HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: uriel.2597
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: uriel.2597
People have got to stop with this complaining already!
People have got to stop with these pointless attempts at defending an indefensible sales decision already!
Just stop. Go away and never return.
Wow, what a sharpwitted, well-thought-out response I just wrote.
Oh well.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: VentiGlondi.9830
$50 is not a small amount of money
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ReaverKane.7598
I’m sorry, but what do existing players gain from buying the game again?
Plus it was 39€ to buy the core game, which indisputably has way mroe content than the expansion. So you mean it costs more to buy the expac than the core?
Saying i’m disapointed is a huge understatement.
You guys need to realize that riding the hype train is gone. The hype was drowned by 3 months of barely any new content.
If we’re to buy something we already have again, even if its “free”, which COME ON, who are you kidding? We should have something to show for it.
I mean its bad enough with the heroic edition being cheaper and with more content than the pre-purchase of the original game. Now you throw another curve ball.
Not to mention you throw this one up after the AWESOME idea of PET ROCK?
And in the middle of steam sales no less. Humm two games for the price of the expansion or the expansion…
(edited by ReaverKane.7598)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094
My problem with the pricing is this, we do not know how much we are getting with HoT. If we where getting the same amount of content as the Core game, I’d not bat an eyelid. For me personally, until I know what I’m getting for my money, I’m not buying it. Seeing as I would like to get the £59.99 one, think the player base should know what they are getting for there money.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: UrMom.4205
Would something like this (see PHOTOSHOPED image) make everyone happy?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DavyMcB.1603
You can say it’s just $50 dollar all you want. That doesn’t fix the problem. Because the problem is NOT the price for me.
How did your marketing team miss this? HOW?
Because for some of us, the $50 entry fee IS the problem. The rest of it just worsens the base issue.
I understand where you’re coming from. But the value-to-money for this particular type of product is less objective [as part of the problem] than the fact that Anet totally ignores the disparity of usable benefits for two different groups of customers.
It’s just that a lot of blind ‘supporters’ seem to always get back to this price thing when they try to defend the sale model. So I wanted to address that.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: balwin.1435
Well, I have nothing against the idea to give away the core game with the expansion for new players.
But for all the existing player this is just an expansion and the pricing policy should reflect that. And selling an expansion (which provides limited content compared to the game at whole) for a full-game price and not even include a single character slot really disapoints me. So far I enjoyed everything I heard and read about HoT and I was really looking foreward to it, but this price information is a real shock.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Caesteris.7529
The 50 dollars you paid for your 5 character slots on the core game is now worth 10 – 40 dollars. So why should you be compensated further after playing the game for 3 years. What game compensates users after 3 years of a one time purchase? You’re lucky they didn’t create a new game altogether.
You post this like Factions and Nightfall don’t exist.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Rothius.1069
This is exactly the issue on the veteran player side.
The new players gain something extra for the price, where the veteran players (term used loosely because it can mean a player who had the game since release like myself, or a player who had the game for 3 months like others I have gotten to join) don’t.
The other problem I have is with the way the expansion is being offered, in that it completely replaces the core game. This causes an issue for players who may want to get into Guild Wars 2 but will not be sure that they want to buy the expansion, especially when many players were waiting for a $10 sale to try out the game.
Note, the emphasis is on the words “try out,” not everybody is willing to drop $50 for something they may or may not enjoy.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Sneakr.3679
Well I distinctly remember seeing a whole crowd of people standing up and screaming “Take my money!!” on the video announcing HoT. I guess they took it to heart. One of the things I love about this game is how they (for the most part) consider what the player base wants when changing and upgrading the game.
It’s a pity that a marketing mistake like this can alienate the vast majority of their current player base and most loyal customers. A-net please come back with something that shows you care about your most loyal fans!
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: evoRobot.4019
You got something.. You got to keep the game for 3 years without a sub and free living stories throughout the 3 years without being forced to pay.
If you are weak for cosmetics from the gem store, at the time you paid for something you valued.
Don’t use your past contributions to justify the new Xpac. You made those decisions based on what you valued at that time.
Like I said, the Xpac is $50. and new players get the core game for free as bonus.
Someone who never experienced the game is saving $10… whats the big deal.
Okay let’s change the angle:
What happens before doesn’t matter right ?
So why new player should have the core game for free ?Who said “what happened before doesn’t matter”. I said don’t justify what you think the price should be based on your past contributions, ie. if you bought gems.
The game is worth 10 dollars, based on the lowest sale point, and depreciation for the past 3 years. But Anet has chosen to give it to new players for free.
If you are weak for cosmetics from the gem store, at the time you paid for something you valued.
Don’t use your past contributions to justify the new Xpac. You made those decisions based on what you valued at that time.So what I valued during these three year, doesn’t justify the XPAC.
Okay fine.But new player that didn’t value the game at all get it for free in deal with the Xpac?
You still don’t see where this is wrong ?
Customer retention is the activity that a selling organization undertakes in order to reduce customer defections.
Successful customer retention starts with the first contact an organization has with a customer and continues throughout the entire lifetime of a relationship.A company’s ability to attract and retain new customers, is not only related to its product or services, but strongly related to the way it services its existing customers and the reputation it creates within and across the marketplace.
From wikipedia.
Anet pulled a m****finger on every veteran with that move.
I won’t even dwelve into the FAQ situation because this one is litteraly a breach of trust. We are supposed to believe what written in these by a company but Anet just changed before a major annoucement.
This two things together will naturally upset a lot of veterans.
I’m not saying what you valued doesn’t matter. But if you went ahead and spent ridiculous amounts of money on hats and skins because that’s what you wanted. Then the money you spent went towards what you valued in those items. It has nothing to do with the Xpac.
As far as I know, Anet has wonderful customer retention. You receive the title “veteran player” for sticking with the game for so long. Maybe 3 seasons of living story for FREE. Countless updates, patches, birthday gifts, gold to gem conversion, world boss updates, and EoTM is not enough for you. That’s where the title changes from “Veteran player” to “Greedy Veteran”.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: mrstealth.6701
You guys need to realize that riding the hype train is gone. The hype was drowned by 3 months of barely any new content.
And by 3 months of obviously untested updates that have introduced as many (or more) bugs than changes/features. Quite a few of which were game-breaking.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: horaxx.9728
Nice job Regina aka Content Marketing team lead, you clearly know your market and thats why people are more than happy to pay the price you established… please go back to sell insurance policies.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: evoRobot.4019
The 50 dollars you paid for your 5 character slots on the core game is now worth 10 – 40 dollars. So why should you be compensated further after playing the game for 3 years. What game compensates users after 3 years of a one time purchase? You’re lucky they didn’t create a new game altogether.
You post this like Factions and Nightfall don’t exist.
Haha yeah, it existed 10 years ago… Times have changed, businesses change, its 2015, get with the time baby.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ratche.6204
I played GW1 for many years and came to GW2 right when it launched. I was excited when they announced an expansion. I was thinking along the lines of a Factions or nightfall (I know they weren’t true expansions but you get what I mean) The wastes just don’t hold the interest for me that those places, and EotN did. Honestly I’ve become quite bored with the game after three years and the info I have on the expansion has done nothing to change my mind. The price was basically the last nail in the coffin.
With all that being said though it comes down to is, is this expansion worth it to you personally? It’s not worth it to me so I won’t buy, simple as that. I’m not going to be insulted by the fact that the deal is much better for new players. good for them.
To the annoyed people out there you can talk until you’re blue in the face but green is the only language that will get though to them. If you want the expansion then buy it and enjoy. If you are really mad about this don’t buy it. I really believe that’s the only way your message will get though.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Aidan Eighthrain.8612
So Vet are just pushed toward ultimate, what the hell makes you think we asked to be punctured for being loyal Anet?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: quaniesan.8497
Lots of pricing talk today with back and forth exchange. I could see the frustration where veteran players practically pay for the base game twice and that the basic game version don’t even come with a character slot. I really don’t mind about “paying for the game twice part” that much, but don’t you think at least the basic version of HOT should come with a free character slot for people who had purchased the base game. Everything is virtual, things can created by a tap of a button. Not like Anet will have to drill oils in the coast to get material to mass produce that free character slot.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: hapvis.7059
Daily rewards. PvP rewards. All of these things should also be considered as “loyalty rewards”. Why? Think about Tomes of Knowledge for a second. Many long term players who’ve been saving them/hoarding them are going to be able to put newly created characters DIRECTLY into the (pardon the pun) heart of the action. Want to level those professions? You’ll have access to crafting materials galore..not necessarily from farming them but simply from logging in each and every day.
You, as a long term player, have already been rewarded for your loyalty. You just took it for granted.
You can’t count those as “Loyalty Rewards”. Players spent time to received those rewards. Those rewards should count as “Thank you for playing GW2 today.”, “Thank you for playing PvP today.”
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Vanive.3804
vote with your wallet I guess
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: KorbySmites.6428
Loooooooooooooong Story short
New players great deal
Vets stabbed in the back
@ Vets getting the core game once again and planning to make it an 2nd account or even giving it to a friend sounds all nice but the poor person then gotta buy the HoT wich then includes the core games once again matter how u turn it ull always have 1 extra core game
also HoT dont cost 50$. the regular price for core game is 39.99 its included in the bundle ur buying. good try to make it look like we VETS get a great unbeatable deal by saying that HoT does cost 50$ and ull get core game for FREE on top of that.
(edited by KorbySmites.6428)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Sylent.3165
$50 is not a small amount of money
Unless your handicapped in which case if you are I apologize but your simply lazy then.
Go mow 5 people’s yards for 10 bucks, if you work do a little over time even with minimum wage that’s 6 hours work tops. I’ve had money issues myself but 50 bucks is very easy to earn on the side
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Kozel.9403
Heh … thats a really bad joke, bad joke to us who were supporting the game till the beggining by numerous purchases of gems for real money on regular basis, only to get some cosmetic stuff and support the further development of game. Really the slap to the face, to stand the old vets on the same line with players who will be starting their experience yet.
I was hoping for the price maximally about 30E, that i think would be accurate for an expansion only.
Counting that i need to buy 2 copies, for me and my wife, the target prize is way too high.
And I noticed … the prize of physical box at store will be probably lower then buying it from Anet directly digitally. At our shops in Czech Rep the price is now written down about 32E recounted by actual exchange rate.
so I probably wait till the release than i will see if the shops price didnt change. Because that release price meets more my limits.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ekarat.1085
I don’t get how someone can complain about this and talk about steam sales in the same breath. You buy something on Steam just to have them put it on sale later! What about the people who paid more for it just before the sale? What about people who paid full price at release? Is the sale unfair to them?
This is the same type of thing. Not only that, but the idea of an expansion including the original is an old trick to get new people into the franchise (and I welcome new players). Anet didn’t come up with that trick. Some people have issues with this, and others don’t. I happen not to have a problem with any of this.
I’m sorry, but what do existing players gain from buying the game again?
Plus it was 39€ to buy the core game, which indisputably has way mroe content than the expansion. So you mean it costs more to buy the expac than the core?Saying i’m disapointed is a huge understatement.
You guys need to realize that riding the hype train is gone. The hype was drowned by 3 months of barely any new content.
If we’re to buy something we already have again, even if its “free”, which COME ON, who are you kidding? We should have something to show for it.
I mean its bad enough with the heroic edition being cheaper and with more content than the pre-purchase of the original game. Now you throw another curve ball.Not to mention you throw this one up after the AWESOME idea of PET ROCK?
And in the middle of steam sales no less. Humm two games for the price of the expansion or the expansion…
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Lavafrost of Maguuma.6807
The price would be worth it, if they gave people who actually bought the base game $10-$20 dollars of cash shop goodies or gems. Otherwise, based on what we’ve seen so far… they’re asking for too much.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Dexodrill.9415
Honestly most of the hate comes from the fact that they are making everyone “re-purchase” the base game with the expansion. Alot of people don’t understand why we are meant to purchase the expansion with another copy of the game if we simply want the expansion. Don’t get me wrong here, some of the hate is definitly not deserved, but there is some aspects that ANET simply needs to define more for the users.
I find it a bit confusing telling players that we are getting the original GW2 with the Expansion. To me this is an oversight for players with pre-existing GW2 accounts. Why make us purchase the core game again? This only makes sense for those who are starting from scratch and want access to both. I have a feeling that HoT will be similar to the original GW1 Expansions which were in essence not an “Expansion” but are added “Campaigns.” If this is the case we should be allowed to purchase the expansion without the GW2 core game. But the way ANET has structured it and the purchase prices, it appears that HoT will not be of the mass or scope that was contained within the GW1 “Campaigns”.
In the end I will support ANET and most likly enjoy my purchase no matter what price they stick to. I simply would like more explanation as to what HoT contains, such as knowing if HoT requires the repurchase of the core game due to relying on something within that code, or if the option put forward is meant to bring on new players by giving them both the original GW2 and the HoT Campaign. Reminder: Im not here arguing the fact that theres alot of undeserved hate. I simply think we need a bit more definition as to why HoT purchase requires us to purchase “Guild Wars 2 Core Game” aswell.
Again no hate intended if Iv come across in that way. I just agree, that if this is a GW2 “Expansion” why is there no option to purchase it without the core game, or if this is more of the GW1 “Expansion” which were “Campaigns” then does the “Guild Wars 2 Core Game” mean that we are truly purchasing the core mechanics that are required for HoT to stand alone from the game the way the original “Guild Wars: Factions” and “Guild Wars: Night Fall” required core mechanics from Guild Wars 1.
I have a feeling ANET will clear up the confusion in time, Id now like to see what everyone else thinks. Either way ill support ANET, they have me hooked for over 4k hours already… why would I quit now.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Talve.9027
Funny thing is…i was perma-banned from a MMO once on false accusation.
~400 euros and couple years of work down the drain.
And i find what GW2 is doing right now more offensive.
(edited by Talve.9027)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ReaverKane.7598
The 50 dollars you paid for your 5 character slots on the core game is now worth 10 – 40 dollars. So why should you be compensated further after playing the game for 3 years. What game compensates users after 3 years of a one time purchase? You’re lucky they didn’t create a new game altogether.
You post this like Factions and Nightfall don’t exist.
Haha yeah, it existed 10 years ago… Times have changed, businesses change, its 2015, get with the time baby.
Yeah, in 2015 90% of MMOs are F2P with cash shop. Most Subscription MMOs tank.
As ultimately opposed to 2005-2008 When Most (good) MMOs were subscribed.
So yes, good example.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: PookieDaWombat.6209
100% unacceptable Anet.
You knew you were (self admittedly I might add) producing and going to deliver an expansion to your game that was not its own stand alone game. You KNEW that the only way you could play it was if you already owned the core game, so you knew that the only way to get new players in was to make a bundle that included the core game, that many of us paid 60+ for, and some of us have dropped hundreds to thousands of dollars in in the 3 years we’ve played it, and now you are trying to those vets on this expansion at the same price you are selling it to new players when it doesn’t have nearly the same content that the core game has AND charge the amount of a full game?! To add insult to injury, you are introducing a new class and not even offering a single free slot to people getting into the game for this??? WHAT?!
Not sure if you realize it, since you were busy doing your thing at E3, but a good many companies and studios introduced some INSANELY popular things to be coming in the next year. Games that will be earning my money. All you’ve done is find ways to not want anymore of mine.
If you think server pop is poor now, just wait.
Enjoy bleeding the new players until they feel burned. At the rate you are going you will disenfranchise them within 6 months if you’re not careful.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Parlourbeatflex.5970
if you look at the world through the cold cynical eyes of economics
You rang?
Firstly, I want to say I am also in the unhappy camp when it comes to the price of the expansion… Because I havnt seen enough of the expansion (unknown release, unknown number of maps, unknown length of the story, unknown challenging group content AND MANY OTHER DETAILS FULLY FLESHED OUT).
But more importantly in my eyes, John, this kind of comment in totally unacceptable. Players are actively complaining about the price and demanding some input from the team and rather than explaining anything you make a sarcastic comment. Not sure whether id prefer silence, but this is almost takes the kitten out the fact that your not commenting. I know asking for open discussion is sadly too much to ask for these days but comon anet… your taking the kitten out of players now.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Dexodrill.9415
Id pay up to 39.99 with no complaints for HoT alone. If im forced to pay the 49.99 for the base HoT… Ill complain a little, but in the end I know ill make sure I get my value out of the 49.99 purchase even if it leaves me feeling slapped by ANET. I enjoy GW2, have since launch, don’t plan to just say “kitten You ANET, I wont support you!” When GW2 has given me 4k hours to my initial pre-purchase of the deluxe Ed. They have given me a huge value on my original purchase, and HoT will likely pay off even at the 49.99 price.
Of course I wouldn’t mind being able to buy the deluxe edition of HoT without the core game… but again… I love GW2 and it will probably end up being worth it for me. Im addicted to GW2… are you?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: katsumoto.8419
Seriously I’d buy the expansion that doesn’t include the base game for 50$. At least that would make it fair for everyone. Please just think these things through next time.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Aduah.4567
I would have no problem with 50, if i felt it was worth 50. Gw1 released two stand alone campaigns at 50. Which I happily purchased when it was brand new. They were whole, complete games. They added an extra character slot and two new classes, Whole new regions, with a DIFFERENT story line. Eye of the north was the first ‘expansion’ that required the base game. it was something like 30. I’d compare EotN to HoT. Maybe I will feel different about it once they clarify EXACTLY what buying HoT gets you. Many people clearly don’t think its worth 50, because none of us are even sure whats all included. The community who is solely focused PvP and WvW, are less inclined to purchase and/or see the benefit of purchasing such a steep price. If they aren’t in it for the story, then what? A new class? A new guild hall?
All I’m saying is 50 is way too much for an expansion that a.) People only have a foggy idea whats in it. b.) has no release date.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745
I take issue with anyone stating whether or not it’s worth the money. I mean, no, it’s not worth $50. It just isn’t. It should come with a free slot by default. I got the ultimate edition for value, but I probably would have gotten the base game if it had just come with a slot. And if they added a slot, I would not be upset. I still find value in what I did get.
That said, we only have the vaguest notion of what is actually in HoT. We don’t know the value of the content in the expansion. So to ever claim to know the value of that content is ludicrous.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: evoRobot.4019
The 50 dollars you paid for your 5 character slots on the core game is now worth 10 – 40 dollars. So why should you be compensated further after playing the game for 3 years. What game compensates users after 3 years of a one time purchase? You’re lucky they didn’t create a new game altogether.
If you wanna play a deserted game. Offer Anet to ban all veterans. Obviously you don’t understand the concept of customer loyalty.
You’re still here so there doing something right. After 3 LS for free and countless updates, and if you have something to complain about then you should realize you’re just being selfish. Loyalty works two ways. One time you have the choice to purchase something, so you can or not.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ikereid.4637
My complaint is more along the line of what is included and not included with the base package.
1. There is no character slot. I mean really? This should be required!
2. There is no benefit to veteran players by buying the Expansion in its current form.
We loose the 5 character slots, we loose the Starter packaged Items (like the one time Guild Rep bonus)….ect.
That is it really. IMHO the expansion should be between 34.99 and 39.99 for ANY player that already owns the base game and that SHOULD include a character slot.
In its current state, I will not be buying the expansion.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Berserk Steve.1530
Wow, pretty cop out excuse on the linked red post that brought me here.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Test.8734
LOL at ArenaNet for thinking they will contain this kitten storm in a single topic.
Tell everyone you know. Send e-mails to gaming sites.
Let they all see how ArenaNet deals with their players.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: evoRobot.4019
The 50 dollars you paid for your 5 character slots on the core game is now worth 10 – 40 dollars. So why should you be compensated further after playing the game for 3 years. What game compensates users after 3 years of a one time purchase? You’re lucky they didn’t create a new game altogether.
You post this like Factions and Nightfall don’t exist.
Haha yeah, it existed 10 years ago… Times have changed, businesses change, its 2015, get with the time baby.
Yeah, in 2015 90% of MMOs are F2P with cash shop. Most Subscription MMOs tank.
As ultimately opposed to 2005-2008 When Most (good) MMOs were subscribed.
So yes, good example.
LOL! SO why are you here? I don’t need to convince you with an example. From the start Arena Net said they are trying their own unique model.. SO here it, enjoy! Or goodbye!
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: FullMetal.9620
Confirmed. ArenaNet hates the current player base and wants to make sure that only new players have a nice time getting to play the expansion while completely shafting everyone who has supported this game for the past years. Talk about loyalty issues. Common ArenaNet, I already own the game. Why do I have to buy it again just to unlock some new content? Does that make any sense to anyone? Am I missing something other than greed? I loved this company for all the free updates, but this is just dumb. Soon they’ll make you buy the whole game again for every monthly update X)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Mooncaller.9634
I see the pricing disparity as fairly objective.
A new player gets for $50 USD:
5 character slots
2 bank slots
An existing player gets for $50 USD:
Now, putting a dollar amount on GW2 / HoT can be hard, but let’s go with together or separate it is $50.
5 characters slots come out to 4000 gems at current gem store rates, or $50 USD.
2 bank slots come out to 1200 gems at current gem store rates (correct me if I’m wrong), or $65 USD.
So a new player gets $65 USD of account upgrade value included in their $50 USD purchase of GW2 / HoT while an existing player just gets HoT for $50 USD and the privilege of accessing their characters, bank slots, unlocked skins, prior gem store purchases, and account bound items. Except everything that the existing player has was already bought and payed for.
And, if you’re a long time player you’ve probably paid $$$ into the gem store already for upgrades. And you likely already have all your character slots full and may have at least one of each character, and each character you have likely has numerous soulbound items.
So, as an existing player not only do you leave $65 USD of upgrade value on the table but then if you want to play the new profession you get told that you can either buy a new character slot (800 gems / $10 USD) or you can delete an old character.
From where I sit as a long time GW1 player (and all expansions / chapters) and a long time GW2 player (since pre-release weekend) this feels like a swift kick to the gentleman’s vegetables.
It really makes me question my desire to invest more with a company (in terms of time, money, and so on) that seems to care so little about my prior investment.
I’d feel differently if:
A) core wasn’t included in $50 USD price of expansion, or
B) existing players got thrown some character slots, gems, banks slots, or a combination thereof included in their expansion considering the $65 USD worth of upgrades they are leaving on the table because they already play.
I just fail to see how this was seen as a good idea in the marketing department / board room. Clearly either no one cared about the existing player base or figured we would all just rally to the expansion.
But in terms of trying something out, I’m now contemplating whether or not to buy into and try out kitten USD expansion where no one with enough influence along the way, in terms of decision making, decided that this kind of roll out might be a bad idea.
Shows poor decision making at the highest levels. Did the same poor decision making filter down through the development process? Do I want to pay to find out?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ReaverKane.7598
I don’t get how someone can complain about this and talk about steam sales in the same breath. You buy something on Steam just to have them put it on sale later! What about the people who paid more for it just before the sale? What about people who paid full price at release? Is the sale unfair to them?
This is the same type of thing. Not only that, but the idea of an expansion including the original is an old trick to get new people into the franchise (and I welcome new players). Anet didn’t come up with that trick. Some people have issues with this, and others don’t. I happen not to have a problem with any of this.
I’m sorry, but what do existing players gain from buying the game again?
Plus it was 39€ to buy the core game, which indisputably has way mroe content than the expansion. So you mean it costs more to buy the expac than the core?Saying i’m disapointed is a huge understatement.
You guys need to realize that riding the hype train is gone. The hype was drowned by 3 months of barely any new content.
If we’re to buy something we already have again, even if its “free”, which COME ON, who are you kidding? We should have something to show for it.
I mean its bad enough with the heroic edition being cheaper and with more content than the pre-purchase of the original game. Now you throw another curve ball.Not to mention you throw this one up after the AWESOME idea of PET ROCK?
And in the middle of steam sales no less. Humm two games for the price of the expansion or the expansion…
I’m not complaining about the sale. I’m complaining on Arena Net ostracizing their veteran players.
First it was the Heroic Edition of the game. The game was sold at ~20€ less than the pre-purchase with MORE content. It would be EASY for them to give the heroic edition bonus to older players retroactively. You know what? THEY DID exactly that to everyone that played on the beta. I got my Heroic Edition stuff the other day. So why not do it to EVERYONE?
That was example one.
Now the current expansion pricing is example 2. You can even compare it to other games. I recently bought an expansion for a game released last year, for 20€ (Full price, no sales, and it has comparatively more content than HoT).
I’m not complaining about the fact they sold the game for 10€. Sales are expected. But after the sales the game goes back to old prices, and people that bought stuff on sale don’t get stuff other people didn’t.
And that’s where Arena Net (or maybe NCsoft) has been disappointing.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Lavafrost of Maguuma.6807
The 50 dollars you paid for your 5 character slots on the core game is now worth 10 – 40 dollars. So why should you be compensated further after playing the game for 3 years. What game compensates users after 3 years of a one time purchase? You’re lucky they didn’t create a new game altogether.
You post this like Factions and Nightfall don’t exist.
Haha yeah, it existed 10 years ago… Times have changed, businesses change, its 2015, get with the time baby.
Yeah, in 2015 90% of MMOs are F2P with cash shop. Most Subscription MMOs tank.
As ultimately opposed to 2005-2008 When Most (good) MMOs were subscribed.
So yes, good example.LOL! SO why are you here? I don’t need to convince you with an example. From the start Arena Net said they are trying their own unique model.. SO here it, enjoy! Or goodbye!
The white knighting you’re doing is absolutely disgusting. A-Net is ripping all the current players off with the pricing, and without compensation via gem store stuff, they may be finding Maguuma to be far less busy than they hoped.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Sariel V.7024
Now, to the white knights and fanbois.
You just lost your moral highground.
takes a drink
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: lighter.2708
You guys should literally fire the guy who came up with this lose-lose marketing strategy..
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Rod.6581
Now, the damage has been done. ANet will never revert the price and the best we could hope for is for them to add a free character slot at MINIMUM to the standard pack. Since the fanbois already preorder so reverting the prices is not possible and will be unfair to them.
Since this is a Pre-Purchase with Access to All Beta Weekend Events and Exclusive Title, we can hope they’ll give us slightly different option after launch.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ensign.2189
This is what happens when you royally screw up your market segmentation strategy.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: InfinitytheSoulWarden.5963
anyone watch the post stream last night? its funny that they avoided the topic of the entire chat being kittened off about the price and bundle options
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: coso.9173
why SHOULD it include a character slot? I’ve played multiple MMOs with lots of new expansions and having a new character slot is not the default at all.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Aggrostemma.1703
The Marketing section of ANET went full kitten… Never go full kitten matey!
I fully understand that they give the GW2 and HOT together so everybody’s friend can play together… Nice!
Why don’t they give the veterans rewards is beyond my understanding… A free char slot, a title and some extra XP-WXP boosters AT LEAST?
How can I play the Revenant without a free slot? Do you want to FORCE me to spend another 8 pounds on gems only to play what I have bought?
Getting the new players is always a good thing… for ANET and for us players too… But currently a new starter gets:
-HoT expansion
-5 character slots
-the Revenant profession
-a 20 slot bag
-a bank tab
-a mini
-an unique skin
-a crapload of XP and WXP boosters
-a guild recommendation letter
For exactly the same money as I pay!
And I get:
-Hot expansion
-the Revenant profession (if I buy a slot for it…)
Absolutely bullkitten!
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Daniel.7526
Just dont buy the game guys..
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