"I'd really like this..." [Gifting Strangers]
Well, I would really like that new Dynamics Exo-Suit Appearance Pack from the gem store. Want to make my thief sort of a space ninja/monk with the suit an glider but can’t afford it before the time runs out on it being in there.
Heylo! just you’re average gamer here! i’ll go ahead and keep it sweet and simple. i’d love Eternity (or twilight). give me my first legendary
or of course if too pricey, id really like a scarf or hair style kits (permanent ones if feeling generous)
but legendaries aren’t out of the question (not the underwater ones shudder)
(edited by SirQuibbles.1948)
Well, if I had my pick, I would love to have Sunrise or Eternity. I know it’s a bit of a hefty item, but I’d be grateful to not have to craft more than one legendary (I plan to make Bifrost myself lol)
As a second option, I’ve always wanted Shadow Abyss Dye as not many dark colors in GW2 really replace a solid-black dye. Some can get close, but nothing compares to shadow abyss dye.
Any of said items would fill my request. I really only need one so obviously I’ll call my request filled if I get one of the three items. Thanks for at least looking at my post, and have a wonderful day!
I wouldn’t mind getting enough gold to buy a commander’s tag. At 300g it’s a tad pricey for me, but I have always wanted to get one seeing as how I have been playing WvW for almost 3 years now. It would be a nice tool to have in many situations.
(edited by trailofsalt.6571)
The one item I’ve always had my eye on since I started playing a couple years ago was Bolt, I thought (and think) it was (is) very cool but I just never had the time to put in to grind for it and it would be amazing if someone was to buy me this please, but I understand it is a very mounting request even for the generous people of this thread, so if it doesn’t happen I’ll understand, thank you all!
seeing the trend of this thread does make me feel a little unsettled. i love the idea behind this thread ad as some of you might know i was actively enganging in fulfilling other ppls needs but the many (not all) requests are a little… well, much, in my opinion. i know you can ask for anything but i feel like this started out somewhat different than what it looks like today. I know you can ask for everything, and maybe its just me but these are my thoughts.
So in the spirit of what i think this should be about, i am always glad to help players either by providing information or helping ingame, be it fulfilling certain quests, personal story, dungeons, fractals, farming or anything else. i might also help out with spare mats to those who need it if you drop a message here (please dont clog my ingame inbox with mat requests).
Just a note, im not a self acclaimed master of this game, havent earned many aps and im not sitting on hundreds or thousands of gold. but i gathered quite some knowledge and would be glad to help others by playing together, or just chatting nicely. also, i love the lore of this game so im not the one asking you to skip the story parts (which i think is the main problem with asking people to join your story instance).
might be a little much just now but i felt like leaving this here. have a nice one everyone
(edited by enaecore.2408)
As a second option, I’ve always wanted Shadow Abyss Dye as not many dark colors in GW2 really replace a solid-black dye. Some can get close, but nothing compares to shadow abyss dye.
Obviously I do not know how long you have been playing…but you can acquire a Shadow Abyss Dye from the Dye Kit that comes in the 4th Birthday Present.
Once you get your 4th present, just open the Jubilant Dye Pack and pick the Shadow Dye Kit, then pick the Shadow Abyss Dye. Its an easy way to get it, costs you nothing…just the time to wait.
Otherwise, you may have better luck asking for help with Mats to create your Legendary, as opposed to requesting a Precursor or Legendary outright. But you never know…some kind soul might help you out with those. Good Luck!
I can because I want to
I want to because you said I couldn’t
So in the spirit of what i think this should be about, i am always glad to help players either by providing information or helping ingame, be it fulfilling certain quests, personal story, dungeons, fractals, farming or anything else. i might also help out with spare mats to those who need it if you drop a message here (please dont clog my ingame inbox with mat requests).
Just a note, im not a self acclaimed master of this game, havent earned many aps and im not sitting on hundreds or thousands of gold. but i gathered quite some knowledge and would be glad to help others by playing together, or just chatting nicely. also, i love the lore of this game so im not the one asking you to skip the story parts (which i think is the main problem with asking people to join your story instance).
Very well said. I don’t get to play as often as I used to, but I am one of those as well who can be asked to help with gathering, quests, map completion, JPs(except that $%#@!! Not So Secret JP, I suck at that one ), Story Steps, etc. So there are a few of us around.
Happy Adventuring enaecore !
I can because I want to
I want to because you said I couldn’t
seeing the trend of this thread does make me feel a little unsettled. i love the idea behind this thread
I agree. Seeing a lot of the recent posts asking for seriously expensive items or posting a list of items is getting pretty ridiculous and is missing the spirit of the intention here. This post isn’t intended for people to casually ask for 3k+ items and legendaries or post a shopping list, the thread as Gaile said is:
I think it would be helpful to point out the purpose of this thread, which is generally to give players “a little boost” towards their objectives. Maybe it’s a few dyes; a couple of mats; a small supply of cooking ingredients. For someone who wants to acquire a Legendary, asking for help with one of the needed materials would be fine. Asking for the gift of a Legendary outright isn’t really in the intended scope of this gifting thread.
Dear All,
My bags are always full with materials, as I cannot store all of them in my tiny material tab. If there is a kind soul out there who could gift me a Storage Expander I would be really grateful. I’m in EU.
Hello everyone I’m in the NA,
I have been wanting to get into Fractals for a while now. But its hard to get +10 infusions for all my gear/trinkets. I would like to be able to do any level with friend and guild members. I would buy them or farms but i just had a little girl and she take up 99% of my time. Well i hope everyone has an amazing time playing.
Dear All,
My bags are always full with materials, as I cannot store all of them in my tiny material tab. If there is a kind soul out there who could gift me a Storage Expander I would be really grateful.
I’m in EU.
You could always sell exess materials off convert gold to gems and buy that expander to fix the problem
Ty guys so much <3
(edited by Raiga.6498)
Oh my god… you who ever gave my this 5 Keys… I thank you so much!
I got my glider from them your the best person in this world!
Hello Guy’s, I’ve struggle for a while but finally I decided to ask for:
Black Lion Keys
If someone want to help me I’m from:
I don’t mind if it’s just one! I would never dear to just casual ask for 25!
My goal is the new glider and after I didn’t got any key for Map reward the last days (which is kinda frustrating), and already spend a lot of my gold in-game I don’t have so much left as an opportunity ….
Greetings to all of you who took the time to read <3
(edited by SilverWolfAkira.1024)
Hi everyone,
I’m currently trying to make some of my favourite mystic weapons but they require a lot of ectos and mystic coins. So if some generous ppl happen to have some spare ectos or coins to give i would be very grateful. <3 Thx in advance .
30/500 Ecto
Received 30 ectos to far, Thank you!
Otherwise, may I have a few keys please? Really want to have that awesome glider so much..
Luv you all!
(edited by Tyranno Legend.1958)
I can’t really buy gems because I don’t have the money and I save most of my gold for gear and more useful stuff, most of my gear is exotic, no Ascended yet, so I save all the gold I can.
But… my character looks pretty ugly in general, I have the generic looks but none of the cool ones.
Any cool skin would make me really happy. I just want to look like the cool kids :\
NA Server
Hey there!
I’m a new player on NA server that just finished the grind to Level 80, trying to hit the floor running in this game by running dungeons, World Bosses, and helping players just starting out to kill Champions. During this process, I’ve really wanted a Copper Salvage-o-Matic for those times in Ascalons where I get loaded full of loot but run out of Salvage Kits. If anyone is kind enough to send me one, I’ll definitely make sure to spread the love.
Aside from that, the new expansion trailer was pretty hype! I noticed the Balthazar’s Regalia Outfit was something that would fit great with my Revenant. I would also be incredibly thankful for an amazing outfit like that.
Kudos to this community for making new players feel welcome!
Tbh, I can’t afford the luxury items on the TP so I stick to in-game currency mainly and if I have to buy gems, I use them for items that improve QOL (CDN exchange rate is brutal these days).
Anyway, I would really like to get the Soul River Glider and unfortunately, it seems it is only available with the Bandit Sniper pack. I am still running about in my HoT and basic glider LOL.
Seems silly I know but I see all these lovely gliders and back items and couldn’t help but put the Soul River on my Santa list.
To those who have been gifted…. Alot of ppl helped me in HoT maps when I got my first 80 there last winter. Now, when I see new players and help them with HCs or Port them to a MP etc. To those who have been gifted because of this thread, be sure to pay it forward if you haven’t already. Kindness is what makes this community great and why I keep playing.
Greetings all! I started playing fairly recently, mainly exploring the end game content at the moment since I am lost in the vast world of possibilities. When I learned how the Mystic Forge works, I went to check out a few recipes and stumbled on Jormag’s Breath. This weapon gave me chills instantly! Making it my first goal in the game. Sadly, when I saw the price of Orichalcum Sword Blades and Corrupted Lodestone I kind of lost all hope since 50 Corrupted Lodestone costs me 35 gold and I don’t have that kind of money. Also there is the Mystic Coin problem, I think can get 20 by myself from the monthly login reward but still 50 is far beyond me.
Long story short, I think I can somehow save up for the Orichalcum Sword Blades but right now my problem lies in Mystic Coins which I sadly have none of and Corrupted Lodestone. I know it is incredibly much to ask but any Mystic Coin and Corrupted Lodestone donations will mean the world to me, even if it is a very small amount! Thanks in advance! ^^
An amazing guy helped me out with a large part of the items! Thank you so much!
Wow… Another amazing person gave me 39 Mystic Coins. I am speechless. Thanks a lot!
Currently at:
100/100 Orichalcum Sword Blade
50/50 Corrupted Lodestone
50/50 Mystic Coins
WISH GRANTED! Thanks to everyone! <3 All I have left to do is a few spirit shards for the Eldrich Scroll.
(edited by EXuBu Ice.3562)
Hey everyone,
I’m referring to this thread to ask you something. I have many things to do in my home instance and going to the Black Citadel (Charr forever o/) by waypoint everyday is kinda expensive.
So im asking to a generous donator if I can get this Home Portal Stone to bypass the waypoint and saving a lot of golds !
Have a wonderfull day and see you in game !
PS : Im in EU server and im sorry if there is some grammar mistakes ^^’’
You can also use the wvw (tower icon or b) or spvp lobby (crossed sword icon) on top left of your screen then go to lions arch and portal to black citadel for free.
EDIT: A very kind person just granted my wish, I’m thrilled! ;u; <3
Hello all! Well, having just returned to the game after a very long hiatus, I find myself falling in love with GW2 all over again.
When I started playing on the day of release I rolled a ranger, and they’re still my favourite class. I love taming pets! I started a brand new one since I wanted to come back to the game fresh, and one of my biggest regrets was always the exclusive ranger pets that I knew I’d never be able to get. It’s been 4 years and I’m still pining after them now. The black moa was my favourite, I love birds so much, and so does my character.
This is probably a long shot, but I would be so thrilled to have the Mini Black Moa so my new ranger can run around in the world with it at his side. I didn’t even know there was a mini version of it until recently, but as a newbie I definitely do not have any gold to purchase one at the moment. It may not be quite the same as having the tamed pet, but it would sure make me smile. <3
Character: Castorien
Server: NA
(edited by Veph.4125)
Hey, what’s up? Name’s Drache, and I’ve been working hard on my very first legendary, Frostfang. And while I’ve managed to slog through most of the requirements, I would definitely appreciate some help with some of the mats I need.
Any T6 mats aside from vicious fangs.
Finally finishing Frostfang after over a year would mean the world to me and my ranger.
I would like a Heavy Zodiac armor set if anyone would be so kind
EDIT: I forgot to mention I was NA server
(edited by dgenerozo.5692)
EDIT – a kind soul has gifted me my request! Thank you so much! <3 Time to pay it forward.
Hello everyone! Thank you to all the players that are going around helping others out! It really is satisfying to see that there are other players out there that are more than about themselves!
The only thing I’ve really wanted is the Miniature Raven. It’s so cute and amazing, I missed my chance to buy the Mini Avian 3 Pack when it was available, so now I’m hoping to get Black Lion Keys in order to get the 2 Black Lion Miniature Claim Tickets needed to exchange for the Miniature Raven.
If anyone out there can help me with some Black Lion Keys, I’d really appreciate it and would be forever be indebted to you!
(edited by RAWR.4273)
I have been a long time reader and responded to a few gift requests in this thread it’s a great idea. Sadly I just got laid off from work so I won’t be able to help with any more requests for a while as it took a huge bite out of my gem buying ability. If someone would be so kind to help me with a Total Makeover kit I would be super thankful to them My poor guardian was rolled while I was half asleep and looks like a complete tool. Edit: Forgot to mention that I am on NA servers.
Oh this is really cool idea Well it’s kinda hard for me to pick as I’m still you an say still new but not new player lol. I’ve been playing 6 months now as a good friend kinda got me in to it. Have to say this game took me out of WoW a first for a mmo game for me hahahaha. So far been enjoying the game and story. I got to the point to I even went back to GW 1 as it was my starting days of mmo. So much cool stuff and like to learn the lore arena net have made in GW world. Still learning crafting, making gold and story lines.
I’ve seen crazy price item like the amazing legendary weapon i like , but that is way to much for some one to give to me :P
So I’m guess I’m going be little simple and just looking for (One Stack of 25 Black Lion Chest Key) -edit take out- . I’m always a gambler and like the what item I could get in the box.
Oh scratch asking that many key is too much. But I notice that the Black Lion Trading company just added Season 1 memory box. I never played when GW2 was at season one and would like to get some boxes of goodies that happen that time frame.
Just asking a stack for 10 box and see what i can get a get that cool feeling of how season 1 gear was around.
Who ever does help me just know I want to Thank you in advance of helping some one out.
Oh yeah for got to say I’m in NA servers ^.^
(edited by Slothy.8176)
I’d love a set of Infinite Unbound Magic Gathering Tools, if anyone’s feeling generous. I don’t have any infinite tools yet, and I feel like Living World Season 3 made Unbound Magic definitely worth obtaining whenever possible. I won’t be able to afford the gem purchase before they’re out of the Gem Store in 7 days, but I’d be glad to pass along the GW2 love and pick something up for someone else when I can afford it. I’m on NA servers.
Edit: Wow, did not even realize how spendy those tools are in real money. If someone really wants to drop that much on me and get the tools, by all means, go ahead. Otherwise, I’m working on Chuka and Champawat as my first Legendary, and I’m just about ready to craft the first precursor, The Hunt, so I’d gladly accept any material donations that’ll get me farther toward crafting it, especially Elonian Leather Squares.
(edited by Auralight.8524)
Hello all, i am currently working on my legendary (Flameseekers prophecies) And need a bit of help as its a ton to get ;p
I am currently working to get the gold and T6 materials for it, and a bit of help would always be welcome.
If you want to help, thanks alot
There’s lots of things in the game I’d love to have, but none are as mysterious as the Plush Ram Backpack Set. Since I came to know its existence, I’ve never seen it in the gem store. And I certainly can’t afford to buy hundreds of BLCs to get it through a wardrobe unlock.
So if someone has it or happens to get it, I’d really like it. It’s so cute. :0
I’m on NA, by the way.
Hello all, i am currently working on my legendary (Flameseekers prophecies) And need a bit of help as its a ton to get ;p
I am currently working to get the gold and T6 materials for it, and a bit of help would always be welcome.
If you want to help, thanks alot
Have you already completed the mystic clovers? since that usualy generate a fair bit of t6 materials.
I never really thought I wanted a cosmetic glider until today. I saw someone with that raven spirit glider and it’s something that I really want for my ranger… my main. Would be awesome if it’d show up as a late bday present!
Daniel.5428, I think you need to re-read the first post, especially the part I quoted below, as this is your third request in this thread. please be more respectful of the kindness of others.
Administrator Note: In the giving spirit of this thread, we are limiting requests to one request per player. This will allow more players to benefit from the generosity inspired by this initiative. Please do not make more than one post over the lifetime of the thread. In addition, please do not edit or delete your post to submit an additional request. Thank you for your cooperation.
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |
Daniel.5428, I think you need to re-read the first post, especially the part I quoted below, as this is your third request in this thread. please be more respectful of the kindness of others.
Administrator Note: In the giving spirit of this thread, we are limiting requests to one request per player. This will allow more players to benefit from the generosity inspired by this initiative. Please do not make more than one post over the lifetime of the thread. In addition, please do not edit or delete your post to submit an additional request. Thank you for your cooperation.
Thank you for noting the multiple requests, nottsgman. They have been removed.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
EDIT – a kind soul has gifted me my request! Thank you so much! <3 Time to pay it forward.
Hello everyone! Thank you to all the players that are going around helping others out! It really is satisfying to see that there are other players out there that are more than about themselves!The only thing I’ve really wanted is the Miniature Raven. It’s so cute and amazing, I missed my chance to buy the Mini Avian 3 Pack when it was available, so now I’m hoping to get Black Lion Keys in order to get the 2 Black Lion Miniature Claim Tickets needed to exchange for the Miniature Raven.
If anyone out there can help me with some Black Lion Keys, I’d really appreciate it and would be forever be indebted to you!
And this is how everyone should update their thread, to note that the item was received and to express thanks.
Well done, RAWR!
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
Wow I just found out this thread existed (thanks dev tracker!)
Anyway, this may wish be near impossible to fulfill, but here we go:
I’ve always wanted that “Dragon Emblem Shirt” that Anet gave away before launch, but I’ve never been able to get my hands on it. I’m not even sure if it still exists or if you can even gift it, but this is my wish!
Edit: 2 amazing people sent me stuff. Skyven Silverblade sent me bags and JustTrogdor sent me a bag and a mini. Thank you both so very much. I am so impressed with the kindness of this playerbase. I will certainly be paying it forward in the future!
This is such a great idea. My husband and I just started playing a few weeks ago, only around level 50ish currently. Some large bags or a cute mini (like the little fox or cowboy puppy) would be amazing. Once we get higher level and start earning more gold I would happily pay it forward.
(edited by Dog Mom.8579)
Hello! Im on the road to The Shining Blade and lack about 200 Amalgamated Gemstones…. If you have even just 1 somewhere I would be so very happy. (I play on eu if that matters)
If anyone out there is in a giving spirit, I could use a few black lion keys to help me open a few of these (300~) chests floating around my inv.
Hey all! This thread is a great idea im kinda sad i missed it all this time. spent almost an hour reading through all sorts of requests and the responses from people kittenieved their items
My request is a silly one i guess but i’d like a mystery gift from someone. even 1 copper would be enough, i just want to feel like someone read my post and said yes i’ll do that and then i can thank them
Best Wishes all around xxx
EDIT: im on EU (~‘.’)~
EDIT/UPDATE: Three lovely lovely people sent me things and it really felt awesome. i got two minis, a skin, some food for my character to use and a total make over kit! i managed to personally thank the first two people with a special message and a gift of their own but unfortunately i lost the mail of the third! -sad face-
Hopefully they can message me and say it was them so that i can do a more personal thank you. Lots of love and hugs!
EDIT/UPDATE2: The mystery gifter came forward! As promised here is a picture of my character
(edited by ABalloon.6924)
well here goes, I dont have much time to play lately and been trying to save for Predator but started the collection to the avail ive already exhausted my supplies for part 2…
my desired gift…is THE PREDATOR … i desire it for Deadeye…been eyeing this dang thing for ages since the leaks…
I am building Chuka and Champawat atm and a gift of any kind would be pretty helpful.
It could be anything like
- a couple of Mystic Coins OR
- 100 T6 mats of any kind OR
- a couple of Amalgamated Gemstones OR
- 4000 Elder Wood Logs (LOL!)
I am currently working on the process of building the fabled “The Predator” (My first legendary) for when the deadeye comes to play. It would look so nice on my char who is currently dressed up in the outlaw outfit. The iron and logs I have absolutely no problem with zipping around Tyria to demolish mountains with my mighty and fragile pickaxe once a day and work my way up to 30 Spirit Wood and Deldrimor steel. Mitiril and Elderwood is pretty easy for me to get. But it’s the leather that makes me foam from the mouth.
Back in the day, mid tier leather wasn’t so scarce. Now it’s like you beat a cow to death and some gremling rips their skin off.
If someone has any spare leather from thick and lower, could you throw it my way? Gotta smash those ten elonian squares.
I’d just like to start off by saying that so far my experience playing GW2 has been awesome! it’s my first mmo that I have ever bought, I was quite hesitant at first since it felt like a time commitment (I work pretty long hours…), but I’ve found the gw2 community to be the most enjoyable to interact with and the least toxic (I’m mainly an FPS player, but have stayed away from it like the plague as of recently). At the moment, Im still leveling my warrior (level 64ish) and hoping to reach elite specializations soon.
At the moment, I’m a bit apprehensive about spending more money in the gem store b/c I’m not sure if I’ll still be able to play in 2 years since I plan to go to grad school. My plan is to play/enjoy the game while I can and before I go off to school, probably give away most of my items since I’m aware that games in mmo tend to have pretty wild inflation, so no real point in holding onto gold for a few years right?
Anyways, I guess I’d like to make a small request… I would like to get the copper-fed salvage thingy, it just looks so convenient! Anyways, I’d be really grateful if anyone would be willing to gift me one
working on Sunrise but still no luck with the prec thing.
Spend some $$ at the mystic toilet but nothing unfortunately.
I’m not wealthy so i farm all matts.
If anyone feeling that want to giveaway a Dawn i ll be glad.
Is my 1st legendary.
I’m on EU
(edited by Seteruss.4058)
Hi, I’ve recently picked up GW2. Buying a few gems to get the items I need probably won’t be a problem. However is time the limiting factor for me. I’ve spent a lot of time browsing this forum and other places for information on how to play my class and what to focus on, but a lot seems outdated and it’s so much content for a new player that it’s quite overwhelming. So the greatest gift for me would be to find a mentor who would like to help a lost Mesmer in growing stronger.
I have a strong desire for a glider skin, the sheet music or the spectral glider would be incredible, but i just cant afford to get any gems right now… :/
Recently returned to the game along with my wife after moving house, getting married and having a child since GW2 launched!
What I would love is a hug from Gaile Gray She probably doesn’t remember me but I used to speak to her quite a bit back in GW1! Probably one of the nicest members of the community (we still count you as a member of the community, even if you work for Anet!)
failing that… Anything really pretty I can give to my wife in game she loves trying to make her characters look as pretty as possible
I am trying to save for some gem conversion for the Basic set of Gathering tools. I am not aiming for the fancy ones. Just unending ones.
Hi all,
I have made a request before that was a year ago or so but it was super vague and I did really understand the asking process.. I did receive some t6 mats but I was not very specific.I know we are not supposed to make more than one request but due to the fact I had such a small request and I really didn’t get that much due to the vagueness I am hoping this one will be OK.
If not I will remove it.
I am on the final stretch of astralaria and I am dire need of mystic coins ( I have 35/250) and amalagated gemstones ( I have 3/250).
If any kind souls could help me out with finishing those last two items I would be eternally greatful.
Just becouse this thread have seemed in later years to become help me finish legendary or give me a precursor.
That wasent the intent from the start if you got a request filled thats that mate.