Theorycrafting on Scarlet
All of this, if he truly considered it more important than a grudge, could have been achieved through his letting bygones be bygones and putting his weight behind Ellen. Instead, what we’ve seen of him since the election has been him sniping at, predicting disaster after the election of, and generally undermining Kiel, with his actions most likely weakening Kiel’s case (as, because of him, the Council could have seen her campaign as symbolic posturing in order to falsify Evon’s claims than genuine concern).
If he’d stood behind Kiel, then the former rivals uniting behind a common cause would have been a more powerful symbol on top of all of Evon’s money and clout being behind their shared position. Or he could have used some of that money to invest in improved defences himself, potentially giving him an unassailable case next time an opening comes up. Instead, he let his bad blood with Kiel take priority over the good of the city.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
I believe the soundless are still connected to the dream and require regular intensive meditation to keep it out. Even with these efforts, the dreams effects are not entirely eliminated as Scarlet’s defenses were.
Could the Dream of Dreams be a sort of a firewall towards dragon corruption for Sylvari? This is just speculation…
We know dragon minions can corrupt other minions so there is no way Sylvari are naturally dragon minions/champions because Sylvari die from corruption no matter what. We don’t specifically know what causes them to die, but perhaps it is the Dream of Dreams? Maybe the Dream somehow triggers something within them- killing them so they don’t become corrupted. As Konig has pointed out, Sylvari can be influenced by a Dragon, but not corrupted.
Yet at the end of the cinematic we see Scarlet looking somewhat twisted and distorted with yellow veins, perhaps corruption from Mordremoth. So what if by going into Omadd’s machine Scarlet broke the “firewall” that protected Sylvari from corruption and met Mordremoth- who may or may not have a connection to the Dream. Since Scarlet “broke” hers-she began to slowly become corrupted. Of course, she dies before she can completely turn corrupt.
If this is true, it can explain why Malyck isn’t corrupted. He obviously isn’t Mordremoth’s minion, that much can be attained by his personality/independence. But perhaps he is just like any other race, they simply need to encounter the ED and its minions to become corrupted. Since he lacks the Dream of Dreams, he is easily subjected to corruption. So perhaps he is vulnerable to corruption just like Scarlet who had her Dream of Dreams broken? It would make sense why he isn’t corrupted, because he never ran into Mordremoth and it would make sense why he hasn’t yet to become corrupted.
Again, just speculation.
I don’t see any reason to think of her as corrupted. She might be the GW2 equivalent of the mad mage who summons demons in the basement to bargain for power. It’s still possible that she wanted to challenge this new dragon rather than serve it, which doesn’t seem like her character anyway. We may yet recover the marionette later in the story and use it against the dragon.
Also, if she was became a dragon minion through the deprivation tank then why didn’t she kidnap more sylvari and make them into minions too through the same process? That would actually be simple compared to everything she’s done in this story.
When a demon is summoned, who calls who the master?
I have another question : what would have happened if we didn’t work through any of the events ? If we just let it all undisturbed right from the start ?
Did we really foil any of her plans, or was Scarlet in the end just another Aizen (for anyone having read/watched Bleach) ?
Except the Queen’s Jubilee which was just her being crazy and the Marionette which was in lore a one time thing that was either going to destroy the Priory or be destroyed, what would have happened if we didn’t foil any of her plans ?
Because in the end, the only thing that didn’t go according to her final plan was her death.
The Nightmare Courtiers look withered and possibly dead. Faolain most certainly did.
If I recall Faolain was corrupted by the Nightmare in Orr and later hijacked the Nightmare Court which originally just rejected Ventari’s teachings until Scarlet took over.
Orr is the home of the late Zhaitan. I hear that the Firstborn were not born into the Dream yet later entered into it after the secondborn were born into the Dream yet was that event before or after Faolain subcumbed to Nightmare? Faolain could be a Risen who was added to the Dream and later corrupted it….
Nightmare Hounds and Nightmare Husks are indeed Mordremoth’s minions as are all Jungle Wurms which I must point out are tamable so they might have just been tamed by Faolain’s Nightmare Court.
Likely, Hoelbrak and the Black Citadel would have been stuck in constant war with the Molten Alliance; Lion’s Arch would be weakened by Mai Trin being on the council instead of Kiel; Faren and emissaries would be dead during the Jubilee; she’d have a bigger fleet from Twilight Arbor; the Tower of Nightmares would have spawned more Hybrids (or “prophets”) and continue spreading its hallucination pollen.
But Scarlet wouldn’t have had the miasma either, being forced to use the hallucinating toxins from the tower.
And Mai Trin’s capture didn’t go according to plan – that seems to be the only hindrance we really gave.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
So… Guess who has a twitter now
Also looks like story bits may occasionally land on flickr.
/leaves this here and stealths out
Well interesting tweet from Mordy: “I would have been sleeping now if you all didn’t ruin my minion’s plans. You are to blame for what is to come.”
Not that I’d take that as anything towards lore thought…
I find 3 things interesting on “Mordy’s” Twitter:
“Confusing… Why is there a gap between my minions drill and Kessex Hills?”
Then later, 2 more tweets right after each other:
“Any other use for Asura other than toothpicks? I’m yet to find a better one.”
“I never asked for neighbors, especially not dwarf wannabes” (in response to someone saying it wasn’t neighborly of Mordy using Asura as toothpicks)
For the first tweet, this sounds like a hint that area will open up soon? I’m not of the Tengu will be playable soon camp, but maybe the leyline feedback messed up near the Dominion of Winds and we go in to help the Tengu?
As for the next 2, we already knew Mordy was in the ‘jungle’ bc of Colin Jo, so it seems like Mordy might be pretty close to the Asura. Of course, close is relative. I would consider Jormag ‘close’ to the Norn, but when you look on the map, Jormag looks like he could be further away from Hoelbrak than Zhaitan was from LA.
Warrior Nuuk (80 War)
[ALS], Anvil Rock
This might not be the best place to ask, but whatever happened to Mai Trin? Last thing i know is that Scarlet broke her free. I was expecting her return just before Scarlet, similar to the Lich and Shiro in the Realm of Torment, but i havent heard of her at all.
I find 3 things interesting on “Mordy’s” Twitter:
Other than it being an obvious fan parody account?
Nanuchka, norn mesmer: “BOOZEAHOL!”
Tarnished Coast – Still Here, El Guapo!
I find 3 things interesting on “Mordy’s” Twitter:
Other than it being an obvious fan parody account?
From what I heard was that the Scarlet Briar account was actually backed by a dev (something I heard from forums so take it with a grain of salt). This would sorta lean towards Mordy also being backed by a dev.
All of this, if he truly considered it more important than a grudge, could have been achieved through his letting bygones be bygones and putting his weight behind Ellen. Instead, what we’ve seen of him since the election has been him sniping at, predicting disaster after the election of, and generally undermining Kiel, with his actions most likely weakening Kiel’s case (as, because of him, the Council could have seen her campaign as symbolic posturing in order to falsify Evon’s claims than genuine concern).
If he’d stood behind Kiel, then the former rivals uniting behind a common cause would have been a more powerful symbol on top of all of Evon’s money and clout being behind their shared position.
Kiel “warned” the council during the 11th hour. Evon didn’t undermine months of preparation, he openly criticised her long before she had anything to say about the attack (nor did he criticise her warning of the attack, we don’t even know if he knew she started singing his tune). To be fair, Evon wouldn’t be standing behind Kiel, Kiel would be standing behind Evon. If she wanted his support she should have asked him, technically she was taking his position on Scarlet.
Or he could have used some of that money to invest in improved defences himself, potentially giving him an unassailable case next time an opening comes up.
This is actually why I believe Evon’s character was poorly written after the attack on LA. He believed LA would be attacked but he didn’t make any preparations for it in advance for his own interests not just for the good of the city. Evon is a former member of the Ash Legion. He is also one of the most successful traders in all of Tyria. The BLTC is huge, you don’t found and run an organisation as successful and widespread as that without being a formidably intelligent and resourceful person. Despite these qualifications he openly talks about the expected attack and he doesn’t act to protect his own interests until it’s too late. It’s poor writing imo. An Ash Legion soldier, the top trader in Tyria, that person is smarter than how he was written here. They’re happy to show the ugly side of his character (the ruthlessness in which he prioritised his dolyaks over citizens) but suddenly he’s too stupid to act to protect his company and profits. Evon even “critized” the player if they chose the dialogue that suggested Lion’s Arch would be fine “Not a winning strategy”. That same person didn’t act to protect his own company when he believed the city it was in was under threat.
I believe the soundless are still connected to the dream and require regular intensive meditation to keep it out. Even with these efforts, the dreams effects are not entirely eliminated as Scarlet’s defenses were.
It was either implied in “What Scarlet Saw” or said in a Wartower interview that Scarlet was keeping the Pale Tree out of her head by her own will. From my understanding, Scarlet didn’t want to share her thoughts with the Pale Tree so she cut the tree off. To me this implies Scarlet has some kind of control over her mind.
I’m sorry but hasn’t it already been speculated that the sylvari are somehow related to Mordremoth? Wouldn’t this confirm that theory and that the Pale Tree is somehow keeping the corruption away from them.
No, it doesn’t. It just means that the sylvari’s immunity to corruption is not biological – it can be removed, and Omadd’s machine did just that. That is, if Scarlet got corrupted.
Though what the machine seemed to have removed was Scarlet’s connection to the tree (it was stated in an interview after the Jubilee that Scarlet’s disconnected from the Dream and it wasn’t her choice). This implies any sylvari not tied to the Dream become more susceptible to corruption. Soundless and Malyck, look out.
There is no relation between sylvari and Mordremoth hinted at or implied.
Actually it just confirms that Dragon minion =/= Dragon corruption if sylvari aint his minions or that as everyone who bothered to go trough all the stroylines should have known from the massive red arrows above the “hints” that the influence of ventaris tablet on the development of the pale tree made a barrier in the minds of sylvari that it called the dream/nightmare and that ommads machine AS PLAIN STATED BY HER JOURNAL AND VORPP* just burned trough it into the basic connection all beings corrupt by dragons share to their masters. You know kinda how it was with zhaitan and jormags champs which are sentient (cough kralky too if books are truly canon since he knew/sensed where glint is).
That just implies that sylvari that get dced from the dream are just like regular zombies, like Khilb, like the Svanir using the bloodsword, plain mentally broken when they get in touch with corruption (cough like some sylvari with zhaitans corruption) and if they are competent enough they can recover since they are technically already cured of the corruptions main effect (being connected with the respective dragon).
*Vorpp: I surmise she was directly exposed to a part of her own psyche that had been carefully walled off. Perhaps for her own protection?
Vorpp: We’d need to do far more extensive study of the sylvari Dream before I could draw any more-detailed conclusions.
As for the next 2, we already knew Mordy was in the ‘jungle’ bc of Colin Jo, so it seems like Mordy might be pretty close to the Asura. Of course, close is relative. I would consider Jormag ‘close’ to the Norn, but when you look on the map, Jormag looks like he could be further away from Hoelbrak than Zhaitan was from LA.
Im gonna go out on a whim and say all dragons are within locations of immense magical power, like the Magus falls for Mordre and the EOTN for jormag… since we bloody know that they are there from a) half of the asura starting zones talking about the dangerous magic there (which was the same thing asura said when they awoke primo) b) the norn character creation screen… you know the far shiverpeaks thing, kinda the 3rd or 4th line.
(edited by Andele.1306)
From what I heard was that the Scarlet Briar account was actually backed by a dev (something I heard from forums so take it with a grain of salt). This would sorta lean towards Mordy also being backed by a dev.
So one IC account means all IC accounts are backed by devs? Sweet, I should start a Kralkatorrik IC account of my own and see if Anet will send me a paycheck.
Nanuchka, norn mesmer: “BOOZEAHOL!”
Tarnished Coast – Still Here, El Guapo!
From what I heard was that the Scarlet Briar account was actually backed by a dev (something I heard from forums so take it with a grain of salt). This would sorta lean towards Mordy also being backed by a dev.
So one IC account means all IC accounts are backed by devs? Sweet, I should start a Kralkatorrik IC account of my own and see if Anet will send me a paycheck.
Hey man, I’m just sayin’ could be a possibility. Doesn’t mean its true.
Does anyone have a solid idea of the path that the ley line took? I’m guessing outside of Lion’s Arch the world hasn’t changed to reflect the events that happened during the finale. I would love to log in for the next patch and see a giant fissure across Tyria leading towards Maguuma.
I wonder if Thaumanova has become worse as a result, what other impacts would the ley line “rupture” cause?
I find 3 things interesting on “Mordy’s” Twitter:
Other than it being an obvious fan parody account?
From what I heard was that the Scarlet Briar account was actually backed by a dev (something I heard from forums so take it with a grain of salt). This would sorta lean towards Mordy also being backed by a dev.
The Scarlet account was Anets. It was just clarified in the main forums that Mordy is NOT Anet’s account, so disregard what I said. It became more apparent once Jormag came on to the scene on twitter.
Warrior Nuuk (80 War)
[ALS], Anvil Rock
The Scarlet account was Anets. It was just clarified in the main forums that Mordy is NOT Anet’s account, so disregard what I said. It became more apparent once Jormag came on to the scene on twitter.
It was however clarified, in the same post, that the Scarlet account wasn’t ArenaNets either.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
With Scarlet dead the steam creatures are available for any nut job with a wrench.
Well interesting tweet from Mordy: “I would have been sleeping now if you all didn’t ruin my minion’s plans. You are to blame for what is to come.”
I find 3 things interesting on “Mordy’s” Twitter:
The Twitter account is not official.
From what I heard was that the Scarlet Briar account was actually backed by a dev (something I heard from forums so take it with a grain of salt). This would sorta lean towards Mordy also being backed by a dev.
Nope. Or at least not official. See above link.
Oh dear. I hope they don’t do this frequently. That’s worse than on the main page!
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
bow to a new master?
it’s an asura not mordremoth
Scarlet is the best asuran in the game.
“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”
Well interesting tweet from Mordy: “I would have been sleeping now if you all didn’t ruin my minion’s plans. You are to blame for what is to come.”
I find 3 things interesting on “Mordy’s” Twitter:
The Twitter account is not official.
From what I heard was that the Scarlet Briar account was actually backed by a dev (something I heard from forums so take it with a grain of salt). This would sorta lean towards Mordy also being backed by a dev.
Nope. Or at least not official. See above link.
Weird. They didn’t list the Lord Vanquish-twitter which we were told was dev-run.
And the Scarlet-account had a few screens that look rather hard to get from void-jumping alone. The one with the Aetherblade-ships was posted a day before Escape from Lion’s Arch went live. And IIRC void-jumping allowed you to see the inside of the drill, but not Scarlet herself.
Edit: Also can’t seem to find these particular screens elsewhere on news-sites. Reverse-google searching leads back to the twitter.
I’d be rather glad if the Mordy one is fake after all (now that a few accounts showed up that ARE fakes), but I’m positive that the Scarlet one has a connection to Anet.
Oh dear. I hope they don’t do this frequently. That’s worse than on the main page!
…yep, I feel you there. sigh
(edited by ElysianEternity.6215)
The interesting thing is that, if the Scarlet account wasn’t run by ANet, whoever WAS running it had access to some exclusive screenshots of the interior of the Breachmaker before it was released to the public.
So… Guess who has a twitter now
Also looks like story bits may occasionally land on flickr.
/leaves this here and stealths out
That story emphasises why I think Marjory and the crew were the wrong ones to be featured in the Lion’s Arch updates. The emotional weight, the ownership of the city, the identity and spirit of Lion’s Arch isn’t represented by them. It feels missing from the story as a result.
Thanks for clarifying it wasn’t official. Was a nice laugh though.
That story emphasises why I think Marjory and the crew were the wrong ones to be featured in the Lion’s Arch updates. The emotional weight, the ownership of the city, the identity and spirit of Lion’s Arch isn’t represented by them. It feels missing from the story as a result.
I thought they should have showcased the Captain’s Council more. These are the rulers of the city, but yet they didn’t seem to do much during the whole thing. I can understand them using Marjory and Co. during the first part, but they missed a chance to show and expand on a cast of other key characters during the BfLA. It would have been an excellent time to show the Captains retaking LA with their respective (surviving) first mates and crew.
Oh dear. I hope they don’t do this frequently. That’s worse than on the main page!
…yep, I feel you there. sigh
Here’s another one. Seems like they’re going to continue with it, for now.
~ Spring Flow, Sylvari Guardian
The Pale Tree has some new dialogue but it doesn’t say much. Just that we did a favour to Ceara by ending it all. The Pale Tree claims Scarlet was losing the fight to remain in control of her mind but she’s vague about anything else.