Improving camera zooming?
At this time, I have not had any luck taming the camera either.
They probably will be improving the camera system…hopefully adding a first-person view.
The only suggestion i can give you for that problem is to zoom in before getting into a tight, enclosed space so as not for the camera to go haywire when you get in there.
It could also be a pain in jump puzzles when you’re close to walls and whatnot, so take your time and refocus your zoom & direction.
Hopefully they improve this though.
I wish that I could zoom out a bit more than it allows you just so I can see more of the game while in combat.
It’s great when you are trying to back up or move sideways to avoid an attack and your camera gets all spastic from a wall/tree/rock/building and you can’t see to face the target to hit it.
Super awesome fantastic fail – Death bykitten —- WTF? I typed “d-e-r-p”!
What I hate is that you can’t be pressing mouse 2 and scroll the camera in or out at the same time. Have to let go of other mouse buttons to be able to zoom in and out with the wheel.
Agreed. Almost as bad as during combat is when the camera gets spastic while trying to climb and jump around the edges of hills to reach a vista. Just about gives me motion sickness!