Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together
@glitch i deserve a massive massive reward lol :-)
@nottsgman thx for invite
@kiteisa will try it out thx
And now a quick login to accept the invite and then off to work…. Laterz
Live the dream!
Hey peopel!
I couldn’t get on yesterday and had no time to read the forums, so now a bit off a headache from trying to catch up with all off you
First off, a warm welcome to all new members off the legion. Your tents are placed in the camping area and do make yourself at home.
@messup, i would also suggest Gunnars Hold, nice people there, good atmosphere and even without the Dynamic Duo, we do get stuff done here
@Glitch, i have been reading and thinking about the website. This gonna be long, so get yourself settled
A News section: sounds great, so yep, let’s have that.
A Guild section: well, thats kind off manditory i guess
A General section: i would suggest a “differen” name: The world of Tyria. Here you can post all your stuff that is about the game and that is not guild related.
A Events section: sounds great, BUT we do need somebody that can manage that section. There is a lot to do before you can get an organized event, so somebody with some organizing skills and a fair amount off spare time will be needed in my opion.
A question section: you mentioned 2 question sections, or i did misunderstood that. But i would suggest just 1 Question section. Keep things nice and clean together.
A Off topic section: YES!! i want to ramble about all the other stuff that i play and i want you all to read it
Further more, i wouls suggest the following sections.
A section called The Legions Cafeteria; here we can tell our great adventures that happend in the game. Like where you stumbled upon a great reward, or the struggle to compleet a certain dungeon. Or how you prefer to jump BESIDE the cliff, instead off ON the cliff (yes, i’m looking at all those JP fanatics :p )
And a Request Section: here we could make a few sections, like for crafting, dungeon runs, JP runs, a “i need help with…”,… So basicly a place to go when you need a hand in the game.
About the thing about what members or on what server. I would suggest that everybody do that thereself. Make that section open for everybody so that we can make a list by server in that section.
Suggested layout: Server pop – server name – member name
If you changes server, you can adjust it yourself and if a member is on a server that is not yet in the list, he/she can create that server name and add there name to it.
And a last thing i’ve been thinking about. Guild ranks! We have them and they are needed, but i would suggest to make them a bit more “special”
As we are called The Legion of Honor XIII, i would suggest to give the ranking names something about the roman army.
I have been searching a bit about them and i came up with these rangs
Imperator: leader off the legion
Legate: top circle, the high officers that help rule the guild and stuff (the founders i would suggest)
Centurion: maybe server specific people that are comitted to be a face off the legion on theyre server
Legionair: basic members, so the bulk off the guild
As you see, i left Tribune open, it is one off the ranks in the roman army so i wanted to add them too, but not sure about the role they can play in the guild layout.
So see what you can do with it, and offcourse, allways open for discussion about everything.
And now i’m off to do some work here! See you later today in Tyria!!
Additional comments: thinking for new server i have been searching for social people but i think they are not there lol :-) so any suggestions pls do
I would for sure say Isle of Janthir. We are a very friendly bunch. However, being part of the guild in general will get chatty. We do that.
@messup – IoJ does have some lovely people on it but just so you know (as Ruins is an EU) server, that IoJ is an NA server so depending on what time zone you are in you may find that you overlap with the NA players or it seems quieter when you play.
However, a lot of the NA servers have oceanic players on them and they would probably be online at the same time as an EU player. You could always try it for a week and see.
If you’re looking for EU servers we have members on a few, the predominate ones being (I think) Aurora Glade and Gunnar’s Hold.
Anyway, welcome and I look forward to chatting with you in game
The #GW2Project365 on Twitter
Proudly representing The Legion of Honour [XIII] on Tarnished Coast
@Noppy good selection of choices.
As for the ranks, good idea. I think I’ll keep it how it is for now but will switch it up when we get the website.
Great list of sections too, some I missed out like the story section!
@Messup I recommend Gunnar’s if you are on more regularly you can team up with Lexy then! If you’re mainly on Fri to Sun Aurora is where I’m at. There’s normally 2/3 of us as I am normally gaming with my bro at least.
Hi All, I have to confess that I’ve not read all of the monster of a thread, but have been dipping in and out! You seem to have created a nice Community, and it sounds like something I’d like to be part of, if you’ll have me ;-) (how do smileys work on this stupid forum?)
Name: MissKittin
Main: Lilitu Livid (L80, Human Necro)
Alts: Tethys Tarragon (L35, Sylvari Ele), Freya Fatalii (L35 Norn Ranger), Hannah Habanero (L1 Asura Guardian, parked in the tutorial since head-start!)
Server: Gandara
Interested: Finishing my personal story, getting to level appropriate zones (I’ve been over-leveled throughout due to poking into every nook and cranny), Map Completion, crafting Exotic Armour for me + hubby
Eventually interested: Setting foot into some sort of dungeon… TBH, I’ve been a bit scared off by the inter-web of horror on this front, getting good at jumping puzzles (although I was astonished to earn the breached wall achievement without even knowing it was there), Master Craftsman (1/8 so far, LOL), possibly some WvWvW (it sounds like mayhem, and a little bit of that is always good!)
Active: Most evenings (although I tend to play with hubby and represent our Guild then), but also during the day… I’m currently not working due to illness, and have far too much time on my hands.
Additional: It takes me a while to get to know people, so I’m often quiet, but that doesn’t mean I’m not interested! I’ve only ever played GW1 in this genre, and still think the Baldur’s Gate series is the best game of all time (showing my age here… Eeek)! I have far too many bank slots, all filled with the products of my cooking adventures (and I love cooking iRL too). Always happy to help other people out, even if over the ether
Willing to participate: Happy to represent LOH when participating with other members (are there any on Gandara?… If not, I’ll represent during the day on my wander-abouts)
PS: Glitch… Good luck with Med School, it’s the best decision I ever made :-)
But I’m concerned about where it seems to be heading!
Distinctly less shiny than it once was
@MissKittin – Welcome! There are a-many of us who enjoy a good dungeon run (completing the dungeon is a bonus, too). Tethys and Freya are high enough level for some AC action, so don’t feel like you have to get to 80 on them first! Lilitu, of course, will have no problem. My hubby and I play WvW quite often (more like he plays and starts whining about how there’s no one on, so I hop in to help), so if you wanted to visit Eredon Terrace for a weekend we could teach you a thing or two. Again, you can start WvW as early as you want – I started at level 30 with my elementalist – so if Lilitu’s build isn’t very good for WvW, both ele and ranger can contribute in WvW.
And Kit and G ~love~ jumping puzzles, so you’ll fit right in!
I preferred Icewind Dale to Baldur’s Gate – probably because there was a chance to get past level 5!
(edited by DEKeyzToChaos.7381)
Hello MissKittin
Welcome to the bunch
I’ll try to send you an invite asap, but if others get there before me, go ahead!
And about the age thing, well…… i did play Baldur’s Gate also, and i feel not to old to keep up with these young guys and girls
Have fun and see you soon ingame!
Additional comments: thinking for new server i have been searching for social people but i think they are not there lol :-) so any suggestions pls do
as much as I’d love to say IoJ, I actually agree with Lexy here. if you’re looking for an EU server, I’d definitely go with Gunnar’s Hold. not only are Lexy and Glitch on there (which is reason enough if you ask me), but I also hear that it’s a great server to be on.
welcome to you like DEKeyz has said, theres quite a few who love a good dungeon run, and they’ll make a first run a good one.
oh and yeah me and Kit (and Akamon) LOVE jumping puzzles, so if you ever get stuck on where to go in one, just give any of us a shout and we’ll point you in the right direction. the breached wall is a sneaky one, especially how they put a skill point and vista up there too XD
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |
(edited by nottsgman.8206)
I’d definitely go with Gunnar’s Hold. not only are Lexy and Glitch on there (which is reason enough if you ask me), but I also hear that it’s a great server to be on.
Glitch is on Aurora Glade.
The #GW2Project365 on Twitter
Proudly representing The Legion of Honour [XIII] on Tarnished Coast
whoops, I blame 9am lol. well statement still stands you’re there which is reason enough
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |
Well G isn’t wrong by Kaii’s standard apparently I’m everywhere causing all the bugs!
@Misskitten thanks a bunch, I think we still have a few on Gandara. The joy that we don’t force you into anything so you’re safe there.
Haha Med school being great, so…. You are the 43rd? Person that has told me that? Yea… I know a lot of Med folks.
It’s just awesome that you decided to say hello! Noticed the mass influx of views thanks everyone! Why not say hi?
Well G isn’t wrong by Kaii’s standard apparently I’m everywhere causing all the bugs!
That’s right, you buggy….bug man! I know your secret and all will be revealed in due time…
Contact: theowl@wingsofeclipse.com
Join Operation: UNION [XIII]
When guesting is iniated, it will begin…
Muhahahah (fade evil laugh)
Hi all,
Name’s Adrian, most happy to see people getting social and talking about it. Glitch, thumbs up for the initiative and the outcome.
I run a lvl 80 guardian named One Villager as a main and suck big time with a lvl 40 thief named Not Really No. There’s also an Asura char somewhere but i don’t remember his name as he’s the cook. Not a good one. I like him because he has a funny running and jumping.
I have no idea what server i am in or where exactly is my character right now. Left him yesterday doing map completion somewhere in the snow. Never been important to me so far to know these things.
I am interested in having a good time ( parents know you can’t do that anymore van wilder style ) and a lot of laughs. I suspect i got kicked out from some of the few dungeons i’ve ran because of that ( i fear my teammates did not see it as their priority to try synchronised swimming, dueling over a NPC, emoting whateverstupidimportant boss – i would pay all my in-game gold to be able to moon one of those ugly things). I’m really sorry i got them into this situation. If you wonder why playing the game if not for the yellow items or loots or what they call it i’d answer because of what it feels. This is a beautiful game. As BG or Diablo in their times. So i enjoy it as an old habit or a favourite movie – whithout putting too much thought into it.
Thing is, it got boring to solo things you would never thought you will, like “hey, let’s hit those centaurs with rotten grapes see what they feel about it” or " let’s do wingsuit from that roof/cliff/whatever" or "let’s get drunk in those gardens in Divinity Reach " so if you need a hand with anything ( exploring, personal story, taunting mobs ) please let me know. I would be more than happy to help. I suck playing games ( i’m positive my kids have better hand to eye coordination ) but i try doing it with style.
I never know when i’m active but my wife and kids DO know when i’m not.
@kiteisa – cheers, i believe it WAS funny watching the dude jumping in his undies. Jumping puzzles i tend to end-up the same as him and it is funny even to me.
@everybody else – nice to hear from you guys, you’re my kind of people, hope i’ll stumble upon you in-game
Thx for al the replys.
going for an eu server think that would be best! gonna chose later when i’m loggin in :-)
@baldurs gate fans is it that good? :-)
i have that with final fantasy x my first game on my ps2 hours and hours i did every last thing haha good times :p
well see you later looking forward to talking to you beeyyy
Live the dream!
Warm welcome to you and great post Adrian! We only care if you’re looking have fun, look good doing it and have a good heart. (Yea I know we ask for a lot, we’re a tough crowd to please.
I’m sure a more competent member will get back to you.
I have a strong forum presence to welcome the new awesome!
However only in game Fri to Sun.
Good to see you here!
Happy Thursday, all.
It’s been three or four days since I’ve been to the forums so it’s taken a bit to read thru all of the new posts. Hello to everyone that’s joined in that time, I’m so happy you’ve found this good group!
I’m hoping someone can clarify how guild membership works. Is the guild able to function across all servers? I ask because I’d somehow gotten the idea that invitations could be sent to anyone, anywhere, but maybe that’s all wrong.
Is there a resource somewhere for LOH where I can see who else might be on my server?
Have I not gotten an invitation because of my server location?
I would be very happy to represent, but can’t do it 100% of the time as I belong to my family/friend guild as well. I could probably easily do 75% of the time.
Hope everyone’s having fun in game. I sort of tripped over the jumping puzzle added with Lost Shore (the one in Dredgehaunt Cliffs) last night and would have loved some company whilst face planting in there … though I did get it done, finally!
I’ll poke around a bit more to see if I missed the answers to my questions somewhere, I just mostly wanted to say hey and see what’s new.
Take care!
Waiting For Death [WFD]
@ Borlis Pass Server
Hey Deb!
Yep, a guild can have members from any server. The reason why a guild tends to congregate on one server is because guild upgrades are done on a per-server basis. Since LoH is more of a social guild, the upgrades are secondary to the good company.
One of the higher-ups should have sent you an invite by now (unless you happen to log in at those times when none of them are on, but they can confirm). While I think we’re working on a list of who’s where, the easiest way (for me) is to open up the Guilds panel and look at the roster (top left tab) as soon as you join. Remember, you can join up to 4(?) guilds, but only represent one at a time. People who are on your server or in an unknown location will have the map name they are on (i.e. “Queensdale”) or “unknown” displayed in white text to the right of their name. People on different servers will have their server name displayed in orange text in that same column.
Don’t worry about the representing. The general rule is that if you are doing stuff with other LoH members, then please represent. I also am a member of a friends/family guild and the balance is just fine – but if you do represent LoH, you do get to witness the hilarity of our guild chat!
Also remember that a cross-server party can do dungeons, so if there really is no one else from BP in LoH, you can still run dungeons with us until guesting is finally added.
(edited by DEKeyzToChaos.7381)
You can dungeon run with someone from another server?
Not that it really matters for me, I’m still too low of a level for it to really matter. I keep jumping from character to character… But I’m really enjoying my human ranger, so I think that’s probably the one I’ll level.
Dynamics of Synergetics – DOS
Yes, though I have yet to do it (no hurry to do dungeons personally).
Just have to be on the same map and either EU/EU or NA/NA servers if I’m correct.
Someone correct me if I’m wrong here.
Proud Praefectus of The Legion Of Honour XIII
& Operation: Union
@Aeleniel – Yep! Just did it last night when I needed a 5th for an AC run. Found another person using gw2lfg.com. Since they’re instanced, it doesn’t really matter what your home server is. You’re on ET, right? Let me know if you need help with any skill challenges or just want someone to run around with. I have some sub-level 30’s as well as higher level characters that are working on map completion.
@FGreenOak – You are correct about both restrictions.
Edit: FotM doesn’t allow cross-server groups unless you’re on an overflow server in the same region (EU/US) as everyone else.
(edited by DEKeyzToChaos.7381)
Deb, it looks like you have been invited already, so you might have to look in the guild panel for it. give it a check and let me know. its easily missed if you weren’t online when the invite was sent
welcome sent an invite to you.
just doing this quick because I have no time to play right now.
do you know if that will be fixed with fractles?
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |
Just going to say, I like the idea of using a Roman rank structure for the guid (eventually), though we need not be bound by it. I’d have to take a look at how the guild rank structures work in game, but the neat thing with a Roman inspired system is there is room for some unique and some different but equal ranks.
E.g. the guild could have one Primus Pilus as a honourary rank (e.g. the first Centurion). While ranks like Immunes or titles like Equites could set apart members who had different interests.
If there is some merit to the equal but specialized ranks, I’ll do some quick research into it. Might be fun to have ranks for WvW, PvP, Dungeon Runners, Economy and Exploration/PVE specialists.
Edit – just checked the Wiki. We have up to 10 ranks to play with.
I like your idea of equal but different ranks… And it might solve some of the problem that Glitch was working on – trying to figure out how to make it easy for guild members to find others who are interested in the same things as them (dungeon running, PvE, WvW, etc.).
Obviously, lots of people have overlap – I would consider myself mostly an Explorer/PvE type, but I definitely plan on participating in WvW and dungeons as well. Still, I think most people tend to have a specialty. Correct me if I’m wrong?
Thanks for the clarification! And yep, I’m on ET as well. I should probably put that in my forum signature, huh?
Dynamics of Synergetics – DOS
Hi, DeKeyz!
Thanks so much for the great info! I am looking forward to partaking of some of that guild chat!
Nottsgman — I will check the guild panel this evening for the invite. Thank you for letting me know where to find it. I thought it would show up on my screen somewhere obvious, but apparently not!
Ok, now I’m all excited!
See you all soon!
Waiting For Death [WFD]
@ Borlis Pass Server
Thanks everyone. However I think WvW grouping does not really have to be integrated heavily as guesting does not allow for WvW participation when it will be integrated.
I personally think that WvW gathering can be sorted by the members that share an interest. However this is my personal view, if anybody thinks otherwise I will still happily include such option.
I will organise more Roman-esque ranks but I would like to keep the Founder and Tribune rank as they are, if I may.
Founders: These members have been there by me since the beginning, before the initation of Operation: Union. Those that stay have become individuals that I wouldn’t trade for the world.
Tribune: These members are exceptional individuals who have taken a very serious interest in Operation: Union, they have been a great assest and even greater friends.
You may not know it but I could’ve given up and left this thing behind when I hit a few obstacles. Those, and they know who they are have support me through all this. None of this would have happened if it weren’t for them.
However I do have to thank all of you that have taken an interest and to those that have taken up the Legion in their signature. I can’t thank you lot enough as you are the ones that make it possible.
I am still open to ranking suggestions. All rankings not mentioned will change according to what the public wants.
The site is slowly being built and welcome all the contributions and ideas so far. I hope when the site is completed it will be something everyone will enjoy. I will try to incorporate all suggestions to be able to cope with all interests as we are a very very diverse group.
Thanks everybody,
Sounds great Glitch. I’ll see what I can do to get up an interesting potential rank-structure in the next day or two.
I think Founder and Tribune are both great ranks to keep at the top. Nothing says we must adhere to strict Roman conventions….
Conform the collective. :P
Thanks for all the idea Helequin don’t worry I’ll put the rank ideas to good use!
just dropping by again!DDD
what Glitch said. though, i do appreciate the Roman references. ; )) have always fascinated me.
@Debs – i dinstinctly remember sending you an invite! ; ))) like mentioned, just hit “G” or open the guild panel and you should see your invite there. drop another note if you don’t see it! apologies for the delay and hopefully we’ll see you in-game, in-guild soon!
@Adrian – just wanted to say.. welcome!!! and i absolutely love your character names and the intro you gave ‘em. ; )) make that your entire post. lol gave me a good laugh here and there. and i’m at work!
@MissKittin – welcome to you as well! i need to finish my personal story as well!!! at level 72 and know that for the final, you’ll need a party of 5 and do Arah story mode then i realized you were on EU server : (( lol and +1 for Baldur’s Gate mention ; ))
@anyone and everyone – did someone mention Jumping puzzles? spacebarspacebarspacebar
@those interested in WvW – if you haven’t tried it, you must! : ))) it can get pretty messy. and unfortuantely, at the moment, can heavily depend on your server as well as commanders, BUT it’s been great fun everytime i’ve been in. even at lvl 21, my first time, and i had no idea what i was doing :/// and true we won’t get to play with one another.. rather, perhaps, against one another!! muahahahahha. except you don’t get to see people’s names on enemy forces, heh
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
Name: Dealg
Main Character: Dealg (66 sylvari engineer, monoholic; opposite of altaholic)
Current Server: Ehmry Bay
Interested Activities: exploration, unlocking & testing skills (nerd alert), jumping puzzles, occasional wvwvw/pvp. I like to play control/support builds.
Active: I’m on mainly evenings after 6:00 pst and play mostly solo or occasionally with my wife ( when she feels like playing)
Additional Comments: I tend not to say too much mostly because I am slow at typing while playing and currently don’t have a good mic/headphone setup atm. I do however like to participate in technical questions and do a fair amount of research particularly with skill mechanics. so yeah i’m quite the geek but i make a great silent sidekick type in most parties.
Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project? Yes, yes I am.
@Pawky – welcome to the Union! : ))) glad to have you on board, and hopefully someone in-game before me will be able to send you an invite. i am a monoholic myself. i do have a lvl 10-ish engi and warr but i use mainly to do the JP in WvW. :pp my Guardian is my main and i am going to keep maining him until the end of time lol. control and support ftw.
hope to see you around soon! i have been looking to level up my Engi so i may come to you for some skill mechanics-based questions. ; )) i def did a lot of research on my Guard.
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
Welcome, Pawky! :]
My highest level character (still only level 20 or so) is a Guardian. I kept dying a lot, mostly because I wasn’t adapting very well to the dynamic structure of GW2. I enjoyed my Guardian, but I seem to be faring much better with my Ranger. Although, I haven’t played my Guardian since I switched the keybindings to strafe instead of turn, and trained myself to turn with the mouse – so that’s probably a fairly big chunk of my problem solved already. Still, do you have any tips for how to effectively build a Guardian?
Dynamics of Synergetics – DOS
@Aeleniel – hehe, about to go off to lunch now, but i’m gonna write back before i head out first. ; )) iirc, you’ve played a few MMOs before? though from what i’ve heard gw2 is very different. when i switched to mouse turning, it made a BIG difference in terms of gameplay for me, namely being able to be more aware of your surroundings, which i feel can be quite key. ; ))
what build or weapons are you using right now? though to be honest, while leveling up, you should try to use each weapon as much as possible and find something tha tyou enjoy : )) i fell in love with the hammer and am still using it now. offers a lot of CC, and the #1 chain skill can almost offer perma-protection if specced for it. and you can self combo. : )) then have switched my alternate set to consistently being a staff now. i used the sword and torch alot while leveing cause it’s always fun to spew fire lol.
in terms of traits, i would put 5 into virtues as early as you can because this pretty much doubles the utility our virtues offer. and then when you can, going 15 into radiance helped a LOT in PvE and while leveling. the minor trait Renewed Justice allows you to pretty much spam F1, because it is refreshed each time you kill a mob (doens’t have to be finishing blow) which with 5 in virtues, gives might, as well as blinds as well as burns when traited. so when i got this, it helped make PvE-ing mobs a lot easier. and i was definitely dying less as well lol
this is a decent build to start off with and with the rest of your points you can go either toughness – which i think most Guardians will go for. if not, then vitality as well! many other Guardians like having boon duration since the many boons we have at our disposal to apply, and i am looking into this as well one day.
in general, as the game stands currently, speccing for condition dmg or healing is not as beneficial for a Guard at the moment. mainly because the only condition we have is burning, which only stacks in duration, as opposed to intensity. and for healing, it doesn’t scale as well as it ought to.
i’ll leave it at this fo rnow, but feel free to ask anymore questions! lot of great threads in the Guardian sub-forum as well. ; )) and i’m always happy and free to talk builds and what i know about the Guardian. no way an expert, but i sure as heck love playing mine! FOR GR-GR-FOR GREAT JUSTICE.. FOR… XDD
iirc, you’re on ET? if you want and when you reac the right level we can do some dungeons together so you can see how it works in person as well if u want. and to be abel to play together with some of the awesome players on here! : ))
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
(edited by akamon.2769)
Akamon, thank you for your lengthy response! I have played other MMOs before, and GW2 definitely has a different mechanic. I really appreciate it, but it took some getting used to!
As for weapons, I also really like the hammer. It’s slow, but it’s hard to beat that protection. My weapon swap is currently the longsword. I’ve messed around with most of the weapons, and those seem to be working the best for me. I also like the scepter, but it seems seriously underpowered by comparison.
Thanks for the suggestions for trait points. I looked at a few final builds, but they didn’t offer much guidance as to which traits to build first, so this is very helpful!
I am on ET, and I would love to check out the dungeons once I get to that point.
Dynamics of Synergetics – DOS
you’re most welcome, Aeleniel! just hope all that reading helped you, if even only a little. : )) i felt that’d be a good starting point. and iirc, i put the rest mainly into toughness until i respecced after reaching 80. : )) unfortunately, the Zeal (Power) line doesn’t offer too much at this point.
if you enjoy the hammer, i recommend you go take a peek at the Hammer + Altruistic Healing stickied thread! it’s along read but a lot of good info. if you like the sound of it, you can start speccing towards that too perhaps. ; )) take your time though!
the hammer is slow, but with practice it becomes a very fun weapon to play with and actually keeps you on your feet at all times. added mechanics of dodging, placement of the symbol and switching targets mid combo is pretty fun! the scepter does seem weak, but is actually very very strong vs single target, especially when specced into high crit chance and dmg %.D if they’d only fix the speed a bit on the first attack lol i actually consistently run with Hammer + Staff or scepter/shield or focus. and sometimes with the greatsword. the greatsword is a lot of fun too! so glad you’re using that too ; ))
the Guardian’s really fun and i love playing mine. : ))) we’ll defs look into some dungeons when time come’s!
[added: just thought of this! if you don’t find you’re having a hard time surviving after these few changes (especially the mouseturning ^^), you may want to spec into power as well while leveling since more power works wonders at lower levels. power + precision from gear is always a good combo]
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
(edited by akamon.2769)
Just wanted to let you know yesterday was my first guild experience and indeed a fun bunch lol really glad i can be part of it!
I changed to gunnars btw will test it out for a week but i think it wil be verry good with lexy and co :-)
Live the dream!
hey messup, glad to hear!D haven’t had the honor of meeting you in-game yet, but hope to do so soon. ; ))
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
Ran CM with some of the gang (after being coaxed into it)
Had fun; thanx DE, G, Kit, Kaii! Still not too sure about the dungeons though.
But here’s a couple of pics of the celebratory dance party afterwards.
The skritt hit the fan a couple of times
Proud Praefectus of The Legion Of Honour XIII
& Operation: Union
@FGreenOak – nice shots! LOL and thanks for sharing ; ))) they’re a good bunch to run with hehe. and nice gear!!
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
Yep they are a good bunch, like everyone here They didn’t even fuss about all my epic deaths. I am certainly an expert at dying. (hmmm wonder if there is a death command; goes to check the wiki) Yesss there is! Wonder if I can surpass the orginal Nym’s deaths
Proud Praefectus of The Legion Of Honour XIII
& Operation: Union
@FGreenOak – good to be able to put some ingame faces to our fellow guildies – although next time can you turn around to face the camera?
The #GW2Project365 on Twitter
Proudly representing The Legion of Honour [XIII] on Tarnished Coast
@Aeleniel I’ve been working on my guardian a lot lately and have absolutely fallen in love with mace/shield. The regeneration on the #1 and #2 and the protection and block on #3 and #4 really help with survivability and I also suggest putting points into toughness and vitality early on. At 45 I have 10 Zeal, 15 Valor, and 10 Honor and use Defender’s Flame to do extra damage when I block.
Tarnished Coast
Proud Praefectus of The Legion Of Honour XIII
& Operation: Union
Haha, no! Can’t see your beautiful face at all – rocking the ninja secrecy look though
The #GW2Project365 on Twitter
Proudly representing The Legion of Honour [XIII] on Tarnished Coast
Okay let’s try these … snickers …
Perhaps this one?
Proud Praefectus of The Legion Of Honour XIII
& Operation: Union
Lol, much better – although ninja is a better look than pirate imo.
The #GW2Project365 on Twitter
Proudly representing The Legion of Honour [XIII] on Tarnished Coast
Thanks for the warm welcome all… Now if somebody could drop me an invite, that’d be extra cool
@akamon, I’d suspected, but not known for certain that a dungeon would be the final story step… Dreading it a little, TBH
@DEK2C (hope abbreviations are OK, that’s an awfully long name, LOL)… Those wolves + gibberlings outside Candlekeep were a bugger (esp if a Mage who’d chosen “Identify”)! Thanks for the invite for W3, but a server change isn’t really on the cards ATM
My achievement of today is getting Hannah out of the tutorial and into the world… As someone who has NEVER played melee, I’m having an awful lot of fun killing things with a Hammer! (But as someone used to playing range, staying close enough to hit stuff can be tricky!)
PS: I forgot my L8 Charr Engineer (Criolla Sella)… Currently parked in the Plains of Ashford hoping for Chili Peppers :P
But I’m concerned about where it seems to be heading!
Distinctly less shiny than it once was
Here’s my contribution to the dancing pics, I think kit has some….other screenshots that may amuse you more lol.
Contact: theowl@wingsofeclipse.com
Join Operation: UNION [XIII]
Happy Friday, everyone!
Like Messup, I spent my first bit of time with guildies last night and enjoyed talking to everyone. I should have some nice blocks of time to play this weekend, so I look forward to dropping in to guild chat once again and maybe even venture into a dungeon! We’ll see what develops.
FGreenOak and Kaii – loved the pics! Ahh, there’s nothing like a nice fire-side dance after slaying some evil goons, eh?
MissKitten — I can completely and utterly relate to your comment re: melee. Despite being just awful at chasing things around (I much prefer ranged pew-pewing), my ranger and warrior both carry greatswords in hopes I get struck by lightning and suddenly find my melee groove. That and I love the greatsword graphics. Go figure!
Glitch, et all who are plotting so smartly about websites and ranks, I appreciate what you’re doing very much, indeed. Having belonged to various clubs and organizations in my life, I know it’s always just a handful in any bunch who can be counted on to take care of the details required to keep anything running smoothly. Kudos to you!
Take care, all.
Waiting For Death [WFD]
@ Borlis Pass Server