Today, I finally got around to doing the third path for Crucible of Eternity (CoE) (third for me that is) and being able to observe the dungeon in its full. As such, I’d like to present my full view on the matter of the Sixth Elder Dragon’s identity and means of corruption (which is more or less in half-agreement half-disagreement with the general public’s view). I’d post this in one of the pre-existing threads, but I fear they’re either all too focused on a single particular aspect of the general public’s view.
Subject Alpha
As some may or may not know, the main enemy in is an Inquest-created multi-Elder Dragon minion known as “Subject Alpha” – this creature uses abilities reminiscent/named after four Elder Dragons and a “Mordremoth” – specifically, it’s skills are as follows:
*Imprisonment Crystal (Branded crystal)
*Summoning Undead Tendril (Risen Tendril)
*Summoning Risen Asura (self-explanatory)
*Teeth of Primordus (Dragon’s Tooth-esque skill – a fiery rock spike from the sky)
*Teeth of Jormag (a mixture of ice and rock spikes from the ground)
*Teeth of Mordremoth (a row of earth spikes)
The first three are used in every path, while the first three are used only in 2 paths each in a very specific manner (more on this later).
Now, of the three paths, you fight a major legendary boss before the third time fighting Subject Alpha – these foes are Evolved Destroyer, Evolved Husk, and Bjarl the Rampager (an icebrood).
The Evolved Destroyer uses a skill “Tooth of Primordus” – and in the path that leads to it, Subject Alpha does not use Teeth of Primordus.
Bjarl the Rampager uses the Teeth of Jormag skill – and in that path, Subject Alpha does not use it.
The Evolved Husk, as far as I know (I didn’t think of checking) does not use a Mordremoth skill, however during that path Subject Alpha does not use Teeth of Mordremoth.
Seeing the connection yet? Let’s continue.
Nightmare Court’s influence (and not)
The Evolved Husk is, to put it simply, a powerful Summoned Husk – giant plant creatures seen only with the Nightmare Court outside CoE. Along with the Evolved Husk, there are Summoned Husks, Burning Husks, Nightmare Hounds, and Volatile Blossoms in this portion of CoE (similarly, outside CoE in same corner of the Infinity Coil Reactor, at the PoI Zone Green, there are Volatile Blossoms again) – all of which are found in relation to the Nightmare Court outside CoE. This fact has led quite a few folks to further their thoughts of “Pale Tree=Elder Dragon/dragon champion” – I’d like to state here and now, I do not believe this is so, and I feel I can almost disprove this notion. Here is why:
Firstly, on the Husks:
During the meta event in Wychmire Swamp, aptly named The Battle for Wychmire Swamp, the meta event begins with a Warden, Gamarien, who states “I’m scouting Wychmire Swamp for Nightmare Court activity, though I fear an even darker force is at work. I worry these summoned husks are harbingers of a greater foe.” And while there are two Nightmare Courtiers met during the first event of the chain, they indeed hold no other influence over the meta. This meta focuses on fighting “Blighted Husks” and “Blighted Grubs” ending with a battle with a giant jungle wurm (fun fact: jungle wurms are also called Nightmare Vines in Twilight Arbor, this combined with their appears implies they’re plants, not wurms).
This indicates that there’s a second source of these Husks other than Nightmare Court.
On Nightmare Hounds specifically, there is mention in the Town of Cathal in Caledon Forest (marked by a waypoint) that “It’s more than just their heart that is tainted by nightmare. Their very bodies shift into something darker and more malevolent.” when asked about trying to heal the Nightmare Court’s Thorn Hounds.
As things stand, this is all evidence that would state the Nightmare Court at the very least is tied to this Mordremoth. And I’d agree, but not go so far as to say the Pale Tree. Because there are things unrelated to the sylvari who are corrupted by what I’ll dub the “Blighted” (as that’s the naming system given in the Wychmire Swamp meta).
In Ogham Wilds of Caledon Forest, there is an event where Nightmare Courtiers are attempting to corrupt some Mosshearts – and they may succeed, if so we’re tasked in killing them. The thing to note is that these Mosshearts hold the same appearance as the Nightmare Tree fought in Twilight Arbor explorable, though much smaller and mobile. One thing to note is that while sylvan hounds (aka thorn/nightmare hounds) coincide with sylvari, the treants (mosshearts, oakhearts, pinesouls, and willowhearts) do not – they predate sylvari. Yet they can be corrupted in the same manner.
(more in next post)
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.