I’m just going to give you all my opinion on the “veteran entitlement mentality” as some people have called it, and the overall price of the expansion+ what comes with it.
To get us all on the same page, out frustrations are not because the expansion is 50 USD, its because arenanet has once again left the veterans out of the loop and made us feel that out continued dedication to there company has gone unappreciated.
A new player coming in gets a package that arena net values at 90 dollars, 50 for the expac and 40 for the game.
Veterans will pay the same as everyone else while only getting half of the content. Now I know that it was supposed to be added as an incentive for new players to get into the game, but when you look at what we are getting it’s rather lack luster, and having something so big given to the new players. Its just upsetting having supported the game since launch and being put on a back burner again.
It was just disappointing to us to see arena net not include something for the Veterans, and that’s perfectly acceptable.
You see a lot of posts out there from people saying things like. The veterans are too toxic and just cant be happy supporting the company. That’s not the case. We veterans are toxic because we DO support the company. More then anyone coming into this game now has, we love gw2 , we love arena net and the amazing worlds they’ve created , we have supported them for years, and hopefully years to come, but what we always see happening is all of our support is taken for granted.. just think of how many gems the veterans have purchased since the start, all the gw2 pre orders, and the recommendations to friends to play, I’ve personally spent at least 500 on gems, and recommended countless to buy the game and have even purchases the digital deluxe addition for a friend who wanted to play but didn’t have the money
We’ve supported a net from the start, and most of us would he happy paying for hot at 50 dollars, our frustrations simply come from arena net catering to new players and pushing veterans to the side, we’ve seen them do this before, NPE for example. Those who even know what that is. I’m sure lots of people who Will read this weren’t even around for that . And for those that were. Remember how the vets felt then too.
The veterans just want to see something given to them as well. Its not about “entitlement” its about being treated fairly and being acknowledged for our years of support.
main Druid ~~Adalyn Del Rayna~~ [SIGH]
[Ehmry Bay]