I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
(edited by Nike.2631)
I’d probably respect it more if your opinion weren’t founded on points that are factually wrong.
The only reason you had to “deal with it on your own” is because you didn’t report it. And it’s pretty obvious people DO care in this case.
There are 7 billion opinions on this planet. My respect is reserved for the ones at least tangential rooted in reality.
(edited by Nike.2631)
I am sorry but i have a big issue with this “Reporting Policy”.
So we are now going to start reporting everyone for anything that “may” spoil someone else life ? Whats the next movie or event we will pick to do this on ? Are political and religious events included ? What about cultural issues ?
Where does this end ?
Yes. I agree that its not “morally” right to be doing this, but whats next ?
“ANET, please put a gag order on everything and anything on the game because it will spoil my life !”
The whole internet, radio and TV is full of spoilers for the new Star Wars movie.
My local TV here in CT was discussing certain major events in the movie 1 day after it showed !!! Talk about spoilers there on 6 pm news !
I say “live and live”.
Like someone else said, for those that do not want to be “spoiled” set your chat to your guild, assuming you have no idiots there and leave there until you see the movie.
This “eye for an eye” approach is getting ridiculous.
Some common sense would go a long way, and some “under-reaction” rather than “over-reaction” would also help.
My 10 cents…
Everyone’s opinion has value.
I simply believe that our rules against harassment encompass this sort of situation, where there’s no legitimate reason to shout spoilers in game and that the only motivation would seem to be a desire to cause distress to others. That would seems to make such activities reportable offenses that our CS agents will analyze and react to, as appropriate. (And let’s be clear, this was not a conversation, this was merely one person trying his/her best to spoil the movie for as many players a possible. Some sort of warped sense of power, perhaps? Who knows??)
As we have always said, players are welcome to report questionable chat or comments about which they have concerns. And as Elden Arnaas mentioned, each situation will be reviewed and acted upon, or not, after an analysis by the team.
As to timing, with theatres sold out for days and day, even those with a heavy devotion to the film series may simply not have been able to see it yet. What’s a good shelf date for “No spoilers, please?” (And remember, I’m talking only the very current spoiler, not the ending of Anna Karenina.
) I’m willing to ask CS, and I’d like to have opinions here. Maybe one week? Two weeks? What do you think?
To be fair, there are very very few movies that have such a zealous following as well. That being said, while I agree with what you’ve said, there are those who will report genuine discussions just because those involved refused to take it to less global channels (which they arent exactly required to iirc), and the reporter refused to turn off map chat for a while or to block those involved in the conversation.
edit: for the post a few above, just because an opinion has value, does not mean it needs to be respected.
(edited by Aidan Savage.2078)
Where does this end ?
It begins and ends where Support says it begins and ends. Full Stop.
That’s true of ALL reporting. And they’ don’t particular answer to us on their actions. We’ve just been told to go ahead and inform them so they can research instances and arbitrate the outcome, like always.
Wow. I don’t like spoilers either but I don’t see any particular reason that BY ITSELF ALONE it would be something to report in a game. Can anyone please point out for me the relevant text in the game’s license that forbids it?
While playing Guild Wars 2, you must respect the rights of others and their rights to play and enjoy the Game. To this end, you may not defraud, harass, threaten, embarrass or cause distress and/or unwanted attention to other players. This includes posting insulting, offensive, or abusive comments about players, repeatedly sending unwanted messages, reporting players maliciously, attacking a player based on race, sexual orientation, religion, heritage, etc. Hate speech is not tolerated.
Repeatedly spamming spoilers in map chat and lfg is straight up harassment and griefing and SHOULD be met with the appropriate response of a suspension.
I am sorry but i have a big issue with this “Reporting Policy”.
So we are now going to start reporting everyone for anything that “may” spoil someone else life ? Whats the next movie or event we will pick to do this on ? Are political and religious events included ? What about cultural issues ?
Where does this end ?
Yes. I agree that its not “morally” right to be doing this, but whats next ?
“ANET, please put a gag order on everything and anything on the game because it will spoil my life !”
The whole internet, radio and TV is full of spoilers for the new Star Wars movie.
My local TV here in CT was discussing certain major events in the movie 1 day after it showed !!! Talk about spoilers there on 6 pm news !
I say “live and live”.
Like someone else said, for those that do not want to be “spoiled” set your chat to your guild, assuming you have no idiots there and leave there until you see the movie.
This “eye for an eye” approach is getting ridiculous.
Some common sense would go a long way, and some “under-reaction” rather than “over-reaction” would also help.
My 10 cents…
that might be but there are things hear that are covered under toss and eula that can get you banned . and it should be like that not every wants to hear about religious or
cultural issues in a video game at all . that is why its called a video game to get away from them said matters . and that is just it right there it is the internet after all and some things should be kept there and out of the video games . thus that is why games have things called toss and eula rules to cover them matters.
This. I think anyone who actually would argue against this doesn’t understand two things
1) It’s dealt with on a case by case basis, spoilers for harry potter isn’t the same as spoilers for the new star wars which came out like a week ago.
2) We’re not talking about accidental spoils, these would have to be cases where someone either blatantly deliberately spoiled, or where they were asked to take a conversation into whisper because someone in map chat didn’t want to be spoiled and then didn’t…
Also i feel a good shelf life for spoilers is 45 days after release, if you haven’t seen it in a month and a half i’d argue you’re not that dedicated to doing so, although things come up that seems like a pretty decent number to me in regards to what you could expect of the average person. At some point it’s just “viewer beware” as people begin to assume more and more that everyone’s seen any given movie. Under the condition listed above though, i love the idea. I feel like deliberate spoilers are one of those grey areas the trolls love to hide out in because “oh it’s just movie spoilers it’s not like it’s really hurting anyone!” and setting aside the debate on if you can truly “hurt” someone with words, i feel as though if it’s got malicious intent it should at least warrant a slap on the wrist.
Just felt the need to edit real fast. DO NOT DO THIS FOR POLITICS/RELIGEON/OTHER TOPICS! I can practically taste the trolls reporting for contrasting opinions because they can’t stand not living in their little bubble of reinforced stupidity and anything that they don’t agree with is “offensive” or a “trigger”. It’s your game though Anet, so while i’d very, very strongly advise against it if you are going to do such a thing at least make kitten sure malicious intent is there. (Note: Not passion, or disagreement, or getting a little frustrated because someone thinks “No ur stupid” is a valid argument, or a bit of anger when someone makes a claim and then refuses to accept the burden of proof. Abject spite and intent to make another person directly uncomfortable should be the only reason for reports) I think as a rule of thumb if it’s something you could normally conceivably end up talking about with another person it should be on the table, map chat shouldn’t have to bend to the will of a few people just because they don’t like what’s said…. Movie spoilers for a period of 45 days should be the only exception imo.
(edited by CynicalFred.9135)
Wow. I don’t like spoilers either but I don’t see any particular reason that BY ITSELF ALONE it would be something to report in a game. Can anyone please point out for me the relevant text in the game’s license that forbids it?
While playing Guild Wars 2, you must respect the rights of others and their rights to play and enjoy the Game. To this end, you may not defraud, harass, threaten, embarrass or cause distress and/or unwanted attention to other players. This includes posting insulting, offensive, or abusive comments about players, repeatedly sending unwanted messages, reporting players maliciously, attacking a player based on race, sexual orientation, religion, heritage, etc. Hate speech is not tolerated.
Repeatedly spamming spoilers in map chat and lfg is straight up harassment and griefing and SHOULD be met with the appropriate response of a suspension.
agreed and very well said . and i hope Anet does just that !!! and makes it clear as day or night to all players so they all know the rules and can not say oh but but i did not know that .
Something everyone on this topic should watch.
Something everyone on this topic should watch.
This should be on that playlist, too. ; P
Something everyone on this topic should watch.
This is an excellent video and get to the point of “Where does this begin and end ?”
As one of the people say in the video, “it is up to the individual to protect themselves, as there is no clear definition of what even begins to be a spoiler”
Let me also state here that i have ZERO sympathy for those individuals that intentionally and not in the context of a chat discussion just shoot out movie details.
(edited by Prime Greek.1092)
Something everyone on this topic should watch.
This is an excellent video and get to the point of “Where does this begin and end ?”
As one of the people say in the video, “it is up to the individual to protect themselves, as there is no clear definition of what even begins to be a spoiler”
Let me also state here that i have ZERO sympathy for those individuals that intentionally and not in the context of a chat discussion just shoot out movie details.
even tho this has noting at all to do with the game or any thing at all . and the fact it bored me even more . watching these videos honestly has no point at all to video games or even guild wars 2 at all . wonders how long before this topic is now locked and hope fully the cs team makes it clear to all on this topic what the rules are for matters like this .
can i report someone for this cause that kitten is NOT COOL
Let me be clear about my earlier comment. At this point, I recommend that players who witness this do report the player who is posting spoilers using the in-game tool. In my opinion, spoilers are beyond rude, they’re intended to cause distress to others. I’ve asked CS for an official position, but I would recommend that you flag and report spoiler-ish comments and let the CS agents make a determination.
P.S. This applies to the current topic — Episode 7 — and does not include “Someone is someone’s father” or “Rosebud is…” or “Soylent Green is…” or any of the classic spoilers of days gone by.
What is with the about face, Gaile? You guys didn’t seem to care when I reported people for spoiling the Karka locations in LA mapchat up to 2 weeks after release. That is WAY WAY worse.
Something everyone on this topic should watch.
This is an excellent video and get to the point of “Where does this begin and end ?”
As one of the people say in the video, “it is up to the individual to protect themselves, as there is no clear definition of what even begins to be a spoiler”
Let me also state here that i have ZERO sympathy for those individuals that intentionally and not in the context of a chat discussion just shoot out movie details.
even tho this has noting at all to do with the game or any thing at all . and the fact it bored me even more . watching these videos honestly has no point at all to video games or even guild wars 2 at all . wonders how long before this topic is now locked and hope fully the cs team makes it clear to all on this topic what the rules are for matters like this .
While I agree with you on the point about other things in the game more worthwhile discussing in the forums than this topic, this topic was made still and I shared the video only to try to contribute to the discussion.
And your boredom interests those invested in this discussion as much as this topic interests you.
What I’m saying is, if you have nothing to contribute to the discussion, you’re free to refrain from it. Your disdain is important only to yourself.
I say that being somebody who cannot understand the appreciation of the millions for a movie franchise that has little to offer beyond amateur direction, cringe-worthy acting, and the most banal dialog (not including Episode VII, I haven’t watched that one yet).
Spoiling Star Wars?
Come on guys, grow up.
This thread makes me not want to talk about any new movies in map chat now because I might get reported and banned.
Thanks, Gaile.
Stop being snide and disingenuous. Talk about the game in map chat and save your movie discussions for your friends.
Something everyone on this topic should watch.
This is an excellent video and get to the point of “Where does this begin and end ?”
As one of the people say in the video, “it is up to the individual to protect themselves, as there is no clear definition of what even begins to be a spoiler”
Let me also state here that i have ZERO sympathy for those individuals that intentionally and not in the context of a chat discussion just shoot out movie details.
even tho this has noting at all to do with the game or any thing at all . and the fact it bored me even more . watching these videos honestly has no point at all to video games or even guild wars 2 at all . wonders how long before this topic is now locked and hope fully the cs team makes it clear to all on this topic what the rules are for matters like this .
While I agree with you on the point about other things in the game more worthwhile discussing in the forums than this topic, this topic was made still and I shared the video only to try to contribute to the discussion.
And your boredom interests those invested in this discussion as much as this topic interests you.
What I’m saying is, if you have nothing to contribute to the discussion, you’re free to refrain from it. Your disdain is important only to yourself.
I say that being somebody who cannot understand the appreciation of the millions for a movie franchise that has little to offer beyond amateur direction, cringe-worthy acting, and the most banal dialog (not including Episode VII, I haven’t watched that one yet).
thanks for the laugh . and while i do get it and not only that have seen all the movies of this when they came out from the very first one to this one. and can get into it all . the adult in me says it is best to leave these things to more better places and not places called a video game . where like this topic only brings pain and discontent to others . like i said its just something that should not be a video game unless the makers of said video game put it in the game it,s self in some way shape and form . like rock star and another company that shall be nameless does .
Well, that was pretty personal Mikali… =/
Anyway, I too think this is way over the top. There is a line to be drawn here, but how do you justify where it lies?
To be honest, it is even a little offensive that time and effort of you guys is put into this, while other relevant topics are treated with complete silence.
dont care about spoilers so in theory i couldnt care less but…
Srsly, banning people that does it while people that grefing, hacking, afk on matches, exploitings bugs runs without any consequences? That must be Anet new standarts. I dont even know why i still play at this point. It is by far the most kittened thing i have seen in my “gaming life”
What next? Using chat to say that you dont like x president will result in a ban as well? The censure is getting serious here.
Howmuch annoying and immature as it is, i dont think its a reportable offence personally. Its more sort of an annoying certain age thing. My advise is to just block those people, like i Always do in that sort of situations.
The censure is getting serious here.
No. They hysteria is getting serious.
Support has ALWAYS kept its own standards fairly secretive. We’ve been told to let support know when this is going on. Whether they will act at all, what the consequences will be, and what threshold of raw jerkishness prompts punishment is something we WILL NEVER KNOW.
The basic practical rule is in effect: if you’re afraid of Support’s scrutiny, maybe you shouldn’t do it. If you can’t self-moderate, there’s always the possibility they’ll do it for you (and to you).
It’s just so silly that people say it’s all ruined, they cry, they want someone perm banned, they QQ in forums cuz of a spoiler.
Really? Is this World really come to this?
We all care just about a “secret”, just about “one part”. Where is all that movies has to offer, is that all unimportant?
Frodo throw ring and beats Sauron! Oh noooo, you spoiled all!!! Now I will not watch movie and I will not read books! You are so mean, sooo mean, you should go in prison!! Or get banned in game! Unrelated to Lotr!
See how silly it is? Just cuz of one tiny part of whole that you can enjoy, you choose not to enjoy it at all!
If that’s the reason, then you are watching and doing things with wrong reasons! And all there is to be, is just that “secret”, just those “few seconds”, cuz everything else is ruined – you don’t even care about other things!
Seems like it’s more important to find out a “secret” then the actual story itself.
I wish you all the best, but you will be your own grave (like me now
Goodbye all!Can I have your stuff?
What would you like? Say fast – I’m getting banned soon
I wish you all the best, but you will be your own grave (like me now
Goodbye all!Can I have your stuff?
What would you like? Say fast – I’m getting banned soon
Drama Queen! ¬.¬
Unless you’ve spoiled Star Wars, in which case Yea probably.
It’s just so silly that people say it’s all ruined, they cry, they want someone perm banned, they QQ in forums cuz of a spoiler.
Really? Is this World really come to this?
We all care just about a “secret”, just about “one part”. Where is all that movies has to offer, is that all unimportant?Frodo throw ring and beats Sauron! Oh noooo, you spoiled all!!! Now I will not watch movie and I will not read books! You are so mean, sooo mean, you should go in prison!! Or get banned in game! Unrelated to Lotr!
See how silly it is? Just cuz of one tiny part of whole that you can enjoy, you choose not to enjoy it at all!
If that’s the reason, then you are watching and doing things with wrong reasons! And all there is to be, is just that “secret”, just those “few seconds”, cuz everything else is ruined – you don’t even care about other things!Seems like it’s more important to find out a “secret” then the actual story itself.
Reporting someone doesn’t mean they want a permaban, stop being so hysterical. People want some sort of punitive action taken against spoilers, that’s all, what’s so hard to understand about that?
If you spoil a movie for a friend, do you honestly believe they won’t get annoyed? Now how do you think a total stranger would react in the same situation?
Frodo throw ring and beats Sauron! Oh noooo, you spoiled all!!!
Funniest part of that being that’s NOT what happens .
The tragedy here is people lining up to either defend the “rights” of people to be deliberately obnoxious (I promise, ANet flatly ignoring you for doing that is the best outcome you can hope for) or advocating for complete passivity in the face of people being deliberate jerks. Sorry, we’ve been told to go ahead and call the police and they’ll sort it out it out to their satisfaction. I’ve got no interest in seeing a culture of meek acceptance being promoted here.
can i report someone for this cause that kitten is NOT COOL
No. There is a block option. Learn to use it. Being ignorant, overreacting at
the most mundane things, is not cool also.
I wish you all the best, but you will be your own grave (like me now
Goodbye all!Can I have your stuff?
What would you like? Say fast – I’m getting banned soon
I… well, this isn’t what I expected. I’ll just wander off and be confused now.
I’ll just put this here
Appropriate that you use an image of a character that spends the entire movie doing nothing but spouting bald-faced lies to promote a stack of bald-faced lies.
People object to all of the things you’ve list too. Sorry there’s more Star Wars fans who also play GW2 than there are WvW player’s who’ve personally seen hacking. I wish WvW were more popular too.
I wish you all the best, but you will be your own grave (like me now
Goodbye all!Can I have your stuff?
What would you like? Say fast – I’m getting banned soon
Drama Queen! ¬.¬
Unless you’ve spoiled Star Wars, in which case Yea probably.
Not really Drama Queen, I actually did a thing very very offensive, against the rules, which is worth of perm ban. And I acted my own way, so I’m fine with that. I’ll not be anyone’s puppet, there is noone who gets special treatment, in my eyes – all are equal, cuz we all are humans.
But yea, you got that thing right, I didn’t spoil Star Wars – so maybe I don’t get perm banned. haha, funny right?
can i report someone for this cause that kitten is NOT COOL
No. There is a block option. Learn to use it. Being ignorant, overreacting at
the most mundane things, is not cool also.
If Support agrees with you they’re over reacting nothing will come of it. But if they don’t, awesome.
It’s not your call to make.
I wish you all the best, but you will be your own grave (like me now
Goodbye all!Can I have your stuff?
What would you like? Say fast – I’m getting banned soon
Drama Queen! ¬.¬
Unless you’ve spoiled Star Wars, in which case Yea probably.Not really Drama Queen, I actually did a thing very very offensive, against the rules, which is worth of perm ban. And I acted my own way, so I’m fine with that. I’ll not be anyone’s puppet, there is noone who gets special treatment, in my eyes – all are equal, cuz we all are humans.
But yea, you got that thing right, I didn’t spoil Star Wars – so maybe I don’t get perm banned. haha, funny right?
Well, all the more power to you.
Feel free to send your stuff to me, unlike Pandaman I’m not above begging ;p
i don’t necessarily enjoy or support people who are jerks in map chat. the game would be better off without them.
that said, please don’t use valuable resources on issues like this one. it’s a civil case and this game is littered with bigger problems that anet can address more appropriately.
It’s just so silly that people say it’s all ruined, they cry, they want someone perm banned, they QQ in forums cuz of a spoiler.
Really? Is this World really come to this?
We all care just about a “secret”, just about “one part”. Where is all that movies has to offer, is that all unimportant?Frodo throw ring and beats Sauron! Oh noooo, you spoiled all!!! Now I will not watch movie and I will not read books! You are so mean, sooo mean, you should go in prison!! Or get banned in game! Unrelated to Lotr!
See how silly it is? Just cuz of one tiny part of whole that you can enjoy, you choose not to enjoy it at all!
If that’s the reason, then you are watching and doing things with wrong reasons! And all there is to be, is just that “secret”, just those “few seconds”, cuz everything else is ruined – you don’t even care about other things!Seems like it’s more important to find out a “secret” then the actual story itself.
Pity.Reporting someone doesn’t mean they want a permaban, stop being so hysterical. People want some sort of punitive action taken against spoilers, that’s all, what’s so hard to understand about that?
If you spoil a movie for a friend, do you honestly believe they won’t get annoyed? Now how do you think a total stranger would react in the same situation?
You kinda throw word “hysterical” without any reasons. I’m really calm, my emotions are controlled, just putting my opinions out there.
The censure is getting serious here.
No. They hysteria is getting serious.
Support has ALWAYS kept its own standards fairly secretive. We’ve been told to let support know when this is going on. Whether they will act at all, what the consequences will be, and what threshold of raw jerkishness prompts punishment is something we WILL NEVER KNOW.
The basic practical rule is in effect: if you’re afraid of Support’s scrutiny, maybe you shouldn’t do it. If you can’t self-moderate, there’s always the possibility they’ll do it for you (and to you).
Banning someone because they spoil a movie is beyond unacceptable and it should be punishable by law when it comes to game that you payed for.
If you are so destroyed by spoilers then close all chat windows and be done with it but don’t turn spoilers into the worst kittening thing you can say to people.
Spoilers are bad, okay, i get it. But its by no means a reason to ban anyone. I dont remember anyone getting banned for spoiling GoT. SW has nothing to do with GW at all. This thread has no reason to be here, everything else that wasnt related to gw2 would be deleted already. Its just pure bs.
I’d applaud it if they’d bench people for a week or so, for just spouting out random spoilers for no other reason than to annoy people. Letting something slip in an honest conversation is one thing, but just shouting things like “John dies at the end” for no apparent reason is quite another.
I don’t care about Star Wars in particular, it’s just the principle.
re: No. There is a block option. Learn to use it. – So blocking someone will erase the memory of what they just typed? When did that feature get added?!? That’s great. ‘Cuz there is so much garbage in map chat I wish I’d never seen.
Seriously, look at this in context. You can certainly block someone who continues to harass you.(or even starts to harass or grief you) But that guy knew it wouldn’t work against his spoiler. Because once they’ve read it, it’s too late. So please have a little common sense, this is a unique situation. And customer service is going to handle each report on an individual basis. They don’t have a chat filter in place that’s going to auto-ban anyone who types certain Star Wars key words in. A person is going to look at the chat log and make a judgement call, to see if it’s griefing, or just a simple discussion. The whole point was not what was typed, it was why. He wasn’t discussing anything, he was griefing. And griefing is against the rules, and is punishable.
(edited by Elden Arnaas.4870)
I wish you all the best, but you will be your own grave (like me now
Goodbye all!Can I have your stuff?
What would you like? Say fast – I’m getting banned soon
Drama Queen! ¬.¬
Unless you’ve spoiled Star Wars, in which case Yea probably.Not really Drama Queen, I actually did a thing very very offensive, against the rules, which is worth of perm ban. And I acted my own way, so I’m fine with that. I’ll not be anyone’s puppet, there is noone who gets special treatment, in my eyes – all are equal, cuz we all are humans.
But yea, you got that thing right, I didn’t spoil Star Wars – so maybe I don’t get perm banned. haha, funny right?
Honestly, you’re really overreacting as this isn’t something worth getting yourself banned over. Gaile is simply saying you can report abusive behavior, and ruining other people’s fun is abusive.
The silly part about this whole thing, besides the fact that the most active topic in a game’s forum is about movie spoilers…is that it’s always been going on. People have been spoiling stuff…always, including HoT’s story. There was never a huge explosion of QQ over that. But because it’s THIS movie in particular, everyone is now all up in arms about it. I haven’t seen the movie. I have seen some of the spoilers. I didn’t crawl under the desk and sob. I honestly fail to see what the big deal is. If someone is THAT huge of a fan, I’d think after a week they would have seen it already.
This could be a slippery slope, as others have said. From now on if anyone spoils anything that I don’t want to see being talked about, I can and am encouraged to report them for it.
I wish you all the best, but you will be your own grave (like me now
Goodbye all!Can I have your stuff?
What would you like? Say fast – I’m getting banned soon
Drama Queen! ¬.¬
Unless you’ve spoiled Star Wars, in which case Yea probably.Not really Drama Queen, I actually did a thing very very offensive, against the rules, which is worth of perm ban. And I acted my own way, so I’m fine with that. I’ll not be anyone’s puppet, there is noone who gets special treatment, in my eyes – all are equal, cuz we all are humans.
But yea, you got that thing right, I didn’t spoil Star Wars – so maybe I don’t get perm banned. haha, funny right?
Honestly, you’re really overreacting as this isn’t something worth getting yourself banned over. Gaile is simply saying you can report abusive behavior, and ruining other people’s fun is abusive.
That’s your opinion. Let’s leave it at that. I’m really not into discussion about me, thank you very much
It’s just so silly that people say it’s all ruined, they cry, they want someone perm banned, they QQ in forums cuz of a spoiler.
Really? Is this World really come to this?
We all care just about a “secret”, just about “one part”. Where is all that movies has to offer, is that all unimportant?Frodo throw ring and beats Sauron! Oh noooo, you spoiled all!!! Now I will not watch movie and I will not read books! You are so mean, sooo mean, you should go in prison!! Or get banned in game! Unrelated to Lotr!
See how silly it is? Just cuz of one tiny part of whole that you can enjoy, you choose not to enjoy it at all!
If that’s the reason, then you are watching and doing things with wrong reasons! And all there is to be, is just that “secret”, just those “few seconds”, cuz everything else is ruined – you don’t even care about other things!Seems like it’s more important to find out a “secret” then the actual story itself.
Pity.Reporting someone doesn’t mean they want a permaban, stop being so hysterical. People want some sort of punitive action taken against spoilers, that’s all, what’s so hard to understand about that?
If you spoil a movie for a friend, do you honestly believe they won’t get annoyed? Now how do you think a total stranger would react in the same situation?
You kinda throw word “hysterical” without any reasons. I’m really calm, my emotions are controlled, just putting my opinions out there.
It’s hard not to see you as being hysterical when you exaggerate what’s going on here and actively try to get yourself banned by insulting Gaile over it.
It’s just so silly that people say it’s all ruined, they cry, they want someone perm banned, they QQ in forums cuz of a spoiler.
Really? Is this World really come to this?
We all care just about a “secret”, just about “one part”. Where is all that movies has to offer, is that all unimportant?Frodo throw ring and beats Sauron! Oh noooo, you spoiled all!!! Now I will not watch movie and I will not read books! You are so mean, sooo mean, you should go in prison!! Or get banned in game! Unrelated to Lotr!
See how silly it is? Just cuz of one tiny part of whole that you can enjoy, you choose not to enjoy it at all!
If that’s the reason, then you are watching and doing things with wrong reasons! And all there is to be, is just that “secret”, just those “few seconds”, cuz everything else is ruined – you don’t even care about other things!Seems like it’s more important to find out a “secret” then the actual story itself.
Pity.Reporting someone doesn’t mean they want a permaban, stop being so hysterical. People want some sort of punitive action taken against spoilers, that’s all, what’s so hard to understand about that?
If you spoil a movie for a friend, do you honestly believe they won’t get annoyed? Now how do you think a total stranger would react in the same situation?
You kinda throw word “hysterical” without any reasons. I’m really calm, my emotions are controlled, just putting my opinions out there.
It’s hard not to see you as being hysterical when you exaggerate what’s going on here and actively try to get yourself banned by insulting Gaile over it.
will you now stop quoting me or I’ll have to ignore you? As I’ve said, I’m not into discussion about me and how I chose to act! You don’t know me, you know yourself and people around you, what you are seeing is the reflection of your own reality from which you get feelings and ideas about my reality and me – which is different.
Now, talk about the topic, I’m not the one important here
I’ll just put this here
I think the only people ‘losing their minds’ around here are the ones freaking out over ANET saying it’s okay to report spoiler players.
Wow. I don’t like spoilers either but I don’t see any particular reason that BY ITSELF ALONE it would be something to report in a game. Can anyone please point out for me the relevant text in the game’s license that forbids it?
While playing Guild Wars 2, you must respect the rights of others and their rights to play and enjoy the Game. To this end, you may not defraud, harass, threaten, embarrass or cause distress and/or unwanted attention to other players. This includes posting insulting, offensive, or abusive comments about players, repeatedly sending unwanted messages, reporting players maliciously, attacking a player based on race, sexual orientation, religion, heritage, etc. Hate speech is not tolerated.
Repeatedly spamming spoilers in map chat and lfg is straight up harassment and griefing and SHOULD be met with the appropriate response of a suspension.
I love how this was ignored completely.
I wish you all the best, but you will be your own grave (like me now
Goodbye all!Can I have your stuff?
What would you like? Say fast – I’m getting banned soon
Drama Queen! ¬.¬
Unless you’ve spoiled Star Wars, in which case Yea probably.Not really Drama Queen, I actually did a thing very very offensive, against the rules, which is worth of perm ban. And I acted my own way, so I’m fine with that. I’ll not be anyone’s puppet, there is noone who gets special treatment, in my eyes – all are equal, cuz we all are humans.
But yea, you got that thing right, I didn’t spoil Star Wars – so maybe I don’t get perm banned. haha, funny right?
Honestly, you’re really overreacting as this isn’t something worth getting yourself banned over. Gaile is simply saying you can report abusive behavior, and ruining other people’s fun is abusive.
That’s your opinion. Let’s leave it at that. I’m really not into discussion about me, thank you very much
but you sure are trying to do just that . even with your posts edited . it is still clear on what your saying. and attacking Ms. Grey i can see this is not going to end well . that is clear
Man, calling a dev the n-word gets you a 2-week (source: best hotm troll Big Daddy Norn) and you guys want month or longer bans for spoiling this garbage kids movie.
It’s just so silly that people say it’s all ruined, they cry, they want someone perm banned, they QQ in forums cuz of a spoiler.
Really? Is this World really come to this?
We all care just about a “secret”, just about “one part”. Where is all that movies has to offer, is that all unimportant?Frodo throw ring and beats Sauron! Oh noooo, you spoiled all!!! Now I will not watch movie and I will not read books! You are so mean, sooo mean, you should go in prison!! Or get banned in game! Unrelated to Lotr!
See how silly it is? Just cuz of one tiny part of whole that you can enjoy, you choose not to enjoy it at all!
If that’s the reason, then you are watching and doing things with wrong reasons! And all there is to be, is just that “secret”, just those “few seconds”, cuz everything else is ruined – you don’t even care about other things!Seems like it’s more important to find out a “secret” then the actual story itself.
Pity.Reporting someone doesn’t mean they want a permaban, stop being so hysterical. People want some sort of punitive action taken against spoilers, that’s all, what’s so hard to understand about that?
If you spoil a movie for a friend, do you honestly believe they won’t get annoyed? Now how do you think a total stranger would react in the same situation?
You kinda throw word “hysterical” without any reasons. I’m really calm, my emotions are controlled, just putting my opinions out there.
It’s hard not to see you as being hysterical when you exaggerate what’s going on here and actively try to get yourself banned by insulting Gaile over it.
will you now stop quoting me or I’ll have to ignore you? As I’ve said, I’m not into discussion about me and how I chose to act! You don’t know me, you know yourself and people around you, what you are seeing is the reflection of your own reality from which you get feelings and ideas about my reality and me – which is different.
Now, talk about the topic, I’m not the one important here
fyi you can not block ignore people on forums . only in the game can you block ignore people . :P
I’ll just put this here
I think the only people ‘losing their minds’ around here are the ones freaking out over ANET saying it’s okay to report spoiler players.
Wow. I don’t like spoilers either but I don’t see any particular reason that BY ITSELF ALONE it would be something to report in a game. Can anyone please point out for me the relevant text in the game’s license that forbids it?
While playing Guild Wars 2, you must respect the rights of others and their rights to play and enjoy the Game. To this end, you may not defraud, harass, threaten, embarrass or cause distress and/or unwanted attention to other players. This includes posting insulting, offensive, or abusive comments about players, repeatedly sending unwanted messages, reporting players maliciously, attacking a player based on race, sexual orientation, religion, heritage, etc. Hate speech is not tolerated.
Repeatedly spamming spoilers in map chat and lfg is straight up harassment and griefing and SHOULD be met with the appropriate response of a suspension.I love how this was ignored completely.
yeah really its like they do not even see them posts at all . looking out into the woods calling me. sigh its them people you can not feel sorry for when they are like that . with posts like this :P
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