precursor collection is a ripoff

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

Forum bug squashed.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I know I’m going to get a bit of hate for this, but I feel it has to be said in order to keep things in perspective: Legendary Weapons are prestige items, nothing more. Everyone does realize this, right?

They look cool, but ascended gear is equally good. They are in the game as an added endgame goal for the people who have already done everything else and have nothing better to do.

The idea of crafting a precursor was to remove the insane randomness of getting a drop, not to hand it to you on a golden platter. No one is making you craft a precursor. There is no game content that is locked behind having a precursor or legendary. In the end, the only benefit you get is a skin and the ability to switch weapon stats outside of combat(which is a trivial benefit).

If you find it so unreasonably tough to make a Precursor, just don’t do it. Ask yourself this: Are there better things to do with my time/effort/gold than make a Precursor? If the answer is Yes, then go do them instead of complaining. If the answer is No, then why complain at all?

I’m really tired about the ignorence of many people in this forum.

I’d use an example so people can stop repeating these same non-sense over and over again.

Dawn Price: 700g on TP

Deldrimor Steel Ingot x 100 price: 1050g
Additional material cost: At least 250g.
1050+250g = 1300g.

Let’s assume you love collecting your own materials, so you’re going to get all the material yourself, that market price doesn’t matter to you.

Now you have 2 options:

1st options:
Collect 10000 iron ores.
Collect 4000 platinum ores.
Collect 10000 mithril ores. (Yes, you need this many because there’s another mithril sink in other part of collection)
Use the above mats to make 100 Deldrimor Steel Ingots
Collect Orichalcum ores.
Collect Karka Shell
Collect Passion flowers
Do WvW for 10 hrs
Do PVP for 10 hrs
Do Silver Waste for 5 hrs
Do fractals for 5 hrs.
Do Dry top for 5 hrs
Run all over the world.
Hunt mobs around the world.
Wait for bugged event to finally come up
Wait for bug fix that prevent progress.

2nd options:
Collect 6300 iron ores
Collect 2800 platinum ores.
Collect 7000 mithril ores.
Make 70 Deldrimor Steel ingots.
BUY Dawn on TP for 700g

So even assuming you collect everything yourself, it’s still much faster/ easier to buy the precursor off TP.

People really need to get smarter…

You asking people to get smarter is very funny actually.

First, as was mentioned, precursor crafting was NEVER ment to be cheaper than the previous methods – FACT. Collin specifically states so in an interview.

Second, precursor crafting is supposed to provide players with the possibility of small increments and steps towards their gold besides watching their gold number increase. The current system accomplishes this, even if stifled with bugs.

Third, the current economic coaster ride that is the TP inflates and deflates certain item prices. Your assumption that prices for precursor crafting will rise base only on crafting is, well let’s say not realistic. Precursor crafting is new and shiny, people are rushing steps as much as they can -> prices spike.

Finally, precursor crafting was ment to be a hunt which leads you around the world of tyria. Now not everythig is fun to every one. The current system, and the objectives needed for each precursor are fitting it’s theme (if you bought all the Step 1 precursor books and looked through all the steps, you’d notice that).

Your main argument is only:

- it’s not fun
- it costs way more

both complaints are either subjective or were never intended to get solved. So please, would you kindely refrain from asking others to “get smarter” when you yourself don’t even grasp the situation.

Do you even read my post?

Is it really that hard to understand?

My point is you can GRIND ORES regardless of which method you choose, but one of them only requires 70% of ores to reach the TP price that you can straight out buy it from TP and save 30+ hrs of doing the whole process, and save the additional potential cost of 600g.

So you grind LESS if you buy it on TP.

The process of the grinding ores part is EXACTLY THE SAME between two method, just one method waste the material on crafting precursor, and another method utilize the material by selling them straight away and get gold to buy Precursors.
Either methods gain the potential revenue from this grinding ore method, but one of them spend way less ores and all the other materials.

Is it really that hard to understand?

I’m only viewing this in an rational, economic point of view. It has nothing to do with whether you enjoy the process or not. Both methods are boring, but the method of buying on TP endure the borden way shorter.

Both method are NOT exactly the same. No matter if you are to dense to understand the difference.

Method 1: you grind the ore and sell it. Your bank account increases. You now are tempted to spend the gold you have. There is no sense of progress since gold increases and decreases all the time.

Method 2: You gather the ore and forge what ever parts are needed and put them on your bank seeing the number of parts slowly increase. There is a buffer between you having direct access to this value as gold.

Again, stop thinking in pure gold cost. If you dislike the precursor crafting, fine. You have other options of getting your precursor. You are in no way worse off except if you already started crafting one without reading up first.

Here, imagine arenanet had said the following about precursor crafting: “We are going to add a way to aquire precursors that circumvents rng, but it might be slightly more expensive.”

Now replace your subjective expectations of precursor crafting being cheaper with this statement and move on. (which funny enough, is exactly what they had advertised precursor crafting as)

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


So everyone just grinds 70% of the materials and buys off the tp. Then what happens to the precursor price with the increased demand?

And what happens to the ascended material price with the decreased demand?

This is simplifying the price dynamics, been that precursor prices are linked to a number of other markets, not just supply/demand. The reason you are seeing such a difference between crafting cost and tp cost is because the market is unsettled. Give it a few months and the ‘problem’ will go away.

People will always base the material cost on the MOST EXPENSIVE PRECURSOR, namely Dusk.

As long as Dusk price remains high, it is unlikely that the material used for crafting Dusk being cheaper any time soon.

The flaw of Anet’s system is that they assume that all 2-h weapon has the same cost, thus, require the same amount of material. But in reality people will only base the cost on the highest product because they have the incentive to maximize profit.

Seriously, crafted precursor being tradable is the biggest failure and mistake in Anet’s part. If they make precursors crafting cost less, ,and the finished product, untradable, people couldn’t gain profit from it by making the highest price precursor for sell.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


I know I’m going to get a bit of hate for this, but I feel it has to be said in order to keep things in perspective: Legendary Weapons are prestige items, nothing more. Everyone does realize this, right?

They look cool, but ascended gear is equally good. They are in the game as an added endgame goal for the people who have already done everything else and have nothing better to do.

The idea of crafting a precursor was to remove the insane randomness of getting a drop, not to hand it to you on a golden platter. No one is making you craft a precursor. There is no game content that is locked behind having a precursor or legendary. In the end, the only benefit you get is a skin and the ability to switch weapon stats outside of combat(which is a trivial benefit).

If you find it so unreasonably tough to make a Precursor, just don’t do it. Ask yourself this: Are there better things to do with my time/effort/gold than make a Precursor? If the answer is Yes, then go do them instead of complaining. If the answer is No, then why complain at all?

I’m really tired about the ignorence of many people in this forum.

I’d use an example so people can stop repeating these same non-sense over and over again.

Dawn Price: 700g on TP

Deldrimor Steel Ingot x 100 price: 1050g
Additional material cost: At least 250g.
1050+250g = 1300g.

Let’s assume you love collecting your own materials, so you’re going to get all the material yourself, that market price doesn’t matter to you.

Now you have 2 options:

1st options:
Collect 10000 iron ores.
Collect 4000 platinum ores.
Collect 10000 mithril ores. (Yes, you need this many because there’s another mithril sink in other part of collection)
Use the above mats to make 100 Deldrimor Steel Ingots
Collect Orichalcum ores.
Collect Karka Shell
Collect Passion flowers
Do WvW for 10 hrs
Do PVP for 10 hrs
Do Silver Waste for 5 hrs
Do fractals for 5 hrs.
Do Dry top for 5 hrs
Run all over the world.
Hunt mobs around the world.
Wait for bugged event to finally come up
Wait for bug fix that prevent progress.

2nd options:
Collect 6300 iron ores
Collect 2800 platinum ores.
Collect 7000 mithril ores.
Make 70 Deldrimor Steel ingots.
BUY Dawn on TP for 700g

So even assuming you collect everything yourself, it’s still much faster/ easier to buy the precursor off TP.

People really need to get smarter…

You asking people to get smarter is very funny actually.

First, as was mentioned, precursor crafting was NEVER ment to be cheaper than the previous methods – FACT. Collin specifically states so in an interview.

Second, precursor crafting is supposed to provide players with the possibility of small increments and steps towards their gold besides watching their gold number increase. The current system accomplishes this, even if stifled with bugs.

Third, the current economic coaster ride that is the TP inflates and deflates certain item prices. Your assumption that prices for precursor crafting will rise base only on crafting is, well let’s say not realistic. Precursor crafting is new and shiny, people are rushing steps as much as they can -> prices spike.

Finally, precursor crafting was ment to be a hunt which leads you around the world of tyria. Now not everythig is fun to every one. The current system, and the objectives needed for each precursor are fitting it’s theme (if you bought all the Step 1 precursor books and looked through all the steps, you’d notice that).

Your main argument is only:

- it’s not fun
- it costs way more

both complaints are either subjective or were never intended to get solved. So please, would you kindely refrain from asking others to “get smarter” when you yourself don’t even grasp the situation.

Do you even read my post?

Is it really that hard to understand?

My point is you can GRIND ORES regardless of which method you choose, but one of them only requires 70% of ores to reach the TP price that you can straight out buy it from TP and save 30+ hrs of doing the whole process, and save the additional potential cost of 600g.

So you grind LESS if you buy it on TP.

The process of the grinding ores part is EXACTLY THE SAME between two method, just one method waste the material on crafting precursor, and another method utilize the material by selling them straight away and get gold to buy Precursors.
Either methods gain the potential revenue from this grinding ore method, but one of them spend way less ores and all the other materials.

Is it really that hard to understand?

I’m only viewing this in an rational, economic point of view. It has nothing to do with whether you enjoy the process or not. Both methods are boring, but the method of buying on TP endure the borden way shorter.

Both method are NOT exactly the same. No matter if you are to dense to understand the difference.

Method 1: you grind the ore and sell it. Your bank account increases. You now are tempted to spend the gold you have. There is no sense of progress since gold increases and decreases all the time.

Method 2: You gather the ore and forge what ever parts are needed and put them on your bank seeing the number of parts slowly increase. There is a buffer between you having direct access to this value as gold.

Again, stop thinking in pure gold cost. If you dislike the precursor crafting, fine. You have other options of getting your precursor. You are in no way worse off except if you already started crafting one without reading up first.

Here, imagine arenanet had said the following about precursor crafting: “We are going to add a way to aquire precursors that circumvents rng, but it might be slightly more expensive.”

Now replace your subjective expectations of precursor crafting being cheaper with this statement and move on. (which funny enough, is exactly what they had advertised precursor crafting as)

I’m done talking with you.

My conclusion is, if you want to craft Dawn or other rip-off precursors that way, go ahead, I won’t stop you.

I bet you wouldn’t because you argue with me only for the sake of arguing with me. Your argument does not benefit anyone because people will lose money/and waste time because of it. You can twist my point whatever you want and try to justify the current crafting system for this “sense of progress” that doesn’t really exist. In fact, gold is more flexible than your so-called “half-way progressed system”, which all of them are sinked directly in it and no way to retrieve it back, meaning you cannot stop half-way or you lose it all. On the other hand, if you trade materials for gold, you can always change your mind and buy something else.

I’m here to enlighten people with fact with hard solid statistical proof. You can take it or leave it, your choice.

(edited by Aomine.5012)

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I’m done talking with you.

My conclusion is, if you want to craft Dawn or other rip-off precursors that way, go ahead, I won’t stop you.

Perfect. That’s exactly what I will do. Decide if I want to use the new method or not. Considering I already got Twilight twice via the old method, getting Dawn for Sunrise via precursor crafting is a fresh idea.

I bet you wouldn’t because you argue with me only for the sake of arguing with me. Your argument does not benefit anyone because people will lose money/and waste time because of it. You can twist my point whatever you want and try to justify the current crafting system for this “sense of progress” that doesn’t really exist. In fact, gold is more flexible than your so-called “half-way progressed system”, which all of them are sinked directly in it and no way to retrieve it back, meaning you cannot stop half-way or you lose it all. On the other hand, if you trade materials for gold, you can always change your mind and buy something else.

Thanks for assuming. I shall turn to you for future predictions. Any idea which way the stock market will go? I’m considering buying VW stock in the near future once it has stabilized.

I’m here to enlighten people with fact with hard solid statistical proof. You can take it or leave it, your choice.

Let me correct that for you :

I’m here to complain to people with fact that at the current moment pricing, precursor crafting is more expensive than directly buying them from the TP. You can take it or leave it, your choice.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


The point being you don’t have to buy the majority of that stuff if you don’t want, you can gather and craft. So it is exactly either a time sink or a gold sink.

You can sell what you gather, though (this is good way to make money), so ultimately time and gold are equivalent if you have to farm buyable/sellable items. I wouldn’t mine substituting time for gold, but that’s not what’s happening here. Rather, you’re substituting time and gold for the same amount of gold. It might even be cheaper to buy it off the Trading Post.

That is a logical fallacy. It doesn’t matter how much you can sell materials for if you need to use that material to make your precursor. All that matters is are you buying the material or are you farming the material. If you’re buying the material you’re choosing to use your gold. If your farming it you’re choosing to spend your time. And that is the choice of time versus gold.

You don’t get to get your legendary for free. You have to spend time or money or both. The good thing about it is for a large chunk of it you get to decide what you’re going to spend.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


I’m done talking with you.

My conclusion is, if you want to craft Dawn or other rip-off precursors that way, go ahead, I won’t stop you.

Perfect. That’s exactly what I will do. Decide if I want to use the new method or not. Considering I already got Twilight twice via the old method, getting Dawn for Sunrise via precursor crafting is a fresh idea.

I bet you wouldn’t because you argue with me only for the sake of arguing with me. Your argument does not benefit anyone because people will lose money/and waste time because of it. You can twist my point whatever you want and try to justify the current crafting system for this “sense of progress” that doesn’t really exist. In fact, gold is more flexible than your so-called “half-way progressed system”, which all of them are sinked directly in it and no way to retrieve it back, meaning you cannot stop half-way or you lose it all. On the other hand, if you trade materials for gold, you can always change your mind and buy something else.

Thanks for assuming. I shall turn to you for future predictions. Any idea which way the stock market will go? I’m considering buying VW stock in the near future once it has stabilized.

I’m here to enlighten people with fact with hard solid statistical proof. You can take it or leave it, your choice.

Let me correct that for you :

I’m here to complain to people with fact that at the current moment pricing, precursor crafting is more expensive than directly buying them from the TP. You can take it or leave it, your choice.

Kinda knew you’d respond like this.

Arguing for the sake of arguing, with no useful information or statistical proof to back you up, and no beneficial information for the player-base too, only base the decision and argument on your own feeling.

Have fun crafting. That’s all I can say to irrational people.

(edited by Aomine.5012)

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I’m done talking with you.

My conclusion is, if you want to craft Dawn or other rip-off precursors that way, go ahead, I won’t stop you.

Perfect. That’s exactly what I will do. Decide if I want to use the new method or not. Considering I already got Twilight twice via the old method, getting Dawn for Sunrise via precursor crafting is a fresh idea.

I bet you wouldn’t because you argue with me only for the sake of arguing with me. Your argument does not benefit anyone because people will lose money/and waste time because of it. You can twist my point whatever you want and try to justify the current crafting system for this “sense of progress” that doesn’t really exist. In fact, gold is more flexible than your so-called “half-way progressed system”, which all of them are sinked directly in it and no way to retrieve it back, meaning you cannot stop half-way or you lose it all. On the other hand, if you trade materials for gold, you can always change your mind and buy something else.

Thanks for assuming. I shall turn to you for future predictions. Any idea which way the stock market will go? I’m considering buying VW stock in the near future once it has stabilized.

I’m here to enlighten people with fact with hard solid statistical proof. You can take it or leave it, your choice.

Let me correct that for you :

I’m here to complain to people with fact that at the current moment pricing, precursor crafting is more expensive than directly buying them from the TP. You can take it or leave it, your choice.

Kinda knew you’d respond like this.

Arguing for the sake of arguing, with no useful information or statistical proof to back you up, and no beneficial information for the player-base too, only base the decision and argument on your own feeling.

Have fun crafting. That’s all I can say to irrational people.

What proof do you need? You’ve already shown that precursor crafting is currently more expensive than buying the pre directly off the TP. People (myself included) agreed.

And it has nothing to do with the validity of precursor crafting.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Qazwersder.3574


Manasa – because now I can sit and gather the materials for the precursor hunt and once I have amassed them decide whether I want to craft or sell the mats and buy off the tp. (This is no different to before except now I have a list of specific materials to work towards as opposed to just gold value).

Aomine – yes dusk is most expensive and it’s currently cheaper to craft, so intelligent people will craft this and then buy the one they actually want. This will cause all two handed precursors (if the have the same material cost and difficulty, I don’t know the costs) to adjust towards a similar price. I don’t know what this price will be.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Citronvand.2837


If you’re buying the material you’re choosing to use your gold. If your farming it you’re choosing to spend your time. And that is the choice of time versus gold.

You don’t get to get your legendary for free. You have to spend time or money or both. The good thing about it is for a large chunk of it you get to decide what you’re going to spend.

The problem is that the gold and time option interconnect so to speak. This is because you can sell the materials needed to craft the precursor. When said materials is selling for so much that you can buy the precursor on TP and still have money left then there is no reason to craft it.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

If you’re buying the material you’re choosing to use your gold. If your farming it you’re choosing to spend your time. And that is the choice of time versus gold.

You don’t get to get your legendary for free. You have to spend time or money or both. The good thing about it is for a large chunk of it you get to decide what you’re going to spend.

The problem is that the gold and time option interconnect so to speak. This is because you can sell the materials needed to craft the precursor. When said materials is selling for so much that you can buy the precursor on TP and still have money left then there is no reason to craft it.

This. And also, plenty of people already have the gold to buy precursors after playing for over 3 years.

I’m no stranger to gathering resources and saving up to use them. It’s how I got my dozen or so ascended weapons as well as full ascended armors on several characters. Slowly but steadily, another piece every time I have the materials for another one.

Do I want to do this for a precursor, when I can just buy one ready-made and use the next hundred or so ascended materials I accumulate like I’ve been using them all this time? Hell no.

I waited for this “precursor hunt” since it was announced years ago. Patiently. It’s not what I hoped for or wanted. I’ll just consider the completed tier 1 collection as a boring means of gaining a few AP, and forget about it.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blaine Tog.8304

Blaine Tog.8304

That is a logical fallacy. It doesn’t matter how much you can sell materials for if you need to use that material to make your precursor.

Oh it absolutely does matter, because you don’t actually need them to acquire a precursor.

Look, I’m working towards the Bifrost, right? I have everything together except The Legend. Let’s say that the only material I need to craft The Legend are 100 Spiritwood Planks (to keep things simple), and let’s also say that I’ve harvested enough wood to craft all 100 Spiritwood Planks on my own.

Now, what if Spiritwood Planks were to spike in price to 15 gold each? Seems implausible, I know, but they’ve already spiked significantly since HoT came out, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see them spike again when Raids finally drop. If they were to spike that high, crafting The Legend would essentially cost me 1275 gold (the price I could get for my Spiritwood Planks after TP fees). If the price of The Legend were to remain at its current point (965 gold for the lowest sell order), then I would be a fool to craft my precursor. I could simply sell my Spiritwood Planks instead, buy The Legend off the TP, and end up with exactly the same item I wanted, except I’d be up a spare 310 gold and whatever time I would’ve spent putting together the collection.

There is a smooth continuity between liquid and material wealth in GW2.

Incidentally, it currently costs 1150 gold to craft The Legend.

You don’t get to get your legendary for free. You have to spend time or money or both. The good thing about it is for a large chunk of it you get to decide what you’re going to spend.

And I wouldn’t mind that at all if my time were given any value at all, but at the moment it’s actually at a high negative value. Going through the effort of acquiring The Legend actually costs you more wealth than if you bought it straight-up from the TP, even if you just fill a sell order. It’s ludicrous and the recent addition of precursor crafting is only partially to blame because most of the materials required are in high demand for a multitude of other things as well.

I main Ele and Necro, though I have an alt of each profession at level 80.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vicious.5683


The point being you don’t have to buy the majority of that stuff if you don’t want, you can gather and craft. So it is exactly either a time sink or a gold sink.

You can sell what you gather, though (this is good way to make money), so ultimately time and gold are equivalent if you have to farm buyable/sellable items. I wouldn’t mine substituting time for gold, but that’s not what’s happening here. Rather, you’re substituting time and gold for the same amount of gold. It might even be cheaper to buy it off the Trading Post.

That is a logical fallacy. It doesn’t matter how much you can sell materials for if you need to use that material to make your precursor. All that matters is are you buying the material or are you farming the material. If you’re buying the material you’re choosing to use your gold. If your farming it you’re choosing to spend your time. And that is the choice of time versus gold.

You don’t get to get your legendary for free. You have to spend time or money or both. The good thing about it is for a large chunk of it you get to decide what you’re going to spend.

lol at this guy.

People should learn some economics.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lorath.2504


I noticed it was said above, but I want to restate it: the point is not to be cheaper or easier, the point is to sidestep both the pRNG and the anticlimactic “buy from the Trading Post.”

Not anticlimactic? Its still a ‘oh thank God its over…’ thing rather than a ‘hell yea! that was f… awesome!’ thing.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


The point being you don’t have to buy the majority of that stuff if you don’t want, you can gather and craft. So it is exactly either a time sink or a gold sink.

You can sell what you gather, though (this is good way to make money), so ultimately time and gold are equivalent if you have to farm buyable/sellable items. I wouldn’t mine substituting time for gold, but that’s not what’s happening here. Rather, you’re substituting time and gold for the same amount of gold. It might even be cheaper to buy it off the Trading Post.

That is a logical fallacy. It doesn’t matter how much you can sell materials for if you need to use that material to make your precursor. All that matters is are you buying the material or are you farming the material. If you’re buying the material you’re choosing to use your gold. If your farming it you’re choosing to spend your time. And that is the choice of time versus gold.

You don’t get to get your legendary for free. You have to spend time or money or both. The good thing about it is for a large chunk of it you get to decide what you’re going to spend.

lol at this guy.

People should learn some economics.

Already have thanks. But let’s not start a flame war shall we? We can discuss things and disagree without being rude, can’t we?

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


That is a logical fallacy. It doesn’t matter how much you can sell materials for if you need to use that material to make your precursor.

Oh it absolutely does matter, because you don’t actually need them to acquire a precursor.

Look, I’m working towards the Bifrost, right? I have everything together except The Legend. Let’s say that the only material I need to craft The Legend are 100 Spiritwood Planks (to keep things simple), and let’s also say that I’ve harvested enough wood to craft all 100 Spiritwood Planks on my own.

Now, what if Spiritwood Planks were to spike in price to 15 gold each? Seems implausible, I know, but they’ve already spiked significantly since HoT came out, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see them spike again when Raids finally drop. If they were to spike that high, crafting The Legend would essentially cost me 1275 gold (the price I could get for my Spiritwood Planks after TP fees). If the price of The Legend were to remain at its current point (965 gold for the lowest sell order), then I would be a fool to craft my precursor. I could simply sell my Spiritwood Planks instead, buy The Legend off the TP, and end up with exactly the same item I wanted, except I’d be up a spare 310 gold and whatever time I would’ve spent putting together the collection.

There is a smooth continuity between liquid and material wealth in GW2.

Incidentally, it currently costs 1150 gold to craft The Legend.

You don’t get to get your legendary for free. You have to spend time or money or both. The good thing about it is for a large chunk of it you get to decide what you’re going to spend.

And I wouldn’t mind that at all if my time were given any value at all, but at the moment it’s actually at a high negative value. Going through the effort of acquiring The Legend actually costs you more wealth than if you bought it straight-up from the TP, even if you just fill a sell order. It’s ludicrous and the recent addition of precursor crafting is only partially to blame because most of the materials required are in high demand for a multitude of other things as well.

Of course in situations where the components value is unequal to the cost of the finished product then that is correct. I was talking about in cases where all things are considered equal. Perhaps I should have made that clear, my brother flips houses as a secondary source of income. He thinks he might eventually make it his career. Is always talking about the difference between hiring contractors vs putting in a sweat equity. There is a different value two things based on what’s more important to you at the time and what’s your eventual return is going to be.

So yes if you get the crafting components equivalent to making the legendary, and can sell it for more than what the legendary actually sells on the Trading Post, then yes you’re actually better off farming for the crafting materials and selling them. Again as I said my point I was trying to make was in the case where everything is equal, or where the finished product is more valuable than the sum of its parts, but when the craft and components are more valuable than its throwing everything out of whack. In that case then you are perfectly correct.

But what do you do when it’s the players running the market and not the game creators? I think ArenaNet missed the boat anyway, I think that getting a precursor should have been an adventurous quests and not crafting

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Eighthrain.8612

Aidan Eighthrain.8612

What 100% crafting Dawn is costing me :

- HoT (Pre-ordered) : 45 €
- Mats (inc. ~100 Deldrimor steel CRAFTED with current Iron Ore, etc) : 1000 g +
- Hours of collection unlock.

Dawn price before expansion : 675 g
Dawn price after expansion : 700 g

I’m expecting a huge mea culpa and a gesture from Anet here.

(edited by Aidan Eighthrain.8612)

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


What 100% crafting Dawn is costing me :

- HoT (Pre-ordered) : 45 €
- Mats : (inc. ~100 Deldrimor steel CRAFTED with current Iron Ore, etc) : 1000 g +
- Hours of collection unlock.

Dawn price before expansion : 675 g
Dawn price after expansion : 700 g

I’m expecting a huge mea culpa and a gesture from Anet here.

You forget to add 11 millions worth of xp in TYRIA and 100 days of waiting.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Eighthrain.8612

Aidan Eighthrain.8612

What 100% crafting Dawn is costing me :

- HoT (Pre-ordered) : 45 €
- Mats : (inc. ~100 Deldrimor steel CRAFTED with current Iron Ore, etc) : 1000 g +
- Hours of collection unlock.

Dawn price before expansion : 675 g
Dawn price after expansion : 700 g

I’m expecting a huge mea culpa and a gesture from Anet here.

You forget to add 11 millions worth of xp in TYRIA and 100 days of waiting.

Indeed. Man, I’m so kittened off atm.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neural.1824


What 100% crafting Dawn is costing me :

- HoT (Pre-ordered) : 45 €
- Mats : (inc. ~100 Deldrimor steel CRAFTED with current Iron Ore, etc) : 1000 g +
- Hours of collection unlock.

Dawn price before expansion : 675 g
Dawn price after expansion : 700 g

I’m expecting a huge mea culpa and a gesture from Anet here.

You forget to add 11 millions worth of xp in TYRIA and 100 days of waiting.

Don’t forget that many of the collections have RNG burned into them too.

Where are my gem sales? I want gem sales! Nerf EVERYTHING!

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Celtic Lady.3729

Celtic Lady.3729

Don’t forget that many of the collections have RNG burned into them too.

This is definitely one of the most frustrating aspects of precursor crafting for me. The RNG walls are still there smacking me in the face, so no, it’s not a non-RNG way of getting precursors.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


That is a logical fallacy. It doesn’t matter how much you can sell materials for if you need to use that material to make your precursor.

Oh it absolutely does matter, because you don’t actually need them to acquire a precursor.

Look, I’m working towards the Bifrost, right? I have everything together except The Legend. Let’s say that the only material I need to craft The Legend are 100 Spiritwood Planks (to keep things simple), and let’s also say that I’ve harvested enough wood to craft all 100 Spiritwood Planks on my own.

Now, what if Spiritwood Planks were to spike in price to 15 gold each? Seems implausible, I know, but they’ve already spiked significantly since HoT came out, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see them spike again when Raids finally drop. If they were to spike that high, crafting The Legend would essentially cost me 1275 gold (the price I could get for my Spiritwood Planks after TP fees). If the price of The Legend were to remain at its current point (965 gold for the lowest sell order), then I would be a fool to craft my precursor. I could simply sell my Spiritwood Planks instead, buy The Legend off the TP, and end up with exactly the same item I wanted, except I’d be up a spare 310 gold and whatever time I would’ve spent putting together the collection.

There is a smooth continuity between liquid and material wealth in GW2.

Incidentally, it currently costs 1150 gold to craft The Legend.

You don’t get to get your legendary for free. You have to spend time or money or both. The good thing about it is for a large chunk of it you get to decide what you’re going to spend.

And I wouldn’t mind that at all if my time were given any value at all, but at the moment it’s actually at a high negative value. Going through the effort of acquiring The Legend actually costs you more wealth than if you bought it straight-up from the TP, even if you just fill a sell order. It’s ludicrous and the recent addition of precursor crafting is only partially to blame because most of the materials required are in high demand for a multitude of other things as well.

Blaine, you and a couple of others have given me pause, I’m going to give it a second thought. I was looking at the cost of buying the crafting materials versus the cost of farming it, but you guys have been talking about cost of simply buying the finished product off the trading post. And that’s where I stumbled. I wasn’t thinking about the cost of simply buying it flat out.

That being the case, my gut instinct is that I think it is temporary. There’s only so long that stock will be viable as long as people can craft their own. I don’t know. I’ll have to think about it.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blaine Tog.8304

Blaine Tog.8304

Of course in situations where the components value is unequal to the cost of the finished product then that is correct.

In the future, I would recommend you not accuse someone of committing a logical fallacy if you agree with their basic reasoning and only disagree in a qualitative sense. This is doubly so when the numbers don’t back your side of the argument.

Because again, the component’s current value exceeds the value of the finished product right now. The only way that’s going to change is if Ascended armor and weapons suddenly become unpopular to craft or the price of precursors shoots up. The former is unlikely and the latter would just mean that this system was an unmitigated failure in terms of making Legendary Weapons any more attainable.

But what do you do when it’s the players running the market and not the game creators?

You limit the number of commodities required to craft the item and place the majority of the “cost” behind time, effort, and skill walls. By locking so much of the process behind huge volumes of expensive and sought-after materials, Anet has left the total price extremely vulnerable to market vacillation. It’s kinda like having a 6-foot bungee cord and a 60-foot bungee cord: there’s going to be some fluctuation in the length of both of them, but the latter will have a much larger range of possible outcomes.

If they required Globs of Elder Spirit Residue instead of Spiritwood Planks, then precursor crafting would have a significant time gate to it, thus helping to preserve the precursor market. If the final price for crafting the Legend were, say, 600 gold vs the TP price of 950 but you had to spend a whole month diligently building up Globs of Elder Spirit Residue (in addition to scavenger hunts, completing quests, beating challenges, and meeting difficult Achievements) , then your time would seem valuable but at the same time you might still be tempted to shell out the dough rather than wait a month.

Blaine, you and a couple of others have given me pause, I’m going to give it a second thought. I was looking at the cost of buying the crafting materials versus the cost of farming it, but you guys have been talking about cost of simply buying the finished product off the trading post. And that’s where I stumbled. I wasn’t thinking about the cost of simply buying it flat out.

Thanks for giving it some additional thought.

That being the case, my gut instinct is that I think it is temporary. There’s only so long that stock will be viable as long as people can craft their own. I don’t know. I’ll have to think about it.

Thanks for giving it some additional thought.

I really don’t think the prices are going to drop that much. Most of the cost is coming from highly sought-after commodities like Spiritwood Planks which are used in dozens of important recipes, particularly Ascended armor and weapons. Since ANet claims you’ll need full Ascended gear to participate in raids, I don’t see Ascended crafting become any less popular.

I main Ele and Necro, though I have an alt of each profession at level 80.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.

(edited by Blaine Tog.8304)

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Obtena.7952


I know I’m going to get a bit of hate for this, but I feel it has to be said in order to keep things in perspective:

The idea of crafting a precursor was to remove the insane randomness of getting a drop, not to hand it to you on a golden platter.

Actually, every single thread about precursor crafting for the last 2 weeks has had multiple posters saying this exact same thing, so likely, everyone has already seen this comment before.

I do think the fact that so many of a precursors’ collection items involves RNG is a real problem, though. Since, you know, this was supposed to be a non-RNG way to get one.

It was? I don’t recall Anet stating that their goal was to eliminate RNG from getting a precursor. I think that’s a MASSIVE fallacy that players have created to continue to complain that it’s too hard to get a precursor.

See, I know Anet is more clever than that. They would have never ever claimed precursor crafting had no RNG element to it. That would be downright stupid since fundamentally, anything crafted from items that drop from mobs is based on RNG.

If you thought that precursor crafting eliminated RNG, it’s only because you wanted it to be true, not because it was a realistic thing that was actually going to happen.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DragonflyDusk.6582


I know I’m going to get a bit of hate for this, but I feel it has to be said in order to keep things in perspective:

The idea of crafting a precursor was to remove the insane randomness of getting a drop, not to hand it to you on a golden platter.

Actually, every single thread about precursor crafting for the last 2 weeks has had multiple posters saying this exact same thing, so likely, everyone has already seen this comment before.

I do think the fact that so many of a precursors’ collection items involves RNG is a real problem, though. Since, you know, this was supposed to be a non-RNG way to get one.

It was? I don’t recall Anet stating that their goal was to eliminate RNG from getting a precursor. I think that’s a MASSIVE fallacy that players have created to continue to complain that it’s too hard to get a precursor.

See, I know Anet is more clever than that. They would have never ever claimed precursor crafting had no RNG element to it. That would be downright stupid since fundamentally, anything crafted from items that drop from mobs is based on RNG.

If you thought that precursor crafting eliminated RNG, it’s only because you wanted it to be true, not because it was a realistic thing that was actually going to happen.

Then what was the point of making them craft-able? I am genuinely asking this out of curiosity, because it doesn’t seem like it makes any sense to go through all of this trouble to implement a precursor crafting system and then just make everyone jump through rng hoops again.

[ I survived the 2015 April Fools Forum Meltdown ]

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Eighthrain.8612

Aidan Eighthrain.8612

80% off the precurssor cost is still RNG-free and doubled in the last two weeks…

Daily crafting remember Anet :

I’m loosing money!

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thehipone.6812


What 100% crafting Dawn is costing me :

- HoT (Pre-ordered) : 45 €
- Mats (inc. ~100 Deldrimor steel CRAFTED with current Iron Ore, etc) : 1000 g +
- Hours of collection unlock.

Dawn price before expansion : 675 g
Dawn price after expansion : 700 g

I’m expecting a huge mea culpa and a gesture from Anet here.

Except if you actually crafted the ingots with the ore it only costs ~500g in mats. The rest of the price is for the time-gate premium from people who want to buy ingots NOW. As I noted in the other thread, at typical 2s/ea for iron and plat you’re closer to 380 g. So once the market settles down a bit, the choice becomes 380g + patience + collection vs. 700g for dawn or 900g for dusk.

and LOL @ counting the price of the expansion in the price of your pre…

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SourGummy.8570


For me I will still do the full precursor quests even learning the price difference. It is all about the EXPERIENCE. Starting from scratch, and follow a long journey to get your precursor, and eventually upgrade it to a legendary. I work hard enough during the day to worry about farming for in game gold. I have enough money to convert gems to legendary anytime I want. But mmo for me is all about the playing experience, and time is never an issue in gw2 (unlike other mmo where once you slack behind you will never catch up), I will enjoy spending many months in creating my first legendary.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Here my numbers for Spark.

- Buying all the materials needed for the collection : 578 gold. To be clear, that the price of basic materials needed to craft everything.

- If instead I sell all the materials, I make a profit of (after TP tax) : 737 gold. The main difference is from selling ascended crafting material. The time gate give them more value when selling than buying the basic materials.

- The price of Spark right now on buy order is 625 gold.

- The price of Spark if I buy right now is 749 gold.

I think that spark is near perfect balance right now. It will cost you less to craft it than to buy if off the tp, whatever if you buy or do a buy order. That said, if you want to maximize your gold, you are better off crafting ascended material each day for a profit and buying your precursor from buy order. People with comfortable wallet would prefer to use the market to make gold with the price of ascended materials, while most of the population would prefer to make small step with the material they already have in their bank, doing their ascended crafting each day they can and at the end only buying a small portion of what is needed.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Eighthrain.8612

Aidan Eighthrain.8612

What 100% crafting Dawn is costing me :

- HoT (Pre-ordered) : 45 €
- Mats (inc. ~100 Deldrimor steel CRAFTED with current Iron Ore, etc) : 1000 g +
- Hours of collection unlock.

Dawn price before expansion : 675 g
Dawn price after expansion : 700 g

I’m expecting a huge mea culpa and a gesture from Anet here.

Except if you actually crafted the ingots with the ore it only costs ~500g in mats. The rest of the price is for the time-gate premium from people who want to buy ingots NOW. As I noted in the other thread, at typical 2s/ea for iron and plat you’re closer to 380 g. So once the market settles down a bit, the choice becomes 380g + patience + collection vs. 700g for dawn or 900g for dusk.

Wrong :

The value of the iron ore and ingots almost doubled (3s :. it’s 1000 g for everyone.

Wether you collected ore or bought them, wether it’s before HoT or today, the only thing that matters is how much they are worth NOW. Like you said.

That recent increase in price illustrates perfectly how time-gating crafting and mats immobilisation actually costs you money : you miss on the highest value you could have selled them for, other players time. This is not patience, it’s wasted opportunity.

and LOL @ counting the price of the expansion in the price of your pre…

Hope you had a good laugh, here is the bill :

- Expansion price (required for crafting) : 45 €
- Gems for 1000 g : ~100€

Meaning : if you bought HoT and craft Dawn, you get to pay more than non-HoT player and more than its actual price (700g : ~70€)

I think this is pretty relevant.

(edited by Aidan Eighthrain.8612)

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


I love how people look at the requirements and immediately start turning it into what it would cost to buy the mats on the TP, rather than look at it in terms of things you can gather. For free.

You guys need to stop looking at things in terms of gold. If you have 700g then by all means buy the precursor from TP, no one is stopping you. The point of the “scavenger hunt” / “crafting” of precursors is so that anyone can get them, even if you are poor. Yes it will take longer, and yes you will have to actually make the time gated mats, likely from materials you’ve salvaged/gathered, but it is 100% doable.

If you are impatient, you can still bypass all of it at a cost. If you are patient, you can get the precursor over time with very little out of pocket comparatively.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neural.1824


I love how people look at the requirements and immediately start turning it into what it would cost to buy the mats on the TP, rather than look at it in terms of things you can gather. For free. .

LOL. “free”. Go on, keep believing that.

Where are my gem sales? I want gem sales! Nerf EVERYTHING!

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mystic.5934


hehehe. called it!
are you really surprised that they aren’t giving you a free precursor? they shouldn’t, and you shouldn’t of thought they would.
personally, I would of preferred the heavy time-gating method instead of high cost, but w/e.
“I guarantee you that if there were a crafting way to make one of these precursors, the cost of crafting it would be more than 5 times the current cost the buy that precursor on the TP. Something like 250 deldrimor ingots + 250 spiritwood planks + precursor’s precursor (a craftable exotic) + gift of fortune.”
“I can guarantee you that any ability to craft precursors will be something you don’t want to do. Most likely require lots of time and time-gated things. imagine an account-bound material you can only make once a day and cumulatively uses dozens of basic materials from several crafting professions, totaling about 10g each craft. now imagine you need 100 of those. now forge those together with 250 ectos, and 250 of each T6 crafting component required to make that weapon type.
There is no way they will make it easier for you to get a precursor. at best, all it will do is give you a way to guaranteed get the one you want rather than only able to buy it off the TP”

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarcShriek.5829


Here my numbers for Spark.

- Buying all the materials needed for the collection : 578 gold. To be clear, that the price of basic materials needed to craft everything.

- If instead I sell all the materials, I make a profit of (after TP tax) : 737 gold. The main difference is from selling ascended crafting material. The time gate give them more value when selling than buying the basic materials.

- The price of Spark right now on buy order is 625 gold.

- The price of Spark if I buy right now is 749 gold.

I think that spark is near perfect balance right now. It will cost you less to craft it than to buy if off the tp, whatever if you buy or do a buy order. That said, if you want to maximize your gold, you are better off crafting ascended material each day for a profit and buying your precursor from buy order. People with comfortable wallet would prefer to use the market to make gold with the price of ascended materials, while most of the population would prefer to make small step with the material they already have in their bank, doing their ascended crafting each day they can and at the end only buying a small portion of what is needed.

All I had to do was kill a random drake in Sparkfly Fen.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

I love how people look at the requirements and immediately start turning it into what it would cost to buy the mats on the TP, rather than look at it in terms of things you can gather. For free.

People are looking at how much less they need to gather if they just sell everything they gather on the TP.

It’s ridiculous to save up materials worth 150% of what a precursor costs on the TP. Just cut the “legendary journey” (skitten) short 2/3rds along the way and be done with it.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Obtena.7952


I know I’m going to get a bit of hate for this, but I feel it has to be said in order to keep things in perspective:

The idea of crafting a precursor was to remove the insane randomness of getting a drop, not to hand it to you on a golden platter.

Actually, every single thread about precursor crafting for the last 2 weeks has had multiple posters saying this exact same thing, so likely, everyone has already seen this comment before.

I do think the fact that so many of a precursors’ collection items involves RNG is a real problem, though. Since, you know, this was supposed to be a non-RNG way to get one.

It was? I don’t recall Anet stating that their goal was to eliminate RNG from getting a precursor. I think that’s a MASSIVE fallacy that players have created to continue to complain that it’s too hard to get a precursor.

See, I know Anet is more clever than that. They would have never ever claimed precursor crafting had no RNG element to it. That would be downright stupid since fundamentally, anything crafted from items that drop from mobs is based on RNG.

If you thought that precursor crafting eliminated RNG, it’s only because you wanted it to be true, not because it was a realistic thing that was actually going to happen.

Then what was the point of making them craft-able? I am genuinely asking this out of curiosity, because it doesn’t seem like it makes any sense to go through all of this trouble to implement a precursor crafting system and then just make everyone jump through rng hoops again.

Seems to me that it’s a more determinate way of gauging your progress to getting one … something that MF and TP buying doesn’t do.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Osu.6307


Kind of hard for me to take pity on anyone complaining about how much work and expense is involved in getting something that is basically just a glorified skin. If legendaries were superior to ascended weapons stat-wise, I would be a different story. Basically, if you craft a legendary, you are voluntarily doing extra work. Don’t flog yourself and then complain to everyone that it hurts.


precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blaine Tog.8304

Blaine Tog.8304

Kind of hard for me to take pity on anyone complaining about how much work and expense is involved in getting something that is basically just a glorified skin. If legendaries were superior to ascended weapons stat-wise, I would be a different story. Basically, if you craft a legendary, you are voluntarily doing extra work. Don’t flog yourself and then complain to everyone that it hurts.

Legendaries are a tremendous amount of work compared to just about anything else in the game, and that’s fine. They should be a lot more difficult to acquire. No one is disputing that.

It’s totally fare to disagree with the amount of difficulty involved in crafting a precursor compared to buying one off the TP, though. Crafting one should be more difficult but cheaper. Buying one should be easier but more expensive. Right now, crafting them is more difficult and more expensive. That’s just clearly insane.

I main Ele and Necro, though I have an alt of each profession at level 80.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Obtena.7952


There is no sensible way that crafting a precursor can be cheaper than a TP one because the TP price is not governed by a predetermined set of materials.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aomine.5012


What 100% crafting Dawn is costing me :

- HoT (Pre-ordered) : 45 €
- Mats (inc. ~100 Deldrimor steel CRAFTED with current Iron Ore, etc) : 1000 g +
- Hours of collection unlock.

Dawn price before expansion : 675 g
Dawn price after expansion : 700 g

I’m expecting a huge mea culpa and a gesture from Anet here.

Except if you actually crafted the ingots with the ore it only costs ~500g in mats. The rest of the price is for the time-gate premium from people who want to buy ingots NOW. As I noted in the other thread, at typical 2s/ea for iron and plat you’re closer to 380 g. So once the market settles down a bit, the choice becomes 380g + patience + collection vs. 700g for dawn or 900g for dusk.

and LOL @ counting the price of the expansion in the price of your pre…

Except if you craft the ores yourself, which is 500g, you can make a profit by selling them for 1050g, and THEN buy Dawn on TP, AND save 300g in your wallet.

Stop diverting the attention here. Anyone with rational mind can see the problem.

Btw, speculation of market being settled is unrealistic because you’re talking about a long-run relationship. So you want to wait at least another year to get your legendaries? Good luck with that.

As long as Dusk price stays as it is, there’s no possibility of Deldrimor Steel Ingot price dropping any time soon. People would base the material cost only on highest value precursors, not lower value ones. So crafting Dawn would always be a rip-off.

(edited by Aomine.5012)

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: slamfunction.7462


Kind of hard for me to take pity on anyone complaining about how much work and expense is involved in getting something that is basically just a glorified skin. If legendaries were superior to ascended weapons stat-wise, I would be a different story. Basically, if you craft a legendary, you are voluntarily doing extra work. Don’t flog yourself and then complain to everyone that it hurts.

Henceforth, let it be known that thou shalt not flog the dolphin!

Seriously, it is what it is. ANet ain’t changin it, so love it or leave it.

Arena Nets are used to catch Gladiator Fish.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Eighthrain.8612

Aidan Eighthrain.8612

Kind of hard for me to take pity on anyone complaining about how much work and expense is involved in getting something that is basically just a glorified skin. If legendaries were superior to ascended weapons stat-wise, I would be a different story. Basically, if you craft a legendary, you are voluntarily doing extra work. Don’t flog yourself and then complain to everyone that it hurts.

Henceforth, let it be known that thou shalt not flog the dolphin!

Seriously, it is what it is. ANet ain’t changin it, so love it or leave it.

So much efforts to say that you don’t care about the value of things…

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Celtic Lady.3729

Celtic Lady.3729

At least with the old legendaries, we have a choice. We can still buy a precursor with gold if this route simply drives us crazy.

The new legendaries, though? Not so much.

Gotta go through the pain and cost or go without.

It’s gonna suck.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Swift.1930


The point of the system is to give you an alternative to farming gold to get the precursor. You aren’t supposed to just buy all the items off the TP.

Way to miss the purpose entirely.

And as far as the cost goes, HoT just launched. Everyone is trying out the new system causing the price of things to go up with demand which is why precursor prices are falling because less people are just buying a completed one.

The point of the changes was to give an option of bypassing the trading post and RNG entirely. Anyone who thought this would be easy or a short method was kidding themselves.

This has probably been said a few times, but the thread wasn’t about making the acquisition easy. It’s about the sheer time/cost it takes to put everything together.

It’s completely easy to gather materials. It’s very, very easy. Almost stupidly so. But it also takes absolutely forever. Instead of an epic journey, we get a repetitive slog around the same maps 2000+ times each, pressing (F?) to hit rocks and trees and plants. So instead of adding something fun and interesting, the precursor collection method is just a time/money sink. And it didn’t need to take three years for Anet to come up with it, either – it would take one programmer about ten minutes to come up with a material collection tree.

And apart from a skin, a precursor – or even a legendary, really – adds extraordinarily little to the game.

Been there, punned that.

Ehmry Bay Guardian

(edited by Swift.1930)

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

The point of the system is to give you an alternative to farming gold to get the precursor. You aren’t supposed to just buy all the items off the TP.

Way to miss the purpose entirely.

And as far as the cost goes, HoT just launched. Everyone is trying out the new system causing the price of things to go up with demand which is why precursor prices are falling because less people are just buying a completed one.

The point of the changes was to give an option of bypassing the trading post and RNG entirely. Anyone who thought this would be easy or a short method was kidding themselves.

This has probably been said a few times, but the thread wasn’t about making the acquisition easy. It’s about the sheer time/cost it takes to put everything together.

It’s completely easy to gather materials. It’s very, very easy. Almost stupidly so. But it also takes absolutely forever. Instead of an epic journey, we get a repetitive slog around the same maps 2000+ times each, pressing (F?) to hit rocks and trees and plants. So instead of adding something fun and interesting, the precursor collection method is just a time/money sink. And it didn’t need to take three years for Anet to come up with it, either – it would take one programmer about ten minutes to come up with a material collection tree.

And apart from a skin, a precursor – or even a legendary, really – adds extraordinarily little to the game.

lol after seeing a bit more of what is involved with the process I’ve come to the same conclusion that a lot of others did and now just think this was a kitten material sink Anet put in because they have no idea how to deal with the amount of mats in the system.

Connection error(s) detected. Retrying…

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

At least with the old legendaries, we have a choice. We can still buy a precursor with gold if this route simply drives us crazy.

The new legendaries, though? Not so much.

Gotta go through the pain and cost or go without.

It’s gonna suck.

If the new legendaries also happen to require tons of ascended materials, demand for them will stay high and probably even rise. Crafting the oldschool precursors will only become more expensive.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tigaseye.2047


It’s too complicated a process for me to even take in, without falling asleep.

I want to concentrate on stuff like this, in this game, but my subconscious seems to know that it is totally unnecessary information and refuses to let me.

“Turns out when people play the game, they don’t admire your feet at all.” sephiroth

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Eighthrain.8612

Aidan Eighthrain.8612

Daily update on Dawn crafting :

Tier 1
10 Globs of Ectoplasm 3 g
5 Crystalline Dust 1 g
1 Orichalcum Plated Dowel 0.7 g
10 Elonian Leather Squares 90 g
30 Deldrimor Steel 290 g
200 Memories of Battle 16 g
200 Shards of Glory 16 g

Tier 2
1000 Bandit Crests 0.4 g
400 Geodes 3.2 g
100 Obby Shards 0 g
100 Karka Shells 9 g
25 Passion Flowers 16 g
25 Stabilizing Matrices 9.5 g
2250 Mithril Ingots 42.5 g
60 Bronze Ingots 1.8 g
60 Iron Ingots 6 g
60 Steel Ingots 6 g
60 Darksteel ingots 5 g
60 Mithril Ingots 1 g
160 Orichalcum ingots 16 g -> Here I am 533g in
60 Deldrimor Steel 600 g
10 Lumps of Primordium 0 g
30 Thermocatalytic Reagents 0.5 g
100 Elder Wood Planks 6 g
250 Bloodstone Dust g
1 Amalgamated Gemstone 1.5 g
10 Master Maintenance oil 2 g
1 Charged Lodestone 2.8 g
1 Glacial Lodestone 1 g
1 Molten Lodestone 0.9 g
1 Onyx Lodestone 9 g

Tier 3
10 Sunstone Lumps 0.5 g
10 Sun Beads 0 g
25 Orichalcum Ingots 2.5 g
5 Quartz Crystals 0 g
10 Piles of Coarse Sand 0.4 g
100 Mithril Ingots 1.8 g
100 Silver Ingots 0.5 g
10 Thermocatalytic Reagents 0.2 g

Total : 1162.7 g

So far I invested 75% of the cost of Dawn on TP and won’t craft any further.

There are actually 51 Dawn on TP ranging from 700g to 1000g.

Now wich would you consider :

- Turning those 60 Deldrimor into Lumps of Mithrilum?
- Give every player completing Dawn 4800 to 1000 gems until there are none on TP?

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thehipone.6812


What 100% crafting Dawn is costing me :

- HoT (Pre-ordered) : 45 €
- Mats (inc. ~100 Deldrimor steel CRAFTED with current Iron Ore, etc) : 1000 g +
- Hours of collection unlock.

Dawn price before expansion : 675 g
Dawn price after expansion : 700 g

I’m expecting a huge mea culpa and a gesture from Anet here.

Except if you actually crafted the ingots with the ore it only costs ~500g in mats. The rest of the price is for the time-gate premium from people who want to buy ingots NOW. As I noted in the other thread, at typical 2s/ea for iron and plat you’re closer to 380 g. So once the market settles down a bit, the choice becomes 380g + patience + collection vs. 700g for dawn or 900g for dusk.

and LOL @ counting the price of the expansion in the price of your pre…

Except if you craft the ores yourself, which is 500g, you can make a profit by selling them for 1050g, and THEN buy Dawn on TP, AND save 300g in your wallet.

Stop diverting the attention here. Anyone with rational mind can see the problem.

Btw, speculation of market being settled is unrealistic because you’re talking about a long-run relationship. So you want to wait at least another year to get your legendaries? Good luck with that.

As long as Dusk price stays as it is, there’s no possibility of Deldrimor Steel Ingot price dropping any time soon. People would base the material cost only on highest value precursors, not lower value ones. So crafting Dawn would always be a rip-off.

Sure, if you have 100 ingots saved up from back in September, then making dawn is a poor choice for realizing your trading profit. You correctly noted that dusk will control the prices, so this ranting about dawn is a bit off base. Don’t ignore the tp tax either- it knocks you down to 850g for 100 ingots@10\ea. But people don’t have 100 ingots saved up. And the end goal is the pre, and the ingots trickle in one a day to sell. So you can sell them off one a day, collect gold and hope the timegate premium stays high and hope prices don’t move against you, or keep them and know that you can reach your goal. Either way you do realize the profit from the time gate, one is in a daily stream of gold, the other is in the acquisition of dusk for 500g or less in actual outlay raw mat costs. one isa guaranteed path, the other is subject to vagaries of the market. Players obviously value the guaranteed way, so in a free market, stop crying and sell the ingots to those folks if you think that is the better option.

Also, what is likely to happen to prices if everyone tries to sell ingot and buy pre?

Once more LOL at that other guy counting the full cost of the expansion,maps, new class,specs,story,etc in the cost of dawn. That’s rich.

precursor collection is a ripoff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


60 Deldrimor Steel 600 g

Ok, right there is your problem.

How in the world 60 Deldrimor Steel Ingot is equal to 600 Gold? You have three way to look at it.

1) It cost 4.97 gold to craft each Ingot and it will take you 60 days. Meaning you will have to pay 298 gold to get the mats and slowly craft your way to your legendary.

2) It cost 4.97 gold in material to craft each Ingot, but you can sell them 9 gold each one they are crafted. So for 60 days you craft them and sell them for a profit of 9 gold x 0.85 – 4.97 gold = 2.68 gold in profit for each Deldrimor. For 60, that’s 160.80 gold of profit that you can put on your precursor to buy it off the TP.

3) You don’t want to wait and want your legendary fast. Buying 60 Deldrimor Ingot isn’t worth it because it will cost 540 gold. At that point, you are better off buying the precursor off the TP.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD