Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DEKeyzToChaos.7381


@FGreenOak, Kaii, Kit, & G – Thanks for the pics and the fun times! I need to remember to take some pictures next time. Anyone have pics of the Jackalope chase? I think we all died a lot, but even my repair costs were under 20 s, which is cheap enough. But next time I see a Bandit Rifleman… he’s in for a world of hurt. So who’s up for some TA story bug roulette this weekend?

@G – I’m pretty sure fixing Fractals is in the works, especially since there are some people who are up to level 20 in there or something crazy like that. But like most bugfixes, it will probably take a while for QA and stuff before we see it.

@Aeleniel – You can make your sig anything you want! And as soon as you’re level 30-35 with a character you like I insist that we go on an AC Story run.

@MissKittin – DEK is fine. Wolves I could manage. Gibberlings were annoying because someone would always get diseased. And it was a major victory if I could take down a bear without someone gibbing. But that’s why the game gave you two evil mages in the starting area – bear fodder! Also, I recall getting some Chili Peppers from an herb plant in another area of Ascalon (higher level, but still), so keep at it!

@pawky – Welcome! I enjoy theorycrafting too, and while my engineer is on cook duty and stuck at level 14, I hope to get her to level 80 someday! It’s okay if you don’t chat while you’re out adventuring, but I find it to be fun to chime in when I’m crafting or doing inventory management. And there are plenty of other nerds here

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Helequin.2608


Okay, I have a quick sketch up of a Roman inspired (with heavy artistic liscense) rank structure, trying to take in both Glitch’s and Noppy’s input. This sticks to the 4 levels of seniority we have now and uses 10 titles. I’ll include a couple extra titles that could be used instead of others. This is all very much a suggestion, or something to start more specific ideas flowing. Revisions/suggestions/etc. are very much encouraged.

Roles associated with the ranks are intended to be very loose, and more of a guideline than anything. Everyone will of course be able to take part in all aspects of Union.

I’ve included the structure to have a representative for each server. If this isn’t something we want, frees up a little more room to play with the ranks.

Largest potential downside I see to this is the admin load of getting people to the right rank, although most may not care if there is no privlege associated with it (e.g. the level 4 ranks).

Level 1
Founders (or Legatus) – Glitch mentioned this already. (Legatus or Legate was the rank of the legion commander in Rome)

Tribune – Glitch mentioned this as well. (Politically appointed officers to the Legion. Nominally second in command for senior tribune, though this was often conceeded to the much more experience Praefectus in actual battle. Alternatively, leave Founders and make Tribue to Legatus)

Level 2
Praefectus – Guild officers. (Praefectus or Praefect were the third in command of the legion and typically a long-serving legion veteran)

Primus Pilus – Lead of the server representatives. (Primus Pilus was the first centurion of the first cohort, so the most senior centurion, and effectively ran the legion).

Level 3
Centurion – One for each server, to represent the membership there. (Centurions were the commanders of the centuries that made up each cohort in the legion. Could also use Pilus Priori for this one, which were the centurions of the first centuries in each cohort).

Triarri or Evocati – Veteran guild members with some extra priveleges/responsibility. (Triarri were veteran legionnaires used in the back line with long spears and fought in a phalanx. Evocati were veteran soldiers who chose to re-enlist after serving their full term with the legion)

Level 4
Eques – People with a focus on WvW, PvP and general combat type stuff. Like to play with a highly mobile style in combat. (Equites were the Roman cavalry order, “knights” if you will. They were all wealthy and often minor nobility, but for our purposes, they will well-equipped cavalry).

Principes – Leans towards PvE and dungeon running, but also takes part in pvp/WvW combat. (Principes were the main legionnaires, heavy infantry in their fighting prime but with enough experience to carry a battle)

Quaestor – Focuses on crafting, TPing and economics. (Quaestors were actually public officials/magistrates overseering financial matters)

Legionnaire – New members here, but not a lesser rank than any other. No particular focus or gameplay style. The mainstay of the guild.

Other Considerations
Legionnaire could also be moved down to a Level 5 “new member” rank. Kind of like a probation or trial rank. I’ve seen this work well other places, but since this is a social guild rather than a military, not sure if I like the idea. (Could also rename Auxilia in this case).

I like the idea of the rank Immunes (Roman specialists like engineers, artillerymen, instructors etc.) but can’t see how it would fit any better than the 10 above.

(edited by Helequin.2608)

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: FGreenOak.2314


@DE … I didn’t think to take screenies of the chase, wish I had thought of it. Maybe next time if you can drag me into another dungeon I do have all the SM dungeons still to do. shudders at the thought :|

@Helequin … I like it, but not all the servers have that many people to break it up like that. I believe there are a total of 5 on ET, and I’ve only seen DE & Aeleniel myself. But good idea otherwise.

Nym Zhou Feng: Guild Leader of EBIL
Proud Praefectus of The Legion Of Honour XIII
& Operation: Union

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Helequin.2608


@FGreenOak … Definitely more of a “guild-wide” structure than a per server one, but there is no requirement to have all the ranks filled. My own server, SBI, only has a few people, but I still don’t have a particularly useful idea for how to use ranks on low population servers. Only thing I can think of is to fit people in where they are within the larger guild, and maybe have one Centurion cover two or three low population servers.

Edit – also guesting will help immensely…..

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nottsgman.8206


was great fun playing CM last night, thanks to everyone who was there, its because of you lot it was so great. we all died a few times, but thats half the fun right? and it wasn’t broken!! yay for not broken!

oh and whats a victory without fireworks?

didn’t manage to catch a screenie of the jackelope chase (which was awesome), but really a screenie wouldn’t have done it justice, seriously needed video (looking at you Kaii)

TA story bug roulette sounds fun, sign me up for that

I hope they do fix fractles, I want to try it at some point, but with all the disconnect/no re-join/no cross-server stuff, it makes me not want to. I want to play with people I know I’ll enjoy it with.

even though you’re still not sure on it, I hope you come with us again, was great having you there

hope someone sent you an invite already, I’ll check when in game just to make sure

70 ‘mains’ and waiting for more slots
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiteisa.3189


Hi everyone.

Just wanna say thanks to everyone who makes this game so much fun. G and are so thankful to be in such a great community. I love the friendly banter that we all share when we are on. And SO… a big thank you

Miss Kittin and all the new folks, can’t wait to see you in game.

Nottsgman’s Girl ~ Half of the Dynamic Duo

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: FGreenOak.2314


@G … I forgot to take firework pics too … doh

has a feeling of foreboding for his next 3 days off; makes note “need more repair canisters”

Nym Zhou Feng: Guild Leader of EBIL
Proud Praefectus of The Legion Of Honour XIII
& Operation: Union

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: Leviticus Lo.6178

Leviticus Lo.6178

Hallo. I consider myself a fairly non-serious player. I generally go from map to map exploring everything and completing Jump Puzzles, and sometimes actually do my Storyline. I like to take my time playing games, which usually aggravates everybody else. I have a serious hoarding problem, and never have enough space to keep my shinies. ;-;

Name: [Removed because reasons]
Main Character: Aphrone, Level 37 Sylvari Mesmer
Current Server: Borlis Pass
Interested Activities: Finding awesome peoples, PvE, JUMP PUZZLES (and Portals), sometimes WvWvW, interested but not quite yet ready to try PvP, maybe eventually some dungeons when I’m actually leveled enough to be able to do them :P
Active: Randomly, but usually during US nighttime hours
Additional Comments: I tend to be a bit quiet, and sometimes I’ll focus on what I’m doing so much, I forget there’s a chat. Also, I lied about removing my name. It can’t have been removed if it was never there!!

Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N?: Sure. I might represent with a different character of mine at first to test the waters.

Uh… Not sure what else to say, so… there ya go. xD

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aeleniel.4973


Welcome, Leviticus! You’ll find that there’s lots of not-so-serious people here, so I think you’ll feel right at home! I, too, like to explore, not so worried about leveling quickly or getting the questline done right away.

Tarnished Coast | Ranger | Mesmer | Guardian
Dynamics of Synergetics – DOS

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TyrannousCarrot.1605


Name: TyrannousCarrot
Main Character: TyrannousCarrot (Level 6 – Thief – Charr)
Current Server: Yaks bend
Interested Activities: exploration, jumping puzzles, occasional wvwvw/pvp.
Active: I just got this- so I’ll be on most of the time

Additional: New to Guild Wars 2, so please bare with me. Haha.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Good to see that you were all enjoying yourselves. I was occupied by an ‘interesting’ AC run. Should’ve been in bed like 4 hours before I finished. :P

To the newer members hope you enjoyed yourself and to th posters above me. Welcome!

I or another member will send you an invite asap.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: Snowhound.1972


Have actually been here for ages but university keeps me busy….


Main Character: N/A (I cycle through all mine, Current aliases: Pyro Mantis / Nuclear Canary / Nucleaic Penguin / Acid Timberwolf / Bangalore Torpedo)

Current Server: Aurora Glade

Interested Activities: Dungeons

Active: Most evenings

Additional Comments:

- 1. I hate crowbags.
- 2. PUG duneon runs are gopping.
- 3. PUGs are gopping.
- 4. Incompetency is gopping.
- 5. I like being in organised teams!

Legion of Honour

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lexy.3912


Ok, we should be up to date with invites. If you’re not sure if you’ve had one yet please press G whilst in game to bring up your Guild Panel – you should see The Legion of Honour in your list of available guilds if we’ve done our job properly and sent you an invite If not please just post back here and ask again.

Nice to see you on the foum Snowhound – my new favourite word of the day is now gopping Give me a shout if you are doing any dungeons tonight.

My GW2 Project 365 – building a picture of a year in Tyria
The #GW2Project365 on Twitter
Proudly representing The Legion of Honour [XIII] on Tarnished Coast

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Oh no…. A Wild Troll has appeared!

I’m getting trolled ain’t I. My own gopping blood…

Funny cause when we did that AC Lexy we agreed you were much better than most AND that was your first run.

Think if I ordered for the website to be up quicker I’d be raged at. :P

Hound responsible for Website.

Okay. We’ll get up to date with invites if not done so already. Helequin love the new ranks and will integrate then shortly.

@ Helequin: Would you say it’s acceptable to have another separate rank for Public Relations, Guild marketing and event management?

If so I think I’d need some organisers to help me!
Helequin you’ve done a fantastic job with ranks and is a very good idea. Appointing you with helping us organise this thing. Do you accept?

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: kab.5719


Name: Katie
Main Character: Brinstar Sharpclaw lvl 40 thief
Current Server: Emhery Bay
Interested Activities: crafting, questing, story line
Active: up to my children…sigh….weekend evenings and occasionally during the week nights
Additional Comments: I’m looking for a social guild
Are you willing to participate in Operation: Yes

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: messup.2154


Hi guys, i cant be on tonight have a birthday party here so i really should start cooking lol! Tomorrow will be on :-) looking forward to it!
Have fun tonight peops make tyria save hehe

Proudly representing The Legion of Honour [XIII]

Live the dream!

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kaii.5149


And so today, Guild Wars 2 and the Internet, bring you epic photo #12:


The Owl ~ Wings of Eclipse [WOE] ~ Tarnished Coast
Contact: theowl@wingsofeclipse.com
Join Operation: UNION [XIII]

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mafetix.9857


And so today, Guild Wars 2 and the Internet, bring you epic photo #12


The Legion of Honour [XIII] & OPERATION: UNION - bringing players together

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aeleniel.4973


Goodness, Kaii, I can’t stop laughing!

Tarnished Coast | Ranger | Mesmer | Guardian
Dynamics of Synergetics – DOS

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nottsgman.8206


that made me laugh so hard Kaii! photobomb bear for the win! XD

another one who loves jumping puzzles you’ll fit right in here!

@ Glitch
ok, dumb question warning: what does gopping mean?

70 ‘mains’ and waiting for more slots
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


@messup you know the thing about this you join in at you’re own time! RL>Game
We’re just happy to see you whenever you’re on!

@Kaii that’s scary and everyone else knows it!

@G gopping is a term coined by my brother: to mean, stupid or idiot. Or when someone does something stupid.

Great run with CM and AC with Lexy and Sarem. Great job!
Finally hit lvl 80. Warplayer: Running dungeons since lvl27 to 80
I can use all my AC tokens now!!!

I bought the greatsword don’t know what to.spend the other 1k+ tokens on…
Good to always see more new folks in chat, thanks everyone!

Also thank you for 10k+ views! To all those looking drop in and say hi! We don’t bite. I may bug out on you though.

(edited by Glitch.6849)

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ConcernedPlum.1087


Name: Concernedplum
Main Character: ^
Current Server: Sanctum of Rall
Interested Activities: Wasting time, Dungeons, PvE, Occasional WvW
Active: I am on alot. Like.. Alot..
Additional Comments: Working on a Legendary.. Almost done but I need to farm Karma so thats what I am obsessively doing at this point.

Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N?:

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Debsylvania.7396


LOL, Kaii… how’d you get your bear to smile like that???

Deb ~The Chewbacca Defense [TCD];
Waiting For Death [WFD]
@ Borlis Pass Server

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aretimus Wolfe.6589

Aretimus Wolfe.6589

Hi all! My sister Deb told me about this thread so I read up and it sounds great!
Old GW1 player (5 yrs) that loves a challenge. Didn’t have much help in GW1 as I didn’t care for pugs.
Managed to do OK though. Like to help others with anything I can.

Name : Aretimus Wolfe
Main Character: Probably… Marvin The Fierce (lvl 80 Guardian) or Piper Addison (lvl 80 Ele).
Current Sever : Borlis Pass
Interested Activities: PVE, World exploration (91% on 1 toon), PVP & WvW occasionally, would like to try a Dungeon in GW2 as I have yet to do that.
Active: That would be a yes…lol 710 hours in 3 months. Usually on Fridays and weekends (EST).
Additional Comments: I hunt & peck on the keyboard so I’m a slow typer.
Are you willing to Participate in Operation Unions project: That would be a yes

Great to see this project up and running!

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tavvar.1960


Saw a couple other Ehmry Bay folks on here so want a chance to be able to play with others.

Name: Tavvar
Main Character: Serapis Tavvar (lvl 80 Ranger)
Server: Ehmry Bay
Interested Activities: PvE, exploring, story, maybe dungeons one day, the occasional WvW excursion
Active: Mostly weekend evening/nights/early morning, with the occasional different time. (PST) Though I will now have either more or less time in the next month or so after finals are over.
Are you willing to Participate in Operation Unions project: Yes, sound great.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: Kthr.2781


Name: Kthr
Main Character: Lysseriet (lvl 80 Elementalist)
Server: Darkhaven(I might change servers if my friends doesnt show up to gw2 after finals)
Interested Activities: PvE, exploring, story, dungeons and pvp(Soon to be out of rabbit). WxWxW is beyond my computer to handle, so I can only do it when there are not that many people on the map.
Active: Usualy on the afternoon/night(GMT-3)
Are you willing to Participate in Operation Unions project: I’ll be glad to.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Death Reincarnated.3570

Death Reincarnated.3570

And so today, Guild Wars 2 and the Internet, bring you epic photo #12:

That deserves some tears from me…hihihi.

I started my descent towards Ruins of Orr- starting off at ‘Straits of Devastation’. Hopefully the contested waypoint issue wont hamper my progress much.

Once that is done its time to tackle dungeons…perhaps I could join some group raids with you guys then?

Proud member of Legion of Honour XIII

Do not click this link!

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: messup.2154


@glitch yeah i know but i really looked forward to it :-)

Proudly representing The Legion of Honour [XIII]

Live the dream!

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: wildcode.5403


Problem: how do I get together with other people regularly in my guilds quiet time without changing guilds.

Answer: post in this thread and hope some Aussies respond for night time romp around the GW2 countryside.

Name: wildcode
Main Charater: For security reasons I wont post here
Server: Yaks Bend
Interested Activities: Ori/Omnom/Ancient wood Gtheringing, Leveling, Pent/Shelter/Jofast, WvWvW, and if I feel like getting frustrated, jumping puzzles.
Active: Any time between UTC 22:00 – 12:30 (But looking for people to play with when the Americans are asleep.)
Are you willing to Participate in Operation Unions project: Sure.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: omerk.2709


@Death Reincarnated,
For a while now I’ve been alternating between some dungeon runs and advancing my personal story which is very close to it’s end in Orr.

My impression is that after a successful dungeon run (a run with drops), Orr is much easier, as well as the personal story.
In addition, Orr provides ton of drops for your last tiers of crafting (skill 300+).

I think that first, you should go there. People all over the forum and ingame seem to be scared of this place, as if they can actually die in real life.
The worst thing that can happen is that you die and pay the waypoint + repair fee, and spend some time since a lot of waypoints are contested and can’t be reached upon death.

I found this place somewhat funny for soloing, not since dying is funny, but if you take this as it is, i.e. a game, you can look at things from a different angle.
On my first run there, I felt like a constant bashing at my head.
Then I tried swimming through to the next waypoint (at the northern western part of Straits). At some point, I had like 10 sharks chasing me, and I was swimming without looking back. Then I stopped swimming since I laughed my head off looking at this bad version of “Jaws” scene. Then I became shark food.
Had another go, this time done it like “swim Forest swim” thing not stopping. I made it to the waypoint, which was contested with an event, so I jumped on it with several other guys, and we made it.
From that point on, I took 1 of 2 approaches:
1. stick to a group of people doing events. This will get you through most waypoints/skill points and pois, but not the vistas.
2. (solo) Look in the map view, decide a route to the next waypoint if you can see the next one, and rush there as if there is no tomorrow.

I like the place’s dynamic nature, and soon, I guess in a run or 2 I’ll be done with my personal story, so I’ll be doing Orr for map completion and farming mats.

Add me to your friends or check when I’m online if you’re in the guild.
Usually, unless I’m on my personal story, like I was during the last few days, I’ll be happy to go in a dungeon.

@Kaii – this picture is a good candidate for your facebook profile, I’d say.

@ Everyone else, does anyone need the stats for SE explore mode? If so, I need them for my guardian and I’ll be happy to join ppl that go there.
If not, I understand that fractals is the way to go for good gear. I’ll join that 2.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lexy.3912


Glitch was in too much of a rush to spend his AC tokens after hitting 80 last night that he ran off before the photo opportunity. Probably for the best, the boy needs some armour so he doesn’t have to run dungeons in his underwear any more

So here’s most of the gang from last nights AC explore, with the NPC standing in for Glitch.


My GW2 Project 365 – building a picture of a year in Tyria
The #GW2Project365 on Twitter
Proudly representing The Legion of Honour [XIII] on Tarnished Coast

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Noppy.1348


Hey everybody!!

@ all the new posters and members off our great guild: welcome! I hope everybody who wanted an invite has recieved it by now. So set up a tent in the backyard and get settled

@ Helequin: great work on the ranksystem, i for one support it 100%.
There will be some searching in who fits in what category, but it will be sorted. I’m happy to see that there are other people out there that feel like this guild needs some roman inspired ranks

@everybody else: nice posting all, i see a lot off people are having fun (yes Kaii, i’m looking at you and your awesome pics :p ) I have personaly not that much time at the moment to game, but i try to get in every day to do at least my dailies, so you all will see me pop up now and then!

@akamon: nice info about traits for guardians, i’m leveling one myself at the moment and will take your info into account when i try again. Specially the mouse turning, although that will take some learning to get used to. So better try in the start area before a little bunny with a big knive slices me in to small cubes

Ok, enough rambling from me, back to the game now!

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: Kaii.5149


It’s a fine Sunday morning and it’s screenshot time. This time we bring you footage from the lost shores event, when a giant Asura invaded Caledon Forest and scared the event npc’s into malfunctioning!


The Owl ~ Wings of Eclipse [WOE] ~ Tarnished Coast
Contact: theowl@wingsofeclipse.com
Join Operation: UNION [XIII]

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


@The new folks: Warm welcome to you all!!!! Hope you enjoy your stay.
Lexy my bad! I ran off to go get my new greatsword and banhammer!
I still have 1k tokens to spend…

@Noppy always good to see you! I’ll get the new ranks implemented this evening. Shout out to Helequin for the fantastic effort!

@Kaii not sure what’s weirder. The giant Asura abomination on the left or the suspicious looking bit of grass in the middle of the road…

Big thank for those spreading Union and continuing to support it!
Thank you to the new folks dropping in and giving us a try.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: Kaii.5149


That suspicious bit of grass is where I was hiding after transforming into an owl.

The Owl ~ Wings of Eclipse [WOE] ~ Tarnished Coast
Contact: theowl@wingsofeclipse.com
Join Operation: UNION [XIII]

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiteisa.3189


LOOKS like we are up to date with invites. Woot us. If you happened to slip through the cracks, please let us know. To all the new people… WELCOME!!! Join in on the chat… it is often very comical and we love new people joining us.

I know the pic is dark, but Kaii has decided to become an owl and perch on my head and be my pet. I just figured everyone would want to see that.

I also have a great photobomb but it is a random deer, not a smiling bear…. I give that bear kudos for being awesome.

Had two successful runs through AC last night. Enjoyed it, but you know, i am reminded a couple things….
a) i do this for fun, and when people come in and DON"T do it for fun, and get… irritated cos we want to kill EVERYTHING and are inexperienced…. it takes some fun away (sorry to those who do wanna do things fast. it is NOT my style)
b) Kit is a creampuff. I didn’t die as much… but I can’t run through a huge group by myself. I am getting better, but I am not GREAT. I doubt I ever will be. Ps I didn’t JUST learn Kit is a creampuff, but it is reinforced with every dungeon run.
c) we made a new friend… and learned some stuff about Eygpt. You know, i love this guild and I love this game. I am meeting people from ALL walks of life, of all ages (and age means NOTHING to me, i like PEOPLE no matter age) and it is great.

@ Glitch…we are almost to 100 people in the guild. How many before you have to get us more room? CAN you believe the growth?

@ everyone hugs to all


Nottsgman’s Girl ~ Half of the Dynamic Duo

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849


Lol I don’t know why I find that funny. :P

Egypt is such a cool place! I went there when I was 12?
Seeing Luxor and Temple of Ramesses really cool, took a trip all the way down the Nile.


@Kit, no I actually can’t believe that it’s become like this. In the beginning I thought it would just end up a tiny little thing where people would get bored and leave. Now I’ve met lots of amazing people like you! Now this thing is picking up a lot these past few months, it’s really awesome!

I’ve always been grateful for everyone’s support!

Thanks to the members that have been recommending this big ol’ thread. Also to the members with the ability to do so. If you feel that a member deserves a promotion give them one! E.g promoting, recommending etc. If you see them really supporting this then they deserve it. I can’t always be on all the time so can’t check for myself

To all supporters:

Union thanks you.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiteisa.3189


But Glitch… you are our leader… how can you tell me you aren’t everywhere at once, keeping an eye on everything, seeing everything and having your finger on the pulse. are you only one person with a rl out there somewhere? IS this what you are telling me snickers in her hand

Nottsgman’s Girl ~ Half of the Dynamic Duo

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: Glitch.6849


I don’t know what everyone else does?!

I try to be everywhere at once but I REALLY DO NEED my Team:Awesome to lend a hand. As much as I would like to be in game 24/7 certain things like college get in the way… A LOT.

This ‘Leader’ is more of an idiot, didn’t everyone know before signing up?

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

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Posted by: Kaii.5149


Oh sure THAT you laugh at, but my screenshots just make you afraid.

No comment on the giant asura? I thought you and G of all people would want to hang out with a giant asura.

The Owl ~ Wings of Eclipse [WOE] ~ Tarnished Coast
Contact: theowl@wingsofeclipse.com
Join Operation: UNION [XIII]

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiteisa.3189


The giant asura looks like ME. bwahahahaha i take over the world

Nottsgman’s Girl ~ Half of the Dynamic Duo

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Noppy.1348


@Glitch: very excited about the ranks, so will need to check soon to see my new title
And once more a bit thanks to Helequin for all the work with those ranks, it seems simple but you need to set your mind to it to get the right result.

@Kaii, kit and i asume Nots, nice pics therer. I’m not sure wich one is the most scare though. The giant Asura (there no certainties these days) or the fact that that owl is about the same size as you Kit :p

@everybody; having such a great time with all off you! So lets keep this thing going strong

Also, a little story i wanted to tell you all.
I was leaving Hoelbrak, the Great Norn Capital (getting a bit carried away here ) when i met a fellow Norn, struggling to get pass a few Sons of Svanir and i decided to help the poor fellow a bit.
After the battle i saw that he was only lvl 5 and the area was more for people up to lvl 8 or higher. So i pointed out to him that he was in dangerous territory and althoug we Norn like a good challenge, i will not stand by and see a son of Asgeir Dragonrender die in vain. Thus we started to talk a bit and find that i was like an elder to him. (being a whooping lvl 16 at the moment and he only lvl 5) So start explaining him the basics about the game, and trying to help out in the current quest he was. It became clear that it was a “story quest” and that i did not came from the same background, so i had no insight in that quest. After a few more helpfull thoughts, we parted.
Now, he was admiring my lovely chopping tool (Great Sword offcourse, what else do you use when you are a Great Norn :p ) and was asking where i had it from. As it was a random drop from a slain attacker, i could not help out that much.
Now fortune would not be so quirky as it was, just after we parted ways, i attacked a misguided follower off the dragon and he dropped….. a Great Sword!!
So i looked up my friend and arranged a meeting near Hoelbrak’s main gate. There we tried to hand over the weapon, but in the end we needed the assistance off a homing pigeon (must be a strong race, as they carry almost everything, from a simple letter to complete armor sets) to deliver the new sword to my new friend.
It became clear that he needed some more guidance and i was happy to lend a hand in that matter. So we choose a nice forest and start talking about things a Norn should do when he’s that young.
In the end i learned that my new friend was an eager young boy, willing to listen to those who know more and using the new teachings to stand strong in life.
So i invited him to join us and after some more chatting, we parted ways and i felt very great and honorable!

So another nice story off how we can help others to enjoy GW2 a bit more and make a great community. (and i could do some RP here as well )
Can’t wait till we get that website up and running and then i will definitly visit the Cantina for some ale and a few good stories!

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiteisa.3189


@Kaii, kit and i asume Nots, nice pics therer. I’m not sure wich one is the most scare though. The giant Asura (there no certainties these days) or the fact that that owl is about the same size as you Kit :p

The question is more… has ANYONE seen Kit without G? Is there such an event? I am sure it is possible to have G sightings without Kit, but I don’t believe the other way around exsists…. nods

Nottsgman’s Girl ~ Half of the Dynamic Duo

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nottsgman.8206


firstly sorry deffy, I didn’t recognise your name when replying to your post, I usually remember people more by their character’s names. that and I’m seriously bad at remembering names. also need to stop posting on forums just after I’ve got up >.<

theres so many people in this group now, how awesome is that!

that asura sure is scary, and huge, don’t think it beats that bear though :P

to everyone else: happy sunday hope to see you all in game

70 ‘mains’ and waiting for more slots
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kaii.5149


@Kaii, kit and i asume Nots, nice pics therer. I’m not sure wich one is the most scare though. The giant Asura (there no certainties these days) or the fact that that owl is about the same size as you Kit :p

The question is more… has ANYONE seen Kit without G? Is there such an event? I am sure it is possible to have G sightings without Kit, but I don’t believe the other way around exsists…. nods



The Owl ~ Wings of Eclipse [WOE] ~ Tarnished Coast
Contact: theowl@wingsofeclipse.com
Join Operation: UNION [XIII]

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nottsgman.8206



lol BUSTED Kit!

70 ‘mains’ and waiting for more slots
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiteisa.3189


lofl that is so funny. I was on to make sure people had their invites to the guild. I didn’t even take a step. But good job Kaii, finding that WHOLE MINUTE in time without G online too. shakes head

Nottsgman’s Girl ~ Half of the Dynamic Duo

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Glitch.6849



But seriously… When do you not see the Dynamic Duo together when actually gaming?

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiteisa.3189


yeah what GLITCH said. is so grateful to glitch that she throws chocolate cake at him

Nottsgman’s Girl ~ Half of the Dynamic Duo

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Helequin.2608


Glitch, Noppy, thanks for the kind words! The Romans had way too many different titles, so I picked out what seemed to work.

@Glitch: There can definitely be a rank for PR, Marketing and Management people. I already used up all 10 titles, so we’ll need to remove one of the others to fit it in.

Ranks that I would suggest looking at taking away are:

Tribune – serves no real purpose other than separating original founders (or Legatus) from other high ranking officers.

Primus Pilus – as much as I love the background of this one-person only rank, do we really need a 1st server representative?

In place of whichever rank we take out I would use either:

Praetor – In Rome, either the commander of an army or an elected magistrate assigned various duties (depending on date, and need).

or Aedile – who were officials responsible for maintaining public buildings, festivals and order.

Like Triarri/Evocati, I’ll leave up to you which one to use and also what permissions to give.

As for the appointment, I will gladly accept. I can check the forum most days, game time is a little more limited (highest character is still only level 27). If you guys are using anything other than this thread to keep in touch, PM me the details and I’ll get it set-up.