do you think this game is fun
Yes, this game is fun.
If not I wouldn’t play it, nor would I hang around at the forums.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
people are leaving? Nobody told me
-jumps ship-
(edited by Moderator)
No, I don’t find GW2 fun. The lack of direction is a big deal for me. It’s just … wander and do hearts, you know, because. The personal story is terrible and because the racial one is over by 20, you’ve only got 3 orders and if you’ve done those (or don’t care) then you’ve just got the same 40+ story that everyone has. No differences at all.
I find the skill system limiting and quickly falls in to the “One Build to Rule Them All” depending on what you’re adding to DPS.
The recent changes to the timing of the low level Boss events, (Maw and Fire Ele), now mean “Whoops, missed it. Guess I won’t see another one today.”
I’m struggling to level a 2nd character to 80 just because it’s so boring. Heart, heart, heart, heart, yay zone complete, heart, heart….
Yes I find the game fun.
I don’t really care if I have to “grind” for some things.
My first MMO took me 368 days of an average of 6 to 8 hours a day to “grind” in order to reach Max level. Then you had to build your gear.
Most of that “grind” was killing the same mobs over and over again for days, sometimes weeks even.
When you died from a mob attack you lost 5% of your experience as a penalty. Many areas were open world pvp.
GW2 is a cake walk by comparison.
I haven’t been level 80 for long but I’ve been playing since launch and really enjoying it. And since I fully expect to be doing all the same things at 80 as I was doing before I can’t see any reason I’d not enjoy it. I’m really looking forward firstly to finishing exploring the whole map and then having it all uncovered and all the waypoints unlocked to make everything else I want to do easier.
I think it helps a lot that that’s what I like about this game, and RPGs in general. I’m not interested in some sort of “end-game” gear grind or continuous character “growth” or whatever. I just want to explore, do events and play with my guild so hitting that plateau where there’s nothing else for me to unlock or buy or whatever is actually great for me.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
do you think this game is fun?
… more walking away from a game session happy than any other MMO I’ve ever played.
wait – you can walk away?!?!?!
lets discuss who is actually enjoying the game at level 80. also, do you consider this game a grind? in my opinion, people are leaving this game because its incredible boring and grindfest at level 80. what do you guys think?
Okay, to answer properly:
Yes, this game is still fun for me. I’ve been maxed out at 80 with my main for months, and been playing a few alts (although none of them is level 80, my play-time is too limited).
First, I was primarily interested in PvE, exploring places, getting to know the world, and levelling my character up to 80. —> I am pretty much done with that, albeit only on one character/race/class.
Then I started striving for achievements. We found jumping puzzles. Awesome. This was our main focus for a while.
The we found mini-dungeons.
The map completion achievement made me check out WvW and PvP (not knowing the there were no PvP POIs to get). I started to sPvP a bit. Fun, but I can definitely do a lot more there. I want to get into WvW properly, too.
We still have most dungeon paths to do.
I haven’t finished my personal story and would like to play through other races’ personal stories up to level 20 or whatever it is. I have yet to finish the Priory and Vigil paths.
Then the SAB happened. After not being very taken with Halloween or Christmas, I really loved this one; another time sink. I also seem to be more grateful for the living story content than many other players.
There is still some maps’ meta-events that I have never played through, and tons of dynamic events.
I haven’t even STARTED on fractals.
I haven’t even started spending my laurels or working on a legendary.
There is a whole dimension opening up if RP is your thing at all.
There is SO MUCH STUFF that I created a google doc for my boyfriend and me to keep track of our jumping puzzles, boss achievements, dungeon paths, mini-dungeons, diving locations, and I will add meta-events to the table, too. Otherwise we wouldn’t even know what we’ve missed so far. GW2 is truly massive with a lot things to offer.
Whenever I get bored with one aspect of the game, there is another one, unexplored. I can see the end of this on the horizon and I guess if I had 7 hours each day to play I would eventually get bored, but with limited playtime (and the weather getting better each day) I honestly don’t see myself losing interest anytime soon.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
(edited by Pixelpumpkin.4608)
I m sad to say…no more….
I tried…but the grinding is too much now….
There would lot of things i could enjoy if they just said clearly they would stop with ascended stuff we already have and no more infusion also…
Unfortunately they are not….and you have just to grind legendary to saves you from “carrot on a stick” but precursor are out of reach not to mention ascended stuff for laurels/ectoplasms.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
yes otherwise i would not be playing
its got the most potential for an MMO i have seen in a long time, and i believe it to be going strong and in the right direction, the dev team needs to increase in size though.
Yes it is fun. Grind in this game is somewhat optional.
Yes to get certain stuff you need to do the same stuff many times. But imo it only becomes grind when you rush to get something and then force yourself to do something you actually don’t want to do, to the point where you get sick of it.
In GW1 people complained about grind too, every title a grind, HoM a grind. Funny thing is I never, not even once considered it grind. I took my own sweet time with things, varied the ways I went for something and actually enjoyed the game.
It is the same in GW2, yes there CAN be grind. But you don’t really have to do it. Grind to me is what YOU make it to be.
Taking a break. Might go back to another MMO for awhile
I’m quoting this because it’s not a bad idea.
Look, it’s very possible to hit burnout and get bored. I’ve hit it twice, coinciding with a VERY busy work schedule on the weekends leaving me disconnected from people I normally chat it up with. I’ve played a lot, am enjoying my time when I do get a chance to sink a couple hours into it. I still have Explorer achievements to finish, but once those are done I don’t know what will keep me.
I mean, I know I’ll log in to hit up the Adventure Box now and then. I know I’ll hit one or two bonus chest events. (But not more than that, it feels too much like whack-a-mole then.) I know I still want to do a few things but that list gets shorter the more I focus on ticking the boxes.
I’m not paying for this game monthly. I can afford to take a break and come back later. There isn’t anything I think I’ll really miss by not logging in religiously.
Well, except Laurels, which means that cat tonic will never be mine. Curses, foiled again.
What I do know is no new game is going to compare to a game that’s 7 years old, in terms of content and updates. The game needs to mature for that to happen.
Or maybe they just released it too quickly, without enough thought or resources going into many of the game mechanics and content.
Sequels are compared to their predecessors for a reason. With a similar staff, the second title in a series should build on the previous concepts and successful elements of the first title. It’s completely fair to expect much of what was learned in the first game to be applied to the second. Expectations are going to be much higher, just like they were for Diablo III as compared with Diablo II.
but a harsh word stirs up anger.” -Jewish Proverb
Comparing the still-young GW2 to the established game GW1 is silly. It took GW1 over 3 years to become the polished gem we all love, before that it was just a rough diamond.
Three months after release I didn’t play GW1 anymore … then played for a few weeks with months breaks in between. Not that I didn’t love the game, but it was a very short game pve-wise. Only with EotN did it become a big time sink with real end game.
To compare … I’m still playing GW2 every day I have the chance. And while GW2 is a rough diamond too, each patch adds in a bit of polish. I can live with that. Apparently some people never learned to be happy. These people simply shouldn’t play any MMO at launch and wait it out for a year.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
What I do know is no new game is going to compare to a game that’s 7 years old, in terms of content and updates. The game needs to mature for that to happen.
Or maybe they just released it too quickly, without enough thought or resources going into many of the game mechanics and content.
Sequels are compared to their predecessors for a reason. With a similar staff, the second title in a series should build on the previous concepts and successful elements of the first title. It’s completely fair to expect much of what was learned in the first game to be applied to the second. Expectations are going to be much higher, just like they were for Diablo III as compared with Diablo II.
Of course they released it too early. I’ve yet to see an MMO in the last five years that hasn’t come out too early. That’s because no matter what you do, at some point you have to start earning an income.
I’ve said this before on many threads, that I believe Anet launched this game to beat MoP to market. It wasn’t a bad move. Probably made them a lot of money. They’ve been playing catch up ever since.
If this was the only MMO forced to launch before it was completely finished, it would be a travesty, but it’s not. Because MMOs cost so much money to make and take so much time that eventually you have to bite the bullet and get it out there.
But I believed this was going to be the case coming in. I expected it. After seeing other MMO launches, I set my expectations to what was actually going on in other games. Lots of bugs, missing features…I mean Anet isn’t EA or Bioware as far as size goes, and look how many features SWToR was missing at launch.
People complain we don’t have an LFG tool…neither did SWToR and that’s a much bigger company and an MMO with a monthly fee.
All this stuff takes time and patience. And MMO players aren’t overly patient, so they make a lot of noise and then either stay or move to the next MMO, where the process repeats itself.
Me. I’ll just hang out here and wait for the fixes.
yes, I do think that the game is fun and with how full the zones on underworld are I don’t think that people are leaving either.
What I do know is no new game is going to compare to a game that’s 7 years old, in terms of content and updates. The game needs to mature for that to happen.
Or maybe they just released it too quickly, without enough thought or resources going into many of the game mechanics and content.
Sequels are compared to their predecessors for a reason. With a similar staff, the second title in a series should build on the previous concepts and successful elements of the first title. It’s completely fair to expect much of what was learned in the first game to be applied to the second. Expectations are going to be much higher, just like they were for Diablo III as compared with Diablo II.
I’ll agree, it feels like it could have used some tightening down before release. Unfortunately, I also get the feeling even if we’d given them six weeks, six months, or whatever . . . we wouldn’t have gotten it ironed down. The overall feel of the design is a plenty of good concepts and the sense there was not enough focused manpower on them. It was ambitious.
If people want to deem it a failure because it missed the ambitious ideals? That’s their choice and their right. I may be overly jaded but I don’t really believe media hype with “the most awesome next game ever!” type hyperbole. I think this is quite a fun game . . . I also think it’s capable of not being as much fun after you hit “what do I do now?” . . . exactly like the original Guild Wars.
I very much enjoy the game and think it is fun. Some things I like more than others, but overall the opinion from me is good.
But, like with all things, after so long of playing it can start to get boring. This happens to me with everything, so I always go through what I like to call my cycles and it’s just how I live day to day with my entertainment. I go from game to game, book to book, show to show. Some weeks I do nothing but read, or nothing but watch tv shows and movies, or nothing but play. Sometimes, day to day, it’s a mix of these things. I very much love the link they’ve kept between GW1 and GW2 – when I want to play something, but GW2 is starting to drag for me, I get back on GW1 and work on some more HoM points (not gonna be an option for everyone, but you know).
Like all things in life, everything in moderation. Mix it up every now and then and you’ll stay satisfied.
Of course they released it too early. I’ve yet to see an MMO in the last five years that hasn’t come out too early. That’s because no matter what you do, at some point you have to start earning an income.
I’ve said this before on many threads, that I believe Anet launched this game to beat MoP to market. It wasn’t a bad move. Probably made them a lot of money. They’ve been playing catch up ever since.
If this was the only MMO forced to launch before it was completely finished, it would be a travesty, but it’s not. Because MMOs cost so much money to make and take so much time that eventually you have to bite the bullet and get it out there.
As usual, you misrepresent my position.
I didn’t say it had to be completely finished. There’s a wide swath of possibilities between underdeveloped and completely polished.
I didn’t buy this game because it’s relatively better than all the others; relatively better can still be poor overall. I bought it because I expected it to meet some set of criteria that exists regardless of the quality of current MMOs on the market.
Me. I’ll just hang out here and wait for the fixes.
That’s the problem. You’re asking us to trust that everything will work out. I don’t see how they can make significant improvements without a significant overhaul of many of the core mechanics. And you’ve already said in other threads you don’t see those kinds of changes occurring.
but a harsh word stirs up anger.” -Jewish Proverb
I don’t find it to be fun anymore, which isn’t a bad thing by itself, since not all things have to be ‘fun’ to keep me entertained. The thing is that the game doesn’t entertain me anymore.
I played LotRo for 4 years and there were times where I had to take a break. Those breaks were usually 2 or 3 weeks long, after which I gladly returned to the game. The last break I took finally led me to the conclusion that I didn’t want to play the game anymore. Even the thought of logging in bored me.
GW2 managed to accomplish within 3 months what LotRo took 4 years. Im bored at the thought of logging into GW2.
The features look nice on paper but are poorly implemented. It almost seems the devs were afraid of their own courage and bailed half the way through.
Getting rid of the holy trinity …. and replace it with the boring unity (dps),
no quests …. ok, a little bit of quests (story, hearts),
dynamic events …. but not so dynamic that they would actually change anything,
no vertical progression …. uhm well, maybe a little bit of vertical progression, duh.
There doesn’t seem to be direction the game is going. And in all honesty, I prefer a game that is made with a clear concept in mind and that follows that concept to the end, instead of something that leaves the impression of being half-baked.
(edited by zauselbart.8142)
What I do know is no new game is going to compare to a game that’s 7 years old, in terms of content and updates. The game needs to mature for that to happen.
Or maybe they just released it too quickly, without enough thought or resources going into many of the game mechanics and content.
Sequels are compared to their predecessors for a reason. With a similar staff, the second title in a series should build on the previous concepts and successful elements of the first title. It’s completely fair to expect much of what was learned in the first game to be applied to the second. Expectations are going to be much higher, just like they were for Diablo III as compared with Diablo II.
It is funny to me how video games are one of the only products that can be released before they are really finished, just to make a profit, and people defend that position.
I can’t think of any other industry where if you released something early, and it wasn’t really ready for public consumption, that it would get defended because the company needed to start making money. In most industries the company and the product would get absolutely torn apart by the media as well as possibly being the target of recalls, refunds or a class action lawsuit.
Just amazing really.
I think that it is fun when I play.
I don’t play that often so it isn’t a “grind” to me.
Over the years my play style has changed. I no longer care about getting the best best best best best best best best items if I have to “grind” for them. I -only- play for fun. If I am not having fun playing a game then I’m doing something wrong.
For me, if a game is fun largely depends on other people. I spend most of my time in WvW and every day there’s some really good battles, which are a lot of fun. But they are only fun because of the allies and enemies, not because the actual game is so good. I think WvW in its current state is actually quite bad.
The game is fun, yes. But it doesn’t seem to integrate ‘competitive’ (nor cooperative to an extent) gameplay as much as GW1 did, which was it’s core appeal – a CORPG.
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
I don’t find the game boring at all and I consider it one of the best games I’ve played. It is grindy as all get out. I really don’t mind the optional grinds like the legendary, but the addition of vertical progression and a non-optional gear grind was a huge misstep.
There are many areas of the game that need work, but Anet has shown that they can make an excellent game—they just need to focus on managing it well over time.
It is funny to me how video games are one of the only products that can be released before they are really finished, just to make a profit, and people defend that position.
I can’t think of any other industry where if you released something early, and it wasn’t really ready for public consumption, that it would get defended because the company needed to start making money. In most industries the company and the product would get absolutely torn apart by the media as well as possibly being the target of recalls, refunds or a class action lawsuit.
Just amazing really.
It’s not JUST video games. Other software can be done that way. And music. Music and movies can be done that way (George “Special Edition” Lucas, I’m looking at you. And Peter “Extended Cut” Jackson, you’re second in line). Heck, books can be pushed out before they’ve been polished . . . “Goblet of Fire” needed about two more months of editing, I think . . . as can a lot of other media. Entertainment gets a pass in general, in short . . . the most people can do is rail about it in reviews.
But why software, in particular, since we were talking about games here? Well, it’s simple. Anything physical or mechanical released “unfinished” would be unusable or unsafe to rely on. Software? It’s this ephemeral and untouchable thing which exists in no physical state you can examine. It’s something which is just data. And it’s much more complex than a story, a movie, or music. It’s also not quite like a sensitive mechanism which either works or it doesn’t.
Anyway, lots of thought here but not much defense? Yeah, I don’t have defenses for this. Just thoughts that maybe it was released too early. But as I said earlier, with the concepts being thrown around? I doubt it would ever have been “finished”.
Not for a while. Been trying trials, come back offers and betas of other games which is an indication of boredom.
Tried all the professions and races (in some cases numerous times and combinations). Leveled several to 80. None of my toons really excite me.
For me, better than GW1 and well worth the money.
It was a good time waster during the long winter months instead of watching hokey reality shows and waiting for glue to dry on woodworking projects. Watching glue dry is actually more entertaining then the reality shows.
Am I looking forward to something else that I can really get into…YES!
To each his/her own.
No I don’t find it fun. That’s why I’ve been playing it every day.
…what kind of thread is this?
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
yes, it’s fun, played since BWE1, Still playing daily.
Is there Grind in GW2, yes, they always said there would be a grind in GW2, just like GW.
You can get lvl80 and craft/buy/dungeon run your gear set in a week, when prices were lower, you could get it in a day. That’s not grinding, ascended gear? I say Ascended gear is weaker than Exotic, no runes/sigils, that messes up alot of builds + it’s only needed in fractals.
But wouw, what about legendaries, that grind is to big, with those BS Precursors etc.
Uh yeah, that was the point of Legendaries, it was a big grind and would take some time. If your only goal is legendaries, yeah that is boring, but this game has alot of things to do at lvl 80, do JP/explorer(the mini-dungeons are cooler than the normal ones) Help guildies, have some fun with guildies/randoms, lvl alts, say what you want about DE’s, I lvl’ed 3 characters and on my third char I still found new DE in the zone.
Farm Orr(dunno, I like farming Orr), Do your dailies/get achievements. Do guild missions,etc
!Remember this game is only fun if you play with friends!
(edited by Moderator)
This game is fun, but just l;ike everything in life it doesn’t last forever. Which is why, as a person who enjoys playing games, I don’t only focus on one game. I play multiple games for different experiences. As they say variety is the spice of life.
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.
lets discuss who is actually enjoying the game at level 80.
Translation: “I am not enjoying the game at level 80, and I want you all to know it.”
also, do you consider this game a grind?
I consider some optional aspects of it a grind, in particular the process of putting together a Legendary weapon. While I have no problem with that path being there as an option for people who really want to put a ton of work/farming into getting that ultra-rare prestige item, I do wish ArenaNet would stop pushing Legendaries on us as something we should all be concerned about. I have a snowball’s chance in Fireheart Rise of ever getting one, though I manage to have an awesome time in GW2 regardless.
in my opinion, people are leaving this game because its incredible boring and grindfest at level 80.
It’s nice to have opinions. I’ve also heard GW2 is a “pay 2 win scam” and that daily achievements are too difficult. There are people who will say anything.
Not fun anymore after 4 months of playing, Non-trinity MMO wasn’t for me though i hoped it would be. Now i just do daily and log off.
Waiting (and hoping) for TESO beta invite.
And it’s the friends that are fun, not the game, as we’re discovering. Not to worry, we’ve been friends for years and many games…it’s quite easy to move on to another one…
Dan Mathews strikes again. All he does is post about how this game sucks. I have seen this over and over.
He is obsessed with this game even though he does not play.
Why would you hang around a message board of a game you don’t like? That’s almost WORSE than playing a game you don’t like…lol
Dan Mathews strikes again. All he does is post about how this game sucks. I have seen this over and over.
He is obsessed with this game even though he does not play.
Why would you hang around a message board of a game you don’t like? That’s almost WORSE than playing a game you don’t like…lol
I dunno, there can be entertainment had through posting on forums and if that is fun for him then he is having fun with the game.
I think it’s still fun. 3 80s, all 3 Orders, all the crafting, I made a legendary. Don’t regret any of it. A little burnt out on farming after crafting a legendary, so now I spend most of time in WvW. Some parts of the game definitely need attention. Some more than others. But this is a very easy yet effective mmo. Will be hard to go back to older titles after it, unless you are looking for a lot of heavy coordinated harder content.
(edited by Nottix.7864)
A qualified “yes”…
I’m burned out working on my fourth 80 – stuck in the late 60’s for a couple of weeks now, about 700 hours in.
Adventure Box was a lot of fun, but what’s still lacking is… I don’t know, really. Something about GW2 is off for me. With all the quality on offer, I should have been hooked. But I’m not and really haven’t, yet.
It’s a great game, with little competition IMO. I’m just gonna enjoy some of the many other games waiting, and come back in a while.
Its a very fun game and it just keep getting better as time goes on. If any thing ppl are not leaving you may have some ppl get bored from time to time but they do come back after an update and this is how GW1 was the big thing about GW2 is there are things like WvW that keeps major pop. playing every day.
Any way these is one of these at least once a week please read the forums for the other threads like this and post there. There not much reason to make a new one every time you feel you need to make some weird declaration to no one.
The reason these posts re-occur is because people feel like they have been robbed of their previous experiences or even mislead to some degree. We are concerned for the game because we are loyal and hope that at some stage we could come to thoroughly enjoy the game once again if there is a chance that the things that were true to Guild wars, are implemented in some way.
We all bought Guild wars 2 because we all loved Gw1. The reputation was there and we went along with it until we realized how drastically different it actually was.
These threads have a place on the forum because it raises concern. If we didn’t care, we wouldn’t waste our time writing here.
Problem is there is a huge amount of players with equally valid opinions as your group’s stance, that enjoy and love GW2, even though they did play and love GW1. You make it sound as if the game failed the “GW1 faithful”, when in fact it does sound more like nostalgia on your part (no offense, as I did like GW1, but also realized this game would understandably be a different experience.)
I loved Assassin more than I like Thief on GW2. Miss my Paragon, though most everybody hated it on GW1. Miss 8 members parties. Miss more weapon/skill freedom. Don’t really enjoy jumping puzzles at all (though I seem to be in a minority on this regard.) Initially missed my Monk, not due to the Healer role-there were smiting Monks after all-but because she was my main back then, and I had learned to use her as a Healer/Prot/Smiting monk and beyond. Miss that the Profession didn’t make it, even if not as a “Healer.” Miss tons of things, found the active combat thing very alien during betas, but just accepted this is just another game based on GW1 lore, made by a similar team that still believes on similar concepts.
Many of the GW1 tenets still remain, despite all the differences. And one thing I like more about GW2, ironically enough, is that though we have less skill diversity, Professions of any type can just choose a good build they play well and use it without fear of being rejected for not having “the right build/gear” for this or that Dungeon (CoF 1 is an elitist anomaly on this regard, but in truth, one can still do it as easily with any party combination, if not exactly as fast.) There’s more GW1 on this game than those other games out there, if you are honest with yourself-it’s just a different game, an evolution which not all will like, but many GW1 players still do like.
I love this game. Atm I’m working towards foefires essence for my guardian and after I’m done with that, I shall create a ranger seeing as I have always wanted to make one for an alt and they are getting buffed this month.
It started off really bad for me. After awhile the game got kind of fun when I started a warrior and engineer. A couple weeks later the game just felt terribly shallow and boring.
I’m about 300 hours played and would say about 5-10 of those hours I was enjoying myself. Spent so many hours since launch just hoping that it would get better… and surprise it never did. I don’t play at all anymore, but I do frequent the forums/check updates in hope that things will get better.
I think GW2 is huge fun, currently having a blast in WvW, only mean’t to log on to do my PvP / PvE dailys today because I had stuff to do…made the mistake of going to Eternal Battlegrounds where we were assaulting Stonemist…8 hours later, I have 200 badges of honour…but no Stonemist…oh well…
Had the game since day 1, have had peaks and troughs but it remains really, really good fun…
It does have loads of grind but its entirely optional, you don’t after do any of it…
Some things that are could be viewed as grind:-
1) Legendary skin.
2) Fractuals.
3) Dungeon tokens.
4) Wxp.
5) Glory in PvP.
6) Laurels.
7) Crafting.
But they are all optional/side effects of just playing the game for fun really…none are a requirement in this game…
(edited by Meglobob.8620)
This game was awesome 1-80. Absolute perfection in my opinion. Then I bought some gems, turn it into gold, bought all exotic Bezerker level 80 gear and realized there’s nothing to do because I had the gear I would have been grinding for.
The jumping puzzles (very fun), map completion (cool), alt leveling (a breeze) and skin collecting is stuff you do on OFF RAID NIGHTS…but this game has no raiding. And there’s no new contents planned for this game. So, let’s rename it Jumping Wars and put it back on the shelf.
P.S. I’m a girl and I don’t even care about the skins. I bought the Order of Whispers gear and was very happy with that.
Of course they released it too early. I’ve yet to see an MMO in the last five years that hasn’t come out too early. That’s because no matter what you do, at some point you have to start earning an income.
I’ve said this before on many threads, that I believe Anet launched this game to beat MoP to market. It wasn’t a bad move. Probably made them a lot of money. They’ve been playing catch up ever since.
If this was the only MMO forced to launch before it was completely finished, it would be a travesty, but it’s not. Because MMOs cost so much money to make and take so much time that eventually you have to bite the bullet and get it out there.
As usual, you misrepresent my position.
I didn’t say it had to be completely finished. There’s a wide swath of possibilities between underdeveloped and completely polished.
I didn’t buy this game because it’s relatively better than all the others; relatively better can still be poor overall. I bought it because I expected it to meet some set of criteria that exists regardless of the quality of current MMOs on the market.
Me. I’ll just hang out here and wait for the fixes.
That’s the problem. You’re asking us to trust that everything will work out. I don’t see how they can make significant improvements without a significant overhaul of many of the core mechanics. And you’ve already said in other threads you don’t see those kinds of changes occurring.
I didn’t misrepresent you. I disagree with you. The game was playable, it was buggy. If you don’t like the core mechanics, you don’t like them, and that’s fine. It doesn’t, however, make those core mechanics bad. It makes them not your thing.
I have very little problem with the core mechanics of this game and I had very little problem with them at launch. You’re 100% right. If you don’t like the core mechanics of a game, it’s not going to change. I didn’t like the trinity in any game I’ve played. That’s a core mechanic. It’s not going to change. So if I play trinity games, I don’t go to the forums of those games and complain about the trinity, because there’s not much point. I knew it would be there from the beginning.
As for expecting a game to launch more complete more better than it’s counterparts, well, you can expect that. But it’s not a reasonable expectation. The industry is how it is for a reason. The combination of fan pressure for the game to come out, investor pressure for the game to come out, timing of other games…given that no MMO is going to be in a good place when it launches, it makes sense to launch in window with no competition. If you owned the company, you’d do the same thing. Because it’s your money and your investment.
Waiting till the game is more ready isn’t always the best thing for the game. And the higher the overhead of a business, the more risk involved. This is a big risk investment for people and business decisions have to be part of the equation.
What I do know is no new game is going to compare to a game that’s 7 years old, in terms of content and updates. The game needs to mature for that to happen.
Or maybe they just released it too quickly, without enough thought or resources going into many of the game mechanics and content.
Sequels are compared to their predecessors for a reason. With a similar staff, the second title in a series should build on the previous concepts and successful elements of the first title. It’s completely fair to expect much of what was learned in the first game to be applied to the second. Expectations are going to be much higher, just like they were for Diablo III as compared with Diablo II.
It is funny to me how video games are one of the only products that can be released before they are really finished, just to make a profit, and people defend that position.
I can’t think of any other industry where if you released something early, and it wasn’t really ready for public consumption, that it would get defended because the company needed to start making money. In most industries the company and the product would get absolutely torn apart by the media as well as possibly being the target of recalls, refunds or a class action lawsuit.
Just amazing really.
Video games are not MMOs. MMOs are a very specific, high risk type of video game. I wouldn’t tolerate it in most types of games, but realistically, there are going to be less MMOs as time goes on, because they just cost too much to make, compared to the risk of what you could get back. That’s why more and more iphone games are coming out. Low risk for high chance of profit. If it doesn’t work out, it’s not the end of the world. The same can’t be said for MMOs.
I wish people would start separating MMOs from other types of video games in their thought process. They really are a beast apart.
The more ambitious the MMO, the earlier it will end up having to launch, unless you have so much money up front that you can afford to hold off indefinitely. Neither NCSoft nor Anet has that kind of money.
Of course they released it too early. I’ve yet to see an MMO in the last five years that hasn’t come out too early. That’s because no matter what you do, at some point you have to start earning an income.
I’ve said this before on many threads, that I believe Anet launched this game to beat MoP to market. It wasn’t a bad move. Probably made them a lot of money. They’ve been playing catch up ever since.
If this was the only MMO forced to launch before it was completely finished, it would be a travesty, but it’s not. Because MMOs cost so much money to make and take so much time that eventually you have to bite the bullet and get it out there.
As usual, you misrepresent my position.
I didn’t say it had to be completely finished. There’s a wide swath of possibilities between underdeveloped and completely polished.
I didn’t buy this game because it’s relatively better than all the others; relatively better can still be poor overall. I bought it because I expected it to meet some set of criteria that exists regardless of the quality of current MMOs on the market.
Me. I’ll just hang out here and wait for the fixes.
That’s the problem. You’re asking us to trust that everything will work out. I don’t see how they can make significant improvements without a significant overhaul of many of the core mechanics. And you’ve already said in other threads you don’t see those kinds of changes occurring.
I didn’t misrepresent you. I disagree with you. The game was playable, it was buggy. If you don’t like the core mechanics, you don’t like them, and that’s fine. It doesn’t, however, make those core mechanics bad. It makes them not your thing.
I have very little problem with the core mechanics of this game and I had very little problem with them at launch. You’re 100% right. If you don’t like the core mechanics of a game, it’s not going to change. I didn’t like the trinity in any game I’ve played. That’s a core mechanic. It’s not going to change. So if I play trinity games, I don’t go to the forums of those games and complain about the trinity, because there’s not much point. I knew it would be there from the beginning.
As for expecting a game to launch more complete more better than it’s counterparts, well, you can expect that. But it’s not a reasonable expectation. The industry is how it is for a reason. The combination of fan pressure for the game to come out, investor pressure for the game to come out, timing of other games…given that no MMO is going to be in a good place when it launches, it makes sense to launch in window with no competition. If you owned the company, you’d do the same thing. Because it’s your money and your investment.
Waiting till the game is more ready isn’t always the best thing for the game. And the higher the overhead of a business, the more risk involved. This is a big risk investment for people and business decisions have to be part of the equation.
This game needs WoW raids + Rift dimensions = perfection
This game was awesome 1-80. Absolute perfection in my opinion. Then I bought some gems, turn it into gold, bought all exotic Bezerker level 80 gear and realized there’s nothing to do because I had the gear I would have been grinding for.
The jumping puzzles (very fun), map completion (cool), alt leveling (a breeze) and skin collecting is stuff you do on OFF RAID NIGHTS…but this game has no raiding. And there’s no new contents planned for this game. So, let’s rename it Jumping Wars and put it back on the shelf.
P.S. I’m a girl and I don’t even care about the skins. I bought the Order of Whispers gear and was very happy with that.
What makes you think there’s no new content coming?
Of course they released it too early. I’ve yet to see an MMO in the last five years that hasn’t come out too early. That’s because no matter what you do, at some point you have to start earning an income.
I’ve said this before on many threads, that I believe Anet launched this game to beat MoP to market. It wasn’t a bad move. Probably made them a lot of money. They’ve been playing catch up ever since.
If this was the only MMO forced to launch before it was completely finished, it would be a travesty, but it’s not. Because MMOs cost so much money to make and take so much time that eventually you have to bite the bullet and get it out there.
As usual, you misrepresent my position.
I didn’t say it had to be completely finished. There’s a wide swath of possibilities between underdeveloped and completely polished.
I didn’t buy this game because it’s relatively better than all the others; relatively better can still be poor overall. I bought it because I expected it to meet some set of criteria that exists regardless of the quality of current MMOs on the market.
Me. I’ll just hang out here and wait for the fixes.
That’s the problem. You’re asking us to trust that everything will work out. I don’t see how they can make significant improvements without a significant overhaul of many of the core mechanics. And you’ve already said in other threads you don’t see those kinds of changes occurring.
I didn’t misrepresent you. I disagree with you. The game was playable, it was buggy. If you don’t like the core mechanics, you don’t like them, and that’s fine. It doesn’t, however, make those core mechanics bad. It makes them not your thing.
I have very little problem with the core mechanics of this game and I had very little problem with them at launch. You’re 100% right. If you don’t like the core mechanics of a game, it’s not going to change. I didn’t like the trinity in any game I’ve played. That’s a core mechanic. It’s not going to change. So if I play trinity games, I don’t go to the forums of those games and complain about the trinity, because there’s not much point. I knew it would be there from the beginning.
As for expecting a game to launch more complete more better than it’s counterparts, well, you can expect that. But it’s not a reasonable expectation. The industry is how it is for a reason. The combination of fan pressure for the game to come out, investor pressure for the game to come out, timing of other games…given that no MMO is going to be in a good place when it launches, it makes sense to launch in window with no competition. If you owned the company, you’d do the same thing. Because it’s your money and your investment.
Waiting till the game is more ready isn’t always the best thing for the game. And the higher the overhead of a business, the more risk involved. This is a big risk investment for people and business decisions have to be part of the equation.
This game needs WoW raids + Rift dimensions = perfection
Rift didn’t have dimensions at launch and I’m pretty sure WoW didn’t have a raid. Content takes time. The core of the game is finally working and now they can start adding stuff, in the same way they added the fractals. Again, all it takes is time.
Of course they released it too early. I’ve yet to see an MMO in the last five years that hasn’t come out too early. That’s because no matter what you do, at some point you have to start earning an income.
I’ve said this before on many threads, that I believe Anet launched this game to beat MoP to market. It wasn’t a bad move. Probably made them a lot of money. They’ve been playing catch up ever since.
If this was the only MMO forced to launch before it was completely finished, it would be a travesty, but it’s not. Because MMOs cost so much money to make and take so much time that eventually you have to bite the bullet and get it out there.
As usual, you misrepresent my position.
I didn’t say it had to be completely finished. There’s a wide swath of possibilities between underdeveloped and completely polished.
I didn’t buy this game because it’s relatively better than all the others; relatively better can still be poor overall. I bought it because I expected it to meet some set of criteria that exists regardless of the quality of current MMOs on the market.
Me. I’ll just hang out here and wait for the fixes.
That’s the problem. You’re asking us to trust that everything will work out. I don’t see how they can make significant improvements without a significant overhaul of many of the core mechanics. And you’ve already said in other threads you don’t see those kinds of changes occurring.
I didn’t misrepresent you. I disagree with you. The game was playable, it was buggy. If you don’t like the core mechanics, you don’t like them, and that’s fine. It doesn’t, however, make those core mechanics bad. It makes them not your thing.
I have very little problem with the core mechanics of this game and I had very little problem with them at launch. You’re 100% right. If you don’t like the core mechanics of a game, it’s not going to change. I didn’t like the trinity in any game I’ve played. That’s a core mechanic. It’s not going to change. So if I play trinity games, I don’t go to the forums of those games and complain about the trinity, because there’s not much point. I knew it would be there from the beginning.
As for expecting a game to launch more complete more better than it’s counterparts, well, you can expect that. But it’s not a reasonable expectation. The industry is how it is for a reason. The combination of fan pressure for the game to come out, investor pressure for the game to come out, timing of other games…given that no MMO is going to be in a good place when it launches, it makes sense to launch in window with no competition. If you owned the company, you’d do the same thing. Because it’s your money and your investment.
Waiting till the game is more ready isn’t always the best thing for the game. And the higher the overhead of a business, the more risk involved. This is a big risk investment for people and business decisions have to be part of the equation.
This game needs WoW raids + Rift dimensions = perfection
Rift didn’t have dimensions at launch and I’m pretty sure WoW didn’t have a raid. Content takes time. The core of the game is finally working and now they can start adding stuff, in the same way they added the fractals. Again, all it takes is time.
But they said there’s no more content coming….so?
I didn’t misrepresent you.
You responded to me as if I had claimed the game needed to be completed in order to be released. I never claimed that.
As usual, there are two options here: either (1) you misrepresented what I said, or (2) you used my post as a pretext to chastise some other group. Neither reflects well.
If you don’t like the core mechanics, you don’t like them, and that’s fine. It doesn’t, however, make those core mechanics bad. It makes them not your thing.
By your standards, just because you like the core mechanics doesn’t mean they’re good.
Instead of offering your opinion—yet again—why don’t you try offering up some sort of criteria by which to adjudicate the question of whether core mechanics are acceptable as they currently stand? Along with many others who have tried to interact with you, I’m tired of picking through all the fluff to find something of substance.
Because, honestly, all you ever say to me is that my opinion is my opinion and that it can never mean GW2 is fundamentally flawed in some way. That’s not useful or productive. Such repetitive posts are poisonous to those in this community who are honestly grappling with the state of the game and how it might be improved.
As for expecting a game to launch more complete more better than it’s counterparts, well, you can expect that. But it’s not a reasonable expectation. The industry is how it is for a reason. The combination of fan pressure for the game to come out, investor pressure for the game to come out, timing of other games…given that no MMO is going to be in a good place when it launches, it makes sense to launch in window with no competition. If you owned the company, you’d do the same thing. Because it’s your money and your investment.
You and I have no idea what we’d do if we were in the same position since we’d have access to a large body of information (financial or otherwise) neither of us currently have.
Of course, if what you say is true, then you’ve just admitted that ANet decided to release a game with poor/underdeveloped mechanics in order to earn a profit. And now you say those mechanics are established and can’t be changed. You keep trying to generate hope in those who are dissatisfied, yet here you cut your legs out from under you, telling us that there’s no chance these fundamental flaws will disappear.
but a harsh word stirs up anger.” -Jewish Proverb