HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: FullMetal.9620
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: FullMetal.9620
It sucks cuz I got friends to buy the game when it went on sale so they could play with me, and now they’ll just be buying it again… I have hurt their game experience by helping them get what was previously “a great deal” but is not just bs.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: thewaterguy.4796
My biggest problem with the current packages is they favour newer players, now that’s great if you are a new player coming into the game, but lets face it Anet the majority of players interested in an expansion for GW2 ALREADY PLAY GW2, offer us current players maybe 2 other packages that just include HoT, maybe a standard HoT for 30$ and a deluxe for 35$ or 40$ if it has enough in it? Also you guys can’t spare a character slot for the expansion? Are you really that desperate for money? HoT should come with a character slot simple as that
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Quiznos.4296
I am willing to pay $19.99 for an account upgrade that has the HoT content and includes a character slot. I am not interested in your products if you’re trying to scam me.
My thoughts exactly. Not buying at that pricepoint especially kitten off no character slot. LOL!
How is it a scam? Have you ever bought an expansion for an MMO before? News flash, they’re all $50+.
Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward is $40. Shut up.
Guild Wars: Factions, $50, Guild Wars: Nightfall, $50. No. Look at EVERY expansion for World of Warcraft then come back.
Factions and Nightfall were both ENTIRE GAMES not expansions; and did not require, nor include Prophecies.
if HoT was a full Campaign, $50 would be reasonable by comparison, but it is far from it.
WoW’s stupid bussiness model is why I played GW in the first place.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ikereid.4637
Now, the damage has been done. ANet will never revert the price and the best we could hope for is for them to add a free character slot at MINIMUM to the standard pack. Since the fanbois already preorder so reverting the prices is not possible and will be unfair to them.
Since this is a Pre-Purchase with Access to All Beta Weekend Events and Exclusive Title, we can hope they’ll give us slightly different option after launch.
Let me get this right, you are OK with PAYING them to be a beta tester then? I mean, that is how i read your statement there. Saying that the Beta ‘should’ be more expensive and that the actual launch ‘might’ be priced better?
If so, no thanks all together.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: sanelson.4028
Jesus Christ… I can’t even write a constructive comment right now due to all the rage I’m feeling…I’ll just come back later.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ikereid.4637
why SHOULD it include a character slot? I’ve played multiple MMOs with lots of new expansions and having a new character slot is not the default at all.
It’s simple really. Expansion comes with a new Class, after 3 years. That’s why.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Scribbler.8462
Wait… I just bought this game the day before you announced HoT. Are you seriously telling me that I should have just waited for HoT to come out cause I would have to BUY THE GAME ALL OVER AGAIN just to get the expansion? Why is their no version of it without the core game? I don’t need the core game.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Eleri Tezhme.3048
(now that all the threads are mushed into one incohesive 3000 post mess, ugh!)
I think a good majority of us can agree that it isn’t the $50 that is the real issue- we’ve all paid about that much for expansions for multiple games in the past. It’s the value represented by that $50 that’s at issue.
The GW1 expansions were comparably priced, but on top of the added content (which was quantifiable at the time of purchase- you know you were getting new armor, new continents, etc not “this will get bigger eventually”) they all included a new character slot to accomidate new classes. That was a standard with the basic expansion, and other goodies were on top of that.
With HoT, they’ve excluded the character slot from the basic level, in essence charging $25 (the difference between the basic level and the deluxe) for that character slot (plus fluff- an ‘exclusive title’ and a mini are not game-changing content). So people are upset about being charged a significant premium, for something that was standard all other times previously.
The other thing that is upsetting people, it that they’ve bundled the two games, with no stand alone option. Now, this may seem to make absolute sense for new players, and then saying “We included the core game as a free bonus to make it easier for new players to get into it.” (Gaile, on reddit) sounds reasonable.
But for people who are already playing it is:
a) Giving new players twice the value for half the price- they get 2 games for $50, where the vast majority of long time players will be paying $100+ That feels very much like penalizing long-term players. With the GW1 expansions everyone was in the same boat paying for both.
This also covers the people who recently bought GW2 in anticipation of HoT- having been told it was required, they assumed, as with GW1, they’d need to buy the main game, first. They’re paying twice the cost, for the same value as well.
b) Giving them a second copy of the game, that they can’t really use, not even to bring someone else into the game- not unless you dig up your old game and serial number. If they were allowing for some sort of seperation, people would be less dismayed about ending up with an ‘extra’ copy of the game.
(edited by Eleri Tezhme.3048)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Feoras ToxArch.3590
Well, this is all a bit disheartening to read through. Another opportunity for ANet to showcase their product is derailed due to a lack of actual information about said product. I feel sorry for those in the Marketing Department who are probably going to get the raw end of this uproar(as they’re undoubtedly following their marching orders from the top).
As a possible customer, however, it’s hard to justify pre-ordering when there’s little information to the scope of the product nearly half a year after it’s been announced. At its lowest price of $50 USD, what exactly am I getting with HoT? Sure, we know there’s a new map, playable class, Guild Halls, and story… but would releasing a quick bullet-point list of all the features shipping be too much to ask? Especially when you’re asking me to pre-order WITHOUT a set release date. That’s a leap of confidence I’m not capable of rationalizing.
Otherwise, vote with your wallets people.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Baltov.9608
I am someone who has played Guildwars from the 1st guildwars before factions I have enjoyed this game for years I have supported Anet from almost day one and tbh I kinda feel like I just got the middle finger from them The pricing for HOT is just unreasonable I don’t feel like I need to spend $50 just to pay for something I already own I have been watching HoT after the events in SW and tbh I think a fair price would be in the 30s
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Lampshade.7569
You guys should literally fire the guy who came up with this lose-lose marketing strategy..
Exactly this, you should set that guy on fire. Maybe even terminate his contract to add insult to injury x))
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Xar.1387
So u guys can wait few years to the next expansion, and then get GW2 + HoT for free
And just pay for third expansion.
It should be fine for most of you, cause it looks like u dont care about that u was able to play this game ealier than new players, thats going to buy GW2 + HoT now – when we lvled our characters, played pvp, pve, wvw and all this stuff
(edited by Xar.1387)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: heydurian.6459
some people afk and waiting the DLC ,however this news will make anet lose these players, they will change other games and never come back. Anet may let 100 newbie join gw2, however Anet lose 200 AFK players.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Frediosz.2718
Now after thinking some time about this, 45euros would be ok if i would get as a package full SAB (complete version of 4 worlds), LS1 full and playable, a character slot (preferably with lvl 80 fuly equiped revenant) + every legendary weapon that is in the game.
Instead we got to spend this money on a preorder of expansion that no one knows how long it will be, how it will flip off builds and gear and when it will come out – but hey – it adds one class and gives you a game that you already own. (oh and that awesome RNG + crap rewards from bosses/dungeons)
Two thumbs up.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: PorceleinEve.2973
I propose that anet bans all and every account that’s over 9k achievement points. That way we won’t feel as bad when we get the core game. Think about it. Everyone wins, no more pesky veteran advantages, and we and the new players can co exist in love and harmony. They’re grandfathering veteran accounts out, might as well do it properly!
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: T raw.4658
I take issue with anyone stating whether or not it’s worth the money. I mean, no, it’s not worth $50. It just isn’t. It should come with a free slot by default. I got the ultimate edition for value, but I probably would have gotten the base game if it had just come with a slot. And if they added a slot, I would not be upset. I still find value in what I did get.
That said, we only have the vaguest notion of what is actually in HoT. We don’t know the value of the content in the expansion. So to ever claim to know the value of that content is ludicrous.
I say its not worth the money and should be at maximum $30 for vets.
Reasons being they’ve already clued us in on a few things:
1. Its not a stand alone like previous gw1 expansions
2. Its not as big as the core game
3. Lots of the content is free in patches
So yes I’m here stating publicly that HoT is NOT worth $50 and going by what we KNOW its TRUE.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Rainami.8031
well I personally think they should simply give the original owners more or a discount. They should simply give us all a like 10% discount or the like for owning the game.
Or possibly just hand out other things like extra/additional bank slots or bag slots (for those of us that have them maxed), or just plain more in game upgrades. Something to make up for that base game being in there.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Quiznos.4296
So u guys can wait few years to the next expansion, and then get GW2 + HoT for free
And just pay for the three expansion.It should be fine for most of you, cause it looks like u dont care about that u was able to play this game ealier than new players, thats going to buy GW2 + HoT now – when we lvled our characters, played pvp, pve, wvw and all this stuff
New players had the same opportunities the rest of us did to “play sooner” They didn’t take advantage of this 3year window of opportunity.
Now there’s a new opportunity, that is significantly more advantageous for people who didn’t support arenanet over the last 3 years.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094
To clarify: $50 is the price of the expansion. We included the core game as a free bonus to make it easier for new players to get into it.
Are you a bank/TV provider? As they normally give better deals to new customer’s. What you are doing feels like you’ve asked us did we want a cookie, then gave us a crumb and a slap.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Jaetara.4075
I won’t compare the price with what the new players are getting with it, this is immature. I will judge just the price for the expansion HoT and 50 euros I believe is a high price for what we actually get as a content. A more fair price would be 35 euros for just the expansion.
The 50 euro price should at least offer a free character slot and a total make over kit to feel it is worthy! The 75 euros price should have even more stuff like a bag slot expansion, or a bang tab expansion, or the storage expander and of course something decorative like a new armor or head gear skin. In general should have things that a veteran player will appreciate, something useful and something unique!
As for the pre-purchase bonus, this is basicaly nothing, a useless title and beta access… most of us melted farming Silverwastes to get that beta key anyways and we have it already… so this gift is empty!
Other games give you better deals for pre-purchase like a discount in the total price or in game bonuses, items and boosts extra just for ordering early. Buying it early is like you are buying a house by seeing only the yard just because someone told that it is what you want and need.
(edited by Jaetara.4075)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: MrYay.7063
I don’t get why the expansion is at the price of a new game. @ArenaNet HoT must be kitten good AND so what’s follows.
- I’ll buy the game just because I like a lot GW2, and it is the only MMO I feel like playing. I like the design and how characters feels. And I bow to the fact it has been released without a subscription.
- I’ll buy it because I have enough money to spend on it rather than on another game.
- I’ll buy it because I believe ArenaNet is doing quite well overall in an industry that is so competitive nowadays. I want this studio to remain successful and I want to contribute so that GW2 gets better, at least as good and brings as mush diversity as GW1 (subliminal message inside).
Therefore, make it a good or, even better, a great game, and please don’t disappoint me.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941
I fully understand that they give the GW2 and HOT together so everybody’s friend can play together… Nice!
Why don’t they give the veterans rewards is beyond my understanding… A free char slot, a title and some extra XP-WXP boosters AT LEAST?
How can I play the Revenant without a free slot? Do you want to FORCE me to spend another 8 pounds on gems only to play what I have bought?
Getting the new players is always a good thing… for ANET and for us players too… But currently a new starter gets:
-HoT expansion
-5 character slots
-the Revenant profession
-a 20 slot bag
-a bank tab
-a mini
-an unique skin
-a crapload of XP and WXP boosters
-a guild recommendation letterFor exactly the same money as I pay!
And I get:
-Hot expansion
-the Revenant profession (if I buy a slot for it…)Bullkitten!
Absolutely bullkitten!
Bold and italics are mine, but I don’t see how I could put it any better. I don’t mind the price, but I DO mind getting less than if I hadn’t been giving Anet my money over the past 3 years. An additional character slot would be comparable to the core game, at a sale price of $10. I just want equal value.
EDIT: There are some messy merges in this mammoth thread.
(edited by Mojo Gris Gris.5941)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Pandonation.7201
Slimy and underhanded, Anet. I’m glad the community is making their issues known, because everyone knows how wrong this is. $50 for the expac in spite of having just bought the game for that same price? Oh, yes, very fair, Anet. I applaud you. Why don’t you just make us pay a monthly sub to rub more salt in our wounds?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Behellagh.1468
No I don’t. I don’t play WoW did you get a free slot with each of those expansions? I think players keep forgetting that each of the first three GW games were standalone and the free slot came with having them on the same account. City of Heroes and City of Villains did the same thing. They were standalone games and you only got extra slots if they were on the same account (later everyone was grandfathered in with the other game if you didn’t already have it).
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Quiznos.4296
The 50 dollars you paid for your 5 character slots on the core game is now worth 10 – 40 dollars. So why should you be compensated further after playing the game for 3 years. What game compensates users after 3 years of a one time purchase? You’re lucky they didn’t create a new game altogether.
You post this like Factions and Nightfall don’t exist.
Haha yeah, it existed 10 years ago… Times have changed, businesses change, its 2015, get with the time baby.
Yeah, in 2015 90% of MMOs are F2P with cash shop. Most Subscription MMOs tank.
As ultimately opposed to 2005-2008 When Most (good) MMOs were subscribed.
So yes, good example.LOL! SO why are you here? I don’t need to convince you with an example. From the start Arena Net said they are trying their own unique model.. SO here it, enjoy! Or goodbye!
The white knighting you’re doing is absolutely disgusting. A-Net is ripping all the current players off with the pricing, and without compensation via gem store stuff, they may be finding Maguuma to be far less busy than they hoped.
LOL! A company worth millions of dollars with professional in business and management doesn’t need a white knight. You sir are too used to spending your days on the computer world of the internetz.
Without compensation via gem store stuff.. LOL come on dude. Why do you deserve free money.
Ironic your username has Maguuma and your ready to slay the Xpac 3 months before release. I can’t tell if you’re troll or not, lets hope troll.
I’d have changed to just Lavafrost, but I wasn’t aware when I made this account name. I’ve played GW1 and obtained 30/50 in the HoM. It’s also not about free money, it’s about the price being unfair to loyal customers (heck, even people who bought the game days before HoT was announced).
It’s not unfair, it’s pretty simple. Xpac is 50 bucks. Comes with the core game for free (which valued at low point $10).
2 -3 Years from now, do you expect another compensation because you jumped the gun and bought HoT at full price on release.
If 2-3 from now we get an expansion that requires and comes with core game, and HoT and I already own both then I expect a $15 discount at minimum.
Otherwise it’s like a car dealer that requires a trade in that they pay $0 on, and gives you a shiny new car for $50k. But if you don’t currently own a car you get the shiny new one for the same $50k.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Turtle Dragon.9241
The biggest offender here is clearly that free core game to new players.
There are 8 people lining up at the bank. You are 5th in line, and there is only one teller. The other teller finally arrives and sits at her desk. She tells all the people behind you(but not you) to make a second line, and starts helping the person who was right behind you. The 3 people behind you are now 1st-3rd in the second line. Well, you were the 5th, but now you are dead last. Nothing has changed though, because you were 5th anyway. Do you think it is okay to treat customers this way?
A store is giving away a free can of coke with the purchase of a bottle of coke. The cashier somehow put through the can of coke before the bottle of coke. In doing so, you paid for both the can and the bottle of coke because the system does not detect it as a promotion unless she put through the bottle of coke first. She is refusing to refund you what you paid for the can of coke. Do you think it is okay to treat customers this way?
A company provides membership cards only to their regular customers. Presenting a membership card gives you 10% discount when purchasing any of their products. Today though, they are giving away new membership cards that give 15% discount on all their products to anyone who comes in. They tell you that you are not eligible for the new membership card because you have an old one. They can upgrade your old card but it will take one month. This means that for one month, you are the only one who wont benefit from 5% extra discount because you were their regular customer before. Do you think it is okay to treat customers this way?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Doni.3402
The price is imho OK.
But give us existing players at least a free char slot…
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892
Current players are not paying for the base game twice. They are paying for the expansion. New players are paying for the expansion and getting the base game for free to attract new customers. It is the wording on the sales page I think that is giving people to perception they are paying twice. I agree it is poorly worded. They should have stated something like, “Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns Expansion. Includes a free version of the core game for new customers.” People would still be here complaining but I think it would have cleared things up a bit.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Kain Francois.4328
Honestly, I feel $50 is fair for a new expansion. A lot of work has been put into this, it might as well be worth a whole new game entirely.
If you’re bothered by price, just wait a bit. We all know it’ll go down eventually, and this $50 pricetag is only for the most hardcore of fans, who want to play it as soon as possible.
That said, I think people actually aren’t aware why they’re angry. It’s not the $50 pricetag people are consciously angry about, but the $75 and $100 dollar Deluxe and Ultimate editions. Simply by being in eye-view, right next to the other stuff, there is an association with Heart of Thorns having an outrageous price…. But that is a separate issue altogether.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ash breaks stuff.3082
If your unhappy don’t just post about it, give them a quantifiable complaint by signing a petition.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ikereid.4637
we dont need business examples here. we need a response from Anet on this matter.
we need the price adjusted, and we need the core expansion to include a character slot. That will fix the issue for 98% of us.
‘it takes months to find a good solid customer, but only seconds to lose 1’
Anet – Your clock is ticking here.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Chicho Gosho.6507
No “veteran” player said anything when the game was 10$ but now it is a problem. Just saying.
P.S. I believe that 50$+ core game/char slot should be the norm. I do not believe that new players getting the game for free would affect my game negatively at all.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: GrahamB.8301
A expansion price that makes Destiny’s 2 current addons seem like bargains…
…that’s some achievement…
…and not in a good way.
Good job ANet!!
/slow hand clap
No purchase from me.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ReaverKane.7598
I still think the expansion is too expensive. I mean an EXPANSION, specially one that is admittedly not very focused on content SHOULD NOT cost the same as the base game at launch. Yesterday the base game costed 39,90 €, that would be a bit high, but a kind of an ok price for the expansion, depending on how much actual content, which really we don’t know how much there really is.
Today we’re being asked to pay 10€ more for the expansion, which is less content, and content that is still not known yet.
I mean so far we’ve only seen incomplete things, some are going to be kept incomplete by design, because they’re meant to be expanded in the future (like masteries and Elite Specs), but still it seems too little.
TLDR: The price is too high for what we know of the expansion, is too high IMO for ANY expansion if the content in it won’t mirror the Core game.
We’re being asked to pay as much for the core game on stuff that i feel has been a bit kitten from the get go: The mastery system is weird, and Elite Specializations are only worth being called Specializations because they changed the Whole trait system to make it fit.
Finally, keeping to tradition, in their effort to get new players Arena Net just treats older players as wallets with eyes, and ASSUMES (too much) that we’ll buy the expansion anyhow, and so throws in only stuff to lure new players.
In fact they assume so much, that the only thing that would be worth for an experienced player costs nearly twice the cost of the “basic” pack.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Spurnshadow.3678
Wow, 56 pages so far. Looks like I’m late to the game.
Well, I’ve been playing since launch, logged almost 7000 hours. Normally I’d purchase the expansion without a second thought. But this isn’t an expansion. It’s a big slap in the face.
No extra character slot for $50 bucks? Are you kidding? New players will get, what, 8 slots out of the box?
I actually don’t even care about the new maps. I’m a WvWer and the new BL map looks iffy. But even if I did care about the new maps, how much is there compared to the existing maps? This just isn’t worth $50 for existing players. $30 seems more reasonable.
The question I have to face now is do I cut off my nose to spite my face? I might actually just say, no, I’m not going to bend over and going to spend my $50 on Fallout 4 or something else. I just don’t know yet.
Shame on you, Anet.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Moira Shalaar.5620
I am not going to argue with the price. Plenty here have (tbh I did not read much past the first 5-6 pages). Yet the very vocal, passionate response of the player base ought to convey something. As I write this there are 56 pages devoted to this topic, way too long for me to read without this being my paid job (and it isn’t!). The OP for this page (merged, I know) posted 17 hours ago. I don’t know that I have seen another topic that has received this much attention this fast ever. IMHO the bundling part (HoT + Base Game free) was the major marketing misstep.
Yet for as unhappy kitten many are, I don’t know that this marketing misstep can be corrected at this point. It seems to me that ANET is pretty much locked into this course of action. They CANNOT take away the base game bundle now. Marketing-wise, that simply is not an alternative. There have been those who have already pre-ordered (despite some calls for boycotting), so any other changes would have to be retroactive in some sense if they are going to avoid an even worse misstep by further alienating those early adopters who have been willing to pay immediately. If they add in a character slot to the $50 base package kitten many have demanded, then they invalidate a solid chunk of the value and reason for those who have ALREADY preordered either of the premium content editions (Deluxe/Ultimate). So then they have to do something else to make it up to the people who might otherwise have bought the lower edition because it had everything they really wanted. It would become a cascading chain of complaints and adjustments.
Early on I saw a suggestion that they offer the base game as a separate code. I think that would be the most viable alternative, at least if my logic above is sound. I am not terribly interested in having another account, I did buy one when the $10 sale was going on ankitten ot unhappy about that purchase. But that would at least more or less level the playing field between new customers and those of us who have been playing since pre-ordering the base game back in 2012.
*Edit, I don’t know why a couple words in my post have been censored, I have kept it clean
(edited by Moira Shalaar.5620)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: GenghisKhan.7842
Based on the feature list, 45 Eur is really too high a price tag for the expansion.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Pandonation.7201
Amen, Spurnshadow.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Toxicity.5392
why SHOULD it include a character slot? I’ve played multiple MMOs with lots of new expansions and having a new character slot is not the default at all.
It’s simple really. Expansion comes with a new Class, after 3 years. That’s why.
Yeaqh except some people don’t want to play it, and others need a character slot. For how much we’re getting screwed on the price, the slot should at least come with it or the price should be $15-20 lower. This is honestly one of the dumbest decision I’ve seen in marketing and they’ve seen how much outrage there is and ignore it.
I just hope people have the sense to boycott it…but looking how poorly people vote with their wallets due to ignorance or lack of alternatives irl lel probably not. AT&T, Comcast, Time Warner, Apple, Android, Paypal, Ebay, Verizon, and many other evils would be dead if the world worked like that.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: AAeriaM.7045
Definitely holding off on HoT until they prove that they give enough content and features to justify $50. I know it’s feature heavy and not content heavy so your features BETTER BE kittenING AMAZING ANET. Otherwise I’m just sticking to GW1 where their campaigns and add ons are solid and well done and I’ll save that $50 for a game worth buying.
Thumbs down from me, Anet.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ikereid.4637
I am not going to argue with the price. Plenty here have (tbh I did not read much past the first 5-6 pages). Yet the very vocal, passionate response of the player base ought to convey something. As I write this there are 56 pages devoted to this topic, way too long for me to read without this being my paid job (and it isn’t!). The OP for this page (merged, I know) posted 17 hours ago. I don’t know that I have seen another topic that has received this much attention this fast ever. IMHO the bundling part (HoT + Base Game free) was the major marketing misstep.
Yet for as unhappy kitten many are, I don’t know that this marketing misstep can be corrected at this point. It seems to me that ANET is pretty much locked into this course of action. They CANNOT take away the base game bundle now. Marketing-wise, that simply is not an alternative. There have been those who have already pre-ordered (despite some calls for boycotting), so any other changes would have to be retroactive in some sense if they are going to avoid an even worse misstep by further alienating those early adopters who have been willing to pay immediately. If they add in a character slot to the $50 base package kitten many have demanded, then they invalidate a solid chunk of the value and reason for those who have ALREADY preordered either of the premium content editions (Deluxe/Ultimate). So then they have to do something else to make it up to the people who might otherwise have bought the lower edition because it had everything they really wanted. It would become a cascading chain of complaints and adjustments.
Early on I saw a suggestion that they offer the base game as a separate code. I think that would be the most viable alternative, at least if my logic above is sound. I am not terribly interested in having another account, I did buy one when the $10 sale was going on ankitten ot unhappy about that purchase. But that would at least more or less level the playing field between new customers and those of us who have been playing since pre-ordering the base game back in 2012.
what they need to do is offer a stand alone expansion upgrade code for accounts that have the base game. They can do this already in the Gem store with the deluxe upgrade version, so their base line code is already in place for this.
That is the ONLY step i can see them taking at this point. Baseline HoT only upgrade for 34.99 with no character slot, or 39.99 with a character slot.
its 2 more game codes they need to offer, its not rocket science here.
then, problem solved.
I manage IT of a company that pulls in 560M/year, we had something like this hit the distribution channel a couple years ago, because of upper managements decisions the following year we lost 20% of our profits. Not until after that horrible year was over did the upper management do the right thing and fix the issue from the previous year, by added the appropriate credit to the affected accounts. and we are talking some accounts getting 1.5m in credit. Just sayin.
I know Anet can do the right thing here, the question is ‘will they’ ?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: FeeWiewwy.8240
For me the reason why I feel a bit upset is as follows:
I do not feel to be treated in a fair way.
I do not worry so much about the price. It’s not cheap, but if the new addition is as deep as expansions like Nightfall it’s ok.
But even with the HoT standard edition it should feel that the add-on is worth it to be explored and I’am ready to start exploring without having to extend my account further. Thus, as a veteran I do not have to sacrifice beloved chars to try out new possibilities.
Fairness is something closely connected to trust and respect for me. I’m much more willing and motivated to spend money ingame if I feel being respected and treated fairly.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ankushp.7245
Its just not fair. Veteran players should get at least some discount…….50$ would have been acceptable if you were introducing a whole new race or something. 30-40$ is the max whatever you have announced is worth.
You better make the guild halls really really good……am sure many who do decide to pay will be paying to experience the guild halls.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: nexxe.7081
A poll to measure forum posters perspective.
(edited by Moderator)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: FinalPatriot.8034
Just to add my 2 cents…
I’ve been playing since shortly after release and have felt since that day that GW2 is the best MMO on the market. I honestly have not been that impressed with what we’ve seen so far with the Xpack and wasn’t convinced I would buy it unless the price + available content was worth it. Considering what I paid for the original game, this Xpack is grossly over-priced.
When you consider that such games like Black Desert are likely to come to the US/EU next year, why would I pay $50 for this Xpack when other games offer more and cost less?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Mojo Gris Gris.5941
Current players are not paying for the base game twice. They are paying for the expansion. New players are paying for the expansion and getting the base game for free to attract new customers.
But that is the problem. New players are getting more for the same amount of money that vets will be paying. And vets have already paid for the game once (at least). I’m not saying the price is too steep, but the value is unequal.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: mtpelion.4562
The issue as it stands right now is not that new players get the base game for free (good for them) but that the $50 price point is incredibly too high for what we know about the content at this time ESPECIALLY since that price point doesn’t provide an additional character slot.
(edited to avoid $50 from being somehow confused with something that needed to be kittened).
(edited by mtpelion.4562)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Lord Crevax.7412
Well, with such a pre-purchase price and no bonus for existing players, the message is clear, do not pre-purchase and wait for HOT launch. That’s what i will do.
Edit: oops, i forgot beta week ends, come on Arena Net, this is a bonus for you not for us.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: GranspearZX.5624
Current players are not paying for the base game twice. They are paying for the expansion. New players are paying for the expansion and getting the base game for free to attract new customers. It is the wording on the sales page I think that is giving people to perception they are paying twice. I agree it is poorly worded. They should have stated something like, “Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns Expansion. Includes a free version of the core game for new customers.” People would still be here complaining but I think it would have cleared things up a bit.
It’s this weird, semantic thing that I’d expect from a marketing release. If I purchased GW2 two weeks ago, I’d end up having to pay $50… for an expansion.
Granted, you could probably contact customer service in that particular situation and get that straightened out, but it kind of highlights how disingenuous quibbling over the wording actually is.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: quaniesan.8497
No I don’t. I don’t play WoW did you get a free slot with each of those expansions? I think players keep forgetting that each of the first three GW games were standalone and the free slot came with having them on the same account. City of Heroes and City of Villains did the same thing. They were standalone games and you only got extra slots if they were on the same account (later everyone was grandfathered in with the other game if you didn’t already have it).
I have no idea what you are saying, especially that first part… something very sublime about grammar. But sounds like you hate the idea of getting a free slot. if you refuse a slot and insists on paying for it, I suppose I can’t stop you. But hey, why the opposition at all, if the basic HOT does come with free slot, and since you are this insistent on paying for it, you can ignore the free slot, pretend it is not there, and purchase one with your own money.
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