HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Harrier.9380
because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure.”
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Harrier.9380
You know what 3 years with this game taught me?
1. Don’t trust any hype Anet is trying to spin.
2. Until proven otherwise, expect new content to be mindless grind for some cosmetics.Honestly, as a PvP player first I couldn’t care less for how big new zones are, gliding, masteries etc etc. Basically what I’m getting for 45€ is new class + elite specializations (since Stronghold is supposed to be included in vanilla). And I don’t find those anywhere near worth that price tag.
If I could get revenant + elite specs + general pvp stuff for 15-20€ I’ld totally pay that the second it became avaliable. 45€? Hell no.
This I can understand. You’re not interested in the PvE, and since expansions are largely based on PvE, it’s of no interest to you. However, part of the expansion is a new profession and specializations, which would affect PvP. Yeah, that can be frustrating. I can only hope on your behalf that they maybe add something to the gem store that maybe lets you buy the Revenant, though I doubt that they’d ever make the specializations a separate purchase.
Thanks, that’s unexpected.
It’s not that I dislike PvE as an idea, just don’t like how Anet makes it all about endless grind for x or y skin. There are way better games out there when it comes to both PvE and storytelling.
Specializations are the thing I’m most interested in. Revenant I can probably do without, not too interested in the class from what I’ve seen of it so far.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Yasi.9065
I would have no issue with buying it on its own for $50. I just would expect new players to do what I did: buy BOTH the core game and the expansion.
But what you did was buy the game and played it for perhaps hundreds of hours. You’ve gotten your money’s worth since that initial purchase. Do new players get a better deal? Kind of. Keep in mind the game has been on sale many times, occasionally for only $10. No one seemed angry about that. People would pay $10 when you’ve paid at least $60 if you got it at launch, and you haven’t cared. This is also incentive for a larger player base, anyone that doesn’t have the game can get it bundled with the expansion now, which would ultimately liven up the game and make it a better experience.
It looks like people dont see, that they paid for being able login faster, than others.
No offence, but the conclusion of this situation is simple: most people are dumb :|
So if I now buy expansion + base game again… do I get to experience everything in the base game as new again too?
I dont think so. So what you guys do is comparing apples to …. eggs. They are both round after all !
So explain to me again, why I should fork over money for something I already have, just because I was “stupid” enough from a financial view to buy it 2 years ago instead of getting it for free now.
This whole thing stinks, just admit it. It’s a “we ignore our playerbase” and “de-value our base game to nada” deal.
Congratulations Anet, you managed to win the golden raspberry for worst marketing move in mmo genre 2015 with that one ^^
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Morfedel.4165
Yeah, things like having played free living story additions wasn’t enough. I gotcha.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: XALTJC.5103
Just to +1 all of the others in the community. The packages are terrible! There definitely needs to be an option, that is cheaper, that is for expansion only and a character slot.
For now I can not justify paying the current prices. And don’t say I don’t support ANET cause I have thrown them plenty over the years, since GW1. Especially in the gem store.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Angel.6085
This is the best thread about this so far. I hope they take note of it. Although I do plan to buy the ultimate, I think their handling of this is incredibly backhanded and not thought out.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DeadReaper.6527
First, I think it is absurd that the expansions “include the core game” in it price. 50$ is a high price for only an expansions, I was hoping to have a discount for owning the core game.
I was hoping for something like :
25$ -> hot upgrade
50$ -> + char slot + title + glider + finisher + mini + guild hall
75$ – > + 4000 gem
and for people who doesn’t own the core game —-—-
50$ -> core game + hot
75$ -> + char slot + title + glider + finisher + mini + guild hall
100$ -> + 4000 gem
It is highly absurd to pay for an expansion that include the core game if you have it. Think of our felling, give some real compensation, I you don’t own the core game and you buy it now, you get 5 char slot and all the content from bot the hot and core game, while you only get hot content if you already have the core game. That doesn’t make any sense. Give some chest slot or bag slot or gem compensation, give us 2000 gem for the purchase of the expansion if we own the core game… at least something to compensate for all the people who made the game live until now.
There are a lot of issue currently in the way the content of the game is broken, not so fun because of game mechanics that make it viable (or more optimal) for only some classes, the berserker meta is making the core game fall with time, hot is supposed to correct that and now your saying pay it all again without any compensation? What is the point?
Out of the 3.5 Million game you sold, only 460K still play weekly… that meen 3 Millions people won’t come back to the game if they don’t find it appealing. And if you continue this way, you may lose a lot of the current player that were playing while waiting only for the expansion!
I really hope that we will get news update about the price soon!
(edited by DeadReaper.6527)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Egohat.2467
I just thinking how upset those people who bought the core game after the Expansion has been anounced.
Or some one, who just bought last week, or yesterday.
i planed to buy the expansion asap, but now I just wait how will this develop over time.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: smitske.4912
Fact that they are ignoring everything only makes them look worse even more if they do plan on straightening this all their indecisiveness now will only make things harder to set straight (since already some prepurchases happened).
Sometimes you wonder are the people making some decision really that out of touch with the community? I mean you could see this kitten storm coming a mile away.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: nekretaal.6485
It just looks cheap.
Players who link .HoT (instead of starting new) should get a character slot
Players who spend the extra $20 should get something cosmetic like a new exclusive gemstore armor. (The glider doesn’t really count because we all know that better gemstore gliders will arrive).
Players who spend the $100 should get something, anything, other than just a one time semi discount on gem purchases.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Johje Holan.4607
I never planned on buying HoT so I’m personally not disappointed.
But man, $50 and you don’t get an extra character slot? When the new class is one of the main features and you know that everyone who buys HoT is going to make one. That’s just wrong.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Kidel.2057
Briggah, if I don’t spend another 50$, despite already having the game, I can’t play the expansion. I can’t even enter in a guild hall if I don’t buy the game again.
A new player buying now the game gets everything.
Nice job getting players who abandoned the game to play it again.
kitten for old players would have been enough, at least symbolic. Or at least a free character slot if you already owned the game before (that probably means you have 5-8 full)
(edited by Kidel.2057)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Sola.7250
What a Joke!
$50 – no slots?
$75 – 1 slot and crap content!
$100 – 1 slot, gems and crap content!
I wanted a GW2 expansion but, no new races, no new dungeons, no player housing, no new crafting profession and what do we get, 1 new profession & gliders plus another copy of GW2, huh?
I could careless about tearing bark, Guild Hall, Strongholds or Specializations. HoT doesn’t contain one thing I wanted to see in an expansion.
Looks like it’s finally time to move on, 2 good years and had fun but, it’s time to say Bye Bye GW2!
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Soval.3206
Nothing is free….
… except the free content/updates you were promised when you purchased the game.
Anyone feel like the content/updates or even bug fixes were lacking while the staff was diligently focused on an update that was most definitely not free? Maybe it’s just me.
I’m still going to buy the ultimate edition, because I’m an adult and it’s not worth the time arguing over $20. And once you figure the 4000 gems and 1 character slot, which I’ll probably purchase over the next year anyway, reduce the cost of the ultimate edition to only $40… but I don’t like that this digital content is basically forced upon me—I’d much rather just spend the $40 (though it should really be $20-30 if you subtract the cost of the core game).
And even then, $40 for what? Some horizontal progression? 1-2 zones? For the last decade, an expansion has typically been a new continent, new race, new class, dozens of new zones, etc. In recent years, expansions have at least meant new dungeons, raids, occasionally vertical progression…. maybe/hopefully they’re not telling us how much new content there will be?
And as for the “waah you don’t pay a sub, shut up” argument… most seriously players have spent more money on gems than a subscription fee. It’s no secret that free-to-play models have been more profitable than subs for that reason.
OR MAYBE this is all driven by NCSOFT’s financials, give those a gander.
But with this post, I’m done caring about the topic. It’s a few hours salary for something that will give weeks worth of entertainment.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: RunicAura.9860
I did not think I’d have to break this down more but here it is. The fact is sales are normal, bundles are normal. The way this was handled was not normal.
You imply that something is needed to play those involved are going to try to obtain it. Such as the core game is needed to play the game. People went out and got the core game either during a sale or with out. That was their choice yes. I buy a game off of a sale time that is my choice I don’t go back and cry about it. (Edit: Though there are stores that will refund the money or offer to balance out the transaction) The fact comes into if your led to believe that the game will not be included thus if you waited you’d have to pay for both games at once. That is when it becomes murky. Where it is not illegal or anything as that it is not in good faith. And should be addressed I feel.
Now on to the next issue as I stated. The answer given was that we gave it free so that new players can get into the game easier. That is a slap to the players before hand. Either way you look at it if they are going to help the new players get into the game by giving them the game, the same should hold true for the current players. After all if your paying the same price you should be entitled to the same benefits. Thus if for one price you are going to help the new players get into the game. You should also offer a equal service to the current players. If you can not offer the same service or equal value you should give a discount.
Next the issue about the character slot if they added two for those that upgraded that would mean that the deluxe would get three and the ultimate would get three as well as the current extras they have. I did not think that was needed added but there it is. I hope this offers some clarity.
(edited by RunicAura.9860)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: AliceStar.2189
I agree that some sort of compensation worth $10 is in order for people with accounts. It could be as simple as a key for another account that can be separate from the expansion, gems, a character slot, or making an option that is $10 cheaper for each and every option available for pre-order.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Iosis.5423
+1 OP.
it’s like the New Player Experience Feature pack hit again, “welcome new playas, grab a cookie and a fresh drink while w- BACK TO THE CELLAR, YOU VETERANS, NO COOKIES FOR YOU, NOT EVEN STALE BREAD!”.
dunno, I just installed Swtor, ’cos the expac trailer got me curious.
this pre-order mambo-jambo? no, totally not my cup of tea.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Zoso.8279
Personally I’m ok with 50$ but can understand why some would be upset with the whole core game included free thing. I say give upgraded accounts 1 free character slots and be done with it :/ id be happy with that even though IDC too much because GW2 in comparison to any other MMORPG is CHEAP AS KITTEN!!!!!!!!!
+1 character slot is everything we are asking for
but Anet obviously wants to make a huge profit by urging us to buy it for 10 more dollars/euros
Dude to insinuate that ANET is money hungry is dumb… IDC either way because by the time HoT releases ill prob have enough gold to buy 3 slots just by playing pvp. I’m just saying I can understand y people are upset.
I can buy that slot with gold right now… that is not the point
gold equals time. I want to spend my gold that took me a long time to earn differently. I would like to rather buy the slot with money, but when expansion costs 45€, I think they should give us the slot with it
Ok understandable. :/ either way I’m ok with it. But I still think from what i’ve read and seen HoT is worth the $50 with or without the character slot TBH.
(edited by Zoso.8279)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: evoRobot.4019
The Xpac is 50$ for everyone. Someone who never experienced the game is saving 10 bucks, whats the big deal
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: vectorfox.6894
Good points but personally I’m a little angry because $65 Aud doesn’t seem worth the price of an expac that is going to be a lot smaller than the base game, even with the character slot added in since that should be mandatory given we are getting a new profession. Also the video (on Youtube) showing off a bit of the game and all of the ‘pre-purchase’ bonuses hyping kind of left me a bit disgusted even though i know it should be expected since its just sales strategies.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: uriel.2597
OK, I’ll just wait until a nice crazy sale. I have only one levelcapped toon, three more started and 80% of vanilla world to explore.
I have plenty of time and things to do, ANet. For cheapses. You just lost an actual eager novice who was waiting impatiently for pre-purchase announcement to express his appreciation for what he has seen so far.
Guess what happened to that guy.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Jade Arkadian.9280
No petition? Even if it does nothing I would gladly sign one asking for a more apropiate deal.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: InfinitytheSoulWarden.5963
I Think we are asking the wrong company to help fix the problem….
now stick with me here…..
what if we ask Lord Gabe to buy Anet
During the whole paid mod scandal back in may, they had the problems addressed and fixed within 1-2 days, and Gabe the head of Valve was personally working with his customers to fix the issue.
where is collin right now?
SO instead of barking at a door that will never open… lets look for a new door and let the glory of Gabe shine down unto us!
(edited by InfinitytheSoulWarden.5963)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: joneb.5679
Very poor for Anet to introduce this at such a premium price and to justify it throwing the game in when many of us don’t need that whole game again. Its wrong on so many levels but there are always those on good incomes that can make ignorant comments such as you paid only $60 three years ago so its only another $50 big deal, even if another player has also paid in to the cash shop and is on a low income. It is such a joke because all it is is the Living World in one go instead of spread out over a year with a few extras.
Anet you are fools. You had special offers for GW2 at half price I believe just recently so in anticipation people will have bought it to get ready for the expansion and certainly wont buy it again. I can see this getting a very cold reception and I can see it soon as expansion only on its own at $30. Whether or not it doesn’t matter to me. I have found another game whilst waiting and I will stay there until this gets cheap if I even do come back. I won’t wish you good luck though as you are money grabbing and ignorant of your own consumer base.
You need to get your foot scene to. Get that bullet out before it is poisoned, metaphorically.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: SkiTz.4590
The Xpac is 50$ for everyone. Someone who never experienced the game is saving 10 bucks, whats the big deal
The big deal is gw2, when i bought it, was 50 bucks as well
you think HoT has enough content as gw2 base game did at release to justify the same price tag ?
(edited by SkiTz.4590)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Jrole.1423
Prices for the US are without tax. Prices for EUR include tax (vat). Germany by example has 19% vat, France about 21%. If you calculate with vat, the prices are nearly the same.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: evoRobot.4019
The Xpac is 50$ for everyone. Someone who never experienced the game is saving 10 bucks, whats the big deal
The big deal is gw2, when i bought it, was 50 bucks as well
you think HoT has enough content has gw2 base game at release to justify the same price tag ?
Maybe it doesn’t. But thats the price of the Xpac. Either you buy it or don’t. But the real problem is people whining about it.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Onewayz.3859
So, the new expansion is real expensive and includes the ‘’original game’’.
Your reasoning behind including it is so that new players* can get into the game faster.
Many of us already own your game, obviously, so for us its like buying two of the same paper. One can only read one paper at a time and if they are the same you only need one.
You’re basically making us pay for our servertime(pre HoT).
This goes against one of your most widely used ad campaign ’’fact’’ or ‘’eye-looker’’.
So to round it up, we dont need two games, we want a ‘’less expensive’’ expansion.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Kelajo.4379
Speaking from being a retired banking AVP, and having a degree in business management, this is extremely poor strategy. You are alienating a large client base with this. For new players, it is a great idea for the core game and expansion. For all the long time and loyal players who have purchased the game, this becomes a punishment for already owning it. (As we are paying the same price as those who never invested time and money into in the first place.) WHAT ABOUT YOUR RETURN CUSTOMERS?? Or do we not matter now that you already have our money. If you purchase a trailer for your vehicle, you don’t purchase another car so you can pull it around. You use the vehicle you bought the trailer for. I was all ready to purchase the expansion, to go with my existing game, at a reasonable pricing ($30 or $40 dollars) and it’s a good idea to bundle so it discounts the core game for new players, but now I’m rethinking whether or not I will even continue promoting this game as I have to friends and family for the last 2 years. Nor will I buy ANY expansion that I have to purchase the core game a second time. AGAIN…VERY POOR BUSINESS PRACTICE, and very poor customer relations. As an alternative, package it in two different manners with the same pricing. For new players, the core game and expansion. For existing players, the expansion and freebies (Character slots, upgrades, or items not given to new players just coming in.)
(edited by Kelajo.4379)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Mooncaller.9634
My problem is as follows:
By including the game in $50 for new players a new player gets the expansion, 5 character slots, the original game, and 2 bank slots.
At current gem store prices five character slots and two bank slots is roughly 5200 gems or around $65 USD.
A new profession is being added, which just about everyone who has been playing will likely want to make. But, because of the way this is packaged for established players the established player has to pay an additional 800 gems / $10 USD if they want to have a slot open to play the new class, or they have to delete a character that they’ve put time / effort / possibly gems / gold into.
This is why it seems like a money grab.
The disparity between what $50 buys a new player and what $50 buys an established player is tremendous.
Now, A.Net has done expansions with new professions before, see: GW1 Factions and GW1 Nightfall.
In those instances established players paid the same price for the game as everyone else (I believe $40 back then) but got 2 new character slots for the new professions. There was no additional sting of “buy a character slot / delete a character” if you want to play the new class.
And that is why so many users feel like A.Net is giving us the two fingered salute.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Synesence.7546
Arenanet’s sudden move with the preorder was uncalled for. It was rash, and the majority did not take it well. What made it worse is they’ve claimed that NO FUTURE CHANGES WILL BE COMING regarding the expansion. They’ve brought a coffin and nailed it at the same time.
Why, Arenanet? Why do something so impulsively and shutdown any hope of changes in the future at the same time? If this was a test to see how the playerbase would respond, then fine, but why tell us this will never change in the future, and that this is here to stay as it is?
Did…did we do something wrong to Anet? Or is this NCSoft’s idea?
Oh God…I’m having a City of Heroes flashback…
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Channel.9402
Well there’s tons of games out there offering tons of content for minimal or no fee at all so i won’t be going down the “repent and be grateful” act, it’s a competitive market and i’d say gw2 is in the middle ground when it comes to how free the game is as it’s b2p compare to games like swtor, blade and soul (yea i played for years now in china server for free and no i’m not from china) etc etc
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Gray.9041
Sales are normal. New customer deals are normal. Giving the base game away with the expansion to new players is just good sense.
What about bundles on steam? Or steam sales? Or any other kind of sale? How about when older games get cheaper? Is that unfair to people who bought it earlier?
This really is perfectly normal and reasonable and commonplace.
Also, I do not believe that they planned to give away the base game all along. I believe they did not yet know what the final deal would be when they had the original sale of the base game for $10.
I bought the core game for $40, just two weeks before it went on sale for $10. I do not feel that I was cheated.
let’s look at the bundles on steam analogy.
let’s say I own Mass Effect 1 and Mass Effect 2, and then see a bundle containing all three games for a reasonable price. I buy the bundle, activate Mass Effect 3, and can then pass on the first two to friends, or some such.
what Anet is doing would be the equivelant of me buying the bundle, and only receiving Mass Effect 3. the fact that the core game is a free extra is not the issue – the issue is that the core game is not free to everyone equally, only new players get it older players can’t share it, use it as an alt account, or otherwise benefit from the “bundle”. and that is my complaint.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ranatoa.4869
The base game is included “free” and the price reflects the actual cost of the expansion. Compared to any other mmo this is fairly standard pricing for an expansion.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Inikotu.1569
I’ll pay $50 if it includes a character slot. If they add a 2nd slot to the Ultimate Edition, I’ll buy that instead.
If not, I’ll just keep playing the base game until they put HoT on sale (probably with a free slot). A-Net can easily earn my business. I need to feel like they are not trying to manipulate me into spending extra on something (a slot) that obviously should be included. I mean, who would buy HoT and not try out the Revenant?
This is exactly how I feel. An expansion where you cannot play some of the new included content without giving more money is ridiculous.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Gray.9041
Prices for the US are without tax. Prices for EUR include tax (vat). Germany by example has 19% vat, France about 21%. If you calculate with vat, the prices are nearly the same.
this is correct, but only for Euro-using countries with VAT at around 20%. for the UK, even adjusting for tax, we’re paying about $10 more for the deluxe and ultimate editions, with no apparent reasoning why. (£35/£55/£75 would be way better than £35/£60/£80)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: evoRobot.4019
You got something.. You got to keep the game for 3 years without a sub and free living stories throughout the 3 years without being forced to pay.
If you are weak for cosmetics from the gem store, at the time you paid for something you valued.
Don’t use your past contributions to justify the new Xpac. You made those decisions based on what you valued at that time.
Like I said, the Xpac is $50. and new players get the core game for free as bonus.
Someone who never experienced the game is saving $10… whats the big deal.
Okay let’s change the angle:
What happens before doesn’t matter right ?
So why new player should have the core game for free ?
Who said “what happened before doesn’t matter”. I said don’t justify what you think the price should be based on your past contributions, ie. if you bought gems.
The game is worth 10 dollars, based on the lowest sale point, and depreciation for the past 3 years. But Anet has chosen to give it to new players for free.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: naphack.9346
Old players got years of free updates and open world content that new players will never get to play.
You see it as old players got nothing. I see it as old players got way more content out of this game then anyone new coming into this game.
That’s nice and all, but there’s a lot of people, who bought into the game recently in anticipation of the upcoming expansion.
What do those people get?So you bought gw2 recently in anticipation to HoT meaning that you were already going to purchase HoT correct? Now that veterans seem to be upset since they got nothing new as some are saying, you are now upset as well and think you should also get something new for being a new player?
Are you not playing the game and experiencing what the game has to offer? Did you get every profession to lvl 80? Have you done WvW? Do you do PvP? Did you kill zhaitan? Have you slayed every world boss? Are you working on a legendary? Have you started to craft? Ever done guild missions? Have you got 100% map completion? The list goes on and on and there is still tons of stuff you can do before HoT even gets released. This is just a pre-order so no date is set yet on when it will actually drop.
Way I see it is most new players have bought the game recently in anticipation for HoT and if you didn’t well the game still has so much to offer you as a new player. Yes us older players have received more open world content and well that’s just because we are old players. That was my point in disagreeing with old players saying we got nothing. When in reality we got way more than new players will get yet new players still have tons of things to do already.
what the kittening hell are you talking about?
1) I’ve never stated, I am one of those players, who just bought the game.
2) Do you even realize, someone, who bought the game, say, 2-3 months back, got no living story or anything out of the deal, paid something like 40 bucks for the game, and now has to pay another 50 bucks to buy the game, he already owns?
For such a person, it might even seem tempting to wipe all the progress and buy the xpac as a new game, as its the same price and at least, he gets full value out of it.
I’m just tired of people arguing with some kind of advantage making up for having to buy the game twice. What advantage exactly? I’ve sat through three halloween events, of which two were exactly the same, I did enjoy the first season of the living story and lost interest halfway through the second season. I got a lot out of the money, I spent on the game and I even bought some gems.
Now here’s the catch: I don’t want to pay for something, I already paid for. But this isn’t the point. If I feel like the expansion is overpriced, I will quietly sit down and not buy it until it’s cheaper. Nobody’s business but mine. However, there is a bigger problem at hand and that problem is the split of the community happening right now.
On one side, there’s people, who spent a lot of money on gem shop purchases, or people, who bought into the game recently in good faith, to get started for HoT. These people are angry and rightly so.
On the other side, we have people bringing out the pitchforks against “entitled veterans”.
I must consider myself a veteran even though my record hasn’t been that stellar because I don’t have the time to put hours upon hours into a single game. However, if someone tries to push every single person, who is angry at the current situation into the “entitled veteran” corner, when there are various sound reasons for those persons to actually be angry, that’s where I get angry at the situation, too. really dropped a bombshell here. A bombshell, that is currently tearing apart the very community, that made this game such a great success.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Chameleon Dude.1564
I understand that you bought the game before the expansion pre-orders began, but that’s about it. Sorry.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: FullMetal.9620
Hopefully they make it so we can upgrade, cuz there is no way I am paying for the base game again. I already bought that, don’t need to do it again.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: SkiTz.4590
The Xpac is 50$ for everyone. Someone who never experienced the game is saving 10 bucks, whats the big deal
The big deal is gw2, when i bought it, was 50 bucks as well
you think HoT has enough content has gw2 base game at release to justify the same price tag ?Maybe it doesn’t. But thats the price of the Xpac. Either you buy it or don’t. But the real problem is people whining about it.
Agreed, but thats the cause of all the whining on the forums/reddit ..the price is not justified fairly in a lot of players eye…
$50 with NO benefits to veterans who also spent $50 for the base game…? I mean come on, the content will absolutely not match what we paid for GW2 initially at release.. and on top of that you don’t even give us a character to slot to even TRY the new class that the xpac is bringing? so another 10 bucks to buy a slot unless you feel like deleting an alt you worked and spent hours on…. Thats just flat out disrespectful and greedy on anet’s end…
When there is this amount of whining you see on the forums and reddit… its typically well warranted.. spin it however you want, but the fact is this is a clear backhand to veteran players…
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Synesence.7546
I feel like Anet is actually forcing us to buy the Deluxe/Ultimate editions and mostly charging us for the free items, whilst giving us the expansion at a low price. That would explain why they’re charging what they’re charging, with the standard edition giving jack squat—
Hmm…was this the idea from the start? Maybe they never intended people to buy the basic package…
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: AliceStar.2189
This whole blow up about the purchasing options reminds me of having my guild chat window broken for 6 weeks and how I felt like anet was missing a basic understanding of what is gamebreaking for its audience/supporters/fans. An (expensive but I will pay it) expansion without a character slot for the new content is misunderstanding many in the community. Including a new version of the original game for everyone, no matter if they already own one (or two…), is lazy, greedy, and disrespectful. It isn’t hard to differentiate new from existing players especially since most of us would sort ourselves into the two groups upon purchasing the expansion if asked to do so. Like I said, I am willing to pay the prices listed, but I support the solution of an equal value but usable option rather than a (useless because not a game key) copy of the original game.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: roachsrealm.9284
Like this idea. Excellent summary OP, +1. ANET hear our prayers.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ProxyDamage.9826
> 2015
> Witcher 3 just released, a game that has been lauded by fans and critics alike as basically the second coming. Not just for quality but for its sheer length and value
> Normal game price, comes bundled with a ton of free goodies including free DLCs and OST
> Age of F2P titles with extremely cost-efficient “Bundles” being common
> “Summer sales” everywhere, including Steam’s legendary summer sale.
> TheValue.png
> E3 going on right now
> Some people saving up for the veritable torrent of big “blockbusters” coming out later this year or next year
> After months of saying nothing you finally announce your expansion’s price
> Further insult your player base by kittening veterans
> “New players get the base game (which many of you payed full price for) for free! You get to eat kitten!”
> Top kek
Gotta give it to you ANet, you got the comedic timing just right. Didn’t even have to bring up the whole “kittenting on your original core values by furthering the gap between exotic and ascended and further enforcing vertical progression”. Stay classy.
I’ll be honest, I was hoping this expansion would bring me back to the game, but, as far as jokes go at least I got a nice laugh out of it! Back to Temeria then. Nothing to see here.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Isven.2165
The base game is included “free” and the price reflects the actual cost of the expansion. Compared to any other mmo this is fairly standard pricing for an expansion.
Hey, do you want to buy this awesome leather jacket for just 80k dollars? We will throw in a motorcycle for free!
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: dookleeto.3647
Every second you spend playing [a multiplayer game] is a second you are spending doing unpaid voluntary work to support it.
my god
the entitlement is so strong if you believe this.
I guess arenanet should start paying us to play the game now.
yes the expansion is expensive and some mistakes have been made, but the complaints here about having to ‘buy the base game again’ are just ridiculous. People are so upset that somebody else gets a better deal than them.
you are buying an expansion, you will get an expansion, what a new player gets is irrelevant.
grow up seriously, Anet is a business trying to make money. They are trying to grow the playerbase. You already got 3 years worth of content and updates for the price of one boxed game.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Xenesis.6389
Arenanet really has no clue on how to treat existing players.
Why did you just sell the base game for $10 then offer me the expansion and base game for $50 so I pay $60 in total when a new player gets to do the same now for $50?
Is there no one in the marketing department that thought hey let’s offer an exclusive right now to existing players $40 for pre-purchase just the expansion. If they want the extra exclusive perks or an alt account they can buy the other levels.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: TJgalon.5012
I was not aware new players get a bank tab or two, but now it does feel a bit more of a sting, as I wonder why we can’t get something. I really want hot, and most likely will get it soon enough. Beta weekend are not so important because the character they give us feel a ton different compare to the effort I put into mine, it just I wish we get something for standard buy. I have a open slot, but I been experimenting, I enjoyed two classes i made, i have one as a bank, and i started to try ranger cause it seem fun when my partner uses it. I will be one of though reverent classes running around to try him out, and atm 10$ is hard to come buy to add a slot, so it been nice. I am not really angry, just wondering why I guess.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: evoRobot.4019
You got something.. You got to keep the game for 3 years without a sub and free living stories throughout the 3 years without being forced to pay.
If you are weak for cosmetics from the gem store, at the time you paid for something you valued.
Don’t use your past contributions to justify the new Xpac. You made those decisions based on what you valued at that time.
Like I said, the Xpac is $50. and new players get the core game for free as bonus.
Someone who never experienced the game is saving $10… whats the big deal.
Here’s where you’re mistaken:
a) The game rarely costs 10 bucks, it’s usually 20. Although I do realize the American/British notion that 10 bucks are basically less than you’d give as a tip to a waiter, countries such as Greece, Italy and others were the base salary is 600 euro, are getting poked in the kitten by ANET.
b) I don’t see why a new player is better than a veteran ( especially the super veterans who’ve basically spent 3 years + playing both games ).
c) Would it be THAT difficult to give 1-2 character slots for the standard one and increase the Ultimate ones?
Besides, they’re always like " We haven’t released everything there is to know about HoT, yet " to make us think that they’ve only released about 10% of what’s coming when in reality, the best changes are : Guild Halls + Revenant.Are fifty bucks worth those two changes? If you’re not in a high wage country, no.
a)A business model can’t cater to every type of wage in the world. The Xpac is simply 50 bucks. Thats it.
b)As a veteran it doesn’t make you better than a new player either. But you have to understand after 3 years a video game deprecates to almost nothing! (trade in your old games at eb games, they will literally give you cents for it) Anet is being kind to new players by giving them the core for free.. Veterans already have 3 years of experience on new players. Its a great sales tactic to give new players a sense of entrust.
c)YES it would be difficult to give EVERYONE a free character slot… realize that will account for over 1 million free slots to handout, the maintenance for servers and to hold that data would be alot!
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