[Gunnar's Hold]Tired of going solo, looking for friends!

[Gunnar's Hold]Tired of going solo, looking for friends!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Thorfax.3781


hi guys,
the name is Lance. i’m 18 years old and i live in Belgium. i’m useually a funny random person to go around with and there will never be quiet moments in chat :p i’m into everything in this game exept pvp. why? i dont feel like frustrating myself, cuz the truth is i suck at pvp xD Oh and i’m on Gunnar’s Hold ^^

why this short info? well ever since i bought this game i’m alone. the original plan was to play it with my friends. now some of them are lvl 80 already and they dont feel like doing stuff with you anymore cuz they saw everything already. others are just not online much.

thee game is designed to be able and do the majority of content on your own, but that doesn’t make it fun to me. i want to enjoy the content of this game with as many as possible at the same time, cuz really thats whats fun in an MMORPG: going around with friends doing stuff together.
and that’s what i dont have at the moment…

my highest lvl character is 42 so i didnt see half the game yet. im looking for someone no matter what lvl to play with and go around with. i dont mind if ur lvl 1: ill join you and help you out till we can go see new content together. if you’re higher than me, i would like the same from you

i dont care the lvl difference, i’d just like to do stuff together at the same time.

ofc i understand thats not always possible to be online at the same time, since i still go to school AND sleep at school, i am only able to come online a few hours a day, never sure when. though in weekends you can find me online most of the time

if you read this all, that means you might be interested in meeting me so ill give you some contact info

-in game name: Thorfax.3781
-skype name: cawwot-arroth

just add me online and if you have skype, can speak dutch and/or english, please add me on skype too and say its for GW2 ^^ i’m a really open guy and i love to skype-call while we play its much easyer and hey, maybe we get to be good friends ;D

i hope to meet you soon in game and/or skype!!

best regards, Lance

(edited by Thorfax.3781)

[Gunnar's Hold]Tired of going solo, looking for friends!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: anathemawhite.6879


You forgot to mention which server you are in.
I would gladly be your friend though, since I am a forever alone too (I play with a friend, but he goes online rarely and I ended up being alone most of the time)
I suck at pvp too so maybe we can help each other figure the best way to do pvp,
but if you are on a different server there is no way I will move there, because I am loyal to both my friend and my world.

Misfortune falls upon us

[Gunnar's Hold]Tired of going solo, looking for friends!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kayg Hunter.7849

Kayg Hunter.7849

Thorax and Anathemawhite,

I know this isn’t really the right forum for guild recruitment, but you both seem like you could use a good guild in the game. One of the greatest benefits to a guild in any game, is the social aspect of it. Often times I have continued playing a game beyond a point where I enjoy it anymore, just for the guild or clan I am in. I hope that won’t happen with GW2 ofc but hey, in the meantime I hope to build my guild and surround myself with people who enjoy social gaming, with maybe some competitiveness (not compulsory at all), but definitely with a drive for exploration. I am always getting lost in maps because of chasing some metal node or following some path into a cave somewhere. (it’s by happy chance that I map some areas to 100% lol).

I will add you both ingame when I log in shortly and send you both mails so you get some contact from me, incase, like me, you only use forums once a day. But in the meantime if you want to check out our Guild forums feel free to drop by.

Our guild is on Crystal Desert, so for grouping atm, you would need to be on there, but I understand people wanting to stick to server they have chosen. You can be in the guild from any server, but ofc the best benefit is being on the same server, until guesting comes in anyway. But just because you are on a differnet server doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from having people to talk to (gchat and TS).

Hope you both find what you are looking for in the game and if the guild isn’t for you, I understand, but hey still give me a shout, I am always willing to help people.

