HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: AdaephonDelat.3890


Seems the clueless people befell this thread so far….

hy do original players have to pay $50 TWICE to get what new players will get come expansion??
It IS an issue!
Original Players: $50 for GW2 + $50 for Xpac
New Players: $50 for Xpac/ INCLUDES Original Core Game
Not fair at all to those who bough the game originally.
A Free character Slot is NOT worth the extra $50 at all.

Maybe it’s time to move on to something less money mongering.

Good Luck all.

And as has been pointed out -

Original Players: $50 for GW2 + $50 for Xpac – 3 years play time, able to play currently unplayable content (LS season 1), LS season 2 was available for free, easy access to certain skins (spinal blades/jetpack).

New Players: $50 for Xpac/ INCLUDES Original Core Game – did not have 3 years game time, unable to play stuff like LS season 1, has to purchase LS season 2, difficult to access certain skins (spinal blades/jetpack).

[BAD] a casual PvE guild on Aurora Glade.
The Family Deuce. Asuran Adventure Specialists.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: JessikaTG.8139


Seems the clueless people befell this thread so far….

hy do original players have to pay $50 TWICE to get what new players will get come expansion??
It IS an issue!
Original Players: $50 for GW2 + $50 for Xpac
New Players: $50 for Xpac/ INCLUDES Original Core Game
Not fair at all to those who bough the game originally.
A Free character Slot is NOT worth the extra $50 at all.

Maybe it’s time to move on to something less money mongering.

Good Luck all.

I look at it as a discount. I think they are money mongering with the gem shop. I think that needs to go. Its offensive to pay for a B2P game and expansions, and then all the drops are in the gem shop. Its the main reason I will not buy the expansion ever.

I payed for GW2 8 months ago, I am not paying again. It’s RIDICULOUS!

Bottom Line: Those who bought the Game BEFORE the Xpac should get the Xpac FREE.
New Players get the same thing for the same price.

How hard is that to understand??

(edited by JessikaTG.8139)

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: AdaephonDelat.3890


Seems the clueless people befell this thread so far….

hy do original players have to pay $50 TWICE to get what new players will get come expansion??
It IS an issue!
Original Players: $50 for GW2 + $50 for Xpac
New Players: $50 for Xpac/ INCLUDES Original Core Game
Not fair at all to those who bough the game originally.
A Free character Slot is NOT worth the extra $50 at all.

Maybe it’s time to move on to something less money mongering.

Good Luck all.

I look at it as a discount. I think they are money mongering with the gem shop. I think that needs to go. Its offensive to pay for a B2P game and expansions, and then all the drops are in the gem shop. Its the main reason I will not buy the expansion ever.

I payed for GW2 8 months ago, I am not paying again. It’s RIDICULOUS!

So you bought the game after the expansion announcement? Then you could have got a refund.

[BAD] a casual PvE guild on Aurora Glade.
The Family Deuce. Asuran Adventure Specialists.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: JessikaTG.8139


Seems the clueless people befell this thread so far….

hy do original players have to pay $50 TWICE to get what new players will get come expansion??
It IS an issue!
Original Players: $50 for GW2 + $50 for Xpac
New Players: $50 for Xpac/ INCLUDES Original Core Game
Not fair at all to those who bough the game originally.
A Free character Slot is NOT worth the extra $50 at all.

Maybe it’s time to move on to something less money mongering.

Good Luck all.

And as has been pointed out -

Original Players: $50 for GW2 + $50 for Xpac – 3 years play time, able to play currently unplayable content (LS season 1), LS season 2 was available for free, easy access to certain skins (spinal blades/jetpack).

New Players: $50 for Xpac/ INCLUDES Original Core Game – did not have 3 years game time, unable to play stuff like LS season 1, has to purchase LS season 2, difficult to access certain skins (spinal blades/jetpack).

Hi Assuming Individual….What makes you think everyone that payed for original all started 3 yrs ago?
Stop posting please.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: JessikaTG.8139


Seems the clueless people befell this thread so far….

hy do original players have to pay $50 TWICE to get what new players will get come expansion??
It IS an issue!
Original Players: $50 for GW2 + $50 for Xpac
New Players: $50 for Xpac/ INCLUDES Original Core Game
Not fair at all to those who bough the game originally.
A Free character Slot is NOT worth the extra $50 at all.

Maybe it’s time to move on to something less money mongering.

Good Luck all.

I look at it as a discount. I think they are money mongering with the gem shop. I think that needs to go. Its offensive to pay for a B2P game and expansions, and then all the drops are in the gem shop. Its the main reason I will not buy the expansion ever.

I payed for GW2 8 months ago, I am not paying again. It’s RIDICULOUS!

So you bought the game after the expansion announcement? Then you could have got a refund.

I didn’t know about the expansion until recently. I havn’t played much and real life happens for some, more than others. Thanks

Oh, btw, you have to request the refund within 30 days of purchase. Pretty small window.
But that’s irrelevant…Read my posts above………………….. again.

(edited by JessikaTG.8139)

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: AdaephonDelat.3890


Seems the clueless people befell this thread so far….

hy do original players have to pay $50 TWICE to get what new players will get come expansion??
It IS an issue!
Original Players: $50 for GW2 + $50 for Xpac
New Players: $50 for Xpac/ INCLUDES Original Core Game
Not fair at all to those who bough the game originally.
A Free character Slot is NOT worth the extra $50 at all.

Maybe it’s time to move on to something less money mongering.

Good Luck all.

I look at it as a discount. I think they are money mongering with the gem shop. I think that needs to go. Its offensive to pay for a B2P game and expansions, and then all the drops are in the gem shop. Its the main reason I will not buy the expansion ever.

I payed for GW2 8 months ago, I am not paying again. It’s RIDICULOUS!

So you bought the game after the expansion announcement? Then you could have got a refund.

I didn’t know about the expansion until recently. I havn’t played much and real life happens for some, more than others. Thanks

Oh, btw, you have to request the refund within 30 days of purchase. Pretty small window.
But that’s irrelevant…Read my posts above………………….. again.

Actually they offered a refund to anyone who had purchased the game between 23rd January 2015 and 16th June 2015 in anticipation for HoT.
Here’s the details –

[BAD] a casual PvE guild on Aurora Glade.
The Family Deuce. Asuran Adventure Specialists.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Swagger.1459



New Main- 80 Thief – P/P- Vault Spam Pro

221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Since GW2 is going F2P and people have to purchase the Xpac for all the “Good Stuff”,
wouldn’t it make sense to let people who already payed for the original game to get the Xpac for free?

Original purchasers of this game have to pay again while new players get the original for free and only have to pay for Xpac to get it all?

Veterans pay Twice, New Players Once!?

So Arenanet, you are telling me you want my money AGAIN after I already payed you for the game just so I can access the important features of the game (which come in Xpac)


I don’t think you really understand how things work…

Seems the clueless people befell this thread so far….

hy do original players have to pay $50 TWICE to get what new players will get come expansion??
It IS an issue!
Original Players: $50 for GW2 + $50 for Xpac
New Players: $50 for Xpac/ INCLUDES Original Core Game
Not fair at all to those who bough the game originally.
A Free character Slot is NOT worth the extra $50 at all.

Maybe it’s time to move on to something less money mongering.

Good Luck all.

They’re not the ones clueless. I can buy Guild Wars 1, and all of the campaigns plus expansion, for $50. It costs players back then over $150. I suppose this is unfair to you?

(edited by Ayrilana.1396)

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kry.1697


Woohoo! I paid for a potato yesterday. Free potatoes for life!

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


I didn’t know about the expansion until recently. I haven’t played much and real life happens for some, more than others.

It’s unfortunate that your circumstances were so unfavorable for you. Not only did you purchase the original GW2 at a price higher than I’ve seen for a long time, you missed the XPac announcement, at least one GW2 Core for $10 sale, the XPac-includes-core announcement and the free refund window. That’s kind of a perfect storm.


Bottom Line: Those who bought the Game BEFORE the Xpac should get the Xpac FREE.

That’s not how Buy-to-play games work. One buys the game and can play what it includes for as long as the servers are up. GW2 did offer free content updates off and on for 2+ years, all of which you missed. Now, they’re offering more new content and whatever free updates go with it for a price. The latter is more in line with other B2P games like The Secret World and Elder Scrolls Online, which both require payment for new content. Theirs comes in smaller packages, costs less, but does not include a “season pass” for future updates themed with the paid content.

Maybe it’s time to move on to something less money mongering.

Good Luck all.

And good luck to you in finding a game developer that is not in business to make money. Afaik, they all are, though you may find one whose business model is more favorable to how your life works.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Buy Some Apples.6390

Buy Some Apples.6390

I dont care that new players who only buy HoT also get the core game included.

What I do care about is that veteran players dont get anything for their loyalty.
And second, and more importantly, how much content will we get?

Why an expansion is released you want to know what you get as soon as it is released. All the maps, everything. You dont want a list of a few things you will get and guesses what you will get more in the future.

When I buy an expansion, I buy the expansion; not Anet’s coming to the game Soon™, maybe, if we have the resources, which we dont, unless it’s PvE.

Complained about WvW before it became cool.
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: TJgalon.5012


I dont care that new players who only buy HoT also get the core game included.

What I do care about is that veteran players dont get anything for their loyalty.
And second, and more importantly, how much content will we get?

Why an expansion is released you want to know what you get as soon as it is released. All the maps, everything. You dont want a list of a few things you will get and guesses what you will get more in the future.

When I buy an expansion, I buy the expansion; not Anet’s coming to the game Soon™, maybe, if we have the resources, which we dont, unless it’s PvE.

We did as veteran get a lot. Some more then other depending on the starting date. I started in January and here we are October. I am sitting on my HoT expansion excited for release. They did give us a player slot, which was added from the outcry, which is cool, free gift I love it, but I was happy before. We getting a lot of stuff, and best of all, core people who don’t want to buy the expansion still getting some of the Pvp and WvW stuff without buying it. Really not sure what you want. It like buying Legend of zelda, when the Zelda 2 came out did you except it for free cause you bought the game? Not really sure on a good example, lol, but it fit. you had a few month now too, to decide on this, and with a couple week left to go you still questioning it, unsure if your mind can be changed now.

(edited by TJgalon.5012)

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MiniEquine.6014


I dont care that new players who only buy HoT also get the core game included.

What I do care about is that veteran players dont get anything for their loyalty.
And second, and more importantly, how much content will we get?

Can everyone quit pretending like you didn’t get anything? They gave out a character slot to all existing accounts, they gave the LW updates in the past, and everything else. You are not getting screwed over as a veteran player. What you are not getting is pampered, but ANet has no requirement to pamper you just because you’ve been around longer. If they choose to not do something extra special for veterans outside of the character slot (something not required), then that is their prerogative and you can vote with your wallet.

I swear this thread needed to die months ago but people keep bringing up BS arguments about entitlement and deserving things. That is not how a business works and it pains me to know that people with these attitudes are customers elsewhere, not just for the same game that I play.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SHM.7628


Seems the clueless people befell this thread so far….

hy do original players have to pay $50 TWICE to get what new players will get come expansion??
It IS an issue!
Original Players: $50 for GW2 + $50 for Xpac
New Players: $50 for Xpac/ INCLUDES Original Core Game
Not fair at all to those who bough the game originally.
A Free character Slot is NOT worth the extra $50 at all.

Maybe it’s time to move on to something less money mongering.

Good Luck all.

I look at it as a discount. I think they are money mongering with the gem shop. I think that needs to go. Its offensive to pay for a B2P game and expansions, and then all the drops are in the gem shop. Its the main reason I will not buy the expansion ever.

I payed for GW2 8 months ago, I am not paying again. It’s RIDICULOUS!

Bottom Line: Those who bought the Game BEFORE the Xpac should get the Xpac FREE.
New Players get the same thing for the same price.

How hard is that to understand??

Not hard to understand, I just happen to not agree. you are certainly within your rights to feel that way. Good luck whatever you decide to do.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

Seems the clueless people befell this thread so far….

hy do original players have to pay $50 TWICE to get what new players will get come expansion??
It IS an issue!
Original Players: $50 for GW2 + $50 for Xpac
New Players: $50 for Xpac/ INCLUDES Original Core Game
Not fair at all to those who bough the game originally.
A Free character Slot is NOT worth the extra $50 at all.

Maybe it’s time to move on to something less money mongering.

Good Luck all.

I look at it as a discount. I think they are money mongering with the gem shop. I think that needs to go. Its offensive to pay for a B2P game and expansions, and then all the drops are in the gem shop. Its the main reason I will not buy the expansion ever.

I payed for GW2 8 months ago, I am not paying again. It’s RIDICULOUS!

Bottom Line: Those who bought the Game BEFORE the Xpac should get the Xpac FREE.
New Players get the same thing for the same price.

How hard is that to understand??

It’s not hard to understand. I just don’t think it’s reasonable.

If you buy something at a store and months later it’s cheaper, do you demand a refund then? If you buy something and the owner later bundles it with a new upgraded version, do you think you can go in the store and get the upgraded version for free? Why don’t you try that? Go into a store and demand the new version for free, telling them you bought the old version 8 months ago and tell us how that went.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ashen.2907


ANet produced a product called Guild Wars 2.
People paid for that product.
People received the product for which they had paid.


HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Buy Some Apples.6390

Buy Some Apples.6390

I’d gladly pay for an expansion, if it’s worth it.

I’ve never felt pampered by Anet, in fact quite the opposite; lied to, mislead, and punished for raising concerns!

We did as veteran get a lot.

As a veteran I will get jack all if I buy on or after the 23rd October. The free slot is only free if you pre-purchase! And that’s all we get, if we pre-purchase, we dont get anything else!!!
So if one thing is “alot” to you, then I dont know what to say to you.
Even if it was free after, it still doesnt justify the pricing.

The fact that this thread is still active, is that some of us are not satisfied by the free slot, which we only got after complaining, and will only receive if we pre-purchase.
It’s active because some of us who work hard for our money, arent about to spend it on a game where the devs have spent as little as time as possible on adding really badly made events, filled with bugs, and bad balance.

I aint gonna pay for a Ferrari and get a Prius!

Those of you who are happy with this simply do not know the value of money, most likely cos your parents are paying for it!

Complained about WvW before it became cool.
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kri.1842



I have read so many replies and so many topics.

This is how it goes:

Core game = 50$ (3 Years back)
Core game = 25$ (1 Year back) (I bought it for 30€ = now its 30$)

Gem store = 1k gems = 10$ (I have bought over 15k of gems = 150$, and I am sure others have paid even more.)

Gem Store 1 outfit = 800 gems (8$)

1000 Players buy 1 outfit = 800,000 or 80,000$ (They could pay the salary for 10 designers, programmers for 10 months if they paid them 800$ each month, but it doesn’t take them 10 months to release a 1 outfit.)

Couple of events, that went with new skins or other ways in which they gain money, which we think were for free… The thing is that nothing anyone does in this life is for free… so even though you say that 2 stories were for free, they were not, they were there for a reason, in this case for profit.

Now we arrive at the expansion.

Guild wars 2(core game) + HoT = 50$
For those who own GW2, HoT = 50$

As I describe earlier, you cannot think that they have given you anything for free, we ALL paid for the Guild Wars 2 game, 50,40,30,20$ over these years, the game development has paid for itself twice by now…
We all paid for the events when we bought Gems… By buying gems we gave them money to make those “FREE” events…
I haven’t seen them donating any of it to some charity…
Quote from Wiki: " In its first 2 weeks of sales Guild Wars 2 sold over 2 million copies"

So you can’t say that they have been spending their own money to give us FREE stuff.

The expansion for players who already own the game and have been each month paying ArenaNet so that they could produce “Free” events, we should receive a discount for this expansion.

We have been spending our money to allow them to make a huge expansion which now costs for us 50$ also?

Then what has been the point for me spending the money on gems? If anything they should give the expansion for free for those who have spent the 100$ or more on the Gems to pay for the creation of expansion…

This is just like kickstarter, just with Gems, you pay for the gems certain amount, and you receive posters, wallpapers, music kits, and you get to try the game in Alpha or Beta…. BUT once the game is finished, the company asks you to pay 50$ more to actually play the game, by saying yea you supported us, you paid for the creation of the game, but see now you can buy it for just 50$ don’t worry you can still play the game in Alpha or beta, but with the bugs and what not… but those who buy it now get everything without the bugs all they have to do is make their character from again, totally fair right ?

My personal opinion:
I would not mind paying 20 okay 30$ extra for the expansion since they do need to make profit to keep the company running… because at this point the expansion has already paid for itself 2X or even 3X we will see how many preordered the game…

And I do believe that Anet will put the HoT expansions on the gemstore at a certain time in next couple of months after release. Otherwise they would lose huge crowd of already paying players…

There is no point of getting 100 new players that pay 1$ each if they lose the 100 old players that as well pay 1$ each or even more because by this time they are so deep in the game that they need to have everything…

Closing statements to those who skipped —-—————————-
Anet needs to rethink their policy, and attitude to those who pay them, because they live on our money, and they need it to survive. Without a paying community they won’t release next expansion or game….

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Um…1000 players buying an Outfit at $8 each is $8,000, not $80,000.

I’m not sure how you are privy to all the development costs and profits made thus far, but if you have any links, I’d be interested in perusing them.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ashen.2907


As a veteran I will get jack all if I buy on or after the 23rd October.

You are mistaken.

No matter when you buy you will get exactly what you pay for…the expansion.

If the listed price is too high for you, wait. It will most likely go down over time.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ashen.2907


<snip for brevity>

When you bought something in the gemshop you were not investing in some future expansion, you were buying a product that was delivered. You paid for gems, you got gems.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Buy Some Apples.6390

Buy Some Apples.6390

If the listed price is too high for you, wait.

LMAO, Have you read the previous posts?! Why do these people always go to the assumption that we cannot afford it?

If I wanted I could buy a dozen pre-purchases right now!
There is a difference between being on a budget and paying an item’s worth.
You obviously do not understand what we who are complaining, are complaining about.
So if you do not understand what the complaint is, you cannot offer anything which is helpful.
It’s like a you walking up to a road traffic accident, seeing a person lying on the ground bleeding asking you to phone an ambulance, and then you asking them if they want some ice cream instead. Your help is unhelpful and completely meaningless in the current situation!
That is how some of the fanboys who are defending anet sound to me regarding this issue, you fail to grasp the reality of what is going on.

This expansion is not a full expansion based on content of other games.
And yes this is GW2 not WoW or whatever, but one expects a certain amount of content to justify the price. All those other games had enough content to justify their cost. HoT does not.
And no you cannot justify the price on potential future content.

When you buy a car you want a car, you dont want your dealership giving you your vehicle in installments over a course of several years!
“Hey guys I bought a new car!”
“Let’s go for a drive!”
“Cant, have to wait 6 months until they release the tyres. Then another couple of months for the steering wheel. And they said the brakes will be release soon™ after”
“Dude that’s totally not worth it!”
“What are you on about, I bought a brand new car!”
“But you cant drive it for like at least another 2 years!”
“But it’s still a new car!”
It sounds silly when you read it, but that is how you sound when you try to justify HoT.

If you like above, a person who’s going head over heels over a free character slot if you pre-purchase, fine, you are a very easily pleased individual, and dont even care about the fact that originally we werent even going to get it!

Complained about WvW before it became cool.
I used to be a PvE player like you, then I played Guild Wars 2

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

If you feel the expansion does not offer the amount of content that justifies the cost, then wait until the cost justifies the amount of content.

Or…just pass on the expansion. Easy peasy.

Good luck.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ashen.2907


If the listed price is too high for you, wait.

LMAO, Have you read the previous posts?! Why do these people always go to the assumption that we cannot afford it?

If I wanted I could buy a dozen pre-purchases right now!
There is a difference between being on a budget and paying an item’s worth.
You obviously do not understand what we who are complaining, are complaining about.
So if you do not understand what the complaint is, you cannot offer anything which is helpful.
It’s like a you walking up to a road traffic accident, seeing a person lying on the ground bleeding asking you to phone an ambulance, and then you asking them if they want some ice cream instead. Your help is unhelpful and completely meaningless in the current situation!
That is how some of the fanboys who are defending anet sound to me regarding this issue, you fail to grasp the reality of what is going on.

This expansion is not a full expansion based on content of other games.
And yes this is GW2 not WoW or whatever, but one expects a certain amount of content to justify the price. All those other games had enough content to justify their cost. HoT does not.
And no you cannot justify the price on potential future content.

When you buy a car you want a car, you dont want your dealership giving you your vehicle in installments over a course of several years!
“Hey guys I bought a new car!”
“Let’s go for a drive!”
“Cant, have to wait 6 months until they release the tyres. Then another couple of months for the steering wheel. And they said the brakes will be release soon™ after”
“Dude that’s totally not worth it!”
“What are you on about, I bought a brand new car!”
“But you cant drive it for like at least another 2 years!”
“But it’s still a new car!”
It sounds silly when you read it, but that is how you sound when you try to justify HoT.

If you like above, a person who’s going head over heels over a free character slot if you pre-purchase, fine, you are a very easily pleased individual, and dont even care about the fact that originally we werent even going to get it!

I said nothing about whether or not you, or anyone else, could afford the expansion. My apologies if that is what came across. My point is that some people claim the price is too high for what is included. This is a perfectly reasonable opinion for which there is an obvious course of action. Delay buying until the pricd comes down to what you consider a fair deal.

Personally I am not intending to buy it as I dont consider what has been announced to be worth buying at any price.

Nice strawmen there by the way.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Swagger.1459


That’s the price tag so either pay for it or don’t. There have been enough free updates to the game over the years so we all got our entertainment dollars worth many times over.

Some of you niggle over the silliest things honestly.

New Main- 80 Thief – P/P- Vault Spam Pro

221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SHM.7628


I’d gladly pay for an expansion, if it’s worth it.

I’ve never felt pampered by Anet, in fact quite the opposite; lied to, mislead, and punished for raising concerns!

I agree with that statement a lot.

We did as veteran get a lot.

As a veteran I will get jack all if I buy on or after the 23rd October. The free slot is only free if you pre-purchase! And that’s all we get, if we pre-purchase, we dont get anything else!!!
So if one thing is “alot” to you, then I dont know what to say to you.
Even if it was free after, it still doesnt justify the pricing.

The fact that this thread is still active, is that some of us are not satisfied by the free slot, which we only got after complaining, and will only receive if we pre-purchase.
It’s active because some of us who work hard for our money, arent about to spend it on a game where the devs have spent as little as time as possible on adding really badly made events, filled with bugs, and bad balance.

I aint gonna pay for a Ferrari and get a Prius!

Those of you who are happy with this simply do not know the value of money, most likely cos your parents are paying for it!

Honestly, I share a lot of your dissatisfaction with the game, which is why I won’t be buying the expansion. I see no reason for them not to give you 3 free character slots when you update an existing account.

I’m curious though, what remedy would satisfy you? Don’t waste your time by saying a free expansion because that is just farcical and will never happen.

(edited by SHM.7628)

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: TJgalon.5012



I have read so many replies and so many topics.

This is how it goes:

Core game = 50$ (3 Years back)
Core game = 25$ (1 Year back) (I bought it for 30€ = now its 30$)

Gem store = 1k gems = 10$ (I have bought over 15k of gems = 150$, and I am sure others have paid even more.)

(Sniped for space, sorry)

Closing statements to those who skipped —-—————————-
Anet needs to rethink their policy, and attitude to those who pay them, because they live on our money, and they need it to survive. Without a paying community they won’t release next expansion or game….

Hate to break it to you, but gem should not count at all. Gems are a donation as you need to buy exctally 0$ in gem to play the game. Any gems you bought was a donation with benefit as you felt the game creator deserve more money for their hard work for the game. At least that how I feel about gem and when people say the deserve treatment for buying them.

Also when I say as a vetern we got a lot, I mean three years of update for the core game. Even though I got the game back in Januray, i still get most of though benefits, and I got the ultimate package when put out. There already a lot coming with the expansion, and truthfully, after 3 years, they deserve to be paid for the work they put into the expansion and the stuff still to come, which will be free update as they always have. I am not sure of there are other MMo like this that do such a thing that not forcing it player to pay them each month.

(edited by TJgalon.5012)

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SHM.7628



I have read so many replies and so many topics.

This is how it goes:

Core game = 50$ (3 Years back)
Core game = 25$ (1 Year back) (I bought it for 30€ = now its 30$)

Gem store = 1k gems = 10$ (I have bought over 15k of gems = 150$, and I am sure others have paid even more.)

(Sniped for space, sorry)

Closing statements to those who skipped —-—————————-
Anet needs to rethink their policy, and attitude to those who pay them, because they live on our money, and they need it to survive. Without a paying community they won’t release next expansion or game….

Hate to break it to you, but gem should not count at all. Gems are a donation as you need to buy exctally 0$ in gem to play the game. Any gems you bought was a donation with benefit as you felt the game creator deserve more money for their hard work for the game. At least that how I feel about gem and when people say the deserve treatment for buying them.

Also when I say as a vetern we got a lot, I mean three years of update for the core game. Even though I got the game back in Januray, i still get most of though benefits, and I got the ultimate package when put out. There already a lot coming with the expansion, and truthfully, after 3 years, they deserve to be paid for the work they put into the expansion and the stuff still to come, which will be free update as they always have. I am not sure of there are other MMo like this that do such a thing that not forcing it player to pay them each month.

I strongly disagree with your assessment on gems. Everything should drop in game and little does. The donation paradigm you describe is one for F2P games.

I can already anticipate your reply. You can buy gems with gold and vice versa. True enough, but…………

1) the exchange rate is ridiculous.

2) Its Buy to win

3) It sucks all the fun out of the game (drops)

4) has no place in a B2P with paid expansions.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: TJgalon.5012


More or less my response is, nothing in the gem store is needed to play the game. They are toys and cosmetic. Some things make it easier, sure, but I yet to see a item in the store require me to buy to continue the game. I guess Living story 2 might be the only thing, but I am not sure how far I would count that.
Also I am not sure how to convert the price correctly for what you payed for it, but are you saying you did not get your money worth out of the game? I am not saying these are good reason to pick up the expansion if you feel it not, but it something to think about too.

(edited by TJgalon.5012)

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: SHM.7628


More or less my response is, nothing in the gem store is needed to play the game. They are toys and cosmetic. Some things make it easier, sure, but I yet to see a item in the store require me to buy to continue the game. I guess Living story 2 might be the only thing, but I am not sure how far I would count that.
Also I am not sure how to convert the price correctly for what you payed for it, but are you saying you did not get your money worth out of the game? I am not saying these are good reason to pick up the expansion if you feel it not, but it something to think about too.

What about gold? You need gold. Gems to gold = buy to win. Plus, cash for in game items and content doesn’t feel right to me.

I’ve had some fun, but 90% of the fun comes from drops. They shouldn’t come from a gem shop. Nor should they they force me into farming 0.01 percent of the map to get them. I managed to have some fun along the way, but the game has to stay fun. Why should the fun end?

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: TJgalon.5012


You do not need to farm to play too. So far to date only really a tiny part of fractals i believe, I yet to really devote my time to them so I can’t say for sure, only by other posts, need specific ascended gear and such. All my gold been earn by just playing the game, sure I farm now and then, but I did it as fun, and really yet to use my gold on anything important I guess. I bought extoic armor for my engi, which really only cost 50g ish?, which by the time I even needed it to play a little in dry top / siliverwaste, I had anyways. So far in the beta, I not really seen the need to need new gear, though there are hints Raids may require it, and that fine, It a wait and see, and I look forward to it. I am just glad to be here for the start of HoT, cause of not being here for the start of Gw2.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Gaaroth.2567


is this still discussed? geez

let it go guys. maybe anet’s timeing was a bit off, but the whole business model is incredibily fair and friendly to new people..dunno what is there to hate.

Tempest & Druid
Wat r u, casul?

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Halvaard.1034


Wow, still the same arguments, well I’ll admit I skimmed after my last posts.

Here’s some easy feedback:
I would totally buy HoT if I could buy it with Gems, because I could, in theory, save up gold, convert to gems and give myself a “discount”.
I’d probably end up buying 50% of the gems with cash, and trading gold for the rest.

This would work because it really doesn’t matter who buys the gems, gems are money Anet and NCsoft already have.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Linken.6345


Wow, still the same arguments, well I’ll admit I skimmed after my last posts.

Here’s some easy feedback:
I would totally buy HoT if I could buy it with Gems, because I could, in theory, save up gold, convert to gems and give myself a “discount”.
I’d probably end up buying 50% of the gems with cash, and trading gold for the rest.

This would work because it really doesn’t matter who buys the gems, gems are money Anet and NCsoft already have.

And you already answered yourself why that wont happen, its money they already have they want new money.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Viili.1205


My worries are that as I had to purchase HoT outside GW2 store, if there happens a some kind of a delay in my order and it will not arrive before the 23rd, will I miss out the additional character slot?
For me it sounds quite harsh for the veteran reward to be such a limited time offer when I myself know some other ‘veterans’ who can’t necessary purchase HoT before November.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


My worries are that as I had to purchase HoT outside GW2 store, if there happens a some kind of a delay in my order and it will not arrive before the 23rd, will I miss out the additional character slot?
For me it sounds quite harsh for the veteran reward to be such a limited time offer when I myself know some other ‘veterans’ who can’t necessary purchase HoT before November.


HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: minbariguy.7504


My worries are that as I had to purchase HoT outside GW2 store, if there happens a some kind of a delay in my order and it will not arrive before the 23rd, will I miss out the additional character slot?
For me it sounds quite harsh for the veteran reward to be such a limited time offer when I myself know some other ‘veterans’ who can’t necessary purchase HoT before November.

Yes, you will miss out on the character slot, because despite what they say, it is not a “veteran reward”. It is a “pre-purchaser” reward. Because frankly, if you’re not throwing money at your screen before HoT is released, they really couldn’t care less that you even exist, let alone that you’re a veteran.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Torolan.5816


Although I had a pretty good laugh at the car example and it also has some merit, it does not really fit the problem.

HoT(the car) is running. So you already have wheels, steering wheel etc etc. But you´re buying the basic model only while you really want the luxury car, with the seller assuring you that there will be more gadgets coming in the next time for your car and they will be free to you because of the buying contract for the luxury model you made. Depending on how long it takes and what kind of a person you are, this is either an argument for a sale or totally irrelevant for you(buy HoT or not) .

I have to admit that I felt that asking for a character slot was justified as it was good practice in GW1 too and would have won hearts instead of leading to a lot of angry people instead of emotionally worthless trinkets and titles. A title stating that you bought HoT earlier than others is totally worthless in my eyes and says the same like your telephone bill about you, aka how long you have lived in a certain place. Do you even tell your friends how long you live in your appartment or house? I certainly don´t.
I also thing it is bad practice and rude behaviour to treat your regular customers like second class people, but it is also a common business practice to give the best offers to new cutsomers in the hope to lure them to stay with you.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Amurond.4590


Anyone know if you purchase HoT and there is a currency exchange, whether the exchange rate is calculated based on when the payment actually comes out or when the purchase is first processed.

The AUD is looking a little better xD

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(edited by Amurond.4590)

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: FingerPistols.2876


Sloppy approach by Anet, I’m an early supporter who’s played GW2 casually (1 month game time over the course of 1.5-2 years).

No point in supporting Anet early in there games life cycle imo, may as well wait a few months till they discount it or give it away with the expansion following HOT.

I really hope this strategy of catering to the FTP community work’s when your trying to push those $50 expac’s because the last group of players that paid full price for there product are probably a little gun kittenhis time around.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Viili.1205


My worries are that as I had to purchase HoT outside GW2 store, if there happens a some kind of a delay in my order and it will not arrive before the 23rd, will I miss out the additional character slot?
For me it sounds quite harsh for the veteran reward to be such a limited time offer when I myself know some other ‘veterans’ who can’t necessary purchase HoT before November.

Yes, you will miss out on the character slot, because despite what they say, it is not a “veteran reward”. It is a “pre-purchaser” reward. Because frankly, if you’re not throwing money at your screen before HoT is released, they really couldn’t care less that you even exist, let alone that you’re a veteran.

That’s a shame – maybe I should wait and see if it arrives in time and if not, just ask my money back and wait for a better deal.

At least we got a really awesome outfit which doesn’t really fit any race for being there in the beginning.

(edited by Viili.1205)

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mortifer.2946


What the… 142 PAGES?! Are you crazy?? Get over it.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


Yes, you will miss out on the character slot, because despite what they say, it is not a “veteran reward”. It is a “pre-purchaser” reward.

To be accurate, it’s a veteran pre-purchaser reward.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: phys.7689


What the… 142 PAGES?! Are you crazy?? Get over it.

basically the thread shows that people dont love the price. People will argue bout it, and new people will remark they dont like it, because its an issue of interest.

This will change as less people consider returning to the game, the price goes down, or they have enough content to make people feel 50 is a good price.

at this point this thread is more useful for future pricing, and for anet considering sales or how fast they shift to a new price point.

In my opinion, anet will end up losing money, because many lost interest, or will buy from another retailer at a discount. (which loses them A LOT of money, not just the sale price difference) for their own best interest, hope they handle it better in the future

unless they have a means of controlling the price other retailers sell the game for.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: FinalPatriot.8034


I think if Anet would have come out with a much more detailed overview of all the content including examples of the new armor/weapons available, character hairstyles/customization, etc., there would be much more interests. When I think of other games I’ve played in the past, they kept the story content secret but weeks before release there was TONS of information about what new content was available.

Laura Seranus – Mesmer –
“Shatter Me!”
“I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.”

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Labjax.2465


The point of the OP is:

Why do original players have to pay $50 TWICE to get what new players will get come expansion??

It IS an issue!

Original Players: $50 for GW2 + $50 for Xpac
New Players: $50 for Xpac/ INCLUDES Original Core Game

Not fair at all to those who bough the game originally.
A Free character Slot is NOT worth the extra $50 at all.

They don’t though? I’m pretty sure it’s been said that putting the core game in with the xpac is, in terms of “price,” a gift to new players. As in, they are selling the xpac to everyone for $50 base pre-order price. If you are totally new, you get the base game wrapped up inside with HoT.

In a sense, yes, it comes out to overall less money to spend for the new player than the guy who bought GW2 at full retail price on release and is now buying HoT pre-order. But the new player doesn’t get any of the stuff that existing players have already received by being around for a while, such as Living Story (the new player can buy access to LS, afaik, but they don’t get it for free).

So basically, new player gets core game for free, but doesn’t get all of the content that happened while the core game was released (not for free anyway). In the end, the new player might be saving some money, but if you factor in content, the vets are still far ahead on having reaped the benefits of being around.

It’s a fine distinction. Mostly psychological.

Or words to that effect.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: minbariguy.7504


So…we know that there will be no character slot included in the core edition of HoT upon release. Understood. But what about the free core GW2 game? Do new players still get the free core game with the purchase of HoT after release?

If not, how do new players acquire the core game after release? How much does it cost?

If so, how are veterans being treated equally with a scheme in which new players get their bonus regardless of when they purchase HoT, while veterans only get their bonus if they pre-purchase (and won’t get anything once HoT actually releases)?

Seems like a double standard, unless I have misunderstood how this works.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


So…we know that there will be no character slot included in the core edition of HoT upon release. Understood. But what about the free core GW2 game? Do new players still get the free core game with the purchase of HoT after release?

If not, how do new players acquire the core game after release? How much does it cost?

If so, how are veterans being treated equally with a scheme in which new players get their bonus regardless of when they purchase HoT, while veterans only get their bonus if they pre-purchase (and won’t get anything once HoT actually releases)?

Seems like a double standard, unless I have misunderstood how this works.

You misunderstood how this works.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: minbariguy.7504


So…we know that there will be no character slot included in the core edition of HoT upon release. Understood. But what about the free core GW2 game? Do new players still get the free core game with the purchase of HoT after release?

If not, how do new players acquire the core game after release? How much does it cost?

If so, how are veterans being treated equally with a scheme in which new players get their bonus regardless of when they purchase HoT, while veterans only get their bonus if they pre-purchase (and won’t get anything once HoT actually releases)?

Seems like a double standard, unless I have misunderstood how this works.

You misunderstood how this works.

Why, thank you kindly. Care to explain?

ETA: And by “explain”, I mean answer the questions of whether or not new customers still receive the core GW2 game when purchasing HoT after release, and if not, how much the core game costs them.

(edited by minbariguy.7504)

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DoctorDing.5890


There are some very strange views on the world in this thread. Like most things related to technology, video games depreciate.
You always pay a premium for being there on day one. I paid full price for the original Guild Wars (1) and for each expansion as it launched Later on I bought the whole lot again in one box for less than a third of the price. The price you pay for the expansion pays for future developments as well as the current development. They need to keep the business in business. And it’s not like they hit you with an expansion every 6 months…

If you don’t think the current price is worth it, buy it in a few months time when it will be cheaper. Or wait until the next expansion and get even “better value”. You pays yer money and you makes yer choice.

And, yes, new players