(edited by darkapplepie.4801)
"I'd really like this..." [Gifting Strangers]
Just wanting to point out that a few things being requested cannot be gifted: Bank tabs, bag slots, character slots, and any other gemstore account-wide unlock (aside from wearable unlocks). Also, tomes of knowledge and boosters are account bound, as well. Happy gifting; I hope you all get your heart’s desire! (darkapplepie, I’ve found it’s more efficient to spend gold to buy the skin from the trading post directly, rather than exchanging them for keys and trying to get a ticket that way.)
This is only meant to inform; not to be rude in any way. I hope it helps!
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?
Relatively new to the game, started out as a free to play player but ended up buying heart of thorns because I heard the storyline will continue on the expansion.
Although dropping in 50 bucks killed my wallet, It was worth it! Although I was a bit dissapointed to find out that the HoT story is a continuation of the “Living World Season 2” I finished the story but was left with confusion throughout my whole time playing it
There was a Living World Season 1 summary so I guess that was a bit of information.
but I’d really love to buy the Living world season 2 Pack from the gemstore.
I know it cannot be gifted but I’m trying to amass gold to buy it , although being new I’m still confused on the ways of making gold in the game so I’m going very slowly :/
I wish I could just buy a gemcard but the expansion price left my wallet with only air left so I’m trying to just do the gold>gem conversion to get it!
Any help to my cause to play through the awesome story and get some of my tyria masteries would be awesome.
as of now the conversion states I need 243 gold..
I’m only at 110/243 so far so… any help would be appreciated!
on NA server if that helps
Edit: just visited the thread again, and I’ve made quite a progress~
@Donari Story is my main reason! but I’ve heard it gives tyria mastery points which im lacking so much so thats a bonus~
Edit #2: Managed to save up for it and clear it <3
(edited by Cyrie.9832)
Cyrie, is your interest simply in experiencing the story? I’d be willing to escort you through it in that case (on NA servers). You won’t get the rewards, and I’m not sure how much xp towards masteries you’ll get, but you can see the story without having to buy it.
I’m available today starting … now! Add me in game if you like, Donari.5237, and ping me there or here.
What an awesome thread Will have to bookmark for future reference
My guildies helped me get my glittering skins, yay
PvX | ~160 Members | Gilded Hollow | Level 69 | 18+
TS3: Rawr-Dragons.com (no pw) | Currently Recruiting!
(edited by Luna.1839)
Im dreaming of the Dreamer lol jk any extra skins would be amazing! Had the game since it came out, but due to work schedule cannot get on as much as I would like. Thanks in advance to any helpful soul!
Hi everybody!
I’d really like a Lunatic Guard Outfit if anybody can spare the couple of gems. I really hate to ask for things, but as it turns out, I am a little short on money right now (both in-game and irl lol!) so I cannot afford to buy the outfit myself, and it will be out of the store in 2 days. My birthday is coming on 21.11., and as it comes, I will buy an item of equal worth in gems to whoever would be so kind as to donate the Lunatic Guard Outfit to me, and I will donate another item to a random person in this thread to thank the community aswell.
Thanks a lot in advance to anybody who can help me out, to everybody who would love to help me but can’t, and to everybody who has previously helped out anybody in this thread.
Regards, IQ
Hello everyone,
If there is anyone who would be kind enough to help me out I could really use the gathering tools in the gem store. Any one of them would truely go a long way.
Thanks in advance.
(edited by Kohor.6417)
Yelllllo everybody!
Found this deadfuly helpful thread on the spaces of this forum =) After returning in HoT (was playing with a bunch of friends ~half of year ago) i realized that precursors for old legendaries now can be crafted! Exhale everybody, im not asking for a Dusk As a player who doesnt have very much time to play (due to the work schelude in clinic) i dont know where to get Elonian Leathers for the Dusk Experiment. I know i can craft them, but without a lowlvl character its just impossible to get t2, t3 and t4 leathers for it. So here is my question –
whether there are people ready to share these leathers with me? I will greatly appretiate it, thus, i will not dare to ask for more =)
And will all kindly persons who helped people here have an insta-karma bonus IRL
UPD. EU, Aurora-Glade realm. As requested =)
(edited by Mafusail.9305)
Can you all please for the love of rng write if you are on eu on na, that would be great.
Hello everyone, believe me when i say this, but i hate begging. i hate myself for asking if any gentle soul out there is kind enouth to gift me the celestial or white dye (depends on your generosity) for roleplay purposes as it is currently way out of reach for me in terms of currency. My character name is Leunamsil, a druid from Ring of Fire (EU).
Even if u don´t gift it ty in advance for taking the time to read this.
(edited by leunamsil.6742)
Difference between Celestial and White dyes with GW2’s color filters in various locations just cant be seen =)
(On NA server by the by.)
Goodness sake, I’ve played this game (albeit more casually) since the beginning and never knew about this thread. I’ll need to pay back some kindness later I think.
Things I would eventually like to have? Ah, the typical legendaries (Bifrost, why you so sparkly), but that’s silly to ask of here because that should be my hard work! For something more reasonable…
The jack-a-lop mini. Oh gosh that mini. I have two rabbits of my own, and I need that mini at some point in my life.
60-ish(?) charged lodestones. The Foefire’s Essence is the sword I decided to go for when I figured a legendary was out of my league. I have everything else but those darned lodestones.
Hello everyone,
first of all, this threat is a great idea!
I am farming for “Jormags Breath” atm. I really like that sword, but its pretty expensive (about 125 gold). To make it a kitteneaper, i am trying to craft it myself!
I got:
50/50 Coins, (ty, login rewards)
14/100 Orichalcum Sword Blade
and atleast 19/50 Corrupted Lodestone
If anyone wants to help me to get this sword, i would really be happy!
gl on the loot!
hi everyone! long time player, first post ever on the forums. eep. i love this thread though, i’m definitely going to bookmark it and go through to see if i can help anyone here after i’ve made my post!
EDIT: i’m pleased to report that thanks to one very kind soul i now have enough wood to finish my ascended! thank you so much <3
(edited by Cadmium.3751)
Anyone out there:
Honestly, it’s been a struggle. I’m not asking for gold even though I have very little. I’m asking for advice, honestly. I’ve been spending the past 3 days just purely THINKING about how to start my journey of crafting the Twilight legendary. I want to know farming locations for most of the materials. Not to mention I have no idea how to obtain Mystic coins. They’re not that expensive so I decided to just buy them from the trading post, however, knowing how to obtain them through normal means would save me some cash. If anything, knowing the best way to obtain Dusk would be just as helpful.
And on a final note, donations are obviously appreciated, even though this is one hell of a task. If anyone is willing to get me Heart of Thorns, that would save me some money and potential hassle with ArenaNet.
Anyone out there:
Honestly, it’s been a struggle. I’m not asking for gold even though I have very little. I’m asking for advice, honestly. I’ve been spending the past 3 days just purely THINKING about how to start my journey of crafting the Twilight legendary. I want to know farming locations for most of the materials. Not to mention I have no idea how to obtain Mystic coins. They’re not that expensive so I decided to just buy them from the trading post, however, knowing how to obtain them through normal means would save me some cash. If anything, knowing the best way to obtain Dusk would be just as helpful.
And on a final note, donations are obviously appreciated, even though this is one hell of a task. If anyone is willing to get me Heart of Thorns, that would save me some money and potential hassle with ArenaNet.
Mystic coins are from daily rewards now. Just login in everyday and you will get them. You can get T6 mats from farming SW and opening bags. t5 > t6 mat promotions, Onyx lodestones from TA. SW is also a good source for ectos as you can get rares and salvage those for ectos.
(edited by skyhawk.5149)
This threat is awesome. GW2 is one of the few mmo’s I have played where the community is helpful. There are a few trolls, but there are more good people.
There are a few items on my wish list
Black Lion Keys – I have a ton of chests, heck some from GW2 launch! I’ve just always had poopy luck with drops.
Donations. There are items in the gem store, but being I’m not in game every day, if some people decide to send something, don’t want that chance of a double gift.
So I’ve been crafting Juggernaut, finally finished The Colossus a few days ago, so all I need now are the dreaded silver doubloons… I’ve been farming them for 4 months with 6 lvl 21 toons in sharkmaw, but I only have 32. If anyone could donate me some I would appreciate it loads!
So I’ve been crafting Juggernaut, finally finished The Colossus a few days ago, so all I need now are the dreaded silver doubloons… I’ve been farming them for 4 months with 6 lvl 21 toons in sharkmaw, but I only have 32. If anyone could donate me some I would appreciate it loads!
I sent you a few and some tips on ways to make more. Folks here helped me get my stack and I got a few more from my alts parked at Sharkmaw recently so I sent those on to you.
I’m looking for BL keys, and if you give me the 25 package I’ll send you the most expensive of the 1-ticket skins at that moment
(edited by Turtlesrule.9281)
I’ve been saving up for the Belladonna of Dreams Greatsword (from TA) to finally complete my perfect reaper look <3 if anyone is feeling so inclined, I would love it! Thank you!
((helping out non-thinkers since 1989))
I really want that crystal arbiter outfit and it only comes in a package that costs 2000 gems, I don’t exactly have enough gold to buy gems and I’m currently sitting at 100g but I make around 10g+ a day so if anyone’s nice enough to gift me it for now while I pay you back 10g everyday until I fully pay off for the gems it costed. Not so much of a gift request but more of a loan request haha.
Just got back intonthe swing of things and wouldnt mind some rugged leather / soft wood for the prec crafting.
Lumber / ore node if anyone fancies going crazy!
Much love
Cool thread! Wouldn’t mind receiving an Enameled Crimson dye
Edit: US server
(edited by zero.5316)
If anyone out there could spare an Identity Repair Kit, I would be more than grateful. (EU player here) <3
I’ve been playing for a long time now, I main a human guardian whom I love dearly and would be extremely unhappy to part with. Back when I created her I thought that I wouldn’t mind having a ‘punny’ name, so of course I had to name her ‘Alcohealic’.
Gross, I know. I have remade a lot of my characters because of their punny names, but I just can’t stand the thought of deleting her.
And with all my money going to aiding new players (I give out small bundles of food, dyes and inventory bags. Even a few coins at times), I simply won’t let myself prioritize renaming her over helping newcomers.
All my newer toons have names that fits the lore, and I can’t even begin to describe how much I am loving it! I enjoy running around as Mentor ‘Tavros Inktail’, or Mentor ‘Mhess the Saboteur’. Mentoring new players is in fact something I love doing :D But being Mentor ‘Alcohealic’… I can’t welcome new players with such a name. :/
She’s soon going to have her second birthday, and so I wish she could be renamed something more.. human.
Thank you in advance! <3
I would love love loveeee the Butterfly Gatherer but I know it is quite the far fetch, thus I would be happy with a stack of ectos or some transmutation charges <3
Thankies in advance :3
(edited by Nyonil.5670)
It’ll be nice to get Wrath of cooperation and Total make over kit ^.^ EU server
If any kind stranger decides to help me, keep in mind I’ll gladly compensate spent gems in 2 weeks since today.
So as everyone knows, precursor crafting is expensive, so any t6 mats would be very much appreciated. Also, I would like any of the infinite gathering tools.
updated my list. My gifter said nothing about anonymity, but simply out of respect I won’t say anything about who it was.
Any unlimited gathering tool would be SO helpful for my precursor hunt
(Or any mats.. I’m currently in need for metal + wood…)
Big thanks and shoutout to everyone who likes to share their wealth with us!
I normally hate asking for any donation or freebie and would rather earn it myself, but if someone was feeling generous, I have been interested in the old Dreamthistle Longbow Skin for this new sylvari toon I’m currently building.
I eventually plan to unlock the legendary crafting for Astralaria as it’d also match the theme. (I know what I’m getting myself into.)
If someone were to fulfill this, I’d appreciate very much.
I dont really know what I want. I mean…I want a lot of things. But knowing myself I will probably never have them. I have this idiotic habbit of just standing arround. Since the game doesn’t really point me in any specific direction. I tend too just run arround lions arch or HOTM fighting with my self over what I should be doing. I’m constantly thinking about going for twiglight (the most amazing thing in the game) even though i have nothing else. No full map comletion, no ascended armor, no weapons, no ascended backpiece only one solid rune and sigil set, haven’t done most of the dungeons, only level 21 in fractals and what do I do….I run arround LA or HOTM. FML.
I dont know. Maybe some off you guys can bring me back in to the game. Reignite my spark. Maybe you guys can help me a bit and help me build twoard finishing at least one thing.
I’m a returning player on NA and have working hard getting the gold for a Dream Cleaver Logging Axe. Ever since I saw the unlimited tools I’ve been wanting one but being between jobs and struggling to make gold it’s been a longer grind then I expected. It would be truly amazing if someone could get me one.
Hello! I’ve just recently gotten into GW2 after watching all sorts of vids about the game on twitch and youtube, and I’ve quite recently started gathering materials so I can start crafting stuff when I hit 80 or when I’m bored. The only problem is that I quite frequently run out of the gathering tools to use, most notably the axe and pick, so if any kind soul would like to help brighten up a newbie’s day, either of those(or both :p) will be very much appreciated from the bottom of my heart I specially have my eyes set on the flute version of the tools as they are really unique for me
Hi, I need a bit of help with a couple of things. First, I am trying to make my first legendary weapon called the incinerator. I am making a couple of them, but I need help getting some the items needed to make the first tier precursor. All I need is 25 deldrimor steel and some shards of glory. I would get it myself, but I am a bit busy with projects, work, and college graduation for my special education degree. So, if someone could pitch in just a little then that would be great. Also, one more thing. There is this awesome exotic called the lightward battlestaff that I want for my daredevil. The problem is that it can only be found in pact cargo in magus falls. So, if someone finds it and doesn’t want it, I will take it off your hands. Thank you, and have a Merry Christmas!
Hi guys I hunting claw of Jormag for a while for Ice shard (that one what open his collection) and no chance. And Caustic Dye all expensive for me. if anyone got spare and share I would be very happy. ty
(edited by Goroth.6153)
I know it’s highly unlikely, but maybe someone is feeling the Christmas spirit a little early this year. xD If anyone would mind gifting me a pair of wings, any kind really would be very much appreciated! Not exactly financially stable yet with college looming in the very near future :P
(edited by KSI Hoby.3904)
Hello everyone.
I have currently set my goals on leveling crafting diciplines to help out my guild is and friends. Any amount of in game currency would be appreciated and used for such purposes. ^^
Any account upgrades such as bank tabs or inventory slots would be great too for crafting purposes.
Also, black lion keys or that cool char guitar would be awesome too.
You guys rock. I’ll keep and eye on this thread to see if I can help out anyone myself.
Hello! I would like to ask, if anyone was so kind, for the Material Storage expander. I’m trying to pay for a wedding and that kills all financial funds XD i know its expensive but one can dream.
Thank you for your time and generosity.
Hello everyone, I have been enjoying playing the game so far (2 months) but the past few weeks i can’t help but feel saddened lately. Don’t get me wrong, I love this game, but i feel like it doesn’t love me back. All of my friends got their share of precursor/ascended gear/fractal skins/expensiveblacklionstuff drops already and i feel like the odd one out…
so I’m here to ask for your help in giving me any random cool stuff you can!
if I’m asked for a preference I’d take a permanent axe or sickle tool would be neat. I’m avoiding pick cause I already bought a permanent pick. any amount of ascended/legendary crafting materials would do just as fine. in fact, I’d be grateful for anything you will have to offer.
Thanks in advance to the ones helping this downed player rise up again!
Edit: I forgot to add but I’m in NA server.
So, I don’t really expect anyone to, but I hit 80 a while ago and in terms of what the people in my guild are doing, I’m unable to participate because I don’t have the expansion. If a super kind-hearted soul could buy me HoT that would be amazing!! That being said I know it’s a lot and honestly I’ll be amazed if I get a reply >.<
Edit: To my anonymous friend who contacted me – The forum won’t let me respond to your pm. I sent you a mail in game and look forward to your reply!! That being said I can still receive messages here
(edited by Erixen.7381)
It’d be amazing if someone would give me that scarf in the gem store. I had to decide between getting the scarf and getting a makeover…the makeover won out, but now my warrior’s shoulders are cold.
Planning on upgrading to a GTX980ti by late 2016
EDIT: To the incredible person who gifted me total makeover kit:
I don’t know your name but know that your kindness is a gift, maybe the rarest, most valuable one to have.
Needless to say, thank you VERY much!! May you be surrounded be selfless people like yourself!
So here is my story:
I’m a working class gal from a 3rd World country who happens to love mmos. Since USD are super expensive here, Ive been limited to ftp titles. I tried wildstar, liked it, then lag made it unplayable and I went and tried GW2. It’s beyond mere like, I feel this game was made for me!!
I loved it so much that I scrapped the 15 usd to buy the core game, because I feel it really deserves it.
Anyways, I’m playing an awesome Asura Mesmer (cute, funny, kitten, this race has it all!!) In dragonbrand server.
What would make my day: those pikes and axes that are unlimited… So useful and they look as well
What would make my week! The total make over thing… Such cute and amazing faces and hairstyles for my Asura!
Thank you for reading this, even if you can’t or don’t want to gift me, reading the post is OK as well.
(edited by Mostly Harmless.7046)
I actually hate asking for help or begging of any kind, there is something better about getting it yourself but I’m a little desperate to say the least…
I’d adore Aether heavy it’s the one armor I keep telling myself (yeah Ill get it) but never do.
I should have gotten it way sooner, but my sister just got done making her legendary and of course I helped how could I not, Also Just helped a guildie (they had quite a but of help regardless) to get Immobulus
so im rock bottom? to say the least LOL
It would be a great gift that I’d surely repay any way that I could just have to name it, except fractals omg I cant fractal worth a poop. I’m like a Lannister I always pay my debts (without the incest, murder, cheating etc)
(edited by SnowHawk.3615)
Dear SantaGamer Claus,
Christmas is near! I have been a good gamer this year . !I played every day with friends and pugs and I gave them my help and smiles.I taugh noobs how to be better in GW2 and I have been friendly with new players,doing with them dungeons and other stuffs like world boss events!I really want to craft a legendary greatsword called Twilight for my war but I’m never lucky with drops and haven’t money/time to buy/craft the precursor(called Dusk) . I hope you can hear me and send it to me as a gift to make me finally happy
My mom says that you don’t exist but she can go uck herself because I believe in you and you are real!!!
Greetings by Yride ( from EU server) :
Hmm, the verbiage is strangely similar in these two posts from different users. Each user only has one post in their history (this one).
So, I don’t really expect anyone to, but I hit 80 a while ago and in terms of what the people in my guild are doing, I’m unable to participate because I don’t have the expansion. If a super kind-hearted soul could buy me HoT that would be amazing!! That being said I know it’s a lot and honestly I’ll be amazed if I get a reply >.<
So, I don’t really expect anyone to, but I hit 80 a while ago and in terms of what my friends are doing, I’m unable to participate because I don’t have the expansion. If a kind-hearted friend could buy me HoT that would be amazing! That being said I know it’s a lot and honestly I’ll be surprised if I get a reply!
Hmm, the verbiage is strangely similar in these two posts from different users. Each user only has one post in their history (this one).
So, I don’t really expect anyone to, but I hit 80 a while ago and in terms of what the people in my guild are doing, I’m unable to participate because I don’t have the expansion. If a super kind-hearted soul could buy me HoT that would be amazing!! That being said I know it’s a lot and honestly I’ll be amazed if I get a reply >.<
So, I don’t really expect anyone to, but I hit 80 a while ago and in terms of what my friends are doing, I’m unable to participate because I don’t have the expansion. If a kind-hearted friend could buy me HoT that would be amazing! That being said I know it’s a lot and honestly I’ll be surprised if I get a reply!
Actually deleting my post, because I just seen this one lol and I feel bad for asking now ._.
Hmm, the verbiage is strangely similar in these two posts from different users. Each user only has one post in their history (this one).
So, I don’t really expect anyone to, but I hit 80 a while ago and in terms of what the people in my guild are doing, I’m unable to participate because I don’t have the expansion. If a super kind-hearted soul could buy me HoT that would be amazing!! That being said I know it’s a lot and honestly I’ll be amazed if I get a reply >.<
So, I don’t really expect anyone to, but I hit 80 a while ago and in terms of what my friends are doing, I’m unable to participate because I don’t have the expansion. If a kind-hearted friend could buy me HoT that would be amazing! That being said I know it’s a lot and honestly I’ll be surprised if I get a reply!
Actually deleting my post, because I just seen this one lol and I feel bad for asking now ._.
Hey, Wizler. I can see how that would look very suspicious. However, I expect it was not done for disingenuous purposes as I mention below.
Prodical, please consider putting your desire back up unchanged! I understand that it can be hard to put something into the right words, especially when asking for something. I’m sure you saw another post desiring the same thing that was worded very well and only changed the appropriate words so it fit your specific situation and reason for the desire (guild>friends, etc).
| [Free Ports For All “Not So Secret” JP Needs (and 1st Try Dive Tips)] |
| [Classic Thread: “all is vain”] |
Hi all,
I’ve been an off/on player since the start. The biggest problem I’ve faced is the fact that I really don’t know anyone who plays. I’m relatively familiar with the people in my guild, but my work hours limit my interaction with everyone.
My request is if anyone is on around midnight Central Standard Time and is lonely/looking for someone to play with, I would love to hang out and chat. Games like this are better with people. If anyone wants to message me feel free, just be sure to reference this post or I’ll be totally lost :p
Hope to hear from you soon!