Got 100% TD, No Reward
I’m sorry I can’t give you any meaningful answers, I just wanted to say bravo. I thought Malchor’s Leap was the worst map in the game…then they gave us this map, this freaking map
Haha thanks, was rough, but once you learn it it isn’t so bad
ArenaNet Communications Manager
I’m sorry that happened, Ranlares. I’m focusing on other threads and not the merged bug thread, but it seems to me that your adding a note there would be every helpful. If it’s a bug, that’s a way to get it noted, so please consider posting in that thread.
Thanks! (And congrats. )
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Any chance you can link that thread? If so I’d be happy to!
Any chance you can link that thread? If so I’d be happy to!
Rata Novus? Another asura city?
I see a large cubical formation just beside it, definitely looks articial.
~Sincerely, Scissors
Go explore, Windu Or do the PS, it takes you there. Lots of events in it but the story explains what it is better.
Go explore, Windu
Or do the PS, it takes you there. Lots of events in it but the story explains what it is better.
Will do
~Sincerely, Scissors
I also had this issue and wrote to support, I was told this was not a bug and that I simply had something still to discover.
I also had this issue and wrote to support, I was told this was not a bug and that I simply had something still to discover.
If the map description says you’re at a 100% but you haven’t found everything, I would call that a bug. But that’s just me.
I also had this issue and wrote to support, I was told this was not a bug and that I simply had something still to discover.
If the map description says you’re at a 100% but you haven’t found everything, I would call that a bug. But that’s just me.
Some maps have areas with no points of interest or anything else in them. Those areas are required to really complete a map too but not calculated in the percentage. I had it happen to me in one of the core Tyria areas, don’t remember which one though.
Nonetheless, lack of visibility on this kind of area is confusing.
Congratz to OP for beating this painful map.
I also had this issue and wrote to support, I was told this was not a bug and that I simply had something still to discover.
If the map description says you’re at a 100% but you haven’t found everything, I would call that a bug. But that’s just me.
Some maps have areas with no points of interest or anything else in them. Those areas are required to really complete a map too but not calculated in the percentage. I had it happen to me in one of the core Tyria areas, don’t remember which one though.
Nonetheless, lack of visibility on this kind of area is confusing.
Congratz to OP for beating this painful map.
But those areas aren’t typically needed for getting map completion.
I know there is 1 mastery point i do not have, but mastery points are not in the %age so that shouldn’t be the issue….can we have Gaile back to enlighten us?
Some maps have areas with no points of interest or anything else in them. Those areas are required to really complete a map too but not calculated in the percentage. I had it happen to me in one of the core Tyria areas, don’t remember which one though.
That’s only for the exploration achievements, not for map completion.
By the way, there are supposed to be now map completion rewards for silverwastes, dry top and southsun. They are not rewarded retroactively however (and they definitely should).
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Some maps have areas with no points of interest or anything else in them. Those areas are required to really complete a map too but not calculated in the percentage. I had it happen to me in one of the core Tyria areas, don’t remember which one though.
That’s only for the exploration achievements, not for map completion.
By the way, there are supposed to be now map completion rewards for silverwastes, dry top and southsun. They are not rewarded retroactively however (and they definitely should).
Oh? I finished the last POI after HoT launched in Southsun Cove and got no reward.
Edit: Just found it in the patch update for HoT. I’ll be submitting a ticket in the morning.
Some maps have areas with no points of interest or anything else in them. Those areas are required to really complete a map too but not calculated in the percentage. I had it happen to me in one of the core Tyria areas, don’t remember which one though.
That’s only for the exploration achievements, not for map completion.
By the way, there are supposed to be now map completion rewards for silverwastes, dry top and southsun. They are not rewarded retroactively however (and they definitely should).
Oh? I finished the last POI after HoT launched in Southsun Cove and got no reward.
Edit: Just found it in the patch update for HoT. I’ll be submitting a ticket in the morning.
I did this for drytop and silverwastes today, guess ill be submitting a ticket as well.
Just wanted to say, I just got all the mastery points visible on the map for TD and still no completion reward, so it’s not that!
Some maps have areas with no points of interest or anything else in them. Those areas are required to really complete a map too but not calculated in the percentage. I had it happen to me in one of the core Tyria areas, don’t remember which one though.
That’s only for the exploration achievements, not for map completion.
By the way, there are supposed to be now map completion rewards for silverwastes, dry top and southsun. They are not rewarded retroactively however (and they definitely should).
They are bugged as well. I did Southsun on one alt (was only missing one poi) and got a very nice reward. So of course I immediately checked my other characters to see if any of them also hasn’t completed it. Found one, completed the map (two poi) and… nothing. Then took the same character to Dry Top where I was missing one poi and a vista. Again nothing. This was the first time completing Dry Top on my account since HoT. Not doing any more until I hear that it is fixed.
(edited by Lalocat.6793)
Could it be that we need to get all the Mastery Points too? Those aren’t listed in the criteria granted, which is a bit weird. They’re a part of the maps. A friend of mine speculated that it has to do with having Core completion done. If you don’t, supposedly you get rewards, if you do, you don’t. I can’t confirm that though.
Seafarer’s Rest
Someone here confirmed that mastery points do not make a difference
I have since completes auric basin and am at 98% on verdant. Really wish this would be fixed
I have since completes auric basin and am at 98% on verdant. Really wish this would be fixed
15 Charrs thank you.
NSP | Os Guild Master |
Thanks for the map and the game location.
I have since completes auric basin and am at 98% on verdant. Really wish this would be fixed
I’m wondering … does your character have 100% core Tyria completion? From what I’ve seen around the net, as well as experiencing myself, there’s a bug that makes map completion rewards for Dry Top, Silverwastes and Southsun Cove not award for characters with 100% core Tyria completion, maybe the same bug hits all map completions with 100% characters, even those in the new maps?
I heard if you complete any of the HP challenges using WvW unlocks then you will not get the map completion bonus since it isn’t counting those correctly. Not sure if that is your problem or not, but that is what I heard.
I completed verdant brink with out using wvw thing and didn’t get anything I also did drytop and silverwaste nothing. I just want to know will we get those rewards back
They probably assumed no one would ever actually get 100% on it, all joking aside that’s impressive.
i have the first 3 maps 100% now, no rewards from any. I have heard the same about it being form me having 100% world completion
somewhat unrelated, but mentioned:
It would be really useful to have a counter for x/y mastery points obtained.
Advocate of learning and being a useful party member.
I also have 100% Central Tyria map completion on the character I was missing only one POI with.
Unfortunately, none of my characters that are level 80 don’t have map completion (I have 2, the remaining ones are 51 or lower. So I can’t test that theory.
It seems to be characters that have 100% Map Completion that aren’t getting rewards. The only character I have 100% with is the only character on my main account that wasn’t rewarded.
Cool, I don’t feel so left out now.
I have 100% Tyria Map Completion. But got no rewards for Southsun, Dry Top, and Silverwastes. I’m close to getting 100% completion on the new maps, but if I’m not going to get rewards for those either, I’m going to hold off.
Hopefully this gets fixed soon.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]
I have 100% Tyria Map Completion. I got no rewards for Verdant Brink.
somewhat unrelated, but mentioned:
It would be really useful to have a counter for x/y mastery points obtained.
There are Insight achievements for each of the Insight mastery points, and they say which map they’re in.
Same Thing here just done Auric with a character with 100% Tyria World completion and got no reward.
I hope a fix come soon.
Soon as in really, really soon!
I was like “yeah, they’ll fix that in time”, until someone said that the silverwastes maps where bugged in the same way and nothing changed for months.
I hope that guy was misinformed… .
It’s not just the HoT maps, it’s Dry Top, Southsun Cove and SW as well. If you have 100% World Completion on a character, you will NOT get map completion rewards for any of these (or the HoT maps) on that character.
On the other hand if you DON’T have 100% world completion on a character, you WILL get map completion rewards for these on that character.
I have bug reported this in-game… a week ago, since I noticed it happening when I went to Southsun Cove with a non-100% world completion character that night and got a chest for it, and did not get a reward chest when I then went there with a 100% world completion character.
Going to bump the thread here. Got 100% central tyria completion, got no rewards for Drytop, Southsun or Silverwastes. Now I just finished VB exploration and got no reward for it either, which is a lot more annoying for the collection and legendary weapon gift. Filed a bug report, but I’m posting here too, hoping they can fix this soon.
Same problem here.
I have a character with 100% central tyria parked just outside of the last POI on Verdant Brink, specifically waiting for this bug to be solved.
Any news, Anet?
I need the completion reward for a Specialization Collection. I’m sure there are a lot of people on the same situation. I don’t think this bug can wait.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
just finished verdant brink 100% .. no rewards
Where are we at with this? My 100% character still isn’t getting map completion rewards for maps.
Bumping the thread, same issue here.
Presumably, they’re working on a fix, but since there’s so many bugs in this thing, I suppose it’s taking a while.
My problem isn’t that I have 100% completions in the jungle; it’s that I can’t GET 100% completions in the jungle because several Hero Challenges that I’ve done over and over never register on the map as being complete.
It’s yet another bug they need to fix.
completed yesterday verdant bring 100%, have tyria explored 100%, no map reward for verdant brink …
Clearly a bug that needs to be fixed.
Same problem here to.. Given up playing HOT till they fix this.
Same problem here.
Having 100% kryta, and finished the first map with my ranger…. no reward BUT: if you want to do the acendend staff you have to “finisht at least one map of jungle 100%” to obtain a gift you need…. so anyone an idea ???
They are looking for a fix, that is all we have for now
To OP: I think the issue you are having is that you have found 20/20 POI which is different from me because I have 20/21 and I know where the last one is just not gotten around to doing it.