back to check it out later anyway, once your current nerdrage has cooled off.
That’s the point: no great shakes, don’t like it don’t play it. Try it again later you might like it again, or not. Or you might pay for a paid expansion a year from now (seeing as you did have some fun out of the game, maybe you can get a single-player game’s worth of fun out of it again).
This gives Anet a lot of freedom to make the game the way they want to make it, thereby attracting the sorts of people who want to play that game (the one they’ve designed).
Pretty sure I received a message somewhere that morning that there was a new patch going live that evening.
Just don’t do the dungeons more than once. They are meant to lure masochists under the pretense that such rewards for such grind are somehow prestigious.
Cant believe it, this aint a sub MMO but you still have people threatening to leave? :S
If your not happy move on, you can come back anytime for no cost?
Tbh was getting worried, cant have an MMO forum without doom and gloom lol.
This game is beautifully made….and I believe Anet knows whats best for their game…or this MMORPG wouldnt have turned out to be the best MMO on the market today…they put alot of love and time into the game…just because you cant farm dungeons for cash until your rich like a chinese botter doesn’t mean their ruining the game…it means their fixing exploits…
This game is not pay to play. Anet has to make money. If you are failing to understand that, then maybe you should join the the kung fu panda and pet battle launch. Enjoy your time in in kiddie land…
So, he left the game bcoz he cant farm in dungeons? QQ
Actually, farm dungeons is a joke. For example: Arah: 2 first bosses and repeat. This system SUCKS. The dungeon is designed for do it completely. If you want your “marks” you must finish it. And, a low “CD” ( about 6-12 hours ) make that the game became to a farm game where only do 2 bosses and repeat. This kind of situations ruin the game. Why you only do the first 2 bosses? Bcoz they are easy and the rest **** us.
If you want farm “marks” learn to play, and learn how to do the new dungeons instead QQ.
All abuses have a bad end.
Can i have your stuff?
Is it true? one of those players that make groups that most people arnt good enough for and who rage on people if they do something wrong in a dungeon or raid is actually leaving? Anet your game is everything you promised, thank you so much for not attracting the static A holes that add to an bad community. ROFL cya dude!
I still don’t get what all the fuss is all about. They reduced the amount of gold coming into the game because they didn’t feel that dungeon speed running was intended as a way to make gold. They also made CM harder because that dungeon was laughable, it’s 10x easier than any of the other story modes. They also fixed CoF speed running because one of the explorable paths was significantly easier than the others and was bugged. So they changed it and now everyone is crying because they didn’t farm their CoF set and 100s of gold before it was fixed.
Tell me, why do you want the dungeon sets so much? They’re supposed to be prestigious, not something you can get within a day, they’re supposed to take days, weeks or even months of work. I mean look at GW1 not everyone was running around in full obsidian 3 weeks in, yet we had people getting full CoF through speed runs within a week. What’s the point of prestigious armour if everyone has it?
Crucifer.2831:You do know how MMO businesses work correct? 1 time box fees cover development cost (possibly) but the Server up-time fees (roughly 15-20K a year per server) are on-going fees. Which means they re-occurring revenue. Their only means of that is the gem shop.
It’s how all micro-transaction business models work.
They could colocate their equipment, which is what other larger MMOs do. You can get a rack for about 1-2k a month. Rift ran on blades IIRC. They also may have adjusted server costs into the base price long enough to get an expansion out.
By they way, if they are fixing issues why would people leave for that other game? You seem to be in the minority of disliking the fix. If you don’t like the game just leave.
Crucifer.28312 weeks into your game you already managed to make everyone unhappy
You =/= everyone
Crucifer.2831that me spending 30+ hours in their game doing PvE content that I enjoy
As far as i know (someone correct me if i’m wrong), you are not banned from the dungeon. If you enjoy doing it, noone is keeping you away.
Crucifer.2831Yes, yes I would.
Lockout timers were a fantastic implementation ….
… And to keep the players around playing the game.
You said you would rather have a lock-out timer than this. So you enjoy waiting for the timer to pass more than you enjoy playing? You keep players arround playing the game by keeping them waiting? Your logic is impressive!
Crucifer.2831I paid 0 dollars for GW2 I was given it as a gift from my job.
Don’t even know what to say to this.
Basicly what i’m reading is a lot of I’s, Me’s and I deserve’s. It all boils down to you not being able to get rich quick and now you’re blaming someone else under a pretence of you not being able to enjoy the game anymore and how it’s bad business practise. In the end you just cannot take that you had to cut your profits a little for the good of the entire population (2 million+ as it were). Cause it’s all about you, isn’t it?
Get over yourself.
Crucifer.2831The OP is an IT Technician who knows and understands the operational procedures for proper maintenance and change.
Being an IT Technician and all you probably do realize that the procedures you mentioned are used when developing new features and not tweaks and fixes. By the time you wrote the documentation, proposed and evaluated the solution and so on, the 2 million players would drive the economy to the ground and with it your precious “good practise”.
lol 1stworldproblem at its best, OP dont let the door hit you on the way out.
I’ve never speed farmed any dungeon, I’m playing for fun only, so this change doesn’t affect me the least…
But I’m sure ANet is scared by your post (oh no! John Doe just left the game!) ;-)
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