Pre-Purchase Community Address
yes so basically if i buy hard copy but no pre-purchase i get kitten no slot nothing ?
From what I gather, if you add an expansion code to your game BEFORE it launches then you will receive a character slot. That is only hear say because some of the details are kind of grey. An official answer to some of the questions would be nice, like when does pre-purchase end, if the code is attached before the expansion launches will we receive the character slot ?
yes so basically if i buy hard copy but no pre-purchase i get kitten no slot nothing ?
From what I gather, if you add an expansion code to your game BEFORE it launches then you will receive a character slot. That is only hear say because some of the details are kind of grey. An official answer to some of the questions would be nice, like when does pre-purchase end, if the code is attached before the expansion launches will we receive the character slot ?
Where is the information? Is there any info at all on what will be included at launch?
I want an expansion and a free character slot as well.
But instead we’re getting a feature pack dressed up in marketing BS to make you think it’s an expansion, and the character slot if only free if you order now!
OK no I dont want an expansion, I want WvW content updates which are more than once every 3 years! (Remember ye olde white knights I said content, not QoL)
are you seriously asking for a literally “free” character slot? The new character slot bonus in the prepurchase is now in favor for veterans that don’t want to delete a existing character on their account for the new class.
And what if I am a veteran who doesnt buy it until after launch for one reason or another?
Oh wait there goes the so called favour!
Did you read the part about hear say ? It is not an official answer, it is an answer that some of the players are assuming.
Oh if that’s how bullying looks like then i pray for the safety of all bullies of the world.
A-net got big flaming “We vets are not happy, we should get character slot baseline in every HoT version”
A-net responded – “If you’re a vet pre-purchasing gets you free slot”.
Result: poor bullied a-net gets more sales and money for giving up on a small good if we pre-purchase, while basic developer ethics would dictate that thing be free baseline, no conditions save “buy HoT”.
Look ArenaNet, I get that you’re in damage control mode and it was a very tactical move. Yet, you’ve still not done the right thing and made the character slot available for any preexisting account. Instead, you do the wrong thing and make it a prepurchase bonus. That’s not a veteran reward and I’m not prepurchasing because of this.
I really hope you guys can learn to listen before making some decisions. Your history says otherwise.
Anet runs a business not a charity.
are you seriously asking for a literally “free” character slot? The new character slot bonus in the prepurchase is now in favor for veterans that don’t want to delete a existing character on their account for the new class.
And what if I am a veteran who doesnt buy it until after launch for one reason or another?
Oh wait there goes the so called favour!
Yes, the favor to veterans who pre-purchase will be gone after the time you can pre-purchase. How about that.
@ZeftheWicked: The important part of that was the “big flaming.” If the majority of that was a civil “I’d buy this if it came with a char slot, but as is, it’s not worth the money,” then great. Maybe it’s just because crazy people are more often heard, but it seemed like a good many “angry vets” were demanding a char slot as some sort of birthright.
As for profit, maybe the char slot will be a good move. Would depend on how many would buy either way, facts we don’t know. However, a company that always has players making angry demands at it is not going to attract as many new players as a company whose customers are very happy with it.
I don’t feel misled, i payed for the Physical C.E at launch and have gotten my moneys worth.
Having a tapeworm also doesn’t hurt.
What one has to do with the other?
GW2 pre-purchase affair apart: you may not feel misled, but the facts will state otherwise.
Which facts?
Please read again what I wrote (mainly, the “apart from the case of GW2HoT pre-purchase affair”). You’ll find your facts there.
You know, if you’re not happy with this, fine. Don’t buy it. But if you’re gonna raise a fuss about corporate greed, schemes, and misconduct, I’m sure you could find companies out there screwing over 3rd world countries, lobbying corrupt officials in any country, polluting at the disaster level, profiting off of slave labor, profiting off of war, and any other litany of bad corporate behavior.
The point I’m trying to make is this… No one is impressed that you are going after Arenanet. Hyperbolic statements about stuff you think they did to spite you makes you sound crazy. Spoiler alert: Conspiracy theorists don’t “know too much”, and nobody is after them. It’s just a thrilling self-esteem boost for some people to think they have really ticked off a large entity and have made a powerful enemy.
In the future, please read and re-read carefully so “misunderstandings” don’t happen on your end. If something raises a red flag, ask a question before you go on a witch hunt. Try to first reason things out like an adult assuming the other party is a decent human being.
I’m deeply sorry for coming off harsh, but new players are joining often now. They are watching how we act as a community, and we have a reputation as a great community. I hope we can leave this behind and learn from it.
I seriously don’t. I’ve been reading through the text for thousands of times and even sent it to my friends and they don’t get it as well…
How does it work? Do we need to pre-purchase HoT and THEN they will refund us? Or do we need to sign-up for the refund somewhere? And if we buy the pre-purchased product, and they refund the main game, where do the money go?
The point I’m trying to make is this… No one is impressed that you are going after Arenanet. Hyperbolic statements about stuff you think they did to spite you makes you sound crazy. Spoiler alert: Conspiracy theorists don’t “know too much”, and nobody is after them. It’s just a thrilling self-esteem boost for some people to think they have really ticked off a large entity and have made a powerful enemy.
Oh, it’s not that our “conspiracy” friends don’t know much. They simply know so much that just ain’t so. Great post btw.
Thank you. I believe this should have been the original offer and anet would have avoided all this mess. At this point, I will pre-purchase as well.
Eventually, Anet will have to reduce the price to -20 dollars (PAY to VETERAN PLAYERS ONLY) + character slots + some amount of gems + some bank tab/crafting bank/character bag slots + a separate copy of CORE, then charge new players 100 dollars for Core, and 50 for HoT.
Then this will stop, I deleted my wall text earlier because I know someone will get bottom-hurt and start name calling. Thank you all for complaining and keep it going, because I really want more free stuff that I didn’t ask for.. but hey, free is good
No, I’m pretty sure most people would be happy if they just dropped the price to 20 dollars for people who own the game already. They don’t even need to give a character slot imo. And keep the 50 dollars bundle for newcomers.
They’re just talking bullkitten in the community address. They’re saying HoT isn’t stand-alone, not like the campaigns of the previous game (Prophecies/Factions/Nightfall) were. It’s like Eye of the North, which they called an expansion. Well guess what, those campaigns cost the same each time, which was about 40ish (?) at launch, because they were stand-alone. Eye of the North however, was way less, 20 dollars, just because you already needed one of the previous campaigns before you could play this one. There were packs out there in which you could a campaign + EotN. Those cost more, because it included ‘base’ + ‘expansion’.
50 dollars for a half of the maguuma jungle and some extra story quests is not worth the price of a full game at all. Going to compare to EotN again… We got a whole bunch of extra maps, 18 dungeons, heaps of skills, extra heroes,… for 20 dollars.
No.. I’m pretty sure if Anet PAYS players to keep playing HoT would be the best solution. *(this is sarcasm)
EOTN was 40 dollars (iirc, its been quite the while, i am not entirely convinced that its 20 bucks). If you wait a year or two, while most people have finished the game got all the items and dlc (questionable but it should have some), you can probably buy the game for 20 dollars or less. Up to you man.
I use to buy 5 oranges for 1 dollar… why am I paying 1 dollar for 2 now a days
lets not compare the 4.25 minimum wage of the 90s to today’s 8.75 dollars.
Why can’t I buy a bmw m3 anymore for $37,000.00… its possible in the 90s?
I am just suggesting a few ideas why its not 20 dollars, but its just what I think…I’d say 40 is a very good price for the expansion alone with NOTHING extra added on, again my opinion. They are asking $50.
40 dollars of 2007 is pretty close to the 50 of 2015… I am not saying its perfectly fine.. but its not catastrophic either.
Just checked my boxed edition (I still have it, was about to throw the boxes out) and it was a pre-order, so I had it the second it was launched. I paid 20 euros (rounded up). 40ish was the price of the campaigns. Game prices, at least for pc, haven’t gone up that much, at least not in stores, online they did, 40 then seems like 50 now. But 20 then seems like 25 now to me.
Also, with what little content they seem to have shown us, I wouldn’t be surprised if most people finish it in 2 months, slacking. Except the real high-end stuff which most of the casual players won’t reach.
You purchase HoT, it has a core copy that comes with your purchase. If you have previously purchased the GW2 core game (not HoT) within the time frame given and you would like a refund you can contact support to get a refund.
Because HoT comes with the core game they are compensating all those who bought the Core game under the impression that you needed it to get the expansion, before Pre-purchase was announced.
All incoming changes are INCLUDED in this STUPID update !!!!
Why should I to pay for the expansion ?? All you BIG changes are icluded in today update ?
Bye Bye GW2
It’s simple really. They want sales, and these get achieved by not making players hate them from the very start.
Ah nvm, I did forget A-net stated before that you must own core game to use x-pac, which was ninja changed. That explains why. Still…
…from business point having a person pay 110$ in short succession is simply asking them to get kittened and not buy HoT, just stay with core game (if they’re lucky) or walk away livid and not return. Not a very good business. Refund ensures them much better relations with new players and keeping them around – good business!
I am not certain how the refund is applied. They say, if you prepurchase, it is ‘automatically’ applied. That may mean a lower price on checkout for the prepurchase, or they may refund it to your card/account that bought the game initially. If you wish to get rid of the game entirely, you can contact support, and they will help you shut down your account and get a refund.
If you do prepurchase and do not see the refund, then I would contact support for clarification.
Maybe I missed it, but does anyone know how long I have to decide to purchase. It a bit expensive to do all at once atm, and I was just wondering. I know on the website for refunds (not applied to me i know) they say that there a cutoff on July31, so does that means for all purchase?
Still a bad deal. I got the game after January 23rd, made 3 level 80s and they want me to delete one of my other alts so I can play a reverent? No thanks. terrible business.
Even a white knight should admit the time I spent to make those toons had value.
Maybe I missed it, but does anyone know how long I have to decide to purchase. It a bit expensive to do all at once atm, and I was just wondering. I know on the website for refunds (not applied to me i know) they say that there a cutoff on July31, so does that means for all purchase?
This is a good question. The right thing to do would be to refund all gem/game purchases because I bought from the gem store in good faith.
On the Facebook announcement of this ludicrous “compromise”, the positive comments received an official GW2 reply (usually along the line of “see, we care, we listen”).
Dissenting or critical comments received silence from GW2 – and then the fanboys descending on the person commenting.
Very telling of the level of customer service.
Lili BirchFlower, Adjutant, Royal Black Watch
I bought the game in February, I have all my char slots filled and have 3 level 80s. I supported Anet via the gem store. If I read the blog correctly, I don’t get a character slot with kitten stand alone game?
I still have no incentive to not make an alt account, or am I missing something? The problem is I am newer than what Anet considers a veteran player, but I am within the “refund” time. However, I have already put time into my toons.
As it stands it appears that my options are basically.
1. Pay an added fee for the privilege to use content I pay for in HoT
2. Delete my account and lose the time I spent making my level 80s for a refund
3. Wait till G2A sale for HoT
4. Abandon GW2
Why not just give GW2 owners a character slot? Is it so hard to give a character slot to an expansion that boasts about having a class as a primary feature?
You purchase HoT, it has a core copy that comes with your purchase. If you have previously purchased the GW2 core game (not HoT) within the time frame given and you would like a refund you can contact support to get a refund.
Because HoT comes with the core game they are compensating all those who bought the Core game under the impression that you needed it to get the expansion, before Pre-purchase was announced.
Yeah but that makes no sense, why would they go through all that trouble just to give you the effin HoT expansion? Why not just give the new players a 10$ discount and remove the pre-purchase bonuses? (since the core game was 40$ and the expansion is 50$)…
I bought the game in February, I have all my char slots filled and have 3 level 80s. I supported Anet via the gem store. If I read the blog correctly, I don’t get a character slot with kitten stand alone game?
I still have no incentive to not make an alt account, or am I missing something? The problem is I am newer than what Anet considers a veteran player, but I am within the “refund” time. However, I have already put time into my toons.
As it stands it appears that my options are basically.
1. Pay an added fee for the privilege to use content I pay for in HoT
2. Delete my account and lose the time I spent making my level 80s for a refund
3. Wait till G2A sale for HoT
4. Abandon GW2Why not just give GW2 owners a character slot? Is it so hard to give a character slot to an expansion that boasts about having a class as a primary feature? I’m kinda tired of how complicated they are making this whole thing. Its like im looking for a shred of decency but I just can’t find it. Upon hearing they added a character slot I was actually thinking about getting some other gem store stuff but I can not support greasy behavior.
I bought the game in February, I have all my char slots filled and have 3 level 80s. I supported Anet via the gem store. If I read the blog correctly, I don’t get a character slot with kitten stand alone game?
I still have no incentive to not make an alt account, or am I missing something? The problem is I am newer than what Anet considers a veteran player, but I am within the “refund” time. However, I have already put time into my toons.
As it stands it appears that my options are basically.
1. Pay an added fee for the privilege to use content I pay for in HoT
2. Delete my account and lose the time I spent making my level 80s for a refund
3. Wait till G2A sale for HoT
4. Abandon GW2Why not just give GW2 owners a character slot? Is it so hard to give a character slot to an expansion that boasts about having a class as a primary feature?
“If you take advantage of this refund and pre-purchase Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns, all of your current account progress will be kept intact. "
Directly from the blog post.
So… you can get your refund for the base game (if u bought it from the website, anyway). Then pre-purchase HoT, which will give you the base game back, and access to the expansion without losing any of your current progress. Then you can take the money from your refund and buy that character slot if you would like to make a rev.
(edited by LanfearShadowflame.3189)
My understanding is,
And please don’t quote me or make decisions based on this information,
That you can get your refund to disable your game account, it won’t be banned or anything, then prepurchase HoT to get access to the core game and re-enable your account. So you shouldn’t lose your progress by getting a refund.
If I find the post I read that outlined this information, I will link it here.
EDIT: Apparently it was the blog post and I was beaten to the information.
Still a bad deal. I got the game after January 23rd, made 3 level 80s and they want me to delete one of my other alts so I can play a reverent? No thanks. terrible business.
Even a white knight should admit the time I spent to make those toons had value.
See everyone that said 50$ is too much ignored the 3 years they played the game, but now that playing the game suddenly gives value it is brought up as an argument against ANet.
People please learn to read, it’s not that difficult.
People please learn to read, it’s not that difficult.
Assuming the post you’re reading is in a language you understand…..
Though, the spirit of your post remains true.
Maybe I missed it, but does anyone know how long I have to decide to purchase. It a bit expensive to do all at once atm, and I was just wondering. I know on the website for refunds (not applied to me i know) they say that there a cutoff on July31, so does that means for all purchase?
This is a good question. The right thing to do would be to refund all gem/game purchases because I bought from the gem store in good faith.
I just meant I am looking at the 100$ one, but atm i do not have the cash, i can save up for a few weeks, maybe by next month this time i will have it, and I do not want to loose my chance at all the stuff, so I just wondering i there been an offical cut off date for pre purseing and such.
1. Pay an added fee for the privilege to use content I pay for in HoT
2. Delete my account and lose the time I spent making my level 80s for a refund
3. Wait till G2A sale for HoT
4. Abandon GW2
1. Yes. Gather enough gold and buy the gems. It was your decision to fill your slots with characters even though you knew a new profession is coming.
2. I suppose you meant that you can refund the core game and get the expansion, in which case you do not lose any progress with the refund option.
3. Yes. This is pre-purchase after all. You are going to lose only the demo events if you do not pre-purchase.
4. Yes
Still waiting on standalone HoT without base game and character slot, those 2 aren’t needed for me and would save me because I have a lot of bills.
But the cost is the same, it cost 50$ for the expansion as it stands right now, though things you mention are bonus into it.
Yep still not paying 50$ for this “expansion”.. It’s not worth the money, show me a full game and I’ll pay you 50$, until then I’ll stop playing gw2 until the “expansion” is a fair 20-30.
Pointless bonus having an extra core game as a person who had the game since beta
Before I would have had to buy an extra character slot along with the expansion which just felt like a kick in the unmentionables… With the character slot the expansion costs only 35e/40$, think that’s fair.
Seeing I just bought a bunch of games on steam for a few bucks, I don’t mind new players getting a good deal, as long as veterans also get something for their ongoing support.
Naw the expansion still costs 50$. They just added a char slot which every single game including gw1 gives for free when they add a new character. Yep still feeling ripped off here.
well your bonus for owning the core game is a character slot, and who knows how many months / hour of free playing.
So we only get the extra character slot if we pre-order? Seriously? So… I can’t wait till it comes out and find out if it’s worth the money?
It’s funny because I remember a U.S. Congresswomen saying that "But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what’s in it….”
I guess we have to buy the game to find out what’s in it too…
are you seriously asking for a literally “free” character slot? The new character slot bonus in the prepurchase is now in favor for veterans that don’t want to delete a existing character on their account for the new class.
Yes, show me a game that released a new class and didn’t give you a slot to use it if you paid for the class (expansion)…
Good thing for Twitch, I’ll watch people playing to see if I would just slap down the full price by telling my friend to buy it for me and then I owe him later in increments
You already know a lot of whats in it, plus there will be many more updates to come, and free to play still. If you feel it unfair, then wait, you do not need HOT, to contiune to play the part you already have, hot only needed to enjoy the new story, you get like 50% of the update for free today too, with all these changes that are part of the HOT expansion to boot.
Can I still play GW2 as it is now without buying the expansion pack?
Or will it be required?
Can I still play GW2 as it is now without buying the expansion pack?
Or will it be required?
The core game is still there, you just wont have access to the new areas and thier stories, and what ever else there i am not currently aware of.
So we only get the extra character slot if we pre-order? Seriously? So… I can’t wait till it comes out and find out if it’s worth the money?
It’s funny because I remember a U.S. Congresswomen saying that "But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what’s in it….”
I guess we have to buy the game to find out what’s in it too…
in fact, is not every game like that, you don’t know what in it, till you play it, and i bet there are worst way to spend 50$ then supporting a game you play for who knows how long?
playing a game after you’ve bought the right to play it doesn’t count as “free.” You paid for it. It doesn’t matter how long you play it. If it did, they should just specify…. for example, $50 = x amount of play time.
I got Ultimate Edition so 2 extra slots.
I got 2 slots 1 is normal 1 is beta, does the beta one change to the 2nd slot?
Per the blog post, we won’t get the second slot right away. They have some programmatical stuffs they have to do on their end to set that up. We’ll get an update as to when to expect it.
It cost money to keep this game running. It played on servers, that cost money. you pay a one time fee, and still playing. Sometimes some player donate to them and earn gems, other do not, and now a new expansion is out, which took, who knows how long to makle, employee, and all that, and they set a price. Fair enough, 50$ is a lot, but dont buy it then if you feel the price is unfair. You can still contune to plkay everything else you have normally.
Just saw the announcement vis-a-vis clarifications on stuff. Now I bought GW2 on Jan. 25, 2016, and this week already purchased Ultimate edition of the expansion. I’m happy with either the refund of the original purchase of the core game OR a new character slot.
Given that I’d already bought Ultimate, I clearly didn’t expect any consideration necessary, so it’s all whipped cream on top of my ice cream.
Thanks to all you GW2 staff.
The Winnower