There is no hatred in this post. Only concern. I was deeply in love with GW2 and eagerly anticipated its launch. I had been anticipating seven years of fun with it just like I had in GW1. Alas, my interest is already fading.
Playing GW2 is becoming a chore more than a fun experience. The stories make me roll my eyes rather than perk up in interest. This makes me very sad.
It was with great joy that I awaited GW2. With Tyria’s rich lore and the new races.
The dragons were a threat and we dealt a blow but the threat isn’t over.
I do appreciate that there are other things going on in Tyria, I do but with such a rich world it seems a bit of a cop out to have EVERYTHING be scarlet.
I would be just as discouraged if ALL we heard about were the dragons. Variety is the spice of life.
Now, I acknowledge that perhaps all this slow reveal of Scarlet being behind everything (and that’s not a spoiler because it’s so bloody obvious based on history) may be leading up to some big revelation and great story point but the path there is repetitive and dull.
As an aside, the living story updates became so frequent that they provided new content very often but for someone with not a lot of play time it became a bit like ADD. Here’s new content, no wait go look at this, quick something else!
And I missed out on completing achievements for some living story components as they seem to close upon every second piece of content.
The living story events up until the Nightmare Tower are generally grind fests. I find this discouraging.
I have actually given up on trying to do them. It’s just tedious and dull for me. Each living story seemed like just a reskin of the previous. The krait and toxic are molten alliance with a new coat of paint.
Close the portals, kill the blooms.
The gauntlet of the tower is a nice change though I find it also repetitive to get to the end point being stuck in those long champion battles.
My major concern is that it feels as though the rich lore of the world is being ignored and GW2 has simply become Scarlet’s playground.
If it needs to be Scarlet, so be it, but I wish that the story had more depth. That there was more link to the existing world. It all feels very self-contained and that nothing we do matters right now.
The fights are also falling back on old habits. The anomaly in the Thaumanova fractal story instance had SO much health. The fight mechanics started out interesting but quickly became tedious and boring.
I was logging in every day. Now I am lucky to feel the desire once per week.
Please don’t let GW2 become mediocre.
I am not unappreciative of the work you all do. I also know that I could definitely not do it better. But I do know that I am not finding this game fun anymore and I hope that can change.
Unlike last year, if an expansion were released tomorrow I fear that I would not be inclined to buy it.
Finding even five people online in my guild to do a dungeon or more interesting content is nearly impossible right now so I suspect I am not alone.
But if I am, then the problem is mine. But if it am not, I could not forgive myself for staying silent while the world withers.
(edited by Talon.5462)