There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419
legendary armor is superior to ascended,and the gear treadmill has started.anet lied and did infact invalidate all our hard worked for gear.
Legendary armor offers no stat increases over Ascended. That is what would denote a “superiority.” It does have a fringe benefit which you apparently value highly. However, Anet was referring to its stats, not the fact that it has a marginally useful prefix switch. They’re not lying, you’re taking them out of context.
I don’t really understand the issue tbh. Fractals is made casual friendly and 90% of the content is still relaxed open world. The only thing that isn’t casual atm is a single raid instance. A SINGLE instance, is it really worth crying about so much? 0_o
If you think this is about a single feature (raid) you will probably never understand the issues at all.
As for crying: Come on please – This is a game/entertainment… It may raise a brow/cause a smile here and there but tears? Most (grownups) reserve those kind of feelings for actual RL issues.
Crying, whining, QQing… You know what I meant. But really, the only hardcore thing in the game is a raid right now. WvW can be played quite casually on EB, sPvP has hotjoin and unranked (far from perfect but it is what it is) and PvE last time I checked was mostly open world no? Even fractals you don’t need to play over lvl40. Higher levels have kitten rewards anyway.
So really, where’s this hardcore stuff everyone has an issue with? I’d for sure would like to find it because there’s nothing challenging going on at all for me atm.
This thread will never get anywhere because “casual” means whatever one wants it to mean.
legendary armor is superior to ascended,and the gear treadmill has started.anet lied and did infact invalidate all our hard worked for gear.
Legendary armor offers no stat increases over Ascended. That is what would denote a “superiority.” It does have a fringe benefit which you apparently value highly. However, Anet was referring to its stats, not the fact that it has a marginally useful prefix switch. They’re not lying, you’re taking them out of context.
The level of upgrade is irrelevant, the upgrade is there, so the armor is superior. You could argue that an upgrade is not a new tier by itself, and you would be right with it. But that still would not take away the fact that legendary armor is superior to ascended. If that update is in performance or just in versatility is of no consequence for the superiority.
To take something from RL, ask a tank commander what he would rather have:
A sturdy battle tank that can fire its gun and drive around(ascended). It fires standard shells(runes).
A sturdy battle tank that can fire its gun and equip another caliber instantly when he is not in immediate frontline action(legendary). The only setback here is that your shells are still standard and you have to load special shells for maximum performance (rune swap)
As stated by the developers, the Raids are not for everyone and that they expect only a small percentage of players to complete it.
Like, 99% of the game is extremely casual friendly. WvW, Fractals, open world PvE, dungeons… before that kittened gold nerf. Even in PvP everyone can participate.
What is this obsession that if you cant finish the raid, then the whole concept must change. The raids are not that hard in the first place.
And as far as ascended gear goes, the main path to ascended rings has always been fractals, to amulets laurels and to trinkets guild missions. The drops from raids are just nice bonus really…
Harder PvE content was something GW2 was lacking since its release , and even it became farmable after 2-3 weeks.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419
legendary armor is superior to ascended,and the gear treadmill has started.anet lied and did infact invalidate all our hard worked for gear.
Legendary armor offers no stat increases over Ascended. That is what would denote a “superiority.” It does have a fringe benefit which you apparently value highly. However, Anet was referring to its stats, not the fact that it has a marginally useful prefix switch. They’re not lying, you’re taking them out of context.
The level of upgrade is irrelevant, the upgrade is there, so the armor is superior. You could argue that an upgrade is not a new tier by itself, and you would be right with it. But that still would not take away the fact that legendary armor is superior to ascended. If that update is in performance or just in versatility is of no consequence for the superiority.
To take something from RL, ask a tank commander what he would rather have:
A sturdy battle tank that can fire its gun and drive around(ascended). It fires standard shells(runes).
A sturdy battle tank that can fire its gun and equip another caliber instantly when he is not in immediate frontline action(legendary). The only setback here is that your shells are still standard and you have to load special shells for maximum performance (rune swap)
I responded to a poster who accused Anet of lying about this issue, when they obviously did not. Whether different individuals believe legendary is superior due to stat change is not relevant to that discussion. It’s not what ANet was talking about. They were talking about “no stat increases.”
If you’ll remember the initial HoT announcement, the "no new gear tier to invalidate " statement was uttered right after the "no level cap increase’ statement. Higher levels would mean higher level gear, with better stats. So would a new gear tier. It boggles the mind to think that someone can hear those statements and not think Anet was talking about “no higher stats.”
There was no promise not to carry through with Legendary Armor, which they had been planning and talking about for years. In fact, later in that same announcement, while talking about raids, they said “the rewards will be legendary.” They knew at the time these rewards would be Legendary Armor and saw no conflict between the two statements. That’s because a gear tier has always meant better stats in their minds.
I cannot stop anyone from believing that Legendary is superior to Asc. because of the stat change. I can’t stop them from believing whatever they want about ANet. However, I can call them on making accusations based on taking the Anet statement out of context.
If legendary is not superior to ascended then why do we put so much time and resources into getting it? It makes no difference why legendary is superior to ascended,what matters is that it is.Ascended armour will now be nothing but a stepping stone on the way to legendary armour.Yes this game was once casual friendly with little grind.I would hate to be just starting out in this game get to lvl 80 to find you got 65 mill xp to grind out for mastery. and the small fortune for ascended just gets you a ticket on the gear treadmill for legendary.This game will grind itself out of existences.and thats a shame cos a lot of people loved what it used to stand for.
(edited by eldrin.6471)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: vesica tempestas.1563
raids are a single feature that represents less than 1% of the content available to all in the game.
If legendary is not superior to ascended then why do we put so much time and resources into getting it? It makes no difference why legendary is superior to ascended,what matters is that it is.Ascended armour will now be nothing but a stepping stone on the way to legendary armour.Yes this game was once casual friendly with little grind.I would hate to be just starting out in this game get to lvl 80 to find you got 65 mill xp to grind out for mastery. and the small fortune for ascended just gets you a ticket on the gear treadmill for legendary.This game will grind itself out of existences.and thats a shame cos a lot of people loved what it used to stand for.
This isn’t true. Legendary armor won’t be a stepping stone for most people. This is because most people won’t even attempt to get it. In most games you need BIS gear to play certain content. That’s just not true here.
It’s not the same situation and it’s not a problem…unless you make it one yourself.
raids are a single feature that represents less than 1% of the content available to all in the game.
Yes raids are a single feature,but they made the choice to add the best gear to it there buy locking most players out from obtaining it.of coarse the players who are able do raids think thats a great idea.The topic of this thread is about a once casual friendly game being turned into an elitist grind fest that locks long term supporters/customers out of content.
Well I was waiting for HoT to be cheaper, but Santa kindly brought it to me, so I wandered into Maguuma’s Breach this morning. Having equipped the Druid Staff and had a little go with the new skills along the way, I was feeling quite excited.
Then I entered..
Which of the many new tasks suddenly facing me was I to have a go at first? Being daunted by the discovery that I would need to acquire many more ‘points’ of some kind or other, along with new items seemingly designed to fill up my inventory even more, I decided to do my favourite thing: explore.
This was not enjoyable.
I’m currently lying dead wondering why no-one has rezzed me – people can fly here right? I’m hoping some kind soul will revive me, as I’m near a WP and don’t fancy running all the way back through the nasty critters/red circles and ‘lava’? all over the place… I guess I’ll pick myself up, dust myself down, and try again when I’ve posted this..
Being a ‘casual’, mostly solitary player, I feel that the game’s moving further away from me.. I did just about everything in GW and a fair amount in GW2 (no Ascended/Legendary gear, few dungeons, as they’re too ‘cramped’ and chaotic for my liking (I miss being able to grab my heroes and do them alone ): a fair few JPs) but I fear my time is running out
I don’t like grind, and I won’t be forced to do content that I don’t enjoy. I’ll have a go at it, and perhaps try it again later to see if it feels different, but I’m only going to do something repeatedly if it’s fun or rewarding in some way personally to me e.g. I didn’t ‘farm’ generally in GW, but I enjoyed ‘sin solo green farming, so did that for a while; I didn’t chase titles, but once I’d got a few under my belt by playing my own way, I thought ‘why the heck not?’. Of course I ended up doing a couple that weren’t very exciting – though I drew the line at getting all elites on one character.. What the……? Can’t think of too much use for Searing Flames on my Ranger for example .. :o
I don’t mind stuff like Winter’s Presence, because it’s just a fancy extra that we can choose or not: I chose not, but there do seem to be more things I feel pressured to do, and I think HoT increases this greatly.
On a plus note: there do seem to be more helpful, friendly players in GW2.. even in the pvp-type areas of the game
Sheesh, this has grown longer than I meant..
P.S.: Casual to me is when you play a couple of hours here and there, or maybe more on the weekend, when you can find time around work/school/family/life, and when, as someone else said, you play at your own (steady in my case) pace.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419
If legendary is not superior to ascended then why do we put so much time and resources into getting it?
If by “we” you mean “you,” only you can answer that question. Presumably, this is because you value it either for the look, because of the stat change, or both. That does not mean that Anet lied.
It makes no difference why legendary is superior to ascended,what matters is that it is.Ascended armour will now be nothing but a stepping stone on the way to legendary armour.
Since we’re discussing a particular ANet statement, this is not relevant. Asc. armor has not been made irrelevant. I don’t see people abandoning their Asc. armor in droves over this. Even if they do, Anet did not promise people would not want L. Armor, only that there would be no new stat tier. L. armor does not represent a stat increase and is not a new tier. L. was around before Asc.
Yes this game was once casual friendly with little grind.
The Legendary “grind” has been with the game since launch. So have plenty of other grinds — all of which are optional.
I would hate to be just starting out in this game get to lvl 80 to find you got 65 mill xp to grind out for mastery. and the small fortune for ascended just gets you a ticket on the gear treadmill for legendary.
While HoT certainly does offer long-term goals, it does so because an apparently significant subset of the player-base asked for such.
This game will grind itself out of existences.and thats a shame cos a lot of people loved what it used to stand for.
See italics.
I’m sorry that you’re choosing to want things in a shorter time frame than the game offers them, and/or to want things that are currently locked behind content you feel you have no access to. I’ve said before that I think HoT offers too little for certain demographics, and I still believe that. However, that does not mean that Anet lied about gear tiers, it just means the development pendulum swung a certain way. It’s likely to change course again going forward if this move does not pan out as well as it might have.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BaconofPigs.1683
Uh, then you are not ready for the expansion then.
In an hour I (and pretty much all of my guildies across two guilds) can
1. Complete 9 fractal for all fractal dailies
2. Or Complete Vale Guardian + Gorseval or Gorseval + Sabetha, some group can finish all 3 within the hour.
3. Or max out two tier 1 mastery tracks or a tier 2 mastery track
4. Or do two Vine wraths and subsequent events
5. Or do Tequatl
6. Or Finish a 1/4 of HoT storyline
7. the list goes on etc..Maybe if you play casually then you shouldn’t expect to do what non-casuals can accomplish. It doesn’t matter which game, it doesn’t matter which meta. It’s the the game’s problem, looks like it’s personal problem on how to effectively handle time. Just don’t expect the game to hand you everything.
Do you realize that NOTHING you mentioned has anything to do with the topic I was addressing? We’re talking about HoT masteries, and I was specifically saying you couldn’t get through half of the first HoT mastery in an hour, and you need that mastery in order to continue. Now, I may be wrong in my numbers, but it seems roughly correct.
You should try to have at least a passing understanding of the topic before replying.
Maybe the person who need to have at least a passing understanding of the topic before replying is you. Or should I spell it out for you?
In an hour I (and pretty much all of my guildies across two guilds) can
3. Or max out two tier 1 mastery tracks or a tier 2 mastery track
And you’re welcome.
If legendary is not superior to ascended then why do we put so much time and resources into getting it?
If by “we” you mean “you,” only you can answer that question. Presumably, this is because you value it either for the look, because of the stat change, or both. That does not mean that Anet lied.
It makes no difference why legendary is superior to ascended,what matters is that it is.Ascended armour will now be nothing but a stepping stone on the way to legendary armour.
Since we’re discussing a particular ANet statement, this is not relevant. Asc. armor has not been made irrelevant. I don’t see people abandoning their Asc. armor in droves over this. Even if they do, Anet did not promise people would not want L. Armor, only that there would be no new stat tier. L. armor does not represent a stat increase and is not a new tier. L. was around before Asc.
Yes this game was once casual friendly with little grind.
The Legendary “grind” has been with the game since launch. So have plenty of other grinds — all of which are optional.
I would hate to be just starting out in this game get to lvl 80 to find you got 65 mill xp to grind out for mastery. and the small fortune for ascended just gets you a ticket on the gear treadmill for legendary.
While HoT certainly does offer long-term goals, it does so because an apparently significant subset of the player-base asked for such.
This game will grind itself out of existences.and thats a shame cos a lot of people loved what it used to stand for.
See italics.
I’m sorry that you’re choosing to want things in a shorter time frame than the game offers them, and/or to want things that are currently locked behind content you feel you have no access to. I’ve said before that I think HoT offers too little for certain demographics, and I still believe that. However, that does not mean that Anet lied about gear tiers, it just means the development pendulum swung a certain way. It’s likely to change course again going forward if this move does not pan out as well as it might have.
i am not against long term goals im against what anet has stated themselves locking players out of any way to obtain long term or otherwise the new best in slot gear legendary Armour.. Anet are fully aware the bulk of the player base will never be able for what ever reason to do raids,but none the less chose to invalidate there hared worked for ascended gear and are adding legendary Armour.Yes people will come on here and claim that when that new purple gear is linked in LA that it dont invalidate nothing as the stats are the same.bullkitten
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BaconofPigs.1683
Well I was waiting for HoT to be cheaper, but Santa kindly brought it to me, so I wandered into Maguuma’s Breach this morning. Having equipped the Druid Staff and had a little go with the new skills along the way, I was feeling quite excited.
Then I entered..Which of the many new tasks suddenly facing me was I to have a go at first? Being daunted by the discovery that I would need to acquire many more ‘points’ of some kind or other, along with new items seemingly designed to fill up my inventory even more, I decided to do my favourite thing: explore.
This was not enjoyable.I’m currently lying dead wondering why no-one has rezzed me – people can fly here right? I’m hoping some kind soul will revive me, as I’m near a WP and don’t fancy running all the way back through the nasty critters/red circles and ‘lava’? all over the place… I guess I’ll pick myself up, dust myself down, and try again when I’ve posted this..
Being a ‘casual’, mostly solitary player, I feel that the game’s moving further away from me.. I did just about everything in GW and a fair amount in GW2 (no Ascended/Legendary gear, few dungeons, as they’re too ‘cramped’ and chaotic for my liking (I miss being able to grab my heroes and do them alone
): a fair few JPs) but I fear my time is running out
I don’t like grind, and I won’t be forced to do content that I don’t enjoy. I’ll have a go at it, and perhaps try it again later to see if it feels different, but I’m only going to do something repeatedly if it’s fun or rewarding in some way personally to me e.g. I didn’t ‘farm’ generally in GW, but I enjoyed ‘sin solo green farming, so did that for a while; I didn’t chase titles, but once I’d got a few under my belt by playing my own way, I thought ‘why the heck not?’. Of course I ended up doing a couple that weren’t very exciting – though I drew the line at getting all elites on one character.. What the……? Can’t think of too much use for Searing Flames on my Ranger for example .. :o
I don’t mind stuff like Winter’s Presence, because it’s just a fancy extra that we can choose or not: I chose not, but there do seem to be more things I feel pressured to do, and I think HoT increases this greatly.
On a plus note: there do seem to be more helpful, friendly players in GW2.. even in the pvp-type areas of the game
Sheesh, this has grown longer than I meant..
P.S.: Casual to me is when you play a couple of hours here and there, or maybe more on the weekend, when you can find time around work/school/family/life, and when, as someone else said, you play at your own (steady in my case) pace.
First, the reason why people don’t rez you next to the way point is because you CAN waypoint you know. It would encourage laziness. I would never ever rez anyone next to a way point. Dude just way point!
If you’re not lying and I hope you are not: that what want to do is explore then there is nothing that’s pressing you. You can casually explore all every nook and cranny at your own pace. If you die, just way point again and learn how to not die. Try a different strategy, learn your class so you don’t die. You don’t have to have 7 bots (gw1 reference) to help you get through stuffs. It was literally aids, I meant, I’ve been there done that. I afk through 99% of my vanquisher back in gw1, it was pointless. I mean if I want to do that, I might as well pop up my skyrim game and lead my 10 godly followers and destroy the world, having all godly gears and stuffs. Here you do things on your own and be independent. Only then when you work with a team, you can make sure you’re an asset, not a burden to your team.
Also it sounds like you were using a ranger. Don’t use staff. Use Sword/Axe – Longbow… Druid is only viable in raid and maybe, just maybe in high level fractals. Definitely not in open world.
(edited by BaconofPigs.1683)
Legendary armor offers no stat increases over Ascended. That is what would denote a “superiority.” It does have a fringe benefit which you apparently value highly. However, Anet was referring to its stats, not the fact that it has a marginally useful prefix switch. They’re not lying, you’re taking them out of context.
While technically true, in practice the Legendary prefix switch is actually far more useful than you might think. HoT introduced new stats that so far have proven to be a lot more potent than traditional builds, especially when combined with the new Elite Specs. Thus, by going for Legendary armor now, you are actually “future-proofing” your character should ANet ever decide to introduce yet more stats in future expansions (a very high possibility). This will save you a lot of time, money and energy from having to re-craft more Ascended gear to keep up with whatever is the latest meta.
This is the primary reason why I am going for Legendary armor and backpieces myself. Otherwise, I’d have happily stuck to my Ascended gear.
EDIT: Legendary weapons are less of an issue since the weapon skills more or less dictate what sort of stats one should use on them and they aren’t likely to change as much. If an upgrade is truly needed, one can simply swap stats on that one specific weapon instead of having to change one’s entire armor.
(edited by Zaxares.5419)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419
i am not against long term goals im against what anet has stated themselves locking players out of any way to obtain long term or otherwise the new best in slot gear legendary Armour.. Anet are fully aware the bulk of the player base will never be able for what ever reason to do raids,but none the less chose to invalidate there hared worked for ascended gear and are adding legendary Armour.Yes people will come on here and claim that when that new purple gear is linked in LA that it dont invalidate nothing as the stats are the same.bullkitten
So, the long-term nature doesn’t bother you, but the fact that you either cannot or will not do raids does. Fair enough. It’s not the existence of L. Armor that bothers you, it’s that you don’t want to do the content it can be gained doing as of right now.
I cannot change that you will choose to feel that your Asc. gear will no longer be worth having. Yes, not worth having. That’s what a new gear tier in ann MMO usually means. When Wrath came out, the BC purples I was wearing were noticeably weaker than the first quest reward green items I got in Wrath.
So, yes, Asc. armor will then be a pile of crap to you because the new stuff will make its performance so under-strength. Meanwhile, I don’t really notice an increase in performance over Exotic when I add an Ascended armor piece, and would certainly not notice any improvement if I were to replace an Ascended piece with a Legendary piece.
Well, if you want to place so much value on a stat-switch feature that is worthless at the top tier of performance if you do not also switch runes, go right ahead. Enjoy your rage. I cannot help you.
Well, maybe I can, with a lesson from the game’s history. When Asc. was first announced, there was a firestorm that makes the anger over L. Armor in raids look like nothing at all. Only rings were available and only in Fractals. The complaints were so many that ANet made Asc. rings available by doing dailies, and the rest of Asc. came with other options to gain it. In fact, FotM only has an increased chance to drop Asc. Armor and Weapons, and iirc, only since HoT and at the higher levels.
So, maybe, instead of calling Anet liars and raging about the situation, you’d be better served to make a case for different L. Armor sets (different skins) gained via other means than raids. There’s at least precedent for that, and Anet is much less likely to dismiss that argument than they will be to dismiss name-calling. Good luck, whatever you decide.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419
Legendary armor offers no stat increases over Ascended. That is what would denote a “superiority.” It does have a fringe benefit which you apparently value highly. However, Anet was referring to its stats, not the fact that it has a marginally useful prefix switch. They’re not lying, you’re taking them out of context.
While technically true, in practice the Legendary prefix switch is actually far more useful than you might think. HoT introduced new stats that so far have proven to be a lot more potent than traditional builds, especially when combined with the new Elite Specs. Thus, by going for Legendary armor now, you are actually “future-proofing” your character should ANet ever decide to introduce yet more stats in future expansions (a very high possibility). This will save you a lot of time, money and energy from having to re-craft more Ascended gear to keep up with whatever is the latest meta.
This is the primary reason why I am going for Legendary armor and backpieces myself. Otherwise, I’d have happily stuck to my Ascended gear.
EDIT: Legendary weapons are less of an issue since the weapon skills more or less dictate what sort of stats one should use on them and they aren’t likely to change as much. If an upgrade is truly needed, one can simply swap stats on that one specific weapon instead of having to change one’s entire armor.
I guess it’s nice to see that someone who cares about maxing performance finds some value in stat switch. Certainly to me the switch is not something I’d care about — not if it cost me a new rune set every time I wanted to change builds.
Out of curiosity, do the existing L. Weapons allow stat switch to the new stat choices?
But, what I’m concerned about, here, is not the cheesers of GW2 losing some of their cheese; especially, as they still have, at least somewhat, cheesy raids to “enjoy”.
It is the people who, genuinely, needed the game to be less challenging, for some reason.
Maybe they can’t play much, or have disabilities that affect how they can play and/or for how long, in one stretch, or whatever.
Or maybe they can, physically, play it, but they find it stressful and that stress affects them negatively.
I’m just concerned that they may have paid a lot for an xpac that they really can’t enjoy much of, at all.
Very late reply here, as I’m no longer regularly reading the forums. I only read this here this evening because I wondered if anything was better now, but it doesn’t seem so. Now I simply want to chime in and say the above is pretty much what happened to me. I don’t particularly want to go into it, but suffice it to say I’ve quit what was once enjoyable since it is no longer so, have been fogged with depression which of course hasn’t made it any better (and I stupidly burnt bridges as a result of it), and I have actually uninstalled a game I never thought I would uninstall. I played because it did help me forget about my real life health issues – but in the end, it just forcibly reminded me of them because I wanted to try something different. Still, no one can have my stuff, as one day I might pop back for a bit and need it.
My head feels lots better for not playing, however, though in hindsight I do regret the amount of money I have put towards the game – although it’s good to see there are still happy people playing, and kind people thinking of others. I don’t begrudge anyone their enjoyment of GW2, however my experience turned out, so I hope everyone gets a little something of what they want gamewise this coming year! Happy gaming, all.
First, the reason why people don’t rez you next to the way point is because you CAN waypoint you know. It would encourage laziness. I would never ever rez anyone next to a way point. Dude just way point!
If you’re not lying and I hope you are not: that what want to do is explore then there is nothing that’s pressing you. You can casually explore all every nook and cranny at your own pace. If you die, just way point again and learn how to not die. Try a different strategy, learn your class so you don’t die. You don’t have to have 7 bots (gw1 reference) to help you get through stuffs. It was literally aids, I meant, I’ve been there done that. I afk through 99% of my vanquisher back in gw1, it was pointless. I mean if I want to do that, I might as well pop up my skyrim game and lead my 10 godly followers and destroy the world, having all godly gears and stuffs. Here you do things on your own and be independent. Only then when you work with a team, you can make sure you’re an asset, not a burden to your team.
Also it sounds like you were using a ranger. Don’t use staff. Use Sword/Axe – Longbow… Druid is only viable in raid and maybe, just maybe in high level fractals. Definitely not in open world.
I hadn’t unlocked that waypoint…
That wasn’t my ‘real’ problem. It was just a ‘darnit’ moment, so I thought I’d post on this thread, since I had read the first page or so, and agreed with quite a bit of the OP.
I was trying out the staff………… who wouldn’t……?
I’m not lying.
Raids? I haven’t come across them yet. Like I said, I JUST STARTED HoT……..
Oh, and you’re advising me about laziness… when you say you AFK’d through most of VQ……?
Why are you advising me about being independent? I said I was a mostly solo player…
I just wanted a small vent really: a friendly ear possibly… I wouldn’t have botherd, but when I look at these forums I’m often pleasantly surprised at how mature and friendly they seem to be.. Thanks for patronising me. I feel so much better now lol
Since you like dishing out advice, here’s a little for you. Don’t assume everyone is a ‘dude’ / child. If I misunderstood that, then change that to ‘try not to talk down to people’. You write well (which is increasingly rare these days!), and obviously have a lot of knowledge. If you tempered your responses a little differently you could probably be a real help
This game does feel really grindy after a while. All my friends have left the game that were active every single day because of it. I left to a couple days ago. If you look at all the twitch and youtube people, who supported guild wars 2 and stream their content, they are slowly moving away from the game too and playing other games and streaming other content. Just show how distant people are getting from this game and moving on.
So apart from a few guys who would defend the game even if they were the only ones left playing it.
Shall we turn this thread around a little and suggest ways things can improve?
Legendary armour available in other ways? Maybe replace masteries with Legendary trees? Possible to do them through multiple methods including dailies?
Bring back old wvw maps, have new one as a second EB?
Reduce grind time on masteries?
And the part that makes me the most unhappy about your post, baconofpigs, is that you are absolutely right with everything you say in it.
Efficiency is the key word here. But I make an educated guess here and say that the majority of people don´t want to play at the limit and be efficient. I want to be efficient in my job, not in my spare time. In my spare time, I want to have fun and relax.
I know this lifestyle probably is not modern when people in general are always available for their superiors, face book friends and live to work instead of working to live. But I like it my way.^^
MMM efficiency doesnt mean beign non-casual.. I mean I totally chill with my guildmates doing fractals or hot meta events and we don’t put that much effort, but hey, if in a situation you should use X because is better this is not stressfull is just common sense…i mean, i hope common sense is not stressful for people ò_ò
I guess it’s nice to see that someone who cares about maxing performance finds some value in stat switch. Certainly to me the switch is not something I’d care about — not if it cost me a new rune set every time I wanted to change builds.
Out of curiosity, do the existing L. Weapons allow stat switch to the new stat choices?
I’ll admit that I tend to be less finicky about rune choices than most min-maxers. I tend to have favoured builds and thus I’ll stick the runes I use the most often on my Legendary/Ascended armor.
And yeah, they do allow switching to the new stat choices. I double-checked with a guildie earlier. Viper’s, Marauder’s and Commander’s were all there. It seems safe to say all the new stats are.
I guess it’s nice to see that someone who cares about maxing performance finds some value in stat switch. Certainly to me the switch is not something I’d care about — not if it cost me a new rune set every time I wanted to change builds.
Out of curiosity, do the existing L. Weapons allow stat switch to the new stat choices?
I’ll admit that I tend to be less finicky about rune choices than most min-maxers. I tend to have favoured builds and thus I’ll stick the runes I use the most often on my Legendary/Ascended armor.
And yeah, they do allow switching to the new stat choices. I double-checked with a guildie earlier. Viper’s, Marauder’s and Commander’s were all there. It seems safe to say all the new stats are.
I swapped a celestial ascended set for vipers, it was relatively cheap.
I guess it’s nice to see that someone who cares about maxing performance finds some value in stat switch. Certainly to me the switch is not something I’d care about — not if it cost me a new rune set every time I wanted to change builds.
Out of curiosity, do the existing L. Weapons allow stat switch to the new stat choices?
I’ll admit that I tend to be less finicky about rune choices than most min-maxers. I tend to have favoured builds and thus I’ll stick the runes I use the most often on my Legendary/Ascended armor.
And yeah, they do allow switching to the new stat choices. I double-checked with a guildie earlier. Viper’s, Marauder’s and Commander’s were all there. It seems safe to say all the new stats are.
I swapped a celestial ascended set for vipers, it was relatively cheap.
im about to do the same on my engi but all the quartz used there keeps screaming in my ears
I’ve seen people in this thread saying things like “im casual and I play 8 hours a night” and “I’m casual and this is mandatory”.
….We really need a new name for people with this horrific entitlement. I suggest “slackcore”.
Two points:
A. I don’t think you can find a post that says, “I’m a casual player, and I play 8 hours a night.” So this is a straw man argument at best. And even if you could…..
B. “Casual play” can also mean that you don’t like the need to LFG, join a Party, get on Team Speak or participate in coordinated Group events that require playing continuously for extended periods of time.
That’s me
Casual play can mean that you can drop-in and drop-out of PvE, be afk to take care of family duties, get a snack,
check on a football game, etc.
The HoT maps are not casual, if defined as such.
Edit: And, yes, I have 4,900 hours in the game and consider myself a “casual” player.
I’m most definitely a most casual player then! :o
I agree casual can mean limited play time, but I would add that it also means low stress or playing as you like.
By this, with myself as an example, I like to just relax when I play. Dungeons and pvp stress me, so I prefer to follow a train, follow world boss timers, wvw or explore/level up.
Same here, though I’m not a big fan of the ‘zergs’ – I like to be able to see what’s going on! :o I do like to explore though, do JPs – which thankfully I’m getting better at. I quite like WvW in ‘bursts’.. oh wait, make that ‘liked’ – the new maps seem rather unpopulated.. I often get carried away sorting inventory, messing about with TP and ‘window shopping’ in armour/weapon wardrobe too
We used to be able to progress (slowly) towards any goal in whichever fashion we chose. This is no longer the case (with HoT expansion goals in mind). It’s really that simple!
I know a lot of people are fans of this new direction. That’s fine but please accept that your personal preference will not magically change mine.Sure it would be easy to throw those €45 at HoT and (in my case) be bitter and disappointed about it, but why would I? My measly €’s will be better spent on indie dev’s that cater to my inefficient casual clowning about.
GW2 should be just fine as I am sure Anet will get massive income from this new crop of masterclass players.
Lol that made me chuckle
Yeah, maybe that’s what’s up with it for me. Heck, I was happy before Factions came out; exploring to find statues with guildies, hanging out, and stuff..
Heh. Good times
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: BaconofPigs.1683
I hadn’t unlocked that waypoint…
That wasn’t my ‘real’ problem. It was just a ‘darnit’ moment, so I thought I’d post on this thread, since I had read the first page or so, and agreed with quite a bit of the OP.
Ah, sorry. I assumed you unlocked the way point dying next to it. If you typed something in say chat explaining the situation, some kind soul would probably stop by
There was a time when stopping to rez was encouraged and we even had a daily for it.
Being left to die wile people walk buy is a lot more common now.
I don’t really understand the issue tbh. Fractals is made casual friendly and 90% of the content is still relaxed open world. The only thing that isn’t casual atm is a single raid instance. A SINGLE instance, is it really worth crying about so much? 0_o
How are fractals casual friendly? Can I queue for them and get put in a group automatically now? If I have to look for people or join a guild with lots of players online at any given time then they didn’t make them casual-friendly.
There was a time when stopping to rez was encouraged and we even had a daily for it.
Being left to die wile people walk buy is a lot more common now.They probably recognise you from the forums.
I have never came across a player who has an issue with another player expressing there opinion.But some of the people on the forums think the only valid opinion is there own.but they are not worth getting into a discussion with.
I don’t really understand the issue tbh. Fractals is made casual friendly and 90% of the content is still relaxed open world. The only thing that isn’t casual atm is a single raid instance. A SINGLE instance, is it really worth crying about so much? 0_o
How are fractals casual friendly? Can I queue for them and get put in a group automatically now? If I have to look for people or join a guild with lots of players online at any given time then they didn’t make them casual-friendly.
There is an LFG tool, being ‘casual’ or ‘so lazy i need to be put into a group automaticly’ are different things.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419
Shall we turn this thread around a little and suggest ways things can improve?
Legendary armour available in other ways?
Yes. To preserve the role they play in raids, alternate acquisition should be a different skin.
Maybe replace masteries with Legendary trees?
Why not an additional tree — one that can be completed in both Magus Falls and central.
Possible to do them through multiple methods including dailies?
If there were a legendary Mastery, then sure.
Bring back old wvw maps, have new one as a second EB?
I think that’s a great idea. ANet may not want to see WvW population spread over an additional map, though. I’m sure that population issues are more prevalent the lower one goes on the table.
Reduce grind time on masteries?
I’m not sure this is necessary. There’s nothing wrong with long-term goals. Perhaps people should adjust their expectations. Sure, there are some Masteries, especially in HoT, that open up play options. However, I’ve had HoT for 8 or 9 days. I play on average about an hour a day. I’m halfway through Pact Commander T3, have gliding 1 and 2, mushroom jumping and am more than halfway through Itzel language 1. That seems to me like decent progression in a long-term system for somewhere between 8 to 10 hours of play.
I don’t really understand the issue tbh. Fractals is made casual friendly and 90% of the content is still relaxed open world. The only thing that isn’t casual atm is a single raid instance. A SINGLE instance, is it really worth crying about so much? 0_o
How are fractals casual friendly? Can I queue for them and get put in a group automatically now? If I have to look for people or join a guild with lots of players online at any given time then they didn’t make them casual-friendly.
The first few levels of fractals are now casual friendly. You can open the looking for group tool, advertise a casual run or a fun run, people will join your group. You can even say you’re a newbie looking for a casual run.
Using the looking for group tool to find a party doesn’t make Fractals less casual. Is there a learning curve. Well sure there is.
But there’s a learning curve with everything.
Unfortunately for some people, casual means solo, but that’s really not the definition of the word.
I don’t really understand the issue tbh. Fractals is made casual friendly and 90% of the content is still relaxed open world. The only thing that isn’t casual atm is a single raid instance. A SINGLE instance, is it really worth crying about so much? 0_o
How are fractals casual friendly? Can I queue for them and get put in a group automatically now? If I have to look for people or join a guild with lots of players online at any given time then they didn’t make them casual-friendly.
Listen man – casual friendly doesn’t mean you go in a queue and then 4 random strangers are stuck with you and have to carry you regardless of build and skill.
This isn’t how the game works ( or should work) – why should you be able to throw yourself into a party with 4 others that have nothing to say about it?
Maybe I don’t like you – maybe I don’t like your play style – why should we have to be in the same party?
Playing this game means you have to respect other people’s choice to play it – and that means respecting their choices to play with people they enjoy.
Casual friendly doesn’t mean the game has to make all the effort for you. They might as well have you skip the fractals and just hand you the reward.
I don’t really understand the issue tbh. Fractals is made casual friendly and 90% of the content is still relaxed open world. The only thing that isn’t casual atm is a single raid instance. A SINGLE instance, is it really worth crying about so much? 0_o
How are fractals casual friendly? Can I queue for them and get put in a group automatically now? If I have to look for people or join a guild with lots of players online at any given time then they didn’t make them casual-friendly.
Levels 1-40 are the only ones worth doing for rewards and are all sooooo stupidly easy no one give a kitten what you run. Open lfg, join whatever party advertised and do your daily standing on a kitten pole afking or skipping half of what is already a ridiculously short fractal.
If that’s not casual enough, then I suggest quitting gaming all together.
I don’t really understand the issue tbh. Fractals is made casual friendly and 90% of the content is still relaxed open world. The only thing that isn’t casual atm is a single raid instance. A SINGLE instance, is it really worth crying about so much? 0_o
How are fractals casual friendly? Can I queue for them and get put in a group automatically now? If I have to look for people or join a guild with lots of players online at any given time then they didn’t make them casual-friendly.
Levels 1-40 are the only ones worth doing for rewards and are all sooooo stupidly easy no one give a kitten what you run. Open lfg, join whatever party advertised and do your daily standing on a kitten pole afking or skipping half of what is already a ridiculously short fractal.
If that’s not casual enough, then I suggest quitting gaming all together.
And you can complete those dailies in under 30 minutes most days. The only exception being when you’re stuck doing one of the longer ones (e.g. cliffside).
A little bit off topic, but in my mind anyone who refuses to revive a fallen player if there is no event areound where the dead upscale is scum in this question, plain and simple. It is not that it costs you something, and it saves the poor guy or girl lying there a few silvers.
And yes, low level fractals were always casual. Everyone can do a for example lvl 1 fractal if only one person in his group has ever done it and knows how it works.
I read it a lot in the latest posts, how players don’t like to group with others, and how grouping makes a game non-casual. I think for a lot of people (even on this thread) translate casual into “getting carried”. There is a reason they like the open world so much, because they can hide behind a tag and a mass of people and just auto attack and get the same rewards as those who actually put the effort. It’s sad really, because those are the kind of players who make events fail.
It’s hard to eliminate those players without using instanced content, but maybe Anet will find a way someday.
I read it a lot in the latest posts, how players don’t like to group with others, and how grouping makes a game non-casual. I think for a lot of people (even on this thread) translate casual into “getting carried”. There is a reason they like the open world so much, because they can hide behind a tag and a mass of people and just auto attack and get the same rewards as those who actually put the effort. It’s sad really, because those are the kind of players who make events fail.
It’s hard to eliminate those players without using instanced content, but maybe Anet will find a way someday.
yeah, i’m starting to think that the people are actually that lazy and yet feel to be intitled with good reward with no effort. This bugs me hard :/
I read it a lot in the latest posts, how players don’t like to group with others, and how grouping makes a game non-casual. I think for a lot of people (even on this thread) translate casual into “getting carried”. There is a reason they like the open world so much, because they can hide behind a tag and a mass of people and just auto attack and get the same rewards as those who actually put the effort. It’s sad really, because those are the kind of players who make events fail.
It’s hard to eliminate those players without using instanced content, but maybe Anet will find a way someday.
Anet give it´s best to eliminate players like me with raids if you mean that being carried equals not being meta and rotation skilled with any other class in GW2. Just give it time, I´ll probably disappear from GW2 if a suitable alternative appears and Anet is still bent on doing so.
I don´t agree with people that want to be automatically grouped for content. But I can understand if someone wants to be part of the tidal wave that is an open world event instead of being an only meta equipment is useful and means not getting carried person.
Sorry if that sounded a little bit cynical and rude, but the wording here rubbed me the wrong way. Eliminate players from a game, wow.
I read it a lot in the latest posts, how players don’t like to group with others, and how grouping makes a game non-casual. I think for a lot of people (even on this thread) translate casual into “getting carried”. There is a reason they like the open world so much, because they can hide behind a tag and a mass of people and just auto attack and get the same rewards as those who actually put the effort. It’s sad really, because those are the kind of players who make events fail.
It’s hard to eliminate those players without using instanced content, but maybe Anet will find a way someday.
Anet give it´s best to eliminate players like me with raids if you mean that being carried equals not being meta and rotation skilled with any other class in GW2. Just give it time, I´ll probably disappear from GW2 if a suitable alternative appears and Anet is still bent on doing so.
I don´t agree with people that want to be automatically grouped for content. But I can understand if someone wants to be part of the tidal wave that is an open world event instead of being an only meta equipment is useful and means not getting carried person.
I guess if it takes one piece of content to “eliminate” those players then they didn’t like the game in the first place. As for being carried, doing content while others are doing all the work and you just go afk and spam 1 (or F) is exactly what it is. The thing is, big open world events are not just a tidal wave. “Some” players are actually putting some effort there to learn the events, teach them to others, do the parts that are requirements to succeed etc. If everyone just formed a big blob and zerged then good events wouldn’t succeed.
I guess that’s how we can separate the bad open world events from the good ones, those who just require a blob are bad (the vast majority), those who take some skill/coordination are good. The game needs more good ones, and to reduce the bad ones.
I am no fortuneteller so I can´t exactly say if raids wil have driven me out of GW2 in the next xear or so. I have no problem playing solo in HoT in general. It´s not so hard that you can´t survive if you know when to run and when to fight. Of course your results tend to be meager if you just swap along and do events here and there, but they will be there.
I have taken part in every world boss and the largest majority of world events anet offered. And yes, the large majority of them blow big time, even after they were renovated a little bit. I was also there when the taking of the temple of Balthasar was a much sought after and coveted event, Karka Queen appearing along a side of terrible settler chmapion events, when Marionette was online and Vinewrath returned as a strongly weakened Marionette clone.
Trust me when I say that you can go along fine after a while if you look in the map chat, follow orders or are on TS with the three headed worm and you just listen and know what to do. You don´t need a guide, special equipment, rotation or anything, anyone with half a brain will smell what Anet has cooked after a few tries. Nobody cares or asks for the HP of Tequatl or if he is a structure or not, this are questions that are irrelevant to a casual gamer most of the time, and that is where I like the game the most.
What I find ridiculous myself is asking for commanders in SW. That map is so easy and self explaining that anyone who asks for commanders there should be ashamed of himself.
What I find ridiculous myself is asking for commanders in SW. That map is so easy and self explaining that anyone who asks for commanders there should be ashamed of himself.
Yet the Indigo champion sometimes fails because people don’t know what to do.
Yet most of the events have those players that refuse to follow even the simplest orders.
It’s that guy who doesn’t stack on the commander during the Evolved Jungle Wurm fights and if the wurm charges them, it makes the event slightly more incovenient.
It’s that guy who refuses to use the appropriate skills even though it wouldn’t hurt them at all, like Warbanners for Warriors, Wall of Reflection for Guardians, conjured weapons for Elementalists etc, skills that can REALLY help in many encounters.
It’s that guy who still uses CC skills on the Chak Gerent, although map chat is full of “stop CC” because he doesn’t know how his own build work and applies random chill or cripple.
It’s that guy who destroyes the pustules during the Indigo boss of SW when the boss isn’t close.
It’s that guy who uses Light fields and covers Fire fields because it’s his cool rotation.
It’s that guy who uses full Nomad gear sits in a corner with maximum healing build always scared that they might die.
It’s that guy who fights the Legendary Wyvern and has no CC, or worse, use it before the breakbar is even active.
There are a bilion examples of bad players making events harder for no reason at all, and some times even causing failures. You are saying you don’t need a guide or special equipment, but if nobody read guides or had proper builds/equipement then those events would always fail. It might come as a surprise, but many players using the proper set-ups and builds allows those “casual” players to finish the events.
These people wanting the auto group for “casual” play are insane – using LFG you can ask for casual friendly or everyone is welcome but with an automated system you will bve expected to run a meta build and people will shout at you for phiwing.
You have the best tools to create casual friendly groups, automated grouping is not casual friendly.
What I find ridiculous myself is asking for commanders in SW. That map is so easy and self explaining that anyone who asks for commanders there should be ashamed of himself.
Yet the Indigo champion sometimes fails because people don’t know what to do.
Yet most of the events have those players that refuse to follow even the simplest orders.
It’s that guy who doesn’t stack on the commander during the Evolved Jungle Wurm fights and if the wurm charges them, it makes the event slightly more incovenient.
It’s that guy who refuses to use the appropriate skills even though it wouldn’t hurt them at all, like Warbanners for Warriors, Wall of Reflection for Guardians, conjured weapons for Elementalists etc, skills that can REALLY help in many encounters.
It’s that guy who still uses CC skills on the Chak Gerent, although map chat is full of “stop CC” because he doesn’t know how his own build work and applies random chill or cripple.
It’s that guy who destroyes the pustules during the Indigo boss of SW when the boss isn’t close.
It’s that guy who uses Light fields and covers Fire fields because it’s his cool rotation.
It’s that guy who uses full Nomad gear sits in a corner with maximum healing build always scared that they might die.
It’s that guy who fights the Legendary Wyvern and has no CC, or worse, use it before the breakbar is even active.
There are a bilion examples of bad players making events harder for no reason at all, and some times even causing failures. You are saying you don’t need a guide or special equipment, but if nobody read guides or had proper builds/equipement then those events would always fail. It might come as a surprise, but many players using the proper set-ups and builds allows those “casual” players to finish the events.
*A person that joins a TS server for worm and still does it is either inexperienced or a troll.
*Every skill is useful in every encounter. They are not as effective as you would like them, but the effect is there. Some are counterproductive, ok.
*Maybe he does not know what CC means and would play along when people said crowd control?
*Tequatl is a relatively sure win these days. I perished a few times against him, never read anything about how to beat him and finall understood how it works on my own. Which kind of character I put into that world boss is not important, there is a place for everyone. At the very least you can defend or if that is too crowded already, remove fingers.
I am not lobbying for people here that do not know their arms from their behinds, aka don´t know what that nice little snowflake symbol on their skill is. I am grounding my argument on the observation that common people can and will make smart decisions in these open world events and won´t find the dissapointment that they can´t participate because they are not agile, meta or good enough.
Paying attention to a given situation is a whole different story.
What are exactly GOOD rewards in this game? Another weapon skin? Oh, wait! Another helmet? Yeah, right! Say – LEGENDARY. Sounds sweet and stuff… even though it is same kitten as ascended gear with silly look and no option to change it. =)
So basicly people tell that there are enigmatic casuals in STILL casual game (and poorly balanced btw) that feel entitled for a bunch of pixels. I smell fetish envy here… /gloat
There was several times a situation on wyverns when 90% of participants fall flat on their faces. And I ran and ressed them with my so unconvenient (not a single meta) acrobat thief build. REALLY hope they were ALL bad casuals. You can’t really imagine how HARD I really hope you were right in this matter (and not games poor design to look “harsh” fro noobz). God kittening kitten it! XD
(edited by Ihrga.8325)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: TheLastNobody.8319
What are exactly GOOD rewards in this game? Another weapon skin? Oh, wait! Another helmet? Yeah, right! Say – LEGENDARY. Sounds sweet and stuff… even though it is same kitten as ascended gear with silly look and no option to change it. =)
So basicly people tell that there are enigmatic casuals in STILL casual game (and poorly balanced btw) that feel entitled for a bunch of pixels. I smell fetish envy here… /gloat
There was several times a situation on wyverns when 90% of participants fall flat on their faces. And I ran and ressed them with my so unconvenient (not a single meta) acrobat thief build. REALLY hope they were ALL bad casuals. You can’t really imagine how HARD I really hope you were right in this matter (and not games poor design to look “harsh” fro noobz). God kittening kitten it! XD
You, I like you. The only thing you’re wrong on is that legendary gear can change their stats but other than that you’re saying what I would say, just not trying to hide it underneath a viel of politeness. If I ever meet you, I shall by you a beverage of choice.
*A person that joins a TS server for worm and still does it is either inexperienced or a troll.
Or doesn’t want to help, or is afraid they will die.
*Every skill is useful in every encounter. They are not as effective as you would like them, but the effect is there. Some are counterproductive, ok.
False. Some skills and entire builds are better for specific encounters. Learning which skills to use for which encounters is essential, or at least should be common sense, for all players. Why won’t you use the appropriate builds anyway? Because you like to role play something different? That’s nonsense. The entire “I hate the meta and the zerker playstyle” is just an excuse.
*Maybe he does not know what CC means and would play along when people said crowd control?
Then he should read map and squad chat… simple. It is ALWAYS explained, but I was talking about things that proc on their own and players without knowledge of their own build are detrimental to events.
*Tequatl is a relatively sure win these days. I perished a few times against him, never read anything about how to beat him and finall understood how it works on my own. Which kind of character I put into that world boss is not important, there is a place for everyone. At the very least you can defend or if that is too crowded already, remove fingers.
Fortunately not everyone is using this logic and that’s why they succeed. Think about that.
I am not lobbying for people here that do not know their arms from their behinds, aka don´t know what that nice little snowflake symbol on their skill is. I am grounding my argument on the observation that common people can and will make smart decisions in these open world events and won´t find the dissapointment that they can´t participate because they are not agile, meta or good enough.
Paying attention to a given situation is a whole different story.
Knowing your build and using the appropriate skills for each encounter shouldn’t be something “some” people do, but what everyone does. Both do not have anything to do with agility or being good, just some knowledge of the encounters and the skills themselves. I don’t think it’s rocket science, nor an e-sport, to always bring the appropriate builds/skills for every encounter. I’m sorry if you think otherwise
I don´t use the builds people appreciate because I am not a lemming and don´t jump through hoops when the majority does. If I want to use the runes of the sunless for example, I´ll do it and don´t ask anyone´s permission. When pew pew rangers got more popular again, I stayed with my Wolf and Shortbow condition ranger. Why? Cause I can. I can only speak for myself here, but I don´t like min maxing in a game where I am looking for fun. If I want to be efficient, I go to work. If I want my character to work for me, I look for things I like and use them, not for things a youtube math geek gamer finds apropriate for my class.
So people like to play it safe, how disgusting. Let´s instantly call for a prison sentence for them?
Okay, thinking about that:
So that 30+ Zerk people that rallied to build the melee troop with their identical to my damage output(Tequatl structure) and died with every wave knew better and were better prepared than me and were the reason Tequatl succeeded instead of the people who fired guns or killed fingers so that neither melee or distance damage groups perished under a frontload of conditions? Or those people that defended but did not stomp?
Luckily for the both of us, we´re not forced to play together. You would maybe be surprised that I can hold myself pretty well in the open world and can also live with losses or needing 7 seconds for an orr mob to beat instead of 5.
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