(edited by skyhawk.5149)
"I'd really like this..." [Gifting Strangers]
As some skins are diseappearing from the gemstore for who-knows-how-long, I spent last days farming gold… and managed to buy one of them. But there is no way for me to get enough gold or gems themselves to get the other thing: Jungle Explorer Outfit. So if there’s some good soul out there with too much money, pretty please :> - it’s not in the gemstore anymore, so doesn’t matter for now
On a different note, I don’t want to ask for too much, but my charr still lacks a scarf and a guitar
Update: Thank you so much again, dear Anonymous (whose identity I happen to know, but not gonna tell) for the scarf <3 Now my charr is looking better then ever^^
(edited by Unfathomed.8140)
So much modesty in this thread.
I World love either the Scharf or the ringmasters hat from the gem store.
Above all Else remember to have fun
Received some gifts from a few strangers that didn’t want to be named!
But one fellow wanted me to let you all know that Tarnished Coast is a pretty nice server! Thank you everyone.
(edited by Hokeypokey.2135)
If anyone has the Krytan Medium armor available or extra, I would most certainly appreciate it.
Thank you!
(edited by Rash.6514)
Thank you ever so much to whomever it was that was able to mail me the fuzzy bear hat, i greatly appreciate it!
Your kindness will not be wasted, as this hat will forever be worn! <3
Thief 80 | Elementalist 80 | Mesmer 80 | Necromancer 80 | Revenant TBA
(edited by JoshuaRAWR.4653)
Hi everbody, i’m one of those new players that came around because of the new F2P initiative. But i’ve dicided to stay because of the game awesomeness and its community. Played WoW for a little bit (6 Months) and never felt that i was close to other players as i’m feeling with this game, thank you very much for being so heart welcomming to its new player base. As for request i’ve really like the [Mini Twisted Nightmare] since it complements the mood for my Engi. I fell bad for using my first post like this, but i’ll hope i can contribute to the GW2 community like you guys have been.
EDIT: GOT HELPED IN LESS THAN 30 MIN!!!!! Thanks my friend for donating this awesome Mini so quickly, hope we can play together
IGN = Orgmund – “Enginners like to solve problems. If there are no problems handily available, they will creat their own problems.” – Scott Adams
(edited by Argath.3748)
When the new Lion’s Arch was made public, I stationed my mesmer in the second chest of the new and long JP, and began to port people there, just for fun.
I was there teleporting people like 10 minutes when I received a mail from some girl that has just used my portal. Along a simple thankyou, she sends me also 1 gold.
Since I was doing the port for free, I really didn’t expect anything in return, much less a whole gold, much less without any interaction between us besides a hello and goodbye. It felt REALLY NICE.
After that I think I spent all my gift receiving rights for this game, and I’m happy with it, but since there’s no harm in asking, I will add my plea.
The only thing I really want and I know I’ll never get:
I just want the Aetherized Hammer Skin.
There is. I know is a complete impossible because extreme scarcity, incredibly high price and sheer demand, but one can dream!.
Thank you OP for the heartwarming and fun thread.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
I have a character by the name of Thor Odinson, a Norn Guardian. Flaming Red Hair and Beard, as the All Father intended.
He is a mixture of the Traditional Norse God in physical appearance, but his armor is getting closer to the Thor of the Marvel Comics Universe. (I plan to do something different, a more traditional look, but waiting for the right armor skins…it a personal preference thing.)
He has Gungnir(Odin’s Spear) as his Spear already. I am currently using Droknar’s Forgehammer and the skin for Courage as his primary weapons set(Hammer(Mace) and Bottle of Mead(Focus)), and the Iron Hammer skin as his 2-hand Hammer.
Obviously, I would like to make Mjolnir for him.
I am not asking for Mjolnir.
I can easily get the Eldritch Scroll, I have almost 1000 Mystic Coins, so that is not an issue, and I have to do 1 more run in AC to have enough Tears for my Gift of Ascalon. Also, I can cover the Gossamer and Ori ingots to make the Gift of Lightning.
What I need are Charged Lodestones. Per the recipes, to make the Gift of Lightning I need 100 Charged Lodestones, and then another 250 to make Mjolnir.
I realize this is one of the most expensive weapons in the game, and Charged Lodestones are over 3 G on the TP right now. I have a paltry 7 of them, out of the 350 total I need. If I get none of these, I completely understand. I am following this thread diligently, and plan to help those whom I am able.
I am not trying to scam anyone, and to prove so I will post a pic here of Mjolnir in my Character’s hands to prove I am not making this to sell if I make my goal.
If I get any, I’ll pass them along. Just finished my legendary, so my goals are done. Untill we see the new ones in HoT, if I like any of them.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
I have a character by the name of Thor Odinson, a Norn Guardian. Flaming Red Hair and Beard, as the All Father intended.
He is a mixture of the Traditional Norse God in physical appearance, but his armor is getting closer to the Thor of the Marvel Comics Universe. (I plan to do something different, a more traditional look, but waiting for the right armor skins…it a personal preference thing.)
He has Gungnir(Odin’s Spear) as his Spear already. I am currently using Droknar’s Forgehammer and the skin for Courage as his primary weapons set(Hammer(Mace) and Bottle of Mead(Focus)), and the Iron Hammer skin as his 2-hand Hammer.
Obviously, I would like to make Mjolnir for him.
I am not asking for Mjolnir.
I can easily get the Eldritch Scroll, I have almost 1000 Mystic Coins, so that is not an issue, and I have to do 1 more run in AC to have enough Tears for my Gift of Ascalon. Also, I can cover the Gossamer and Ori ingots to make the Gift of Lightning.
What I need are Charged Lodestones. Per the recipes, to make the Gift of Lightning I need 100 Charged Lodestones, and then another 250 to make Mjolnir.
I realize this is one of the most expensive weapons in the game, and Charged Lodestones are over 3 G on the TP right now. I have 11(total will be updated)of them, out of the 350 total I need. If I get none of these, I completely understand. I am following this thread diligently, and plan to help those whom I am able.
I am not trying to scam anyone, and to prove so I will post a pic here of Mjolnir in my Character’s hands to prove I am not making this to sell if I make my goal.
Update: My initial number was off(that’s what I get posting from work). I received a kind donation so now I am at 11! Awesome! You have my sincere thanks!
I’m at work right now so i can’t send you any of them. I will try to remember when I get home tonight. Please feel free to send me an in-game email and remind me. I only have a few but will send you what i have.
I would really like Profane Light Armor or Faren’s Rapier as a gift. I would buy it myself, but in my country payment is unavailable… :/
(edited by zerkeros.4176)
Since i started playing i always wanted to get 3 things from the gem store. The unlimted mining, logging and harvesting items. I managed to get a mine-r-tron by myself but i dont know if i could get any of the other two before they go away again.
It would make me really happy to get any of them.
I´d like to create the Meteorlogicus atm I need 500 Vial of Powerful Blood and 100 Charged Lodestones
I’m trying to complete all the Mini Pets of the game! I already have the set 1 2 3 and some gems! I love collecting mini pets, it’s like having action figures in the game!
I would like to ask your help to get closer to completing my dream which is to have all the mini pets in GW2! Here’s a list of the ones I am missing:
Mini Fox Kit
Mini Blue Drake Hatchling
Mini Snow Cougar Cub
Mini Beetle
Miniature Moose
Mini Bear Cub
Mini Red Panda
Mini Golden Pig
Miniature Ram
Mini Kasmeer Meade
Mini Braham Eirsson
Mini Rox
Mini Avatar of the Tree
Mini Pact Airship
Mini Drooburt’s Ghost
Mini Sand Giant
Miniature Belinda Delaqua
Mini Mai Trin
Mini Cobalt Great Jungle Wurm Head
Mini Steamrider
Mini Steam Hulk
Mini Steam Minotaur
Mini Yellow Moa
Mini Enraged Twisted Nightmare
Mini Black Moa
Mini Molten Firestorm
Mini Karka Hatclings
Mini Karka
Mini Reef Drake
To avoid sending the same mini pet, if possible send me an email asking if I still need it, so there is no risk of sending it “for nothing”. Thank you all
In an attempt to make a legendary, Twilight , I would be really grateful for some T6 materials. I currently hold around ~80 of all of them. Every single bit helps, thanks!
Wow! I’m amazed that there’s a thread like this. I’m not really a forum person but will try this out. My characters are all asura and i really think those Fuzzy hats (also the Shoulder Scarf) look good on them. Any style is cool with me. I would be glad to return the favor to you guys since i have more time to play now that I graduated! Thank you in advance
EDIT: Thank you to the kind soul who gifted me a Fuzzy Quaggan Hat! Whoever you are, thank you so much!!! This hat will forever be treasured <3
(edited by ryenerX.9364)
I wouldn’t mind getting a Total Makeover Kit, if someone is feeling generous. When I made my ranger I wasn’t expecting to keep it, so I didn’t put much thought into the appearance. Now that it’s 80, I’m kind of regretting how I made her look.
Honestly, I’ve wanted that bat greatsword (chirotophobia) ever since it first came out. I’ve never been lucky enough to have tickets when it’s been available, and I just don’t have the gold to be able to buy it off the TP.
Edit: Wow. I had two very nice people contact me about that greatsword skin. It seriously made my day. Thank you, both to the person who sent it and to the second person who was checking to see if I already got one. I know I already thanked you both in-game, but I just want to say it again.
(edited by RoseofGilead.8907)
Im not going to expect much but i would really love the deathly pauldrons skin if anyone might have an extra one. It would be the perfect finishing touch for one of my characters but i cant ever dream of affording it.
(That or the raiment of the lich either would be amazing ..i need to stop listing things)
Thanks in advance though at least i tried
This is an awesome thread, thanks for creating it!
I’ve always really wanted the shadow abyss dye, but haven’t had the gold to get it and I haven’t gotten it in Unidentified dyes. None of my characters look right without a true black, sorry it seems like a lot.
I’ll do what I can for others here, but I can’t do much. I’m a returning player from the game’s release so I literally just have the early wintersday items and 9 gold.
(I deleted my other post because I realized Rainment of the Lich was too much to ask for, and I edited this comment for grammar reasons)
Im pretty much a noob to this game. Have had it since launch but recently only got into it. I only have the one character a level 65 Norn Warrior and would love anything (weapons, armor etc) that can help me hit 80 before HoT is released. Plan on playing this game a lot going forward. I’m currently running a greatsword and longbow. Will def pay this forward when I can afford it.
I don’t have a lot of gold to buy one but if anyone could gift me a makeover kit for my asura I would definitely pay forward and be forever grateful. The phantom hood needs a good body to go with it
Thanks for reading!
good as Quaggan. Quaggan for President!
(edited by Squishy.3694)
Im not going to expect much but i would really love the deathly pauldrons skin if anyone might have an extra one. It would be the perfect finishing touch for one of my characters but i cant ever dream of affording it.
(That or the raiment of the lich either would be amazing ..i need to stop listing things)
Thanks in advance though at least i tried
There’s some speculation that older Halloween items and skins will be returning…again, just speculation…so keep your eyes open…you may get a chance at scoring the pauldrons yourself, or perhaps someone will get lucky and get an extra to drop and share with you. You never know.
I can because I want to
I want to because you said I couldn’t
Hello frens,
lately they took out some finishers from the gem shop and the only way to get them now is to buy them from TP.
Sadly im a pure pvper, and as we all know pvp doesnt give a lot of rewards or gold :<
But i wish i had the Avatar of Death Finisher ._.
I cant offer much in return, but if you want, i can help you out in pvp related thingies – whatever it will be.
Hello everyone, this is kind of a big request but I’m currently saving up for “Infinite Light” (around 300 gold to go)*. I’m totally fine with earning it on my own of course, however if any kind soul would like to make a donation, it’d be appreciated.
I should probably mention that I don’t get to play as much as I used to anymore (also I’m, like, really casual), but if anyone would be up for a trade of sorts, I’m sure we can work something out.
*updated periodically
(edited by Goon for Hire.7150)
I am currently saving up to buy the Bloody Prince’s outfit. I had been saving for a different one, not expecting this one to make a comeback. Now I’d like to manage it before it leaves the store. Literally any amount of money would be infinitely appreciated.
I currently havre 300 of the 700 gems needed and the amount of gold needed for the other 400 is about 85 or so. Even a few copper would help and I hope to be able to come back and return the kindness to someone else down the line. This is a wonderful thread.
Edit: A HUGE thank you to one incredibly generous soul who gifted me the outfit, which I was not expecting! I’ll be watching this thread to pay the incredible kindness forward and I hope to make someone else just as happy!
(edited by Morfindeth.2345)
Hi hi. This thread seems really amazing. So I thought I’d give it a try.
I’d love to have Wall of the Mists for my Chronomancer-to-be. I can mine orichalcum ores slowly and I have the mystic coins already… but the giant eyes are sooo rare that I haven’t even gotten one yet :’(
If any kind and noble souls out there could bestow some giant eyes upon this humble soul, I would be super happy. Tyty
Edit: I’d like to say a big thank you to my first donor <3
And because of the new HoT map rewards, I’m able to farm giant eyes now. 17 and counting…
Edit edit: Again, a huge thank you to my one and only donor. You’ve been a tremendous help. I’m happy to announce that
I’ve finally farmed the rest and have forged my Wall of the Mists !!!
(edited by angel.8237)
What a great thread, and honour to those that have donated, if there was one thing I would love to receive it would be one of the following balthazar pistol/axe/greatsword, I’d even be happy with some sort of infinate gathering tool, one can only hope. Good luck to all and may I fight on the battlefield alongside you soon
Wow! What can I say! What a great community. I have recently joined the GW following after taking a long break from gaming, which came down to the community being toxic! (WoW) it’s great to see people helping each other like this, and even in game where you throw a res out or events, champions etc! Fantastic to be part of. And to be cheeky, like most here! I’d really love one of those mining/lumber/sickles that don’t ever run out – they feel like a big sink to my very limited gold (my only char, and first attempt at GW)
Thanks in advance if anyone could be so kind, can’t wait to help out too!!
Originally, the GW2 community was pretty toxic, some of the corners of it still are. But I am glad to see people are helping complete strangers now.
If anyone can find it in there heart to gift me the mad kings outfit, that would be great.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
With halloween season bringing the outfits back, I’m saving up for the Bloody Prince outfit for my sylvari. I don’t have very much so far, but any help would be great.
0/700 gems so far. I don’t have much money yet.
I’m kind of new but I’d really like an outfit. I was looking at the cook’s outfit for my charr. It’ll probably take a while, but anything helps.
hi guys been watching this forum for awhile but didnt have the guts to post anything till now. i recently got hold of the light of dwayna recipe which im going to use on my ele.
the only problem im having is charged cores and damask. i would prefer cores over damask due to the fact damask is very expensive atm and i wouldnt feel happy knowing someone bought me a bolt worth 18g. i will try to gift in return after my backpiece is made. thanks :S
thanks to someones kind donation of cores im currently sitting on 5 cores(transmuting them tonight and 1 lodestone from fractals) which means altogether i need 7 more charged cores. and again thanks to the kind person who donated them i’ll be sure to drop something nice to you during halloween
thank you for the donations i no longer need charged cores or lodestones thanks for the help guys ill return the favour after its amde
i will keep you updated
Guild- JLAI (Dragon Slayers of Zhaitan)
(edited by NOIP.1208)
I would love to get The legend for my elementalist… Been playing for over a year doing world boss and dungeon and never got a precursor. trying to collect the gold to buy it, but haven’t got half of it yet.
So far no kind soul donated the Avatar of Death Finisher to me :[
So far no kind soul donated the Avatar of Death Finisher to me :[
Please take the time to read Steps #5 and #6 of my opening post.
(<3 Kitty Pic)
| [Free Ports For All “Not So Secret” JP Needs (and 1st Try Dive Tips)] |
| [Classic Thread: “all is vain”] |
(edited by StinVec.3621)
Originally, the GW2 community was pretty toxic, some of the corners of it still are. But I am glad to see people are helping complete strangers now.
No it really wasent toxic apart from spvp but when is player vs player not toxic.
Hello! It would be appreciated if someone was able to fufill my desire of getting the Mad King’s outfit. It’s on sale for a limited time and I was incredibly hyped for it, but I was not able to get it. I hope someone will be kind enough to grant me the outfit! Thanks!
I would really love it if someone could gift me the Imperial Outfit… I absolutely love the color purple! I am currently unable to afford it due to having low income, and having already pre-purchased HoT and Tales of Zestria for my gaming pleasure.
Reading this thread really made me smile. To be honest, i wouldnt have thought of so many noble souls being around, it really made my day. I would never have dared to ask anyone for this but as i read through this i figured i could as well give it a try :>
Playing gw2 for about a month now and just 2 days ago hit 80 with my ele, however i cant seem to look as neat as others do v.v i reeally like the arcane outfit though but can’t afford it ._.
otherwise, im desperately searching for 400-500 tailor materials, like vicious claw and vicious fang, powerful blood, ancient bones, elaborate totems etc..
Anything would be greatly appreciated also, my friends list is kinda empty^^
thanks in advance for any kind donations and i will of course update this post accordingly.
Just logged into the game and had 20 Powerful Venom Sac, 20 Ancient Bones, 20 Vicious Fangs and 10 Flawless Snowflakes waiting for me, from “the mysterious Mesmer that sent stuff from the Mists”
Again, thank you! you saved me a lot of time^^
with those, ill surely be able to progress my tailor a fair bit once i farmed all those ectos ^^
AAND another noble soul gifted 15 ectos today! i am so happy ^.^"
you guys rock!
(edited by enaecore.2408)
Hi there.
I wanting the Molten Alliance Mining Pick for some time now. mean reason is i do a lot of minung and its enoyinig when you ran out of picks. and also they cost its not a lot but if you combine every pick you bought its nice gold. so yea i would really appreciate it.
Also i would like to add thet im REALLY proud to be a part of this community. thank you anet for making this GREAT game.
Hi there! I would really enjoy a total makeover-kit to help my Charr necromancer becoming an albino, what’d be very cool i think. May i get one plzzz?
Hi there.
I wanting the Molten Alliance Mining Pick for some time now. mean reason is i do a lot of minung and its enoyinig when you ran out of picks. and also they cost its not a lot but if you combine every pick you bought its nice gold. so yea i would really appreciate it.Also i would like to add thet im REALLY proud to be a part of this community. thank you anet for making this GREAT game.
My advice would be to go for the Aetherized pick instead. It is the only pick that gives a chance of getting sprockets whilst mining. They sell for quite a bit.
I stumbled upon this thread out of random now and after reading the first lines I thought, hmm ,why not give it a try, perhaps it will help me out in the long run, who knows.
I’m an Achievement Hunter, so there isn’t really something that I’d desire from the Gemstore, but people seem to be also ok here with requests for non gemstore items (see Ectos ect.)
To break this down to simply 3 Points:
Every little thing will help and would be very much appreciated
1) Pendant of Orr (Large Gift) 0/1
2) Desire 950 Charged Lodestones (Medium Gift) 0/950
3) Desire 250 Vicious Fangs (Small Gift) – 0/250
PS: Kudos to the OP for this thread
Small Gift [47/250] Vicious Fangs. Thanks for the Donation
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
Stin, thanks for making this thread. I have enjoyed helping those out whom I can with in-game items they need. Some have paid me back in kind or given other gifts, and for that, I thank you(you know who you are).
Just a reminder, please peruse the thread from the beginning, as some have requested assistance for items that may take some time to acquire. I re-read every couple of days to see if anyone has updates or to see if I have acquired anything that might help someone out.
(Stin, if you feel this is inappropriate, please feel free to remove. I was just expressing gratitude and how much I enjoy this thread. I will not be offended. )
I can because I want to
I want to because you said I couldn’t
Firstly, great thread, its refreshing to know that there is a good gaming community in GW2.
On to my somewhat hopeful request…
I would love the Aetherized pistol skin to finish my gunslinger look im trying to achieve on my thief, it also shares a pistol skin with antique revolver weapons if that is any help. I realize that this is a big request as the skin is rather expensive in the TP, and it costs 5 Black Lion Tokens from the vendor, which is also proving very difficult to get as i have no keys to open the 40+ chests i have. My gratitude would be through the roof if anyone can help.
I’ve been playing 2 months and have bought a TON of stuff in the store but what’s upsetting is I can’t buy the Scythe (Staff) skin. I just unfortunately can’t spend the couple hundred real dollars to get the skin.
I HIGHLY doubt anyone would be able to send it as it’s more expensive than legendaries but for some odd reason someone would like to send me one for my necro I’ll gladly pay it forward. Or if anyone knows a way I can get it without again spending 3k+ gold.