"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ICY.9382


I’ll settle for even Divine Hunter

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: nesh.7234


I personally would have went with Warden. Traps can then be themed as a cousin to Wards (an established Guardian skill type).

Essentially you then have a specialization who has become extremely good at using Light constructs. Converting their Virtues into constructs (Spear, Wings, and Shield), shooting constructs from a bow, and creating more complex wards (traps). And providing traits that affect your staff/hammer/sanctuary/wall of reflection wards.

(still reading rest of the thread)

+1 for naming it Warden it fits theme much more and it’s not lame fantasy trope title like name.

EU / Aurora Glade

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Rin.1046



Secondly, I get and like the reasoning behind the name, and it fits with what I felt was the reasoning. Kind of a witch hunter type character.

Seriously, what is so bad about the name Dragonhunter that it needs over 800 pages of discussion? Misplaced priorities much? I would have preferred the thief to be called assassin, but I’m not going to moan about it because the profession is awesome fun to play. I think people are putting way too much importance on a name.

And I’m sorry to say this, but if you’re going to stop playing a profession, just because one of its elite specializations has (in your opinion) a bad name, you have bigger problems to deal with.

I cannot see Anet changing the name now, and I hope they stick with it and don’t change it just because a few people don’t find it aesthetically appealing.

Simplicity is complex.

Good feedback is key to getting the developers to listen to you.

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: GruntSquad.1530


There is a perfect response from Genesis.8572. Please read it and take it to heart!

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: nesh.7234


I don’t understand the hate.

Dragon Hunter is a great name! I cannot wait to use this title on my warrior and ranger.

Wait, it isn’t a title?


Dragon Hunter may be generic but passable name, but Dragonhunter is big lazy kitten of the name I’d be ashamed to use when someone asks me which specialization I’m playing.

EDIT: misread — I agree that title will be cool to have but as spec name is lame as it gets.

EU / Aurora Glade

(edited by nesh.7234)

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mage.5367


Well i voted for it to be called, John Cena. BUT.. “Vindicator” is a good name

Votes for Vindicator…

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sina.9208


Archer, Fate style :P

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Genesis.8572


It really does sound that what ArenaNet was going for is basically an “Inquisitor,” if one were to sum it up in a single word.

Will Hawkins (Human Guardian)
Feryl Grimsteel (Charr Engineer)
Tarnished Coast

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Valento.9852


The reasoning is a tad off… I hope Jon re-consider.

Attempts at ele specs:

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bingo.2174


What is everyone’s opinion on Harbinger as the name?

If these guards are going to be heavy hitting long-distance openers, Harbinger is the perfect name for that. It also overlaps some of what Anet wanted “hunter” to mean, such as seeking out or heading in advance to lay traps.

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: VocalThought.9835


The poll will give a rather useless result, seeing as the vast majority of the player-base never visits the forums.

I would also suggest spending some time reading the rules for the forums.

Maybe ANet would issue a poll or vote on a name change for this specialization. I’ve seen SWTOR do this and it worked out in the communities’ favor.

They could have everyone place their top five suggestions together, make a list of the most sought out names that fit within their lore, then have people vote on the best name from those five. This could take a couple of weeks or so, but t least it would be satisfying to us all.

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mordeus.1234


Only problem with the name Harbinger is that it is what the sylvari Malyck was called by the Nightmare Court. It’s possible that the Harbinger plot is going to continue in HoT.

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bingo.2174


Only problem with the name Harbinger is that it is what the sylvari Malyck was called by the Nightmare Court. It’s possible that the Harbinger plot is going to continue in HoT.

Dragon hunters is what everyone calls the whole pact but that didn’t stop Anet ;D ;D

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Red Jay.2516

Red Jay.2516

What is everyone’s opinion on Harbinger as the name?

Harbinger of what? Of our extinction? Of our salvation through destruction? Is he beyond our comprehension? Will he assume direct control? How many robotic tentacles will he have?

Questions, questions.

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Maxwell.7843


Maybe I’m the minority, but personally I think the name fits well with the theme, which is “adapting to the jungle”.

I loved yesterday’s Ready Up by the way, it was very informative.

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: aliciamarianne.1725


Personally, I was bit put off by the name, although I was very excited about the changes; they seem wonderfully interesting!
I’m a bit thorn between trusting anet (as I’m one of those people who are rather happy with most of their decisions) about this (maybe they have lore that will work very well with this name, who knows?) and a change to the name.
I know it’s a silly thing, but the name doesn’t inspire much to me right now. My main guard is an avatar of my friend who committed suicide a year ago and I chose guardian for her because it was a sort of way of giving her that role of protector and defender she had before she died. I worked hard into giving her a sort of divine look and even though the changes to the class thrilled me ( those ether wings are PERFECT), the name puts me off.
I guess we’ll see.
I’m not sure about Arbiter and definitely not Harbinger, because they are too divine for a name that sounds dark.
Maybe Destiny’s Arbiter? :P

Eliane Karmasdottir, Guardian, In loving memory of Eliane. R.I.P.

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mage.5367


"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Whats wrong with the dragon part? Dragons are cool. From Puff to Smaug, Pete’s to Shooting Star. Glint was a dragon, she was pretty awesome.

Although there are lesser dragons and dragons that are not enemies, the term “dragon” in GW2 generally refers to the Elder Dragons.

No single guy is going to hunt one of them.

And it’ll be better to use a different term for lesser dragons, and make it a hunter for those.

Hence making “Wyrmhunter” a better choice, and using “wyrm” to refer to the lesser dragons.

It’s also shorter, sounds less clichéd, and rolls better in your mouth when saying it.

No exceptions!

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jaken.6801


Enough with the polls already.
As long as they aren`t official from Anet they are worthless.
The data you get there is only a fraction of the reality.
Furthermore these polls are way to restrictive, as they won`t have all examples given by the community.

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ojyh.9842


My god ! Jon Peters is really taking us for idiots !
Or is he himself ? I’m sorry, I don’t want to be rude or anything. But his intervention just made everything even worse.
I can’t believe this… Everytime they try to explain, it gets worse ! Can’t they see they’re just going the wrong way ?

I’d like to see Watcher or Watchman in this poll
But you should also keep Dragonhunter in it, just to see if people really hate it or not.
Anyway A.Net don’t want polls…

(edited by Ojyh.9842)

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mage.5367


I limited to 10 of the most popular and representative of current name/style

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DirtyHarry.9158


can we get another statement from jon that isnt belittling our intellect as gamers? its not that we cant see where your design team is trying to go. but rather the presentation on it and description given is conflicting and thrown together on the fly (hopefully, because if someone sat around and brainstormed for weeks and this was the final result, god help that poor brain)

if you gave us the lore behind it first, possibly conceptual art or at least just step away from “big game hunter/trapper/witchhunter” confusion and pick either or…… jon please do your whole company a favor and try not to say things like “high concept” and “mature” all that did was open up a big can of ill-communicated insulting and somewhat arrogant image of how you perceive this communities problems and dislikes. we GET what u are going for. its that a majority DON’T LIKE IT, not that we dont understand.

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sargatanas.5139


I don’t like the name of the guardian elite specialization. Sure, traps and longbow bring the “hunter” to mind, but don’t you think that Sentinel sounds more Guardian-ish?
My warrior is a dragon hunter too, remember that one time I killed Zhaitan. 22222
Please name it anything but Dragonhunter.

For we are many, for we are legion.

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bingo.2174


What is everyone’s opinion on Harbinger as the name?

Harbinger of what? Of our extinction? Of our salvation through destruction? Is he beyond our comprehension? Will he assume direct control? How many robotic tentacles will he have?

Questions, questions.

Harbinger of whatever you choose. Harbinger of death to your foes, justice to your allies. Harbinger is basically a cooler, more war-like herald.

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Gulesave.5073


I cannot agree with “Arbiter,” sorry.

Arbitration is the use of an impartial third party to settle a dispute. Arbiters act on behalf of the disputing parties, selected and brought in by them deliberately to find a fair solution to their disagreement.

It isn’t just another word for judge. Judges carry the weight of the entirety of written law and the capability to issue broad punishments, from fines to jail or prison time to (in some jurisdicitons) death . Arbiters only have power from the contract signed by the disputing parties who hired them – their power pretty much stops at the transfer of resources or signing of further agreements between the parties.

Arbitration is more akin to mediation than it is to a trial and judgment. Less Judge Dredd, more Judge Judy.

I should be writing.

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Palador.2170


A couple notes on Dragonhunter. We went with this name because we felt it was evocative of the medieval witch hunters. Guardians consider themselves protectors of the innocent. Followers of their faith be it in honor, valor, etc. The origin of the dragonhunter is a more subtle nuanced version of this. Guardians fight for justice and the dragonhunter faction believes justice is the eradication of dragons and their minions. I understand this is a lot more high concept than Mesmer but at the end of the day we felt like we wanted to try and push a more mature theme here. I hope this helps explain our thinking. We had other generic names in mind but felt like it was important to have a mix of spec names that are generic fantasy, more Tyrian fantasy, and more high concept. This one falls more in the third category.



I actually supported the name “Dragonhunter” up until I read this post. Honestly, if this is the reasoning behind it, it should be changed.

Given that we’re “hunting” not just the dragons but the corrupted minions as well, I’d suggest “Purifier” as a name. If you really must keep the hunter part, I’d go with “Fellhunter”.

Sarcasm, delivered with a
delicate, brick-like subtlety.

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kentaine.4692


Maybe I’m the minority, but personally I think the name fits well with the theme, which is “adapting to the jungle”.

I loved yesterday’s Ready Up by the way, it was very informative.

As far as tying it to that is concerned, yes it makes a LOT of sense… however that would mean the other 8 professions should be named like-wise to give a sense of cohesion between all professions and HoT.

Since Elementalist (tempest, jungles aren’t known for these. Monsoons maybe, but not tempests) and Mesmer (chronomancer, which has absolutely nothing to do with a jungle besides time pass in a jungle like it does everywhere else) already do not fit this pattern, the only other one that does so far is Ranger but Druid fits with it’s parent class, new weapon, and probably mechanics. Even if half are jungle themed names this cannot be the singular basis of naming the specs because it is at odds with the other half of the professions. Furthermore, the name would still be better applied to Ranger or Warrior since it would tie into the jungle theme AND the parent profession, though Dragonslayer would be better for Warrior than hunter.

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Gomes.5643


  • Crusader
  • Templar
  • Seeker
  • Justiciar
  • Patron
  • Warden (for that rename Sylvari NPC Wardens to Preservers)

Crusader: Hey my Mesmer is an Crusader too (its an vigil rank). So that will have basicaly the same problem as “Dragon Hunter”.
(Außerdem bin ich auf die deutsche Übersetzung dann gespannt – “Recke” ist meiner Meinung nach ein furchtbarer Name für eine Spezialisierung und die eigentliche Übersetzung “Kreuzfahrer/Kreuzritter” geht nicht, da es das Christentum in Tyria nicht gibt.)

Templar: Templar were called Templar because they protected the Temple in Jerusalem and the people who travelled there – as there is no Temple in the Maguuma-Jungle (at least none of an accepted Tyrian religion), they are no Templar.

Seeker: I dont think it fits to the skill … they hunt big enemies in the jungle and dont seek something …. but if the originstory would be changed (like introducing some kind of “holy grail” aka anti-dragon-artifact-thing … why not).

Justicar: Title of high-rank soldiers of the white mantle. I dont think that Loyalists of the krytan crown would like to be called that way …. but some commanders of the holy pact are fine when there are called “Thiefs” ….. so that dont seem to be the problem. (Auch hier wäre die deutsche Übersetzung interessant: Richter? Rächer?)

Patron: from lat. patronus -> pater=father …. so like valkyries

Warden: I dont think it fits the more offensiv theme of the spec.

(edited by Gomes.5643)

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Gomes.5643


  • Crusader
  • Templar
  • Seeker
  • Justiciar
  • Patron
  • Warden (for that rename Sylvari NPC Wardens to Preservers)

Crusader: Hey my Mesmer is an Crusader too (its an vigil rank). So that will have basicaly the same problem as “Dragon Hunter”.
(Außerdem bin ich auf die deutsche Übersetzung dann gespannt – “Recke” ist meiner Meinung nach ein furchtbarer Name für eine Spezialisierungen und die eigentliche Übersetzung “Kreuzfahrer/Kreuzritter” geht nicht, da es das Christentum in Tyria nicht gibt.)

Templar: Templar were called Templar because they protected the Temple in Jerusalem and the people who travelled there – as there is no Temple in the Maguuma-Jungle (at least none of an accepted Tyrian religion), so they are no Templar.

Seeker: I dont think it fits to the skill … they hunt big enemies in the jungle and dont seek something …. but if the originstory would be changed (like introducing some kind of “holy grail” aka anti-dragon-artifact-thing … why not).

Justicar: Title of high-rank soldiers of the white mantle. I dont think that Loyalists of the krytan crown would like to be called that way …. but some commanders of the holy pact are fine when there are called “Thiefs” ….. so that dont seem to be the problem. (Auch hier wäre die deutsche Übersetzung interessant: Richter? Rächer?)

Patron: from lat. patronus -> pater=father …. so like valkyries

Warden: Dont like it, but it isnt that bad.

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DocZed.6973


Why does Seeker firt as a proper name and Paragon does not?
- Because Paragon is just a made up name like Lightbow,

1. A model of excellence or perfection of a kind; a peerless example: a paragon of virtue.
a. An unflawed diamond weighing at least 100 carats.
b. A very large spherical pearl.
3. Printing A type size of 20 points.
tr.v. par·a·goned, par·a·gon·ing, par·a·gons
1. To compare; parallel.
2. To equal; match.

All 9 classes leveled and geared to 80!
Remnants of Hope [HOPE]: Tarnished Coast

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


There are some great names in the posts through here. I do hope that anet will take a look at them and maybe give the players a chance to vote on the renaming of it and perhaps the traps as well being renamed. The over all effects and mechanics look fun to play.

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zepher.7803


there is a lot of talk about the specialization name still, is this name going to be displayed somewhere? is that why most forum warriors are having an issue? so when other people see the name dragonhunter on a toon, they are going to do what? is it going to cause them to go into convulsions?

btw anything related to GW1 is a NO….move on people. it’s just a dream!

Sincerly, Me.

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lunar Sunset.8742

Lunar Sunset.8742

So dragonhunter is more highly conceptual than chronomancer… thanks for the laughs.

PS if you want to get your customers on your side, it’s best not to be so condescending.

50/50 GWAMM x3
I quit how I want

(edited by Lunar Sunset.8742)

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Azhure.1857


so when other people see the name dragonhunter on a toon, they are going to do what? is it going to cause them to go into convulsions?

Full on convulsions? No.
Fair amount of snickering? Yes.

Isle of Janthir Megaserver

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Nike.2631


I particularly like how you left out the incumbent – Dragonhunter – so you could avoid watching it walk all over the other choices AGAIN.

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

(edited by Nike.2631)

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: mistsim.2748


I like the name and the design of the spec. leave it.

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Azhure.1857


There are many people in this thread talking about the Dragonhunter specialization name, most of them are even voicing negative criticism over it, so the fact that you’re being shut down isn’t because of your topic of choice — but rather how you are choosing to express yourself in your posts.

While I don’t know how much weight ArenaNet places in feedback…. I can tell you that in my business I only really listen to criticism from those that remain respectful in delivering it, whether it be positive or negative.

Take that for whatever its worth. I’ve been shot down my fair share of times in these very forums for being too snarky myself. * shrugs *

Isle of Janthir Megaserver

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: VocalThought.9835


It would have been nice if you add all of the suggestions and Dragonhunter to get a true vote. There were so many other suggestions that I thought were better than the ones you picked.

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: felessan.9587


I love the name “Dragon Hunter” but I don’t think it’s thematically appropriate for this specialization. Beside making dragon-themed named and animations, the profession is still light and virtue-based.

After having it explained to me, I see the relationship between witch-hunter and dragon hunter, but I would never have made the connection without being led there by the nose.

All the other professions and specializations so far have names that are highly evocative of what makes their milieu unique. I see the “hunter” part of this one, but the “dragon” part is lacking in thematics or specificity.

Maybe it’s because I have a strong love of Dragon Hunters from D&D, but dragon hunters would typically gain bonuses or abilities specific to wrangling, taming, or slaying dragons. Since everything in this game is about fighting dragons, using this as a specialist name without really digging into that name thematically feels disconnected.

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Forgotten Legend.9281

Forgotten Legend.9281

well, it would be very easy to simply call it “Hunter”.

i personally don’t like most of the “guardian-sounding” names that people come up with, because most of those names are already specifically in game. such as Sentinel (armour stat), Justiciar (rank within the White Mantle organization, AND Justice as already a class skill, and has 2 trait lines already dedicated to it), Exemplar (rank within the Shining Blades), Zealout (it’s already essentially a core specialization for guardian already), “Paragon” (DragonHunter is nothing like the shoutspecific Paragaon of GW1), “Paladin” (sigh, too D&D specific for a game that is trying to break the D&D archetype), etc…

the Dragon Hunter as least shows that this specialization switches things up for the guard, that the class is going on the offense. none of the other names gives that idea. the other names just keep implying “more of the same”.

i would, however concede that DragonHunter does seem to describe all of us, (but so does the generic terms “warrior”, “guardian”, and “ranger”. (Ranger is best described by the modern military’s phrase “Long Range Recon Patrol”)

i also concede ANet’s point in going for a medieval WitchHunter style name. follwing this theme, there aren’t really many witches in GW2, so the next name would be MonsterHunter, and that sounds even more generic than DragonHunter.

so to me, the only acceptable compromise would be simply “Hunter.”

but then again, i’m totally fine with the name “DragonHunter”

– The Baconnaire

(edited by Forgotten Legend.9281)

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kaamau.5341


I get the idea behind it, but the name is far to strait forward for me taste its to in-your-face about what it is, and it feels like it doesn’t mesh, its calling Chronomancer “Time-mage” its so literal and feels lazy, finding a synonym of some kind might be a a better idea.

Fort Aspenwood

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ojyh.9842


There is one thing I never thought about and I didn’t see anywhere (until now) when people are trying to tell why they don’t like Dragonhunter. I find it pretty interesting and I think it could put words on some of the negative feelings we have against Dragonhunter but that we didn’t even manage to explain.

What most people are expecting for specs is a new playstyle, a new way of fighting that fits into a coherent theme. In other words, it’s telling us HOW we fight.
This is exactly what the Chronomancer (and probably the Druid and others) will offer for example.

The problem with the Dragonhunter is that it doesn’t refer to a particular way of fighting things. Instead it tells us WHAT we have to fight, and the particularly crappy background tells us WHY we have to fight. But nothing really tells us HOW, like we would expect for a spec.
WHAT and WHY we fight are totally linked to the background and the story. They’re not the reasons why we choose to play one particular character. Those aspects should be left for the story only, or the background that anyone could want to create and mold for his own character.
This made me come back to the idea of Dragonhunter being a title or a faction, like a lot of people suggested. A title can totally be a background thing for our character, while a faction has importance for the lore and story development.

So basically, Dragonhunter and its background doesn’t evoke a spec that tells us how we wanna play, it tells us what kind of person we are and what are our goals in the story. And this shouldn’t be. Those are not the reasons why we choose to play a profession or a spec.

I quote the guy who gave me this idea
“I don’t understand why specializations are anything more than a fighting style. A Chronomancer is merely a mage that manipulates time, they don’t by definition have to have any particular goals or ambitions. Why does my guardian, when he chooses to specialize in combat with traps and a longbow, all of a sudden have to adopt new background and ideology that I don’t identify him with?”

Also remember that specializations are supposed to be swapped anytime we want. A spec that is highly connected to a “WHAT” and “WHY” instead of a “HOW” would mean that we can swap our character’s background, story, goals, ambitions at anytime… This is absurd.

Here again the gameplay of the Dragonhunter is not the topic of the discussion. It’s just the name and the theme that goes with it.

(edited by Ojyh.9842)

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Srolo.5208


Why does Seeker firt as a proper name and Paragon does not?
- Because Paragon is just a made up name like Lightbow,

1. A model of excellence or perfection of a kind; a peerless example: a paragon of virtue.
a. An unflawed diamond weighing at least 100 carats.
b. A very large spherical pearl.
3. Printing A type size of 20 points.
tr.v. par·a·goned, par·a·gon·ing, par·a·gons
1. To compare; parallel.
2. To equal; match.

Doesn’t change the fact that the name doesn’t fit with the Elite Specialization.

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sithis.3564


So basically, Dragonhunter and its background doesn’t evoke a spec that tells us how we wanna play, it tells us what kind of person we are and what are our goals in the story. And this shouldn’t be. Those are not the reasons why we choose to play a profession or a spec.

I quote the guy who gave me this idea
“I don’t understand why specializations are anything more than a fighting style. A Chronomancer is merely a mage that manipulates time, they don’t by definition have to have any particular goals or ambitions. Why does my guardian, when he chooses to specialize in combat with traps and a longbow, all of a sudden have to adopt new background and ideology that I don’t identify him with?”

Also remember that specializations are supposed to be swapped anytime we want. A spec that is highly connected to a “WHAT” and “WHY” instead of a “HOW” would mean that we can swap our character’s background, story, goals, ambitions at anytime… This is absurd.

I couldn’t agree more.

I myself, when saw the name for the first time, have mistaken it for Dreaghnout. My reaction wasn’t to bad, but then I realised it’s actually a Dragonhunter. It simply doesn’t fit.

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mordeus.1234


That’s a good breakdown on how this “high concept” is really limiting to how we choose to play our characters. The very thing that drew me to this game was that it had enough freedom to play or craft your characters to whatever you wanted. I’ve spent a fair amount of time picking out personal story choices, armor skins, etc… for my characters that give way more depth than this “high concept” could.

It’s going to take a rather tortured justification for why my Guardian would become a Dragonhunter and what they’d do once they become one. While I have no problem adapting my Mesmer to the Chronomancer spec because that gives me creative freedom in how I choose to use the new time magic. As far as I know there were no explicit story motivations placed on the Chronomancer?

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


@ Gomes:

That Vigil Rank should get simply renamed, because its translation is already unfitting to the English origin, because its false translated, the correct English Word für “Recke” translated back would be “Valiant” or “Champion” or simply Warrior/Knight even, but in this case I would prefer Valiant.

The german word Kreuzfahrer would be the best translation, because Kreuzfahrer has no religious context, unlike Kreuzritter.
A Kreuzfahrer, is someone, who simply does things in his live, because of his faith in something.
A Kreuzritter instead is somebody, who does thigns in his live out of religious motives out of his believe, which must not be even his own personal motives, but rather those of a higher standing religious organization, like the church. They are those, which get send out by the church to battle for it in their “Holy Wars”

A Kreuzfahrer instead travels the world to do righteous things out of his faith. Sure, you could see them basically also as “participants” of crusades and thus call them Kreuzritter, but a Kreuzfahrer would participate in a crusade out of different motives, than a Kreuzritter would do. Theres a reason in it, why both words exist and why crusader doesn’t get translated only into Kreuzritter.
There is more meaning behind Kreuzfahrer, than just only being someone with christian faith, who goes fighting for the church for it in “holy wars”.
Kreuzfahrer has nothing to do with the cross of the christian church directly as much, as like a Kreuzritter does, or would you call everyone who travels around on a ship as knights that are going to particpate in a holy war??? (auf Kreuzfahrt sein)

It would have to do more with traveling criss-cross around the world searching for faith and doing things in the name of your faith, which must not be particulary the same faith of any religious organizations andm ust not mean anything like being part of holy wars. Kreuzfahrer in this case is a much more mature and subtle way of defining basically righteous defender, who fights for his own personal beliefs and searches for tests of faith to overcome them all around the world of Tyria in this case.

About templar I can say to you only, and others which think the same. people should stop taking names only out of religious context from real life.
only because GW2 could have a class called Templar, doesn’t mean that it must have automatically somethign to do with any real life religions.
Thats also the reason, why we had in GW1 classes like the Monk or the Dervish
A Templar in Tyria must not be, what a templar was for us in real life.
A Templar in GW2 could be simply a Temple Guardian (and in Tyria surely exist also Temples and Shrines and why are you so sure about it, that there exist no temples in HoT, are you a fortuneteller, can you predict that so surely without even knowing the full content of HoT at all?? Interesting!! Can you please tell me the lotto numbers for next week too?)

Seeker fits the most best, it correlates the most best to the ranger gameplay elements of the elite specialization and the bow weapon (despite me preferring shortbows simply with range increasing trait for them over the longbow, cause warriors have already longbows!!) In German the best translation for Seeker would be “Verfolger” – im Sinne von Verfolger der Gerechtigkeit/Wahrheit/Ordnung, jemand der also alles tut, kitten diese 3 Dinge herrschen in Tyria, sieh es praktisch als Tyria’s Polizei an- Sucher dagegen klingt blöd und hat kein Kontext zum Gameplay und Lore-Hintergrund^^)

Justiciar is just an alternative for Seeker, but I would have no problems with it, if Anet keeps this term back for other purposes, like bringing back the White Mantle somewhen. Justiciars are simply a more fanatic kind of version of Seekers or could be seen as a higher rank of them when you take the aspect of fanatism away in regard of making it a palyable elite specialization.

Hmm, about Patron thats convincing, I forgot Latin here. But the translated German word could be seen basically for example as gender neutral > Schutzherr/herrin.
I think this should work with other languages too.

Warden would fit to the Trap Gameplay, when you think of the traps as magical “Wards” that protect in an agressive way.
Also Offense is the best Defense and that would be simply the motto of a Warden.
And if ANet renames the NPC Sylvari Wardens to Preservers, everything is fine and fitting.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lordhelmos.7623


Name is fine to me, dev explanation makes sense.

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: macon.4065


I’m understanding a bit what they are trying to put together for the Dragonhunter but theirs a couple of issues I am lacking in understanding. First of all the title just does not fit for a Guardian. Perhaps Crusader, Zealot or something of that caliber. The other question is this I am really confused about is why are we are reinventing the wheel here? I took a look at the Video and was trying to figure out the whole longbow thing. Seems redundant to create a ranger/thief hybrid and call it a Dragonhunter. If you want traps do a ranger. If you want a ricochet shot do a thief. The wall is an extension of Reflection and Reflect Wall that Guardians already have and they do wear Heavy armor for more protection so they can take a hit. Change up the sigils to get the proper effect on armor and weapons. Also reveal an area where stealth is being used is not a good choice for a skills. Here’s why a thief can only stealth for a short period and the thief also has multiple ways to reenter stealth. I was hoping to see something original here and in league with somethings they took out from the original game. I was kinda thinking what about Smiting. It was a great suggestion and used in the original game or what about bringing a full healing spec in. And lastly why are we settling for the same weapons, What about different weapons. I’d love to see the Guarding swing a pole-arm in the game or even a spear to be used in the game rather than just underwater. It would add a flair that other games lack.

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Death.1654


On second thought it seems odd to give a specialization traps and call it a ‘dragonhunter.’ Don’t traps not work against any of the dragons currently in the game because they are objects?

(edited by Death.1654)

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bingo.2174


That’s a good breakdown on how this “high concept” is really limiting to how we choose to play our characters. The very thing that drew me to this game was that it had enough freedom to play or craft your characters to whatever you wanted. I’ve spent a fair amount of time picking out personal story choices, armor skins, etc… for my characters that give way more depth than this “high concept” could.

It’s going to take a rather tortured justification for why my Guardian would become a Dragonhunter and what they’d do once they become one. While I have no problem adapting my Mesmer to the Chronomancer spec because that gives me creative freedom in how I choose to use the new time magic. As far as I know there were no explicit story motivations placed on the Chronomancer?

Perfect phrasing. “Explicit story motivations” is exactly why I am so anti this specialization name. (Well, that, and it’s just as lame as lame can be.)